"English for hairdresser's" - учебно-методическое пособие для 1-2 курсов СПО
учебно-методическое пособие на тему
Цель применения данноно учебного материала- обеспечить формирование основных терминов и понятий, способов и приемов практической работы, а также способствовать активизации учебно-познавательной деятельности обучающихся во время занятий.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Государственное бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение Московской области
«Раменский колледж»
зам. директора по УМР ГБПОУ МО
«Раменский колледж»
____________ Н.М.Гуреева
Рабочая тетрадь
по специальности 43.02.13 Технология парикмахерского искусства
дисциплина: Английский язык
Разработчик: Н.С. Бакашева
ПО ДИСЦИПЛИНЕ: «_Английский язык___________________________________»
Цели и задачи дисциплины – требования к результатам освоения дисциплины:
В результате освоения дисциплины обучающийся должен уметь: переводить тексты (со словарем) профессиональной направленности, самостоятельно совершенствовать устную и письменную речь, поддерживать беседу на английском языке на профессиональные темы, развить навыки аудирования, позволяющие понимать иностранных клиентов;
В результате освоения дисциплины обучающийся должен знать:
лексический и грамматический минимум необходимый для чтения и перевода со словарем текстов профессиональной тематики развить коммуникативные навыки, дающие возможность использовать профессиональную лексику в рабочих ситуациях, понимать собеседника, правильно формулировать и выражать собственное мнение и делать предложения по работе;
повысить способность применять знание английского языка на практике;
укрепить знания грамматики, освоить базовые грамматические структуры;
Цель применения данной рабочей тетради — обеспечить формирование основных терминов и понятий, способов и приёмов практической работы, а также способствовать активизации учебно-познавательной деятельности обучающихся во время занятий.
Функции рабочей тетради в учебном процессе.
Обучающая. Предполагается формирование у обучающихся необходимых знаний и умений.
Развивающая. Рабочая тетрадь способствует развитию устойчивого произвольного внимания на занятии. Благодаря рабочей тетради учебный материал легче воспринимается и лучше запоминается. Рабочая тетрадь может быть инструментом в развитии мышления через специально разработанные задания и упражнения творческого характера.
Воспитывающая. Воспитание аккуратности при работе в тетради, выполнение заданий, носящих воспитывающий характер.
Формирующая. Рабочая тетрадь формирует у учащихся навыки самоконтроля при условии систематического заполнения листов рабочей тетради.
Рационализирующая. Рациональная организация учебного времени и учебной работы учащихся.
Контролирующая. Рабочая тетрадь может быть использована для контроля
знаний и умений учащихся. При этом у педагога появляется возможность осуществлять этот контроль постоянно, на определенных этапах занятия, так как учебный материал в листах рабочей тетради разбит на блоки в соответствии с модулями (разделами) образовательной программы.
Виды и типы рабочей тетради (выбрать нужное)
Информационная рабочая тетрадь
Контролирующая рабочая тетрадь
Смешанная рабочая тетрадь
Обмен контактной информацией (телефон,e-mail).
Волосы. Части лица. Внешность.
Профессия –парикмахер.
Инструменты и оборудование, используемые в парикмахерском деле.
Массаж головы. Разные виды стрижек.
Умение быть стильным и красивым.
В процессе обучения отрабатываются следующие грамматические навыки:
Настоящее простое время(утвердительная, вопросительная, отрицательная формы).
Личные, притяжательные местоимения.
Модальные глаголы :can, may, must, need, should.
Обороты:There is/are
Повелительное наклонение.
Настоящее продолженное время.
Степени сравнения.
Исчисляемые, неисчисляемые существительные.
Учебное пособие ставит своей целью активное овладение лексикой по темам парикмахерского дела. Каждый урок имеет основной тематический текст, снабженный словарем и лексико-грамматическими упражнениями.
Зачем английский язык парикмахеру?.
На столичных электронных досках объявлений все чаще и чаще можно встретить вакансии парикмахеров, стилистов или визажистов, где от претендентов, помимо виртуозного владения основной специальностью,
требуется еще и знание английского языка. Нетрудно догадаться, что тому, кто пройдет этот барьер, посчастливится работать в хороших салонах. Так, почему бы не восстановить полу-забытые школьные знания, или начать заново знакомиться с этим иностранным языком, который откроет Вам двери в совершенно иной профессиональный мир?.
Вооружитесь новыми знаниями.
Данное пособие поможет Вам овладеть основными коммуникативными фразами, освоить терминологию парикмахера или визажиста, косметолога или администратора салона красоты и научит использовать полученные на уроках знания в процессе своей ежедневной работы.
Говорите по-английски.
Нужно ли Вам обсудить с клиентом оттенок краски для волос или уточнить его пожелания относительно стрижки и укладки, или Вам предстоит выбор и заказ у поставщика косметики для волос, знания, которые Вы получите на уроках английского, используя данное пособие, окажутся весьма кстати. Прочитать инструкцию к импортному шампуню, разобраться с пожеланиями иностранного клиента- все это гораздо легче сделать, владея английской лексикой для парикмахеров и салонов красоты.
Полезный словарь парикмахерских терминов.
Useful glossary:
Curling iron-плойка
Hot rollers-терм бигуди
Английские фразы и выражения, которые пригодятся в парикмахерской, когда Вы захотите постричь или покрасить волосы:
Some English words and phrases usually used at the hairdresser’s:
Thanks a lot for the excellent service-Спасибо,за отличное обслуживание.
I’d like a haircut, please- Я хотел бы постричься.
Do I need to book?-Я должен записаться?.
Are you able to see me now?-Я могу прийти сейчас?.
Would you like to make an appointment?-Вы хотите назначить время?
Would you like me to wash it?-Вы хотите,чтобы я помыл Вам волосы?.
What would you like to have?-Что Вы желаете?
How would you like me to cut it?-Как Вы хотите постричься?
I’ll leave it to you-На Ваш выбор
I’d like-Я бы хотела
A trim-стрижку
A new style-новый фасон
A perm-химическую завивку
A fringe-прямую челку
Some highlights-мелирование
To have my hair colored-покрасить волосы
Just a trim, please-просто стрижку
How short would you like it?-Какую длину Вы хотите?
Not too short—не слишком коротко
Could you trim my moustache, please?-Не могли бы Вы постричь мне усы?
Would you like anything on it?-Вы хотите что нибудь добавить?
A little wax-немного воска
Some gel-гель
Some hairspray-лак для волос
How much do I owe you?-Сколько с меня?
Обозначения, которые могут встретиться:
Things you might see:
At the hairdresser’s-В парикмахерской
A hairdresser-Женский мастер
A barber -мужской мастер
At the barber’s-У мужского мастера.
A beauty-parlor-Салон красоты.
Stuff-Штат сотрудников.
A customer/client-Клиент.
An administrator-Администратор.
Тема 1.
Forms of address. Greetings. Thanks. Apologies. Saying Good-bye.
Forms of address.
Формы обращения.
Если обращаются к человеку, не называя его имени или фамилии, то возможны следующие формы обращения:
Dear Sir! Уважаемый!
Dear friend! Дорогой друг!
Gentlemen! Господа!
Обращение Mister(мистер, господин), сокращенно пишется Mr и употребляется только вместе только с фамилией и должностью лица мужского пола.
Вежливой формой обращения служит также слово Sir,в случае, когда имя того, к кому обращаются, неизвестно.
Thank you, Sir! I’m at your service.-Спасибо, я к вашим услугам.
Перед именем или фамилией девушки или незамужней женщины употребляется слово Miss.
Miss Mary.
Miss Blake.
Вежливой формой обращения к девушке или молодой женщине могут быть слова: Young lady-Девушка.
Meet this young lady.Познакомьтесь с этой девушкой.
Перед фамилией замужней женщины употребляется слово Missis,сокращенно Mrs-читается как [‘misiz]-миссис, госпожа.
Mrs Johnes! Госпожа Джоунс!
В последнее время форма Ms(читается как[miz])стала употребляться при обращении как к замужней женщине, так и к девушке или молодой женщине.
Вежливой формой обращения к женщине, не называя ее фамилию, служит слово Madam,сокращенно ma’am. Thank you, Madam.
При обращении к группе мужчин и женщин употребляются слова:
Dear friends! Дорогие друзья!
Ladies and gentlemen! Дамы и господа!
Запомните следующие слова и выражения:
Some useful words and phrases to remember:
How do you do?-Здравствуйте. Ответ такой же-How do you do?
Hello! Hallo!-Здравствуй! Ответ тот же самый-Hello!
Good morning! Morning! Доброе утро!
Morning, Sir!-Доброе утро, господин!
Good morning, dear friends! Доброе утро, дорогие друзья!
Good afternoon! Добрый день!
Good day! Добрый день!
Good evening! Evening! Добрый вечер!
Good evening, Mr Brown! Nice to meet you here. Здравствуйте, г-н Браун. Рад встретить вас здесь.
Greetings when meeting guests. Useful phrases.
Приветствия при встрече гостей. Полезные фразы.
We are pleased to welcome you in our beauty-parlor-Мы рады видеть вас в нашем салоне красоты.
We are happy to receive you-Мы рады принять вас.
I hope you will get pleased with our service.-Надеюсь,вы останетесь довольны нашими услугами.
Is it your first visit to our beauty-parlor?-Вы впервые у нас?
Could you wait for a while?-Не могли бы вы немного подождать?
Will you take a sit, please-Присаживайтесь,пожалуйста.
Would you like a cup of tea or coffee? May be a glass of water?-Могу я предложить вам чашку чая или кофе? Может просто воды?
I recommend you to look through the latest new fashion journals which are on the coffee table just in front of you.-Я рекомендую вам просмотреть новейшие журналы о моде, которые находятся на столике прямо перед вами.
Here you are-Вот, пожалуйста.
You can make a reservation by phone-Вы можете записаться по телефону.
Here is a visit-card of our beauty-parlor –Вот визитка нашего салона.
Saying good-bye.
Слова при прощании.
Good-bye! Bye-До свидания.
So long!-Пока.
I’ll be glad to see you at our hairdresser’s again.-Была бы рада вновь увидеть вас в нашем салоне.
See you later!-Увидимся позже.
Thank you. Thanks.-Спасибо.
Thank you very much.-Большое спасибо.
I’m very grateful to you-Крайне благодарен вам.
Thank you for having chosen our beauty-parlor-Спасибо вам,за то,что выбрали наш салон.
Contacts exchange
Обмен контактной информацией.
What is your phone number?-Какой у вас номер телефона?
Will you give me your phone number?-Не могли бы вы назвать свой номер телефона?
Could you say your full name and the number of your telephone?-Не могли бы вы назвать свое имя и фамилию, а также номер вашего телефона?
Certainly/of course-Конечно.
Could you spell your surname, please?-Не могли бы вы назвать по буквам свою фамилию?.
Apologies. Complaints.
Извинения. Жалобы.
I’m sorry-Простите
Excuse me, for your waiting for me for a while.-Простите,за то,что заставил вас ждать.
Where is the book of complaints? I’d like to leave a message there.-Мне нужна книга жалоб. Я бы хотел оставить в ней запись.
