Учебно-методическое пособие по дисциплине «иностранный язык» “English and Russian traditions” для студентов 1-2 курсов
учебно-методическое пособие
Учебно-методическое пособие “English and Russian traditions” составлено при работе над проектом «Семейные традиции англичан и русских» и предназначено для студентов 1-2 курсов очной формы обучения всех специальностей техникума при изучении темы «Страноведение».
Цель пособия –познакомить студентов с обычаями и традициями страны изучаемого языка, подготовить к активному общению на бытовые темы. Пособие может использоваться как для аудиторной, так и для самостоятельной работы студентов с разным уровнем языковой подготовки.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Министерство образования Красноярского края
краевое государственное бюджетное
профессиональное образовательное учреждение
«Красноярский аграрный техникум»
РАССМОТРЕНО: на заседании цикловой комиссии общеобразовательных дисциплин протокол №__ «__»_____________2019 г. Председатель цикловой комиссии _____________ А.А. Тонких | УТВЕРЖДАЮ: зам. директора по УР Красноярского аграрного техникума ______________Т. М. Тимофеева «____»________________2019 г. |
Учебно-методическое пособие
по дисциплине «иностранный язык»
“English and Russian traditions”
для студентов 1-2 курсов
Составила: преподаватель
иностранного языка
Чистякова Н.Г.
Красноярск -2019
Учебно-методическое пособие “English and Russian traditions” составлено при работе над проектом «Семейные традиции англичан и русских» и предназначено для студентов 1-2 курсов очной формы обучения всех специальностей техникума при изучении темы «Страноведение».
Цель пособия –познакомить студентов с обычаями и традициями страны изучаемого языка, подготовить к активному общению на бытовые темы. Пособие может использоваться как для аудиторной, так и для самостоятельной работы студентов с разным уровнем языковой подготовки.
British traditions and customs………………………………………………6
Russian cuisine………………………………………………………………9
Traditional English food…………………………………………………….12
Education in Russia…………………………………………………………14
Education in Great Britain…………………………………………………..16
English humor……………………………………………………………….19
Russian traditions…………………………………………………………………21
Gardening in the UK……………………………………………………………...23
British holidays……………………………………………………………...25
Holidays in Russia…………………………………………………………….......27
Список ресурсов…………………………………………………………………29
Основной целью данного учебного пособия является обеспечение студентов материалами страноведческой направленности для проведения практических занятий по дисциплине «иностранный язык».
Учебное пособие содержит тексты на английском языке и упражнения для формирования лексических, грамматических и разговорных навыков; может быть использовано как для аудиторных занятий, так и для самостоятельной работы студентов.
преподаватель иностранного языка первой квалификационной икатегории Красноярского аграрного техникума____________________А.М. Солодухина
Великобритания и Россия-страны с многовековыми традициями. Некоторыми из этих традиций восхищается весь мир, а многие даже стараются им подражать. Но нередко эти же традиции рождают привычки, которые не удивляют никого из местных жителей, но могут шокировать иностранцев.
Британцы – нация интересных и необычных людей, самодостаточных и ни на кого не похожих. Многим британцы кажутся странными, и в этом есть доля правды: чопорность и традиции их родины то и дело дают о себе знать. И все же, уникальность и своеобразная привлекательность жителей Туманного Альбиона постоянно заставляют нас размышлять – «Кто же такие британцы, и какова истинная британская культура?»
Русские-не менее интересный и необычный народ. Многое из того, что кажется нам обыденным и привычным, приводит иностранцев в неподдельный восторг, вызывает бурю позитивных эмоций.
В данном учебно-методическом пособии представлены тексты, в которых приведены факты, характеризующие эти два народа-русских и англичан. Работа с текстами направлена на развитие страноведческого интереса у обучающихся, выполнение после текстовых упражнений позволит закрепить изученную лексику, поможет сформировать навыки разговорной речи.
British traditions and customs.
