Ценностные ориентациии современных дошкольников.
Автор статьи рассказывает о изменении ценностных ориентаций у современных дошкольников.
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The slotted Oksana Alexandrovna
Student Orenburg State Pedagogical University, Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology, Orenburg.
"The development of imagination in preschool children"
Annotation: Author of the article is dedicated to the theoretical study of the problem of imagination development in preschool children. It's about this ability as imagination. Do I need a man this ability? At what age is best to begin to develop their imagination, and which method is most effective in this regard? The author lists teaching methods that foster the creative imagination, as well as providing psychological and pedagogical conditions for its effective development.
Keywords: imagination, psychological and age peculiarities of development of psycho-pedagogical conditions of preschool age.
In modern society, which is undergoing major changes in all its spheres, it requires a creative individual with systemic knowledge and ability to apply this knowledge in practice. Addressing global challenges of our time and the development of high-tech information may be subject to certain creativity and thinking style that displays a man to the realization of new connections between the objects and providing the creation of a new spiritual or the material sphere. Formation of the creative person - one of the most important educational tasks at the present stage. Its solution is to begin as early as preschool age, because creativity is a specific feature of a person, makes it possible not only to use a reality, but also to modify it. At preschool age, this problem can be solved through the development of children creative imagination. The creative imagination of children is a huge potential for the implementation of provisions of an integrated approach to training and education. Imagination and fantasy - this is the most important aspect of life. Learn any program without imagination is impossible. It is the highest and the need for human capacity. However, this ability requires special care in terms of development. A developing imagination particularly intense between the ages of 5 and 15 years. And if in this period specifically to develop imagination, then later there is a rapid decrease in the activity of this function. And with a decrease in the ability to dream in children impoverished person, reduced opportunities for creative thinking, extinguished interest in the arts, for creative activity. In order to develop the creative imagination in children, require special organization of graphic activity. In accordance with the requirements of the federal state educational standards of preschool education to ensure the success of the imagination of children need to create in the conditions of a kindergarten art-aesthetic psychologically comfortable educational environment, according to their age and individual characteristics and inclinations [1]. imaging process is the subject of many psychological and educational research in domestic and foreign science. Scientists have examined the psychological-pedagogical bases of development of creative imagination of children and noted how different types of children's activities affect the development of the child's creativity. Psychology of art is represented by works of Leontiev, AY Ponomarev, Rubinstein; study on the improvement of the educational process conducted YK Babanskii NF Talyzina, MM Potashnikov, VA Slastenin, VA Cherkasov. The problem of development of a child's imagination is reflected in studies of domestic psychologists and educators such as Lev Vygotsky, V. Davydov, M. Dyachenko. In "The imagination and its development in childhood" Vygotsky spoke about the creative activity as "activity that creates something new, whether it's all the same will be created by the creative activity of any thing of the external world or the famous building of the mind or the senses living is found only in the man himself. It is human creative activity makes him a being turned towards the future, to build it and modifies its present. " [3]. living is found only in the man himself. It is human creative activity makes him a being turned towards the future, to build it and modifies its present. " [3]. living is found only in the man himself. It is human creative activity makes him a being turned towards the future, to build it and modifies its present. " [3].
Imagination, like any other mental activity takes place in human ontogenesis certain path of development. OM Dyachenko has shown that children's imagination in its development is subject to the same laws, some followed by other mental processes. Just as perception, memory, attention, imagination of involuntary (passive) becomes arbitrary (active), gradually changing from direct to indirect, and the main instrument of mastering it by the child are sensory standards.
LS Vygotsky said that a preschooler's imagination is different from the adult imagination behind the apparent wealth of his hidden poverty, obscurity, schematic and stereotypical images. After all, the basis of imagination is recombination of material stored in the memory. A preschooler knowledge and understanding is not enough. Apparent wealth of imagination associated with low criticality of children's thinking. This is a disadvantage, and dignity of the child's imagination. Preschooler easily integrates different views and uncritically relates to the resulting combination, which is especially noticeable in the preschool age [4].
