Задания для текста GLASGOW
тест по иностранному языку

Калугина Эвелина Евгеньевна

Задания для текста GLASGOW


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Предварительный просмотр:


1.Is Glasgow or Edinburgh the largest city in Scotland?

Glasgow is the largest and most populous city in the whole of Scotland and the third largest city of Great Britain with the population of over a million.

2. Where is Glasgow situated?

Glasgow occupies a mostly flat area of land. The city extends along both banks of the river Clyde.

3. When was Glasgow founded?

Founded in the sixth century on the site of an ancient Celtic settlement.

4. How many people live in Glasgow?

Glasgow has a population of million people.

5. What industries are developed in the city?

The city is developing such industries as ship-building, produce a great variety of heavy steel manufactures.

6. Why are bridges so necessary for the people of Glasgow?

Glasgow is of such a size that it extends far over both banks of the river Clyde and bridges are as essential for the conduct of activities as are the people themselves.

7. What cultural constructions are there in the city?

Glasgow's cultural buildings are the University of Glasgow, Ship Model Court, Mitchel Library, Galleries, the Scottish National Orchestra.

8. What is the Ship Model Court?

Ship Model Centre - display of a nature craft.

9. What is the centre of the city?

The city Centre is George Square with beautiful monuments.

 10. What statues are there in Glasgow?

In Glasgow there are statues such as the figure of Sir Walter Scott, statue of the Duke of Wellington.


1. Is Glasgow or Edinburgh the largest city in Scotland?

Glasgow is the ________ and _________________ city in the whole of Scotland and the third largest city of Great Britain with the population of over a million.

2. Where is Glasgow situated?

Glasgow occupies a mostly flat area of land. The city extends along both banks of the river _____ .

3. When was Glasgow founded?

Glasgow was founded in the __________ on the site of an ancient Celtic settlement.

4. How many people live in Glasgow?

Glasgow has a population of _____________ .

5. What industries are developed in the city?

The city is developing such industries as ____________ , produce a great variety of heavy steel manufactures.

6. Why are bridges so necessary for the people of Glasgow?

Glasgow is of such a size that it extends far over both banks of the river Clyde and ________ are as essential for the ________________ as are the people themselves.

7. What cultural constructions are there in the city?

Glasgow's cultural buildings are ________________________________________


8. What is the Ship Model Court?

Ship Model Centre - display of __________________.

9. What is the centre of the city?

The city Centre is George Square with ___________________________.

10. What statues are there in Glasgow?

In Glasgow there are statues such as the ___________________________, statue of the __________________________.

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