Every nation becomes special by means of its own traditions and customs. There is no other nation that clings to the past with the tenacity of the British. They are proud of their traditions, they cherish them. When we think of Britain we often think of people drinking white tea, eating fish and chips, sitting by the fireplace or wearing bowler hats, but there is much more in Britain than just those things. Some British traditions are royal, such as the Changing of the Guard which takes place every day at Buckingham Palace. The Trooping of the Colour happens on the Queen’s official birthday. It’s a big colouful parade with hundreds of soldiers and brass bands.
British holidays (Christmas, Easter, Guy Fawkes Night, Remembrance Day) are especially rich in old traditions and customs. A traditional Christmas dinner consists of roast turkey and potatoes, cranberry sauce, sweet mince pies and Christmas pudding. On Christmas Eve children hang up their stockings around the fireplace for Father Christmas to fill with presents. At Easter chocolate eggs are given as presents symbolizing new life. Guy Fawkes Night is also known as Bonfire Night because English people burn stuffed figures on bonfires. On Remembrance Day red poppies are traditionally worn in memory of servicemen who lost their lives in wars. National Morris Dancing can be seen throughout the month of May in most of English villages. Groups of men and women wear coloured costumes, carry white handkerchiefs and perform their lively folkdance.
One of Englishmen’s traditions is their tender love for animals. Pets are members of English families and are protected by law. There are even special cemeteries for animals in Great Britain. Most English people love their gardens too. They enjoy gardening and decorating their houses with beautiful flowers and plants.
Sports play an essential part in the life of Britain and it is a popular leisure activity. Rugby, golf, cricket, polo and horse-racing are British national sports and they are played on village greens and in towns on Sundays.
Politeness and punctuality are typical features of all British people. They often say “Sorry”, “Please” and “Thank you” with a smiling face and they always try to arrive on time.
The British are also traditional about their breakfast. They usually eat bacon and eggs, a toast with orange jam, a bowl of cereals or porridge in the morning.
There are over 60 thousand pubs in the United Kingdom. Pubs are an important part of British life too. People talk, eat, drink, meet their friends and relax there.
- Use the text to translate the following sentences:
- Вежливость и пунктуальность – типичные черты всех британцев.
- Обычно они едят яичницу с беконом, тост с апельсиновым джемом, тарелку с хлопьями или кашу по утрам.
- Одной из традиций у англичан считается их нежная любовь к животным.
- Регби, гольф, крикет, поло и конные скачки – это национальные виды спорта, и в них играют на зеленых сельских лужайках и в городах по воскресеньям.
- Группы мужчин и женщин надевают красочные костюмы, держат в руках белые платки и выступают с зажигательными народными танцами.
- В Пасху в качестве подарков раздаются шоколадные яйца, как символ новой жизни.
- Им нравится заниматься садоводством и украшать свои дома красивыми цветами и растениями.
- Когда мы думаем о Британии, мы часто представляем людей, пьющих чай с молоком, принимающих в пищу фиш-энд-чипс, сидящих у камина или со шляпой-котелком на голове, однако Британия – это нечто гораздо большее.
- Cover the text. Match a word from A to a word from B to make phrases from the text.
- Use the phrases from ex2 to complete the sentences:
1) Some ____________________are royal, such as the Changing of the Guard which takes place every day at Buckingham Palace.
2) Groups of men and women wear________________________, carry
white handkerchiefs and perform their lively folkdance.
3) Sports play an essential part in the life of Britain and it is
a popular_______________________.
4) Groups of men and women wear coloured costumes, carry
white handkerchiefs and perform their_____________________.
5) Rugby, golf, cricket, polo and horse-racing are British ____________
and they are played on village greens and in towns on Sundays.
- Form the questions to the following sentences:
- Every nation becomes special by means of its own traditions and customs.
- Pets are members of English families and are protected by law.
- They enjoy gardening and decorating their houses with beautiful flowers
and plants.
- Pubs are an important part of British life too.
- Politeness and punctuality are typical features of all British people.
Russian cuisine.
