Методическая разработка На тему: “Family Life” (Семейная жизнь).
методическая разработка на тему
Данная методическая разработка по теме “Family Life” (Семейная жизнь) посвящена проблемам создания семьи и брака, предназначена для развития устной речи студентов специализирующихся в области социальной педагогики и психологии, а также отделений английского языка лингвистических факультетов. Работа с методической разработкой рекомендуется на этапе чтения оригинальной литературы.
Цель пособия – восполнить недостаток современных материалов по профилирующим темам.
- развитие навыков ведения беседы, дискуссии на материале отрывков публицистических статей посвященных вопросам взаимоотношений;
- развитие навыков перевода оригинальных текстов среднего уровня сложности;
- активизация лексического запаса пи изучаемой теме.
Методическая разработка состоит из семи разделов и приложения включающего в себя пословицы, поговорки и дополнительные лексические единицы по изучаемой теме. Каждый из разделов содержит основной текст и упражнения направленные на усвоение лексического материала, совершенствование умений и навыков в области говорения. Текстовой материал носит информативный и проблемный характер и может служить базой для ведения беседы, дискуссии, диспута. Текстовые упражнения призваны обеспечить контроль понимания прочитанного, запоминание и частичную активизацию лексических единиц, а также развитие умения отстаивать свою точку зрения, убеждать собеседника. Упражнения рассчитаны на совершенствование не только устной, но и письменной речи, что предполагает так называемый «свободный перевод».
В учебном процессе материал методической разработки можно использовать в приведенной последовательности или выборочно как для аудиторной, так и самостоятельной работы.
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Департамент образования
Ямало-Ненецкий автономный округ
Управление образования г. Новый Уренгой
Новоуренгойский педагогический колледж
Методическая разработка
На тему: “Family Life” (Семейная жизнь).
Выполнила: Хиль О. А.
г. Новый Уренгой
Пояснительная записка…………………………………………………………...3
Текстовой материал для работы по теме “Family Life”
Unit 1 Love or infatuation?.......................................................................................4
Unit 2 On marriage………………………………………………………………....6
Unit 3 Wedding superstitions……………………………………………………....8
Unit 4 American way of family life………………………………………………11
Unit 5 Early marriages……………………………………………………………13
Unit 6 Family values……………………………………………………………...17
Unit 7 A happy family, as I see it…………………………………………………18
Приложение (Appendix)…………………………………………………………19
Список литературы………………………………………………………………21
Пояснительная записка.
Данная методическая разработка по теме “Family Life” (Семейная жизнь) посвящена проблемам создания семьи и брака, предназначена для развития устной речи студентов специализирующихся в области социальной педагогики и психологии, а также отделений английского языка лингвистических факультетов. Работа с методической разработкой рекомендуется на этапе чтения оригинальной литературы.
Цель пособия – восполнить недостаток современных материалов по профилирующим темам.
- развитие навыков ведения беседы, дискуссии на материале отрывков публицистических статей посвященных вопросам взаимоотношений;
- развитие навыков перевода оригинальных текстов среднего уровня сложности;
- активизация лексического запаса пи изучаемой теме.
Методическая разработка состоит из семи разделов и приложения включающего в себя пословицы, поговорки и дополнительные лексические единицы по изучаемой теме. Каждый из разделов содержит основной текст и упражнения направленные на усвоение лексического материала, совершенствование умений и навыков в области говорения. Текстовой материал носит информативный и проблемный характер и может служить базой для ведения беседы, дискуссии, диспута. Текстовые упражнения призваны обеспечить контроль понимания прочитанного, запоминание и частичную активизацию лексических единиц, а также развитие умения отстаивать свою точку зрения, убеждать собеседника. Упражнения рассчитаны на совершенствование не только устной, но и письменной речи, что предполагает так называемый «свободный перевод».
В учебном процессе материал методической разработки можно использовать в приведенной последовательности или выборочно как для аудиторной, так и самостоятельной работы.
