УЧЕБНО-МЕТОДИЧЕСКОЕ ПОСОБИЕ ДЕЛОВОЙ АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК BUSINESS ENGLISH по учебной дисциплине ОП.05 Иностранный язык (английский) профессиональный для специальности СПО 46.02.01 «Документационное обеспечение управления и архивоведение»
учебно-методическое пособие на тему
Учебно-методическое пособие предназначено для обучающихся по специальности 46.02.01 «Документационное обеспечение управления и архивоведение».
Пособие содержит тексты для чтения и перевода, упражнения по развитию умений и навыков устной речи и обогащению лексического запаса обучающихся для его последующего использования в практике делового общения.
Учебно-методическое пособие предназначено для преподавателей и обучающихся техникума.
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Предварительный просмотр:
«Старооскольский техникум технологий и дизайна»
по учебной дисциплине
ОП.05 Иностранный язык (английский) профессиональный
для специальности СПО
46.02.01 «Документационное обеспечение управления и архивоведение»
Разработала: Лоптева Наталья Ивановна,
преподаватель иностранного языка
ОГАПОУ «Старооскольский техникум
технологий и дизайна»
на заседании ЦМК
протокол № 2 от «14» сентября 2017г.
Председатель ЦМК ______ /Т.А. Яско/
г. Старый Оскол 2017 г.
Учебно-методическое пособие предназначено для обучающихся по специальности 46.02.01 «Документационное обеспечение управления и архивоведение».
Пособие содержит тексты для чтения и перевода, упражнения по развитию умений и навыков устной речи и обогащению лексического запаса обучающихся для его последующего использования в практике делового общения.
Учебно-методическое пособие предназначено для преподавателей и обучающихся техникума.
ОГАПОУ «Старооскольский техникум технологий и дизайна»
г. Старый Оскол Белгородской области
Лоптева Н.И. – преподаватель иностранного языка
ОГАПОУ «Старооскольский техникум технологий и дизайна»
Кострубова А.Е. – преподаватель иностранного языка
ОГАПОУ «Старооскольский индустриально-технологический техникум»
Предисловие………………………………………………………...... | 4 |
Введение……………………………………………………………… | 4 |
Unit 1. Résumé………………………………………………...... | 6 |
Unit 2. Business Interview……………………………………..... | 13 |
Unit 3. Application……………………………………………… | 20 |
Unit 4. Characteristic…………………………………………..... | 31 |
Unit 5. Business Letter………………………………………….. | 36 |
Unit 6. Company Structure……………………………………… | 46 |
Unit 7. Negotiations………………………………………........... | 57 |
Unit 8. Stock Exchange and Its Work……………………........... | 67 |
Proverbs and Sayings………………………………………................. | 79 |
Список литературы………………………………………………...... | 81 |
Цель учебно-методического пособия – реализация государственных требований к минимуму содержания и уровню подготовки обучающихся специальности 46.02.01 «Документационное обеспечение управления и архивоведение».
Учебно-методическое пособие составлено в соответствии с рабочей программой по дисциплине «Иностранный язык».
Цель и задачи дисциплины
Цель изучения дисциплины «Иностранный язык» состоит в достижении языковой и коммуникативной компетенции, достаточной для дальнейшей учебной и профессиональной деятельности, а также для осуществления деловых контактов.
В течение обучения дисциплине «Иностранный язык» обучающиеся должны уметь:
- свободно изъясняться на иностранном языке;
- продуцировать связанные высказывания;
- точно формулировать мысли и выражать свое мнение;
- выражать отношение к прочитанному или услышанному;
- грамотно и точно употреблять разнообразные языковые средства в ситуациях профессионального и повседневного общения;
- реферировать и аннотировать литературу по специальности;
- владеть навыками реактивной речи;
- владеть навыками библиографической работы с иноязычной литературой;
- читать со словарем тексты профессиональной направленности.
Требования к уровню освоения дисциплины
В результате изучения дисциплины «Иностранный язык» обучающиеся должны:
- лексику по сферам применения;
- основные грамматические явления, характерные для профессиональной речи;
- русские и иностранные эквиваленты основных слов и выражений профессиональной речи;
- характерные способы и приемы отбора языкового материала в соответствии с различными видами речевого общения;
- понимать диалогическую и монологическую речь в сфере профессиональной коммуникации;
- читать несложные прагматические тексты по широкому и узкому профилю специальности;
- работать с оригинальной литературой по специальности;
- писать простое краткое сообщение, письмо (частное, деловое);
- навыками и умениями речевой деятельности применительно к сфере профессиональной коммуникации;
- навыками аудирования на специальные темы;
- навыком работы со словарем (читать транскрипцию, различать прямое и переносное значение слов, находить перевод фразеологических единиц);
- основной иноязычной терминологией специальности;
- навыками всех видов чтения (ознакомительное, просмотровое, изучающее);
- формами деловой переписки.
1. You are seeking for a good job but you don’t know how to write a good résumé. Read and translate.
A résumé is an introduction, one page, one short chance at proving you are a qualified and experienced candidate who should be hired by a company. It wraps up all your life experiences, needs to be professional, to the point and perfect. A résumé must present a clear picture of the candidate. For this you should know what a potential employer expects.
They look at a person’s experience with a company, how long the person has worked for a company or to see if he is a «job jumper». The person should be able to present himself in a résumé. Your résumé must be right, standard format, typed. To offer details about spouses and children is not necessary and not professional.
So what should be in a résumé?
Begin with the basics. Your name, address and phone (fax) number should always go at the top of your résumé. There is no need to include the words «résumé» or «c/v» – they take up precious space.
State a résumé objective. It should be below the name, address and phone number and be a clear and concise job objective. Using it forces you to tailor your résumé to a particular position or company, as well as provides an immediately clear sense of direction to those people who will be reviewing your résumé. The main objective of your writing a résumé – to demonstrate your abilities for a particular position – so state it clearly at the top. Focus on the position and career path you are going after, and state exactly what you want. It should be more than «Objective: To work in a challenging environment».
Talk about your accomplishments in your «Experience» section. Focus on achievements at your present and previous jobs, especially those that involve problem-solving, management skills, critical thinking and initiative. These should be listed chronologically, beginning with your most recent position and then moving through previous jobs, as long as they provide applicable experience to the position you are seeking. Always use action verbs in your job description: words like «administered», «analyzed», «coordinated», «evaluated», «negotiated», «reviewed» and «supervised» offer a stronger presentation of your abilities. But keep the description short and to the point, and also make sure everything listed is relevant.
Include a section about your education; list it before your experience only if your educational history is stronger than your work background. This is often best for first-time job seekers who don’t have much work experience. Make sure to list any additional courses you have taken that might be relevant to the job you are seeking, including specific company training programs or language courses.
Personal data should be included in a short section at the end of your résumé. Including information about your marital status, number of children, health and physical characteristics is always unnecessary. Include such categories as language fluency, extensive travel history or specific computer skills. Don’t include references on your résumé.
Active Vocabulary
résumé – резюме
candidate – кандидат
c/v (Curriculum Vitae) – деловая биография
to go after a position – претендовать на должность
recent position – последняя должность
career objective – цель карьеры
prove smth – доказать что-либо
be qualified – быть квалифицированным
experienced – опытный
provide applicable experience – обеспечить необходимый опыт
be hired by smb – быть нанятым кем-либо
employer – наниматель
job jumper (changes positions every 6-10 months) – тот, кто меняет работу каждые 6-10 месяцев
present oneself in a résumé – представить сведения о себе в резюме
type – печатать
objective – объективный; цель
concise – короткий, краткий, сокращенный, выразительный, четкий
tailor to a particular position – рассчитывать (претендовать) на конкретную должность
post, appointment, position – должность
review a résumé – просмотреть резюме
present job – работа в настоящее время
previous job – предыдущая работа
job description – описание работы
demonstrate abilities – продемонстрировать способности
state clearly – четко заявить
challenging – благоприятный
environment – окружение
focus on – сосредоточиться на чем-либо
accomplishments – положительные свойства, совершенство, завершенность
achievement – достижение
problem-solving skills – способности к разрешению проблем
management skills – способности к управлению
critical thinking – критическое мышление
list chronologically – перечислить в хронологическом порядке
seek a position – искать место, устраиваться на работу
first-time job seekers – впервые устраивающийся на работу
relevant – соответствующий
educational history – сведения об образовании
work background – профессиональная квалификация
take language courses – заниматься на языковых курсах
additional course – дополнительный курс
specific company training program – подготовительная программа
определенной компании
personal data – личные сведения
marital status – семейное положение
language fluency – беглость речи
travel history – поездки
specific computer skills – специальные компьютерные навыки
reference – рекомендация
2. Find in the text English equivalents for:
резюме; быть нанятым компанией; потенциальный работодатель; представить сведения о себе в резюме; основная цель; работа в настоящее время и предыдущая работа; перечислить в хронологической последовательности; сведения об образовании; профессиональная квалификация; беглость речи; специальные компьютерные навыки; рекомендации.
3. Give Russian equivalents for:
a qualified and experienced candidate; life experiences; a «job jumper»; clear and concise job objective; to review a résumé; accomplishments; problem-solving and initiative; a first-time job seeker; work experience; additional courses; personal data.
4. Translate the sentences into Russian.
1. Have you written the new résumé yet?
2. Our Personnel Manager will see you tomorrow.
3. The candidates have arrived in time for the interview.
4. Are you a job-jumper?
5. The secretary was hired by Human Resource Manager.
6. You should send your application form by fax.
7. This company is the biggest employer at the food market.
8. This job provided him applicable experience in the sphere of computers.
9. Do you go after the position of a bookkeeper?
10. How can you prove being a qualified engineer?
11. What career objective have you got?
12. He’ll review your résumé the day after tomorrow.
5. Make up the sentences with the following words and word combinations.
to seek (a position, assistance), job-seeker;
to type (a document, a letter, a résumé), a typist;
job (previous, present), job description, job-jumper;
to solve (a problem), solution, problem-solving skills;
to focus on (accomplishments, achievements, lacks);
to support smb (candidacy for a particular position);
to take (language courses, specific company training program);
to refer, good references.
