В мире интересных фактов
занимательные факты по иностранному языку (4 класс) по теме
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In the World of Interesting Facts
There are many interesting birds in the world. The lyre bird is one of them. It lives in Australia. It has a large beautiful tail. People name this tail as a "musical" tail. It has the form of a musical instrument. This instrument is a lyre.
There is a strange fish in the Atlantic Ocean. It lives with only one left eye. But all people and animals, you know, have got two eyes.
The giraffe is the tallest animal in the world. Its neck is very long But the giraffe can't make a sound. We cannot hear its voice.
Some butterflies can fly more than nine hundred kilometres from America to Bermudas. How do they know where to fly? Scientist? cannot answer this riddle. Would you like to know the answer?
It's a Long Way
It is a not very big bird. It is only six inches (sixteen centimetres i. It has got a bright red beak. It is small, but can fly very far. It can make a journey about 12,000 miles. It is about 18,000 kilometres.
What bird is it? It is an Arctic tern. The tern spends the summer in the Arctic. It cannot spend the winter there. It is very cold. And there is no food. When spring comes the tern comes back again to the Arctic.
How can these small birds make this long journey? Do they use the sun, the moon and the stars as a compass? Perhaps. We don't know the answer. Would you like to know it? |
Sleep and Sleep
Why do we sleep? Do you know? In a normal life a person sleeps for about twenty-five years. Children need more sleep. A baby sleeps for about ten hours. A teenager sleeps for eight or nine hours. An adult sleeps for seven or eight hours. Old people need only five or six hours for sleeping.
When you sleep your temperature falls and your body relaxes. Sometimes people talk or walk in their sleep. They can open doors and windows. They ride bicycles and even drive cars. They can cook, clean their teeth, dig the garden and so on.
Sleepwalkers are asleep, but they have their eyes open. So they car. see. But they can't remember anything after waking up.
Do you ever sleepwalk?
Crisps or Chips?
Do you like potatoes? Do you know that people make crisps from potatoes?
People discovered potatoes in Peru. It was in the 16th century. The Spanish brought potatoes to Europe.
People in the United States began to make crisps. They like to eat crisps very much in America. But in America they use chips for crisps.
Well, crisps or chips? Do you like to eat crisps (chips)? What is your favourite flavour?
Blue Whales
Blue whales are the largest animals in the world. They live in the oceans. They are larger than dinosaurs.
Whale's babies drink mother's milk. Big whales eat fish, plankton, crabs and seals. Some whales are meat-eaters. They hunt other animals. Whales live in water but they need air.
Men like to hunt whales. They would like to have meat and oil from them. There are not many whales in the world now.
Do you like blue whales? Would you like to see them?
About Stamps
People all over the world collect stamps. A Belgian teacher started collecting stamps in 1850. Then his pupils began to decorate their atlases with stamps. They wanted to know more in geography.
Collecting stamps became one of the most interesting hobbies. A stamp collection is a good textbook of history and geography. It gives us much information on many subjects. This hobby helps people from many countries to become friends.
The first Russian stamps appeared in 1857. And the first Soviet stamps appeared in 1921. The "Penny Black" is the name of the first postage stamp in the world. It is a very famous stamp.
Animal Secrets
Many baby animals can go from the moment they appear in this world. Why? Because they feed on grass. They eat a lot of grass. So they must move from place to place to find their food.
The parent birds bring the food to their babies. Young babies are not ready to fly. Kangaroo babies sit in special mother's pockets (ponches).
The parent lions and wolves catch food and bring it to their babies.
When Indian elephants want to sleep, they lie on the ground. When they stand sleeping, they are ill. African elephants always sleep standing up.
There is an interesting fish in Australia. It can walk. It walks out of the water, climbs the trees and stays there for hours.
The word umbrella is Italian. We can translate it as "a little shade". The Italians did not invent the umbrella. People used it many years ago in the East.
We can use umbrellas as a protection against the sun. But in England they use them more as a protection against the rain.
The name of the first man who appeared in the streets of London with an umbrella was Jonas Hanway. It was more than a hundred and fifty years (150) ago. People can see a monument ti this man in London.
