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Кривошонок Наталья Николаевна
Сайт учителя иностранного языка
Профессия: учитель
Профессиональные интересы: развитие коммуникативных навыков учащихся, участие в творческих и инновационных проектах
Увлечения: путешествие
Регион: Санкт-Петербург
Населенный пункт: Санкт-петербург
Место работы: ГБОУ Гимназия №63
Ссылка на мой мини-сайт:
https://nsportal.ru/krivoshonok-natalya-nikolaevnaLearning to do, doing to learn.

О себе
Кривошонок Наталья Николаевна, учитель высшей квалификационной категории

Книги, которые сформировали мой внутренний мир
А.Островский "Бесприданница", И.Тургенев "Отцы и дети", Н. Гоголь "Тарас Бульба", Л. Толстой "Война и мир"

Мои достижения
2009 год
- тренер команды "Муравьи"- победителя III регионального тура Международного конкурса креативности Одиссея Разума
- тренер команды "Муравьи"- участника 17 Еврофестиваля Международного конкурса креативности Одиссея Разума в Словакии в Патиенсе
2010 год
- тренер команды "Муравьи"- призера IV регионального тура Международного конкурса креативности Одиссея Разума
- тренер команды "Муравьи"-участника 18 Еврофестиваля Международного конкурса креативности Одиссея Разума В Белоруссии
2011 год
- тренер команды "Муравьи"- призера V регионального тура Международного конкурса креативности Одиссея Разума
- тренер команды "Радуга Микс"-призера VI Открытого Белорусского Финала Международного конкурса креативности Одиссея Разума
2012 год
- тренер команды "Муравьи"-победителя VI регионального тура Международного конкурса креативности Одиссея Разума
- тренер команды "Радуга Микс"-призера 20 Еврофестиваля Международного конкурса креативности Одиссея Разума в СПБ
- организатор 20 Еврофестиваля Международного конкурса креативности Одиссея Разума в СПБ
2013 год
- судья долгосрочных проблем VII регионального тура Международного конкурса креативности Одиссея Разума
2014 год
- судья долгосрочных проблем VIII регионального тура Международного конкурса креативности Одиссея Разума

Моё портфолио
The classroom activity I find very useful for my upper form students (8, 9,10th formers) can be called “The word I like very much”. As soon as we start learning words for the topic study I suggest doing the following activity. I ask my students to choose a word or phrases from the list suggested and look up the information about the word in the dictionary and find out as much as possible about it: all its meanings as English words are known to be polysynaptic, collocations, set expressions, idioms it makes. As soon as the research is carried out, student make their oral reports about the word chosen. You can’t imagine how much amazing information was found out about the frequently used interjection”OK”.
The students not only make their reports but ask classmates to give examples, to guess about the meaning of a word in some contexts.
The rules for the report to be divided orally are the following:
- speak fluently, at least try as much as you can
- deliver the information found clearly
- make your speech colourful using examples, short dialogues
- imagine being a native English speaker
While studying vocabulary entries students get accustomed to working with dictionaries and look through all meanings of a word.
So, the main objectives gained by students are:
· linguistic study of the vocabulary
· the proper work with dictionaries(students don’t be shy away from such sources)
· development of speaking skills
· and finally, the pleasure to get acquainted with amazing stories of English words.
The classroom activity I find very useful for my upper form students (8, 9,10th formers) can be called “The word I like very much”. As soon as we start learning words for the topic study I suggest doing the following activity. I ask my students to choose a word or phrases from the list suggested and look up the information about the word in the dictionary and find out as much as possible about it: all its meanings as English words are known to be polysynaptic, collocations, set expressions, idioms it makes. As soon as the research is carried out, student make their oral reports about the word chosen. You can’t imagine how much amazing information was found out about the frequently used interjection”OK”.
The students not only make their reports but ask classmates to give examples, to guess about the meaning of a word in some contexts.
