Презентация к уроку английского языка во 2 классе "Путешествие на остров Нетландия"
презентация к уроку по иностранному языку (2 класс) на тему

Презентация к уроку (часть 1-3)


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Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Выполнила: Леуткина Т.А., учитель английского языка Путешествие на остров Нетландия

Слайд 2

The lost boys [ ai - ai - ai ] [ k - k - k ] [ k - k - k ] [ a :- a :- a :] [æ-æ-æ] [ n - n - n ] [ n - n - n ] [ t - t - t ] [ ai k æ n ] [ ai ka : nt ] [ ai - ai - ai ]

Слайд 3

The Island of Mermaids The Kinds of Transport The Glade of skills The Pirates' Island The uninhabited Island The unnown Island

Слайд 4

We can go by …/ We can’t go by …

Слайд 5

The Island of Mermaids

Слайд 6

The Glade of Skills

Слайд 7

The Pirates’ Island

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Are there any … on the island?

Слайд 2

There … pink flamingoes on the island. There … a cave on the island. There … a river on the island. There … a pet –wolf on the island. There … a house on the island. There … a wigwam on the island. There … lakes on the island. There … Indians on the island. There … boats on the island. There … bears on the island.

Слайд 3

There are pink flamingoes on the island.

Слайд 4

There are pink flamingoes on the island. There … a cave on the island. There … a river on the island. There … a pet –wolf on the island. There … a house on the island. There … a wigwam on the island. There … lakes on the island. There … Indians on the island. There … boats on the island. There … bears on the island.

Слайд 5

There is a cave on the island.

Слайд 6

There are pink flamingoes on the island. There is a cave on the island. There … a river on the island. There … a pet –wolf on the island. There … a house on the island. There … a wigwam on the island. There … lakes on the island. There … Indians on the island. There … boats on the island. There … bears on the island.

Слайд 7

There is a river on the island.

Слайд 8

There are pink flamingoes on the island. There is a cave on the island. There is a river on the island. There … a pet –wolf on the island. There … a house on the island. There … a wigwam on the island. There … lakes on the island. There … Indians on the island. There … boats on the island. There … bears on the island.

Слайд 9

There is a pet –wolf on the island.

Слайд 10

There are pink flamingoes on the island. There is a cave on the island. There is a river on the island. There is a pet –wolf on the island. There … a house on the island. There … a wigwam on the island. There … lakes on the island. There … Indians on the island. There … boats on the island. There … bears on the island.

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

There is a house on the island.

Слайд 2

There are pink flamingoes on the island. There is a cave on the island. There is a river on the island. There is a pet –wolf on the island. There is a house on the island. There … a wigwam on the island. There … lakes on the island. There … Indians on the island. There … boats on the island. There … bears on the island.

Слайд 3

There is a wigwam on the island.

Слайд 4

There are pink flamingoes on the island. There is a cave on the island. There is a river on the island. There is a pet –wolf on the island. There is a house on the island. There is a wigwam on the island. There … lakes on the island. There … Indians on the island. There …boats on the island. There … bears on the island.

Слайд 5

There are lakes on the island.

Слайд 6

There are pink flamingoes on the island. There is a cave on the island. There is a river on the island. There is a pet –wolf on the island. There is a house on the island. There is a wigwam on the island. There are lakes on the island. There …Indians on the island. There …boats on the island. There … bears on the island.

Слайд 7

There are Indians on the island.

Слайд 8

There are pink flamingoes on the island. There is a cave on the island. There is a river on the island. There is a pet –wolf on the island. There is a house on the island. There is a wigwam on the island. There are lakes on the island. There are Indians on the island. There …boats on the island. There … bears on the island.

Слайд 9

There are boats on the island.

Слайд 10

There are pink flamingoes on the island. There is a cave on the island. There is a river on the island. There is a pet –wolf on the island. There is a house on the island. There is a wigwam on the island. There are lakes on the island. There are Indians on the island. There are boats on the island. There … bears on the island.

Слайд 11

There are bears on the island.

Слайд 12

There is a…on the island. There are …on the island

Слайд 13

Остров Грусти Остров Радости Остров Надежды Islands

Слайд 14

Сегодня на уроке: Я узнал… Я научился… Я затруднялся… Рефлексия

Слайд 15

Your hometask: page 76-78 Activity Book

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