Сценарий английского рождества
Сценарий Английского Рождества
Выход под музыку – Rudolph the red nosed … (1)
Elf – boys and girls look at the window, it is winter! Can you see snow? White snow? ( yes/ no)… what color is it? Is snow soft? Well, I can see little snowflakes.
Little snowflakes dance (2)
Elf - And now it is real winter! Look around how many snow. I think it is time to play snowballs. (snowball game).
We danced and plaid snowballs now lets sit down and rest.
Winter is here and Christmas is coming. And what Christmas without Christmas tree? Lets go to the wood and find the Christmas tree.
But before we will go Mari will help me to read a poem.
I like winter.
I like snow.
I like Christmas
Full of joy.
Thank you Mari sit down.
Tsss, listen! Listen! Be quite and listen!
Can you hear anything? … how do you think who is it coming?...
Oh! It’s a squirrel . squirrel, squirrel can you show us the way to the Christmas tree?
Sq – yes, but before I will tell you have to play the game.
I have a bag, and I need snowballs – you need to frow snowballs in my bag. (music –up on the house top –( 3) ).
Sq – o, thank you for helping me. All of you are very quick and you worked hard so you can enter the forest and go strsit to find the Christmas tree.
Elf – thank you squirrel , kids say thank you …. To the squirrel.
Lets go my young teem and see what is waiting us on the way. (Walking, walking (4)).
Elf – stop, don’t move… listen (чуть слышно начинает играть Santa Claus is coming (5) )… what is it ? lest look who is coming? (смотрим по сторонам, в окно, из за двери появляется Санта, здоровается и танцует с детьми).
Elf – oh, kids who is it? …. What has Santa got (называем одежду и в конце носок). What is in his sock?... (дети назвают что то и подарики) … Santa lets see what is in your sock (santa достает разные предметы и смешит детей, а в конце достает книгу про лося)
Santa – oh I forgot, I brought a book for you to reed, its about my helper and brined (rudonf the red nose raindeer reading a book if you give a moos (a raindeer) a mafin) . (Elf одеваем маску и изображает что в книге).
Do you like my book? …. (Yes.) I am glad you liked it. Oh its getting cold here (wind (6)) game hide your …. I will name part of the body – you need to hide it from me or I will froze it. Lets play.
(пока санта играет ельф раскидывает снежки по комнате).
Santa – you are good players . but I want to see your Christmas tree, where is it?
Elf – santa we don’t have it yet, but we are going to get the Christmas tree. Will you come with us.
Santa – yes, of course ( looking around) Kids and Elf look around while we were playing big snowflakes fall down and blocked the way. We need to put the snowballs away so we can go. Kids help me please.
Elf – we will help you santa, my teem come here and take spoons. Santa take a bag and tand thete.. (Rudolph the red nosed … (1)
Santa – good work kids. Look there is a Christmas tree!
Elf – I will take it and put it in the middle.
Santa – it was interesting with you, I playd the games, red you a book and helped you to get Christmas tree but now I have to go.
Elf – wait Santa its not all . We have a surprise for you. Esa will read you a poem.
Marry Christmas!
The day is so dear!
The snow is so white!
The sky is so bright!
All together – Marry Christmas and a happy new year!
Santa – thank you it was a good poem. But now I have to go.
Elf – no santa you cant go!
Santa –why?
Elf – kids were good whole year, they played with you and made a surprise and it is Christmas party ! we want some presents too! Yes kids?
(Christmas presents (7)). (окружаем санту и танцуем вокруг него повторяя за ним движения, санта говорит что помнит что оставил подарки под елкой и надо их искать,потом вместе идем искать подарки и находим под большой елкой).
Санта благодарит детей усаживаем их и дарит подарки.
В завершении танцуем вокруг елки (Merry Christmas (8)).
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Сценарий Английского Рождества
Выход под музыку – Rudolph the red nosed … (1)
Elf – boys and girls look at the window, it is winter! Can you see snow? White snow? ( yes/ no)… what color is it? Is snow soft? Well, I can see little snowflakes.
Little snowflakes dance (2)
Elf - And now it is real winter! Look around how many snow. I think it is time to play snowballs. (snowball game).
We danced and plaid snowballs now lets sit down and rest.
Winter is here and Christmas is coming. And what Christmas without Christmas tree? Lets go to the wood and find the Christmas tree.
But before we will go Mari will help me to read a poem.
I like winter.
I like snow.
I like Christmas
Full of joy.
Thank you Mari sit down.
Tsss, listen! Listen! Be quite and listen!
Can you hear anything? … how do you think who is it coming?...
Oh! It’s a squirrel . squirrel, squirrel can you show us the way to the Christmas tree?
Sq – yes, but before I will tell you have to play the game.
I have a bag, and I need snowballs – you need to frow snowballs in my bag. (music –up on the house top –( 3) ).
Sq – o, thank you for helping me. All of you are very quick and you worked hard so you can enter the forest and go strsit to find the Christmas tree.
Elf – thank you squirrel , kids say thank you …. To the squirrel.
Lets go my young teem and see what is waiting us on the way. (Walking, walking (4)).
Elf – stop, don’t move… listen (чуть слышно начинает играть Santa Claus is coming (5) )… what is it ? lest look who is coming? (смотрим по сторонам, в окно, из за двери появляется Санта, здоровается и танцует с детьми).
Elf – oh, kids who is it? …. What has Santa got (называем одежду и в конце носок). What is in his sock?... (дети назвают что то и подарики) … Santa lets see what is in your sock (santa достает разные предметы и смешит детей, а в конце достает книгу про лося)
Santa – oh I forgot, I brought a book for you to reed, its about my helper and brined (rudonf the red nose raindeer reading a book if you give a moos (a raindeer) a mafin) . (Elf одеваем маску и изображает что в книге).
Do you like my book? …. (Yes.) I am glad you liked it. Oh its getting cold here (wind (6)) game hide your …. I will name part of the body – you need to hide it from me or I will froze it. Lets play.
(пока санта играет ельф раскидывает снежки по комнате).
Santa – you are good players . but I want to see your Christmas tree, where is it?
Elf – santa we don’t have it yet, but we are going to get the Christmas tree. Will you come with us.
Santa – yes, of course ( looking around) Kids and Elf look around while we were playing big snowflakes fall down and blocked the way. We need to put the snowballs away so we can go. Kids help me please.
Elf – we will help you santa, my teem come here and take spoons. Santa take a bag and tand thete.. (Rudolph the red nosed … (1)
Santa – good work kids. Look there is a Christmas tree!
Elf – I will take it and put it in the middle.
Santa – it was interesting with you, I playd the games, red you a book and helped you to get Christmas tree but now I have to go.
Elf – wait Santa its not all . We have a surprise for you. Esa will read you a poem.
Marry Christmas!
The day is so dear!
The snow is so white!
The sky is so bright!
All together – Marry Christmas and a happy new year!
Santa – thank you it was a good poem. But now I have to go.
Elf – no santa you cant go!
Santa –why?
Elf – kids were good whole year, they played with you and made a surprise and it is Christmas party ! we want some presents too! Yes kids?
(Christmas presents (7)). (окружаем санту и танцуем вокруг него повторяя за ним движения, санта говорит что помнит что оставил подарки под елкой и надо их искать,потом вместе идем искать подарки и находим под большой елкой).
Санта благодарит детей усаживаем их и дарит подарки.
В завершении танцуем вокруг елки (Merry Christmas (8)).
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