Rock Star Song
методическая разработка по иностранному языку (3, 4 класс)

Пахомова Наталья Петровна

Упражнение на сопоставление Настоящих времен: простого и продолженного в виде песни с пропусками. Основано на материале из учебника "Английский язык 5 класс" Комаровой.


Файл Present Simple vs. Present Cont.15.1 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

Complete the song with the correct forms of the verbs: Present Simple or Present Continuous.

Rock Stars Song

I …………. (make) the bed every morning at night,

I …………. (tidy) my room, and that is right.

I ……….. (put) on my roller skates and I …………. (skate) to school five days a week.

I …………. (do) my homework and I ………… (clean) my teeth.

From Monday to Friday I ……….. (work) and ……….. (do) my chores –

I ………… (read) my books and I ………… (clean) the floors.

But at the weekends, I ………… (sing) and ………… (play) the guitar

Because I’m a famous rock star!


It’s the weekend now and I ……………… (sing). I ………………… (dance).

I ………………… (write) songs and ………………. (have) fun. It’s the weekend now,

I …………………… (sing) my song. It’s number one.

Sam ……………….. (eat) his lunch at school with his mate –

A cheese salad sandwich and a piece of cake.

He ……………….. (take) the bus home and we ……………. (hang) out after school.

His friend ………………… (not, know) our secret, and that is cool.

Yes, on Saturdays and Sundays we ………………… (not, work) or …………. (do) our chores –

I ………………… (not, read) books and Sam …………………. (not, clean) the floors,

Because we’re two world famous rock stars.

And at the weekends, we …………… (sing) our songs and …………… (play) the guitars!  


It’s the weekend now and Sam ……………………. (not, work) or ………………. (make) the bed.

He …………………. (sing) and he ……………….. (dance). And that is great!

He……………………. (write) songs and …………………(have) fun.

It’s the weekend now.

Sam ………………………… (sing) his song. It’s number one. 

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