Unit one
1. Read the text and answer the questions after it.
Love or infatuation?
Infatuation is instant desire. It is one set of glands calling to another. Love is friendship that has caught fire. It takes root and grows – one day at a time.
Infatuation is marked by a feeling of insecurity. You are excited and eager but not genuinely happy. There are nagging doubts, unanswered questions, little bits and pieces about your beloved that you would just as soon not examine too closely. It might spoil the dream.
Love is quiet understanding and the mature acceptance of imperfection. It is real. It gives you strength and grows beyond you – to bolster your beloved. You are warmed by his presence, even when he is away. Miles do not separate you. You want him nearer. But near or far, you know he is yours and you can wait.
Infatuation says, “We must get married right away. I can’t risk losing him.” Love says, “Be patient. Don’t panic. Plan your future with confidence.”
Infatuation has an element of sexual excitement. If you are honest, you will admit it is difficult to be in one another’s company unless you are sure it will end in intimacy. Love is the maturation of friendship. You must be friends before you can be lovers.
Infatuation lacks confidence. When he is away, you wonder if he is cheating. Sometimes you check.
Love means trust. You are calm, secure and unthreatened. He feels that trust, and it makes him even more trustworthy.
Infatuation might lead you to do things you will regret later, but love never will. Love is an upper. It makes you look up. It makes you think up. It makes you a better person than you were before.
By Ann Landers
- Look through the text and present all cases of opposition, for example: desire – friendship.
- Do you agree or disagree with Ann Landers? Give your reasons
2. Study these quotations and:
a) Explain their meanings;
b) Give brief situations to illustrate them;
c) Make dialogs on them in which one speaker will support the idea conveyed in the quotation, and the other will argue it;
d) Write an essay on one of these quotations.
1. There are two tragedies in life. One is to lose your heart’s desire. The other is to gain it.
(B. Shaw)
2. There is no duty we so underrate as the duty of being happy.
(R. Stevenson)
3. Love is like the measles – all the worse when it comes later in life.
(D. Jerrold)
4. … there is nothing half so sweet in life as love’s young dream.
(Th. Moore)
5. A woman’s whole history is a history of the affections
(W. Irving)
6. Four be the things I’d been better without: love, curiosity, freckles, and doubt.
(D. Parker)
7. There is live of course, and there is life, its enemy.
(A. Jean)
8. Love ceases to be a pleasure, when it ceases to be a secret.
(B. Aphra)
Unit two
1. Read the text.
On marriage.
Marriage is different from love. It is a good institution but I must add that a lot depends on the person you are married to. There is no such thing as a good wife or a good husband – there is only a good wife to Mr. A. or a good husband to Mrs. B.
If a credulous and gullible woman marries a pathological liar, they may live together happily to the end of their days – one telling lies, the other believing them. A man who cannot live without constant admiration should marry a “God, you are wonderful” type of woman. If he is unable to make up his mind, he is right in wedding a dictator. One dictator may prosper in a marriage: two are too many.
The way to matrimonial happiness is barred to no one. It is all a matter of choice. One should not look for perfection, one should look for the complementary half of a very imperfect other half. If someone buys a refrigerator, it never occurs to him that it is a bad refrigerator because he can not play gramophone records on it; nor does he blame his hat for not being suitable for use as a flower-vase. But many people who are very fond of their stomach marry their cook or a cook – and then blame her for being less radiantly intelligent and witty than George Sand*. Or a man may be anxious to show off his wife’s beauty and elegance, marry a mannequin and be surprised to discover in six months that she has no balanced views on the international situation. Another marries a girl only because she is seventeen and is much surprised fifteen years later to find that she is not seventeen any more. Or again if you marry a female book-worm who knows all about the gold standard, Praxiteles** and Kepler`s*** laws of planetary motions, you must not blame her for being somewhat less beautiful and temperamental than Marylin Monroe****. And if ladies marry a title of a bank account, they must not blame their husbands for not being romantic heroes of the Errol Flynn***** type.