Russia is a huge country and that is why Russian cuisine is a rich collection of diverse cooking traditions. Russian food has its own peculiarities due to the country’s severe climate in winter and its forests rich in berries, mushrooms in summer. Traditional Russian dishes are often made of vegetables, different crops, dairy products, fresh-water fish, poultry and meat.
For breakfast Russian people usually have milk porridge, syrniki (cottage cheese pancakes) or an omelette. Lunch is more sufficient and it often consists of a salad, a plate of soup and a main course. For dinner the Russians love fish and meat dishes with garnish (rice, buckwheat, mashed potatoes and stewed cabbage). Traditional pelmeni (meat dumplings), holodetz (meat jelly with pieces of meat, carrot and garlic) or golubtsy (cabbage rolls with minced meat) are special masterpieces of the national culinary art. The Russians also have salads, meat pies, apple pies, vareniki (cottage cheese, cherries or potatoes dumplings) and pancakes for dinner.
The most traditional Russian salads are Olivier, “Herring under a furcoat” and vinegret. All of them are a nourishing mixture of various ingredients such as boiled eggs, boiled vegetables (potatoes, carrots, beetroot), sausage or meat, onions, green peas and cucumbers.
Russian cuisine is famous for the variety of soups: shchi (cabbage soup), borsch (red beetroot soup), ukha (fish soup), solyanka (thick soup made of pickled veggies, meat and sausage) and rassolnik (pickle soup). A plate of hot and spicy soup helps to stay warm during long cold winters. And one of the favourite soups during hot summers is okroshka (cold vegetable and sausage soup based on kvas). All kinds of soups are normally dressed with sour-cream. It is notable that Russian people eat bread with all dishes.
Traditional Russian drinks are hot black tea with jam or honey, compote (stewed fruit drink) and kvas (drink made from rye bread).
The Russians are good at preserving fruits, vegetables and mushrooms. Classic Russian appetizers: pickled cabbage, tomatoes, crispy cucumbers and even apples – are always on a festive table.
Russian people have always been known for their hospitality. They are happy to welcome guests with lavish dinners with abundance of food on the table.
1. Use the text to translate the following sentences:
1) Россия – огромная страна, и поэтому русская кухня представляет собой богатую коллекцию разнообразных кулинарных традиций.
2) Традиционные русские блюда часто готовят из овощей, различных круп, молочных продуктов, речной рыбы, дичи и мяса.
3) На завтрак русский народ обычно ест молочную кашу, сырники (оладьи из творога) или омлет.
4) Наиболее традиционными русскими салатами являются Оливье, Сельдь под шубой и винегрет.
5) Русская кухня известна разнообразием супов: щи (суп с капустой), борщ (красный суп со свеклой), уха (суп с рыбой), солянка (густой суп из маринованных овощей, мяса и колбасных изделий) и рассольник (суп с соленьями).
6) Классические русские закуски: квашеная капуста, маринованные помидоры, хрустящие огурцы и даже яблоки – всегда есть на праздничном столе.
7) Русская еда имеет ряд особенностей благодаря жесткому климату страны зимой и его лесам, богатым ягодами и грибами в летнее время.
8) Традиционные пельмени (клецки с мясом), холодец (мясное желе с кусочками мяса, моркови и чеснока) или голубцы (капустные рулеты с мясным фаршем) являются особенными шедеврами национального кулинарного искусства.
2. Match the words with their definitions:
1.holodetz | a) cold vegetable and sausage soup based on kvas |
2.kvas | b)meat jelly with pieces of meat, carrot and garlic |
3. okroshka | c) thick soup made of pickled veggies, meat and sausage |
4. golubtsy | d) drink made from rye bread |
5. solyanka | e) cabbage rolls with minced meat) |
3. Use the information from the text to make a short dialogue.
Traditional English food
Traditional English food has been greatly influenced by other national cuisines in recent years. Despite this fact, if you travel to Britain, you can still be served up traditional English dishes in a restaurant or at a hotel.
