Тест (английский язык)
методическая разработка на тему

Степанюк Екатерина Сергеевна

Тест для проверки пройденного материала по разделам 3-4 учебника Милли-4 класс.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Name __________________ Surname ________________    Class_________________

Progress Page Units 3-4

1. Odd one out. Вычеркни одно лишнее слово.

a) castle, opposite, cellar, attic, gate, tower

b) take part in a sack race, play wooden spoons, visit a website, make funny masks

c) festival, masks, fireworks, fancy dress, parade, will

2. Match English words with their translations. Найди перевод английским словам.







in front of




3. Choose the correct form. Выбери правильную форму глагола. Обведи ее.

1) There (is / are) a small gate in the castle.

2) There (is / are) two tall towers in the dark and scary castle.

3) There (was / were) a ghost in the attic.

4) There (was / were) portraits of kings, princess and princesses on the wall.

5) There (is / are) an opened door to the cellar.

6) There (is / are) windows in the tower.

4. Write the full forms for these abbreviations. Запиши полную форму для данных сокращений.

1) There’re__________________

2) I’ll_______________________

3) There’s___________________

4) She’ll_____________________

5. Read the words and make up the sentences. Прочитай и составь предложения. Запиши.

1) wooden spoons / will  / festival / Steve /  at the / play.____________________________________

2) Wendy  / Diwali /  festival / the / will /  take part in._______________________________________

3) in / attic / portraits / were / the / There.________________________________________________

4) the / castle / a dark cellar /  There / in / was.____________________________________________

5) green  / lawn / river / there is / a big  / Near / the.________________________________________

6. Translate into Russian. Переведи письменно на русский язык.

1) Wendy and Steve will take part in a sack race.__________________________________________

2) In front of the scary castle there was a dark garden._____________________________________

3) Under the stairs there’s a ghost._____________________________________________________

4) In the castle there were seven towers.________________________________________________

5) Sasha’ll light lamps at the festival.___________________________________________________

6) There’s a cellar under the castle._____________________________________________________

7) There were portraits in the attic._____________________________________________________

8) Diwali festival will be on the Trafalgar Square. _________________________________________

9) Behind the portrait there’s a door to the cellar._________________________________________

10) Between two towers there was a big gate. ___________________________________________

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