I’d like to have a talk with the administrator.-Я бы хотела поговорить с администратором.
Remember! The customer is always right!-Запомните! Клиент всегда прав.
The service here is not up to the level.-Обслуживание здесь не на уровне.
Grammar study
Present Simple tense
Настоящее простое время.
*Настоящее простое время используется, когда говорят об обычных повторяющихся действиях, например:
I work at the hairdresser’s-Я работаю в парикмахерской.
I go to work everyday-Я хожу на работу каждый день.
We start work at 9 am.-Мы начинаем работу в 9утра.
I meet clients in the parlor-Я встречаю клиентов в салоне.
*Когда сообщают факты, например:
I’m a hairdresser-Я парикмахер.
I’m 28-Мне 28.
The hairdressing service is excellent in Europe.-Парикмахерское искусство на высоком уровне в Европе.
He is a great specialist-Он превосходный специалист.
Для указания на повторный характер действия обычно употребляются слова:
Every day/week/month/year-каждый день, неделю/месяц/год.
Наречия: often, seldom, always, never, usually обычно ставятся перед глаголом. В предложениях с глаголом to be эти наречия обычно ставятся после глагола.
He is never late for work-Он никогда не опаздывает.
* Глаголы в Простом настоящем времени в 3-ем лице единственного числа имеют окончание-s(es).
I work at the hairdresser’s We work at the hairdresser’s
You work at the hairdresser’s They work at the hairdresser’s
He, She works at the hairdresser’s
I watch TV in the evening. We watch TV in the evening.
You watch TV in the evening. They watch TV in the evening.
He, she watches TV in the evening
Упражнение 1
Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple.
1. My working day (to begin) at seven o'clock. I (to get) up, (to switch) on the radio and (to do) my morning exercises. It (to take) me fifteen minutes. At half past seven we (to have) breakfast. My father and I (to leave) home at eight o'clock. He (to take) a bus to his factory. My mother (to be) a doctor, she (to leave) home at nine o'clock. In the evening we (to gather) in the living room. We (to watch) TV and (to talk).
2. My sister (to get) up at eight o’clock. 3. She (to be) a schoolgirl. She (to go) to school in the afternoon. 4. Jane (to be) fond of sports. She (to do) her morning exercises every day. 5. For breakfast she (to have) two eggs, a sandwich and a cup of tea. 6. After breakfast she (to go) to school. 7. It (to take) him two hours to do his homework. 8. She (to speak) French well
Task 1
Answer the questions:
1.How can we greet our colleagues and what do they say in answer to our greeting?
2.How do we greet our friends and what do they say in answer to our greeting?
3.What are the forms of greeting in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening?
4.What words do we say when parting?
5.How do we react to complaints, apologies?
Choose one of the situations and act it out in groups of two:
*You are a new hairdresser in the beauty-parlor. It’s your first day of work.
Welcome the stuff. Introduce yourself to the colleagues.
*You are a hairdresser in one of the upgrade beauty-parlors of Moscow.
The problem is that you live too far from your work. So sometimes you are late.
Imagine that today a customer is sitting and waiting for you, but you are a bit late again. Meet the customer. Make apologies and have a talk with the administrator of the parlor.
*You are a new administrator. Meet the stuff. Introduce yourself.
Translate from English into Russian:
When you call someone, it is polite to identify yourself. For example, if your name is John Smith and you are calling Robert Wilson, you should say , « Hello, this is John Smith. May I speak to Robert Wilson, please?».
When you answer the phone, it is O’k to answer just «Hello». After your caller introduces himself, you should say one of the following phrases:
*Hi John, this is Robert. How are you?
* «Speaking». or «Robert Wilson speaking».
* «I’m sorry, but Robert is not able to come to the telephone right now. He’s out. Could I take a message? ».
It’s not polite to call someone before 9 am or after 10 pm unless it is an emergency.
Task 4
Translate from Russian into English:
1.Как поживаете?. Мы рады вас видеть в нашем салоне.
2.Крайне благодарен вам?.
3.Позвольте мне представиться.
4.Могу я предложить вам чашку чая или кофе?
5.Спасибо,за то, что выбрали наш салон.
6.Я бы хотела поговорить с администратором.
7.До встречи.
8.Эта визитка нашего салона.
9.Просмотрите новые журналы, пожалуйста.
10 Спасибо, за отличное обслуживание.
11 «Алло, это Питер Браун. Могу я поговорить с Робертом?»-«Простите, его нет дома. Что ему передать?».
Hair. Parts of face.Appearance.
Волосы. Части лица. Внешность.
Write down the name for each part of the face. Choose from the following words: eye, cheek, hair, lips, chin, eyebrow, teeth, nose, forehead, ear.
Some useful words and phrases to remember:
Словарный запас (Vocabulary)
Appearance – внешность
Pretty- симпатичный
Good-looking- приятной внешности
Charming- очаровательный
Beautiful- красивый
Handsome- красивый (о мужчинах)
Ugly- уродливый
Unpleasant- неприятный
Attractive- привлекательный
Волосы (Hair)
Straight – прямые
Wavy- волнистые
Curly- курчавые
Thick- густые
Thin- редкие, тонкие
Long- длинные
Shoulder length- до плеч
Black hair- чёрные волосы
Red hair- рыжие волосы
Brown hair- каштановые волосы
Blonde, fair- светлые волосы
Brunette- брюнетка, брюнет
Brown- шатен (ка)
Blond, blonde ( блондин, блондинка)
Red- рыжий, рыжая
Лицо (Face)
Round- круглое
Square- квадратное
Oval- овальное
Angular- угловатое
Wrinkles- морщинистое
Freckled- веснушчатое
Pale- бледное
Fair- светлое
Swarthy- смуглое
Глаза (Eyes)
Blue- голубые
Hazel-eyed- кареглазый
Green- зелёные
Dark- тёмные
Grey- серые
Лоб (Forehead)
Broad- широкий
High- высокий
Low- низкий
Narrow- узкий
Large- большой
Small- маленький
Нос (Nose)
Straight- прямой
Snub- курносый
Long- длинный
Pointed- заострённый
Губы (Lips)
Full- полные
Thin- тонкие
Щёки (Cheeks)
Chubby (plump) – пухлые
Hollow (sunken)- впалые
Телосложение (Build)
Slim- стройный
Skinny- худощавый
Fat- толстый
Plump- полный
Well-built- хорошо сложенный
To have a good figure- иметь хорошую фигуру
Grammar study.
Артикли в английском языке.
Артикль в английском языке – это служебная часть речи, которая служит для выражения категории определенности / неопределенности.
Определенность означает, что предмет индивидуализирован, выделен из всех остальных предметов этого вида, а неопределенность представляет собой более общую ссылку на этот тип предметов в целом.
The boy has a ball.
У мальчика есть мячик.
В указанном примере имеется в виду некий определенный, конкретный мальчик, известный читателю из контекста, а слово «мячик» имеет более общее значение и обозначает, какой тип предмета у него есть.
В английском языке есть два артикля: определенный the и неопределенный a (an). Оба они произошли от знаменательных частей речи и частично сохранили в себе свое старое значение.
Определенный артикль the произошел от указательного местоимения that, отсюда и его значение конкретности. Старое значение можно проследить в таких фразах, как: at the (that) time, of the (that) kind.
Неопределенный артикль a произошел от числительного one, значение которого четко видно во фразах: not a word, a mile’s walk, a cup or two.
Неопределенный артикль в английском языке имеет два варианта – a и an. Если существительное начинается с согласного звука, то используется форма a, если с гласного – форма an:
a hairdresser, a beauty-parlor, a message
an office, an appearance, an eyebrow.
Упражнение 1. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо:
1.This is … clock. 2. This is … Kiev. 3. … Kiev is … big city. 4. Mary is … girl. 5. She is … my sister. 6. This is … room. 7. Is … newspaper in … bag? 8. She is in … room. 9. Is … teacher in … classroom? 10. Is … your room large? 11. Is … pen in … bag? 12. Are you … students? 13. My friend has … children. 14. … sportsmen are always in good form. 15. … children we saw in … street are schoolboys. 16. She lives in … 1st street.
Task1 (Dialogues).
Read and translate the dialogues.
- Look at that slim girl with fair hair, full lips and blue eyes
- Yes, she is good-looking. I know her. She`s sister of my friend
- May be you introduce me to her
- Sure
- I want to dye my hair
- Which color would you like? Brown,red or black?
- I don`t know. Can we help me to choose?
- I think, brown is better for you
- Ok
- I think I`m too fat. I`m going to go to the sport club
- You`re not fat. You`re a little plump
- And I have a very long nose. I need a plastic surgery
- Are you crazy?
- No, I’m joking
Read and study the information about the History of hair.
A Short History of Hair
Over thousands of years some very odd things have been done to hair. Here are some of them.
It's strange to think of tough soldiers having their hair curled, but that's what the Persians did over 2000 years ago. The curls were made by twisting the hair round hot rods. Their thick beards and moustaches were curled too.
In about 1150, during the Norman period, women grew hair as long as they could. They spent hours having their hair done in plaits. They wrapped their hair in ribbons and stuffed the ends into metal cases.
In the seventeenth century men and women wore wigs. Wigs could be made from animal hair, someone else's hair or even one's own hair. By 1780, women's wigs had become enormous. They were padded out with pillows, decorated with feathers, ribbons and jewels. It took so long to have the wigs styled that they were worn for a month, and women had a scratching stick to use when they itched beneath the wig.
In the 1940s a blond film star called Veronica Lake started a craze for wearing
long hair hanging over one eye. This caused trouble in factories where thousands of women were working for the first time. Women would catch their hair in the machines.
Nowadays people prefer to have different hairstyles. They usually choose if this or that hairstyle suits them. Men and women both have long and short hair.
There are some young people who have incredible hairstyles. They are punks. Today they are part of London's tourist scene.
In American English the word punk is often used to describe someone who is immoral and worthless. In Britain the word was borrowed to describe a new group of people who first appeared in the early 1970s. They were mixture of art students, hippies and followers of fashion who rejected conventional styles of dress. They were fans of loud, fast and violent tuneless music, which tried to shock with violent lyrics, and their hair and clothing did the same.
In the days before hair gel they used everything to make their hair stiff. Sugar, toothpaste, washing-up liquid, butter, oil, glue were all used. The clothes were also "DIY" and punks spent hours tearing their jeans and jackets and creating the punk look with safety pins, studs, paper clips and everything they could find.
By 1977 punk music was at the top of the hit parade and the punk "look" was high fashion. Fashion designer Zandra Rhodes produced a collection of clothing based on the punk look, and you could have your hair done in punk styles in hairdressers all over Britain.
