Критерий 13. Участие в муниципальных, региональных, федеральных и международных профессиональных конкурсах.
Участие в профессиональных конкурсах.
Дата | Название мероприятия | организатор | Место проведения | результат |
ноябрь-декабрь, 2014 | Профи-учитель | МО РС(Я) | дистанционно | 77 баллов |
08.12.2015 | Международный экзамен по английскому языку TOEIC | ИНПО СВФУ, представительство Global Division and Workforce Division, ETS TOEIC | КФЕН СВФУ очно |
920 баллов Золотой сертификат TOEIC |
с 11 мая по 15 июня 2015 года.
| всероссийский конкурс профессионального мастерства «Мой лучший урок по ФГОС», номинация «Разработка технологической карты урока», | Издательство «Эффектико» | Дистанционно |
Участие, сертификат рег. номер 0002222 |
декабрь 2015 | международный проект оценки планов уроков в рамках международного курса повышения квалификации учителей английского языка “Shaping the way we teach English, 2: Paths to success in ELT”, | Сайт Coursera, на базе университета штата Орегон, США | дистанционно |
Участие. Отзывы |
1-2 марта 2016 | Региональный конкурс «Конструирование современного урока ФГОС» в рамках регионального семинара по теме «Самообучающаяся организация как условие формирования инновационной культуры педагога» | МОБУ СОШ №7 Представительство издательства «Дрофа» | очно | участие |
Весна 2016 | Муниципальный дистанционный конкурс «Новое образование» | отдел педагогического опыта МКУ «Управление образования городского округа «город Якутск»
| Дистанционно |
за работу на тему «Портфолио по английскому языку для 7 класса по УМК Ваулиной Spotlight»
Весна 2016 | Муниципальный дистанционный конкурс «Новое образование» | отдел педагогического опыта МКУ «Управление образования городского округа «город Якутск»
| дистанционно | Диплом в номинации «Открытый урок» за план-конспект открытого урока в 10б классе «Обучение диалогшической речи на тему «Организация питания на банкете» |
октябрь 2016 | Республиканский конкурс профессионального мастерства учителей иностранных языков «МОЙ ЛУЧШИЙ УРОК» | ИРО и ПК им С.И. Донского | заочно |
Сертификат участника |
Вложение | Размер |
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Результат международного проекта взаимооценки планов уроков между учителями из разных стран
- /Lesson Plan Phase 1 Assignment/Peer and Self-Evaluation
Your effective grade is 28
Your unadjusted grade is 28, which was calculated based on a combination of the grade you received from your peers and the grade you gave yourself.
See below for details.
Follow the instructions in the Phase 1 Lesson Plan Assignment page. Use the Phase 1 Lesson Plan Rubric to help you evaluate the lesson plan.
Use one of the Phase 1 Lesson Plan templates, linked from the Phase 1 Lesson Plan Assignment page, to create your lesson plan. For best results, use PDF or plain text (.txt) to attach a file. You can also copy and paste into the submission box, but look to be sure the formatting is readable. Coursera does not do well with .doc or .docx files. Links to lesson plans outside of Coursera are not permitted.
After you submit your lesson plan, please come back in an hour to be sure the link to your attached file works or to be sure that your copied and pasted file looks good.
Use one of the Phase 1 Lesson Plan templates, linked from the Phase 1 Lesson Plan Assignment page, to create your lesson plan. Coursera does best with PDF or plain text (.txt) files as attachments You can also copy and paste into the submission box, but look to be sure the formatting is readable. Links to lesson plans outside of Coursera are not permitted.
After you submit your lesson plan, please come back in an hour to be sure the link to your attached file works or to be sure that your copied and pasted file looks good.
My lesson plan in Coursera 2015
Evaluation/feedback on the above work
Note: this section can only be filled out during the evaluation phase.
A. Students and setting
For a score of 4: All student and setting elements are fully described: Students’ age, grade level, previous English experience; type of institution, number of students in the class, class meetings per week, length of each class meeting. It’s clear who the students are, and we can visualize their class.