You should know what you are buying. And as long as you do not play records on your refrigerator and do not put bunches of chrysanthemums into your hat, you have a reasonable chance of so-called happiness.
By G. Mikes
* Sand, George (pseudonym of Amandine Aurore Lucile Dupin Dudevant, 1804 – 1876), French novelist.
** Praxiteles (fl. 390 – 330 BC), Athenian sculptor.
*** Kepler, Johann (1571 – 1630), German astronomer and mathematician.
**** Monroe, Marylin (pseudonym of Norma Jean Baker or Martenson, 1926 – 1962), US film actress.
***** Flynn, Errol (1909 – 1958), Hollywood actor.
2. There are a number of unfinished statements about the text above, give one answer only to complete them.
1. A happy marriage depends on
(a) the bridal party;
(b) the person you are married to;
(c) whether it was a civil or a church marriage.
2. A good wife (or a husband)
(a) does not exist in the abstract;
(b) is a midwife;
(c) is a great talker.
3. To live together happily, a pathological liar should marry
(a) his like;
(b) a scolding woman;
(c) a credulous woman.
4. A man who cannot live without constant admiration should marry
(a) a woman who finds everything he does or says wonderful;
(b) a widow and two children;
(c) a she-devil.
5. If a man is unable to make up his mind, he is right in wedding
(a) mamma’s pet;
(b) a woman of character, who commands her husband;
(c) in haste.
6. The way to matrimonial happiness
(a) is barred to everyone;
(b) is barred to no one;
(c) lies through long misery.
7. When you make your choice you should
(a) look for perfection;
(b) find your ideal half;
(c) look for the complementary half of a very imperfect other half.
8. People who are fond of their stomach usually marry
(a) a cook;
(b) a mannequin;
(c) a female book-worm.
9. People who marry a mannequin usually blame her for
(a) being as radiantly intelligent and witty as George Sand;
(b) knowing all about Kepler’s laws of planetary motions;
(c) having no balanced views on the international situation.
10. If ladies marry a title or a bank account, they mustn’t blame their husbands for
(a) being romantic heroes;
(b) not being romantic heroes;
(c) not playing gramophone records on a refrigerator.
Unit three
1. Read the text and answer the questions after it.
Wedding superstitions.
For most people, weddings are a magical time when even the least superstitions will watch for portents of future happiness. As a result, the wedding preparations, ceremony and feast have all become loaded with ritual practices to ward off evil and bless the marriage with fortune and fertility.
The choice of date is important. May is traditionally unlucky for weddings, because in ancient Rome, this was a month for remembering the dead, and an ill-omened time for lovers. In contrast to this, there exists the Christian belief that you should not marry in Lent. Defying augury, many modern couples marry between Easter and late May, a practice much encouraged by tax rebates. The tradition that the bride’s parents should pay for the wedding dates from two or three centuries ago, when wealthy families would pay an eligible bachelor to take an unmarried daughter off their hands in exchange for a large dowry.
Every bride regards her wedding dress as the most hallowed garment she will ever possess. At most formal weddings, brides still get married in virginal white – many other colours are considered unlucky. Green, for example, is the fairies` colour and the wearer may fall into the power of the little people. Yellow, purple, orange and red are also to be avoided, though blue is safe. The bride’s veil is of great importance; it once had the double function of protecting the bride from the evil eye, and at the same time served to keep her in seclusion, in case her psychic powers at this time bewitched people. A bride will also ensure that her wedding outfit includes “something old, something new; something borrowed, something blue”. “Old” maintains her link with the past; “new” symbolizes the future; “borrowed” gives her a link with the present; “blue” symbolizes her purity.