Today's haircuts are far more exaggerated and colourful than anything that existed during the early punk era. These haircuts have been created for American cameras, and punk rockers are one of the few youth movements to have sold themselves in this way. The original violent movement, which changed the way many people looked.
tough — грубый plait — коса | to describe — описывать fan — фанат |
1. What hairstyle did soldiers in Persia have?
2. What do you know about women's hairstyle in 1150?
3. What did men and women wear in the seventeenth century?
4. What were the wigs made from?
5. What is the hairstyle nowadays?
6. What hairstyle do you prefer? Why?
7. What do you know about punks
8. What does the word punk mean?
9. How did punks appear?
10. Why are punks part of London's tourist scene? and felt, is a thing of the past.
Task 1.Describe a person whose appearance you like. You should say
- who this person is
- what their relationship is to you
- what they look like
and say what it is about their appearance you like.
Monique: OK … I’d like to talk about my aunt … her name’s Marta and she’s quite a character … she’s middle-aged but has a very youthful appearance … she’s a little overweight I suppose but not too much … she has a friendly round face framed by thick blonde hair … she has a lovely complexion and she’s always well-turned out … she actually always looks like she’s going out for the evening to somewhere special … there’s never a hair out of place … I’ve always thought she bears a striking resemblance to someone on TV … I can’t remember the name now … she wears glasses and always seems to have a different pair on every time I see her … I like the way she looks because she wears clothes that are right for her age and manages to look glamorous without it looking like she’s too done up … yes … I’ll be happy if I look like her when I’m her age …
*Comment on the statements:
Appearance is deceptive.
Character is prosperity.
Eyes are the index of the face.
Task 2.
What do you think?
Answer the following questions:
How would you describe yourself?
What does your best friend look like?
Do people worry too much about their appearance as they get older?
Read the text.
Translate it from English into Russian.
Express your opinion on the text.
People who can't hear often learn to understand a spoken language with their eyes. They watch the mouth of the person talking and follow the movement of his lips. This is called lip-reading. Some people think the distance between your hair and your eyebrow is a sign of how intelligent you are. The bigger your forehead is, the more intelligent you are supposed to be. Nowadays, a person who doesn't like his or her nose can have it changed with plastic surgery. Plastic surgeons can change your face in many other ways too. They can make your cheeks a little rounder. If you don't like your chin, a plastic surgeon can break your jaw and remake the whole lower half of your face. If you think your skin looks too old and wrinkled, he can take: the wrinkles away and make you look twenty years younger. Women often disagree about men having beards and moustache. But some women think that hair on a man's chin makes him look more attractive. Usually, only women wear make-up. They are lucky. They can put a little black mascara on their eyelashes and some eye shadow on their eyelids, to look fresh and attractive, even when they are really tired.
…..In our life as in the painter’s palette, there exists only one color which brings the essence to life and art, it’s the color of love.
…В нашей жизни, как и в палитре художника существует только один цвет, который придает смысл жизни и искусству, и это цвет любви.
М. Шагал
Some useful words and phrases to remember:
Слова и выражения на запоминание:
Amber - Янтарный
Aqua - Морская волна
Aquamarine - Аквамарин
Azure - Лазурный
Beige - Бежевый
Black - Чёрный
Blue - Голубой
Bronze - Бронзовый
Brown - Коричневый
Chocolate - Шоколадный
Copper - Медный
Crimson - Малиновый
Emerald - Изумрудный
Gold, Golden - Золотой
Green - Зеленый
Grey, Gray - Серый
Indigo - Индиго
Khaki - Хаки
Lemon - Лимонный
Light green - Салатовый
Lilac - Сиреневый
Mazarine - Темно-синий
Olive - Оливковый
Orange - Оранжевый
Peach - Персиковый
Pink - Розовый
Purple, Magenta - Пурпурный
Red - Красный
Sand - Песочный
Scarlet - Алый
Sienna - Охра
Silver, Silvery - Серебряный
Snow-white - Белоснежный
Turquoise - Бирюзовый
Violet, Purple - Фиолетовый
White - Белый
Yellow – Желтый
Grammar study
Personal and Possessive pronounces.
Личные и притяжательные местоимения.
Личные местоимения в английском языке. В английском языке различают следующие личные местоимения:
Как правило, личные местоимения нам необходимы для обозначения лиц или предметов в зависимости от их отношения к говорящему. Так,
местоимение I используется для обозначения самого говорящего; we – для обозначения других лиц вместе с самим говорящим; they – еще кого-либо, кроме говорящего и его собеседников.
Английские личные местоимения могут видоизменяться в зависимости от лица, падежа (различают только именительный и объектный падежи), числа, рода (только местоимения в третьем лице единственном числе указывают на род говорящего).
Притяжательные местоимения в английском языке:
Притяжательные местоимения используются в тех случаях, когда нужно указать на принадлежность предмета какому-либо лицу. Они различаются по числам и лицам, и всегда стоят перед существительным в качестве
определения, с ними не употребляется артикль.
Read and translate the text.
Express your opinion on it.
Colours and their Associations.
In all cultures, different colours have different associations. They have symbolism and colour meanings. People respond to colours in different ways. The colour produces a certain physiological (connected with mind and body) and psychological (connected with history, culture and education) effect on a person. People's reactions to colours are instinctive and subconscious and certain colours are tied with certain notions (for example, pink is considered to be a romantic colour). Cool colours such as blue, green, white, grey, and silver tend to have a calming effect. On the one hand they are cold and impersonal. On the other hand the cool colours are comforting and nurturing. Blue has a calming effect and it can help you sleep. That is why blue is a good colour for bedrooms. However,
scientists say that too much blue could dampen spirits. That is why the expressions 'to feel blue' or 'to get the blues' mean 'to feel sad, unhappy, depressed'. In many cultures blue is significant in religious beliefs, brings peace, or is believed to keep the bad spirits away. Blue, especially darker blue, is associated with intelligence, stability, unity, and conservatism. Navy blue is a common colour for uniforms such as those worn by sailors and the police. In Iran, blue is the colour of mourning while in the West the bride traditionally wears something blue to bring her luck. A deep royal blue or azure conveys richness and a touch of superiority.
Green is associated with life, spring, growth, renewal, health, and environment. At the same time green means jealousy or envy and inexperience. Green is known to calm the nerves and soothe emotions. It is the national colour of Ireland. Coupled with red green is a Christmas colour.
Grey is a neutral, balanced and conservative colour. Grey seldom evokes strong emotion although some people find it cloudy or moody. In the US and UK, grey is connected with being dull and boring. Like black, grey is used as a colour of mourning as well as a colour of formality.
White is purity, cleanliness, and virginity. In most Western countries women wear long white dresses when they get married. It is a brilliant colour that can cause headaches and that can be blinding. In the East, it's the colour of mourning and funerals. Some cultures considered white to be the colour of royalty or of deities.
Silver is cool like grey but livelier and more playful. It often symbolizes riches, just as gold does. Silver can be glamorous and distinguished. The colour silver can be earthy, natural or sleek and elegant.
Warm colours fill us with joy and energy. Red, yellow, or orange can create excitement or even anger. Warm colours convey emotions from optimism to violence. In nature, warm colours represent change as in the changing of the seasons, the sunrise or the sunset.
Red is a hot and strong colour that evokes various emotions from passionate love to strong violence. Red is the colour of both Cupid and the devil. Red heart shapes and red roses represent romantic love. Studies show that red raises blood pressure. Red is often associated with power, that is why it is traditional to welcome a king, queen, president, celebrities and VIPs to a place by having a red
carpet for them to walk on. Flashing red lights denote danger or emergency. In some cultures, red symbolizes purity, joy, and celebration. Red is the colour of happiness and prosperity in China. Red is often worn by brides in the East while it is the colour of mourning in South Africa.
Pink is a softer red. In some cultures, such as the US and the UK, pink is the colour that is worn by women and girls. It represents 'sugar and spice and everything nice'. Most people consider pink to be a feminine, delicate colour.
Yellow is associated with sunshine. On the one hand it symbolizes happiness, cheerfulness and joy. On the other hand yellow is the colour of cowardice and deceit. If someone is 'yellow' it means he is a coward. Yellow was the colour of mourning in Egypt and actors of the Middle Ages wore yellow to signify the dead. Yet yellow has also represented courage (in Japan), merchants (in India), and peace.
Gold is the colour of riches and extravagance. As gold is a precious metal, the colour gold is associated with wealth and prosperity. In ancient Egypt, gold was the colour of the Sun god and the symbol of power.
Orange is vibrant. It denotes energy, warmth, and the sun. Orange can be found in nature in the changing leaves of autumn, the setting sun, and citrus fruit. Orange brings up images of autumn leaves, pumpkins, and Halloween. It is a colour of change between the heat of summer and the cool of winter.
Black is conservative, serious and conventional. It can also be mysterious and sophisticated. It is typically worn at funerals to show sadness and respect in most Western countries. Black is associated with death and evil (black magic). Black, especially combined with orange is the colour of Halloween. Black clothes are often worn to social occasions in the evening.
Brown is a natural, down-to-earth colour. It is found in nature: in earth, wood, and stone. Brown symbolizes wholesomeness and earthiness. It also represents steadfastness, simplicity, friendliness, dependability, and health.
It is difficult to imagine the world without colours. They surround us everywhere and constitute an important part of our lives. Colours help people communicate non-verbally. Besides, colours make our lives brighter and influence our emotions.
Life without colours would be dull and uninteresting.
1. Read the following sentences and circle TRUE or FALSE:
1) Cool colours tend to have a calming effect T|F|
2) Too much blue makes you feel happier. T|F|
3) Green is the national colour of Scotland. T|F|
4) Yellow is a colour of formality. T|F|
5) In the East, white is the colour of mourning and funerals. T|F|
6) Warm colours convey emotions from optimism to violence. T|F|
7) Red is the colour of impatience and aggression in China. T|F|
8) Pink represents 'sugar and spice and everything nice'. T|F|
9) Orange is associated with death and evil. T|F|
10) Brown symbolizes wholesomeness and earthiness. T|F|
2. Complete each sentence (A-J) with one of the endings (1-10):
A. In many cultures blue is significant in religious beliefs, brings peace, or is believed to
B. A deep royal blue or azure conveys
C. Green is associated with
D. In the US and UK, grey is connected with
E. Some cultures considered white to be the colour of
F. In nature, warm colours represent
G. Red is often associated with power, that is why it is traditional to
H. Most people consider pink to be
I. Black is typically worn at funerals to
J. Brown also represents
1. royalty or of deities.
2. welcome a king, queen, president, celebrities and VIPs to a place by having a red carpet for them to walk on.
3. show sadness and respect in most Western countries.
4. richness and a touch of superiority.
5. change as in the changing of the seasons, the sunrise or the sunset.
6. steadfastness, simplicity, friendliness, dependability, and health.
7. life, spring, growth, renewal, health, and environment.
8. keep the bad spirits away.
9. being dull and boring.
10. a feminine, delicate colour.
