Презентация "FOOD"
презентация к уроку по иностранному языку (3 класс) на тему

Казакова Елена Анатольевна
•Hi! My name is Jane. My favourite food is ice-cream. I can eat it every day. I also love chocolate, cakes and fruits. They are tasty. Apples and bananas are very nice. But I never eat the kiwifruit, because it is not sweet. Vegetables salads are OK. I eat them with rice and potatoes. But I don’t eat meat because I’m vegetarian. I usually drink a lot of juice and water. Orange juice is very nice.



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Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

FOOD Казакова Елена Анатольевна

Слайд 2

Phonetic exercises [ i :] sw ee t, gr ee n, m ea t, t ea , ch ee se, ice cr ea m [ ɪ ] m i lk, f i sh, cabb a ge [ w ] s w eet [ u ] b oo k, workb oo k [ æ ] c a rrot, c a bbage, h a m [ ei ] c a ke [ ai ] n i ce, k i nd, i ce-cream [ e ] e gg, h e n, br ea d,l e mon [ ɔ :]c or n, [ ʌ ]h o ney, b u tter

Слайд 3

Answer the questions Do you like…? Yes, I do. No, I don’t.

Слайд 4

Do you like…?

Слайд 5

Do you like…?

Слайд 6

Do you like…?

Слайд 7

Do you like…?

Слайд 8

Do you like…?

Слайд 9

Do you like…?

Слайд 10

Do you like…?

Слайд 11

Do you like …?

Слайд 12

Do you like … ?

Слайд 13

Find the odd word. milk, apple, lemon. juice, butter, tea. carrot, potato , bananas. sweets, cakes, fish . honey , jam , meat . ham , corn , tomato .

Слайд 14

READ AND CHOOSE 1 ) The rabbit likes ... a)ham b)fish 2) The bird likes … a)sweets c)cabbage 3)The bear likes … b)lemon c)ice-cream 4) The cat likes … a ) apple b)jam c)carrot b)corn a)honey c)milk

Слайд 15

corn potato tomato cabbage apple carrot nut cucumber

Слайд 16

Text Hi! My name is Jane. My favourite food is ice-cream. I can eat it every day. I also love chocolate, cakes and fruits. They are tasty. Apples and bananas are very nice. But I never eat the kiwifruit, because it is not sweet. Vegetables salads are OK. I eat them with rice and potatoes. But I don’t eat meat because I’m vegetarian. I usually drink a lot of juice and water. Orange juice is very nice.

Слайд 17

Поставьте прочерк (-) напротив тех продуктов, которые не ест и (+) которые ест Jane . Chocolate ____ Bananas________ Cakes________ Kiwi ____________ Vegetable salad__ Fruit________ Meat___________ Apple_______ Juice_ Ice-cream________

Слайд 18

DIALOG: Let’s have lunch! - I’m sorry. I don’t like porridge. I would like some tea and a sandwich. - Good afternoon, …! - Good. Take your sandwich and tea. - Good afternoon, mum! I am hungry. - Thank you. - Would you like some porridge? Good afternoon, …! - Good afternoon, mum! I am hungry. - Would you like some porridge? - I’m sorry. I don’t like porridge. I would like some tea and a sandwich. - Good. Take your sandwich and tea. - Thank you.

Слайд 19

SHOPS The Green shop The Sweet shop The White shop The School shop

Слайд 20

When do we go to the shop? On Sunday I go to the … Shop and buy … . On Monday I go to the … Shop and buy … . On Tuesday I go to the … Shop and buy … . On Wednesday I go to the … Shop and buy … . On Thursday I go to the … Shop and buy … . On Friday I go to the … Shop and buy … . On Saturday I go to the … Shop and buy … . The Green Shop, The Sweet Shop, The White Shop , The School Shop .

Слайд 21

MENU Sunday- Monday- Tuesday- Wednesday- Thursday- Friday- Saturday-

Слайд 22