Even a modern bride will observe the taboos about wearing her dress before the ceremony. The groom must not see her in it until she enters the church. Nor must she wear the complete outfit before the wedding day. Certainly the veil shouldn’t be tried on at the same time as the dress; many brides put it on for the first time as they leave for the church. Some brides even believe that the sewing of the dress shouldn’t be finished until the day itself, and leave a few switches to be completed on the wedding morning. It is a lucky omen if the bride should see a chimney sweep on her way to church. Sometimes a sweep is paid to attend the ceremony and kiss the bride – a relic of the old idea that soot and ashes are symbols of fertility. After the ceremony, the couple is showered with confetti – to bless the marriage with fertility.
One old custom which has not entirely died out was for the bride and sometimes the groom to negotiate some obstacle as the left the church – gests would impede them with ropes of flowers, for example, or with sticks that had to be jumped over. Sometimes a stone was used over which the bride had to jump or be lifted. After negotiating these hazards, the bride is faced with the wedding feast. The most important stems is the wedding cake, whose richness symbolizes fertility, just as it has done since Roman times. Today, the first slice is cut by the bride to ensure a fruitful marriage, though once the cake was literally broken over the bride’s head; guests then scrambled for fragments, which would bring good.
From BBC English
- What are the dates that are thought to be unlucky for wedding in Britain? Why?
- Why do many modern couples marry between Easter and latte May?
- Is the colour of the bride’s wedding dress of importance?
- What is the function of the bride’s veil?
- Why should the bride’s outfit include “something old, something new, something borrowed, and something blue”? What do they symbolize?
- What other taboos about the bride’s outfit should be observed?
- Why is a chimney sweep paid to attend the wedding ceremony and kiss the bride?
- How is the marriage blessed with fertility?
- What does the tradition on jumping over some obstacle symbolize?
- What tradition is connected with the wedding cake? What meaning does it have?
- Are weddings in Russia loaded with any ritual practices?
2. Discuss the problem of marriage and cohabitation:
For marriage
- A family is the basic unit of society.
- Divorce should be harder to get.
- A good marriage contributes to personality development.
- It is not marriage that fails, it is people that fail.
- Cohabiting parents are three times more likely to split up than married parents. Children are the main victims.
Against marriage
- Social attitudes and behavior are changing. There is no such thing as society. Only men and women.
- The divorce rate is rising.
- One cannot write love into a legal document.
- Marriage is not a word, it is a sentence.
- The birth of a child to a single woman gives a purpose in life.
Unit four
1. Read the text and do the given tasks after it.
American way of family life.
When Americans use the term “family”, they are usually referring to a father, a mother, and their children. This is the so called “nuclear family”. Grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and others who might be labeled “family” in many other countries are “relatives” in American terminology. These usages reflect the fact that, for most Americans, the family is a small group of people, not an extended network.
Like many other aspects of American life, families are changing. The traditional father-dominated family is becoming less common. There are more and more households in which both parents work, and in which the males have taken on household responsibilities that used to be left to females. There are more single-parent families. Large numbers of teenage children are employed, and thus have a disposable income of their own. It is increasingly common to find unmarried couples leaving together, unmarried women having a children, and “blended families” that are composed of a man, a woman and both of their children from previous marriages.
However modern or liberated a family may be, there is likely to be at least some reflection of the traditional male-female role division. Traditionally, the female was responsible for matters inside the house: cleaning, caring for the children, shopping for groceries and clothing, and preparing meals. The male was responsible for things outside the house: maintaining the family car (or cars) and the yard. The man would be expected to take care of whatever home repairs and improvements were within his capabilities.
The children are expected to contribute at least in some measure to home maintenance. They are responsible for certain “chores”, such as washing dishes, vacuuming carpets, and keeping their rooms clean. Children of different sexes may have sensibilities that reflect their traditional household responsibilities of their sex. Thus, boys are more likely to be responsible for mowing the lawn and girls for washing dishes or elementary cooking (with the mother’s guidance).
The children get considerable attention. Many American homes are what sociologists call “child-centered”. That is, the children’s perceived needs, interests, and preferences strongly influence the way in which the parents spend their time and money. Parents play with their young children. They send them to “preschool” and enroll them in lessons and classes of many kinds (music, dance, sports, and arts). They arrange for their children to get together with other children their own age. They talk to their children as though the children were simply small adults, asking their opinions and, in some measure, taking those opinions into account when making decisions that affect the entire family. These child-centered families seem very busy, since each child has a schedule of lessons, practices and social engagements.
