Разноуровневая контрольная работа
тест по иностранному языку (4 класс) на тему
Контрольная работа по английскому языку 4 класс
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Стандартизированная работа по английскому языку за курс 4 класса.
Ф.И.______________________________________________дата ___________
Вариант 1 (базовый уровень)
Задание №1 Диалогическая речь
В ваш класс пришёл новый ученик. Познакомься с ним/ней.Узнай его/её имя, возраст, что он/она любит делать. Разыграйте диалог с одноклассником по ролям.
Задание №2 Монологическая речь
Расскажи о любимом сказочном герое (внешность, где живёт, что умеет делать).
Задание № 3 Аудирование
Майкл и Джил гостят у своего друга. Прослушай телефонный разговор Майкла с мамой, посмотри на рисунки 3, 4 и скажи, в какой комнате остановился Майкл.
(рис.3) (рис.4)
Задание № 4 Чтение
Прочитай текст. Выбери правильный ответ на вопрос. Отметь ответ ✔.
Who made the apple pie?
Jane. Jane’s mother. Jane and her mother.
Jane and her mother lived in a small house. The girl’s mother was very busy. Every day she cleaned the rooms, washed the dishes, cooked, fed the pets, and watered the trees and the flowers in the garden. But Jane didn’t help her mother. She didn’t like to work. One morning the girl’s mother said, “Today is Sunday. I want to make an apple pie.” Jane said, “That sounds good.” Then the girl’s mother said, “Do you want to help me? Go to the garden and bring back some apples for our apple pie, please.”
Jane said, “Not I. I don’t want to.”
The mother went to the green garden and brought some apples for the apple pie. Then she said, “Jane, do you want to help me? Go to the shop and buy some sugar for the apple pie. Please.”
But the girl said, “Not I. I don’t want to.” So the mother went to the shop and brought some sugar for the apple pie. When the apple pie was ready, the mother said, “The apple pie is very good! Do you want to help me, Jane?” Jane said, “ … !”
Задание № 5 Письменная речь
Прочти письмо, полученное от друга по переписке, и напиши ответ, дополнив незаконченные предложения.
Thank you for your letter.
My namе is__________________________________________________
I am from___________________________________________________
I am________________________________________________________
My birthday is________________________________________________
I live with____________________________________________________
I like to______________________________________________________
My favourite subject is__________________________________________
Best wishes,
Письмо, полученное от друга по переписке
Dear friend,
My name is Andrew. I am from Great Britain. I live in London.
I am ten. My birthday is on the 6th of October.
I live with my mother, father and little brother Sam.
I have got two funny parrots. Their names are Jimmy and Polly.
Have you got any pets?
I like to swim and play computer games. What do you like to do?
My favourite subjects are Math and Art. What is your favourite subject?
I hope to get a letter from you soon!
Задание №6 Лексическая сторона речи
Прочти текст, постарайся понять, какие слова в нем пропущены. Впиши в каждый пропуск нужное слово, выбрав его из рамочки. Первое слово уже вставлено.
animals, liked, morning, jumped, children, buy |
Текст для чтения
A rich woman came to London one day. She had three children— two boys and a girl. They ran, jumped and shouted all the day. When they were in London, the________________ said to their mother: “Take us to the Zoo! Take us to the Zoo!”
The mother took them to the Zoo. They looked at the_________________ ,and they had a nice time. They the__________________ Zoo. In the evening they said to their mother: “You are rich. Buy the Zoo for us.” “All right,” the woman said.
In the___________________ they all went to the Zoo again and the mother asked the Zoo people:
“How much does the Zoo cost? My children like it. I want to buy the Zoo for them.”
Тhe Zoo people didn’t like the woman and her children. And they said: “We can’t sell the Zoo. We can’t sell the animals. But we can____________________ your children for the Zoo!”
Задание №7 Грамматическая сторона речи
Восстанови рассказ о Санта Клаусе. Раскрой скобки и поставь глаголы в Past Simple. Первое слово уже вставлено.
Santa Claus was very busy in December. He (get up) got up early. He (wash)______________ his face and hands with snow. At 7 a.m. Santa (have)__________________ an ice cream and a cup of cold coffee for breakfast.
Then he (take)_________________ some snow and cold weather and (sit)_________________ in his sleigh (сани). He (fly) to different countries. He (visit)____________________forests and fields, rivers and mountains.
At 2 p.m. Santa Claus (come)__________________ back home. He (read) ___________children’s letters and (write)_________________a list of Christmas presents. In the evening Santa (make)__________________ Christmas presents for his friends.
(повышенный уровень)
Задание №8 Диалогическая речь
В ваш класс пришёл новый ученик. Познакомься с ним/ней. Узнай его/её имя, сколько ему/ей лет и когда у него/неё день рождения, что он/она любит делать, какие учебные предметы
любит и почему. Разыграйте диалог с одноклассником по ролям.
Задание №9 Монологическая речь
Расскажи о любимом сказочном герое (внешность, характер, что любит делать), не называя его. Пусть твои одноклассники догадаются и назовут героя сказки.
Задание № 10 Аудирование
Майкл и Джил гостят у своего друга. Прослушай телефонный разговор Майкла с мамой и выбери правильный ответ на вопрос. Отметь ответ ✔.
