Сказка "Дюймовочка"
презентация к уроку по иностранному языку (4 класс) по теме
Сценарий сказки "Дюймовочка" на английском языке для начальной школы
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Author: Once there lived a woman who had no children. She went to a fairy and asked her what she could do.
Woman: I’m here to ask you for help. I’m so unhappy. I have no children. What can I do to have one?
Fairy: That’s easy. Take this tulip bulb, plant it in a flower pot, water it carefully and then wait.
Author: Soon there grew a strange flower. Inside the flower there was a nice little girl.
Woman: Oh, my dream has come true. Now I have a daughter. You are so tiny. I’ll call you Thumbelina.
Thumbelina: Thumbelina, Thumbelina.
Yes, that’s me.
Thumbelina, Thumbelina.
Oh, how glad I am, I am me!
Author: They lived happily for many days. But one terrible night an ugly toad hopped into their house and stole Thumbelina
Toad: Groak, groak, what a pretty girl. I must have her for my bride.
(Дюймовочка просыпается, у нее испуганный вид.)
Toad: I want to marry you. I’m going to prepare my house for you. I’ll be back in a hop and a jump.
Thumbelina: What shall I do?
What shall I do?
Never have I been so blue.
I cannot fly, I cannot swim.
I’d rather die than go with him.
Oh clouds, oh trees, oh birds, oh bees.
Won’t somebody hear my please!
Come out here and rescue me!
Появляется рыбка.
Fish: I can help you little lady. Take one end of the lily pad and I’ll take the other. I’ll pull you along the stream up to the shore.
Thumbelina: You’ve just saved me. Thank you very much. Bye.
Author: But suddenly a huge black beetle caught Thumbelina and carried her off to the bush where his family lived.
Жук утаскивает Дюймовочку в кусты.
1st. beetle: You are so nice, so little. I believe you could stay and live with my family if my relatives like you.
2nd beetle: Who's that? Oh, no! Don’t you see how horrible she is. She has got only 2 legs. She looks very strange.
1st beetle: Well, I think he is right. You are so ugly. Go away, go away!
Дюймовочка уходит расстроенная и не знает куда идти. Она встречает бабочку.
Butterfly: Oh! Who are you? You are so tiny, so beautiful. Let’s play and sing together.
Thumbelina: I’m Thumbelina. I don’t have friends. Be my friend and we will play together.
Дюймовочка, бабочки и цветы поют и танцуют. Все веселятся.
Author: Thumbelina lived happily among flowers until winter came.
Приходит зима и Дюймовочка ищет себе дом для жилья.
Thumbelina: No home, no bed to lay my head.
No food to eat, no shoes for my feet.
I shall die here, under the sky!
Подходит к двери дома мышки, стучит.
Thumbelina: I’m very hungry. May I have a grain of wheat?
Mouse: Poor child, come into my warm room and dine with me. In fact, you can stay the whole winter and keep me company. You know I have a neighbour, a mole. He wears a black coat and he’s very rich. He’s going to visit me tomorrow. Be as nice as you can with him. Then perhaps he will marry you.
Mole: Good evening, field mouse. I see you have a guest. She’s the prettiest thing I’ve ever seen!
Обращается к Дюймовочке.
Mole: Nice to meet you, pretty child. I’m looking for a wife. I think we could live happily together. Marry me and I hope you don’t eat much, just half a grain a day. You won’t cost me a lot. We will live without a light. It’s always night.
Author: They went to the mole’s house. It was deep within the earth. There was no light. At the door of the house there was a bird. It seemed to be dead.
Дюймовочка наклоняется к ласточке.
Swallow: I’m not dead, but mu wing is broken and I’m weak and hungry.
Thumbelina: I won’t let you die. I’ll take care of you. I’ll give you to eat and warm you.
Author: When spring came the swallow was strong enough to fly.
Swallow: Thumbelina, you must come with me!
I can’t leave you here!
Climb on my back and off we go!
For there’s a land far from the snow,
Where oranges and lemons grow.
And the air is sweet and light the breeze,
And soft the earth and green the trees.
It’s there we’ll fly and there we’ll stay,
For many and many a happy day!
Author: How surprised Thumbelina was when they landed
and she saw a man no bigger than herself. He was the king of all the little men and women who lived in flowers.
King (Prince): I fell in love with you at the first sight. You are so pretty and so clever! Live with me and we’ll dance and sing in our life. I’ll love you all the time.
Thumbelina: You are so handsome and kind. I’ll live with you with great pleasure.
Author: So there they lived happily for a long time.