3. Read some expressions containing different colours. Match them with their meanings. Give your own examples
1. blue collar 2. true-blue 3. blue blood 4. bluestocking 5. to feel blue 6. green card 7. green light 8. green fingers (green thumb) 9. green-eyed monster 10. to look green around the gills 11. grey matter 12. grey area 13. white elephant 14. white flag 15. white collar 16. silver-tongued 17. silver screen 18. to see red 19. red alert 20. red carpet 21. red herring 22. pink collar 23. goldbrick 24. black-tie 25. blackmail 26. brown goods
A. completely loyal and faithful;
B. natural skill in making plants grow well;
C. able to give fine persuading speeches, eloquent;
D. a worker who does hard or dirty work with his hands;
E. to feel sad or depressed;
F. brain power, the power of thought;
G. jealousy;
H. parties and other social occasions at which people wear evening dress;
I. something that is big and valuable but useless or unwanted;
J. a document necessary in order to work legally in the US;
K. a person who works in offices or at professional jobs;
L. the film industry;
M. a situation of sudden great danger;
N. female office worker;
O. a worthless thing that appears to be valuable;
P. the quality of being a nobleman or noblewoman by birth;
Q. to look pale, sick;
R. a special ceremonial welcome to an important guest;
S. a sign that one accepts defeat;
T. electrical goods bought to provide entertainment, such as TVs, home
computers etc.
U. a situation or subject that is difficult to deal with because it is not clear;
V. a woman who is thought to be too highly educated;
W. to be angry;
X. a fact or subject which is introduced to draw people's attention away from the main point;
Y. the practice of obtaining money by threatening to make known unpleasant facts about a person;
Z. permission to begin an action;
4. Read and translate the proverbs and sayings containing colours. Explain their meaning
• The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.
• All cats are grey in the dark.
• Every cloud has a silver lining.
• The devil is not as black as he is painted.
• True blue will never stain.
• There is a black sheep in every flock.
• The kettle calls the pot black.
• Neither fish nor good red herring.
5. Answer the questions
1) What can you say about cool/warm colours?
2) Why is blue good for bedrooms?
3) Green has conflicting meanings, doesn't it? What can you say about this colour?
4) What do many people think of grey colour?
5) What does white symbolize?
6) What does silver convey?
7) What emotions does red usually evoke?
8) What is red associated with in different cultures?
9) Why is gold associated with wealth and prosperity?
10) What images does orange bring up?
11) What is your favourite colour? Why do you like it?
12) Why are colours important in our lives?
6. Read and translate the quotations below. Choose any statement and comment on it
• 'Man needs colour to live; it's just as necessary an element as fire and water.' (Fernand Leger)
• 'The purest and most thoughtful minds are those which love colour the most.' (John Ruskin)
• 'There are no lines in nature, only areas of colour, one against another.' (Eduard Manet)
• 'With the brush we merely tint, while the imagination alone produces colour.' (Theodore Gericault)
• T cannot pretend to be impartial about the colours. I rejoice with the brilliant ones, and am genuinely sorry for the poor browns.' (Winston Churchill)
Points for discussion. Prepare a short speech on one of the following topics.
1) The language of colours.
2) The importance of colours in people's lives.
3) Colours and their effect on people's psychology.
4) Colours and fashion.
5) Colour personality tests.
A. What do you associate these colours with?
black blue green brown yellow red pink orange grey white
(sadness, life, envy, virginity, power, optimism, warmth, elegance, depression, peace, unhappiness, violence, stability, danger, inexperience, mourning, conservatism, renewal, mystery, jealousy, coolness, boredom, purity, love, joy, deceit, happiness, earthiness, energy, excitement, cowardice, steadfastness, romance, formality, delicacy, simplicity, anger, friendliness, heat, cheerfulness)
*Say, what you have learnt about colors and their meanings.
The profession of a hairdresser.
Hairdressing-Past and present.
Профессия -парикмахер.
Из истории парикмахерского искусства.
Study the difference between a barber and a hairdresser.
Learn new information about this profession.
Find your hairdo among those which are given on bottom of the page.
Barber of hairdresser?
Прежде всего, давайте уясним разницу между словами barber и hairdresser, barbershop и hair salon. Дело в том, что barber – это только мужской парикмахер, соответственно barbershop – это мужской салон – только для мужчин, а hairdresser / hairstylist может быть как мужским, так и женским парикмахером, поэтому hair salon или hairdresser’s – это салон, куда ходят как мужчины, так и женщины.
Что мы говорим, когда приходим в салон?
Это зависит от того, что нам нужно:
Запомним фразу I would like (I’d like) to have … – Я хотел бы сделать
- a cut – стрижку
- a wash and a cut – помыть волосы и постричь
- wash, cut and dry – помыть волосы, постричь и высушить
- a trim – немного постричь (дюйм или два)
- a perm (permanent) – химическую завивку
Запомним еще одну альтернативную конструкцию: I would like (I’d like) to get my hair … — Я хотел бы, чтобы вы мне волосы…
- cut – постригли
- coloured – покрасили
- bleached – обесцветили
- dyed — покрасили
- permed – сделали перманент
- streaked – мелировали
- styled – уложили волосы
- straightened – вытянули
- curled – завили
- layered – постригли так, чтобы было несколько ярусов длины
- cut ends – подрезали концы
Прическа — hairstyle
- updo – эта такая прическа, когда волосы подняты наверх, высокая прическа как у невесты, чтобы на нее закрепить фату.
- braids – косички, их может быть несколько или одна.
- pigtail – два хвоста волос, поднятых высоко
- ponytail – один хвост на затылке
- dreads – дреды
- shaved – под ноль, налысо
- bun – прическа «пучок» — волосы, зачесанные высоко и закрепленные в виде пучка.
- riglets — локоны
- hair extensions – накладные волосы для удлинения
- bangs — челка
- part – пробор
- cornrows — «корнроуз» — прическа из мелких косичек
Problems with hair.
Проблемы с волосами.
Иногда мы идем в салон, когда у нас проблемы с волосами. Вот фразы, которые вы, возможно, скажете :
- I have dandruff – у меня перхоть
- My hair is oily – мои волосы жирные
- I have split ends – у меня концы секутся
- My hair is dry – у меня сухие волосы
- My hair is flat – тонкие волосы без объема
What product would you recommend… – что вы посоветуете…
- for dandruff – от перхоти
- for oily hair – для жирных волос
Some useful words and phrases for making dialogues on the topic «At the hairdresser’s».
Полезные слова и выражения для составления диалогов по теме «У женского парикмахера».
How much is a cut and blow dry, please? – Сколько стоит подстричься и высушить волосы?
- … узнать, могут ли вас записать на прием (встречу и т.п.) на какое-нибудь утреннее время:
Could you fit me in tomorrow morning? – Не могли бы вы меня записать на какое-нибудь время завтра утром?
- … попросить парикмахера только подровнять вам волосы:
Just a trim, please. – Просто подровнять.
- … убрать побольше волос с затылка:
Could you take a bit more off the back, please. – Снимите немного побольше (волос) сзади (с затылка), пожалуйста.
- … оставить сдачу парикмахеру в качестве благодарности:
Keep the change. – Сдачу оставьте.
Read and translate the dialogues.
Act them out in pairs.
«At the hairdresser»
Mary Brown is a pretty young woman. She takes pains to look beautiful. Two weeks have passed since Mary went to the hairdresser’s. Now she decided to change her style altogether. She made an appointment with her hairdresser, but she is a bit late.
M: Good morning! I am afraid, I am a bit late.
H: Good morning. Don’t worry, I have a vacancy now. Is it a long time since you had your hair died? Do you want it died black?
M: I’d like a haircut first. Please, cut my hair short.
H: Are you sure? Your hair is beautiful. Let’s have it trimmed.
M: Oh, no. I am sick and tired of long hair. Cut it short, please and then die it blond.
H: Shall I give you a shampoo?
M: Yes, please. I like herbal shampoo.
H: Your hair is dry. Honey shampoo would be better.
M: Fine. Let it be honey. What type of dye do you have?
H: I’ve got a very good French dye. It has only been on sale for a month.
M: It won’t take long, will it?
H: It will take about an hour. Are you in a great hurry?
M: Unfortunately I am. My husband will be waiting for me near our favorite restaurant in an hour and a half. Today is our wedding anniversary.
H: Congratulations! Then you’d better have your hair dried with a fan.
M: All right. ,You may set it as well… Is there anybody in the beauty parlor now?
H: I’ll try to find out. What would you like?
M: I’d like a massage and a good make up.
H: Just a moment… They can take care of you in fifteen minutes.
M: I’m lucky. I am sure I’ll be in time.
«At the barber’s».
Barber: What will it be?
Customer: Hair cut, shampoo and shave.
B: How do you want your hair cut? Short?
C: No, not too short.
B: I’ll just trim it at the back and sides.
C: But don’t touch it on top.
B: All right. You have lots of dandruff. You should try massaging your
scalp. It helps sometimes.
C: A shampoo also helps, for a time, anyway.
B: How do you comb your hair? Back or with a parting?
C:In a different way.
B:I advise you to try a new stylish hairdo. It will suit you well.
These dialogues are given with the translation.
Learn the new words and phrases from them.
Reproduce one or two dialogues in pairs.
Здравствуйте, я бы хотел постричься. Это возможно сейчас?
– Мастер освободится минут через 15, вы подождете?
– Да, конечно.
– Тогда присаживайтесь здесь.
– А сколько стоит стрижка?
– Мужская стрижка стоит 700 рублей.
– Hello, I’d like a cut. Is it possible to do it now?
– The hairdresser will be free in 15 minutes, will you wait?
– Yes, of course.
– Then take a seat here.
– And how much does a haircut cost?
– A men’s haircut costs 700 rubles.
– Добрый день. Что мы будем делать?
– Я бы хотела чуть-чуть подровнять волосы и обрезать секущиеся кончики.
– Сколько обрезать?
– Сантиметра 3-4, не больше.
– Вы хотите укладку?
– Да, думаю да. Вы могли бы придать моим волосам немного объема?
– Good afternoon, what can we do for you?
– I would like to trim my hair, and cut off the split ends.
– How much do you want cut off?
– 3 or 4 centimeters, no more.
– Do you want to give it some shape?
– Yes, I think so. Could you give it a bit of volume?
– Как вы хотите постричься?
– Сделайте, пожалуйста, с боков покороче, а сверху чуть-чуть подровняйте.
– Хорошо. Пройдемте, помоем голову.
– How would you like it cut?
– Do it shorter at the sides and a little trim on top, please.
– Ok. Come, let’s wash your hair.
– Что вы хотите сделать?
– Я хочу покрасить волосы, а то корни уже отросли. Сколько это будет стоить?
– Краска наша или у вас своя?
– Ваша.
– Покраска волос стоит 1500 рублей.
– What do you want to do?
– I want to dye my hair, the roots are already showing. How much would that cost?
– With our dye, or do you have your own?
– Yours.
– A dye costs 1500 roubles.
– Добрый день, я бы хотела постричь челку, а мой парень – побриться налысо.
– Хорошо. Пройдемте.
– Good afternoon, I would like my fringe cut, and my boyfrind would like a close shave.
– Great. Come here.
– Я хочу сделать вечернюю прическу.
– Вы уже знаете какую?
– Да, у меня с собой фото из журнала.
– Покажите… Думаю, мы сможем это сделать.
– А сколько это займет по времени?
– Около часа.
– Отлично. Давайте, начнем?
– I want an evening hairstyle.
– Do you already know what kind?
– Yes, I have a photo from a magazine with me.
– Show me….. I think we can do that.