The rules for the report to be divided orally are the following:
- speak fluently, at least try as much as you can
- deliver the information found clearly
- make your speech colourful using examples, short dialogues
- imagine being a native English speaker
While studying vocabulary entries students get accustomed to working with dictionaries and look through all meanings of a word.
So, the main objectives gained by students are:
· linguistic study of the vocabulary
· the proper work with dictionaries(students don’t be shy away from such sources)
· development of speaking skills
· and finally, the pleasure to get acquainted with amazing stories of English words.
The classroom activity I find very useful for my upper form students (8, 9,10th formers) can be called “The word I like very much”. As soon as we start learning words for the topic study I suggest doing the following activity. I ask my students to choose a word or phrases from the list suggested and look up the information about the word in the dictionary and find out as much as possible about it: all its meanings as English words are known to be polysynaptic, collocations, set expressions, idioms it makes. As soon as the research is carried out, student make their oral reports about the word chosen. You can’t imagine how much amazing information was found out about the frequently used interjection”OK”.
The students not only make their reports but ask classmates to give examples, to guess about the meaning of a word in some contexts.
The rules for the report to be divided orally are the following:
- speak fluently, at least try as much as you can
- deliver the information found clearly
- make your speech colourful using examples, short dialogues
- imagine being a native English speaker
While studying vocabulary entries students get accustomed to working with dictionaries and look through all meanings of a word.
So, the main objectives gained by students are:
· linguistic study of the vocabulary
· the proper work with dictionaries(students don’t be shy away from such sources)
· development of speaking skills
· and finally, the pleasure to get acquainted with amazing stories of English words.
The classroom activity I find very useful for my upper form students (8, 9,10th formers) can be called “The word I like very much”. As soon as we start learning words for the topic study I suggest doing the following activity. I ask my students to choose a word or phrases from the list suggested and look up the information about the word in the dictionary and find out as much as possible about it: all its meanings as English words are known to be polysynaptic, collocations, set expressions, idioms it makes. As soon as the research is carried out, student make their oral reports about the word chosen. You can’t imagine how much amazing information was found out about the frequently used interjection”OK”.
The students not only make their reports but ask classmates to give examples, to guess about the meaning of a word in some contexts.
The rules for the report to be divided orally are the following:
- speak fluently, at least try as much as you can
- deliver the information found clearly
- make your speech colourful using examples, short dialogues
- imagine being a native English speaker
While studying vocabulary entries students get accustomed to working with dictionaries and look through all meanings of a word.
So, the main objectives gained by students are:
· linguistic study of the vocabulary
· the proper work with dictionaries(students don’t be shy away from such sources)
· development of speaking skills
· and finally, the pleasure to get acquainted with amazing stories of English words.
The classroom activity I find very useful for my upper form students (8, 9,10th formers) can be called “The word I like very much”. As soon as we start learning words for the topic study I suggest doing the following activity. I ask my students to choose a word or phrases from the list suggested and look up the information about the word in the dictionary and find out as much as possible about it: all its meanings as English words are known to be polysynaptic, collocations, set expressions, idioms it makes. As soon as the research is carried out, student make their oral reports about the word chosen. You can’t imagine how much amazing information was found out about the frequently used interjection”OK”.
The students not only make their reports but ask classmates to give examples, to guess about the meaning of a word in some contexts.
The rules for the report to be divided orally are the following:
- speak fluently, at least try as much as you can
- deliver the information found clearly
- make your speech colourful using examples, short dialogues
- imagine being a native English speaker
While studying vocabulary entries students get accustomed to working with dictionaries and look through all meanings of a word.
So, the main objectives gained by students are:
· linguistic study of the vocabulary
· the proper work with dictionaries(students don’t be shy away from such sources)
· development of speaking skills
· and finally, the pleasure to get acquainted with amazing stories of English words.