6. What would you say if you took part in these dialogues? Act them out.
1. A.: Is it necessary to type my résumé?
B.: I consider that …
2. A.: I think you’d better write about your spouse and children in the résumé. Do you agree with me?
B.: I don’t think so because …
3. A.: Is it obligatory to mention my educational history? Why?
B.: I suppose that …
4. A.: I started with my personal data then passed to my experience. Is that right?
B.: It’s not right, you’d better …
5. A.: Did you list chronologically all your previous positions?
B.: No, because …
A.: I think you should mention …
7. Put the parts of a résumé’s scheme in a right order.
a. Experience
b. Additional courses, specific company training programs, language courses
c. Personal data
d. Job objective
e. Position, company
f. Education
g. Phone/fax number
h. Address
i. Name
8. Look at the plan and résumé Mr. Morgan has written recently. Use it as an example to write your own résumé.
1. Name, address. Phone/ fax number.
2. Particular position, company (job objective).
3. Experience (achievements, skills).
4. Education + additional courses, specific company training programs, language courses.
5. Personal data.
Résumé Mr. Jeff Morgan 103 Kingston Road September, 23, 2010 2855 London Great Britain phone 44905-35 fax 66117-25 Job objective: Finance and Administration Manager Company: Jaar International Inc. Experience: recent position: 2010-2008 Finance and Administration Manager. Supervised Development of Management Information systems. Coordinated development of Logistics. Proved to have management skills. International Trade Company «MARS», Great Britain. Previous jobs: 2008-2005 Finance Manager. IBM computers Inc. Analyzed budgeting and forecasts programs. Evaluated as having problem-solving skills. French Branch, IBM computers Inc., France. 2005-2002 Bookkeeper. Glaxo International Co. Coordinated costing, budgeting programs, branch department. Russian office, Russia. Education: 2002 Degree with Honors in France and Economy, Oxford University, Finance and Administration. 2001-2002 Special training program (Glaxo International Co.). 2000-2002 Special language courses (French: Finance and Economy in France – Russian: Russian Tax Policy). 1998-2000 Computer systems for Finance and Economy. Personal Data: age 30, fluent in French, Russian. Travel history: France, Russia. Profound computer skills: WinWord, Excel, Finance programs. |
9. Role-play.
1. Imagine that your friend has decided to write down a résumé because he/she is seeking a new job. Give him/her advice how to write it clearly.
2. You are working at the Human Resources Office and you deal with applicants’ résumés. You know well how to write a good résumé. Explain how to do it to an applicant for a position «Sales Manager» at a famous Computer Company.
10. Using the information provided by this unit try to write down your own résumé. Make up the plan.
11. Translate and try to explain these proverbs:
1. Art is long, life is short.
2. Great talkers are little doers.
3. A good beginning makes a good ending.
1. You are preparing for an interview, but you don’t imagine what questions you should answer. Read and translate.
An interview is an important event in the life of every job applicant. It can be the last test on the way to a new position. That’s why it’s very important to be well prepared for an interview.
Come in time to the appointed place for an interview. Don’t forget to take all the necessary documents for your better presentation (references, characteristics, diplomas).
Don’t be nervous and tense with the interviewer, be polite and listen attentively to all the questions you are asked. If you are confident in what you talking about it will make a good impression on the interviewer. Try to give full and clear answers to the questions. Be ready to discuss the details of your future work. Try to persuade the interviewer that you are the best candidate for the chosen position and an asset for the company. Don’t talk about personal questions if they are not connected with the future work.
Don’t hesitate to describe fully your responsibilities and regular duties at the previous job if you are asked. Show that you are thinking ahead in your career development. Be ready to explain the reasons of your desire to change the work. Tell about your educational history and obtained degree. Don’t forget to mention your computer skills, language fluency if it’s required by the company.
At the end of the interview thank the interviewer for his/her attention. Don’t demand the immediate answer about his/her decision, appoint the certain date for it.
Active Vocabulary
reference – отзыв, рекомендация
present a list of references – предоставить список отзывов
tense – напряженный
polite – вежливый
be confident – быть уверенным
persuade – убеждать
regular duties – обычные обязанности
be an asset for the company – быть приобретением для компании
give a good representation – хорошо представить
demand – требовать
appoint the date – назначить дату
2. Find in the text English equivalents for:
кандидат; быть хорошо подготовленным к собеседованию; все необходимые документы; быть напряженным; производить хорошее впечатление; убеждать; обычные обязанности; причина; сведения об образовании; решение.
3. Give Russian equivalents for:
an interview; a new position; an appointed place; a reference; a characteristic; a diploma; to be polite; to be confident; to be an asset for the company; to hesitate; responsibilities and regular duties; in smb’s career development; language fluency.
4. Fill in the gaps with the words given below using them in the correct form:
a list of references, to be an asset, to be nervous, an interview, to appoint, to be impressed, to be confident.
1. Did you present … to the interviewer?
2. My friend has got an interview for tomorrow that’s why he is so … .
3. The interviewer … by my experience in this field.
4. He was … and they didn’t hesitate to take him for this position.
5. What date was … for your interview?
6. The interviewer told me that Mr. White … for any company.
7. Did you understand all the questions during …?
5. Make up the sentences with the following words and word combinations.
to get an interview, to interview smb, an interviewer;
to be tense, tension;
to be confident, confidence;
regular duties, duty free, to be on duty;
to refer, reference, list of references.
6. What would you say if you took part in these dialogues? Act them out.
1. A.: Well, I see you’ve already had quite a lot of experience in the food industry. Could you dwell on your regular duties at your recent job?
B.: Yes, I can tell you that …
2. A.: You mentioned earlier that you liked the people you had worked with. What features do you appreciate in your colleagues?
B.: I think that …
3. A.: It seems to me you had a pleasant place to work. I’m surprised you are going to leave.
B.: You are quite right, but …
4. A.: You mentioned that you had attended special language courses. How do you think it will help you in the future work?
B.: I suppose that …
7. Act as an interviewer at a famous Computer company. The company seeks a candidate for the position of an: a) accountant, b) coordinator, c) interpreter,
d) analyst, e) lawyer, f) attorney, g) engineer, h) agent, i) receptionist.
Look through the requirements of different companies. Prepare the questions you should ask every candidate. Start the interview with the candidates.
Accountant – Will be responsible for the monitoring of all necessary accounting procedures, acting as a liaison to the tax authorities. Will also act as a support person for the Chief Accountant in all day-to-day activities. The suitable candidate must possess: a degree in Finance or Economics; – a minimum of 2 year experience working with Western companies; excellent knowledge of Russian financial legislation; fluent English is required, the salary is negotiable.
Warehouse Coordinator – Will assist Logistics Director in warehousing chain, control inventories, set up warehouse team of clerks, plan distribution resources. The candidate should have higher education, 1 year experience, general knowledge of Logistics – ability to control warehouse situation – excellent managerial skills – be a computer user (Excel, Word) with strong presentation skills, fluency in English, ability to travel.
Interpreter/translator – The candidate will translate orally/ in written from English/Spanish into Russian and vice versa, realize simultaneous translations during negotiations (computer market), fulfil everyday office work. The possible candidate should possess University degree, excellent English/Spanish, computer skills (Excel, Word).
Capital Market Analyst – Will collect information on securities, equities, etc. from different information sources, develop market ideas and find appropriate ways of implementing them in the Russian market. Will participate in business trips, client meetings, project negotiations, adapt Western ideas for sales in the Russian market. The appropriate individual should possess: absolutely fluent English – excellent presentational, organizational, and analytical skills – a banking, finance, or consulting background – western education (Master of Business Administration is a plus) – willingness to travel (both locally and abroad) – a teamplayer’s spirit and strong experience (Big Six or western investment banking).
Lawyer – Will realize association work and representation of company in professional circles. Business and commercial law including interest in regulatory requirements (control advertising and labeling, unfair competition, environmental issues). Industrial property (trademarks, patents, design patents, copyrights). Contacts with other European and US lawyers. A specialist in Corporate Law, Taxes. Profile: Law degree, proficiency in legislative areas – 5 + year similar experience in a multinational consumer products company – fluent English.
Attorney – Will consult the firm’s clients on various aspects of Russian operations, including commercial transactions, securities and share acquisitions, strategic planning, tax law, real estate transactions, and labour law. Successful candidate will be the responsible attorney for our office under the supervision of foreign managing partners. Ability to work independently is essential. Excellent communication skills required, fluent English.
Mechanical Engineer – Main responsibilities: service and repair of equipment for printed plates manufacturing – processing of technical documentation – ordering of spare parts. Personal profile: higher technical education in Mechanics – 3 year relevant working experience – knowledge of equipment with program control for automatic assembling of printed plates – basic English.
Regional Sales Agent – Main responsibilities: sales operations within a particular region – ensuring achievement of regional objectives – investigate customers’ needs and competitive activity – plan and activate regional sales plan. Profile: Degree in Economics, fluent English, possibility to travel up to 60%.
Receptionist – Whose responsibilities will be as follows: answering phone calls, guests’ accommodation, greeting clients, making all the office work (typing, sending/receiving faxes, etc.) The right candidate should have: fluent English, PC literacy (Word, Excel), typing skills, higher education, pleasant, helpful, friendly personality.
8. Before realizing the task read the words and word combinations to the advertisements.
possess – владеть
monitor accounting procedures – контролировать, проверять счетные операции
liaison – связь, взаимодействие
tax authorities – налоговые органы
handle – руководить, владеть, контролировать, справляться
salary – заработная плата
negotiable – то, что может обсуждаться
warehouse – склад
translator, interpreter – переводчик
orally – устно
in written – письменно
vice versa – наоборот
simultaneous – одновременный
receptionist, secretary – секретарь
lawyer – адвокат, юрист
securities – ценные бумаги
equity – обычная акция, акция без фиксированного дивиденда
willingness – желание, готовность
advertising – реклама (действие)
advertisement – реклама (объявление)
label – прикреплять этикетку, ярлык
trademark – торговая марка
copyright – авторское право
Corporate Law – корпоративное законодательство
commercial transaction – коммерческое соглашение
labour law – трудовое законодательство
attorney – адвокат, юрист
order spare parts – заказывать запчасти
assemble – монтировать, собирать
investigate customers’ needs – изучать (определять) потребности покупателей
9. Today you have an interview at a well-known famous computer company. Act as a candidate to the following positions: a) accountant, b) coordinator,
c) interpreter, d) analyst, e) lawyer, f) attorney, g) engineer, h) agent,
i) receptionist. After looking through the words and word combinations start the interview with a representative of the company.
10. Topics for further discussion.
1. You are seeking a job for the first time. Is it necessary to prepare for an interview? Why do you think so? How will you do it?
2. Is it easy for you to present yourself fully in a short interview with an unknown person? If it is difficult, explain how you will overcome it. What or who will help you in this situation?
3. How do you imagine your future interview? What are the main rules of your behaviour?
4. How should you behave at the interview to achieve your goal? Demonstrate it: a) as an interviewer, b) as an applicant.
11. Translate and try to explain these proverbs:
1. Little strokes fell great oaks.
2. No sweet without some sweat.
3. Experience is the mother of wisdom.
1. You want to participate in the work of an international conference or to continue your studies abroad. For this you should fill in a special application form. Read and translate.
Any application form is a special form developed by Congress, Conference, University, Institute and College to provide more specific information about applicants and to formalize all information about them for better data processing.
The application form usually includes the following sections: general information about the institution, benefits, responsibilities, applicants’ criteria, closing data for applications.
The application form usually contains:
Personal details (data): Family name/Legal name (last, first, middle)
Title (Mr. Mrs. Miss. Ms. Dr.)
