Модель социальной адаптации детей дошкольного возраста с ОВЗ
презентация по коррекционной педагогике
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CONTENT Introduction Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5 Unit 6 Unit 7 Conclusion
Introduction Unit 1 : legal Unit 2: psychological and diagnostic Unit 3: educational Unit 4: methodological Unit 5: subject-educational Unit 6: organizational Unit 7: socio-communicative Conclusion Literature PLAN
Introduction : The model of social adaptation totally blind preschooler in the inclusive environment Social adaptation of the child Unit 1 : legal Unit 2: psychological and diagnostic Unit 3: educational Unit 4: methodological Unit 5: subject-educational Unit 6: organizational Unit 7: socio-communicative
International level: The Convention on the rights of the child; the Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities . Federal level: The Constitution of the Russian Federation; the RF Law "On education"; the Law "On social protection of persons with disabilities"; the Law "On basic guarantees of children's rights in the Russian Federation"; the order "On approval of GEF TO"; SanPiN . Regional level: " The law on education in the RO ". Municipal level: the orders, decrees, ordinances Local acts of the OED : Charter , Contract with parents, orders, regulations, OOP, OOP, Ypres, working program. Regulatory unit
The examination of caregiver Examination of the psychologist Conversation and questioning of parents Conclusion pmpk Examination of a music Director Examination of a teacher-pathologist Examination of the instructor physical education Psycho-diagnostic unit: CHILD
Individual program of child development: Explanatory note The conditions of implementation of the program Individual educational plan The content of the programmed Planned results of work Conclusion and recommendations Educational unit
Methodological unit: Methods of organization of training and education Conventional methods Specific methods observation ; games; the work; etc . tiflografica
Subject development unit: Educational subject-spatial environment Architectural accessibility The office of a teacher-pathologist Special equipment The room of psychological unloading
Organizational unit: CHILD parents educators narrow specialists The administration of DOO
Socio-communicative unit: CHILD The joint parties and entertainment The inclusion of the subgroup in front of the class Walking Theatrical performances Tours Sporting events The involvement of the social partners on public associations Participation in competitions and festivals
Conclusion Т he inclusion in the activities of blind children has beneficial effects on compensatory adaptations.
LITERATURE The education of blind children of preschool age in the family / Scientific editor Assoc. V. A. Feoktistov . - M.: Logos, 1993. - 78 S . Deniskina V. Z. Learn to smile.– M., 2008. – 89 S. Druzhinin and L. A. Correctional work in kindergarten for children with visual impairment: a Methodological guide. - Moscow: Exam, 2006. – 124с . Psychology – textbook for gum. high schools/ under the ed itorship of V. N. Druzhinina . – SPb .: Peter, 2003. – 656 p . www.2mm.ru/malysh/zdorove-rebenka/340/slepoy-rebenok-razvite-adaptivnyh-vozmozhnostey-i-puti-socializacii
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