A typical English breakfast is usually quite big and substantial. It includes pork sausages, bacon and eggs, tomatoes, baked beans, mushrooms and a toast. Some people enjoy porridge, fruit and yogurt in the morning, followed by a toast and jam, or orange marmalade. A traditional breakfast drink is tea, which British people prefer having with cold milk. Another popular morning drink is orange juice.
For many Englishmen lunch is a fast meal. In big cities there are a lot of sandwich bars where office clerks can choose all sorts of sandwiches with meat, fish, chicken, ham, prawns, eggs, cheese, vegetables and lettuce. English pubs also serve good food for lunch, hot and cold. Quite a lot of workers go to famous “fish and chips shops” and buy their favourite deep fried cod or haddock with French fries.
A lot of Englishmen drink their 5 o’clock tea. It’s a traditional light meal after work. People enjoy their favourite teas with cookies, cakes, freshly baked sweet buns, scones and other pastries.
British people eat their evening meal at about 7 o’clock, when all members of the family are at home together. As a rule, a typical dinner is meat and vegetables. It can be roast chicken or lamb with potatoes, or steamed vegetables with meat gravy. For dessert, English wives cook various puddings and serve them with ice-cream or jam.
On Sundays British families like to sit together at the table enjoying roast beef, lamb or chicken, served with Yorkshire pudding and dressed with English mustard, apple sauce, cranberry sauce or mint sauce.
Today it continues to merge in national cuisines from all over the world.
1. Use the text to translate the following sentences:
1) Довольно многие рабочие идут в знаменитые кафе «Фиш энд чипс» и покупают там любимую треску или пикшу во фритюре и жареный картофель.
2) На традиционную английскую еду в последние годы сильно повлияли другие национальные кухни.
3) Обычно завтрак включает свиные сосиски, бекон с яйцами, помидоры, запеченную фасоль, шампиньоны и тост.
4) В больших городах есть много сэндвич-баров, где офисные клерки могут выбрать любой вид бутерброда с мясом, рыбой, курицей, ветчиной, креветками, яйцами, сыром, овощами и листьями салата.
5) Британцы ужинают вечером примерно в 7 часов, когда все члены семьи находятся вместе дома.
6) Люди наслаждаются своим любимым сортом чая с печеньями, пирожными, свежеиспеченными сладкими булочками, лепешками и другой выпечкой во время «пятичасового чая».
7) На десерт английские жены готовят различные пудинги и подают их с мороженым или джемом.
8) Английская еда проста, но очень вкусна.
2. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences:
1) is juice morning popular drink another orange.
2) drink 5 A lot their o’clock of tea Englishmen.
3) is typical vegetables As, a dinner meat and rule a
4) English delicious but very is food simple.
Education in Russia
- exception [ɪkˈsepſ(ə)n] — исключение;
- compulsory [kəmˈpʌlsərɪ] — обязательно;
- skill [skɪl] — мастерство;
- to depend [dɪˈpend] — зависить;
- mandatory [ˈmændətərɪ] — обязательный;
Education is an important part of modern life.
Originally Russian education starts from the early age. Children can start going to kindergarten from the age of two, but this is not a compulsory education. It depends on parents’ decision and child’s wish to attend this institution.
In the Russian Federation the school education is compulsory. Pupils start going to school from the age of seven and till 16.
Mandatory education in Russia is presented by three types of schools: primary, secondary and high.
The primary school teaches its pupils elementary skills, such as reading, writing, counting. Many schools also offer foreign languages or some other special disciplines at this age.
The most important period is the secondary school, which starts from the 4th or 5th grade, depending on school. This is the time when children start learning Biology, Geography, Chemistry, Physics, Computing, and many other new subjects.
At the 9th grade children face a very important period in their life. They have to choose whether to continue school education, or to leave for other types of educational institutions, such as college, specialized schools and else. If the pupil decides to continue studying in high school, which lasts for two years, he can enter the university after school graduation.