Sex (male, female)
Permanent home address, phone/fax number or Present address
Place and date of birth
Marital status (single, married, divorced, widowed)
Military status
Academic background usually includes all academic qualifications obtained since completing secondary education, stating the institutions attended, the main subjects of study and when the main courses started and finished. The applicants usually attach photocopies of all relevant academic certificates or transcripts, with accompanying translations into English, if they are issued in another language.
Professional background listing all positions held since completing secondary education.
Residency issues (citizenship, permanent residence status, previous country of residence).
Proposed course of study: What qualifications would you like to obtain, in what subjects?
At which institution would you like to study or conduct research? Are you applying for a fully funded scholarship?
Often the applicants are asked to attach letters from two referees (both of whom should be professional or academic) in support of the application; sometimes it’s necessary to attach the Personal Essays. The Personal Essay provides individualized information about the applicant, his/her ambitions and interests.
At the end you can find applicant’s obligations while studying. All the application forms should be filled in clearly or typed.
Active Vocabulary
fill in the form – заполнить форму
application form – форма для принятия участия в чем-либо, заявление, бланк
formalize information – формализовать информацию
data processing – обработка данных
benefits – преимущества, привилегии
responsibility – ответственность
criteria – критерии
closing date of applications – окончательная дата (срок) присылки документов
male – (пол) мужской
female – (пол) женский
permanent home address – постоянный домашний адрес
single – неженатый, не замужем
married – женатый, замужем
divorced – разведенный
widowed – вдовый
title – титул
military status – воинское звание
academic background – образование
complete secondary education – получить среднее образование
attach photocopy – приложить фотокопию
academic certificate – диплом
hold a position – занимать должность
residency – страна проживания
citizenship – гражданство
residence status – местожительство
obtain qualification – получить квалификацию
apply for a scholarship – подавать документы (претендовать) на получение стипендии
referee – арбитр; рекомендодатель
personal essay – автобиография, эссе
ambition – амбиция, цель
obligation – обязательство
2. Find in the text English equivalents for:
заполнить заявление; обеспечить специфическую информацию;
окончательная дата подачи документов; персональные сведения; образование; сопровождать переводом; профессиональная квалификация; постоянное место жительства; получать; проводить исследования; обязательство.
3. Give Russian equivalents for:
an applicant; data; general information; benefits; responsibilities; marital status; military status; an academic qualification; to attend; to be issued in another language; to hold a position; residency; a personal essay.
4. Translate the sentences into Russian.
1. What is the closing date for my application?
2. Do you have any academic qualification?
3. Have you filled in the application form you got yesterday?
4. I’d like to continue my studies and conduct my research work at Cambridge University.
5. I attached the photocopy of my academic certificate to my application form.
6. I read all the general information about the University, its benefits and my responsibilities.
7. What should I write in the section «Military status»?
8. Don’t forget to mention your permanent home address and telephone number.
5. Make up the sentences with the following words and word combinations.
to provide (information), to provide with books;
to attach (photocopy, Personal Essay, documents);
to fill a glass with water;
to be responsible, responsibilities;
to obtain (qualification, experience);
residency, residence, to be resident of.
6. Answer the questions.
1. What is an application form?
2. What sections does the application form usually contain?
3. What does the section «Academic background» include?
4. What do the applicants usually attach?
5. What does the section «Professional background» include?
6. What is the section «Proposed course of study» about?
7. Is it important to write a good Personal Essay?
8. What can you find at the end of the application form?
9. How can an application form influence your admission to the institution?
7. What would you say if you took part in these dialogues? Act them out.
1. A.: I have got the application form from Oxford University recently. But I have some questions about its structure. Can you explain me what I should write in the section Academic background?
B.: …
2. A.: Is it enough to mention only my recent position and the company where I work now?
B.: I don’t think so, because …
3. A.: I see that you haven’t filled in the section Professional background. Have you got any difficulties with it?
B.: You are right. Can you help me with …
4. A.: I started to write my Personal Essay yesterday. If you don’t mind I’d like you to read it and give me your remarks.
B.: I’ll do it with pleasure. I suppose that …
8. Ms. Kenwood filled her application form in. But she has forgotten to fill in some sections. Do it instead of her.
APPLICATION FOR GRADUATE ADMISSION Texas A&M International University Office of Admissions and Advisement _______________________________________________________________
1. Tell us about yourself: Male ……….. Female…. + …… Social Security Number 244589 Legal name: Kenwood Mary Kate Last First Middle Permanent home address: …………………………………………………………. City: Laredo State: Texas Zip Code: ………… Country: ……………….. Telephone-Home: 983432-86 Office: ………………………………. Place of birth: Laredo ………………… Date of birth: ………………………….. Legal Residence: Texas Resident ……. Non-resident ……. Foreign …………… Military status: Veteran: No Dates of service: ………………………………….. Marital status: Single Yes Married ……… Divorced/separated ……... Widowed ………….. If unmarried, provide information on your parent or closest living relative. If married, please provide information on your spouse: Name: Kenwood………………………………Relationship: father……………… Last First Middle Permanent Mailing Address: ……………………………………………………… City: Laredo…….State: ……. Zip Code: ……. Country: The USA…………….. Telephone-Home: …………………… Office: 66422-53………………………… 2. Tell us about your plans: Will you seek teacher certification from TAMIU? …………+..Yes................ No Applying for … 2 ... (year) Admission for…. Winter …+ ..Fall …… Spring ….Summer Are you enrolled at another University/College? …………. Yes ……………. No If Yes, where? Alabama Finance University …………………………………….. 3. Tell us about your educational background: Please list all Colleges and Universities you have attended beginning with the most recent: College/University Name City, State, Country. Dates. Attended Degree Alabama Finance University Alabama …………………. 2006-2010 Degree in Finance and Economy
Texas Administration College ……………………… 2004-2006 ………........... What exams have you taken? Exam Date Taken Mark 1. Economy and Finance ………………………………………............. excellent 2. ………………………………………………………………………………….. 3. …………………………………………………………………………………… 4. Residency issues: 1. Are you a US Citizen? ……… + ……. Yes (Go to 2) ……. No (Complete 1) Do you have U.S. Temporary Resident status? ...……….. Yes……………..No If Yes, Visa type: …………………………. Date issued: ………………........... Visa №: ……………………… Expiration Date: ……………………………….. 2. Are you a resident of the State of Texas? ……… + Yes ……….No (Go to B) 3. Will you have been residing in Texas for 12 consecutive months prior to your first enrollment at TAMIU? … + Yes (Go to part B) …. No (Go to 4) 4. Upon whom are you basing your claim for residency: ……Parent/Legal Guardian …………………….Spouse Your Oath of Residency: I understand that the information submitted herein will be relied by Texas A&M International University officials to determine my status for admission and residency eligibility. I authorize TAMIU to verify the information I have provided. I agree to notify the proper officials of TAMIU of any changes in the information provided. I certify that the information on this application is complete and correct, and I understand that the submission of false information is grounds for rejection of my application, withdrawal of any offer of acceptance, cancellation of enrollment, or appropriate disciplinary action. Kemwood Mary Kate 14 June, 2010 Print name Signature Soc.Security № Date |
9. Using the application form from the previous task fill the application form in as if you were the applicant.
British Chevening Scholarships APPLICATION FORM Part A. Personal Details Family name: ……………………………………………………………………… (as on passport) Other names: ……………………………………………………………………… Title: …………. Mr ………... Mrs ………….. Miss ………….. Ms…………Dr Sex: ……………………………… Male …………………………………. Female Place of birth: ……………………… Date of birth: …………………………….. Nationality: ………………………………………………………………............. Status: ……. Single ……….. Married ……….. Divorced …………. Widowed Address for correspondence in home country: ………………………….………. ……………………………………………………………………………………… Telephone number: ………………………………………………………............ Part B. Academic Background Please list all academic qualifications obtained since completing your secondary education, stating the institutions attended, the main subjects of study and when the main courses started and finished. Please indicate with an asterisk those courses which were entirely or mainly English medium – i.e. where the language of instruction or supervision was English: _______________________________________________________________ Qualification Institution Subject From To (including class or level) …………………………………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………………………….……………………….……………………………………………………..………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………… Please attach photocopies of all relevant academic certificates or transcripts, with accompanying translations into English, if they are written in another language. Part C. Professional Background Please list all positions held since completing your secondary education: _______________________________________________________________ Position Organization/Institution From To ………………………………………………………………………………………….…………………………………………………………………..……………….……….……………………………………………………..……………………….…………….……………………………………………………………………….. Part D. Proposed Course of Study in the UK. What qualification would you like to obtain and in what subjects? If there are alternatives to your first choice, please state order of preference. If you wish to conduct research rather than obtain a formal qualification, please state so clearly. 1. ………………………………………………………………………………….. 2. ………………………………………………………………………………….. 3. …………………………………………………………………………………… 4. …………………………………………………………………………………… At which institution would you like to study or conduct research? If you have no particular preferences and would you like the British Council to identify a suitable institution for you, please do not complete this section 1. ………………………………………………………………………………….. 2. …………………………………………………………………………………… 3. ………………………………………………………………………………….. Are you applying for a fully funded British Chevening Scholarship? ………… Yes ………… No If not, how do you propose to supplement your scholarship? ……………………………………………………………………………………… Have you already been in contact with the institution for your choice? ………… Yes ………… No Have you ever studied in the UK? ………… Yes ………… No Have you ever visited the IK on holiday or for other purposes? ………… Yes ………… No If so, please indicate when and what the purpose of your visit was. ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… Are you applying for any other scholarships or awards to study in the UK, to be funded either by the British Government or by other institutions or foundations? ………… Yes ………… No If so, please give full details. ……………………………………………………………………………………… Please attach letters from two referees (both of whom should be professional or academic) in support of your application for a British Chevening Scholarship. Please provide details of the two referees below. If you are unable to attach letters from your referees, please ask them to write to us as soon as possible. First Referee Title and name ……………………………………………………………............ Position ……………………………………………………………………………. Address …………………………………………………………………………… How long have you known this referee? …………………………………........... What is his/her professional relationship to you? ………………………………. Second Referee (the same information) *Finally, please state in not more than 1 000 words in the space provided below a/ why you wish to study in the UK, b/ why you wish to obtain the qualification listed as your first choice in Part D of this form, and c/ how you think you will benefit in terms of career and personal development from obtaining this qualification once you have returned to your home country. Please also give full details of any particular areas on which you would like to concentrate while in the UK as a part of your course of study or research. …………………………………………………………………………………………..………………………………………………………………….………………………..…………………………………………………….……………………… Date ………………. Signature ………………… |
10. The last section of Part D* is a section for Personal Essay. The institution provides you with a plan how to write it. Write your Personal Essay following their instructions concerning the contents and the quantity of words.