Score from your peers: 4
Score from yourself: 4
B. Lesson background
For a score of 4: The background of this lesson is clearly described. We can visualize what happened in the class before (if this is not the first lesson) and after the lesson (if this is not the final lesson).
Score from your peers: 4
Score from yourself: 4
C. Learning objectives/expected results
For a score of 4: The learning objectives/expected results are appropriate and clearly connected to integrated skills. We can easily visualize what the students are supposed to understand or demonstrate that they know.
Score from your peers: 4
Score from yourself: 4
D. Materials and sources
For a score of 4: All of the materials and the sources for the materials are listed and described clearly, including worksheets or handouts and instructions. It is easy to tell what the teacher should use. Other teachers could make or find the materials easily.
Score from your peers: 3
Score from yourself: 4
E. Procedures and timing
For a score of 4: Steps in the activity are clear and make sense. The right amount of time is allocated. Integrated skills are included effectively. We can visualize how the lesson will proceed.
Score from your peers: 4
Score from yourself: 4
F. Alternative assessment
For a score of 4: Alternative assessment is used and is clearly described. Other teachers could easily see how the assessment would help students demonstrate their competence.
Score from your peers: 3
Score from yourself: 3
G. Reflection
For a score of 4: The reflection discusses how the lesson demonstrates the use of integrated skills and alternative assessment. The reflection clearly explains why the lesson is appropriate for the students.
Score from your peers: 3
Score from yourself: 4
Overall evaluation/feedback
Note: this section can only be filled out during the evaluation phase.
For a score of 4: All parts of the lesson seem complete or almost complete. This lesson seems useful for a teacher to use or adapt to his/her own class. If you suspect plagiarism or copying, please give this lesson plan a score of 0 and report it to one of the course instructors immediately.
Overall, I felt that this lesson plan:
Score from your peers: 3
Score from yourself: 4
Please add any additional comments you would like to make. Please try to be as specific as possible, rather than just saying "good job" or "not useful." You should try to make comments that will help your colleagues improve their work. If elements are in the wrong place, please note that, too.
(15 word minimum; the more, the better)
self → I find this lesson plan quite good and appropriate. This lesson was very successful and the students enjoyed it very much. They love to make dialogues and solve communicative tasks, it's always more interesting than just doing grammar exercises or reading.
peer 1 → Hello there! I do not have much to say about your lesson. I think you have done a great work! Go on working like this, good job!
peer 2 → It is a good lesson plan. One can clearly visualize the atmosphere in the class. It seems all the parts are demonstrated clearly in a way we can see the full picture.
peer 3 → This lesson shows clearly that the students are learning expressions useful voy everyday life, however I think that they can use those expressions in a more real situation instead of preparing a dialog, for example a an spontaneous conversation (this will show that the students really comprehend the use of every expression ) or to integrate sills such as writing-reading-speaking, your kids can prepare a storyscrip about that situation in your lesson plan.
Shaping the Way We Teach English, 2: Paths to Success in ELT
по Dr. Deborah Healey, Jeff Magoto, Dr. Elizabeth Hanson-Smith
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- /Lesson Plan Phase 2 Assignment/Peer and Self-evaluation
- closed 2mon 1w ago
Submission Phase
- closed 1mon 5w ago
Evaluation Phase
- Results Phase
Your effective grade is 28
Your unadjusted grade is 28, which was calculated based on a combination of the grade you received from your peers and the grade you gave yourself.
See below for details.
Follow the instructions in the Phase 2 Lesson Plan Assignment. Use the Phase 2 Lesson Plan Rubric to help you evaluate the lesson plan.
Use a Phase 2 Lesson Plan template, linked from the Phase 2 Lesson Plan Assignment page, to create your lesson plan. You should use PDF or plain text (.txt) to attach a file. Links to lesson plans outside of Coursera are not permitted.
After you submit your lesson plan, please come back in an hour to be sure the link to your attached file works or to be sure that your copied and pasted file looks good.