From the viewpoint of most foreigners, though, American families are generally more child-centered than families in their own countries. Foreign visitors are often surprised to see how many American teenagers have jobs. The teenagers earn their own money for entertainment, clothes or a car by delivering newspapers, cooking or washing dishes is a fast-food restaurants, mowing lawns or other menial activities. Some save at least part of their income for college expenses. From the parents` viewpoint, having a job gives their children valuable training in acting independently, managing their time and money, and accepting responsibility for their own decisions.
American parents generally expect that their children’s lives will be at least as comfortable materially as their own, if not more so. When they think about their children’s futures, they think about them mainly in terms of the jobs their children will get and how much income those jobs will produce. So the basic values and assumptions underlying the American culture are taught and reinforced through the family.
- Explain in your own words such meanings as: “family”, “nuclear family”, “relatives”, “blended family”, “child-centered family”.
- Try to find differences between American way of family life and traditions of family life in your culture.
Unit five
1. Read texts and do the given tasks after it.
Early marriages.
Text A:
The generation of today’s young people often shocks their grandparents: smoking and drinking openly; magazines with naked girls and muscular boys, kissing in public and listening to music – all that can drive the old mad. Add to this list early marriages, and the picture we nave got has nothing to do with the life of the young 50 ears ago. Or does it?
I go agree that smoking, drinking and so on were not as popular before as they are now; but marriages, when the girl and the boy were under 30, were a common thing. If we go further and remember some pieces of literature, we will learn that Romeo and Juliet had no gray hair when they decided to get married. The same with Natasha Rostova from War and Peace by Tolstoy. Of course, you may object by saying that these are only invented characters; but let’s not forget that Shakespeare and Tolstoy did not write fantasy, but were quite realistic writers and reflected the real life of their epoch. Hence, we can conclude that early marriages were normal for people in Great Britain as well as in Russia.
In that case why do we get so much attention to young couples today, expecting their separation one or two weeks after the wedding? While young, people can become close to each other much more easily than people in their `30s-`40s. Youth has a big advantage, consisting in flexibility of mind; while “grown-ups” have their habits and traditions, which can not simply be sacrificed even for those whom they are deeply in live with.
Moreover, do not forget such an important factor as health which gives the possibility to give birth to healthy children. I suppose somebody can say that having children while you are a baby yourself is a scandal, and I think I would agree with this point of view.
Nevertheless, people need to acquire some life experience, and without trying to act in this or that way it is impossible to become the personality. Children are a good test of the love of the couple, because not every man and not every woman will be able to give 50% of his or her time to the family.
Babies are an extremely interesting world and, having a small human in your hands, you not only share your experience with this newly born creature, but learn lots of things about yourself. In other words, you get experience that will help you in the future.
And after many years, when the child growth up, his parents will still remain young and the gap, that often separates different generations because of the difference in their age, will not be visible. Consequently, it will result in comprehension and even maybe in friendship between children and parents, which is, in my opinion, one of the best things in the world.
By Alevtina Kozina
Text B:
When my best friend told me she was going to get married, I was really surprised. “Marriage at 19?” – I asked myself. And I was very doubtful that things like this have serious reasons. Explaining such an important act in her life, my friend just said: “Well, I just want to try out what marriage can be – it is interesting for me”. And, to my surprise, everything turned out to be not so bad, and now they are doing well, I suppose.
So I decided to analyse everything that comes to mind when hearing of “early marriages”.
What makes a young couple decide to get married? Unfortunately, it mostly happens because the girl is pregnant – this is the quickest and the most frequent way of making an early marriage, but here everything is absolutely clear and banal. I’d like to search for other, more reliable reasons.