– And how long will it take?
– Around an hour.
– Great. Shall we start?
– Здравствуйте, скажите, сколько стоит женская стрижка с укладкой?
– Какой длины волосы?
– Ниже плеч.
– Такая стрижка будет стоить 500 рублей, укладка феном – 200 рублей.
– Hello, tell me, how much does a ladies cut and dye cost?
– For what length of hair?
– Below the shoulder.
– A haircut like that would cost 500 roubles, the blow dry is 200 roubles.
– Вы хотите вымыть голову?
– Да. Помыть и высушить феном.
– Скажите, какой пробор вы обычно носите?
– Обычно я убираю волосы в хвост, но если они распущены, то посередине.
– Do you want a hair wash?
– Yes, a wash and blow-dry.
– Tell me, how do you usually wear your parting?
– Normally I put it up in a ponytail, but if it’s loose, in the centre.
Bad hair or bad mood?
Read the article about the problems people meet with in a daily life and the ways they can be solved.
Share your opinion on a number of these problems.
What do you think of your hair?
In a world where we have more in common with each other, than we do with any other animal on Earth, why is it so easy to feel alone? I am no different, and sometimes when I feel isolated, I search for comfort in other peoples’ problems. I begin by typing my issue into the Google search bar, and I always discover that, no matter how unique I think my struggles are, there are many others out there dealing with the same things.
Personal problems are a guarantee in life, and so are hair problems! We all have bad hair days, and I can promise you that for every time you’ve cursed your hair, thrown your brush, or allowed a flopped style to ruin your day, there are many others out there who are experiencing the same things. Here are some Universal Hair Gripes that I hear from lots of people, and the reasons behind them. Read them and share them with others, so that the next time you feel like you have the worst hair in the world, you can relax and remember, that You Are Not Alone!
“My Hair Has No Volume!” : This is a common complaint that is often the result of a bad haircut and improper styling technique. To maximize the potential for volume in your hair, you need a cut that pays attention to your head shape,
growth pattern, density, and natural texture. It’s also important to use the right styling products. Volume doesn’t just happen, that’s why you have to”build” it into your style.
“My hair has one side that goes under, and one side that flips out!” : This is true for everyone, and the reason is that hair grows in a circle around the head. It starts at its’ point of origin, know as the “swirl”. You may have overlooked how important the “swirl” is to your style, by mistaking it for an annoying cowlick on the crown of your head. This powerful spiral is responsible for determining where your natural part falls, the direction you need to build volume, and the way you position your styling brush when you are trying to get your hair to look symmetrical. It’s also the most important thing that, as a hairstylist, I have to take into account, when cutting, coloring, and styling your hair.
“I lose so much hair in the shower, I must be going bald!” : You need to know that, on average, a person loses 150 to 200+ hairs, DAILY! Hair grows in a cycle that includes 3 phases. It is constantly growing, resting, or falling out, and additional factors like stress, hormone changes, and illness, can cause the cycles to start earlier, or be delayed. If you are nervous that you really are losing your hair, then talk to your Doctor about your concerns first, then consult with your Stylist. There are many amazing product lines out there for thinning hair, and they do work!
“My Hair Won’t Get Long!” : Hair has a “desired length”, and it’s different for everyone. It’s determined by how long your individual hairs stay in their resting phase before falling out, and being replaced by new hairs. If you are wondering where your hair’s “desired length” is, it’s most likely the spot where the hair starts to look thinner and less dense. I strongly recommend accepting the reality of your hair’s desired length and adopting a style that works with it, otherwise you may have sparse looking ends that no haircut will be able to hide.
“My Hair Is Curly And Straight! Why can’t it just be the same all over?!” : Welcome to the Mixed Textures Club! There are many members because it’s unusual for someone to have perfectly straight hair, just as it is rare for someone to have a perfectly uniform curl pattern. Styling can help this issue, but it’s not going to fix itself! The best advice I can give you is to accept it, make the most of what you have, and find a style that works with your texture. If you want your hair to look perfect all the time, you may need to invest in a wig.
Grammar study
Modals in English.
Модальные глаголы в английском языке.
В своей речи мы не только отражаем, что происходит вокруг, передаем действие, но и высказываем свое мнение, строим предположения, прогнозируем вероятные или маловероятные поступки. Чтобы каждый из нас мог самовыразиться, как-то повлиять на события разговаривая на английском, обязательно стоит усвоить особенности Modal verbs.
Отличие этих частей речи в том, что они не описывают действие и не отвечают на вопрос «что делать?». Их назначение — показать отношение к глаголу-сказуемому.
К модальным глаголам относят:
- can
- may/might
- must
- need
- to be to
- have to
- ought to
- shall
- will
- should
- would.
Модальный глагол и
его эквивалент | Выражает | Перевод | Present | Past | Future |
can | физическую или умственную способность | могу, умею, способен | can am/ is/ are able to | could was/were able to | -shall/ will be able to |
may | разрешение, просьба | разрешите, можно | may | might | -shall/ will be allowed to |
must | должен, необходимость выполнить что-либо | должен, обязан | must | - | - |
have to | необходимость выполнения действия из-за обстоятельств | вынужден, приходится | has/ have to | had to | shall/ will have to |
to be to | необходимость выполнения из-за заранее запланированного, по договоренности | должен, обязан | am/ is/ are to | was/ were to | - |
shall | желание получить распоряжение, угроза, предостережение | должен | - | - | shall (Shall he wait? — Ему подождать?) |
should | рекомендации по совершению действия, совет | должен, следует, рекомендуется | should | - | - |
will | оттенок желания, намерения, согласия, настойчивости | охотно, пожалуйста, будьте добры | - | - | will |
would | оттенок намерения, просьбы, повторности действия в прошлом | охотно, пожалуйста, будьте добры, бывало | |||
ought | моральный долг, совет (+ not + perfect inf. — упрек, порицание) | следует, следовало бы, должно быть по-видимому | ought to | - | - |
need | необходимость совершения действия | нужно, надо | need | ||
dare | возмущение | осмелюсь, сметь что-либо делать | dare | dared |
Fill in the gaps with appropriate modals
- Peter … come to our party, but we aren’t sure.
- Everyone … pay the fees at fixed time.
- … we buy tickets for the journey? You are too busy, as we … see.
- You … clean your desk more regularly.
- If it snows on Monday, we … go skiing.
- … you speak Spanish? No, I … .
- They … not be so nervous. I think it … be really easy.
- Tom … not play the violin when he was six. But now he is playing it very well.
- Passengers … wear the seatbelts at all times.
- You … smoke or drink near children.
Read and translate the joke about this profession.
Did you get the meaning of it?
Do you know any other funny stories about hairdressers and their customers?.
The Hairdresser" joke.
A woman was at her hairdresser's getting her hair styled for a trip to Rome with her husband. She mentioned the trip to the hairdresser, who responded:
"Rome? Why would anyone want to go there? It's crowded and
dirty. You're crazy to go to Rome. So, how are you getting there?"
"We're taking Continental," was the reply. "We got a great rate!"
"Continental?" exclaimed the hairdresser. "That's a terrible airline. Their planes are old, their flight attendants are ugly, and they're always late. So, where are you staying in Rome?"
"We'll be at this exclusive little place over on Rome's Tiber River called ester." "Don't go any further. I know that place. Everybody thinks it's gonna be something special and exclusive, but it's really a dump, the worst hotel in the city! The rooms are small, the service is surly, and they're overpriced. So, whatcha' doing when you get there?"
"We're going to go to see the Vatican and we hope to see the Pope." "That's rich," laughed the hairdresser. "You and a million other people trying to see him. He'll look the size of an ant. Boy, good luck on this lousy trip of yours. You're going to need it."
A month later, the woman again came in for a hairdo. The hairdresser asked her about her trip to Rome. "It was wonderful," explained the woman, "not only were we on time in one of Continental's brand new planes, but it was overbooked and they bumped us up to first class. The food and wine were wonderful, and I had a handsome 28-year-old steward who waited on me hand and foot. And the hotel was great! They'd just finished a $5 million remodeling job and now it's a jewel, the finest hotel in the city. They, too, were overbooked, so they apologized and gave us their owner's suite at no extra charge!"
"Well," muttered the hairdresser, "that's all well and good, but I know you didn't get to see the Pope."
"Actually, we were quite lucky, because as we toured the Vatican, a Swiss Guard tapped me on the shoulder, and explained that the Pope likes to meet some of the visitors, and if I'd be so kind as to step into his private room and wait, the Pope would personally greet me. Sure enough, five minutes later, the Pope walked through the door and shook my hand, I knelt down and he spoke a few words to me." "Oh,really! What'd he say?"
He said, "Where'd you get the shitty hairdo?"
Read the article about the profession of a hairdresser, it’s advantages and disadvantages, the requirements to modern hairdressers.
Fashion as well as a hairstyle, is just one of the most popular trends among young people today. They are always on the lookout for a certain hairstyle that will add more drama to their features. Because of this a lot of young men and women are now considering the profession of a hairdresser. It may sound simple but if you love fashion and styles then this profession will suit you best.
Getting interested? Get all the important details regarding this profession below.
What is a hairdresser?
Hairdressers are people who are skilled and trained to cut, style, add up hair color, straighten and even do some permanent wave treatment on the hair with chemical solutions, as well as give customers hair and scalp treatments.
Duties of a hairdresser:
A hairdresser is responsible for assisting the senior hairdresser with customer preparation, shampooing, applications, as well as a removal of simple hairdre-ssing chemical treatments, and even sterilization as well as maintenance of the equipment used in spa or in the salon.
A hairdresser is responsible for performing salon tasks such as bleaching, conditioning, permanent waving, straightening, as well as tinting dry and style hair using different kinds of brushes, combs, straightening irons and other equipment typically used for setting the hair.
A hairdresser is also required to attend seminars and other workshops offered for hairdressers so as to help them refresh their knowledge.
Work condition of a hairdresser:
A hairdresser is responsible for performing several of the receptionist’s duties such as answering the phone and taking appointments.
He or she should also clean the salon, work areas as well as the equipment after it has been used by customers.
Work condition of a hairdresser:
A hairdresser is usually employed for several months in salons or spa. He or she normally has shifting working hours depending on the business hours of the salon or spa.
A hairdresser normally spends his working hours on his feet and talking with clients so he should always be well-dressed and well-mannered.
Educational requirements of a hairdresser:
Here are some general requirements for those who are interested in applying for this profession:
First, he or she must have a license in order to apply for work in a high-level salon or spa.
Second, he or she must have a proper training of hairstyling and even some basics of cosmetology from an accredited academy. He or she must have eligibility from the State Board Exam which is offered by the state. He or she must pass this exam both orally and written.
Occupation and progress of a hairdresser:
Most hairdressers work in salons or accept home service. The success and popularity of this profession is still growing especially in the metropolitan where fashion is always changing.
The key to success, no matter how simple or complex your profession will be is to work hard. Taking into account all these recommendations will surely help you get the position you are dreaming of.
*Comment on the statement:
«Opportunity rarely knocks on your door, Knock rather on the opportunities’ door if you wish to enter».
