Представление "The three Billy Goats Gruff"
учебно-методический материал (подготовительная группа)

Филиппова Аксинья Петровна

The Three Billy Goats Gruff


  • Once upon a time there were three billy goats called Gruff. There was Little Billy Goat Gruff, Middle-sized Billy Goat Gruff and Great Big Billy Goat Gruff. They lived in a stony valley where there was very little grass to eat.
  • The three Billy Goats Gruff could see the lush grass in the meadow on the other side of the river. It looked so much greener and sweeter than the grass on their side of the river and the Three Billy Goats Gruff longed to taste it. But there was only one way to get to the other side. They would have to cross a little wooden bridge.
  • Now under the little wooden bridge there lived an ugly, mean, wicked, horrible, hungry Troll. He had big ears, a long nose and terrible teeth; he gobbled up anyone trying to cross the bridge to get to the other side.
  • The three Billy Goats Gruff were very frightened of the Troll. (One day)




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Предварительный просмотр:

The Three Billy Goats Gruff

  • Once upon a time there were three billy goats called Gruff. There was Little Billy Goat Gruff, Middle-sized Billy Goat Gruff and Great Big Billy Goat Gruff. They lived in a stony valley where there was very little grass to eat.
  • The three Billy Goats Gruff could see the lush grass in the meadow on the other side of the river. It looked so much greener and sweeter than the grass on their side of the river and the Three Billy Goats Gruff longed to taste it. But there was only one way to get to the other side. They would have to cross a little wooden bridge.
  • Now under the little wooden bridge there lived an ugly, mean, wicked, horrible, hungry Troll. He had big ears, a long nose and terrible teeth; he gobbled up anyone trying to cross the bridge to get to the other side.
  • The three Billy Goats Gruff were very frightened of the Troll. (One day)

LITTLE BILLY GOAT GRUFF said: - I am very hungry!

MIDDLE - sized BILLY GOAT GRUFF (said): - I am very hungry too! If only we could cross the bridge safely…

BIG Billy GOAT GRUFF said: - I will think of a plan!

  • First Little Billy Goat Gruff went to cross the river. He was very frightened.
  • Up jumped the UGLY TROLL and roared: - Who’s that trip-trapping over my bridge?

LITTLE BILLY GOAT GRUFF: - It’s only me, Little Billy Goat Gruff. I am going to the meadow to make myself fat.

THE UGLY TROLL: - Then I’m coming to gobble you up!

LITTLE BILLY GOAT GRUFF: 0h! No! Please don’t gobble me up. I am only the littles Billy Goat Gruff. I am far too small and not at all fat. Why don’t you wait until my brother, Middle-sized Billy Goat Gruff comes along? He’s much bigger and fatter than me. Why don’t you gobble him up?

THE UGLY TROLL: - Very well. I will until the second Billy Goat Gruff comes along!

  • So Little Billy Goat Gruff crossed the wooden bridge.
  • Next Middle-sized Billy Goat Gruff went to cross the river. He was very frightened.
  • Up jumped the UGLY TROLL and roared: - Who’s that trip-trapping over my bridge?

MIDDLE - sized BILLY GOAT GRUFF: - It’s only me, Middle-sized Billy Goat Gruff. I am going to the meadow to make myself fat.

THE UGLY TROLL: - Then I’m coming to gobble you up!

MIDDLE - sized BILLY GOAT GRUFF: 0h! No! Please don’t gobble me up. I am only the Middle-sized Billy Goat Gruff. I am far too small and not at all fat. Why don’t you wait until my brother, Great Big Billy Goat Gruff comes along? He’s much bigger and fatter than me. Why don’t you gobble him up?

THE UGLY TROLL: - Very well. I will until the third Billy Goat Gruff comes along!

  • So Middle-sized Billy Goat Gruff crossed the wooden bridge.
  • Finally Great Big Billy Goat Gruff went to cross the river. He was very frightened.
  • Up jumped the UGLY TROLL and roared: - Who’s that trip-trapping over my bridge?

GREAT BIG BILLY GOAT GRUFF: - It’s me, Great Big Billy Goat Gruff. I am going to the meadow to make myself fat.

THE UGLY TROLL: - Then I’m coming to gobble you up!

GREAT BIG BILLY GOAT GRUFF: 0h, no, I’m coming to gobble YOU up. And he stamped his feet even louder: trip-trap, trip-trap, bang, bang, bang!

  • After that Great Big Billy Goat Gruff butted the Troll with his big horns and tossed him up into the air. And the ugly, mean, wicked, horrible, hungry Troll was never seen again. As for the Three Billy Goats Gruff, they lived together happily in the meadow.
  • Snip, snap, snout! This tale is out!

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