36 гр. на 17.11.2020

Сидельникова Татьяна Владимировна

Дистанционное обучение


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Предварительный просмотр:

Тема: «Персонал и его обязанности. Рабочий день повара».

1. Прочитайте и устно переведите текст. Выпишите из текста незнакомые слова (по своей специальности) и выучите их.

A day in the life of “Morris” restaurant.

Restaurant “Morris” is located in a place famous for its theatres and cinemas. It is a big restaurant. It can cater many guests at a time. People usually come here to eat before the performance.

The restaurant hall has modern design with light-blue carpet and walls, black chairs and white table-cloths, sparkling cutlery and glasses. The menu offers a variety of dishes from which the guests can choose. This is called an a la carte menu.

“Morris” is an elegant restaurant, with special service and fine food. All dishes are always fresh. The restaurant is open for dinner from 6 o’clock in the evening six days a week from Tuesday to Sunday. It is closed on Monday because the staff have a rest.

The staff and its duties.

There are ten people on the staff. They can be divided into two groups. One group works in the dining room. They serve the customers. Another group works in the kitchen. They prepare meals for the customers.

The head chef, Anna, comes to work at 10 o’clock in the morning. Anna made a new summer menu with many summer fruits and vegetables. She knows that people do not want heavy meals during hot weather. Anna works all day, often more than 8 hours a day. She plans the menu and manages the staff in the kitchen. She cooks meat dishes and sauces for the main course.

Today is Friday, a very busy day for the restaurant. Anna starts work early at 8 o’clock because she must go to the market to buy fruit and vegetables for the weekend. This is not usually necessary, but the restaurant has recently changed suppliers. Today Anna must buy provisions herself until she finds new good suppliers. She will return to the restaurant at 10 o’clock and will start preparing the evening meals.

On Fridays, Mr. Black , the manager, prepares the accounts for the suppliers and organizes the work for the next week. Mr. Black`s first task in the morning is to check the telephone answering machine. He wants to know about the reservations for the next week.

He manages both the dining room staff and the kitchen staff. He also effectively manages the finances of the restaurant.

Выполните письменно следующие задания:

Answer the questions

  1. Where is “Morris” restaurant located?
  2. Is it a big restaurant?
  3. What is the design of the restaurant hall?
  4. What are the working hours of the restaurant?
  5. When is the restaurant closed?
  6. How many people are there in the staff?
  7. Who is the head chef?
  8. When does the head chef come to work?
  9. What are the duties of the head chef?
  10. What are the duties of the manager?

Translate into English

1. Анна начинает работу раньше потому, что она должна идти на рынок покупать фрукты и овощи.

2. Анна планирует меню и сама работает на кухне.

3. Анна работает больше, чем 8 часов в день.

4. Она готовит мясные блюда и соусы.

5. Ресторан недавно сменил поставщиков.

6. Менеджер готовит счета для поставщиков и организует работу официантов и поставщиков.

Прочитайте и устно переведите текст:

Text : “The Service Staff and its Duties”

The waiters who work in the dining room create the atmosphere that determines restaurant's popularity, so their work is important to the success of the restaurant.

The headwaiter and the barman usually come to the restaurant before it opens. Headwaiters are usually skilled. They have many years of experience in this and other restaurants. The main part of their job is to control and coordinate the work of the staff in the dining room. They also greet the guests when they arrive and show them to their tables.

The barman should be experienced in wines and cocktails. He must know a lot of recipes of cocktails and strong drinks.

The waiters in the dining room come half an hour before the opening. First they wash their hands and change into their uniforms. Then they set the tables before the guests arrive.

Some waiters often want to earn some money and travel to Europe to get experience in some of the hotel restaurants in European cities. As usual they want to become headwaiters and restaurant managers one day.

Cooks often do their work with the help of their apprentices who make the pates, the ice cream and desserts. Cooks also prepare the main course meat dishes and then apprentices cook them.

Apprentices usually learn a lot of things in a short time. They clean, cut and prepare the vegetables and make fruit salads. They learn to make garnishes and decorations on the dishes. They must keep the kitchen clean. They also help to slice mushrooms, peel potatoes and wash the dishes.

Письменно выполните упражнения:

1. Write it in English (Напишите это по-английски).

1. приготовить гарнир

1. приветствовать посетителей

2. нарезать грибы ломтиками

2. одеться в униформу

3. рецепты коктейлей

3. принесите мне счёт

4. вкусные конфеты

4. проводить к столу

5. занять своё место за столом

5. обслужить посетителя

2. Complete the sentences using words from the list below (Дополните предложения словами, приведенными ниже).

  1. After … the main course the apprentice felt tired.
  2. … different kinds of cakes is my best friend’s hobby.
  3. … garnish to the steak Jane made a mistake.
  4. In the canteen he suddenly saw Mary … into a new uniform.
  5. The tart … by my brother was very delicious.
  6. The headwaiter asked Nick to be polite while … the guests in the dining hall.
  7. … the question the apprentice was thinking of an answer.
  8. The crackers … at that snack bar are of a good quality.

Use words from this list (Используйте слова из данного списка):

having prepared; made; baked; making; changed; having been asked; baking; serving

3. Choose the right word to make the sentences complete (Выберите правильное слово и дополните предложения).

  1. Look! She (is working / is sleeping) at that fast food restaurant now!
  2. What (would / could) you like to order?
  3. Working as an apprentice John always washes (dishes / his hands) at that café.
  4. She used to make delicious (salads/ tarts) in summer.
  5. Instead of helping the (guest/ cook) with the dish she was chatting.