11. Translate and try to explain these proverbs:
1. In every beginning think of the end.
2. Better one word in time than two afterwards.
3. All is not gold that glitters.
1. You are a referee to one of your students. But you don’t know how to characterize him/her. Read and translate.
I have known Mr Ivanov for 6 years as a student at our University.
Mr Ivanov is an excellent student in English. He has scientifically oriented mind, a desire to work and master foreign language, and experience in working as a translator.
He is gifted and differs from the other students in his preparation for English lessons. His essays, projects on the topics «English Literature in the XIX Century», «Modern English Phonetics», «English Traditions and Customs» made a great impression on me. He is hardworking and organized.
While studying he took part and won the first prize at the competition among the fourth year students in English.
I can also state that comparing him with the other students in our University. I came to the conclusion that he has a high intellectual ability. He can solve different problems and tasks himself. Mr Ivanov has a quick reaction to changing situations and he is able to find the right solution.
Mr Ivanov is perfect in spoken English, English Grammar, Phonetics, English Literature.
As far as I know he has been working as a translator at Trade Company EPQ for two years.
Mr Ivanov has a great potential to study and to work. He is an initiative student. He helped in organizing a conference at our University on the problems of Post Graduate Courses.
He is highly motivated to pursue his Graduate study and he is serious in achieving his goals. His marks in English were only excellent. He obtained good skills in conducting scientific research.
Mr Ivanov has a strong character. He deals with people easily.
It seems to me that Mr Ivanov has a big potential and future in the chosen field as a graduate student.
Active Vocabulary
scientifically oriented mind – научный склад ума
master smth – овладеть, справиться, освоить
differ from others – отличаться от других
be gifted – быть одаренным
make a great impression on smb – производить большое впечатление на кого-либо
be hardworking – быть трудолюбивым
compare – сравнивать
come to a conclusion – прийти к выводу
find the right solution – найти правильное решение
have a great potential – иметь большой потенциал
be highly motivated – иметь высокую мотивацию
pursue smth – искать, продолжать, добиваться, придерживаться, заниматься чем-либо
Graduate study – аспирантура
achieve a goal – достичь цели
deal with people – общаться, иметь дело с людьми
2. Find in the text English equivalents for:
иметь научный склад ума; опыт; отличаться от; производить большое впечатление на кого-либо; принимать участие; решать различные проблемы; быстрая реакция; правильное решение; большой потенциал; цель; аспирант.
3. Give Russian equivalents for:
a desire to work; a translator; to be gifted; hardworking and organized; a high intellectual ability; perfect; as far as I know; to pursue smth, to achieve; to conduct scientific research; to deal with smb.
4. Make up the sentences with the following words and word combinations.
to be gifted, a gift;
to characterize, character, characteristic;
to achieve smb’s goal, achievement;
to compare, comparing, comparison;
to deal with people, a deal, dealing with.
5. Match the verbs in A with the definitions in B.
1. to master something
2. to solve something
3. to pursue something
4. to obtain something
5. to conduct something
6. to deal with somebody
a. to find a solution to something that is causing difficulties.
b. to do something in an organized way.
c. to learn something thoroughly so that you know it or can do it very well.
d. to take the action that is necessary when you are involved with a particular person or type of person.
e. to get something you want or need especially by going through a process that is difficult.
f. to follow a course of activity.
6. Arrange the following parts into the pairs of synonyms.
to vary
to conduct
to occur
to choose
to carry out
to select
to take place
to differ
7. Translate the words in brackets.
1. He has (опыт) in working as an interpreter.
2. His essays and projects (большое впечатление) made on me.
3. He is able to find (правильное решение).
4. (Насколько) I know he has been working as a translator for two years.
5. He is (инициативный студент).
6. He has a big potential and future in the chosen field as (аспирант).
8. Translate the sentences into Russian.
1. Her youngest child has a very enquiring mind.
2. She never managed to master the Greek language.
3. She is exceptionally gifted in music.
4. As a serious candidate, you want to make a good impression on everyone you meet.
5. She was very hardworking and reliable.
6. The results are then compared to the results of previous studies.
7. They are working hard to find a peaceful solution to the conflict.
8. He wants to pursue a career in medicine.
9. Look at the parts of the plan how to write a characteristic. Put them in the right order. Use this plan to write the characteristic as a referee.
1. Skills.
2. Professional background.
3. Personality.
4. Practical achievements.
5. How long have you known the applicant?
6. Evaluation of an applicant as a student.
7. Potential for further study.
10. Strike up a group discussion.
1. What a potential referee should write about an applicant?
2. How can a referee influence the future of the applicant?
11. Translate and try to explain these proverbs:
1. No living man all things can.
2. Better speak truth rudely than lie covertly.
3. Tastes differ.
1. You want to send a business letter but you don’t know the rules how to do it, and whether it differs from a personal letter or not. Read and translate.
The layout of the business letter differs in some respects from that of the personal letter.
Not only the sender’s address is given (as in personal letter) but also the name and address of the person or organization to which the letter is being sent. This is written on the left-hand side of the page against the margin slightly lower than the date (which is on the opposite side). It should be the same as the name and address on the envelope.
A letter written to a man should be addressed to, for example, Mr. D.Smith or to D.Smith Esq. (Esquire). A letter to a woman, should be addressed to, for example, Mrs. C.Jones or Miss C.Jones. If you do not know the name of the person for whom your letter is intended you may address it directly to the company, e.g.:
The Branded Boot Co. Ltd.,
5 Rubberheel Road,
Co. and Ltd. Are the usual abbreviations for Company and Limited. However it’s better to address your letter to some individual – The Managing Director, The Personnel Manager, The Secretary, The Branch Manager, The Export Manager – followed by the name of the company.
If the person you are writing to is known to you, you should begin with, for example, Dear Mr. Thomson, Dear Mrs. Warren, etc. Otherwise you should begin Dear Sir(s), Dear Madam, or Gentlemen: (Am.). Note that Gentlemen is followed by a colon.
The body of the business letter usually includes: a) Reference,
b) Information, c) Purpose, d) Conclusion.
You should begin your letter with a reference to a letter you have received, an advertisement you have seen, or an event which has prompted the writing of your letter.
e.g.: Thank you for your letter of May 3rd. In your letter of January 13th you inquire about …
It was a great pleasure to receive your letter of July 1st that … I recently called your agent in this country to ask about … but he was unable to help me.
It is sometimes necessary to add some detailed information related to the reference, in a subsequent paragraph.
Purpose is the most important part of the letter, where you are expected to state clearly and concisely what you want and answer carefully and clearly all the questions that you have been asked.
Conclusion usually consists of some polite remark to round the letter off
e.g.: I look (I am looking) forward to hearing from you soon.
I sincerely hope you will be able to help me in this matter.
I should greatly appreciate an early reply.
Please accept our sincere apologies for the trouble this mistake has caused you.
We apologize sincerely for the trouble caused to you, and will take all possible steps to ensure that such a mistake does not occur.
Then usually follows the complimentary close. If you begin your letter with Dear Sir(s) or Dear Madam you may end it with the words «Yours faithfully». If you address a person by name the words «Yours sincerely» are preferable. There is a modern tendency however to use «Yours sincerely» even to people you have never met.
The signature: sign your name clearly, in full, as it should appear on the envelope of the letter addressed to you.
The connectives play an outstanding role in writing a business letter. They are used for better comprehension of the contents.
e.g.: Owing to, Unfortunately, However, We should be delighted, We do hope, It is possible that, We should be pleased, For this reason, We regret about, Taking into account that, Hopefully.
Summarizing all the above said it should be stressed that any business letter can be written using the following general scheme:
1. Heading (writer’s address, date of the letter).
2. Inside address (name and address of the person or company receiving the letter).
3. Greeting (Dear Sir :).
4. Body of the letter (reference, information, purpose, conclusion).
5. Closing or complimentary close (saying good-bye).
6. Signature.
Active Vocabulary
margin – поле (страницы)
envelope – конверт
address – адресовать
intend – иметь намерение
otherwise – в противном случае
colon – двоеточие
prompt – заставлять
inquire – выяснять
be unable – быть не в состоянии
subsequent – последующий
polite – вежливый
accept apologies – принять извинения
cause trouble – вызвать неприятности
apologize – извиняться
take steps – принимать меры
occur (about the mistake) – случаться (об ошибке)
Yours faithfully – Искренне Ваш
Yours sincerely – Искренне Ваш
owing to – благодаря
unfortunately – к сожалению
be delighted – быть в восхищении
regret – сожалеть
take into account – принимать во внимание
2. Find in the text English equivalents for:
деловое письмо; адрес отправителя; с левой стороны страницы; на конверте; адресовать; однако; в противном случае; цель; объявление; последующий параграф; ясно и кратко; принимать извинения; «Искренне Ваш»; подпись; лучшее понимание содержания; сожалеть.
3. Give Russian equivalents for:
the layout of the business letter; the letter is being sent; against the margin; to intend; otherwise; to be followed by a colon; the body of the business letter; a reference; to prompt; to inquire about smth; conclusion; some polite remark; to cause trouble; the complimentary close; the connectives; to take into account.
4. You have found different parts of many letters; choose what phrases you should use: a) at the beginning of a business letter; b) in the middle; c) at the end.
1. Further to our telephone conversation …
2. We enclose with the letter the design documents.
3. Regards.
4. I look forward to hearing from you.
5. We have pleasure in informing you …
6. We look forward to a visit of the President …
7. Best regards.
8. In connection with your inquiry …
9. Yours sincerely.
10. We thank you for your letter dated 23rd March, 2010.
11. It allows us to make a decision.
12. In confirming our talk with your representative …
13. In reply to your letter dated …
14. We wish to inform you …
15. Yours faithfully.
16. We have to inform you …
17. We highly appreciate the work you have done for us.
18. Please, contact us as soon as possible.
19. I’m looking forward to meeting you soon.
5. Join the ideas using the connectives.
Example: We should be delighted to take a group of your students/ Our company regulations limit maximum numbers of groups to twenty.
We should be delighted to take a group of your students, however (please, take into account that) our company regulations limit maximum numbers of groups to twenty.
1. We have received your message concerning the date of the visit/ Arrange your visit for early 2009.
2. Our company reserves the right to send off he premises any members of the group who misbehave/ It should not happen.
3. Our company makes a small visiting charge/ This includes the price of lunch.
4. We should like visiting groups to report to our office on the date of the visit/ Do please contact at the above address at 8 am.
6. Look at these letters. Which one is:
a. thanking, b. arranging, c. confirming, d. inviting, e. accepting,
f. canceling.
Read the letters and underline the words and expressions that helped you get the answers.