Read the dialogue with your partner a few times. Take turns being each character. Practice your intonation and pronunciation. Write down any new words and phrases.
Hairdresser: What can I do for you today?
Customer: I’d like a cut and color, please.
Hairdresser: O’K. Do you just want a trim, or are you looking for a new style?
Customer: Well, my bangs could use a trim, and I have a lot of split ends. I’d like some layers, too.
Hairdresser: Sure. Now, what about your color? Do you want highlights, a full color, or are you just going to touch up your roots?
Customer: I’d like some highlights and lowlights.
Hairdresser: Great. Why don’t you look through the magazines while I get your colors mixed?
Customer: Thanks a lot. Please, keep in mind that I don’t want my hair short.
Hairdresser: No problem. We’ll do the color first and then we’ll do your cut. I’ll
teach you how to style it at the end.
Practice: Work with your partner. Role-play the dialogue.
Dialogue building.
Complete the dialogue below with appropriate expressions.
Hairdresser: Hello, I’m Mandy. What can I do for you today?
Hairdresser: That sounds good. What type of cut are you looking for?
Hairdresser: We can do that. Are we doing your color today, too? Your roots could use touching up.
Hairdresser: Great, why don’t you look through some magazines while I get my supplies ready.
Write your dialogue with a partner using the phrases from the previous dialogue.
Practice and present your dialogue to your class.
Learn some new information about the History of hairdressing and it’s present achievements.
Hairdressing-Past and present:
Hairdressing is fun, whether you're doing it yourself or as a professional hairdresser working in a salon. Hairdressing is something that has been practiced for centuries, and involves a variety of styles, tasks, and efforts. Hairdressers today experience some of the most interesting and diverse cultural trends. However, did you know that hairdressing in the 'old days' was just as fascinating?
Think about this - in ancient Greece, Greek women dyed their hair, and in Japan, women commonly used a type of lacquer to get their hair to stay put. Guess where the idea of hairspray came from? Even centuries ago, certain individuals who had the talent for dressing up hair and designing elaborate coiffures earned a good living. After all, not everybody can French braid their hair, created an inverted Dutch braid, create an up-do, or even curl their hair without burning it.
Hairdressing continues to be an equal opportunity profession, attracting both female and male students and experts. Gone are the days when men only work with men and women only work with women. However, despite the advancements in hairdressing, hairdressers still deal with age-old issues. For example, a child's first haircut can be a very emotional experience, not only for a toddler, but for mom or dad as well. Girls attending their first dance, homecoming or prom are just as critical about their 'dos' or hairstyles as you'd ever imagine. Today, the variety of haircut styles, hair colors and hair-cutting techniques provide an ever-present challenge to hairdressing experts.
Hairdressing is one of the few careers that many men and women can utilize as a jumping off point to create their own business without much experience. Obtaining training and earning a license is just about all you need to start your own hairdressing business. That and a client base, of course.
Take the time to develop and enhance your reputation as an excellent hairdresser. Learn a variety of skills, even if you don't use them that often. Whether you freelance your services to friends and family or have set up shop, rented a station in someone else's hairdressing salon, or if you're opening the doors to your own salon, make sure you always give one hundred per cent.
Whether you're creating a braid, dreadlocks, or hair extensions, know your customer, pay attention to what they're asking for, and give them something that will enhance their self-esteem, self-confidence, and sense of identity.
Professional equipment. Head massage.
Профессиональное оборудование. Массаж головы.
Read about the professional hairdressing equipment.
Extensive range of professional hairdressing supplies for your salon. Shop over 8,000 hair & beauty wholesale products, including salon equipment, Wella Koleston Perfect, L'Oreal Majirel, Goldwell Topchic, Lotus bleach, Procare foil, Denman brushes, Wahl clippers, Parlux and Elchim hair dryers and much, much more! All your favourite hairdressing brands at the very best prices! Professional hair salon supplies, delivered direct to your door.
Hairdressing Equipment
Maybe you are thinking about a career as a hairdresser. Or possibly you have just finished school and are ready to begin your first job as a licensed cosmetologist. Whatever the case, if you are interested in doing hair for a living, there are some basic pieces of equipment you’ll need to have. If a writer needs pens and paper, painters need canvasses and brushes, then a hairdresser needs their essential hairdressing equipment in the much the same way.
Even if you do start off working at a salon where the clientele is supplied, you may be expected to show up with your own hairdressing equipment. And even if a shop supplies you with their hairdressing equipment, it may be something you are not familiar with or just don’t want to use. So it doesn’t matter if you need to supply your own, or just don’t like what’s being offered to you at your salon, here is a list of basic hairdressing equipment that you’ll need in order to start doing coiffures.
Hairdressing Equipment Must Have:
- Cutting Shears – any hairdresser will need to do cuts and trims on a regular basis. Starting off with two pair of shears is good. Have one pair to do basic cutting and another, smaller, pair for cutting things like bangs and you will be fine. (note: barbers will need automatic trimmers too)
- Combs – this is a basic tool but still worth pointing out. You will need several sizes of combs from fine tooth to wide tooth. Since you will be dealing with a plethora of hair types and lengths, having basic hairdressing equipment means having multiple varieties of combs on hand.
- Professional Hairdryer – another staple on the list of basic hairdressing equipment: a good hairdryer. This is often the thing that separates the real professionals from the amateurs. The reason a good blow dryer is a critical piece of hairdressing equipment is because it has the potential to make your life so much easier as you prepare the hair to be styled.
- Curling Irons – no cosmetologist can get by without having a set of curling irons. This piece of hairdressing equipment may be the most critical. Having an array of sizes of professional grade curlers is another ‘must have’ in the world of professional hair care.
- Hair Rollers – because some styles will not require direct heat from a curling iron, you will also need different sized rollers. A client may want their hair to be set with rollers before sitting under the dryer for finishing. Not only are the rollers a piece of necessary hairdressing equipment, but you will also need holding pins to secure the rollers.
As long as you have all these basic hairdressing equipment items you will be well on your way to getting a good start on the road to launching your cosmetology career. As your business grows you can add or upgrade certain items. The hairdressing industry is constantly changing, this means that your list of hairdressing equipment will likely change as well.
Bags and halldals.
Barbicide and hygiene
Bleach and peroxideBridal section
Clippers and trimmers
Color accessories
Electrical styling
Foils and meche
Grammar study
There is/are constructions.
Конструкция,обозначающая местоположение
Оборот there is/there are в английском языке употребляется, когда нужно указать на наличие какого-либо лица или явления в определенном месте. После оборота there is/there are ставится подлежащее.
There is a hair spray on the table.На столе лежит спрей для волос. Перевод предложений с этим оборотом начинается обычно с обстоятельства места. Если подлежащее выражено существительным во множественном числе, то глагол to be после there ставится также во множественном числе.
There are four hairdressers in the salon. В салоне находятся четыре парикмахера. Если в предложении с оборотом there is/there are несколько подлежащих, то глагол to be обычно согласуется в числе с подлежащим, которое следует непосредственно за ним.
There is a brush, two combs, four caps and a fashion magazine on the table.
На столе лежит расческа, гребень, четыре шапочки и журнал о моде.
Отрицательная форма образуется при помощи отрицания no, которое ставится после глагола to be перед существительным.
There no a blow dry in the salon. В салоне не имеется фена.
Вопросительная форма при употреблении глагола to be в Present Simple образуется путем постановки глагола to be на первое место — перед there.
Is there a head massage service in your salon? Имеется ли такая услуга как массаж в вашем салоне?
Work with your partner. Classify the products, supplies, and actions with the correct step of the visit to the hair salon. Some words we’ll go in more than one category. Check off each word as you use it.
Scissors-ножницы Conditioner-
Bleach-осветление Mirror-зеркало
Toner-тонирование Perm-завивка
Cap-шапочка Blow dry-фен
Comb-расческа Spray bottle-спрей
Brush-щетка Towel-полотенец
Shampoo-шампунь Sink-раковина
Curl-локон Hair herbal shampoo-травяной шампунь
Hair gloss-лак для волос Mousse-мус
Color | Wash | Cut | Style |
Head massage. It’s benefits.
Read the article of the head massage, it’s origin and advantages.
Have you ever tried it? Would you like to try it?
Do you know any high-level centers of such kind of service?
In India head massage, known as champissage, has been used for centuries for cleansing, relaxation and medical purposes. The practice began with women using it to treat their daughters' hair. Barbers have also used it as part of the process to cut their male clients' hair. The tradition has been passed on in Indian families from one generation to the next.
The art of being beautiful. How good looks can guarantee
Lifetime success.
Искусство быть красивой. Как привлекательная внеш-
ность может гарантировать пожизненный успех.
Read and translate the texts about the History of beauty and take into account the recommendations given below.
Can you add to the point?
What does beauty mean to you?
What portraits and sculptures of famous painters, sculptures do you regard as mostly successful?
From the History of beauty.
The modern description of a beautiful woman today has a number of differences from older generation descriptions. Lifestyle and breakthroughs in cosmetics has integrated natural beauty and health products to produce fine desirable results. beauty has evolved in various ways from first centuries to the Elizabethan and Victorian influences.
Some features considered as marks of beauty in the modern domain were unpleasant in ancient times. During the 14th century, women plucked their hairline eyelashes and even eyebrows to depict a taller forehead which was considered extreme beauty. This is characterized by the medieval woman, saints and virgins. It lasted into the 17th century when other dimensions of beauty sprung up.
Mid-way through the 16th to 17th century, Elizabethan became the focal point of defining ultimate beauty as many women copied the royal Queen’s style. Blond was already considered a symbol of beauty and Queen Elizabeth’s red hair and pale skin benchmarked the look. Women of that era used different shades to make their hair look red and some even spent hours of sunlight hair exposure to achieve a reddish colour.The 18th century was mainly distinguished by lavish decorations such as feather, ribbons braids and jewels. The hedgehog was a major beauty style for both men and women. Victorian era had a different theme and advocated for a modest, more natural appearance to classify beauty.
Women used less makeup reserving the exaggerated facial paintings to escorts and sex workers. This was also facilitated by the emphasis on negative effects of industrial lead-based makeup products. Men of this era preferred keeping a short natural hair. Hair has always been a central definition of physical attraction, which is the basic element of beauty.
Aspects of elegance, intelligence, congruence, politeness, grace, personality and integrity have also been added to define the modern philosophical description of beauty. During the 19th and 20th century, beauty was greatly impacted by the cinema as icons started to flourish and exercise freedom. The modern dimension is now highly influenced by artists, actresses and models making it very diversified. The main characteristics used to classify physical beauty include a slimmer waist, longer legs, relatively conspicuous bust and overall curvaceous frame.
