Повторение грамматики
тест по иностранному языку (3 класс) по теме

Повторение грамматики в начальной школе. Тестирование


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Grammar Revision

№ 1

Заполни пропуски, выбрав необходимое местоимение.

1.        ... are doctors.

a) It        b) We        c) She

2.        ... is ten years old.

a) He        b)We        c) They

3.        ... is a hat.

a) You         b) It        c) I

4.        ... are books.

a) They       b) We        c) She

  1. Where is Mary? —  ... is at school,

a) It        b) She        c) He

  1. What is this? —  ... is a bicycle,

a) She        b) It        c) They

  1. This is Carla. ... is my friend.
    a) He        b)It        c)She
  2. Where is the pen? —  ... is in my bag.
    a) We        b)He        c) It
  3. ... are sisters.

a) We        b) It        c) He

10. ... is a rabbit.

a) We        b) I        c) It

11. ... is a good boy.

a) She        b) They         c) He

12.        Hello, ... am Sam.

a) It        b) I        c) He

13.        ... is a black cat.

a) We        b) He        c) It

№ 2

Заполни пропуски, выбрав правильный вариант.

1.        ... my pencil.

a) These are       b) They are        c) This is

2.        Mr. Smith ... to work.

a) is walking      b) walk        c) are walking

3.        Look! John ... his bicycle.

a) is riding         b) riding        c) rides

4.        ... you a singer?

a) Is        b) Are        c) Am

5.        ... mother is a teacher.

a) We        b) Our        c) She

6.        They ... in a big house.

a) is living         b) lives        c) live

7.        He ... his breakfast now.

a) eat        b) is eating        c) eats

8.        Sam ... drive a car.

a) can't        b) isn't        c) hasn't got

9.        Be quiet! Father ....

a) sleep        b) sleeps        c) is sleeping

10. She ... as a singer.

a) works        b) work        c) is working

№ 3

Заполни пропуски, выбрав правильный вариант вопросительного слова.

1.        ... is this woman? — Mrs. Clark.

a) Who        b) Whose        c) What

2.        ... hat is it? — It's Mary's hat.

a) Where        b) Whose        c) What

  1. ... do they like? — They like chocolate,
    a) Who        b) Where        c) What
  1. ... is she going? — To the shop.

a) Who        b)When        c) Where

  1. ... do you play football? — On Sunday,
    a) Who        b) When        c) What
  2. ... are my glasses? — In your bedroom,
    a) Where        b) What        c) Who
  1. ... is your mother's name? — Liz.

a) Who        b) Whose        c) What

8.        ... is on the telephone? — Mrs. Kits.

a) Whose        b) Who        c) What

9.        ... are the children? — At the zoo.

a) Who        b) Where        c) Whose

10.        ... are they? — They are snakes.

a) Who        b) Where        c) What

  1. ... do you go swimming? — In summer,
    a) What        b) When        c) Where
  2. ... ball is this? — It's Tom's ball.

a) Whose        b) What        c) Who

13.        ... is the baby? — In the bedroom.

a) Whose        b) Who        c) Where

  1. ... are those animals? — They are cows,
    a) Who        b)What        c) Whose
  2. ... car is this? — It's my father's car.

a) Who        b) What        c) Whose

16.        ... is your birthday? — In April.

a) When        b) Where        c) Whose

№ 4

Заполни пропуски, выбрав необходимый предлог.

1. We go to bed ... midnight.

a) on        b) in        c) at

  1. Mother usually cooks ... the morning,
    a) on        b) in        c) at
  2. School starts ... September.

a) on        b) in        c) at

  1. They usually go to work ... 8 o'clock,
    a) on        b) in        c) at
  2. Children don't go to school ... Sunday,
    a) on        b) in        c) at
  3. We send cards ... Easter.

a) on        b) in        c) at

  1. We usually watch TV ... the evening,
    a) on        b) in        c) at
  2. My birthday is ... April 15th.

a) on        b) in        c) at

9.        We go skiing ... Christmas.

a) on        b) in        c) at

10. Ann goes to the cafe ... Tuesday evening.

a) on        b) in        c) at

№ 5

Заполни пропуски, выбрав правильный вариант.

  1. Where is the cat? — It is ... the sofa,
    a) on        b) in        c) at
  1. He usually ... in the garden on Sunday.

a) works        b) work        c) is working

3.        The ... are playing in their room now.

a) tables        b) chairs        c) children

4.        The vase is ... the table.

a) at        b) in        c) on

  1. I get many presents ... Christmas,
    a) under        b) on        c) at
  1. The flowers are ... the vase.

a) behind        b) in        c) at

7.        This is John. ... is my brother.

a) I        b) He        c) She

8.        Ben ... now. He is tired.

a) sleep        b) sleeps        c) is sleeping

9.        Mother ... shopping every Saturday morning,
a) go        b) goes        c) is going

10. ... books are there in the box?

a) How much     b) Many        c) How many


Вставь правильную форму глагола.

