Карточки для отработки навыка чтения по английскому языку
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Тренируем навык чтения по английскому языку.
Данный материал содержит карточки для отработки навыка чтения и презентация для учителя. Данные карточки нашла на просторах Интернета и решила использовать в образовательной деятельности.
УМК любой. В данном ресурсе предлагаются 32 карточки. Работа с презентацией осуществляется по щелчку.
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Table of Contents Short a Short a Short i Short i Short e Short e Short u Short u Long a Long i Long i Long o Long o Long u Long u ch ch s h s h t h t h ar ar st st er er sk ng ng оо оо
Can a bat have a hat? It can! Can a ram have jam? It can! Can a rat be fat? It can! Can a cat have a ham? It can! Short a can bat hat ram jam rat fat cat ham
Short a dad has cat fat s at mat ham hat map Dad has a cat. It is a fat cat. The cat sat on a mat. The cat sat on a ham. The cat sat on a hat. The cat sat on a map.
Short i Tim sick give him milk sip kit lift lid pill grins is big Tim is sick. I give him milk to sip. Sip, sip. Tim has a big sip. I get the kit and lift the lid. I hand Tim a pill. Tim grins. He is not ill! i ll
Short i kid hit dips zigs grip it with mitt slid into him win The kid hit the ball. It dips and zigs. I grip it with my mitt! The kid slid into the base. I tag him with my mitt. We win!
Short e Jen h en nest eggs fed pecks led rest Jen is a hen. She has a nest. What is in the hen’s nest? It is eggs! I fed the hen. The hen pecks. I led her into the hen house to rest.
Short e Meg vet helps pets get well then lets rest This is Meg. Meg is a vet. A vet can help pets get well. Meg helps a cat. Then, Meg helps a dog get well. Last, Meg lets the pets rest.
Short u dug mud jump bug jug Bud pup nut I dug in the mud. Yuck! I jump. It is a bug! I set the bug in a jug. I see Bud. Bud is my pup. Bud dug in the mud. Bud found a nut!
Short u run bus jump sub Gus us rug fun I run to the bus stop. I jump on the bus. We have a sub! The sub is Miss Gus. Miss Gus Has us sit on the rug. This is fun!
Long a came Jake gate ape shade cave male mane I came with Jake to the zoo. First, we go in the gate. Next, we see a big ape. He is sitting in the shade. Then, we see a cub napping in his cave. Last, we see a male lion. He has a big mane!
Long i ride bike Pine five miles Mike kite hide slide fine I ride my bike to Pine Park. It is five miles away. I see Mike at the park. Mike and I fly his kite. Next, we play hide and seek. Last, we ride down the slide. Mike and I had a fine day! r ide
Long i rise shine n ine lime bite ripe drive line swipe five dimes Rise and shine! We wake up at nine. Mom hands me a lime. I bite into it. It is ripe! Next, we drive to the bank. We get in line. Mom lets me swipe her card. Then she gives me five dimes!
Long o home bone hole whole pokes nose The pup had a good day! First, he got a new home. Then, he got a new bone. He ate the whole thing! Next, he dug a hole. What did he find in the hole? He pokes it with his nose. Sniff, sniff.
Long o note home wrote drove store nose rose chose Mom left us a note at home. Mom wrote the note with a red pen. Next, she drove to the store. Then, her nose picked up a smell. It is a big rose! She chose a rose to take home.
Long u Luke dunes huge mule cute June use tube Luke went to the sand dunes. The dunes are huge! Luke hikes up a dune. He sees a mule. The mule is cute! Next, Luke sees his friend June. Then, June lets Luke use her tube. June rules!
