Раздаточный материал
задания по английскому языку
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Teacher’s notes
Each student takes the card. Students can assume the personality (they become the person on the card) or they can play in the third person. Students can also work in pairs. In this case, two students take one card.
The aim
1. Practicing the following constructions:
to have got something
to have not got something
he/she has got something - he/she has not got something
Ex. Mary has got a balloon but she hasn’t got a ball.
I have got a pen but I haven’t got a pencil.
2. Practicing the conjunction 'but.' See examples above.
3. Practicing questions:
What have you got?
What has he/she got?
Yes/No questions
4. Practicing plurals of some nouns (if the same object is 2 or more in number): He has got kiwis but he hasn’t got oranges.
Fruit and vegetables: an apple, a banana, cherries, oranges, kiwis, a tomato, a cucumber, carrots, a cabbage, a beet, a pumpkin, a pear.
Animals: a parrot, a dog, a cat, a cow, a rabbit, a tortoise, a bear, a fish, a horse, a bird, a hen, a rooster, a goat.
Toys: a balloon, a teddy bear, a drum, a ball, a kite, a doll.
Clothes: a hat, a woolen hat, a cap, shoes, trainers, shorts, a dress, a sweater, jeans, trousers, a scarf, a T-shirt, a shirt, a tie, a suit, a jacket, boots, a raincoat, gloves, socks, a skirt.
Classroom objects: a pen, a pencil, a ruler, a schoolbag, scissors, a sharpener, an eraser, a calculator, paints, crayons.
Transport: a car, a bike, a motorbike, a plane, a ship, a boat.
Furniture: a desk, a bed, a sofa, a chair, an armchair, a bookshelf, a bookcase, a chest of drawers, a wardrobe.
Appliances: a camera, a stereo, a watch, a clock, a fridge, a mobile phone, a computer, a telephone, a TV set.
Other objects: a flower, a vase, a house, an umbrella, a guitar, a newspaper, a book.
Предварительный просмотр:
- SHE __________________ A FROG
- THEY _________________ A MONKEY
- HE _________________ A TURTLE
- I _________________ A RABBIT
- WE _________________ A BLUE BIRD
- SHE _________________ A DOG
- HE _________________ A TIGER
- THEY _________________ A DEER
- YOU _________________ A PENGUIN
- SHE _________________ AN OCTOPUS
- I _________________ A PIG
- WE _________________ A PANDA
- THEY _________________ A COW
- YOU _________________ A YELLOW BIRD
- HE _________________ A SHEEP
- WE _________________ A POLAR BEAR
- SHE _________________ A BUTTERFLY
- THEY _________________ A BEAR
- SHE _________________ A MOUSE
- HE _________________ AN ELEPHANT
- I _________________ A ZEBRA
- WE _________________ A CAT
- YOU_________________ A SNAKE
- HE _________________ A HEN
- THEY _________________ AN ALLIGATOR
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Предварительный просмотр:
A. Read the text and complete it with was / were.
Melissa and Jonathan __________ born in Glasgow, Scotland, but they now live in Edinburgh with their parents, their baby brother, Sean, and their dog, Dali. Melissa is 8 years old and Bryce is 10. Her birthday __________ two weeks ago, on April 28 and Jonathan’s __________ two months ago, on March 10.
Yesterday __________ a normal day to Melissa and Jonathan. They __________ at school from 9 to 3 o’clock. But they __________ restless. Melissa __________ unable to concentrate and her brother __________ very talkative. Their teacher __________ surprised because they __________ hardworking kids and they never disturbed the class. But they just couldn’t help it! They __________ part of the Drama Club and that __________ their big night! It __________show time! At 9 o’clock sharp, they were going to play Cinderella at the local Theatre. Melissa __________ the beautiful Cinderella and Jonathan Prince Charming. They __________ so excited. They could hardly wait!
A. Read the text and complete it with was / were.
Melissa and Jonathan were born in Glasgow, Scotland, but they now live in Edinburgh with their parents, their baby brother, Sean, and their dog, Dali. Melissa is 8 years old and Bryce is 10. Her birthday was two weeks ago, on April 28 and Jonathan’s was two months ago, on March 10.
Yesterday was a normal day to Melissa and Jonathan. They were at school from 9 to 3 o’clock. But they were restless. Melissa was unable to concentrate and her brother was very talkative. Their teacher was surprised because they were hardworking kids and they never disturbed the class. But they just couldn’t help it! They were part of the Drama Club and that was their big night! It was show time! At 9 o’clock sharp, they were going to play Cinderella at the local Theatre. Melissa was the beautiful Cinderella and Jonathan Prince Charming. They were so excited. They could hardly wait!
Предварительный просмотр:
D. Now ask questions to your partner and complete the fact file. Use the Simple Past. 1. _____________________________________________________? 2. _____________________________________________________? 3. _________________________________ when you started school? 4. _____________________________________________________? 5. ______________________________________________ last year?
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Подписи к слайдам:
Карточка 2 . Заполни пропуски: There … many animals at the Zoo. a) is b) are c) was 2 3
Карточка 3. Вставь пропущенное слово: 3 3 She has got … friends at school. a) many b) a c) one
Карточка 4. Выбери нужное слово: 4 3 There are many … on the table. a) dishes b) dish c) dishs
Карточка 5 . Найди пары антонимов: smart unlucky ugly evil cute lucky kind silly 5 3
Карточка 6 . Выбери нужное слово: 6 3 Many … are at an office. a) mans b) man c) men
Карточка 8. Столица Великобритании… a ) Рим b ) Париж с) Лондон 8 3
Карточка 9. Загадка: It has one face and two hands, it goes and yet it stands. А clock A baby A doll 9 3 Лицо, две руки, ходит, но стоит.
Карточка 10 . В какой стране живёт королева Елизавета II? a ) в США b ) в Канаде с) в Великобритании d ) в Австралии 10 3
Карточка 11. Как зовут легендарного короля, который вытащил из камня меч Эскалибур ? Арчибальд Артур Артём Артемон 11 3
Карточка 12. Какая страна не является англоговорящей? 12 3 Великобритания США Франция Канада
Карточка 1 5 . Как называется это животное? В какой стране оно обитает? 15 3 Кугуру , Австрия Кенгуру, Англия Куругуру , Австралия Кенгуру, Австралия
Карточка 16. Какой месяц завершает год? 16 3 November December January September
Карточка 1 7 . Вставь пропущенное слово: good afternoon good morning good evening good night Я утром проснулся, на маму гляжу. И ей я тихонько … скажу. 17
Карточка 18. Назови по-английски цвета радуги. 18 3
Карточка 19. Какой день недели назван в честь римского бога времени Сатурна? 19 3 Sunday Saturday Monday Wednesday
Карточка 20. Как звался кот в сказке про Алису: 20 3 Чеширский Почеширский Чесанутый Чеснатский
Карточка 22. Как звали медведя, друга Маугли : 22 3 Баду Бану Балу Баку
Карточка 23. Какая из достопримечательностей находится в Великобритании: 23 3 Колизей Стоунхендж Сфинкс
Карточка 24. Составь словосочетание по схеме: dog/friendly kind/cat pig/funny 24 3
Карточка 2 5 . Составь короткий рассказ, используй картинку и подсказки: This is … The … is … I like … 25 3
Предварительный просмотр:
Карточки по английскому языку «Еда» для 3 класса