Контрольная работа Spotlight 4 Module 1
методическая разработка по иностранному языку (4 класс)

контрольная работа по Spotlight 4 Module 1


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Контрольная работа по английскому языку 4 класс Модуль 1

Вариант 1

Class______ Date_____________ Mark_______

Name and surname_________________________________________

№ 1 Read and write the word.

You can open the door with these. YKES — keys

1) You put it on your head. MTEELH______________

2) You can tell the time with this. WCHTA_____________

3) You can talk to your friend on this. OILMEB POHEN____________

4) You can play music with this. IGTUAR_________________

5) You can wear these on your hands. GELSVO_______________

№2 Read and write the numbers, sixty-five - 65

1) eighty-four

2) twenty-seven

3) a hundred

4) thirty-one

5) ninety

№3 Read and choose.

The hairbrush is next to the clock, (in / next to)

1) There are roller blades ... the chair, (under / in)

2) Put the your head, (behind / on)

3) Where’s Jane? She’s ... the garden, (in / on)

4) Is the dog ... the door? (behind / on)

5) Is your uncle ... England? (in front of / from)

№4 Underline the correct word, Bob is/are diving into the sea.

1) Look! Rose and Tom is /are skating.

2) They can /are skiing very well.

3) Listen! I’m play /playing the violin.

4) What is he/you doing?

5) Is Dan surfing? No, he is/isn’t.

№5 Read and match

1) What does Nanny Shine look like?

a) She’s thirty-five.

2) What’s Larry like?

b) No, they aren’t.

3) How old is your aunt?

c) She’s tall and slim.

4) Where’s my camera?

d) He’s painting.

5) What’s Fred doing?

e) He’s kind and funny,

6) Are they playing in the garden?

f) It’s on the table.








Контрольная работа по английскому языку 4 класс Модуль 1

Вариант 2

Class______ Date_____________ Mark_______

Name and surname_________________________________________

№ 1 Read and write the word.

You can open the door with these. YKES — keys

1) You can take photos with this. RCAAME _____________

2) You can brush your hair with this. HIBUSHARR ________________

3) You can go very fast on these. LLOERR BALESD _______________

4) You can tell the time with this. WCHTA __________________

5) You can play music with this. IGTUAR ___________________

№2 Read and write the numbers, sixty-five — 65

1) fifty

2) forty-two

3) seventy-three

4) ninety-six

5) thirty-eight

№ 3 Read and choose.

The hairbrush is next to the clock, (in / next to)

1) There is a mobile phone ... the chair, (under / in)

2) Where’s John? He’s ... the park, (in / on)

3) Are the shoes ... the door? (behind / on)

4) Is your Canada? (in front of / from)

5) Put the gloves ... your hands, (behind / on)

№4 Underline the correct word, Bob is/are diving into the sea.

1) Look! Wendy and Dan is/are skating.

2) We can/are ski very well.

3) Listen! Гm play /playing the guitar.

4) What are he/you doing?

5) Is Lulu making a sandcastle? Yes, she is/isn’t.

№5 Read and match

1) How old is your friend?

a) He’s funny.

2) Where’re your keys?

b) No, he isn’t.

3) What does Anna look like?

c) She’s got dark hair and green eyes.

4) Is he riding a bike?

d) He likes playing soccer.

5) What’s his brother like?

e) She’s ten.

6) What does Tony like doing?

f) They’re in my school bag.








Ответы Вариант 1

1. 1) helmet; 2) watch; 3) mobile phone; 4) guitar 5) gloves.

2. 1) 84; 2) 27; 3) 100; 4) 31; 5) 90.

3. 1) under; 2) on; 3) in; 4) behind; 5) from.

4. 1) are; 2) are; 3) playing; 4) he; 5) isn’t.

5. 2e, 3a, 4f, 5d, 6b.

Ответы Вариант 2

1. 1) camera; 2) hairbrush; 3) roller blades; 4) watch; 5) guitar.

2. 1)50; 2) 42; 3) 73; 4) 96; 5) 38.

3. 1) under; 2) in; 3) behind; 4) from; 5) on.

4. 1) are; 2) can 3) playing; 4) you; 5) is.

5. 2f, 3c, 4b, 5a, 6d.

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