Bottle-Opener v
Every day we open bottles of mineral water or lemonade and we don't think much about it. But there was a time in Britain when people had no right to do it. Why?
Sometimes people found a bottle with a cork in it. Those bottles were from the sea. Did you hear anything about it?
It was one hundred and thirty years ago. Only one person had the official right to uncork the bottles from the see. Thy called hirr. "Uncorker of Bottles".
The bottles had important official letters inside. Sailors of British ships threw them into the sea. Those days they didn't have other way to send letters.
Do you know what word becomes shorter if you add two letters to it? You think there is no answer to that question. Can you make a word shorter if you add two letters to it? You are sure, you can't. But you can. Add er to the word short. It becomes shorter.
And what about the longest word? Do you know it? Oh, it is smiles.
Why? Because there is a mile between the first and the last letters.
Some children think that the best time to gather fruit is the time when there is no dog in the garden.
Some children think that the moon is nearer to us than America. Why? Because they can see the moon and they cannot see America.
Sam. Now, Jimmy, put a penny there on the table next to my penny.
Jimmy puts a penny on the table.
S a m. I am now going to ask you some questions. If you answer 'yes' or 'no', your penny is mine, otherwise my penny is yours. Do you know this joke?
Jimmy. No.
Sam (taking Jimmy s penny). See, you have lost.
At the Arithmetic Lesson
"Lily, if I give you two pennies and your father gave you three pennies, how much would you have?"
"Seven," Lily replied.
"You did not understand, Lily. Now listen, I shall repeat the question. If I give you two pennies and your Father gave you three, how much would you have?"
"Seven, " Lily answered again.
"I am surprised at you, Lily, the teacher said." "How on earth would you have seven?"
"I have two pennies in my pocket already," Lily said.
A friend in need is a friend indeed. Друг познается в беде.
My home is my castle. Мой дом - моя крепость.
There is no place like home. В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше. Home, sweet home. Дом, милый дом.
East or West, home is best. В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше.
Live and learn. Век живи, век учись.
It's never too late to learn.Учиться никогда не поздно.
Men learn while they teach.Уча других, учишься сам.
Early to bed and early to rise
Makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.
Кто рано встает, тому и бог дает.
You are never too old to learn.Учиться никогда не поздно.
Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body
Чтение для ума все равно что упражнение для тела.
Choose a book as you choose a friend.Выбирай книгу, как ты выбираешь друга.
Like father, like son. Каков отец, таков и сын. Яблочко от яблони недалеко падает.
Quick at meal, quick at work. Кто быстро ест, тот быстро работает.
Better late than never. Лучше поздно, чем никогда.
Health is above wealth.Здоровье выше богатства.
April showers bring May flowers.Апрельские ливни приносят майские цветы.
Business before pleasure.Гулять гуляй, а работу знай.
Делу - время, а потехе - час.Everything is good in its season.
Все хорошо в свое время.Всякому овощу свое время.Дорога ложка к обеду.
There is a time for all things.Всему свое время.
Lost time is never found again.Потерянное время не вернешь.
Every season has its beauty.Любая пора года (любой возраст) хороша (хорош) по своему
У природы нет плохой погоды.
As the baker so the bun, as the father so the son.Какой пекарь, такая и булка, каков отец, таков и сын.Яблоко от яблони недалеко катится.
A tree is known by its fruit.Дерево познается по плодам.
От яблони - яблоки, от ели - шишки.
Never put till tomorrow what you can do today. Никогда не откладывай на завтра то, что можно сделать се годня.
The wind cannot be caught in a net. Ветер нельзя поймать в сеть. Ищи ветра в поле.
A good beginning makes a good ending. Хорошее начало делает добрую концовку.
When the cat is away, the mice will play. Кошка из дома, мыши на стол.
She is busy as a bee. Она занята, как пчела. Трудолюбива, как пчелка.
That's another pair of shoes. Это совсем другое дело.
Это совсем другое дело.
The tailor makes the man.Одежда красит человека.В уборе и пень хорош.
Good clothes open all doors.Хорошая одежда открывает все двери.
По одежке встречают (, а по уму провожают).