1 February 2, 2010 Dear Mr Oliver Schmutz: I am pleased to be able to invite you to the Annual Conference of Packagers, which will take place in Los Angeles 4-7 July. I enclose a program with details of the speakers and the various topics that have been proposed, together with a registration form. On receipt of your form we will send you details of accommodation in Los Angeles, together with a booking form. Any further enquiries should be sent to me at the above address. I look forward to seeing you in Los Angeles in July. Sincerely,
Sheila Legl | 2 February 5, 2010 Dear Oliver Thank you very much for your hospitality while I was in Portland. It was very useful to see the new warehouse and I hope to be able to implement some of your suggestions here in Germany. I look forward to seeing you when you come to Frankfurt in the fall. Best regards, Dieter |
3 February 9, 2010 Dear Mr Schmutz: Unfortunately Ms Gilbertson is not able to keep the appointment with you on Wednesday, February 11 at 2.20 as an urgent matter will prevent her from travelling to Portland. Please accept her apologies. She will contact you as soon as she returns to HQ. | 4 February 11, 2010 Dear Mr Schmutz: We are pleased to confirm your reservations for one single room with bath from February 22 to 24. Please let us know your time of arrival and departure. Sincerely yours.
5 February 9, 2010 Dear Sir / Madam: Please reserve a single room with bath for the nights of February 22, 23, 24. I would be grateful if you could confirm my reservation. Sincerely, Oliver Schmutz | 6 February 8, 2010 Dear Mr Riddlestone: Thank you for your invitation to attend the opening of your new training center. I would be most pleased to attend and look forward to seeing you there. Best regards, Oliver Schmutz |
7. Match the verbs in column A to the nouns in column B.
1. enclose
2. make
a. an appointment
b. a conference
3. attend
4. book
5. reserve
6. confirm
c. a table
d. a registration form
e. a reservation
f. room
Now complete this letter using some of the above expressions.
18 July 2010 Dear Emil Thank you for your letter of 3 July asking me to _____________ the _____________ in September of this year. I _____________ my _____________. Please _____________ for four nights at the nearest hotel. I would like to meet Mr Paterson on the second night of the conference. Please _____________ for two people in the restaurant for that night. |
8. Match the function in column A to the words you would use in column B.
1. inviting
2. accepting
3. confirming
4. arranging
5. canceling
6. thanking
a. I am pleased to confirm your meeting with Ms Smith …
b. Thank you for your hospitality while I was in Bangkok …
c. I will be pleased to attend the launch of your new range of …
d. Please book a room for the night of 27 July …
e. We are pleased to invite you to the launch of our new range …
f. I am afraid I will not be able to keep my appointment on …
9. You are working at a big company as a Personal Assistant to Managing Director. In a month two representatives of your company will arrive in Vermont, the USA and plan to be there for a week. Write your own letter of inquiry to the best hotel in the city using the example below.
15 Maple Street, Montpelier, Vermont, USA. 6th May, 2010. The Manager, Park Hotel, 26…….Str., Brighton, England. Dear Sir: The name of your hotel has been given to me by the Hotel Association, and I shall be very much obliged if you let me know whether you have he following accommodation available for 3 weeks, from 15h July: One double room, if possible with private bathroom, and one single room. Thank you in advance for your reply. Yours faithfully, W.D. Throp |
10. Answer the questions.
1. What layout should a business letter have?
2. What parts are necessary in any business letter?
3. What should you begin your business letter with?
4. What is the most important part of the letter? Why?
5. What does conclusion usually consist of?
6. What follows after conclusion?
7. What are the connectives used for?
8. How often do you write business letters?
9. Why is it important to observe the rules in writing business letters?
11. Translate and try to explain these proverbs:
1. Two heads are better than one.
2. Where there is a will, there is a way.
3. First think then speak.
1. What is the structure of a modern business? What positions are necessary at a developing enterprise? What do you know about it? Read and translate.
Each company, firm, joint venture, stock-holding company, concern, bank, fund has its own complicated business structure and the staff which is necessary for the work. But still there are some general principles how to organize the work at the enterprise.
The Managing Director or the Chief Executive or President is the head of the company. The company is usually run by a Board of Directors – each Director is in charge of a department. The Chairman of the Boards is in overall control and may not be the head of any one department.
Vice-President or Vice-Chairman is at the head of the company if the President or the Chairman is absent or ill.
Most companies have Finance, Sales, Marketing, Production, Research and Development, Personnel, Tax, Logistics Departments. These are the most common departments, but some companies have others well.
Most departments have a Manager, who is in charge of its day-to-day running, and who reports to the Director. The Director is responsible for strategic planning and for making decisions. Various personnel in each Department report to the Manager.
Let’s dwell on some positions in details.
General Manager – Supervises and leads the company’s employees. Maintains relations with customers, executes sales contracts and provides problem analysis and resolutions. Represents the company at fairs and distributors’ conferences. In some companies maintains a local warehouse. Provides quality audits. Self-motivated, decision maker.
Sales Manager – Manages the sales staff of a company, supervises sales activity including a staff of sales representatives, plans and achieves target sales revenues and maintains a positive relationship between the company and its clients. Must have extensive sales experience, often as many as 5 years in the position of sales representative before moving up to the position of sales manager. Excellent communication and management skills are required. The person must be a proven problem solver and possess management skills necessary to develop a sales team.
Finance and Administration Manager – Must have strong accounting experience including maintenance of Internal Controls, costing, budgeting, forecasting and the development of Management Information Systems. Must possess proven general management skills, including development of Logistics and Administration Systems to support a rapidly growing business.
Marketing Manager – Manages marketing department. Plans, directs and executes all marketing and related activities. Initiates and/or implements advertising strategy and promotional programs. Oversees creative effort and media plans. Must have 3 year commercial experience, strong interpersonal skills, ability to manage a team and lead personnel, excellent communication skills, computer literacy.
Customer Service Manager – Finds proper persons, organizes and supervises the job of Customer Service Clerks, Receptionist. Provides the solution for all existing conflict situations. Provides information and orders forms for distributors, directors. Prepares monthly reports regarding performance of distributors.
Product Development Manager – Develops branded products for the company. Prepares a brief of the project, a timeline with priorities and options for the successful competition of the project. Researches on potential facilities, provides competitor’s analysis. Realizes market research on product quality and packing. Negotiates with the producer.
Training Manager – Organizes and supervises trainers, develops and implements training courses for distributors, directors, staff, etc. Learns the existing training practice in other countries with the aim to extract, develop and implement the best ideas. Tests courses to satisfy all distributors’ and directors’ needs in training.
Forecast, Supply and Transport Supervisor – Makes monthly forecasts of all products. Works with a company software system (product Forecast). Provides logistics, works with suppliers concerning shipments of product. Arranges shipments.
Treasury, Budget Specialist – Realizes treasury and cash flow management. Prepares, reviews and monitors reports on all capital expenditure projects. Provides budget cycle and management reporting. Ensures the company’s costing system. Deals with internal projects, company’s legal documents. Coordinates all insurance matters. Trains and develops staff in functional expertise.
Sales Representative – Realizes coordination of commercial activities. Conducts negotiations with customers. Markets intelligence functions targeting new customer group identifying business opportunities and introduction of new technologies. Is responsible on and controls the selling activities in the frame of the regional strategy. Frequently travels to customers. Must have the following qualifications: Engineering degree in some sphere, 3-5 year experience in the chosen field.
Financial Controller – Develops accounting policies and procedures. Inputs and oversees confidential and complex transactions. Implements auditing techniques that ensure accuracy of financial results. Analyzes data and provides recommendations to senior management for improvement. Prepares consolidated results. Provides financial analysis. Improves internal controls. Must have University education, be well-organized, accurate, detail-oriented personality.
Active Vocabulary
company – компания
firm – фирма
joint venture – совместное предприятие
stock-holding company – акционерное общество, компания
concern – концерн
bank – банк
fund – фонд
complicated – усложненный, сложный
enterprise – предприятие
Managing Director – управляющий
Chief Executive – руководитель
President – президент
to run a company – руководить компанией
Board of Directors – совет директоров, правление
the Chairman of the Board of Directors – председатель правления совета директоров
be in overall control – полностью контролировать
Director – директор
department – отдел
Vice-President – вице-президент
Vice-Chairman – заместитель председателя
Finance Department – финансовый отдел
Sales Department – отдел торговли и реализации
Marketing Department – отдел маркетинга
Production Department – производственный отдел
Research and Development Department – отдел финансового прогнозирования и развития
Personnel Department – отдел кадров
Tax Department – налоговый отдел
Logistics Department – транспортный отдел
Manager – менеджер
report to smb – докладывать кому-либо, отчитываться
be in charge of smth – быть ответственным за что-либо
supervise – наблюдать, быть начальником, руководить
maintain relations – поддерживать отношения
execute – исполнять
fair – ярмарка
cost – цена, стоимость
budget – бюджет
forecasting – прогнозирование
target – цель
revenue – прибыль
relationship – отношения
move up to the position – получить повышение
require – требовать
initiate – проявлять инициативу
implement – внедрять, применять
oversee – предусматривать
computer literacy – компьютерная грамотность
regarding – что касается, относительно
extract – освобождать, почерпнуть, вытаскивать
branded product – фирменный продукт
timeline – срок
priority – приоритет
option – выбор
research – исследовать, изучать
facility – оборудование
competitor – конкурент
quality – качество
negotiate – вести переговоры
software system – система программного обеспечения
shipment – отгрузка, поставка
arrange – договариваться, устраивать
treasury – сокровищница, казна
cash flow – оборот наличных денег
ensure – обеспечивать
coordinate insurance – координировать страхование
Sales Representative – представитель по реализации
market – привезти на рынок, купить или продать на рынке, находить рынки сбыта, торговать
identify – устанавливать, идентифицировать
frame – рамка, оправа
frequently – часто
coordinator – координатор
2. Find in the text English equivalents for:
совместное предприятие; акционерное общество; сложная структура предприятия и штат сотрудников; управляющий; руководить компанией; вице-президент или заместитель директора; отдел финансового прогнозирования и развития; быть ответственным за что-либо; наблюдать и руководить служащими компании; поддерживать позитивные отношения между компанией и ее клиентами; цена, бюджет, прогнозирование; проявлять инициативу; разрешать все существующие конфликтные ситуации; вести переговоры с производителем; система программного обеспечения; иметь дело с внутренними проектами; внедрение новых технологий; финансовый анализ.
3. Give Russian equivalents for:
a company; a Board of Directors; to be in overall control; the head of the company; Personnel Department; to be responsible for smth; to execute sales contracts; to maintain a local warehouse; to achieve target sales revenues; a proven problem solver; to have strong accounting experience; to oversee creative effort and media plans; a distributor; to develop branded products; to arrange shipments; to realize treasury and cash flow management; to implement auditing techniques.
4. Fill in the gaps with the words or word combinations given below:
a big enterprise, runs, the Board of Directors, is in overall control, departments, branded products, the Manager of Logistics Department, maintain.
1. … at the bank consists of 17 persons.
2. There are 8 … at our stock-holding company. The biggest is Sales Department.
3. She is …, don’t you know?
4. Our company is … with complicated structure.
5. He has a great experience in developing food products that’s why he is the head of the Research and Development Department, and also one of the creators of
our … .
