"История доктора Дулитла" (The Story Of Dr. Dolittle) - сценарий театральной постановки
классный час по иностранному языку (4 класс) по теме
Сценарий по сказке известного английского писателя Хью Лофтинга "История Доктора Дулитла" предназначен для учащихся начальной и средней школы 4-5 класс. Данный сценарий можно использовать для подготовки внеклассного мероприятия на иностранном языке или организации досуга мотивированных на изучение английского языка детей. Рекомендуется прочитать с учащимися книгу на иностранном и русском языках "История Доктора Дулитла", а потом ставить тевтральную постановку. Такая форма работы повышает интерес учащихся к изучению иностранного языка, знакомит с литературными произведениями зарубежных писателей и расширяет читательский кругозор детей.
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Разработка внеклассного мероприятия – театральная постановка
«The Story Of Dr. Dolittle»
By Hugh John Lofting
Автор сценария театральной постановки:
учитель английского языка ГБОУ Школа №998
Дзюблик М.М.
The Story of Dr. Dolittle
By Hugh John Lofting
Narrator 1: Once upon a time there was a doctor, and his name was Dolittle – John Dolittle. He was a good doctor and knew everything. He cured both people and animals. He lived in a little town. The name of the town was Puddleby.
Narrator 2: His house was quite small; but his garden was very large. His sister Sarah Dolittle was a housekeeper and looked after the doctor, his house and his garden.
Narrator 3: Dr. Dolittle loved animals and tried to help all of them! He kept many kinds of animals as pets. But his favourite pets were Dab-Dab the duck, Jip the dog, Gub-Gub the baby pig, Polynesia the parrot, the owl Too-Too and many many other animals.
Song “John Dolittle has a house io-io-yo!”
Sarah: What a mess! What a mess! Your animals make the house untidy! John, how can sick people come and see you when you keep all these animals in the house!?
Dr. Dolittle: But I like the animals better than the ‘best people”!
Sarah: If you go on like this. None of the best people will come to visit you! We are getting poorer every day!
Narrator 1: But some people continue visiting John Dolittle. One day an old lady came to the doctor...
Dr. Dolittle: Goodday, Mrs. Fisher! Come in please. What happened?
Mrs. Fisher: Oh, doctor! I’ve got a terrible headache!
Sarah: Sit down, please.
Mrs. Fisher: Oh, thank you. How many animals you’ve got, Dr.
Dr. Dolittle: Don’t be afraid, Mrs. Fisher. They are nice and friendly.
Mrs. Fisher: Aaaah! Oh, dear! What’s that? A hedgehog? Friendly???? They aren’t! I’m never going to visit you again, Dr. Dolittle!!!!
Sarah: Sorry… Mrs. Fisher. You are foolish! John, if you have all these disgusting animals in the house, we’ll lose all the patients!
Dr. Dolittle: But I Iove animals and I never turn them out of the house! Money is nuisance!
Narrator 2: One day the parrot Polynesia flew onto the doctor’s table and said…
Polynesia: Be an animal doctor! Don’t cure the silly people – if they don’t see you are the best doctor in the world! Take care of animals!
Dr. Dolittle: Oh, Polynesia, there are plenty of animal-doctors!
Polynesia: Yes, there are plenty! But you are the best! I have one secret for you. Animals can talk!
Dr. Dolittle: I know that parrots can talk.
Polynesia: No, no. All animals can talk and I can teach you to understand animal’s language! Hear this “Ka-ka oi-ee fee-fee”.
Dr. Dolittle: What does that mean?
Polynesia: That means “Is the porridge hot yet?”
Dr. Dolittle: Really? Tell me some more. It’s very interesting! I’ll write it down!
Author 3: So all that afternoon Polynesia sat on doctor’s table and taught John Dolittle to speak animal’s language. And soon old ladies began to bring him their pets again. And things got better.
Song “Dr. Dolittle is a vet”
Author 1: Sick animals told the doctor where the pain was and how they felt, and of course it was easy for him to cure them. Because now he could understand them!
Author 2: One day a farmer with a horse came to him. The horse was glad that Dr. Dolittle could talk in horse-language.
The Horse: You Know, Doctor, another vet knows nothing at all! He thinks that I have a problem Knee. But I just need glasses! There’s something wrong with my left eye!
Song “All I need is glasses”
Dr. Dolittle: Of course - of course! Why not? Let me see your left eye! I’ll get you a pair of glasses next week!
The Horse: I would like a pair like yours! Only green!
Dr. Dolittle: Ok!
Narrator 3: And soon many farm animals began to wear glasses in the country round Puddleby. John Dolittle started making money again ang his sister Sarah bought a new dress and was happy!
Song “We are happy”
Sarah: What a nice dress I’ve got, John! You ‘ve got patient’s again. But nevertheless I don’t like your awful animals!
Dr. Dolittle: Don’t be so nasty, Sarah!
Narrator 1: Doctor’s big garden was always crowded. He cured animals from all over the country and became very famous! And many of them stayed in his house. So in this way he got more pets!
Narrator 2: Once an Italian organ-grinder came with a monkey on a string. The doctor saw that the monkey was dirty and unhappy so he took the monkey away from the grinder and it stayed with Dr. Dolittle.
Dr. Dolittle: Go away, bad man! You don’t look after your monkey!
Don’t be afraid! You are safe here!
Animals: Welcome! Welcome little monkey! We” ll call you Chee-Chee!
The monkey: Thank you friends!
Another time, when the circus came to Puddleby, the sick crocodile came into the doctor’s garden at night.
The crocodile: Help me, doctor! I’ve got a terrible toothache!
Dr. Dolittle: I’ll make your tooth better but promise me NOT to EAT my pets!
The crocodile: I primise, doctor! Thank you!
Dr. Dolittle: But I can’t leave you here!
The crocodile: Oh, doctor Dolittle! Let me stay in your garden! I don’t want to come back to the circus! I’ll be the kindest pet in your house! Please…
Dr. Dolittle: Ok. You may stay in my garden! Go and live in my pond!
Sarah: John, you must send this alligator away! People are afraid to visit us!!!
Dr. Dolittle: It isn’t an alligator – it’s a crocodile.
Sarah: I don’t care! If you don’t send him away this minute I’ll go – I’ll go and get married!
Dr. Dolittle: All right – go and get married.
Narrator 3: So Sarah Dolittle packed up her things and went off.
The swallow: Help! Help! Dr/ Dolittle ! Poor monkeys in Africa have a terrible sickness! They are dying and only you can help them!
Animals: Doctor! Let’s help! Let’s help poor monkeys! Let”s go to Africa!
Dr. Dolittle: Well, my friends! Of course we WILL help little monkeys. We are going to Africa!!!!
В конце песня «The more we are together, the happier we are!»
3 Narrators:: So John Dolittle and his pets go off to Africa. But that will be a different story.
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