4 класс. УМК Spotlight 4 Быковой Н. И.

Зинченко Ольга Сергеевна

Презентации к урокам


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Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 3

Make up sentences. mum/ your/ Does/ cartoons/ watch? car/ under/ The/ is/ cat/ the. there/ Is/ an/ in/armchair/ bedroom/ your? children/ The/ making/ a/ are/ sandcastle. aeroplane / Whose/ this/ is? The/ has/ one/ got/ baby/ tooth.

Слайд 4

Match. 1. What do you do on Sundays? a) It is a tea set. 2. Does your dad like chips? b) I am painting a picture. 3. What is it? c) No, they can’t. 4. Can dolphins fly? d) I read books. 5. What are you doing? e) It is in the bathroom. 6. Where is a mirror? f) No, he doesn’t.

Слайд 5

Fill in am , is , are . We … in Year 4 now. My friends … in the park. What … your favourite day? It … rainy. Look! She … making a sandcastle. Ben, where … you?

Слайд 6

Choose the right word. Dear Becky, I (am/ have got) in Year 4 now. I (am/ have got) a new school bag. There (is/ are) a new pencil case in it and there (is/ are) new books too. And we (has/ have) got a new teacher! (She/ Her) name is Anna Olegovna . She is very kind. She (has got/ is) thin and she (have/ has) got fair hair and green eyes. I’ve got (any/ some) new friends too. We (playing/ play) games after school. It is fun! What about you? Have you got (some/ any) new teachers or friends? Love, Kate

Слайд 7

с. 4 у. 1, 2 (р.т.) Hometask

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 5

Find the odd word. pencil case, ruler, lamp, rubber PE, computer, Science, Geography grandma, dad, mum, grandfather e ggs, milk, meat, rice t rain, armchair, sofa, cooker Thursday, Wednesday, September, Tuesday

Слайд 7

11 + 12 = 45 – 24 = 50 + 3 = 39 – 16 = 3 + 7 = 24 + 18 = 48 – 22 =

Слайд 8

triangle circle square

Слайд 9

с. 5 у. 3 , 4 (р.т.) Hometask

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 3

uncle aunt

Слайд 4


Слайд 6

slim funny

Слайд 7

kind friendly

Слайд 8

fair dark

Слайд 11

tall short kind funny slim friendly

Слайд 12

1. tall a) дружелюбный 2. short b) стройный 3. slim c) забавный, смешной 4. fair hair d) невысокий 5. dark hair e) добрый 6. funny f) светлые волосы 7. kind g) высокий 8. friendly h) темные волосы

Слайд 13

слова выучить с . 6 у. 2 (р.т .) с. 11 у. 4 (читать) Hometask

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 2

t _ _ l _ a _ r h _ _ r _ u _ ny f _ i _ n _ l _ s _ i _ f _ _ r _ _ _ r _ in _ _ _ ort

Слайд 3

1. What does she look like? a) He is clever. 2. What is she like? b) She is kind. 3. What does he look like? c) She’s short and slim and she’s got dark hair. 4. What is he like? d) He’s tall and slim and he’s got dark hair.

Слайд 5

CD watch

Слайд 6

hairbrush roller blades

Слайд 7

gloves keys

Слайд 8

mobile phone helmet

Слайд 9

camera guitar

Слайд 13

cam _ ra glov _ s h _ lm _ t roll _ r blad _ s w _ tch h _ irbrush c _ mer _ guit _ r watc _ _ airbrus _ mobile p _ one _ elmet

Слайд 14

1. ombeil honpe a) роликовые коньки 2. melhet b) часы 3. hbrairsuh c) гитара 4. golesv d) мобильный телефон 5. rlolre albdes e) фотоаппарат 6. auitgr f) ключи 7. atwhc g) расческа 8. esky h) шлем 9. mecara i ) перчатки

Слайд 15

Prepositions of place

Слайд 16

in next to in front of under behind Fiona is … (рядом с) the window. Ben and Tom are … ( за ) the door. Chris is … (перед) the sofa. Rob is … (под) the table. Ann and Betty are … ( в ) the kitchen.