I think some young people, like my friend, just want to see what it is like to be married. They little imagine what awaits them, that is why they are less cautious than those who have already had such an experience. And of course, youthful maximalism plays role. The young are often more sure of their forces and possibilities then someone of an other age. And what is the most amazing; it is not a useless risk. Young married couples discover all that new together, and they are in the same “wave length”. The major danger in this situation is the egoism of each of them. In this case, they loose this “wave length” and their marriage begins to sink.
Another problem in my view is having too little money. Early marriages almost always involve money dependence on parents. The parents often don’t spoil them. Such couples cannot themselves afford to constantly go to the cinema, buy new clothes, rest at Nice, for example. And here they begin to think seriously whether they really love each other or not. Or would they rather have a great number of comfortable things. But if parents spoil their married children with money, it is a pity, for they doom themselves to do it all their life.
And the most typical for early married couples is that everybody tries to teach them how to do this or that. Such pressure usually causes serious conflicts, but this exactly stimulates a young couple to become more independent.
As to the most important and the most dangerous thing, which may happen to our young heroes, is their disappointment in each other. Very rarely it is possible for them to find the strength to fight against it and forgive the mistakes of their partner. It is also easier for a young couple to divorce because they are young. There is nothing to explain. Anyway, early marriages show if you really need your partner and how much you can suffer for him or her.
Surely it is impossible to mention all the problems which rise when an early marriage happens. And I think it is useless to criticize those who decided to get married at the age of 16-19. Everything always depends only on the couple itself. Of course, it is necessary to mention, that some become adults earlier than others. A system of values can be formed in some persons surprisingly early and they potentially can be ready for a young marriage.
It is important to remember also that some young persons just do not have enough courage to stay along and be independent. Living with parents stimulates them to become sure of themselves, to achieve self-realization. But if they find courage to get married, it is already not a small thing. It is important that heir courage be enough to sustain the relationship. It is very hard. So only the strongest and the most patient can do it.
As for me, I believe in a destiny for everyone, and that, anyway, she will present us with what she thinks has to be. And an early marriage, it is just one of the possibilities, which checks people’s feelings; the first feelings and their ability not to turn off from the chosen way, the first way.
By Maria Yaylenko
- Discuss the problem of young marriages in groups.
- Make a list of advantages and disadvantages of young marriages.
Unit six
1. Read the text and do the given tasks after it.
Family values.
If you ask most representatives of today’s younger generation what family values mean, their responses will be smashing. There is no USSR with its motto “a family is a cell of the society”, which pointed out that every family should have the same set of values to be an equal part of the society. A family is a group concisting of one or two parents and their children. So, parents were responsible for bringing up obedient, able-bodied, and respectful adult children.
In the past it was common for three generations – grandparents, parents and children – to live together. People found living in a multi-generation home quite normal. So it was grandparents who took care of children and their set of values. Now older people live on their own but with rising prices most families cannot survive on one parents` salary. So, sometimes parents depend on grandparents in terms of money because their income is too low to survive.
Parents are often busy at work trying to earn as much money as possible. As a result, children are not well supervised; they are not even given advice, so they have to live on their own.
Whole generations are growing up addicted to the telly. Food is left uneaten, homework left undone and sleep is lost. Children are kept quite by putting them in the living room and turning on the TV set. It does not matter to their parents what the children watch: rubbish commercials or spectacles of sadism and violence, because they are too busy earning money.
As a result children try to imitate TV values. They become indifferent when people are killed. They die for alcohol, cigarettes and drugs – not only marijuana, but cocaine. They start close intimate relationship, not taking responsibility. So women become mothers while they are still teenagers. Many of these teenaged mothers are not married.
But I hope that the younger generation will not absorb the family values of an older one and parents will take care of their children. Then everything in our country will be OK.
By Aleksey Prokofiev
1. Read the text and discuss it in groups.
2. Give your own list of family values.
Unit seven
1. Read the text and do the given tasks after it.
A happy family, as I see it.