6. Will your company participate in the next fair and … relations with your old partners?
7. The Managing Director … this firm successfully.
8. Mr. Williams, the Chairman of the Board of Directors, … of our bank.
5. What would you say if you took part in these dialogues? Act them out.
1. A.: I don’t know personally the Managing Director of your company, but I’ve heard that he is a perfect specialist with big experience. Can you tell me what his responsibilities include now?
B.: I’m pleased to help you understand …
2. A.: I can understand why you have so many departments: Finance, Sales, Marketing, Production, Research and Development, Personnel. But who leads their work in the company?
B.: It’s very simple …
3. A.: You are a Sales Manager at this firm. I see that every day you work since morning till night, you travel frequently to the customers. What duties do you have at the firm? Who is your chief?
B.: I agree with you, it’s a hard work but very interesting …
4. A.: Why do you have such a big Finance Department at your company? I counted 12 people there. I know who is the Chief Accountant and what are his responsibilities. But I see you have also the Cash Accountant, the Treasurer, the Statutory Accountant, etc. What do all the people do there?
B.: You are quite right but don’t forget that …
6. Look at this two job advertisements. What positions do you think they are for?
1. We are a successful advertising agency located in the central business district. We are looking for someone with good keyboard skills. A pleasant telephone manner and the ability to deal with clients are also essential. We can offer the successful applicant an attractive salary and a pleasant work environment.
2. Our firm is one of the leading importers of engineering tools with offices close to the city centre. We are seeking a person who can sell and is willing to travel. A clean driving licence is essential. We are offering an attractive salary and benefits package including six weeks’ holiday a year. For an application form or further information, please ring 01225 334455.
7. Match a word in column A to a word or expression in column B.
1. leading
2. keyboard
3. telephone
4. attractive
5. pleasant
6. successful
a. applicant
b. manner
c. salary
d. suppliers
e. skills
f. work environment
Now complete the blanks in the advertisement using some of the expressions above.
Secretary to the Export Sales Manager We are one of the _____________ of tractor parts. We are looking for a Secretary for the Export Sales Manager. The _____________ will have: excellent _____________ and a working knowledge of Spanish and French. In return we offer an _____________ and 6 weeks’ holiday. Please write for an application form. Human Resources Officer Massey Robertson Willowdale Ontario M5X 1B4 Canada |
8. These people all work for Acme International. What department do you think each person works in? Match their responsibilities in A to the departments in B.
1. Frank: I’m responsible for invoicing our customers.
2. Suzanne: I’m in charge of the training programme.
3. Peter: I deal with customer problems.
4. Uschi: I deal with enquiries about our products.
5. Rolando: I’m responsible for buying raw materials.
a. Purchasing Department.
b. Technical Services.
c. Accounts.
d. Human Resources.
e. Marketing.
9. Act as an interpreter at a big enterprise. The Managing Director (Mr.Smirnov) will have a meeting with a new partner (Mr.Simms) and wants him to get acquainted with the structure of the enterprise, leading persons, and staff responsibilities.
Mr.Smirnov: Добрый день. Рад встрече с Вами. Меня зовут Петр Иванович Смирнов. Я директор этого предприятия. Мы слышали много лестных отзывов о Вашей фирме как о поставщике современнейших компьютерных технологий.
Interpreter: ...........................................................................................
Mr.Smirnov: Надеемся, что после знакомства с нашим предприятием и его сотрудниками у Вас сложится верное представление о стиле нашей работы, и это будет подготовкой к подписанию будущих контрактов и успешного сотрудничества.
Interpreter: ...........................................................................................
Mr.Simms: Good morning. Nice to meet you, Mr. Smirnov. My name’s Alex Simms. I’m a Sales Manager at «Apple Computers, Inc.» It’s a well-known English computer company with clients all over the world and good reputation as a reliable partner. Thank you for warm reception and the possibility to get general information about your enterprise and staff. It will be very useful for me.
Interpreter: ...........................................................................................
Mr.Smirnov: На нашем предприятии работает 500 сотрудников. Руководит его деятельностью правление, которое состоит из одиннадцати человек и возглавляется председателем. На нашем предприятии существует десять отделов, среди них: производственный отдел, отдел реализации, финансовый отдел, отдел финансового прогнозирования, отдел кадров, транспортный отдел, отдел маркетинга, юридический отдел.
Interpreter: ...........................................................................................
Mr.Simms: I see that you have a sufficient staff to work successfully at the computer market. As we are dealing with computer technologies to achieve best results it’s necessary to organize the work of Finance, Sales, Research and Development Departments at the high level. Could you dwell on some details of the work of these Departments at your enterprise?
Interpreter: ...........................................................................................
Mr.Smirnov: Наш финансовый отдел занимается всеми вопросами финансового обеспечения работы предприятия. В него входят: главный бухгалтер, кассир, бухгалтер по работе с зарубежными партнерами, специалист по финансовому прогнозированию и развитию работы предприятия.
Interpreter: ...........................................................................................
Mr.Simms: As I know you have excellent specialists in this sphere. They are experienced and skillful persons in the questions of finance, tax legislation.
Interpreter: ...........................................................................................
10. Topics for further discussion.
1. How would you organize the work of the enterprise if you were the Managing Director?
2. What departments are necessary at every enterprise?
3. What responsibilities and duties are essential for the staff of each department?
4. Give an example of the successful business. Try to analyse its structure and staff.
11. Translate and try to explain these proverbs:
1. A bad compromise is better than a good lawsuit.
2. One drop of poison infects the whole tun of wine.
3. A bargain is a bargain.
1. You are preparing for the future negotiations with your foreign partners. But you don’t know exactly how to behave yourself, what words to say, how to conduct the negotiations in general. Read and translate.
Mr.Svetlov: Good afternoon, gentlemen. We are pleased to see you again.
Mr.Svetlov: Good afternoon! We are happy to see you, too.
Mr.Svetlov: Did you have a good trip?
Mr.Davis: Yes, it was pretty comfortable, thanks.
Mr.Svetlov: Gentlemen, let me introduce Mr.Gromov to you, he is the Head of the Marketing and Price Department, and please meet Mr.Belov, the Head of the Computer Sales Department.
Mr.Davis: I’m very pleased to meet you in person. I’ve heard a lot about your company.
Mr.Gromov: It’s a pleasure for us, too.
Mr.Belov: We are sure our business will have a successful outcome.
Mr.Svetlov: Well, before we get down to business, let me offer you something refreshing. Mineral or soda water? Tea or coffee?
Mr.Hopkins: Thank you, coffee, please.
Mr.Davis: I prefer mineral water.
Mr.Svetlov: Now I see we are ready to start talks.
Mr.Svetlov: That’s right. We’ve carefully studied your draft contract and would like to complete the final stage of our business transaction.
Mr.Belov: I look after the technical side of the transaction.
Mr.Gromov: And I’m responsible for the commercial side.
Mr.Svetlov: We have studied your advertising material with interest.
Mr.Belov: I must admit your model impressed me very much.
Mr.Davis: Thank you. It’s a powerful computer. You’ll be pleased to find out that it incorporates one or two unique features although it costs slightly more. We are confident that it will be cheaper to run. We’ve put it through a number of very extensive tests. I don’t think you’ll be disappointed.
Mr.Svetlov: Now, gentlemen, let’s discuss all the items in the draft contract, your comments and objections, if any.
Mr.Hopkins: Have you any questions as regards the contract?
Mr.Gromov: We are very interested in maintenance, yes, and there’s the question of delivery dates, and finally, we’d like to know whether it’s possible to adapt your equipment to our uses.
Mr.Davis: As for the delivery dates, I’m happy to say, we’re now able to realize it within three weeks. We can guarantee six months of good work, may be more. And there’s very little routine maintenance for you to worry about. As part of the contract one of our men will call every month to make any necessary adjustments. That should be sufficient. In the unlikely event of a break down, we’ve always got a duty specialist who would be there as soon as you call.
Mr.Belov: We will get a complete set of documents concerning the adjustment so that you could study the requirements.
Mr.Svetlov: Who will pay the expenses involved?
Mr.Hopkins: I think, the expenses will be charged to our account, because we highly appreciate your choice to give us this interesting order.
Mr.Gromov: Principal points can be included in a supplement to the contract upon mutual agreement.
Mr.Svetlov: So, the first item is the quantity of the computers, model 486 DX.
Mr.Hopkins: How many computers do you intend to purchase?
Mr.Belov: To begin with, 300 computers. That is, if we come to terms about the price.
Mr.Davis: It’s negotiable. No problems.
Mr.Gromov: When can you deliver the computers?
Mr.Svetlov: What delivery dates can you offer?
Mr.Hopkins: The earliest possible date is September this year.
Mr.Davis: We can start the delivery within three weeks after we receive an advance payment from you. Does it suit you?
Mr.Svetlov: That will be so, if we sign the contract one of these days.
Mr.Hopkins: Do you prefer FOB or CIF prices?
Mr.Gromov: Frankly speaking, we are not in favor of FOB terms.
Mr.Belov: Could you give us a price covering the expenses for delivery of the computers to our port? I mean a CIF price.
Mr.Davis: We can stipulate the terms of payment and the date of the shipment in the contract.
Mr.Gromov: I believe we have to include one more provision in the contract. If the goods are delayed for more than three weeks you will have to pay a penalty.
Mr.Hopkins: That goes without saying.
Mr.Svetlov: Now, I propose to discuss payment terms.
Mr.Davis: I would suggest to make an advance payment for one hundred computers.
Mr.Gromov: As far as I understand, it will make up 30 per cent of the total value of the contract.
Mr.Hopkins: We’ll stipulate in the contract that the advance payment will be refunded to you if we fail to deliver the computers.
Mr.Gromov: The remaining sum will be paid by an irrevocable, confirmed and indivisible letter of credit to the account that you will indicate through our bank.
Mr.Davis: Which bank do you work with?
Mr.Svetlov: It’s a big and reliable bank with branches abroad.
Mr.Hopkins: I want to add that all the expenses connected with the opening and confirmation of the letter of credit will be charged to your account.
Mr.Davis: Fine, in that case we can prepare the contract for signing.
Mr.Belov: I suggest that it should be done in duplicate: one copy in English, the other in Russian, both having equal validity.
Mr.Hopkins: I agree with you.
Mr.Svetlov: I’m glad that our work was so fruitful.
Mr.Davis: It was a pleasure to deal with your company.