All is well that ends well.Все хорошо, что хорошо кончается.
Two heads are better than one.Одна голова хорошо, а две - лучше.
Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.
Кто рано ложится и рано встает, будет здоров, богат и умен.
Кто рано встает, тому и бог дает.
Keep your mouth shut and your ears open.
Держи свой рот закрытым, а уши открытыми.
Many men, many minds.Сколько голов, столько умов.
Tomorrow never come.После дождичка в четверг.
A place for everything and everything in its place.Делу время, потехе час.
As red as a cherry.Кровь с молоком.
The race is got by running.Без труда не вытащишь и рыбку из пруда.
Silence gives consent.Молчание - знак согласия.
A sound mind in a sound body. В здоровом теле здоровый дух.
Think today and speak tomorrow. Сначала подумай, потом скажи.
When there is a will, there is a way. Где хотенье, там и уменье.
We shall see what we shall see. Поживем - увидим.
After a Christmas comes a Lent. He все коту Масленица.
Better late than never. Лучше поздно, чем никогда.
Health is above wealth. Здоровье выше богатства.
April showers bring May flowers.Апрельские ливни приносят майские цветы.
Business before pleasure. Гулять гуляй, а работу знай. Делу - время, а потехе — час.
Everything is good in its season. Все хорошо в свое время.
Всякому овощу свое время. Дорога ложка к обеду.
There is a time for all things. Всему свое время.
Lost time is never found again. Потерянное время не вернешь.
Every season has its beauty.
Любая пора года (любой возраст) хороша (хорош) по своему У природы нет плохой погоды.
As the baker so the bun, as the father so the son. Какой пекарь, такая и булка, каков отец, таков и сын. Яблоко от яблони недалеко катится.
A tree is known by its fruit. Дерево познается по плодам. От яблони - яблоки, от ели - шишки.
Never put till tomorrow what you can do today. Никогда не откладывай на завтра то, что можно сделать се годня.
The wind cannot be caught in a net. Ветер нельзя поймать в сеть. Ищи ветра в поле.
A good beginning makes a good ending. Хорошее начало делает добрую концовку.
When the cat is away, the mice will play. Кошка из дома, мыши на стол.
She is busy as a bee. Она занята, как пчела. Трудолюбива, как пчелка.
As the call, so the echo. Как аукнется, так и откликнется.
Better to do well than to say well.Хорошие дела лучше хороших слов.
Barking dogs seldom bite.
Лающие собаки редко кусают. Та собака, что лает, редко кусает.
Every dog has its day. Будет и на нашей улице праздник.
Dump dogs are dangerous. Немые собаки опасны. В тихом омуте черти водятся.
A bargain is a bargain. Сделка есть сделка. Уговор дороже денег.
The more the merrier. Чем больше, тем веселее. В тесноте, да не в обиде.
You can't eat your cake and have it. Нельзя есть пирог и иметь его. Один пирог два раза не съешь.
Give the pigs six big chips.
Carol, Carol, take a carrot.
Don't trouble trouble until trouble troubles you.
Feed the bees with three sweet peas.
Pat's black cat is in Pat's black hat.
My black cat likes to sit in my black hat.
Cob is Dob's dog, Tob is Mob's dog.
Jiggety-jig, jiggety-jig, Pete's dog is big.
Mary sees three big grey geese.
Nine, nineteen and ninety.
Here is my rose, there is his nose.
Snow is so snowy, when it is snowing.
Sid sees, Sid sees six trees, six trees.
Биболетова М.З. и др. Enjoy English 1. Обнинск: Титул, 2004.
Биболетова М.З. и др. Enjoy English 2. Обнинск: Титул, 2004.
Кортес Л.П. Mary Had a Little Lamb. Минск: Вышэйшая шко ла, 1978.
Закс С.Б. Сказки и легенды Африки. М.: Просвещение, 1984.
Савина С.Н. Внеклассная работа по иностранному языку в школе. М.: Просвещение, 1991.
Конышева А.В. Современные методы обучения английскому языку. Минск: ТетраСистемс, 2005.
English Teaching forum. 1. 2005.
English Teaching forum. 2. 2007.
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