Сценарий сказки "The litle red hen"
учебно-методический материал по иностранному языку (3 класс) на тему
Сценарий сказки, составленный по рассказу и показанный учащимися третьего класса на дне открытых дверей школы.
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The little Red Hen
A fairy tale
Once upon a time there lived The Little Red Hen. She was little but very clever. She lived in a big brown House. She had three children. She loved them very much.
Hen: Oh my dear children! I love you so much!
Chicken: Our dear Mommy! We love you too! Let us play!. Let us! Let us!
She had three friends.
Cat: Hello! My name is Pam. I am Pam the cat. I live in Cats house. I like to play telephone games! I can run, jump, climb! I am hen’s best friend!
Dog: No, I am the best friend! Hello! My name is Tug. I am Tug the dog.I am black and white. I live in Dog s House. I like to play football, I can run fast.
Duck: No, I am the best friend! Hello! My name is Chuck. I am Chuck the duck. I live near the lake. I like to swim. I can sing songs.
The little red hen found five seeds and wanted to plant them.
Hen: Hurray! I found five seeds! Dear Children! Come here!
Children: What the matter, mommy?
Hen: I found seeds! Look! I want to plant them. Let us to go to Pam the cat and ask to help us!
Children: How clever you are, mommy! Let us go!
Hen: Hello! How are you, my friend!
Cat: Hi! I am fine and you?
He: I am fine! I am want to plant some seeds. Can you help me?
Cat: I would like to but I am not well today. I cannot help you. I can not work…..but I can play!!!
Hen: Children! Let’s go to Tug the dog and ask to help us!
Chicken: Let us go!
Hen: Hello, Tug! How are you? I want to plant some seeds. Can you help me?
Dog: I am fine but I do not like to work! I like to play!
Hen: What is a pity! Children, Let us go to Chuck the Duck and ask to help us.
Chicken: Ok, Dear Mommy!
Hen: Hello, My dear friend! Can you help me to plant some seeds?
Duck: Oh, No I am sorry, I can not. My friends and I want to go to the lake. We like to swim and play there and we do not like to work.
The Little Red Hen began to cry.
Chicken: Oh, Mommy, Dear What is the matter?
Hen: I am very sorry, my dear children, but my friends are lazy. They do not like to work. They are not clever. Can you help me plant the seeds?
Chicken: Of course we can. With great pleasure!
They loved their mother and helped her. They planted and then gathered a lot of seeds.
Hen: How many seeds we have! I want to make bread! Dear children, let us go to our friends and ask them to help to make bread.
Chicken: OK, mommy, let us go!
Cat: Hello! How are you? Nice to see you!
The Hen: I am fine thank you! We gathered a lot of seeds. Now we want to make bread. Can you help me to make bread?
Cat: Oh, no, sorry. I do not want to help you to make bread! I want to jump!
Then they went to the Dog.
Dog: Hello! How are you? Nice to see you!
The Hen: I am fine thank you! We gathered a lot of seeds. Now we want to make bread. Can you help me to make bread?
Dog: Oh, no, sorry. I do not want to help you to make bread! I want to bark!
Then they went to the Duck.
Duck: Hello! How are you? Nice to see you!
The Hen: I am fine thank you! We gathered a lot of seeds. Now we want to make bread. Can you help me to make bread?
Duck: Oh, no, sorry. I do not want to help you to make bread! I want to swim!
The Little Red Hen was very sorry. She began to cry.
Chicken: What is the matter with you, mommy! Do not cry!
The Little Red Hen: : I am very sorry, my dear children, but my friends are lazy. They do not like to work. They are not clever.
The chicken: Do not worry! Dear mommy! We can help you!
The Hen: Can you, my dears?
The chicken: Of course, we can. With great pleasure!
The Little Red Hen with her chicken made very tasty bread. The tasty smell spread all over the Street.
The Hen: My dear children! Our Bread is ready! Help yourself!
The chicken: Oh, Mommy dear! What a nice smell!
Cat: What a smell! Bread! I want to eat it! Give it to me please!
Dog: Yes, Yes! Delicious! I want some!
Duck: I am hungry! Give me some, please!
The Hen: Did you help me to plant seeds?
Friends: No, we did not!
The Hen: Did you help me to gather seeds?
Friends: No, we did not!
The Hen: Did you help me to make bread?
Friends: No, we did not!
The Hen: My children did. And we will eat bread ourselves! I will eat bread with my family. Go away! Go away!
Friends ran away and The Little Red Hen with her chicken lived together for a long time. They were very happy because they loved and always helped one another.
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