UFO сценарий детского мини-спектакля
проект по иностранному языку на тему
Предварительный просмотр:
Storyteller Ufo, the alien
Mary, the mouse Peter, the pig
Martin the rabbit Bess, me fox
Billy, the bear Nick, the cockerel
Jack, the dog Jane, the cat
Thomas, the elephant Pam, the monkey
Tiny, the gnome Miss Chatter
Storyteller: Ufo hasn’t got any friends. He isn’t happy. He is sad. One day he goes to find some friends. He walks on and on. At last he meets a little mouse.
The mouse: Good morning, Ufo!
Ufo: Good morning! Who are you?
The mouse: I’m a little mouse. My name is Mary. I haven’t got any friends. Please take me with you!
Ufo: Come with me!
Storyteller: So Ufo and the mouse walk together. At last they meet a big elephant.
The elephant: Hello!
Ufo: Hello! Who are you?
The elephant: I’m a big elephant. My name is Thomas. Please take me with you.
Ufo: Come with me!
Storyteller: So Ufo, the mouse walk and the elephant walk together. At last they meet a happy pig.
The pig: Good morning!
Ufo: Good morning! Who are you?
The pig: I’m a happy pig! I can jump and sing! My name is Peter. Please take me with you.
Ufo: Come with us!
Storyteller: So Ufo, the mouse, the elephant and the pig walk together. At last they meet a smart rabbit.
The rabbit: Good morning!
Ufo: Good morning! Who are you?
The rabbit: I am a smart rabbit! My name is Martin. I am very unhappy. I haven’t got any friends. Please take me with you.
Ufo: Come with us!
Storyteller: So Ufo, the mouse, the elephant, the pig and the rabbit walk together. At last they meet a funny monkey.
The monkey: Good morning!
Ufo: Good morning! Who are you?
The monkey: I’m a funny monkey. My name is Pam. Please take me with you.
Ufo: Come with us!
Storyteller: So Ufo, the mouse, the elephant, the pig, the rabbit and the monkey walk together. At last they meet a small gnome.
The gnome: Hello!
Ufo: Hello! Who are you?
The gnome: I’m a small gnome. My name is Tiny. Please take me with you.
Ufo: Come with us!
Storyteller: So Ufo, the mouse, the elephant, the pig, the rabbit and gnome walk together. At last they meet a funny cockerel.
The cockerel: Good morning!
Ufo: Good morning! Who are you?
The cockerel: I’m a cockerel. My name is Nick. Please take me with you.
Ufo: Come with us!
Storyteller: So Ufo, the mouse, the elephant, the pig, the rabbit, the gnome and the cockerel walk together. At last they meet a dog.
The dog: Hello!
Ufo: Hello! Who are you?
The dog: I’m a dog. My name is Jack. Please take me with you.
Ufo: Come with us!
Storyteller: So Ufo, the mouse, the elephant, the pig, the rabbit, the gnome, the cockerel and the dog walk together. At last they meet a cat.
The cat: Good morning!
Ufo: Good morning! Who are you?
The cat: I’m a cat. My name is Jane. Please take me with you.
Ufo: Come with us!
Storyteller: So Ufo, the mouse, the elephant, the pig, the rabbit, the gnome, the cockerel, the dog and the cat walk together.. At last they meet a nice fox.
The fox: Good morning!
Ufo: Good morning! Who are you?
The fox: I am a red fox! I am very kind. My name is Bess. But I haven’t got any friends. Please take me with you.
Ufo: Come with us!
Storyteller: So Ufo, the mouse, the elephant, the pig, the rabbit, the gnome, the cockerel, the dog, the cat and the fox walk together. At last they meet a strong bear.
The bear: Good morning!
Ufo: Good morning! Who are you?
The bear: I am a brown bear! My name is Billy. I am strong and big. But I haven’t got any friends. Please take me with you.
Ufo: Come with us!
Storyteller: So Ufo, the mouse, the elephant, the pig, the rabbit, the gnome, the cockerel, the dog, the cat, the fox and the bear walk together. At last they come to a big house in the forest.
Ufo: Look, friends! What a nice house!
Miss Chatter: Good morning, dear friends! Welcome to Green School! I am your teacher. My name is Miss Chatter.
Storyteller: Miss Chatter is a nice teacher. And the six friends are good students now. They like their school very much.
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