Урок английского языка в 3 классе по теме "My favourite food"
методическая разработка (иностранный язык, 3 класс) по теме
урок английского языка в 3 классе по УМК "Enjoy English"
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Предварительный просмотр:
Ход урока.
- Начало урока.
The weather is fine,
The sky is blue.
Good morning, children.
I’m glad to see you.
Sit down, please.
Tell me how are you? I’m fine (OK, not bad, great), thank you!
Look at the screen and listen me, please! Let’s mime the poem!
10 red apples grow on the tree,
5 for you and 5 for me.
Let us shake that tree like so,
And 10 red apples will fall below:
1, 2, 3, 4
Any more?
Yes, 5, 6, 7
And finally
8, 9, 10.
- Look at the screen. Choose your favourite fruits and read your poem, please.
Дети заменяют слова и читают свои стихи.
- Look at these words, please. What does it mean? Try to guess.
America exotic bamboo centimeters Europe bananas spaghetti |
- Read some information about these products and write the numbers.
- Make some sentences.
- Как вы думаете, что самое вкусное? Что нравится вам?
- What do you like?
- Стоят на столе аппетитный sandwich и сладкая porridge. Стоят и спорят, кто из них вкуснее. Sandwich говорит [s] [s] [s] [s] [ʹsænwıʤ]. А porridge не согласна [p] [p] [p] [p] [ʹpɒrıʤ]. Billy likes some [sʌm] porridge and a sandwich for breakfast.
- And you, my dear friends, what do you like? Sandwich or porridge?
- What is tasty too?
- Let’s speak about your favourite food!
2. Речевая зарядка.
- Look at the screen, please!
- What do you like? What is tasty?
-And what do you like for breakfast? I like…
Дети работают сами (задают вопросы друг другу)
Do you like porridge for breakfast?
Do you like sandwich for breakfast?
Do you like an orange (an apple, a banana, etc.)
Do you like some soup and some corn?
Do you like some fish and some jam?
Do you like some tea and some bread?
Do you like some coffee and some ham?
Do you like some bread and some cheese?
3. (Аудирование ex.2 p.17)
-And now we are going to Billy and his mother. Look and listen. (обучающая компьютерная программа)
-Let's listen to Billy's mother. Listen to her very attentively and say what she has for breakfast. (до 2 мин.)
-Мама попросила Билли купить продукты по списку. Билли был не очень аккуратен и рассыпал покупки. Перед вами карта покупок и список.
- Let's help Billy. Match the pictures and check your answers.
- Соедините продукты на картинках в той последовательности, которая дана в списке. (прил. 1) (Групп. работа) (3 мин.)
-Let's check your answers now.
- Обменяйтесь карточками и проверьте, правильно ли выполнено задание другой группы.
-You worked very well. Thank you for your help.
5. Совершенствование техники чтения. (Проверка домашнего задания.)
-Let’s read Billy's and his mum's dialog in ex. 4 on p.17.
-What does Billy like for breakfast today?
–He likes a sandwich.
-What sandwich does Billy like?
- Does he like meat or cheese sandwich?
- Does he like jam or ham sandwich?
-Look at your desks, please. Take a piece of paper and write down a recipe [ʹresıpı] of your own sandwich for Billy. (Письменная работа в парах.)
- What do you need for sandwich?
– I think we need some bread
(some cheese, some ham, a tomato, a cucumber etc.) for this sandwich.
- Is it tasty?
- Do you like this sandwich?
- I think sandwiches were very tasty and
- Now we must have a break! Stand up, please. Let’s sing our song.
"All Around the Kitchen" (2 мин.)
All around the kitchen cock a doodle doodle doo (repeat x 4)
Stop right there
Put your hands in the air
Hands in front
Hands behind
All around the kitchen cock a doodle doodle doo (repeat x 4)
Touch your nose
Touch your knees
Touch your toes
Touch your ears
All around the kitchen cock a doodle doodle doo (repeat x 4)
Stop right there
Jump in the air
Sit down
Stand up!
All around the kitchen cock a doodle doodle doo (repeat x 4)
And stop!
6. Неподготовленная речь. (Работа в группах.)
-And now we'll get ready for the performance. Let's make short stories about breakfast.
-Look at the blackboard, please. You will choose these sentences.
- Would you like some…
- Yes, please./ No, thank you.
- Help yourself.
- You have a minute to prepare this task..
7. Заключительная часть урока.
-You all have worked very well.
- What do you like to eat for breakfast?
- What do you like to drink for breakfast?
- Мы с вами можем назвать продукты по-английски, можем сказать о том, что нам нравится.
- Как по-английски сказать « Мне нравится апельсин (каша, чай, сыр)»?
“I like an orange (some porridge, tea, cheese)”
- Мы можем угостить своего собеседника. Если мы предлагаем еду, то что говорим? “Would you like some…?”
- Если мы благодарим за угощение, говорим… “Yes, please!”
- Если отказываемся от угощения, говорим… “No, tank you!”
- Как сказать «угощайся»? “Help yourself!”
- Well done.
-Let's write down your homework. WB p. 15, ex.3
-Thank you for your work. Good-bye!
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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