Particular attention should be analysis of the stages of development of the imagination. By LS Vygotsky, the child's imagination develops gradually in the process of accumulating their life experience, and all the images of the imagination activities, however bizarre they may be, are based on real life experiences. [3]
The emergence of the rudiments of imagination refers to the end of early age. In the preschool period, along with the development of involuntary imagination appears a new type of imagination - an arbitrary imagination. The emergence and further development of focused imagination at this age are psychologically associated with the emergence of new, more complex activities with a change in the content and form of the child's communication with others in the first place - with adults [4]. Somewhat later, arbitrary imagination manifests itself in activities that require advance planning (drawing, modeling, construction, labor, etc.).
LS Vygotsky notes that a powerful step in the development of imagination takes place in connection with the acquisition of speech. Imagination is made possible by voice and develop along with it.
Psychologists distinguish 3 main stages of development of imagination in children, which are disclosed in detail in OM Dyachenko:
The first stage in the development of imagination can be attributed to 2.5-3 years. At this age, there is a division in the imagination: cognitive and affective. Cognitive imagination is found in situations where a child is playing with toys via some steps and options familiar to him. Affective imagination manifested in the child playing their experiences.
The second stage in the development of imagination - the age of 4-5 years. The child focuses on the development of standards, particularly social, as well as the rules and patterns of activity. Imagination level at this age is reduced. Cognitive imagination of a child due to the rapid development in this age, role-playing games, drawing, designing. It is reproducing the character as a child seeks to follow patterns. Features of use of the image in the generation of ideas imagination of products lie in the fact that the image is built by using the action "objectification", but then already supplemented by a variety of details. By 4-5 years in the imaging process includes a specific plan, which can be called a step. The child is planning one step of their actions, executes them, and then see the result of planning the next step. Imagination becomes a special intellectual activity aimed at transforming the world. Support for the creation of an image are now not only serves as a real object, but also the views expressed in the word. It begins rapid growth of the verbal forms of the imagination, which is closely associated with the development of speech, thinking, when a child writes stories, shifters, continuing the story. Preschooler "off" in the imagination of a particular situation, he has a sense of freedom, independence from her. He seems to be rising above the situation and sees it through the eyes of not only different people, but also animals, objects. closely associated with the development of speech, thinking, when a child writes stories, shifters, continuing the story. Preschooler "off" in the imagination of a particular situation, he has a sense of freedom, independence from her. He seems to be rising above the situation and sees it through the eyes of not only different people, but also animals, objects. closely associated with the development of speech, thinking, when a child writes stories, shifters, continuing the story. Preschooler "off" in the imagination of a particular situation, he has a sense of freedom, independence from her. He seems to be rising above the situation and sees it through the eyes of not only different people, but also animals, objects.
Imagination preschooler remains largely involuntary. The subject of fantasies becomes that much excited, fascinated him, struck: read the story, seen a cartoon, a new toy.
The third stage in the development of imagination - the age of 6-7 years. In the older preschool age, when there is arbitrariness in the memorization of the reproductive imagination (reconstituted) is transformed into a creative. The growth of the arbitrariness of imagination manifested in the preschool child in skills development to create a plan and schedule to achieve it. Imagination in children of this age are already connected with thinking, it is included in the action planning process. Children's activity becomes a conscious, purposeful. At this age the child already learns the basic behavioral patterns and activities, and have the freedom to operate them. In principle, he was able to move away from the lessons standards, combine them, using building products of the imagination.
At this age, there is a new possibility to use the image in solving creative problems. A complete image begins to build method "inclusion". It also appears the first time a holistic planning: the child can start to build the action plan for their implementation, and implement it consistently, often correcting the course of implementation. imaging products are becoming more detailed and individualized.
At preschool age, the main features of the imagination are as follows:
- -voobrazhenie an arbitrary character, suggesting the creation of design, its planning and implementation;
- it becomes a special activity, turning into a fantasy;
- child masters the techniques and tools for creating images;
- imagination goes into the internal plan, eliminating the need for a visual support for creating images [2].
Thus, it should be noted that the development of methods and means of creating images causes that the images themselves are becoming more diverse, richer. Preserving the specific, for illustration, they become generalized, reflecting typical in the object. Images of the imagination of a child becoming more emotional, riddled aesthetic, cognitive feelings, personal meaning. Development of imagination - a delicate process that pervades all of the child's development. Therefore, it is important to capture the characteristics of each child.
Senior preschool age (5.5 - 7 years old) - the last of the periods of pre-school age, when the child's mind, new education. This arbitrariness of mental processes - attention, memory, perception, etc. -. And the consequent ability to control his behavior, as well as changes in the perception of ourselves, in consciousness and self-esteem.