The classroom activity I find very useful for my upper form students (8, 9,10th formers) can be called “The word I like very much”. As soon as we start learning words for the topic study I suggest doing the following activity. I ask my students to choose a word or phrases from the list suggested and look up the information about the word in the dictionary and find out as much as possible about it: all its meanings as English words are known to be polysynaptic, collocations, set expressions, idioms it makes. As soon as the research is carried out, student make their oral reports about the word chosen. You can’t imagine how much amazing information was found out about the frequently used interjection”OK”.
The students not only make their reports but ask classmates to give examples, to guess about the meaning of a word in some contexts.
The rules for the report to be divided orally are the following:
- speak fluently, at least try as much as you can
- deliver the information found clearly
- make your speech colourful using examples, short dialogues
- imagine being a native English speaker
While studying vocabulary entries students get accustomed to working with dictionaries and look through all meanings of a word.
So, the main objectives gained by students are:
· linguistic study of the vocabulary
· the proper work with dictionaries(students don’t be shy away from such sources)
· development of speaking skills
· and finally, the pleasure to get acquainted with amazing stories of English words.
The classroom activity I find very useful for my upper form students (8, 9,10th formers) can be called “The word I like very much”. As soon as we start learning words for the topic study I suggest doing the following activity. I ask my students to choose a word or phrases from the list suggested and look up the information about the word in the dictionary and find out as much as possible about it: all its meanings as English words are known to be polysynaptic, collocations, set expressions, idioms it makes. As soon as the research is carried out, student make their oral reports about the word chosen. You can’t imagine how much amazing information was found out about the frequently used interjection”OK”.
The students not only make their reports but ask classmates to give examples, to guess about the meaning of a word in some contexts.
The rules for the report to be divided orally are the following:
- speak fluently, at least try as much as you can
- deliver the information found clearly
- make your speech colourful using examples, short dialogues
- imagine being a native English speaker
While studying vocabulary entries students get accustomed to working with dictionaries and look through all meanings of a word.
So, the main objectives gained by students are:
· linguistic study of the vocabulary
· the proper work with dictionaries(students don’t be shy away from such sources)
· development of speaking skills
· and finally, the pleasure to get acquainted with amazing stories of English words.
The classroom activity I find very useful for my upper form students (8, 9,10th formers) can be called “The word I like very much”. As soon as we start learning words for the topic study I suggest doing the following activity. I ask my students to choose a word or phrases from the list suggested and look up the information about the word in the dictionary and find out as much as possible about it: all its meanings as English words are known to be polysynaptic, collocations, set expressions, idioms it makes. As soon as the research is carried out, student make their oral reports about the word chosen. You can’t imagine how much amazing information was found out about the frequently used interjection”OK”.
The students not only make their reports but ask classmates to give examples, to guess about the meaning of a word in some contexts.
The rules for the report to be divided orally are the following:
- speak fluently, at least try as much as you can
- deliver the information found clearly
- make your speech colourful using examples, short dialogues
- imagine being a native English speaker
While studying vocabulary entries students get accustomed to working with dictionaries and look through all meanings of a word.
So, the main objectives gained by students are:
· linguistic study of the vocabulary
· the proper work with dictionaries(students don’t be shy away from such sources)
· development of speaking skills
· and finally, the pleasure to get acquainted with amazing stories of English words.
The classroom activity I find very useful for my upper form students (8, 9,10th formers) can be called “The word I like very much”. As soon as we start learning words for the topic study I suggest doing the following activity. I ask my students to choose a word or phrases from the list suggested and look up the information about the word in the dictionary and find out as much as possible about it: all its meanings as English words are known to be polysynaptic, collocations, set expressions, idioms it makes. As soon as the research is carried out, student make their oral reports about the word chosen. You can’t imagine how much amazing information was found out about the frequently used interjection”OK”.
The students not only make their reports but ask classmates to give examples, to guess about the meaning of a word in some contexts.
The rules for the report to be divided orally are the following:
- speak fluently, at least try as much as you can
- deliver the information found clearly
- make your speech colourful using examples, short dialogues
- imagine being a native English speaker
While studying vocabulary entries students get accustomed to working with dictionaries and look through all meanings of a word.