Active Vocabulary
introduce smb – представить кого-либо
meet smb in person – познакомиться лично
outcome – результат
draft contract – проект контракта
business transaction – деловое соглашение
advertising material – рекламный материал
admit – признавать
incorporate – соединять
be confident – быть уверенным
cheap – дешевый
item – пункт, положение контракта
objection – возражения
as regards – что касается
maintenance – содержание
delivery date – дата поставки
adapt equipment to smb’s uses – приспособить оборудование к чьим-либо требованиям
adjustment – регулировка
sufficient – достаточный
break down – поломка
complete set of documents – полный комплект документов
concerning – что касается
study the requirements – изучать требования
pay the expenses involved – оплатить связанные с этим расходы
charge – брать плату
account (a/c) – счет
order – заказ
supplement – дополнение
mutual agreement – совместное соглашение
quantity – количество
purchase – покупать
begin with – сначала
come to terms about the price – прийти к согласию относительно цены
advance payment – предварительная оплата
suit – приближаться, подходить
sign – подписывать
FOB (free on board) price – ФОБ-цена
CIF (cost, insurance, freight) price – СИФ-цена
be not in favor of smth – не быть настроенным
cover the expenses – покрывать расходы
stipulate – договориться
date of shipment – дата отгрузки
provision – положение контракта
goods – товары
delay – отложить, задержать
penalty – штраф
total value of the contract – общая стоимость контракта
refund – возмещать стоимость
fail to do smth – не суметь сделать что-либо
irrevocable – безотзывный
confirmed – подтвержденный
indivisible – неделимый
Letter of Credit (L/C) – аккредитив
reliable – надежный
in duplicate – в двух экземплярах
equal validity – одинаковая юридическая сила
2. Find in the text English equivalents for:
познакомиться лично; внимательно изучить проект контракта; техническая сторона соглашения; комментарии и возражения; что касается контракта; приспособить оборудование к чьим-либо требованиям; полный комплект документов; оплатить связанные с этим расходы; счет; дополнение к контракту; доставлять; получить предварительную оплату; платить штраф; общая стоимость контракта; иметь одинаковую юридическую силу.
3. Give Russian equivalents for:
a successful outcome; a business transaction; to be responsible for the commercial side; to incorporate one or two unique features; to be interested in maintenance; as for the delivery dates; a break down; to study the requirements; a mutual agreement; to sign the contract; to come to terms about the price; to cover the expenses for delivery of the computers; to stipulate the terms of payment and the date of the shipment; to delay; an irrevocable, confirmed and indivisible letter of credit.
4. Translate the sentences into Russian.
1. I’m glad to meet you in personal at last.
2. Dear Sirs, let me introduce Mrs.Vane, the Managing Director of our firm.
3. We haven’t discussed the delivery date.
4. I think we’ll come to terms about the prices and advance payment.
5. I studied the advertising material and the draft contract prepared by your specialists.
6. Where is the complete set of documents concerning this business transaction?
7. Have you adapted the equipment to our uses?
8. Do you have any objections as regards the contract?
9. I studied thoroughly the requirements of the market.
5. Make up the sentences with the following words and word combinations.
1. maintenance, to maintain relations;
2. to admit, admittance, admitting;
3. to order, an order;
4. to charge, a charge, charging;
5. to purchase, a purchase, purchaser;
6. to open an account in the bank, to transfer money to the account;
7. equal validity, valid;
8. to supply, supplement, supplier.
6. Complete the sentences.
1. We can start with … .
2. I’m responsible for … .
3. Let’s turn to the question of … .
4. First of all we should discuss … .
5. We can deliver the goods within … of the date of … .
6. I suggest that we should begin with … .
7. I’ve been authorized to discuss … .
8. We’ve carefully studied your inquiry (offer, draft contract) and would like … .
9. We are planning to buy (purchase, order) … .
10. We undertake to deliver … .
7. What would you say if you took part in these dialogues? Act them out.
1. A.: Good morning, colleagues. We are pleased to meet you in Moscow. Let me introduce myself: I’m Vladimir Nikitin, the Sales Manager of our company.
B.: Nice to meet you, Mr.Nikitin …
2. A.: Did you have a good flight?
B.: …
A.: Are you satisfied with your accommodation?
B.: …
3. A.: I’ve heard a lot about your company as a reliable partner in business.
B.: …
A.: I see we are ready to start talks. Have you got the complete set of documents concerning our order?
B.: …
A.: We have seen your advertising material, but still we have some questions. Can you describe in details the goods you are ready to deliver for us?
B.: …
4. A.: Let’s discuss all the items in the draft contract, you comments and objections, if any.
B.: I propose that we discuss …
A.: What about the payment terms?
B.: …
A.: I was sure you wouldn’t disappoint us.
B.: …
8. Fill in the gaps in the outline draft contract choosing from the words given below.
arbitration – арбитраж
reclaim – рекламация
late – поздно
charges – затраты, расходы
delivery – поставка
letter of credit – аккредитив
parties – стороны
terms – условия, сроки
payment – оплата
freight / loading – фрахт
specification – спецификация
penalty – штраф
substandard – ниже качества, установленного стандартом
invoke – вызывать в суд, обращаться
Draft Contract between Valeo Ltd, hereinafter referred to as «the Seller», and Mercury, hereinafter referred to as «the Buyer»
The Seller undertakes to supply the Buyer with 12 000 computers to … 765 and to pay all … and insurance … . The terms of … and immediate payment of … charges by confirmed and irrevocable … are to be standard. A … clause will be included in the contract. It will be against the Buyer for … payment. In the event of non-payment, the Seller shall be entitled to … the goods. In case of a dispute between the … to the contract the matter will be taken to independent … . All the … of the contract must be complied with by both parties. |
9. Topics for further discussion.
1. Is it necessary to prepare for negotiations?
2. Do you know how to hold the negotiations successfully?
3. What qualities do the people need to hold negotiations?
4. What does a good text of the contract mean for a businessman?
10. Make up the plan of the negotiations for the future.
11. Translate and try to explain these proverbs:
1. A bad shift is better than none.
2. Courtesy cost nothing.
3. To know everything is to know nothing.
1. The modern economic situation makes it impossible for any person not to be involved in the financial world. So you should have a certain background as to the fundamental notions in this sphere. Read and translate.
The American Central Bank, the FED, is the equivalent of the Bank of England in Britain.
The units of ownership of a company, allowing the holder to receive a proportion of the company’s profits, are the shares. The shares can be ordinary, preference, nominal and equity securities. When one company attempts to gain control of another, by buying a majority of its shares, it is making a takeover bid. When one company joins another to form a larger single company, the new company is the result of a merger. When one company buys a majority of the shares of another, and so gains control, it has carried out a takeover. The capital needed to run a business is provided by investment. The shareholders’ investment in a company is the share capital.
If the company is publicly quoted the shares are sold on the Stock Exchange. The exchange brokers (stockjobbers) work here and realize exchange transactions paying attention to exchange fluctuations. They have certain exchange restrictions while working. They use the exchange lists in the everyday work. Sometimes it may occur the exchange lost.
In the UK, a fixed amount of paid-up capital held by a stockholder is a stock.
If the market is thought to be good and prices on the Stock Exchange are thought to be likely to rise, the market is called a bull market.
If the market is thought to be poor and prices on the Stock Exchange are likely to fall, the market is called a bear market.
A promise to pay a sum of money over an agreed time by anyone licensed to do so, such as a government, insurance firm, etc., is a bond.
Certificates of ownership of bonds that can be transferred from seller to buyer without any formalities are bearer bonds.
Something that is owned by an individual or company, has monetary value, and can be sold to pay debts, is an asset. Items which the business expects to keep for a year or more are its fixed assets.
The sum borrowers pay to lenders for the use of their money is determined by the interest rate.
The interest which a bank charges on loans is a rate which is usually higher than its base rate. You can raise a loan in a bank if you are a reliable client. Banks require securities to guarantee a loan.
The value of the money of one country compared to that of another is shown by the exchange rate. The rate of the tax added to the price of an article, paid by the buyer to the seller, and by the seller to the government is the VAT rate. The Customs and Excise Department inspect a company’s VAT records, which have to be kept for 6 years.
The rate of interest fixed by a central bank, such as the Bank of England, is the bank rate.
The index of share prices in America is the Dow Jones index.
The same index in Britain is the FT (FTSE – footsie) index.
The same in Japan is Nikkei Dow index.
Banks, Accounts, Clients
The bank account that covers daily needs (salaries are paid into it, cash is drawn from it, and cheques are written against it) is the current account.
The account which describes the trading activities of a business over a stated period of time is the profit and loss account.
To start an account with a bank or with a supplier is to open it; to finish using an account with a bank or with a supplier and formally to end the arrangement is to close it.
To obtain cash from a bank at which one has an account is to draw out cash. Every company must watch its cash flow carefully if it is to avoid bankruptcy. The clients can transfer money from the account or withdraw the whole deposit from a bank. You can open a current account or deposit account in a bank. An inquiry to a bank, asking whether a customer is creditworthy, is a status inquiry. Payment of a debt in a cash is a cash settlement. The greatest sum which debtors are allowed to owe is their credit limit. Items for which payment is owed appear on an account as debit items. Items to be paid to a creditor are shown on a credit note.
If you need cash in the bank you can use the cash dispenser putting into it your credit card.
A note which accompanies goods sent by a seller, to be signed by the person who receives the goods, is a delivery note. A document showing what has been bought and for how much, and indicating that the goods are in transit, is an advice note.
A percentage deduction made for an order over a stated value, or payment within a stated time, is a discount. The complete statement, showing what is owed or possessed, provides a statement of the balance account. A statement produced, usually at the end of a financial year, showing the financial state of the business and including, among other things, its assets and liabilities, is its balance sheet.
The difference between the cost and the selling price is profit. The profit can be gross or net.
A company’s turnover, less its cost of sales, is its gross profit. A company’s turnover after the cost of sales, tax, rent and other liabilities are deducted is its net profit.