Long u mute volume June flute tune amuse Duke cute We mute the volume on the TV. June is going to play the flute. June plays a pretty tune to amuse us. We clap for June! Then, June’s dog Duke runs into the room. Duke is so cute!
ch Chad Chuck lunch chips crunch chunk cheese chop chomp chocolate such Chad and Chuck have lunch. First, they have chips and dip. Crunch, crunch. Next, they chop off a chunk of cheese. Chop, chop. Then, they chomp on some ham. Last, they have chocolate milk! They had such a big lunch!
ch Chaz bench Chelsea pitches catch inch champs Chaz jumps off the bench. Chaz is up to bat! Chelsea pitches the ball. Whack! The ball hits the bat. Did I catch it? Did I miss it by an inch? I look in my mitt. I got it! We are the champs!
s h Josh fishing fish wishes shifts rushes shell splash flash trash Josh went fishing. He sits in his boat. “I hope I get a fish!” Josh wishes. His rod shifts! Josh rushes to reel it in. It is a can! It’s just trash. Next, Josh reels in a shell. Splash! A fish hops up. Then, it swims off in a flash. Josh did not get a fish!
s h Trish brushes cash shelf she shoes ship Josh shops Trish gets up. First, Trish brushes her teeth. Next, she gets cash off her shelf. Then, she shops for red shoes. Last, Trish sets the shoes in a box. She will ship them to Josh!
t h Seth three bath with the then that [O] [ ð ] Seth is three. First, Seth has a bath! He has a bath with his duck. Next, Seth puts his jet in the bath. Then, he puts his sub in the bath. Last, Seth puts his dog in the bath. That dog is all wet!
t h three teeth thick broth math threw I lost three teeth this week! Mom thinks I should have soft foods. She makes a thick broth for dinner. Then, Mom did my math with me. Last, I threw the teeth under my pillow. I hope the tooth fairy comes! thinks tooth
ar Bart large barn farm garden Carl harvest farmer Bart is a farmer. He has a large farm. Bart has a red barn on his farm. The farm also has a flower garden. Carl also helps on the farm. Carl helps harvest the crops on his tractor.
ar Mark car darts park far market cart card Mark gets in his car. First, he darts off to the park. It is not far. Next, Mark goes to the market. He fills up his cart. Then, he hands the clerk his credit card. The market is fun!
st strawberry straw stretch street stream strong I make a strawberry and orange smoothie. I suck it through a straw. Next, I stretch for a jog. Then, I jog by a long street. Last, I jog by a long stream. Jogging makes me strong! l ast
st test first list study toast best fast rest last I have a big test! First, Mom and I make a list to study. Next, I had some toast. Then, I had my test. I did my best on the test! I did not go fast. I rest on my desk. Last, we get back the test. I got on A!
er helper father hammer litter sister mother dinner crackers I am a good helper. First, I hand my father his hammer. Next, I put litter in the trash. Then, I serve my little sister crackers for a snack. Last, I help my mother make fish for dinner. serve
er summer splatter splinter better It is a splendid summer day. The sun is hot! Mom is taking me to the perk. When the street splits, we go left to the park. I like to splash in the puddles. They splatter! Then, I got a splinter! Owl! Mom helps get the splinter out. All better!
sk ask task husk whisk desk I ask Mom for a task. She has me husk the corn. My next task is to mix. I grab the whisk. Then, I sweep. My last task is to clean my desk. I like to ask for tasks!
ng clung h ung dung hungry stung flung s ung A spider clung to its web. It hung on to see the bugs. A dung beetle clung to its dung. Then, a hungry bug stung a man. The man flung it off. Last, the bees had sung. Buzz!
ng Bong g ong going s ing s o ng l ong ping pong strong Bong! Jeff hit the gong. Meg is going to sing a song. It is not a long song. Next, we play ping pong. Bong! The ping pong ball hits Jeff. Last, we get a snack. Mmm! It smells strong!
oo good l ook t ook cookbook shook looked cookies cook I am a good cook! First, I took the cookbook off the shelf. Then, I shook the mix and stirred it. Next, I let it cook in the oven. Then. I looked in the oven, I took out the cookies. They look so good!
oo school p ool noon cool booth food scoop choose balloon My school is having a pool party at noon! First, we cool off in t he pool. Then, we get tickets at the ticket booth. Next, we get food. I get a big scoop of ice cream. Last, we choose a balloon to take home.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
В помощь учителю для отработки навыка чтения английской транскрипции учащимися.
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