итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку 4 класс Spotlight 4
тест по иностранному языку (4 класс) на тему
итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку 4 класс Spotlight 4
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Предварительный просмотр:
Reading Tests (Тесты по чтению)
TEST 1 A Winter Dream
It was a winter day. It was 9.30 p.m. A little boy went to his bed. He was sleeping and seeing a strange dream.
He would like to play in his winter garden. He put on his warm coat and mittens. Then he took his new sleigh and went to the garden. The weather was cold, windy and snowy. The trees were white with snow. There were no people in the street. The boy walked and thought: "Why don't I see my friends? Yesterday we wanted to toboggan together".
Suddenly a lot of snowflakes began to dance over his head. It was a big white cloud! They flew and flew. They danced and sang: It is the frostiest day today. Don't go out, go away. It's our kingdom, It's our town. Don't you see it? Well, look around!
They continued to fall and fall. They fell on his head and hands, his face and feet, his nose and shoulders. His warm coat and mittens didn't help him. And the snowflakes continued: Now we'll live together Under the coldest winter weather. Oh, children! Who was it? Was it the boy? No, it was a white snowman!
It became colder and colder. And suddenly the boy woke up. Something was wrong. What did he see? Oh, his blanket was on the floor!
Words to the text
strange — странный, необычный
dream — сон
mittens — варежки
go out — выходить
go away — уходить
look around — оглянуться вокруг
become — становиться
blanket — шерстяное одеяло
Task A
Choose the right answer. (Выбери правильный ответ.)
What (whom) did the boy see in his dream?
1) people in the street
2) a lot of snowflakes
3) his friends
4) a white cloud
5) sleigh
6) a snow girl
Complete the sentences. Choose the correct word or word combination. (Закончи предложения. Выбери верное слово или словосочетание.)
1. The boy slept...
a. in his garden b, in his bed c. in the street
2. The boy took...
a. his mittens b. his strange dream c. his sleigh
3. Yesterday the friends wanted...
a. to dance and sing b. to play together c. to toboggan together
4. The boy was like...
a. big white cloud b. a white snowman c. a white boy
5. The day was...
a. cloudy and snowy b. warm and snowy c. cold and snowy
Task С
Answer the questions. (Ответь на вопросы.)
1. What was white with snow?
2. Who thought about the friends?
3. Did the boy dance and sing?
4. Was the boy in the winter kingdom?
5. Why did the boy see this dream?
Предварительный просмотр:
Reading Tests (Тесты по чтению)
TEST 1 A Winter Dream
It was a winter day. It was 9.30 p.m. A little boy went to his bed. He was sleeping and seeing a strange dream.
He would like to play in his winter garden. He put on his warm coat and mittens. Then he took his new sleigh and went to the garden. The weather was cold, windy and snowy. The trees were white with snow. There were no people in the street. The boy walked and thought: "Why don't I see my friends? Yesterday we wanted to toboggan together".
Suddenly a lot of snowflakes began to dance over his head. It was a big white cloud! They flew and flew. They danced and sang: It is the frostiest day today. Don't go out, go away. It's our kingdom, It's our town. Don't you see it? Well, look around!
They continued to fall and fall. They fell on his head and hands, his face and feet, his nose and shoulders. His warm coat and mittens didn't help him. And the snowflakes continued: Now we'll live together Under the coldest winter weather. Oh, children! Who was it? Was it the boy? No, it was a white snowman!
It became colder and colder. And suddenly the boy woke up. Something was wrong. What did he see? Oh, his blanket was on the floor!
Words to the text
strange — странный, необычный
dream — сон
mittens — варежки
go out — выходить
go away — уходить
look around — оглянуться вокруг
become — становиться
blanket — шерстяное одеяло
Task A
Choose the right answer. (Выбери правильный ответ.)
What (whom) did the boy see in his dream?
1) people in the street
2) a lot of snowflakes
3) his friends
4) a white cloud
5) sleigh
6) a snow girl
Complete the sentences. Choose the correct word or word combination. (Закончи предложения. Выбери верное слово или словосочетание.)
1. The boy slept...
a. in his garden b, in his bed c. in the street
2. The boy took...
a. his mittens b. his strange dream c. his sleigh
3. Yesterday the friends wanted...
a. to dance and sing b. to play together c. to toboggan together
4. The boy was like...
a. big white cloud b. a white snowman c. a white boy
5. The day was...
a. cloudy and snowy b. warm and snowy c. cold and snowy
Task С
Answer the questions. (Ответь на вопросы.)
1. What was white with snow?
2. Who thought about the friends?
3. Did the boy dance and sing?
4. Was the boy in the winter kingdom?
5. Why did the boy see this dream?
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