Family plays a major part in out life. It is very important to have a happy family. But nowadays it has become a really rare thing. Parents very often do not understand what their children want. The conflict between the two generations remains unsolved.
What do I understand under the term “A happy family”? Teenagers have their own ideas, and their mothers and fathers want to see and support them. So our parents know that their children are a new generation. They try to understand their interests. My mother is one such person. She helps me to achieve what I want. If she sees that I have acquired a new interest, she does not try to stop me. She is indulgent towards me, my desires and aspirations. I dearly appreciate it.
To my mind every member of a family must do their fair share. However if one has a lot of duties, he can start thinking that he is like a slave. These thoughts lead to conflicts. It is common in all families.
If you have a good family you cam decide calmly how to overcome your difficulties. Your family will always support you.
To sum up, a happy family is a friendly unit where each member is on equal terms with each other, and where there is no lack of privacy. It is also a plane where your nearest and dearest are interested in your wants, and nobody asks you embarrassing questions and nags you about your looks, school and behavior.
1. Read the text and discuss it in groups.
2. Try to give your own description of a happy family.
By Denis Kuznetsov.
Proverbs and sayings to know and use:
- Love makes the world go round.
- Love is a malady without cure.
- Love is blind.
- Love sees no fault.
- True love never grows old.
- Keep your eyes wide open before marriage, and half shut afterwards.
- Take a vine of a good soil, and the daughter of a good mother.
- Choose wife by your ear rather by your eye.
- Women are as wavering as the wind.
- Women are saint in church, angels in the street, and devils at home.
- Man is the head, but woman turns it.
- He that marries for wealth sells his liberty.
- He that has no children knows not what love is.
- Better be happy than wise.
- Love is not hay that you can throw away.
- The less we care about a woman, the easier to touch her heart.
- Marriage is a stone wall.
- Heart does not obey orders.
Vocabulary to use:
- to have a good relations with family – иметь хорошие отношения в семье/ с семьей
- to break/ come out of a relationship – порвать отношения
- to build relationship – строить отношения
- to cement a relationship – укреплять отношения
- to develop relationship – развивать отношения
- to damage a relationship – подрывать отношения
- to enhance a relationship – улучшать отношения
- to strain a relationship – создавать напряженность в отношениях
- the relationship deteriorated – отношения ухудшились
- the relationship endured – отношения сохранились
- an adult relationship – отношения между взрослыми
- an ambivalent relationship – двусмысленные отношения
- a business relationship - деловые отношения
- a casual relationship – несерьезные отношения
- a civilized relationship – цивилизованные отношения
- a dangerous relationship - опасные связи
- heavy responsibility – большая ответственность
- to bear responsibility - нести ответственность
- to feel responsibility - чувствовать ответственность
- to divide responsibility – разграничить ответственность
- to fix responsibility – закрепить обязанность
- to share responsibility – разделять ответственность
- moral support – моральная поддержка
- to get no support - не получить поддержки
- to attract support – найти поддержку
- to count on support - рассчитывать на поддержку
- to look for support – искать поддержку
- much support – большая поддержка
- timely support - своевременная поддержка
- to deserve smb`s trust – заслужить чье-то доверие
- to betray smb`s trust – обмануть чье-то доверие
- to forfeit smb`s trust - лишиться чьего-то доверия
- to seek understanding – стремиться к взаимопониманию
- to show understanding – относиться с пониманием
- firm understanding - прочное взаимопонимание
- real understanding – истинное понимание
- to give a warning - предостеречь, предупредить
- to take a warning – учесть предостережение
- to ignore a warning – не обращать внимание на предупреждение
Список литературы:
- Куценко А. В. Любовь и брак. Love and marriage. Устные темы по английскому языку. – М.: Астрель: АСТ, 2001.
- Литвинов П. П. Учим английский по-новому: изучение английского языка и помощью существительных и их сочетаемости. – М.: Астрель: АСТ, 2005.
- Периодическое издание English. – М.: Первое сентября.
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