Слайд 17

p ar k f ar m f ar mer ar e m ar k l ar k d ar k c ar h or se m or ning or c or n sh or t f or

Слайд 18

Волшебная книжка Книжка, которую нашел Петя на дорожках королевского парка, оказалась волшебной! Картинки в ней говорили, двигались, пели, с ними даже можно было играть. На одной из страниц Петя увидел красивый парк, очень похожий на королевский. По длинной аллее шел охотник Эй, а навстречу ему – папа А. Буковки увидели друг друга и кинулись обниматься. -Старина! – радостно кричал папа А, – как давно мы с тобой не виделись! Петя понял, что они вдвоем звучат, как [а:]. Буквосочетание ar читается, как [а:] (длительно) . NB! В парке стало смеркаться, и Петя не увидел, куда ушли охотник Эй и папа А. Пете вдруг очень захотелось пойти за ними. Он решил выложить слово «moon», чтобы стало светлее, но поблизости не было ни Oy, ни Эн. Зато на скамейке девочка Ти играла с красивой змейкой Эс. – Зачем мне они? – подумал Петя. Он совсем забыл, что в стране Буквляндии даже мысли могут быть услышаны. – Как это зачем? – возмутились буковки. – Во-первых, мы знаем, где сейчас Эй и А и можем позвать их. А во-вторых, ну-ка, прочти это слово:

Слайд 20

выучить слова с. 6 у. 1, 3 (р.т .) Hometask

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 3

park short

Слайд 4

Divide the words into 2 groups [a:] [o:] armchair, car, for, art, short, park, artist, morning

Слайд 5

Match 1. c a mera a) [o:] 2. sh ort b) [ Λ ] 3. sl i m c) [ æ ] 4. h or se d) [f] 5. ph one e) [ ∫ ] 6. f u nny f) [a:] 7. guit ar g) [ i ]

Слайд 6

ski sail

Слайд 7

skate play the violin

Слайд 8

surf dive

Слайд 10

Match 1. ski a) играть на скрипке 2. sail b) нырять 3. skate c) заниматься серфингом 4. play the violin d) кататься на лыжах 5. surf e) кататься на коньках 6. dive f) плавать под парусами

Слайд 11

ski skate sail play the violin surf dive

Слайд 12

Ann is skating.

Слайд 13

The Present Continuous Tense

Слайд 14

Tom ( eat ) an apple. Pat (skate)? Alice and Tony (not ski). My friends (surf). I (not sail). His teacher (play) the violin?

Слайд 15

выучить слова c . 15 у. 6 (см. Portfolio Sheets в р.т.) с. 8 у. 1, 2 (р.т.) Hometask

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 4

Find 10 verbs r i d e s s i n g k a a h a p l a y t s m v i i f g p q k y h l s v d d n i l p a u d a i r w p z b r a n v u g m u n f w c e s w i m v o e e o s k a t e b z x g

Слайд 5

23 18 41 22 13 55 37 46 34 59

Слайд 6

22 + 23 = 44 - 5 = 50 – 17 = 35 – 12 = 29 + 14 = 51 - 28 = 35 + 22 =

Слайд 7

40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 +ty

Слайд 8

sixty [ siksti ] - 60 seventy [ sevnti ] – 70 eighty [ eiti ] - 80 ninety [ nainti ] – 90 hundred [h Λ ndrid ] - 100

Слайд 9

Decode the words and match 1. eninyt a) 80 2. tihtry b) 40 3. tyseevn c) 100 4. isyxt d) 50 5. dhnredu e) 70 6. oyfrt f) 90 7. egtyhi g) 30 8. ftyfi h) 60

Слайд 10

52 63 96 75 23 48 71

Слайд 11

выучить слова с . 9 у. 3 , 4 (р.т.) Hometask

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 2

Match. 1. seventy one a) 63 2. one hundred b) 87 3. fifty five c) 100 4. sixty three d) 94 5. eighty seven e) 40 6. ninety four f) 71 7. forty g) 55

Слайд 3

threety eihtty ninty fivety fourty sevnti handrid

Слайд 4

How old is your aunt? How old is your mother? How old is your father? How old is your uncle? How old is your granny? How old is your grandpa?

Слайд 5

100 – 43 = 25 + 50 = 88 – 33 = 76 + 12 = 64 – 63 = 92 – 73 = 13 + 17 = 61 + 7 =

Слайд 6

golden - curls – wood – worry – in a hurry – cool – don’t go walking – on my way to … - золотистый локоны лес беспокоиться в спешке классный по пути не ходи гулять

Слайд 7

Match. 1. golden a) in a hurry 2. on my way to b) girl 3. green c) curls 4. cool d) walking 5. don’t go e) wood 6. don’t f) school 7. I am g) worry

Слайд 8

Goldilocks has big blue … and golden …. Don’t go walking …. Mummy, don’t …! … is in a hurry. I can walk there on my way to ….