1.        She ... milk every morning.

a) drinks        b) is drinking    c) drink

2.        We ... to the park now.

a) goes        b) are going       c) go

3.        The woman ... shopping now.

a) goes        b) is going         c) go

4.        She often ... her red dress.

a) wears        b) is wearing     c) wear

5.        Look! The cat... up the tree.

a) climbs        b) is climbing    c) climb

6.        John ... to school now.

a) walks        b) is walking     c) walk

7.        My cat usually ... by the fire.

a) sleep        b) is sleeping     c) sleeps

8.        I... a letter at the moment.

a) write        b) am writing    c) is writing

9.        They ... in a cafe every Sunday.

a) eats        b) are eating     c) eat

10.        Father always ... the grass.

a) cuts        b) cut        c) is cutting

11.        She ... meat every day.

a) is eating         b) eats        .    c) eat

12.        The baby ... at the moment.

a) is sleeping     b) sleeps        c) sleep

13.        I... to bed every night at 10 pm.

a) am going        b) goes        c) go

14.        Dad ... TV now.

a) is watching    b) watches         c) watch

15.        Mother always ... the dishes.

a) is washing     b) washes        c) wash

№ 7

Найди ошибку в каждом из приведенных ниже предложений и исправь ее.

Образец:   How many sugar do you want? - How much sugar do you want?

  1. There are some money on the table.
  2. She is the better student in the class.
  3. Who is it? — It's a box.
  4. That cars is red.
  5. Carol and John is listening to the radio.
  6. They not watch TV in the morning.
  7. Jane don't like coffee.
  8. Is these a dog?
  9. They is playing in the garden now.
  1. We has got a big cat at home.
  2. Are there some cars in the street?
  3. The children is at home.
  4. How much trees are there in this picture?
  5. Tom having a bath.
  6. She have got a watch.
  7. She is oldest than her sister.
  8. They didn't came late last night.
  9. He don't like fish.
  10. We didn't went to school yesterday.
  11. She is the taller girl in her class.
  12. How much books have you got?
  13. There are any apples on the table.
  14. When are the children? They are a school.

№ 8

Вставь правильную форму глагола.

1. John ... a new bike yesterday.

a) bought        b) buying        c) buys

2.        Mother ... in the kitchen at the moment.

a) cooks        b) cooked        c) is cooking

3.        We ... to the cinema yesterday.

a) are going       b) went        c) go

  1. Last month they ... on holiday to France,
    a) go        b) are going       c) went
  2. She ... a letter at the moment.

a) wrote        b) is writing      c) writes

6.        I... my favourite cartoon yesterday.

a) watched         b) am watching c) watch

7.        Last Easter they ... to their village.

a) went        b) go        c) are going

8.        Ben ... a book now.

a) is reading      b)reads        c)read

9.        He ... the dog to the park yesterday.

a)takes        b)took        c)is taking

№ 9

Заполни пропуски, выбрав правильный вариант.

1.        My bag is ... than her bag.

a) the heavier    b) heavier        c) heaviest

2.        He ... in Italy for two years.

a) lives        b) is living         c) has lived

  1. He ... his leg, so he can't play football today,
    a) has broken     b) breaks        c) is breaking
  2. Jim ... a bath at the moment.

a) is having        b) has        c) has had

5.        I've ... done my bedroom.

a) already        b) for        c) since

6.        Where are the ... coats?

a) childrens'      b) children's     c) children

7.        My dog is ... than my friend's dog.

a) bigger        b) the biggest    c) big


№ 1

l.b; 2. a; 3. b; 4. a; 5. b; 6. b; 7. c; 8. c; 9. a; 10. c; 11. c; 12. b; 13. с


l.c; 2. a; 3. a; 4. b; 5. b; 6. c;  7. b; 8. a; 9. c; 10. a.

№ 3

i.a 2.b; 3. c; 4. c; 5. b; 6. a; 7. c; 8. b; 9. b; 10. c; 11. b; 12. a; 13. c; 14. b; 15. c; 16. a.

№ 4

l.c; 2.b; 3. b; 4. c; 5. a; 6. a; 7. b; 8. a; 9. a; 10. a.

№ 5

l.a; 2. a; 3. c; 4. c; 5. b; 6. b;  7. b; 8. c; 9. b; 10. с

№ 6

l.a; 2.b; 3. b; 4. a; 5. b; 6. b; 7. c; 8. b; 9. c; 10. a; 11. b; 12. a; 13. c; 14. a; 15. b.

№ 7

1. is; 2. best; 3. What; 4. car;  5. are; 6. don't; 7. doesn't; 8. this; 9. are; 10. have; 11. any; 12. are;

13. many; 14. is having; 15. has; 16. older; 17. come; 18. doesn't; 19. go; 20. tallest; 21. many; 22. some; 23. Where.

№ 8

1. a; 2. c; 3. b; 4. c; 5. b; 6. a; 7. a; 8. a; 9. b.

№ 9

1. b; 2. c; 3. a; 4. a; 5. a; 6. b; 7. a.

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