Of course, it’s only the general pattern of education in Russia, but there can also be some exceptions nowadays. For example, there are lots of special schools, where they pay attention only to particular subjects. Also, apart from state schools, there are a number of private schools, where education is not free of charge.
When they complete high grades they can either continue to study at school for more 2 years, or go to a professional school where they study not only main subjects, but are able to learn some profession. When school pupils leave school they can try to continue their educaton in institutes or universities.
1) Cover the text. Match a word from A to a word from B to make phrases from the text. A) B)
2) Use the phrases from ex1 to complete the sentences:
1. Originally Russian education starts from the________________.
2. The _________________teaches its pupils_____________________, such as reading, writing, counting.
3. Many schools also offer ______________or some other __________________at this age.
4. There are a number of________________, where education is not free of charge.
Education in Great Britain
Education in Britain is compulsory and free for all children.
Primary education begins at the age of 5 in England, Wales and Scotland, and 4 in Northern Ireland. It includes three age ranges: nursery for children under 5 years, infants from 5 to 7, and juniors from 7 to 11 years old. In nursery schools babies don’t have real classes, they learn some elementary things such as numbers, colours and letters. Besides, they play, have lunch and sleep there. Children usually start their school education in an infant school and move to a junior school at the age of seven.
Compulsory secondary education begins when children are 11 or 12 and lasts for 5 years: one form to each year. Secondary schools are generally much larger than primary ones. Pupils in England and Wales begin studying a range of subjects stipulated under the National Curriculum. Religious education is available in all schools, although parents have the right to withdraw their children from such classes.
About 5 per cent of schoolchildren attend fee-paying private or public schools. Most of these schools are boarding ones, where children live as well as study. The most famous British public schools are Eton, Harrow and Winchester.
The large majority of British schools teach both boys and girls together. But grammar schools, which give state secondary education of a very high standard, teach boys and girls separately.
The school year in England and Wales starts in September and ends in July. In Scotland it runs from August to June and in Northern Ireland from September to June and has three terms. At 7 and 11 years old, and then at 14 and 16 at secondary school, pupils take examinations in the core subjects (English, Mathematics and Science).
The main school examination, the General Certificate of secondary education (GCSE) examination is taken at the age of 16. If pupils are successful, they can make their choice: they may either go to a Further Education College or a Polytechnic or they may continue their education in the sixth form. Those who stay at school after GCSE, study for 2 more years for "A' (Advanced) Level Exams in two or three subjects which is necessary to enter one of British universities. Universities usually select students basing on their A-level results and an interview. After three years of study a university graduate gets the Degree of a Bachelor of Arts, Science or Engineering. Many students then continue their studies for a Master's Degree and then a Doctor's Degree (PhD).
1. Use the text to translate the following sentences:
1) Большинство британских школ обучает мальчиков и девочек вместе.
2) Религиозное образование также присутствует во всех школах, хотя родители имеют право отказаться от этих занятий.
3) Британское образование обязательно и бесплатно для всех детей.
4) Самыми знаменитыми британскими частными школами считаются Итон, Хэрроу и Винчестер.
5) Через 3 года обучения выпускник университета получает Степень бакалавра гуманитарных, естественных или технических наук.
6) В детских садах у малышей еще нет настоящих уроков, их обучают лишь некоторым элементарным вещам: цифрам, цветам и буквам.
7) В возрасте 7 и 11 лет, а потом 14 и 16 лет в средних школах дети сдают экзамены по основным предметам (английский, математика и естествознание).
8) Многие студенты далее продолжают обучение для
получения Степени магистра и после- Степени доктора.
2. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences:
1) than Secondary primary are larger schools ones much generally.
2) British and large girls of schools teach The both majority boys together
3) available is Religious in all education schools.
4) British The public Eton and most schools are, Harrow
famous Winchester.
5) and 4 in Northern age of 5 education begins at the in England,
Primary Ireland Wales and Scotland.