Beauty in arts
Beauty in arts is a slightly different dimension but still involves perceptions of pleasure and satisfaction. Paintings, crafts, architectural designs and artifacts can all be described using beauty depending on whether they look attractive to the sight. This is mainly described under aesthetical views that involve intelligent ideology and uniqueness.The beauty in arts gave birth to cosmetic makeup products such as facial paintings that conceal imperfections and emphasize attractiveness. Historically, paintings have been used to derive various standards of beauty as sophistication suppressed certain cultural values. Women who are relatively young, with fair smooth skin, regular anatomical features and well- proportioned bodies have however been considered beautiful throughout history. This is often termed as natural beauty without addition of any make up or cosmetic procedures such as surgery. Currently, there exist numerous beauty products and procedures. The main aim is to eliminate wrinkles (achieve a younger look), keep a nicely proportioned body without excessive mass, and accentuate attractive features.
Read the text and learn some new words and phrases from it.
Translate it and discuss in pairs the rules of being beautiful.
There are some recommendations how to look and feel beautiful which are of great importance.
Beauty tips (how to look beautiful).
In historic periods, people who were considered not beautiful in terms of physical attractiveness remained so. The breakthroughs in technological advancements have however made it possible to completely transform one’s look as desired. There are many products that can eliminate rushes and wrinkles, remove scars and alter skin complexion. Hair extensions and implants are also available. Gaining a beautiful appearance should not be very difficult for the modern generation.
However, there exist various factors one must evaluate and understand before engaging in any form of makeup or transformation. The list of beauty tips is simply endless. From hair styling and care to skin care, facial makeup, cheek and chin accentuation, eye decoration, lip decoration and nice tan, there are a lot of information regarding beauty.
The most important things to establish are your own appearance, skin tone and type. This is used in determining appropriate products and procedures that can be used successfully to achieve a more attractive appearance. The product chosen should feel comfortable and effortlessly applied to ensure you are not struggling or getting stressed over your beauty as this will naturally show. Diet is also a very vital element of beauty.
Take sufficient water and avoid too much animal protein as this may result in unpleasant skin conditions and faster ageing. Sporting activities or exercises are also encouraged to ensure your body is in good physical condition, strong immunity normal functioning. For women, achieving a slimmer tan with small waist size and hourglass figure is considered definite beauty. Other characteristics such a raised check bone, light eye decorations, cute tattoos and distinct matching hairdos are all marks of beauty. Fashion clothing and accessories can also be used to enhance beauty.
Beauty has always shaped human personalities and affects how people relate and socialize. Every person has a distinct attractiveness that can be enhanced using the right products to achieve ultimate beauty. Some people are arguably born with remarkable fairness that stands out, but even they often enhance the look to make it more appealing.
Even though beauty is in the eyes of the beholder due to individual perception, some looks are evenly agreed to be extremely attractive. It is comfortable to change the things which you do not appreciate and get an attractive look that will boost your confidence and happiness.
Dimension-величина To stand out-означать
Sufficient-достаточный ultimate-конечный
Confidence-уверенность uniqueness-уникальность
Technological advancements-технический прогресс
Grammar study
Present Continuous form.
Настоящее длительное время.
Present Continuous Tense (Настоящее Длительное Время) – временная форма глагола, которая описывает действия или состояния, длящееся в данный момент речи. То есть, Present Continuous Tense показывает действия и состояния в процессе! Этим оно и отличается от простого настоящего времени (Present Simple Tense).
В русском языке нет аналога для Present Continuous Tense. В нем предусмотрена только одна временная форма для настоящего времени, которая выражает как оттенки простого, так и длительного времени. Убедимся в этом на примере:
- Present Continuous: You are speaking Spanish – Ты говоришь на испанском языке. (В значении, что ты говоришь на испанском в данный момент времени.)
- Present Simple: You speak Spanish. – Ты говоришь на испанском языке. (В значении, что ты вообще умеешь говорить на испанском.)
Правила образования Present Continuous Tense
Время Present Continuous является сложным. Оно образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола to be в Present Simple Tense (am, are, is) и причастия настоящего времени основного глагола (глагол с окончанием -ing).
При образовании причастия настоящего времени (Present Participle) важно знать следующие правила :
- Если глагол заканчивается на непроизносимую –е, то она опускается:
to drive – driving
to give – giving
- Если глагол оканчивается на согласный после ударного слога, согласный удваивается:
sit − sitting
to stop – stopping
to forget – forgetting
- Если глагол заканчивается на -l, перед которым стоит гласный, то -l всегда удваивается (в американском варианте данное правило не соблюдается).
to travel – travelling
to fulfil – fulfilling
- Если глагол заканчивается на -iе, то -iе меняется на -у:
to lie – lying
to die – dying
Образование утвердительной формы :
- подлежащее + to be в Present Simple (am, are, is) + Present Participle основного глагола ( V + ing)
- I’m making a hairdo now.
Образование вопросительной формы :
- to be в Present Simple (am, are, is) + подлежащее + Present Participle основного глагола ( V + ing)
- Am I making a hairdo now?
Образование отрицательной формы :
*to be в Present Simple (am,are,is)+ отрицательная частица not + Present participle основного глагола.
I’m not making a hairdo.
Упражнение 3. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Continuous.(NOW)
1. The boys (to run) about in the garden. 2 I (to do) my homework. 3. John and his
friends (to go) to the library. 4. Ann (to sit) at her desk. She (to study) geography. 5. A young
man (to stand) at the window. He (to smoke) a cigarette. 6. The old man (to walk) about the room.7. The dog (to lie) on the floor. 8. You (to have) a break? 9. What language you (to study)? 10. Who (to lie) on the sofa? 11. What they (to talk) about? 12. It still (to rain).
Упражнение 4. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя глаголы в Present Continuous.
1. Я делаю прическу.
2. Он не обслуживает клиента.
3. Мы не работаем.
4. Вы просматриваете новый журнал мод?
5. Он делает короткую стрижку?
6. Ник и Майк разговаривают по телефону.
7. Кэйт играет на рояле.
8. Она не поет.
9. Моя сестра спит.
10. Папа пьет чай?
Read the article about the way good looks guarantee great opportunities in many spheres of our life.
Agree or disagree/For and against
Make a panel discussion on the point. One group supports this idea. The second does not.
How Good Looks Can Guarantee a Lifetime of Opportunity. | Как приятная внешность может гарантировать пожизненные возможности. |
Beauty is far more than skin deep, according to a leading scientist. | Красота — это гораздо больше, чем мы можем видеть на поверхности, к~ говорил какой-то ведущий ученый. |
Dr Etcoff, who works at Harvard Medical School in the U.S., in her book "Survival of the Fittest: The Science of Beauty" argues that beautiful people are "sprinkled with Stardust right from the beginning". | Доктор Эткофф, которая работает в медицинской школе в Гарварде, США, в своей книге «Естественный отбор: наука красоты» утверждает, что красивые люди «осыпаны звездными частицами с самого начала». |
The two women later stood at the roadside by a car with a flat tyre. The prettier one was far more likely to be helped first, the study found. | Позже эти две женщины стояли на обочине возле автомобиля с проколотой шиной. Как оказалось, вероятность первой получить помощь была гораздо больше у более симпатичной. |
Although ideals vary between generations and nationalities, Dr Etcoff believes the appreciation of human beauty is "gene deep", rather than the result of cultural and social pressures. Even three-month-old babies stare the longest at attractive people when shown pictures, she said. | Хотя идеалы изменяются у разных поколений и наций, доктор Эткофф полагает, что способность ощущать человеческую красоту находится скорее глубоко в генах, чем является результатом культурного и социального давления. Даже трехмесячные младенцы смотрят дольше на привлекательных людей, которых им показывают на картинках, говорит она. |
We use appearance to judge how suitable a potential partner is, she said. Big eyes in women are linked to high levels of the female hormone estrogen, while a red flush on the face indicates fertility. | «Мы смотрим на внешность, чтобы судить насколько нам подходит потенциальный партнер», говорит она. Большие глаза у женщин связаны с высоким уровнем женского гормона эстрогена, в то время как красный румянец на лице указывает на плодовитость. |
One in three women under 40 have considered cosmetic surgery. Women from the South of England are more likely to submit to the surgeon’s knife than those from elsewhere in the country. Women in their twenties and early thirties are most likely to opt for breast enlargement. |
Read the dialogue and role-play it with a partner.
Hello. I’d like to have a haircut, please. Do I have to book in advance?
- Good morning. That’s not necessary at the moment. I am available.
- My hair is not quite fresh. So I would like to have it washed first, please.
- No problem. Is the temperature of the water OK with you?
- Yes, it’s fine, thanks. Not too cold, not too hot.
- Do you have any precise idea what you would like?
- Can I have a look at your new catalogue to show you something I like?
- Sure. I think a chin length haircut will definitely suit you. Where do you have a parting?
- On the right side, please.
- I can see you have some dandruff. What products do you usually use on your hair?
- Yes, it’s my big problem and I can’t get rid of it. I brush my hair regularly and I use egg shampoos to make my hair less greasy. I have tried to shorten it, to wear a ponytail and braids, even to rinse it with beer. But it didn’t do any good for my hair.
- You should use a special anti-dandruff care for your hair and scalp at least once a week. And your hair will soon become sleek. Would you like to have it dyed?
- Actually, I prefer to keep my natural colour. But I’m going to have some highlights next time.
- OK then. Your haircut is ready. Would you like me to blow-dry it?
- No, thanks. My hair is too fragile, you know.
- Right. I’ll just curl your ends to add some volume. Here we go!
- Wow! I can’t recognize myself in the mirror! And I really like it! The layers and a short fringe on my forehead are very trendy, to my mind.
- I must say you look much younger with your new hair. Would you like to put some hairspray on your hair or maybe some fixing gel or a little wax?
- Some hairspray, please. Thank you very much.
Tests: 1.Translate from Russian into English. Каштановые волосы, седые волосы, ополаскиватель для волос, густые волосы, прямые волосы, красить волосы, рыжие волосы, жидкие волосы, непослушные волосы, машинка для стрижки волос, вьющиеся волосы, ослабление волоса, терять волосы, прядь волос, секущиеся концы, лысый, чёлка, перхоть, модный. Старомодный, немодный, бигуди, ножницы, стрижка «ёжик», заколка, бритва, брить, усы, борода, бакенбарды, пробор, парик, коса. Щётка, фен, локон, сетка для волос, причёска, расчёска, узел(пучок) волос, заколка для волос, парикмахерская. 3.Match the following words with their definitions: a) hairpin b)comb c)brush d)chignon e) band f)haircloth g)wig h)dryer i) hair roller
1. An artificial covering of human or synthetic hair worn on the head for personal adornment, as part of a costume, or to conceal baldness. 2. A device consisting of bristles fastened into a handle used for combing one's hair. 3. A cylinder of wire mesh, foam rubber, or other material around which a strand of hair is wound to produce a soft curl or wave. 4. A thin cylindrical strip of metal or other material bent in the shape of a long U, used to secure a hairdo or headdress. 5. An appliance that removes moisture by heating or fast air moving. 6. A wiry fabric woven especially from horsehair or camel's hair, used for upholstering and for stiffening garments. 7. A thin toothed strip, usually consisting of a piece of plastic, metal, bone, used to smooth, arrange, or fasten the hair. 8. A roll or knot of hair worn at the back of the head or especially at the nape of the neck. A thin strip of some flexible material used to hold a hair tress together 4.Grammar –word –building Ex 8 page22 T. When do we use the prefix - DIS. Form new words using it according to the model, translate the words: Example: like - dislike Coloured, comfort, traction, advantage, proportion, satisfied, union. Ex10 page22 When do we use the suffix -LY ? Form adverbs using it according to the model, translate them. Example: especial - especially, usual, sufficient, careful, extreme, ordinate, great, general, constant, fresh. Ex12 page22. When do we use the suffix -ness. Form nouns using it according to the model, translate the words. Example: full -fullness Cool, evil, sharp, thick, bald, effective, polite, simple, brittle, ugly, tidy, random. 4. Reading What can we compare different hairstyles with? What epithets can be used to speak about one's style? Read the examples taken from the English and American literature, translate them and exchange your ideas. Her hair was lighter than auburn, because it was short with grey even though she was still under thirty; when she smiled she looked shrewd and resigned. (Mitchel Wilson) She had a real bearing, though without hauteur. The long braids of honey – gold hair looped low on her neck, the strong white teeth between full red lips, the straight Roman nose: slightly and amusingly turned up at the end, and the finely modeled chin and cheekbones which lent her face strength to the match its beauty. ( Irving Stone) She had her hair done differently; there were more small curls or something, he wasn't sure what, but it helped to bring out the roundness of her face. ( Jack Lindsay) Della's beautiful hair fell about her ripping and shining like a cascade of brown waters. It reached bellow her knee and made itself almost a garment for her. (O. Henry) Ex24 page24 5.Writing Write out the sentences above suitable phrases to praise one's hairstyle.