In the senior preschool age there is an intensive development of the intellectual, moral and volitional and emotional spheres of personality. Personal development and activity is characterized by the emergence of new qualities and needs: expanding knowledge of the objects and phenomena that a child is not observed directly. Children are interested in the links between objects and phenomena. The penetration of a child in these connections determine its development in many ways.
Psychologists and educators recognize that it is in artistic activity in the game occurs in the first place the development of the imagination. It manifests itself in inventing, and then in the implementation plan. The imagination of a child is seen as a special form of activity, guided by the child to create a product (it may be a pattern composed tale, storyline, etc.).
One of the main tasks of adult - to create favorable conditions for its development of imagination in the context of different types of activity and especially in those which are essentially based on this mental process can not exist without it. So, it is in them is, and the most intense of his development (play, art activities).
Teaching children the fine art provides, along with the acquisition of visual skills development of imagination. This system includes a program of requirements for the fine skills of preschool children and methods, based on the education of their observation, the ability to see life around the variety of colors, shapes, movement. The methodology should include the use of a variety of techniques, depending on the tasks, age, and overall development of children.
Much attention in the construction of all the fine arts training system should be given to the development of a child's imagination.
"The origins of the imagination and talent of children - at their fingertips. Fingerprints, so to speak, are the finest threads - streams that feed the power of creative thought. In other words, the more skills in the children's arm, the smarter the baby "- stated V. Sukhomlinsky [19]. That is why it is so important in the preschool class graphic activity.
The visual arts include painting, applique, modeling.
Drawing is popular among children of preschool children 5 - 6.5 years. Drawing, child shows its commitment to the world around them, and in drawing to a certain extent you can determine the level of knowledge. The more developed in children perception, observation, the wider the margin of their submissions, the more fully and more accurately they reflect the reality in his work, the richer, more expressive their drawings. The graphic activity 6-year-olds are reflected such specific features of their thinking as concreteness, imagery. Child pictorial activity is closely linked not only to the individual functions (perception, memory, thinking, imagination), but also with the person as a whole. It shows interest in the child's temperament, some gender differences.
Modeling allows you to draw objects in three-dimensional space. During molding the child can pass the form of man, animals, birds, fruits, dishes, etc. Valuable properties that are used in molding materials allow to repeatedly change the shape, reaching the desired expression. It is developing the ability to transfer expressiveness of the image in the modeling is necessary to pay special attention to work with children coming to school. It is important that the child is able to mold not just a figure of a man, but a man of a certain age, the particular tale characters. He should be able to convey human movement, animals, reflecting the nature of the images and dynamic action.
All necessary quality imaging (latitude, randomness, stability, brightness, originality) do not occur spontaneously, and provided a systematic influence by adults. Influence should enrich and refine the perception and representation of the child about the world, but not be limited to "impose" his pre-made themes. The child must be helped to get acquainted with the reality, to portray it, develop the ability to handle images, create on their basis of new ones. It is important to form children's educational interests. If this work is not carried out with him, and the imagination is far behind in development. By preschool age should already appear such mental education, as an arbitrary, internal plan of action, reflection. Because of these tumors appear and a new kind of imagination - an arbitrary imagination. Increases focus, sustainability ideas, imagination images of visual, dynamic and emotionally colored. Present creative recycling ideas. The child overcomes templates.
Therefore, to develop the imagination of children of preschool age in graphic activity is recommended, since it is this activity contributes to the formation of imagination at preschool child.