So, the main objectives gained by students are:
· linguistic study of the vocabulary
· the proper work with dictionaries(students don’t be shy away from such sources)
· development of speaking skills
· and finally, the pleasure to get acquainted with amazing stories of English words.
The classroom activity I find very useful for my upper form students (8, 9,10th formers) can be called “The word I like very much”. As soon as we start learning words for the topic study I suggest doing the following activity. I ask my students to choose a word or phrases from the list suggested and look up the information about the word in the dictionary and find out as much as possible about it: all its meanings as English words are known to be polysynaptic, collocations, set expressions, idioms it makes. As soon as the research is carried out, student make their oral reports about the word chosen. You can’t imagine how much amazing information was found out about the frequently used interjection”OK”.
The students not only make their reports but ask classmates to give examples, to guess about the meaning of a word in some contexts.
The rules for the report to be divided orally are the following:
- speak fluently, at least try as much as you can
- deliver the information found clearly
- make your speech colourful using examples, short dialogues
- imagine being a native English speaker
While studying vocabulary entries students get accustomed to working with dictionaries and look through all meanings of a word.
So, the main objectives gained by students are:
· linguistic study of the vocabulary
· the proper work with dictionaries(students don’t be shy away from such sources)
· development of speaking skills
· and finally, the pleasure to get acquainted with amazing stories of English words.
The classroom activity I find very useful for my upper form students (8, 9,10th formers) can be called “The word I like very much”. As soon as we start learning words for the topic study I suggest doing the following activity. I ask my students to choose a word or phrases from the list suggested and look up the information about the word in the dictionary and find out as much as possible about it: all its meanings as English words are known to be polysynaptic, collocations, set expressions, idioms it makes. As soon as the research is carried out, student make their oral reports about the word chosen. You can’t imagine how much amazing information was found out about the frequently used interjection”OK”.
The students not only make their reports but ask classmates to give examples, to guess about the meaning of a word in some contexts.
The rules for the report to be divided orally are the following:
- speak fluently, at least try as much as you can
- deliver the information found clearly
- make your speech colourful using examples, short dialogues
- imagine being a native English speaker
While studying vocabulary entries students get accustomed to working with dictionaries and look through all meanings of a word.
So, the main objectives gained by students are:
· linguistic study of the vocabulary
· the proper work with dictionaries(students don’t be shy away from such sources)
· development of speaking skills
· and finally, the pleasure to get acquainted with amazing stories of English words.
The classroom activity I find very useful for my upper form students (8, 9,10th formers) can be called “The word I like very much”. As soon as we start learning words for the topic study I suggest doing the following activity. I ask my students to choose a word or phrases from the list suggested and look up the information about the word in the dictionary and find out as much as possible about it: all its meanings as English words are known to be polysynaptic, collocations, set expressions, idioms it makes. As soon as the research is carried out, student make their oral reports about the word chosen. You can’t imagine how much amazing information was found out about the frequently used interjection”OK”.
The students not only make their reports but ask classmates to give examples, to guess about the meaning of a word in some contexts.
The rules for the report to be divided orally are the following:
- speak fluently, at least try as much as you can
- deliver the information found clearly
- make your speech colourful using examples, short dialogues
- imagine being a native English speaker
While studying vocabulary entries students get accustomed to working with dictionaries and look through all meanings of a word.
So, the main objectives gained by students are:
· linguistic study of the vocabulary
· the proper work with dictionaries(students don’t be shy away from such sources)
· development of speaking skills
· and finally, the pleasure to get acquainted with amazing stories of English words.
The classroom activity I find very useful for my upper form students (8, 9,10th formers) can be called “The word I like very much”. As soon as we start learning words for the topic study I suggest doing the following activity. I ask my students to choose a word or phrases from the list suggested and look up the information about the word in the dictionary and find out as much as possible about it: all its meanings as English words are known to be polysynaptic, collocations, set expressions, idioms it makes. As soon as the research is carried out, student make their oral reports about the word chosen. You can’t imagine how much amazing information was found out about the frequently used interjection”OK”.