6. Make some dialogues of your own. Use the following phrases: Мне назначено на 2 часа. Чем я могу помочь? Конечно. Присядьте, пожалуйста Я к вашим услугам. Этот стиль мне не подходит. Вам не нравится стиль, не так ли? У вас перхоть. Всё, что вам нужно – подровнять волосы. Вы хотите, чтобы вам помыли голову? Сделайте пробор на правую сторону. Просто причешите, и никакого лака для волос Я бы хотела изменить причёску 7.Translate the following dialogues from English into Russian: Dialogue 1 Client: Hello. Is this the hairdresser's? I have an appointment for 2 o'clock Hairstylist : Oh, that's right. This way, please. Take your seat. Would you wait for a little while? Cl. Sure Hairstylist : OK, I am all at your service now. What can I do for you? Cl. I want to have my haircut. Hairstylist : You don't like the style , do you? Cl. No, I don't. Hairstylist : All you need is just a trim. Your hair is short enough. Cl.Still it seems to me long. Hairstylist : Lots of young people today wear their hair long and it looks so nice. Cl. This style doesn't suit me, I am afraid. I've got enough problems with my hair, especially when the weather is bad. So I need a haircut. Hairstylist : I could shorten the front and leave the hair long at the back. Cl. Oh, no. Cut my hair short both on the front and at the back and on the sides, too. And do not forget the top as well. Hairstylist : Ok. Here we go.
Dialogue 2 Hairstylist : Good morning. Glad to see you. How can I help you? What will it be? Client : Haircut, shampoo. Hairstylist : How do you want your haircut? Short? Client: No, not to short. Hairstylist : So, I will just trim it at the back and sides. Client: But do not touch it on the top. Hairstylist : You have some dandruff. You should try massaging your scalp. It helps sometimes. Client I've found the medical shampoo which also helps, but for a time. H. How do you comb your hair? Back or with a parting? Client: I wear it parted on the right. Hairstylist : That's right. Client : Thank you. Good bye.
Dialogue 3 Hairstylist : Hello. What can I do for you? Do you want to have your haircut? Client : Yes, I do. And I like to change my style. Hairstylist : OK. Let me see. Do you want your hair washed first? Client : Of course. I'd like a shampoo. Hairstylist : Here we are…Should I shorten it on the sides? Client : Yes, and at the back , too. Hairstylist : I am trimming the top.. Client : Don't cut much on the top, will you? And make a part on the right , please. Hairstylist : OK. Should I style with a hair –dryer? Client :Oh, no Just comb it. And no hairspray, please. Thank you .
Supplementary material:
Tests: |
1 вариант
Выберите правильный вариант ответа
1. Найдите русский эквивалент: Big scissors
a) Горячие ножницы b) Длинные ножницы
c) Большие ножницы d) Хорошие ножницы
2. Найдите русский эквивалент: Red hair
a) Рыжие волосы b) Редкие волосы
c) Красные волосы d) Прямые волосы
3. Найдите русский эквивалент: Straight hair
a) Непослушные волосы b) Секущиеся волосы
c) Прямые волосы d) Ослабленные волосы
4. Найдите русский эквивалент: Wig
a) Пробор b) Парик
c) Коса d) Прическа
5. Найдите русский эквивалент: Slipping hair
a) Жидкие волосы b) Секущиеся концы
c) Непослушные волосы d) Ослабленные волосы
6. Найдите русский эквивалент: Hairnet
a) Заколка для волос b) Сетка для волос
c) Прическа d) Парик
7. Найдите русский эквивалент: To tint hair
a) Красить волосы b) Терять волосы
c) Брить волосы d) Стричь волосы
8. Найдите английский эквивалент: Бакенбарды
a) Dandruff b) Moustache
c) Whiskers d) Beard
9. Найдите английский эквивалент: Жидкие волосы
a) Thick hair b) Brown hair
c) Slipping hair d) Thinning hair
10. Найдите английский эквивалент: Усы
a) Dandruff b) Razor
c) Whiskers d) Moustache
11. Парикмахеры пользуются феном.
a) Hairdressers use hair dryers. b) Hairdressers use dry hair.
c) Hairdresser’s use a hair dryer. d) Hairdressers use a dryer’s.
12. Do you want to have your hair cut?
a) Yes, you do. b) Yes, I don’t. c) Yes, I do. d) No, I do.
13. I _____ to Mr. Lloyds yesterday.
a) speak b) spoke c) speaks d) speaking
14. ________? - My sister is a secretary.
a) Which is your sister? b) Why is your sister?
c) Who is your sister? d) What is your sister?
15. _________? - I'm from France.
a) When are you from? b) Where are you from?
c) Where are you? d) Are from where you?
16. Are you Russian? - _________ .
a) Yes, I is. b) Yes, I do. c) Yes, I am. d) No, I am.
17. Do you speak French? - ___________ .
a) Yes, I do. b) Yes, I don't. c) No, I do. d) Yes, I does.
18. Выберите антоним к слову comfortable
a) good b) bad c) red d) uncomfortable
19. Выберите синоним к слову coloured
a) grey b) tinted c) simple d) black
20. ______ me any question.
a) listen b) look c) ask d) take
21. ______ to this song.
a) hear b) say c) listen d) give
22. We are ________ students.
a) two-year b) second-year c) two-years d) second-years
23. Alex can ___ football well but he wasn't able ___ a game yesterday because he was ill.
a) play, to play b) to play, to play c) play, play d) to play, play
24. I ______ my homework while my mother ________ the dinner.
a) was doing, was cooking b) did, cooked
c) were doing, were cooking d) did, was cooking
25. There ___ an apple and some pears on the plate.
a) are b) were c) am d) is
2 вариант
Выберите правильный вариант ответа
1. Найдите русский эквивалент: Hair roller
a) Заколка для волос b) Машинка для стрижки волос
c) Бигуди d) Ополаскиватель для волос
2. Найдите русский эквивалент: Grey hair
a) Серые волосы b) Седые волосы
c) Густые волосы d) Жидкие волосы
3. Найдите русский эквивалент: Wavy hair
a) Непослушные волосы b) Вьющиеся волосы
c) Прямые волосы d) Ослабленные волосы
4. Найдите русский эквивалент: Strand of hair
a) Сетка для волос b) Пучок волос
c) Прямые волосы d) Прядь волос
5. Найдите русский эквивалент: Splitting ends
a) Жидкие волосы b) Секущиеся концы
c) Непослушные волосы d) Ослабленные волосы
6. Найдите русский эквивалент: Lock of hair
a) Заколка для волос b) Сетка для волос
c) Локон d) Узел
7. Найдите русский эквивалент: To shed one’s hair
a) Стричь волосы b) Терять волосы
c) Красить волосы d) Брить волосы
8. Найдите английский эквивалент: Пробор справа
a) right parting b) write parting
c) left parting d) lift parting
9. Найдите английский эквивалент: Стрижка «ёжик»
a) bob b) college haircut
c) porky haircut d) butch haircut
10. Найдите английский эквивалент: Густые волосы
a) Thick hair b) Thinning hair
c) Brown hair d) Straight hair
11. Мы покупаем ополаскиватель в универмаге.
a) We buy shampoo at the store. b) We bought hair dryer at the store.
c) We bought hair rinse at the store. d) We buy hair rinse at the store.
12. Do you brush your teeth after every meal?
a) Yes, me do. b) Yes, I do. c) No, I do. d) No, I dont.
13. My sister ______ some new clothes last week.
a) had bought b) bought c) was buying d) has bought
14. __________? - I'm going to work.
a) What are you going? b) Why are you going?
c) Where are you going to? d) Where you are going to?
15. __________? - I have breakfast at 7 a.m.
a) Where do you have breakfast? b) When breakfast you?
c) Do you breakfast? d) When do you have breakfast?
16. Are you French? - _________ .
a) Yes, I is. b) Yes, I do. c) Yes, I am. d) No, I am.
17. Do you speak English? - ___________ .
a) Yes, I do. b) Yes, I don't. c) No, I do. d) Yes, I does.
18. Выберите антоним к слову dry
a) short b) long c) wet d) clean
19. Выберите синоним к слову like
a) admire b) dislike c) hate d) disgust
20. _____ at this picture.
a) look b) watch c) see d) bring
21. He ______ in a bank.
a) lives b) works c) runs d) speak
22. We are ________ students.
a) two-year b) second-year c) two-years d) second-years
23. Tom can ___ tennis well but he wasn't able ___ a game yesterday because he was ill.
a) play, to play b) to play, to play c) play, play d) to play, play
24. I ______ the piano while my mother ________.
a) was playing, was cooking b) played, cooked
c) were playing, were cooking d) played, was cooking
25. There ___ a pen and some books on the table.
a) are b) were c) am d) is
№№ | 1 Вариант | №№ | 2 Вариант |
1. | C | 1. | C |
2. | A | 2. | B |
3. | C | 3. | B |
4. | B | 4. | D |
5. | D | 5. | B |
6. | B | 6. | C |
7. | A | 7. | B |
8. | C | 8. | A |
9. | D | 9. | D |
10. | D | 10. | A |
11. | A | 11. | D |
12. | C | 12. | B |
13. | B | 13. | B |
14. | D | 14 | C |
15. | B | 15. | D |
16. | C | 16. | C |
17. | A | 17. | A |
18. | D | 18. | C |
19. | B | 19. | A |
20. | C | 20. | A |
21. | C | 21. | B |
22. | B | 22. | B |
23. | A | 23. | A |
24. | A | 24. | A |
25. | D | 25. | D |
I wish you great success and promotion in your future profession!
And, never forget one meaningful English proverb: No pains, no gains!
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