Active Vocabulary
ownership – собственность
gross profit – валовая прибыль
net profit – чистая прибыль
share – акция
ordinary share – акция на предъявителя
preference share – привилегированная акция
nominal share – именная акция
equity securities – акция без фиксированного дивиденда
make a takeover bid – осуществить покупку при слиянии компаний, купить на аукционе
carry out takeover – произвести покупку при слиянии компаний, взять под свой контроль
merger – слияние, объединение
run a business – вести дело, руководить бизнесом
investment – инвестиция
shareholder – акционер
share capital – акционерный капитал
quote – котироваться (на бирже)
stock exchange – биржа ценных бумаг, фондовая биржа
exchange broker (stockjobber) – биржевик, брокер на бирже, биржевой маклер
exchange transaction (deal) – биржевая сделка, операция
stockjobbing – биржевая игра
exchange fluctuation – колебание курса валюты
exchange restriction – биржевые ограничения
exchange list – биржевой бюллетень
exchange lost – потеря валюты, уменьшение валютных резервов, потеря на курсе
stock – капитал акционера по акциям
rise (about the prices) – подняться (о цене)
bull market – рынок «быков», с курсом на повышение
fall (about the prices) – упасть (о цене)
bear market – рынок «медведей», с курсом на понижение
bond – облигация, обязательство
bearer bond – обязательство, облигация на предъявителя
monetary value – денежная стоимость, ценность
pay debts – платить долги
asset – актив
fixed assets – фиксированные активы
borrow – одалживать (деньги) у кого-либо
borrower – должник; одалживающий деньги
lend – одалживать (деньги) кому-либо
lender – кредитор, заимодавец
interest rate – процентная ставка
charge the interest – брать процент
loan – заём, кредит
base rate – базовая ставка
raise a loan – брать заём, кредит
reliable client – надежный клиент
require securities – требовать гарантии (залог)
guarantee a loan – гарантировать кредит, заём
exchange rate – курс обмена валют
tax – налог
VAT rate – налог на добавленную стоимость
Customs – таможня
Excise Department – акцизный департамент
inspect the records – проверять отчетность
bank rate – ставка банка
cover daily needs – удовлетворять ежедневные потребности
draw cash from the account – снимать наличные со счета
salary – жалованье, оклад
wages – заработная плата (реальная)
write cheques against the account – выписывать чеки на счет
current account – текущий счет
deposit account – депозитный счет, авансовый счет
account rendered – оплаченный счет
trading activities – торговая деятельность
profit and loss account – счет приходов и расходов
open an account – открыть счет
close an account – закрыть счет
draw out cash – снять наличные
cash flow – оборот наличных денег
avoid bankruptcy – избежать банкротства
transfer money – перечислять деньги
withdraw deposit – забрать вклад
be creditworthy – быть кредитоспособным
status inquiry – запрос о статусе
cash settlement – оплата долга наличными
debtor – должник
owe – быть должным кому-либо (деньги)
credit limit – лимит (ограничение) кредита
debit item – раздел дебита
credit note – кредитное авизо
circular note – аккредитив
cash dispenser – банкомат
credit card – кредитная карточка
delivery note – накладная
advice note – авизо
percentage – процент
deduction – отчисление, удержание, скидка
stated value – заявленная стоимость
discount – скидка, дисконт
possess – владеть
balance account – балансовый счет
financial year – финансовый год
assets and liabilities – активы и пассивы
balance sheet – балансовая ведомость, балансовый отчет
turnover – оборот
2. Find in the text English equivalents for:
акции; осуществить покупку при слиянии компаний; результат слияния; акционерный капитал; осуществлять биржевые сделки; колебание курса валюты; капитал акционера по акциям; облигация; денежная стоимость; фиксированные активы; брать процент; брать кредит; курс обмена валют; проверять отчетность; снимать наличные со счета; открыть счет; закрыть счет; снять наличные; забрать вклад; запрос о статусе; банкомат; процентная скидка; балансовый отчет.
3. Give Russian equivalents for:
equity securities; to carry out a takeover; stock exchange; exchange fluctuations; exchange restrictions; a stockholder; to pay debts; a borrower; a lender; to require securities to guarantee a loan; to cover daily needs; to write cheques against the account; a current account; the profit and loss account; to transfer money from the account; a cash settlement; a delivery note; assets and liabilities.
4. Find in the text definitions of:
1. the shares,
2. a stock,
3. a bond,
4. an asset,
5. the exchange rate,
6. the current account,
7. the profit and loss account,
8. a discount,
9. the balance sheet.
5. Translate the sentences into Russian.
1. The amendments would enable Parliament to control import tax rates on commodities subject to excise duty.
2. According to official figures the inflation rate for January 2009 stood at 9.4%.
3. 25% of the shares belong to the employees at an open joint-stock company.
4. The European Union is expected to sign an agreement with the Russian government to allocate a ECU 200 million loan for a ten-year period at an interest rate of LIBOR plus 0.5%.
5. At least 70% of the stocks of medium- and large-sized industrial enterprises are to belong to non-state companies and private persons.
6. Make up the sentences with the following words and word combinations.
1. to share joy, to share a room with smb, nominal share, shareholder, preference share;
2. profit, to be profitable, gross profit, net profit;
3. to be an asset for a company, assets and liabilities, fixed asset;
4. stock exchange, to exchange, exchange rate, exchange broker, exchange list, exchange transaction;
5. a credit, to be creditworthy, credit limit, creditor, credit note, credit card;
6. current account, deposit account, account rendered, to open an account;
7. cash, to withdraw cash, cash flow, in cash, cashier, cash settlement.
7. Complete the sentences.
1. The Company is obliged to acquire the securities at prevalent market prices in the future to …
2. The Treasurer is directed to open an account and deposit the funds of the corporation with … .
3. The Annual Meeting of the Shareholders may be held at any date set by … .
4. In two separate transactions, the Company sold the business of executing and clearing securities transactions for … .
5. All cheques, drafts or other orders for payment of money shall be signed by … .
6. Securities sold not yet purchased represent an obligation of the Company to deliver specified equity securities at … .
8. Act as an interpreter representing Samsung Electronics at a briefing with journalists.
Mrs.Loginova, journalist, «Komsomolskaya Pravda»: Мистер Лу Кун Хи, является ли Самсунг Электроникс концерном или акционерным обществом? И второй вопрос: как распределяется акционерный капитал в Самсунг Груп?
Interpreter: ...........................................................................................
The Chairman of Samsung Group, Mr.Lee Kun Hee: Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. is a stockholding company. 55,45% of the shares belong to the private investors; 22,85% – to financial institutions and funds; 15,25% – to affiliated companies; 4,45% – to me and my family, 2% – to my employees.
Interpreter: ...........................................................................................
Mr.Savelyev, journalist, «Moscowskie Vedomosti»: Владеет ли Самсунг Груп акциями других компаний в сфере электроники?
Interpreter: ...........................................................................................
Mr.Lee Kun Hee: SEC possesses 10-20% of the shares of the other companies in the sphere of electronics.
Interpreter: ...........................................................................................
Mr.Denisov, journalist, TV-program «Segodnya»: Мистер Ли, кто, на Ваш взгляд, является самым серьезным конкурентом для Самсунг Электроникс в настоящее время?
Interpreter: ...........................................................................................
Mr.Lee Kun Hee: We consider that such famous companies as Sony and Panasonic, and some other companies are our main competitors at the electronics market.
Interpreter: ...........................................................................................
Mrs.Fedotova, journalist, TV-program «Itogi»: Мистер Ли, что Вы думаете о перспективах развития Вашей компании на рынке Восточной Европы?
Interpreter: ...........................................................................................
Mr.Lee Kun Hee: I suppose that Eastern Europe is a perspective market in the future but now we experience some difficulties here due to instability in the economic situation.
Interpreter: ...........................................................................................
Mr.Lee Kun Hee: I’d like to add that South-East Asia and Western Europe are preferable now for us because they attract more investors.
Interpreter: ...........................................................................................
Mr.Vanin, journalist, NTV-program: Мистер Ли, можете ли Вы привести цифры, которые характеризовали бы суммы чистой прибыли компании в 2000 году и суммы чистых продаж?
Interpreter: ...........................................................................................
Mr.Lee Kun Hee: In 2000 the amount of our net profit was up to $ 294.5 million. As far as the net sales are concerned it was approximately $ 28.8 billion.
Interpreter: ...........................................................................................
Mr.Lee Kun Hee: Thank you for your questions.
Interpreter: ...........................................................................................
9. Topics for further discussion.
1. Is it necessary for a contemporary person to know about the life of financial world?
2. What do you know about the work of the Stock Exchange in your country?
3. How can Stock Exchange influence our everyday life?
4. What does «to be a reliable client in a bank» mean?
5. Is it important for a businessman to choose a bank with good reputation?
6. What does «to be a shareholder» mean?
7. Do the rates and indexes influence the business activity of the companies? How?
8. What financial conditions are necessary to achieve a success in business?
10. Make up the plan and render the text «Stock Exchange and Its Work».
11. Translate and try to explain these proverbs:
1. A penny saved is a penny earned.
2. As poor as a church mouse.
3. Take care of the pence and the pounds will take care of themselves.
1. A bad compromise is better than a good lawsuit.
Худой мир лучше доброй ссоры.
2. A bad shift is better than none.
Лучше плохой выход, чем никакого.
3. A bargain is a bargain.
Уговор дороже денег.
4. A good beginning makes a good ending.
Лиха беда начало.
5. All is not gold that glitters.
Не все то золото, что блестит.
6. A penny saved is a penny earned.
Сэкономил – все равно, что заработал.
7. Art is long, life is short.
Век живи – век учись.
8. As poor as a church mouse.
Бедный как церковная мышь.
Гол как сокол.
9. Better one word in time than two afterwards.
Лучше одно слово вовремя, чем два, когда уже поздно.
10. Better speak truth rudely than lie covertly.
Лучше говорить правду в глаза, чем злословить за спиной.
11. Courtesy cost nothing.
За вежливость денег не берут.
12. Experience is the mother of wisdom.
Жизненный опыт – основа мудрости.
13. First think then speak.
Сначала подумай, потом говори.
Молвишь – не воротишь.
Слово не воробей, вылетит – не поймаешь.
14. Great talkers are little doers.
Кто много говорит, тот мало делает.
Где много слов, там мало дела.
15. In every beginning think of the end.
Если берешься за дело, продумай его до конца.
16. Little strokes fell great oaks.
Терпение и труд все перетрут.
17. No living man all things can.
За все берется, но не все удается.
Всего делать никто не умеет.
18. No sweet without some sweat.
Без труда не вытащишь и рыбку из пруда.
Не вкусив горького, не увидишь сладкого.
19. One drop of poison infects the whole tun of wine.
Паршивая овца все стадо портит.
20. Take care of the pence and the pounds will take care of themselves.
Копейка рубль бережет.
21. Tastes differ.
О вкусах не спорят.
22. To know everything is to know nothing.
Все знать – значит ничего не знать.
23. Two heads are better than one.
Ум хорошо, а два лучше.
24. Where there is a will, there is a way.
Где хотенье, там и уменье.
Была бы охота – заладится любая работа.
1. Витохина О.А. Иностранный язык: Методические указания для практических занятий и самостоятельной работы студентов. – Белгород: Кооперативное образование, 2007. – 129 с.
2. Мюллер В.К. Англо-русский словарь. Полная версия. Более 180 000 слов, выражений и значений. – М.: Эксмо, 2007. – 912 с.
3. Пинская Е.В. Деловой английский язык. Часть 1: Учебное пособие. – Киев: Общество «Знание», КОО, 2007. – 64 с.
4. E.F. Roslyakova, Ph.D. and Clarence B. Davis, Ph.D. Workshop Materials. Excerpted from English at Work and Play (3rd Edition). – Belgorod Consumer Cooperative University. – Belgorod, 2008. – 46 p.
1. Macmillan English Dictionary for Advanced Learners. – Macmillan Publishers Limited, 2002. – 1692 p.
2. Sarah Jones-Macziola with Greg White. Further Ahead. A communication skills course for Business English. Learner’s Book. – Cambridge University Press, 2004. – 136 p.
3. Sarah Jones-Macziola. Further Ahead. A communication skills course for Business English. Home Study Book. – Cambridge University Press, 2005. – 76 p.
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