English humor
One of the amazing features of a man is a sense of humor, which unfortunately not everyone has. It's the ability to joke, to make people smile and understand someone's jokes correctly. Each person has a sense of humor is individual. There is such a thing - as a national sense of humor, which is unique and has its own distinctive features. It includes English humor, which is often written and spoken. The people of England joke always and everywhere, there are no forbidden subjects for them. Weather, politics, family values, Queen Elizabeth - they treat everything with irony. The most surprising thing is when English people joke or tell funny stories with imperturbable faces against a background of complete absurdity, and people sometimes do not know how to react in such situations.
Many do not understand English jokes, especially when they do not speak the language. For some, the humor of the English is as cold, repulsive and stiff as they are. But the English are an amazing people, and even ready to draw these shortcomings in jest, and laugh at the erroneous opinion of the whole world.
To learn to understand the jokes of the English, one must study their culture and lifestyle. English humor is a life style, a way of behavior. Dialogue between the two Englishmen and at the present time looks like a piquetion with ridiculous phrases. Against the background of serious conversations, this exchange of jokes looks extremely strange and unusual. To understand the English humor, it is enough knowledge of the language and general information about England, but to become a participant in such conversations, one must be a true Englishman.
1. Use the text to translate the following sentences:
1) Существует такое понятие, как национальный юмор, который уникален и обладает своими отличительными особенностями.
2) Для кого-то юмор англичан такой же холодный, отталкивающий и чопорный, как и они сами.
3) Чтобы понять английский юмор достаточно знания языка и общей информации об Англии, но чтобы стать участником таких бесед, нужно быть истинным англичанином.
4) Жители Англии шутят всегда и везде, для них не существует запретных тем.
5) У каждого человека чувство юмора индивидуальное.
6) Одна из удивительных черт человека - это чувство юмора, которое к сожалению не у всех есть.
7) Погода, политика, семейные ценности, королева Елизавета - они ко всему относятся с иронией.
2. Cover the text. Match a word from A to a word from B to make phrases from the text. A) B)
Erroneous opinion
national amazing
general people
sense information
of humor funny stories
3. Form your own sentences using phrases from ex2
Russian traditions
Russia is a unique country, which preserves the national traditions deeply rooted not only in the Orthodox religion but also in paganism. Christianity gave Russians such great holidays as Easter and Christmas, and Paganism – Maslenitsa, which means Pancake Day. Old traditions are passed on from generation to generation.
New Years day is the biggest celebration for Russians. It is believed that the way you celebrate the New Year indicates how your year will be. On New Year’s eve, a huge meal is prepared with an abundance of dishes.
Easter is the day of the resurrection of Christ. The main tradition at Easter time is the painting of hard-boiled eggs. Red is the predominant colour, as it signifies new life. Russians exchange eggs and kind wishes for the Easter celebration.
Christmas is the holiday of the birth of Jesus Christ, which is celebrated on the 7th of January. Before Christmas Eve, people tidy their houses. The food for Christmas is prepared some days in advance, with turkey, stuffed pork, pies, pastries and sweets for children.
Maslenitsa is one of the most cheerful holidays in Russia. It marks the end of the winter and the opening of new spring festivals and ceremonies. Maslenitsa is celebrated during the week preceding the Lent. Every day of Maslenitsa is devoted to special rituals.
There are some interesting family traditions. For example, when a new baby is born, the father should plant a tree, wishing the child to grow up strong and healthy.
Among the traditions connected with wedding is blessing. When a bride and groom are ready to go to the church, the oldest member in their family takes a religious icon from the wall. While the bride and groom kneel, the family member crosses them both with the icon, blesses their union, and wishes them a long and happy marriage. At the wedding reception, the husband and wife take a big loaf of bread and bite it at the same time, without the use of their hands. Whoever gets the larger piece, it is said that they will be the leader of their family.
1. Use the text to translate the following sentences:
1) Перед Рождеством люди обычно убирают свои дома.
2) Существуют различные интересные семейные традиции.