Use one of the Phase 2 Lesson Plan templates, linked from the Phase 2 Lesson Plan Assignment page, to create your lesson plan. You should use PDF or plain text (.txt) to attach a file. Coursera accepts PDF, .txt, and graphics files. Links to lesson plans outside of Coursera are not permitted. You can copy and paste into the submission box, but double-check the formatting to be sure it's readable. After you submit your lesson plan, please come back in an hour to be sure the link to your attached file works or to be sure that your copied and pasted file looks good.
Evaluation/feedback on the above work
Note: this section can only be filled out during the evaluation phase.
Students and setting
For a score of 4: All student and setting elements are fully described: Students’ age, grade level, previous English experience; type of institution, number of students in the class, class meetings per week, length of each class meeting. It’s clear who the students are, and we can visualize their class.
Score from your peers: 4
Score from yourself: 4
B. Lesson background
For a score of 4: The background of this lesson is clearly described. We can visualize what happened in the class before (if this is not the first lesson) and after the lesson (if this is not the final lesson).
Score from your peers: 3
Score from yourself: 4
C. Learning objectives/expected results
For a score of 4: The learning objectives/expected results are appropriate and clearly connected to integrated skills and individual learning differences / differentiated instruction. We can easily visualize what the students are supposed to understand or demonstrate that they know.
Note: Where "individual learning differences" is mentioned below, it assumes that this could also be described as differentiated instruction.
Score from your peers: 3
Score from yourself: 4
D. Materials and sources
For a score of 4: All of the materials and the sources for the materials are listed and described clearly, including worksheets or handouts and instructions. It is easy to tell what the teacher should use. Other teachers could make or find the materials easily.
Score from your peers: 3
Score from yourself: 4
E. Procedures and timing
For a score of 4: Steps in the activity are clear and make sense. The right amount of time is allocated. Integrated skills and individual learning differences / differentiated instruction are included effectively. We can visualize how the lesson will proceed.
Note: Where "individual learning differences" is mentioned below, it assumes that this could also be described as differentiated instruction.
Score from your peers: 3
Score from yourself: 4
F. Alternative assessment
For a score of 4: Alternative assessment is used and is clearly described. Other teachers could easily see how the assessment would help students demonstrate their competence.
Score from your peers: 3
Score from yourself: 4
G. Classroom management
For a score of 4: It is very clear what classroom management strategies will be used and why they will be successful. Their usefulness in this context is explained well.
Score from your peers: 3
Score from yourself: 3
H. Reflection
For a score of 4: The reflection a) explains the revisions that were made from the Phase 1 Lesson Plan. It also b) discusses how the lesson demonstrates the use of the four course topics: integrated skills, alternative assessment, individual learning differences, and classroom management.
Score from your peers: 3
Score from yourself: 3
Overall evaluation/feedback
Note: this section can only be filled out during the evaluation phase.
For a score of 4: All parts of the lesson seem complete or almost complete. This lesson seems useful for a teacher to use or adapt to his/her own class. If you suspect plagiarism or copying, please give this lesson plan a score of 0 and report it to one of the course instructors immediately.
Overall, I felt that this lesson plan:
Score from your peers: 3
Score from yourself: 4
Please add comments on your evaluation, especially for those areas where you did not give full points. Comments are very much appreciated by the lesson plan author! (15 word minimum; the more, the better) Please try to be as specific as possible, rather than just saying "good job" or "not useful." You should try to make comments that will help your colleagues improve their work. If elements are in the wrong place or if you feel elements were plagiarized, please note that, too.
self → Well, I see that my lasson plan is not ideal. There are some strong points as well as weak ones. I didn't like how I wrote about reflection and also about classroom management. I admit them to be the weakest points of my lesson plan, but anyway, such lessons are quite successful in my practise.
peer 1 → Overall the lesson plan was good. You stated that your class time is 45 minutes and you allotted 43 minutes in your lesson plan. You needed to elaborate more in alternative assessment and reflection sections. Good luck to you!
peer 2 → Yes, I get the point of your activity but then the given time is too low. Another thing also, in your objective, please specify the 3 domains: COFGNITIVE, AFFECTIVE, and PSYCHOMOTOR.
peer 3 → I like your lesson plan but why you changed the lesson plan was not well explained.