What will Mike do in an hour?
He will play computer games. He will read books. He will have a picnic.
Задание № 11 Чтение
Прочитай текст. Закончи предложение, выбрав из предложенных вариантов тот, который соответствует содержанию текста. Отметь ответ ✔.
Jane didn’t help her mother to make the apple pie because she …
didn’t like to go shopping. didn’t like apple pies. didn’t like to help her mum.
Jane and her mother lived in a small house. The girl’s mother was very busy. Every day she cleaned the rooms, washed the dishes, cooked, fed the pets, and watered the trees and the flowers in the garden. But Jane didn’t help her mother. She didn’t like to work. One morning the girl’s mother said, “Today is Sunday. I want to make an apple pie.” Jane said, “That sounds good.” Then the girl’s mother said, “Do you want to help me? Go to the garden and bring back some apples for our apple pie, please.”
Jane said, “Not I. I don’t want to.”
The mother went to the green garden and brought some apples for the apple pie. Then she said, “Jane, do you want to help me? Go to the shop and buy some sugar for the apple pie. Please.”
But the girl said, “Not I. I don’t want to.” So the mother went to the shop and brought some sugar for the apple pie. When the apple pie was ready, the mother said, “The apple pie is very good! Do you want to help me, Jane?” Jane said, “ … !”
Задание № 12 Письменная речь
Прочти письмо, полученное от друга по переписке. Напиши ему письмо. Расскажи о себе и ответь на три его вопроса (Have you got any pets? What do you like to do? What is your favourite subject?).
Письмо, полученное от друга по переписке
Dear friend,
My name is Andrew. I am from Great Britain. I live in London.
I am ten. My birthday is on the 6th of October.
I live with my mother, father and little brother Sam.
I have got two funny parrots. Their names are Jimmy and Polly.
Have you got any pets?
I like to swim and play computer games. What do you like to do?
My favourite subjects are Math and Art. What is your favourite subject?
I hope to get a letter from you soon!
Задание №13 Лексическая сторона речи
Прочти текст, постарайся понять, какие слова в нём пропущены. Впиши в каждый пропуск нужное слово, выбрав его из рамочки. Первое слово уже вставлено.
evening, can’t, were, jumped, much, nice, her, children, again |
Текст для чтения
A rich woman came to London one day. She had three children— two boys and a girl. They ran, jumped and shouted all the day. When they __________in London, the children said to their mother: “Take us to the Zoo! Take us to the Zoo!”
The mother took them to the Zoo. They looked at the animals, and they had a _________time. They the liked Zoo. In the __________________they said to their mother: “You are rich. Buy the Zoo for us.” “All right,” the woman said.
In the morning they all went to the Zoo ______________ and the mother asked the Zoo people:
“How ____________ does the Zoo cost? My children like it. I want to buy the Zoo for them.”
Тhe Zoo people didn’t like the woman and _______ ________________. And they said: “We can’t sell the Zoo. We _____________ sell the animals. But we can your _________________ for the Zoo!”
Задание №14 Грамматическая сторона речи
Восстанови рассказ о Санта Клаусе. Раскрой скобки и поставь глаголы в Past Simple. Первое слово уже вставлено.
Santa Claus was very busy in December. He (get up) got up early. Santa (have) ____________an ice cream and a cup of cold coffee for breakfast. Then he (take) ____________some snow and cold weather and (sit)____________ in his sleigh (сани). Where did he (fly)? He (visit)_______________ different countries, forests and fields, rivers and mountains. At 8 p.m. Santa Claus (come) _____________back home. But he not _______________(not go) to bed. He (read) children’s letters and (write)_____________ a list of Christmas presents. In the evening Santa (make)_________________ Christmas presents for his friends.
Проверяемые умения :
Задание №1(8) Диалогическая речь - участвовать в элементарных диалогах: этикетном, диалоге- расспросе, диалоге- побуждении.
Задание №2(9) Монологическая речь - составлять небольшое описание предмета, картинки, персонажа.
Задание № 3(10) Аудирование - воспринимать на слух в аудиозаписи основную информацию из сообщений, рассказов, сказок, построенных на знакомом языковом материале.
Задание № 4(11) Чтение - читать про себя и понимать содержание небольшого текста, построенного на изученном языковом материале.
Задание № 5(12) Письменная речь - писать по образцу краткое письмо зарубежному другу.
Задание №6 (13) Лексическая сторона речи - оперировать в процессе общения
активной лексикой в соответствии с коммуникативной задачей.
Задание №7(14)Грамматическая сторона речи - распознавать и употреблять в речи глаголы в Present, Past, Future Simple.
Текст для аудирования
Mike: Hello!
Mother: Hello, Mike! How are you? How is Jill?
Mike: Oh, Mum, we’re fine, thanks. I’ve got a room of my own. And Jill does, too.
Mother: Do you like your room?
Mike: Yes, it’s big and nice. Oh, Mum, there is a new computer and I like to play computer games in the afternoon. There are also a lot of books on the shelves.
Mother: Very good! Is it warm in the room?
Mike: Yes, there is a big fireplace in the corner. I like to read books by the fireplace in the evening.
Mother: What’s the weather like today?
Mike: It’s warm and sunny. We’ll have a picnic in an hour with Jill, Simon and his Granny.
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