3) На церемонии бракосочетания муж и жена берут большой каравай хлеба и одновременно кусают его.
4) В канун Нового Года накрывают большой стол с изобилием блюд.
5) Россия – уникальная страна, которая сохраняет национальные традиции, уходящие корнями не только в христианскую религию, но и в язычество.
6) Древние традиции передаются от поколения к поколению.
7) Масленица – один из самых веселых праздников в России.
8) Каждый день Масленицы посвящен особым ритуалам.
2. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences:
1) biggest Russians New celebration Years for day is the
2) some family There interesting are traditions.
3) the cheerful Russia Maslenitsa most in holidays is one of.
4) painting time is The at Easter the main tradition eggs of hard-boiled.
5) the of Christ is of resurrection the day Easter.
Gardening in the UK
The most popular hobby of the British is gardening. Most English people love gardens, best of all, and this is probably the one reason why so many people prefer to live in houses rather than in flats. In the suburbs, you can see row after row of ordinary small houses. Moreover, many flowers surround each house.
Many people who have no gardens of their own have patches of land. They spend much leisure time working among their flowers, trees and vegetables. The British take part in numerous flower-and vegetable shows with very good prizes. Such shows are very popular in Britain.
For many gardeners the process of growing the plants and taking care of them seems more important than the pleasure of looking at the flowers or the prospect of eating vegetables. In many places, a competitive gardener's desire is to grow the biggest cabbages leeks or carrots. Therefore, this is the most favorite hobby of the British people.
Gardening is one of the most popular hobbies in England. The art of gardening is a very old tradition in England that started in the 18th century. The English gardeners of those times did not like the rich and unnatural gardens of French palaces. They wanted to create their own kind of gardening. Their wish was to express in their synthetic landscapes their love of English nature. The English art of gardening is seen today in London parks and gardens. These parks mostly consist of grass, trees and water. You can lie on the soft grass, walk among the ancient oaks of Green Park and Hyde Park and nobody will forbid it.
1. Use the text to translate the following sentences:
1) Много людей, у которых нет собственных садов, имеют участки земли.
2) Во многих городах дух соперничества побуждает садоводов выращивать самую большую капусту, порей или морковь.
3) Садоводство - самое популярное увлечение британцев.
4) Британцы принимают участие в многочисленных цветочных шоу и овощных шоу, где получают очень хорошие призы.
5) Искусство садоводничества сегодня можно увидеть во всех садах и парках Лондона.
2. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences:
1) wanted create They to their of own gardening kind
2) hobbies in one of popular Gardening is England the most.
3) in take very flower-and British shows The with numerous shows vegetable good part prizes.
4) their time They spend vegetables flowers, trees much leisure and working among.
5) gardening wanted They own their kind to create of.
British holidays
Every year British people celebrate his or her national, traditional and religious holidays. Many of them are quite old, important and well known. Most of public holidays in the United Kingdom are known as Bank holidays because banks are closed on these days. They are: New Year’s day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, Shrove Tuesday (or Pancake day), May Day, Spring Bank holiday (in May), Summer Bank holiday (in August), Christmas Day (December, the 25th) and Boxing Day (December, the 26th – the day of exchanging Christmas presents). In fact, in Scotland they do not celebrate Easter Monday. On May Day, people dance all day long waving their white handkerchiefs to ward off evil spirits. Spring and Summer Bank holidays are popular in the UK. The British take short trips to the country or to the seashore and have much fun with their families and friends.
Besides, some national holidays are celebrated locally, in separate places. For instance, Scottish people have Hogmanay (or New Year’s Eve - December 31), Burns’ night (January 25) and St. Andrew’s day (November 30). Northern Irish people celebrate Orangemen’s Day (July 12) and St. Patrick’s Day (March 17). The national holiday in England is St. George’s day (April 23) and in Wales - St. David’s day (March 1). People of Northern Ireland celebrate Orangemen’s Day with parades and marches to commemorate the Battle of Boyne in 1690. Burns’ Night celebrates the life and work of a world-famous poet Robert Burns and his contribution to the Scottish culture.