The students not only make their reports but ask classmates to give examples, to guess about the meaning of a word in some contexts.
The rules for the report to be divided orally are the following:
- speak fluently, at least try as much as you can
- deliver the information found clearly
- make your speech colourful using examples, short dialogues
- imagine being a native English speaker
While studying vocabulary entries students get accustomed to working with dictionaries and look through all meanings of a word.
So, the main objectives gained by students are:
· linguistic study of the vocabulary
· the proper work with dictionaries(students don’t be shy away from such sources)
· development of speaking skills
· and finally, the pleasure to get acquainted with amazing stories of English words.
The classroom activity I find very useful for my upper form students (8, 9,10th formers) can be called “The word I like very much”. As soon as we start learning words for the topic study I suggest doing the following activity. I ask my students to choose a word or phrases from the list suggested and look up the information about the word in the dictionary and find out as much as possible about it: all its meanings as English words are known to be polysynaptic, collocations, set expressions, idioms it makes. As soon as the research is carried out, student make their oral reports about the word chosen. You can’t imagine how much amazing information was found out about the frequently used interjection”OK”.
The students not only make their reports but ask classmates to give examples, to guess about the meaning of a word in some contexts.
The rules for the report to be divided orally are the following:
- speak fluently, at least try as much as you can
- deliver the information found clearly
- make your speech colourful using examples, short dialogues
- imagine being a native English speaker
While studying vocabulary entries students get accustomed to working with dictionaries and look through all meanings of a word.
So, the main objectives gained by students are:
· linguistic study of the vocabulary
· the proper work with dictionaries(students don’t be shy away from such sources)
· development of speaking skills
· and finally, the pleasure to get acquainted with amazing stories of English words.
The classroom activity I find very useful for my upper form students (8, 9,10th formers) can be called “The word I like very much”. As soon as we start learning words for the topic study I suggest doing the following activity. I ask my students to choose a word or phrases from the list suggested and look up the information about the word in the dictionary and find out as much as possible about it: all its meanings as English words are known to be polysynaptic, collocations, set expressions, idioms it makes. As soon as the research is carried out, student make their oral reports about the word chosen. You can’t imagine how much amazing information was found out about the frequently used interjection”OK”.
The students not only make their reports but ask classmates to give examples, to guess about the meaning of a word in some contexts.
The rules for the report to be divided orally are the following:
- speak fluently, at least try as much as you can
- deliver the information found clearly
- make your speech colourful using examples, short dialogues
- imagine being a native English speaker
While studying vocabulary entries students get accustomed to working with dictionaries and look through all meanings of a word.
So, the main objectives gained by students are:
· linguistic study of the vocabulary
· the proper work with dictionaries(students don’t be shy away from such sources)
· development of speaking skills
· and finally, the pleasure to get acquainted with amazing stories of English words.
The classroom activity I find very useful for my upper form students (8, 9,10th formers) can be called “The word I like very much”. As soon as we start learning words for the topic study I suggest doing the following activity. I ask my students to choose a word or phrases from the list suggested and look up the information about the word in the dictionary and find out as much as possible about it: all its meanings as English words are known to be polysynaptic, collocations, set expressions, idioms it makes. As soon as the research is carried out, student make their oral reports about the word chosen. You can’t imagine how much amazing information was found out about the frequently used interjection”OK”.
The students not only make their reports but ask classmates to give examples, to guess about the meaning of a word in some contexts.
The rules for the report to be divided orally are the following:
- speak fluently, at least try as much as you can
- deliver the information found clearly
- make your speech colourful using examples, short dialogues
- imagine being a native English speaker
While studying vocabulary entries students get accustomed to working with dictionaries and look through all meanings of a word.
So, the main objectives gained by students are:
· linguistic study of the vocabulary
· the proper work with dictionaries(students don’t be shy away from such sources)
· development of speaking skills
· and finally, the pleasure to get acquainted with amazing stories of English words.
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