Проверочные работы по английскому языку для 6 класса
тест по иностранному языку

Проверочные работы по английскому языку для 6 класса 


Предварительный просмотр:

  1. Выпиши лишнее слово.
  1. Chineese, Irish, Welsh, Mexico
  2. Canada, France, Polish, Britain
  3. Australia, Argentina, Ireland, Spanish

  1. Выпиши слова с противоположным значением парами.

Happy, interesting, right, easy, sad, boring, difficult, terrible, wrong, nice,

  1. Выпиши верный вариант.
  1. Johnny Depp is from the USA. His/her first language is English.
  2. My mums’/mum’s birthday is in June.
  3. We study English. Our/Their teacher is called Ms Smith.
  4. My cousans’/ cousan’s names are Julie and Megan.
  5. Ireland is in Europe. Its/ It’s flag is green.
  6. Shakira is from Colombia. She/Her first language is Spanish.

  1. Составь предложения.
  1. band her is Metallica favourite.
  2. is colour mum’s what your favourite?
  3. my not favourite colour is yellow.
  4. they are where from?
  5. is language Shakira’s first what?


Version 1

  1. Translate the words into Russian.
  1. Small - _______________________
  2. Easy - ________________________
  3. Old - _________________________
  4. Near - _______________________
  5. Far - ________________________
  6. Horrible - _____________________
  7. Nice - ________________________
  1. Write pairs of opposites. Use words

from the box.

Sad, wrong, difficult, small, near, old, horrible, boring, nice, big, interesting

  1. Easy –
  2. Happy –
  3. Far –
  4. Right –
  5. New -


Version 1

  1. Translate the words into Russian.
  1. Small - _______________________
  2. Easy - ________________________
  3. Old - _________________________
  4. Near - _______________________
  5. Far - ________________________
  6. Horrible - _____________________
  7. Nice - ________________________
  1. Write pairs of opposites. Use words

from the box.

Sad, wrong, difficult, small, near, old, horrible, boring, nice, big, interesting

  1. Easy –
  2. Happy –
  3. Far –
  4. Right –
  5. New -


Version 2

  1. Translate the words into Russian.
  1. difficult - _______________________
  2. Happy - ________________________
  3. boring - _________________________
  4. wrong - _______________________
  5. big - ________________________
  6. new- _____________________
  7. right- ________________________
  1. Write pairs of opposites. Use words

from the box.

small, near, old, horrible, big, interesting, easy, happy, far, right, new

  1. boring–
  2. nice –
  3. difficult  –
  4. sad  –
  5. wrong –


Version 2

  1. Translate the words into Russian.
  1. difficult - _______________________
  2. Happy - ________________________
  3.  boring - _________________________
  4.  wrong - _______________________
  5. big - ________________________
  6. new- _____________________
  7. right- ________________________
  1. Write pairs of opposites. Use words

from the box.

small, near, old, horrible, big, interesting, easy, happy, far, right, new

  1. boring–
  2. nice –
  3. difficult  –
  4. sad  –
  5. wrong -

Grammar Test 1

Version 1.

  1. Complete the sentences with family words. Use the words from the box.

Father, uncle, aunt, grandfather sister, niece, stepdad, nephew, grandson, grandmother, cousin

a)  Yоur aunt's son is your ________________

b) Yоur ________________ is your mother's father.

c) Your sister’s son is your ________________

  1. Write questions. Use the verb have|has got
  1. Аnn / brоwn hair? _______________________________________________
  2.  Воb and Саrl/ glasses? __________________________________________
  3.  Carl / green eyes? ________________________________________________

  1. Complete the sentences with have  got, has got, is/am/are
  1. I __________long hair.
  2. My eyes _________ blue.
  3. Jim’s mother ________ tall.
  4. Sally _______ dark hair.

  1.  Order the words to make questions. Тhеn write true answers.
  1. cousins / How / have / mаnу / got / you ?


  1. got / you / mаnу / How / grаndраrеnts / have ?


  1. mаnу / уоu / classmates / How / have /got ?


  1. Translate the words into Russian.
  1. Small - _______________________
  2. Easy - ________________________
  3. Old - _________________________
  4. Near - _______________________
  5. Far - ________________________
  6. Horrible - _____________________
  7. Nice - ________________________

  1. Write pairs of opposites. Use words

from the box.

Sad, wrong, difficult, small, near, old, horrible, boring, nice, big, interesting

  1. Easy – _________________________
  2. Happy – _________________________
  3. Far – ____________________________
  4. Right – __________________________
  5. New - ___________________________

Version 2.

  1. Complete the sentences with family words. Use the words from the box.

Father, uncle, aunt, grandfather sister, niece, stepdad, nephew, grandson, grandmother, cousin

a) Yоur father's brother is уоur ________________

b) Your ________________is уоur mother's mother.

c) Your brother’s daughter is your ________________.

  1.  Write questions. Use the verb have|has got
  1. Carl / green eyes? ________________________________________________
  2.  Аnn аnd Воb / long hair? _______________________________________________
  3.  Carl / fair hair? __________________________________________________________

  1. Complete the sentences with have  got, has got, is/am/are
  1. I __________short.
  2. My sister _________ blue eyes.
  3. Sam’s father________ 2 brothers.
  4. His nose _______big.

  1.  Order the words to make questions. Тhеn write true answers.

  1. mаnу / уоur / classroom / desks / How / has /got ?


  1. regions / Russia / got / has / How / many ?


  1. How / sisters  / you / got / mаnу / have


  1. Translate the words into Russian.
  1. difficult - _______________________
  2. Happy - ________________________
  3.  boring - _________________________
  4.  wrong - _______________________
  5. big - ________________________
  6. new- _____________________
  7. right- ________________________

  1. Write pairs of opposites. Use words

from the box.

small, near, old, horrible, big, interesting, easy, happy, far, right, new

  1. boring– __________________________
  2. nice – ___________________________
  3. difficult  – ______________________
  4. sad  – ___________________________
  5. wrong -__________________________

Grammar Test 3.

  1. Fill in the table.

Butter, toast, grapes, fish, egg, meat, river, market, juice



  1. Complete the sentences with some or any.
  1. I would like … tea.
  2. Have you got … sweets?
  3. We haven’t … bread at home.
  4. May I have … cake, please?
  5. Could you give me … water, please?
  6. Is there… potatoes in the market?

  1. Complete the sentences with a/an, -
  1. I am … student.
  2. … apple is red.
  3. There are … pencils on the table.
  4. There is… orange.

  1. Look at the picture and complete the sentences with the words:

between, on , under, above, opposite, next to


  1. The light is …. The bed.
  2. The pillow is … the bed.
  3. The bed is … the poster.
  4. The shelf is … the wardrobe.

  1. Put the verb in the correct form.
  1. My sister usually _______  books on Monday.
  1. reads         b) is reading        c) are read
  1. Students ______ now.
  1. write        b) are writing         c) writing
  1. They  usually __________  Art on Friday.
  1. Are doing        b) do        c) is doing
  1. _____ I am going to school with my mother.
  1. Now        b) usually
  1. _____ I go to school with my sister.
  1. Now        b) usually

  1. Put the verb in the correct form.
  1. We ________________________ (play) football now.
  2. Now Rick ________________________(do) his homework.
  3. Usually Snakey and Topsy _________________ (draw) in Art lesson.
  4. Snakey _____________________ (draw) now.
  5. I usually __________________________ (play) computer games at weekend.

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