Презентация на английском языке моя любимая группа Artik&Asti
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Biography The team, which consists of a brutal young man and a pretty girl, is a good combination for promotion in the music industry. Especially when she is beautiful and talented, and he is a famous rapper with experience working with pop artists. The guys from Artik & Asti look great together, and their songs are heard not only in Ukraine and Russia. Popular genre, original performance and non-standard motifs do not leave listeners indifferent.
Band history and line-up The biography of the future popular composer, singer and producer Artem Umrikhin began in Zaporozhye in Soviet times – on December 9, 1985. His childhood was like most children of that time: Umrikhin went to school, played football and listened to music on a tape recorder in the evenings. Once a friend gave Artyom a cassette with the tracks of the "Bachelor Party", which then really "rattled". After listening to the songs of the band, the young man "fell ill" with rap: he began to compose his own short works and record them on a tape recorder.
After graduating from high school, Umrikhin and his friends created a team of "Karats", which immediately began to perform in local clubs and quickly gained popularity. After a year, the band members decided to conquer the capital of Ukraine and went to Kiev. The first collection "Platinum Music" has gained popularity in the country and the near abroad. The celebrities received an offer of cooperation from Dmitry Klimashenko , and the work continued successfully.
In 2010, the guy decided to create his own project. So began the search for a girl who would become a universal candidate for joint cooperation. The requirements were high: a bright appearance, an original voice and the ability to dance, but Artyom's ambitions were serious, the star intended to" blow up " the world of pop music . After listening to several recordings of Anna Dzyuba , Artik realized that this was just what he needed. Umrikhin asked Yuri Bardash to call the performer and offer cooperation.
Asti The future member of the duo Artik & Asti was born on June 24, 1990 and grew up on the banks of the Dnieper. Since early childhood, Anya was fond of music, but dreams of a career as a singer seemed illusory. Therefore, in order not to waste time after school, the hardworking beauty immediately began to work. Dzyuba tried her hand at makeup, worked as a lawyer's assistant, but Euterpe continued to attract Anna.
In parallel with her work, Dzyuba recorded songs and put them online with the hope that someone would hear her voice and see her talent. The wait lasted until 2010, when late in the evening, Anya received a call from a young man who introduced himself as Yuri Barnash . Even before that predestining call, Anya knew who Artik was, but she didn't believe that the popular performer was calling her to build a career together. Overcoming the fear of the unknown, the singer went to meet the dream. Initially, the history of the group began under the name Artik pres Asti, but a little later the artists decided to shorten it to Artik & Asti.
When a duet involving a guy and a girl starts a joint project, romantic relationships often arise. Fans don't care if their idols are married or not. But Artik and Asti are exceptions to the rule. The collaboration of the team is based only on teamwork and friendship. In interviews, Asti often mentions that Artem is not only a colleague, but also like an older brother.
Music In January 2012, the first joint video " Antistress " was released. High-quality and exciting music, original manner of performance, video at the proper level-it is not known why the first work did not cause a storm of delight among the audience. Despite the failure, the song gained a decent number of views, and the guys continued to work. Talented and ambitious artists in 2013 released their debut album called "# RayOdinNaDvoih ". The title track "My Last Hope", according to rotation data, gained 1.5 million views in a month.
After the release of the first disc, the band began to be invited to record and tour, Anya-Asti was recognized on the streets and asked for autographs: fame literally fell on the Ukrainian. Naturally, Artik continued to go to the goal, not stopping at the result. Umrikhin , as an experienced producer, understood that, in addition to Artik & Asti, there are still artists in the music world who produce high-quality content. The next album, titled "Here and Now", was released in 2015 and was even more liked by the listeners. The third collection "Number 1", released in 2017, finally consolidated the popularity of Artik and Asti.
One of the popular creations of the guys is the video for the song "I smell only you", shot together with the singer Glucose. After the video was published, the singer wrote on social networks that she was happy to cooperate with talented artists. Fans highlight the video for the song "Indivisible", which in August 2018 broke the mark of 30 million views. At the same time, on the YouTube channel, the duo published a video for the song "Angel", which became popular in a few days . In support of the mini-album 7 (Part 1), the band shot a video for the song "Under Hypnosis". The film was directed by Alan Badoev . Previously, the band recorded the work "Sad Dance" in collaboration with Artem Kachar . With the new track Artik & Asti "lit up" at the event "Heat in Baku-2019 ". In the same year, the team began a collaboration with " Hands up!", releasing the first joint single"I'll Fly for you". And in 2020, with the idols of the 90s, Artik and Asti recorded the song "Moscow does not believe in tears". But long-time fans of Sergei Zhukov did not appreciate the collaboration too much. The fans missed the "good old" sound.
Artik & Asti now Now the band continues to delight fans with new hits and music videos. In March 2021, the musicians added a mini-album "Millennium" to their discography, the main track of which was "Hysterical". To shoot the video Artik & Asti again entrusted Badoev . At the same time, the artists planned a grand tour. In addition to the fact that Artik and Asti decided to tour major cities in Russia, including Siberia and the Far East, fans from the Baltic States were able to purchase tickets for the autumn concerts on the band's official website.
Interesting facts The band received not only the attention of fans: Artik & Asti are the winners of the "Golden Gramophone" awards, including for the hit "Girl, Dance", and nominees for "Best Promotion" on the Russian Musicbox channel. If you look at the early photos and clips, you can find that the singer had a more curvy shape than today. With the advent of popularity, criticism of the girl's parameters also fell on Juba. Anya decided that it was worth listening to the opinions of others, and noticeably lost weight. In the group, there is a rule – do not disturb Artem in the morning. The rapper doesn't like getting up at dawn. If the agreement is broken, then all day Umrikhin will be in a bad mood.
Thanks for the attention!
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