The British also celebrate St. Valentine’s day, Halloween, Guy Fawkes’ night (or Bonfire night), Remembrance Sunday (in November), Mothering Sunday (in March), Father’s Sunday (in June) and April Fool’s day. In the evening of November, the 5th (Guy Fawkes’ Night) British people burn a dummy of Guy Fawkes who attempted to destroy the Houses of Parliament in 1605. The dummy is made of straw and old clothes and put on a bonfire. On Remembrance Day (or Armistice Day), people wear red poppies in their pockets to commemorate all British soldiers being killed in the two World wars.
1. Use the text to translate the following sentences:
1) Существуют национальные праздники, которые отмечают лишь локально, в определенных местах.
2) Британцы выезжают на природу или к морскому побережью и весело проводят время в кругу семьи и друзей.
3) Каждый год британский народ празднует национальные, традиционные и религиозные праздники.
4) Большинство общественных праздников в Соединенном Королевстве известны как Банковские праздники, так как в эти дни банки закрыты.
5) В Шотландии не отмечают Пасхальный понедельник.
6) В Майский праздник люди весь день танцуют, размахивая белыми платочками, отгоняя злых духов.
7) Чучело готовят из соломы и старой одежды и ставят на костер.
2. Cover the text. Match a word from A to a word from B to make phrases from the text. A) B)
Houses of Parliament
Robert Remembrance Day
religious Burns
3. Form your own sentences using phrases from ex2
Holidays in Russia
There are many national holidays in Russia, when people all over the country do not work and have special celebrations.
The major holidays are New Year's Day, Women's Day, May Day, Victory Day, and Independence Day.
The first holiday of the year is New Year's Day. People see the New Year in at midnight on 31 December. They greet the New Year with champagne and listen to the Kremlin chimes beating 12 o'clock.
There are many New Year traditions in Russia. In every home there is a New Year tree glittering with coloured lights and decorations. Children always wait for Father Frost to come and give them a present. Many people consider New Year's Day to be a family holiday. Nevertheless, the young prefer to have New Year parties of their own.
A renewed holiday in our country is Christmas. It is celebrated on 7 January. It is a religious holiday and a lot of people go to church services on that day.
On the 8th of March we celebrate Women's Day when men are supposed to do everything about the house, cook all the meals and give women flowers.
The greatest national holiday in our country is Victory Day. On the 9th of May, 1945, our army completely defeated the German fascists and the Great Patriotic War ended. We will never forget our grandfathers and grandmothers who died to defend our Motherland. We honour their memory with a minute of silence and put flowers on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.
Independence Day is a new holiday in our country. On the 12th of June, 1992, the first President of Russia was elected.
We also celebrate Day of the Defender of Motherland on the 23d of February, Easter, Day of Knowledge and lots of professional holidays which are not public holidays and banks, offices and schools do not close.
1. Use the text to translate the following sentences:
1) Самый большой национальный праздник в нашей стране - День Победы.
2) 12 июня 1992 года был избран первый президент России.
3) Дети всегда ждут Деда Мороза, который приходит и дарит им подарки.
4) Это религиозный праздник, и много людей идет на церковные службы в этот день.
5) Мы никогда не забудем наших дедов и бабушек, которые погибли, защищая нашу Родину.
6) Они приветствуют новый год шампанским и слушают Кремлевские куранты в 12 часов.
7) 8-го марта мы отмечаем Международный женский день.
2. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences:
1) is New The of Day the year Year's first holiday.
2) Year's holiday people Many be a New Day consider to family.
3) a new Day is country holiday Independence in our
4) February Day of also Defender on the 23d the of We celebrate of Motherland
5) of December at midnight People on the 31st the see in new year .
6) to defend our grandfathers who died We'll forget to defend never our and grandmothers Motherland.
Список ресурсов:
1. s-english.ru
2. Lingvo
4. english-text.ru
5. engtexts.ru
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