Сценарий спектакля для учащихся 2 класса "The Little Red Hen"
материал по иностранному языку (2 класс) по теме

Бабушкина Анна Борисовна

Авторский сценарий, написанный по мотивам сказки "The Little Red Hen" из учебника для 2 класса И.Н. Верещагиной, К.А. Бондаренко, Т.А. Притыкиной (часть 2, уроки 53 - 56).В сценарии задействованы 7 героев, в финальной сцене участвуют все ученики класса. В постановке используются песни, которые исполняются под музыку из звукового пособия к данному УМК, т.е. её не надо записывать специально. Длительность постановки приблизительно 10 минут, минимум декораций, костюмов, реквизита, пространства. 


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Jen The Hen                        Pam The Cat

The 1st  Chicken                        Tug The Dog

The 2nd Chicken                        Chuck The Duck

The 3rd Chicken

Jen The Hen:         - Hello! I’m a little red hen. My name is Jen, or Jen The Hen.

  I’ve got three children – one son and two daughters. They are

  very, very nice. They like to run, jump and sing. We live in a

  brown house in Green Street. We are a happy family!

(The Song, Record 14)

Jen The Hen:                - That’s my daughter,

  That’s my daughter,

  That’s my son,

  That’s my son,

  We are very happy,

Together:                - We are very happy,

Jen The Hen:                - We are fine,

Together:                        - We are fine!

The 2nd Chicken:        - That’s my brother,

The 3rd Chicken:                - That’s my brother,

The 1st Chicken:                - That’s my mum,

The Chickens:                - That’s my mum,

The 1st Chicken:                - That’s my little sister

                  That’s my little sister

Together:                - We are fine,

                                   We are fine!

(The Poem)

The 1st Chicken:                - Spring is here – we can play,

The 2nd Chicken:        - We can play the whole day,

The 3rd Chicken:                - We can jump and we can run,

Together:                - We can have a lot of fun!

(The Chickens run away)

Jen The Hen:                - I’ve got three friends. Here they are!

(The Cat, The Dog and The Duck enter)

Pam The Cat:                - I’m a big grey cat. My name is Pam, or Pam The Cat.

                                   I live in Green Street, too.

Tug The Dog:                - I’m a big black dog. My name is Tug, or Tug The Dog.

                                   I live in a doghouse.

Chuck The Duck:        - I’m a big yellow duck. My name is Chuck, or Chuck

                                   The Duck. I’m a good swimmer. I live near the lake.

(The Hen goes away)

Pam The Cat:                - We are good friends.

Tug The Dog:                - We like to play hopscotch and leapfrog together.

Chuck The Duck:        - And we like to sing and dance.

(The Song)

Together:                        - In winter I like to skate, -

  Says little Kate,

  In summer I like to swim, -

  Says little Jim,

 And what do you do in spring?

 In spring we dance and sing!

(The Hen enters)

Jen The Hen:                - Come here, my children!

(The Chickens run in)

Come here, my friends! I’ve got five seeds. Let’s plant them!

All together:                - OK!

Jen The Hen:                - My dear friends, can you help me plant the seeds?

Pam The Cat:                - I’d love to, but I can’t. I’m not well. I can’t work.

Tug The Dog:                - I’m sorry, but I don’t like to work. I like to play.

Chuck The Duck:        - Oh, no. I want to go to the lake. I want to swim.

Jen The Hen:                - I’m sorry, my dear children, but my friends are lazy.

They don’t like to work. Can you help me plant the   seeds?

The Chickens:                - Of course, we can! With great pleasure!

(The Song, Record 41 )

The Chickens:                - This is the way we plant the seeds,

  Plant the seeds, plant the seeds,

  This is the way we plant the seeds

  On a warm and sunny morning.

The Friends:                - This is the way we dance and sing,

  Dance and sing, dance and sing,

  This is the way we dance and sing

  On a warm and sunny morning.

Jen The Hen:        - Now I’ve got many seeds. And I know how to make bread. Can you help me, my dear friends?

Pam The Cat:                - I don’t want to help you make bread. I want to jump.

Tug The Dog:                - I don’t want to help you make bread. I want to run.

Chuck The Duck:        - I don’t want to help you make bread. I want to swim.

Jen The Hen:                - What a pity!

The 1st Chicken:                - Don’t worry, Mummy!

The 2nd Chicken:        - We are not lazy!

The 3rd Chicken:                - We can help you!

Jen The Hen:                - Can you?

The Chickens:                - Of course, we can! With great pleasure!

Jen The Hen:                - Oh, thank you, my dear children. Let’s begin!

(The Song, Record 41)

The Chickens:                - This is the way we make the bread,

  Make the bread, make the bread,

  This is the way we make the bread

  On a warm and sunny morning.

The Friends:                - This is the way we run and jump,

  Run and jump, run and jump,

Chuck The Duck:          - This is the way I dive and swim

  On a warm and sunny morning.

Jen The Hen:        - Look! The bread is ready. It is on the table. It looks


The 1st Chicken:                - I’m tired…

The 2nd Chicken:        - I’m happy!

The 3rd Chicken:                - I’m hungry!

Pam The Cat:                - Hello, Jen The Hen!

Tug The Dog:                - Hello, little chickens!

Chuck The Duck:        - Glad to see you, my friends!

Jen The Hen:                - I’m glad to see you, too!

The Friends:                - We want to help you!

Jen The Hen:                - To help me?

Pam The Cat:                - Yes, of course.

Jen The Hen:                - Do you want to help me plant the seeds?

Tug The Dog:                - Oh, no!

Jen The Hen:                - Do you want to help me make bread?

Chuck The Duck:        - Oh, no!

Jen The Hen:                - Do you want to help me eat the bread?

The Friends:                - With great pleasure!

Jen The Hen:        - But I don’t want to give you the bread. I want to give

   the bread to my chickens. They are not lazy. They are

   nice and clever. They always help me!

(The Song “Chuck, chuck…”, Records 58+60 )

The end

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