Контроль письма 3 класс
учебно-методический материал по иностранному языку (3 класс)
Контроль письма текста на английском языке, с элементами тчения и работы со словарными словами по теме "Мой дом".
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Предварительный просмотр:
1 вариант. 3абг
1. Write off the text and fill in the blanks.
Mike lives in a big __________(house/carpet/garden). It is new and nice. There are ________ (a/ one/two) floors in the house. There is a kitchen, a living room and a hall __________ (under/on/in) the first floor. They are big and light. _________ (There is/There are/It is) three bedrooms and two bathrooms on the second floor. Make has got his own _________(bedroom/hall/kitchen). It is blue. Mike sleeps on the blue _________ (chair/bed/shelf). It is near the window. There is a blue wardrobe ________ (on/above/in) the room. There is a table and a chair in his bedroom. _________ (There is/There are/ There isn’t) a TV-set on the wall. Mike likes to watch films and cartoons in his room. There is a white and blue _________ (door/ceiling/carpet) on the floor. Mike_______(like/likes/ is) his bedroom very much.
Сложные слова:
The first –первый; the second-второй; own-собственный; cartoons-мультфильмы.
2. True/false
1) There is a kitchen on the second floor. ________
2) There are three bedrooms in the Mike’s house. ________
3) Mike sleeps on the blue sofa. _______
4) There is a TV-set on the wall. ________
5) There is a white and blue carpet on the wall. ________
2 вариант. 3абг
Write off the text and fill in the blanks.
Kate lives in a big __________ (flat/carpet/garden). It is new and nice. There are __________ (a/ five/one) rooms in the flat. There is a kitchen, a bathroom and a hall __________ (under/on/in) the flat. They are very big and light. __________ (There is/There are/It is) two bedrooms in it. Kate has got her own ____________ (bedroom/hall/kitchen). It is pink colour. Kate sleeps on the pink __________ (chair/shelf/sofa). It is near the wall. There is a pink wardrobe __________ (in/above/under) the room. There is a pink desk and two chairs in the bedroom. ___________ (There is/There are/ There isn’t) a computer on the desk. Kate likes to play computer games and watches cartoons in her room. There is a grey and pink ___________ (carpet/ceiling/window) on the floor. Kate _________ (have/like/likes) her bedroom very much.
Сложные слова:
The first –первый; the second-второй; own-собственный; cartoons-мультфильмы.
2. True/false
1) There is a kitchen in the flat. ________
2) There are three bedrooms in the Kate’s flat. ________
3) Kate sleeps on the pink sofa. _______
4) There are two chairs in the Kate’s bedroom. ________
5) There is a grey and pink carpet on the floor. ________
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