Английские рифмовки
учебно-методический материал на тему


Английский для детей


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Предварительный просмотр:

How are you?

— How do you do,

My dear cousin Sue?

— Very well, thank you.

And how are you?

I am a boy (girl)

I am a boy (girl),

A little one.

I like to play,

I like to run.

I love my father

I love my father,

I love my mother,

I love my sister

And my big brother.

My cat pit

I have a cat.

His name is Pit,

And near me

He likes to sit,

For Pit loves me,

And I love Pit.

Many pencils

I have many pencils:

Red, green and blue.

I will draw a nice picture

And give it to you.


Spring is green,

Summer is bright,

Autumn is yellow,

Winter is white.

All about me

Ten little fingers,

Ten little toys,

Two little ears,

And one little nose,

Two little eyes,

That shine so bright,

One little mouth

To kiss mommy: «Good night!»

Be polite

Always try to be polite

In everything you do.

Remember always to say «Please»

And don’t forget «Thank you».

I love learning english

I can read,

I can write,

I can speak English, too.

I love learning English.

And what about you?

My friend

I have a friend.

We like to play.

We play together

Every day.

He always helps me,

When I am in need.

For he is my friend,

Good friend indeed.

What do i like?

I like ice-cream,

She likes sweets,

I like cookies,

He likes cheese,

I like coffee,

She likes tea,

I love you.

Do you love me?

Our day

Breakfast is in the morning,

Dinner is in the day,

Tea comes after dinner,

Then comes time to play.

Supper is in the evening,

When the sky is red.

Then the day is over,

And we go to bed.

What can't you do without?

Without your tongue

You cannot talk,

Without your feet

You cannot walk,

Without your eyes

You cannot see,

Without your heart

You cannot be.

It is winter

It is winter,

It is winter,

Let us skate and ski.

It is winter,

It is winter,

It is great fun for me.

Six serving men

I have six honest serving men.

They taught me all I knew.

Their names are What and Why and When

And Haw and Where and Who.


The snowflakes are falling

By one's and by two's.

There is snow on my coat

And snow on my shoes,

There is snow on the plants

And snow on the trees.

And snowflakes all round me

Like many white bees.

Stop! Look!

Trams and cars in our town

Run up and down,

Run up and down.

Stop! Look at the light!

First look to the left,

And then to the right.

Stop! Look! Listen!

Stop! Look! Listen!

Before you cross the street,

Use your eyes, use your ears,

And then use your feet.

Here is my left hand

Here is my left hand

And here is my right.

I can clap them

With all my might.

My hands

My hands upon my head I place,

On my shoulders, on my face.

Then I put them in front of me

And gently clap: one, two, three!

Little things

Little drops of water,

Little grains of sand,

Make the deepest ocean

And the driest land.

Blue is the sea

Blue is the sea,

Green is the grass,

White are the clouds,

As they slowly pass.

Black are the crows,

Brown are the trees,

Red are the sails

Of a ship in the breeze.

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Андреева Елена Викторовна

Наталья Евгеньевна! Спасибо за рифмовки.Буду применять на занятиях!