Слайд 9

Choose the right article. 1. Her name is … Goldilocks. a) - b) a c) the 2. She is … little girl. a) - b) a c) the 3. She has got … big blue eyes. a) - b) a c) the 4. She goes for a walk in … wood. a) - b) a c) the 5. The wood is … cool. a) - b) a c) the

Слайд 10

с . 18 - 19 ( читать ) Hometask

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 3

English-speaking countries

Слайд 4

the United Kingdom Ireland the USA Canada Australia New Zealand

Слайд 6

Ottawa is the capital of Canada

Слайд 7

Washington is the capital of the USA

Слайд 8

Canberra is the capital of Australia

Слайд 9

Wellington is the capital of New Zealand

Слайд 10

London is the capital of the UK

Слайд 11

Dublin is the capital of Ireland

Слайд 12

1. Ott a) berra 2. Washi b) lin 3. Well c) ngton 4. Can d) awa 5. Lon e) ington 6. Dub f) don

Слайд 13

Washington is the capital of …. … is the capital of New Zealand. … is the capital of Australia. London is the capital of …. Dublin is the capital of …. … is the capital of Canada.

Слайд 15

с. 10 у. 2, 3 (р.т.) проект о своем городе по плану Hometask

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 3

1 2 3 A on the sofa in the box on the desk B next to the armchair behind the book in front of the computer C under the table in front of the window behind the door helmet (A2) – It is in the box. mobile phone (A1) hairbrush (B2) guitar (B1) camera (C2) key (C3)

Слайд 4

Find the odd word. tall, funny, kind, friendly seventy, thirteen, eighty, ninety swimming, running, reading, putting park, forty, farm, car

Слайд 5

100 – 99 = 34 + 13 = 27 – 15 = 50 + 3 = 79 – 22 = 61 + 16 = (88 – 35) + 3 =

Слайд 6

fair slim funny aunt yacht eyes sailing violin Look at the picture. This is my (1) … Ira. She’s thirty-two years old. She’s tall and (2) … with (3) … hair and grey (4) …. She always makes me laugh because she’s very (5) …. She can play the (6) … very well. She lives near the sea. She likes swimming and (7) … in summer. In the picture she’s sailing a (8) …. She’s very cool!

Слайд 7

1. in front of the school a) перед школой b) за школой 2. behind the tree a) на дереве b) за деревом 3. under the table a) под столом b) на столе 4. next to the helmet a) рядом со шлемом b) на шлеме 5. in the armchair a) в кресле b) перед креслом 6. on the sofa a) у дивана b) на диване

Слайд 8

This is Oleg’s room. His desk is in front of the window. There is a computer on the desk. His CDs are next to the computer. There is a green sofa in the room and under the sofa there are Oleg’s roller blades. His helmet is in the box and his guitar is behind the armchair. The TV is in front of the armchair.

Слайд 9

is/ Our/ clever/ and/ teacher/ kind. mobile/ on/ phone/ is/ The/ table/ the. and/ best/ tall/ friend/ is/ My/ slim. is/ your/ like/ sister/ What? behind/ running/ children/ the/ are/ school/ The. uncle/ does/ look/ What/ your/ like?

Слайд 10

повт . материал модуля 1 к тесту Hometask

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 3

station garage

Слайд 4

café theatre

Слайд 5

baker’s hospital

Слайд 6

greengrocer’s post office

Слайд 9

Garage, station, theatre, café, post office, baker’s, hospital, greengrocer’s

Слайд 10

Match. 1. station a) театр 2. garage b) больница 3. cafe c) почта 4. theatre d) овощной магазин 5. baker’s e) вокзал 6. hospital f) булочная 7. greengrocer’s g) гараж 8. post office h) кафе

Слайд 11

The ( egrenroce’sg ) … is in Hill Street. The ( ostnati ) … is in Abbey Road. The ( feac ) … is in Cherry Lane. The ( psto foefic ) … is in Park Road. The ( alhopsit ) … is in Forest Road. The ( agareg ) … is in Green Street. The ( rtehate ) … is in Flower Lane. The ( kabr’se ) … is in Market Street.

Слайд 12

выуч . слова с. 27 у. 3 (читать) с. 14 у. 1 (р.т.) Hometask

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 3

s…… g…..

Слайд 4

c… t……

Слайд 5

b….. h…….

