ВПР Английский язык

 Завражнова Анастасия Александровна

Предварительный просмотр:

Предварительный просмотр:

Предварительный просмотр:

Предварительный просмотр:

(7–8 предложений).

План ответа поможет вам:

• the place

• the action

• the appearance of the person

• whether you like the picture or not

• why

Start with:

“I’d like to describe picture № ... .

  1. The picture shows
  • A small boy/girl - with big green/blue/brown eyes.
  • An old/young man/woman - long/short
  • Two boys/ girls Straight/curly/wavy hair and
  1. Also, he/she is/they are wearing a school uniform, casual clothes/ a black/light T-shirt/shirt/sweater/suit and blue/green jeans/trousers/skirt.
  2. He/she is/they are playing football/ with his toys, doing his homework, reading a book, painting a picture, watching TV/having lunch/sleeping/working at…/relaxing on…
  3. He/she seems to look happy/unhappy/sad/tired/thoughtful/worried/angry/bored/excited/glad/serious
  4. As you can see he/she is/they are at home in his room/at school in the classroom/in the street/forest/swimming pool/field/park/skating rink/gym
  5. There are/is a /a lot of/some …. there.
  6. I must say I like this picture because it reminds me about my … and our happy time together/ as he/she likes … too./ because I’m fond of _ing too/because of the atmosphere which is so positive.

7Frankly speaking I don’t like this picture because this person/situation is so sad/unhappy/ I’m not fond of __ing.

  1. It is all I wanted to say.

(7–8 предложений).

План ответа поможет вам:

• the place

• the action

• the appearance of the person

• whether you like the picture or not

• why

Start with:

“I’d like to describe picture № ... .

1. The picture shows

- A small boy/girl - with big green/blue/brown eyes.

- An old/young man/woman - long/short

- Two boys/ girls Straight/curly/wavy hair and

2. Also, he/she is/they are wearing a school uniform, casual clothes/ a black/light T-shirt/shirt/sweater/suit and blue/green jeans/trousers/skirt.

3. He/she is/they are playing football/ with his toys, doing his homework, reading a book, painting a picture, watching TV/having lunch/sleeping/working at…/relaxing on…

4. He/she seems to look happy/unhappy/sad/tired/thoughtful/worried/angry/bored/excited/glad/serious

5. As you can see he/she is/they are at home in his room/at school in the classroom/in the street/forest/swimming pool/field/park/skating rink/gym

6. There are/is a /a lot of/some …. there.

7. I must say I like this picture because it reminds me about my … and our happy time together/ as he/she likes … too./ because I’m fond of _ing too/because of the atmosphere which is so positive.

7Frankly speaking I don’t like this picture because this person/situation is so sad/unhappy/ I’m not fond of __ing.

8. It is all I wanted to say.

7–8 предложений).

План ответа поможет вам:

• the place

• the action

• the appearance of the person

• whether you like the picture or not

• why

Start with:

“I’d like to describe picture № ... .

1. The picture shows

- A small boy/girl - with big green/blue/brown eyes.

- An old/young man/woman - long/short

- Two boys/ girls Straight/curly/wavy hair and

2. Also, he/she is/they are wearing a school uniform, a black/light T-shirt/shirt/sweater/suit and blue/green jeans/trousers/skirt.

3. He/she is/they are playing football/ with his toys, doing his homework, reading a book, painting a picture, watching TV/having lunch/sleeping

4. He/she seems to look happy/unhappy/sad/tired/thoughtful/worried/angry/bored/excited

5. As you can see he/she is/they are at home in his room/at school in the classroom/in the street/forest/swimming pool/field/park/skating rink


Перевод фраз


I’d like to describe picture number..

Я бы хотел описать фотографию номер..


This picture shows a man/a boy

a woman/a girl

an animal

На фотографии –мужчина /мальчик




I guess she/he is a student

a pupil

a doctor

a teacher

Я думаю, что он(она)студент





The picture was taken outside/inside

Фотография сделана на улице/ в помещении


The man is in the room

at home

in the office

in the garden

by the river

in the park

at school

at the seaside

at the supermarket

Мужчина находится в комнате


в офисе

в саду

у реки

в парке

в школе

на море

в супермаркете


Looking at this picture I get the impression that he is (глагол)_ing

Глядя на фото, у меня возникает впечатление, что он (что делает?)


The weather is fine. It is sunny and warm.(cold and rainy)

Погода хорошая. Солнечно и тепло.(холодно и дождливо)


The man is wearing 

Цвет + Shirt – рубашка, trousers – штаны, skirt – юбка, top – майка, hat –шляпа, T-shirt - футболка

Мужчина одет в …


To my mind he is about …years old

He has … eyes (blue, dark, green) and … hair (fair, dark) .

fair – светлые, dark - темные

На мой взгляд ему около …лет

У него … глаза и …волосы.


He looks happy/serious/concentrated/beautiful/handsome/festive/fascinated

Он выглядит счастливым/серьезным/сосредоточенным/красивой/красивым/торжественно/ увлеченно


I like the picture because it is full of positive emotions

Мне нравится эта фотография, потому что она полна позитивных эмоций


It makes me think of summer/music/sports/my childhood

It reminds me of my visit to… ( of my family)

Она заставляет меня подумать о лете/музыке/спорте/детстве

Она напоминает мне о моем визите в … (о моей семье)


That’s all I wanted to say.

Это все, что я хотел сказать.