Theoretical analysis of the psychological and educational literature allowed us to formulate the following definition of "creative imagination" - it is imagination, in which the man alone creates new images and ideas of value to other people or society as a whole and which are embodied in the specific activity of the original products. Imagination plays a major role in a child's life. The work of the imagination - it is one of the paths leading to the knowledge and development of children of the world, going beyond narrow personal experience. Targeted development of imagination in children first is influenced by adults who lead them freely to create images. And then the children are on their own ideas and plans for their implementation. First of all, this process occurs in collective games, productive activities, ie. E. There where the activity takes place with the use of real objects in imaginary situations. The creative nature of imagination depends on the extent to which children own way to convert impressions used in the game, and artistic activities. Tools and techniques of the imagination intensively developed during the preschool years. Children do not create new fantastic images, but just transform the already known. Effective way to transform reality complemented to handling images that are not based on the perceived momentary situation. In the senior preschool age the imagination begins to anticipate the practical activity by combining with thinking in solving cognitive tasks. Imagination, as a purposeful activity develops in the process of creating a plan, a diagram view of an imaginary image, phenomena, events. The child begins to control and determine the nature of the imagination - or recreating creative. According to the periodization of psychological development, proposed by Vygotsky, the imagination is central to psychological structures of preschool age. Imagination appears as an independent mental function at the beginning of the development of pre-school period. As they get older the child masters the different kinds of imagination and learns to use it arbitrarily. [2]. imaging process includes comparing skill identification of important properties of the object, mental extension from the object, the embodiment of words in an artistic image, the transformation of the object by different methods. In this context, the development of the imagination is the basis for the improvement of the creative abilities of the child, including the most important characteristic and prerequisite for the development of preschool children. In contrast to the creative imagination of the adult, child fantasy is not a part of the process of creation of new, socially important products of social labor, but is actively involved in the development of imaging operations, creating the prerequisites for the "adult" art in the future. Practice shows that children with imaginative retain creative approach to solving any problems, they are more likely to take a leading position in society. The senior preschool age the sensitive development of the imagination. Children in fancy master algorithm to overcome the stereotypes established framework of the real: the stronger the development of their imagination, the bolder their dreams, the more interesting ideas and results of operations. Creative imagination older preschoolers is agile images, variability of solutions given themes, individual and original approach. And always creativity of children accompanied by positive emotions, thanks to which "has a great power of attraction" for preschoolers. For the development of imagination, a great opportunity is art. Graphic activity plays an important role in the development of creative imagination of children. drawing process helps to better understand the child, gives an opportunity to get the material, revealing the peculiarities of thinking, imagination, emotional and volitional child. For the development of imagination, a great opportunity is art. Graphic activity plays an important role in the development of creative imagination of children. drawing process helps to better understand the child, gives an opportunity to get the material, revealing the peculiarities of thinking, imagination, emotional and volitional child. For the development of imagination, a great opportunity is art. Graphic activity plays an important role in the development of creative imagination of children. drawing process helps to better understand the child, gives an opportunity to get the material, revealing the peculiarities of thinking, imagination, emotional and volitional child.
The process of development of imagination should take into account the following principles of construction activities:
- to go from simple to complex;
- provide metered lack of information;
- the integration of educational areas;
- apply complex-thematic approach;
- use a ratio of known and unknown at the optimum level.
Analysis of practical work and dissertation research enabled us to identify a number of conditions conducive to the effective development of creative imagination of children:
- delivering operational diagnostics for primary information about the individual development of each child and their life experiences. Nursemaid with a willingness to design a psychologically safe learning environment, is able to diagnose the quantitative and qualitative changes in the cognitive and personal development of the child. [11, c.30];
- work with children should take the form of an integrated system and suggest pedagogical support to children enthusiasm, their needs for self-affirmation;
- creative reworking of the past experience of the child, which gives rise to new fantasies. The extensive knowledge and experience of the child, the greater and more productive will be the work of his imagination;
- full emotional communication with older children. Emotion collects impressions, thoughts and images that resonate the person's mood. Rich emotional life stimulates the imagination;
- use gaming techniques in the classroom for the development of creative imagination, as in the game emancipated children feel their native element, and this contributes to a flight of fancy, fantasy training techniques;
- the use of unconventional methods of working with children. klyaksografiya, monotype, thread painting, charcoal drawing and other information technology contribute to the development of creative imagination, draw their unpredictability and the individual results, accessibility, addictive. Non-traditional painting techniques in working with preschoolers allow the use of the variety of ways and drawing tools, contribute to the manifestation of the child personality, evoke positive emotions and instill a love for the fine arts, as well as naturally develop fine motor skills of hands;
- creating a comfortable and psychologically safe environment. The child must become an accomplice of creative activity, with the need to maintain its unique identity, personal activity, focused on success. It is necessary to ensure an environment conducive to free self-realization of every child in various activities, the development of his self-esteem. The nature of the interaction with the children and the organization of communication should be carried out in the form of a dialogue and have a confidential character [13, c.26].
In conclusion, it should be noted that a person does not own innate abilities, and abilities to their development. Thus, it is necessary to create conditions for the development of creative activity of children, to assist him in an individual and creative growth, to ensure an atmosphere of psychological comfort.
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