Слайд 6

g……….. p… ……

Слайд 7

t _ e _ tre _ os _ o _ _ ice _ a _ e s _ at _ _ n _ ak _ r’s _ o _ pita _ gr _ _ n _ ro _ er’s _ a _ a _ e

Слайд 8

baker greengrocer

Слайд 9

mechanic postman

Слайд 10

waiter nurse

Слайд 12

Match. 1. baker a) официант 2. greengrocer b) медсестра 3. mechanic c) пекарь, булочник 4. postman d) продавец овощей и фруктов 5. waiter e) механик 6. nurse f) почтальон

Слайд 13

I always watch TV in the evening.

Слайд 14

always √ √√√ usually √√√ sometimes √√ never # Harry … goes to school by car. √√√ Emily and her friends … have lunch at school. √√ William … washes the dishes. # Lucy … helps her mum. √√√√ James … dives. # Olivia .. Writes letters to her grandma. √√

Слайд 15

Fill in always , usually , sometimes , never . I … paint pictures. I … read stories. I … ride a bike. I … play the piano. I … play sports. I … take photos.

Слайд 16

park car corn horse bird farm are farmer

Слайд 17


Слайд 18

Прямо с корабля все прошли в тронный зал и уселись за огромный, пышно убранный стол. Какой только вкуснятины не было на этом столе! Какая веселая музыка играла! Но буковки были грустные. Вы ведь уже знаете, что в стране Буквляндии все умеют читать мысли. И все уже знали, что Петя покидает их. Не знали об этом только буквы Ай, И и Ю. Они заперлись в дальних покоях дворца и азартно репетировали. Они хотели удивить всех гостей новой песней. Вот ее слова: « i , u , u , e , i , u , e ». Позвать их в зал попрощаться с Петей послали человечка А, потому что он умел быстро летать. Папа А не любил долгих слов. Он подлетел к поющим друзьям и закричал: – Скорей! Пошли! Друзья ничего не поняли и страшно обиделись, что оборвалась песня. Они обиженно растянули губы и сказали хором [ ә :] (звук похож на смесь из О и Е , как в слове «Гёте»). Когда А подлетел к девочке Ай, она сказала [ ә :]. Когда А подлетел к бабушке И , она сказала [ ә :]. Когда А подлетел к великану Ю , он сказал [ ә :].

Слайд 19

Жили были i и r И была у них коза, Ела травку и звала : [ ə :] Козочку не забывай, i и r как [ ə :] читай.

Слайд 20

выуч . слова с . 14 у. 2, 4 (р.т.) Hometask

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 6

thirteen fur her [ ə :]

Слайд 7

ir [ ə : ] birthday ur [ ə : ] Thursday er [ ə : ] nerve bird, surname, skirt, burger, her, furry, T-shirt, nurse, serve, girl, surfing, thirteen

Слайд 8

Match. 1. st ar a) [k] 2. t or toise b) [ ə :] 3. t ur n c) [ θ ] 4. h o spital d) [ i :] 5. gr ee ngrocer e) [a:] 6. me ch anic f) [o:] 7. th eatre g) [o]

Слайд 9

volleyball tennis

Слайд 10

badminton baseball

Слайд 11

table tennis hockey

Слайд 12

Decode the words and match them. 1. eollbyalvl a) теннис 2. nteisn b) бейсбол 3. aondminbt c) хоккей 4. l babseal d) бадминтон 5 . btael etnisn e) волейбол 6. koceyh f) настольный теннис

Слайд 13

Put the words in alphabetical order. Baseball, table tennis, hockey, badminton, volleyball, basketball, tennis

Слайд 14

I go to the cinema once a week. John has guitar lessons twice a week. Emma washes her hair three times a week.

Слайд 15

T i m e 7.30 a.m. = half past seven in the morning. Половина восьмого утра. 20.00 = 8 p.m. Eight o’clock in the evening. Восемь часов вечера. Время обозначают цифрами от 0 до 24 – столько часов в сутках. Можно измерять время от 0 до 12 часов и говорить утро или вечер. Утро (до 12 часов дня) обозначают a.m. , что по латыни означает “ до полудня . ” Вечер (после 12 часов дня) обозначают p.m. , что по латыни означает “ после полудня ” .

Слайд 16

to past

Слайд 17

T i m e В русском языке мы относим половину к следующему часу. В английском, наоборот, к предыдущему. Например, 6.30 – это “ половина седьмого ” , но “half past six” . to past quarter to… five minutes past… ( без четверти...) ( пять минут...) twenty minutes to… quarter past… (без двадцати...) ( четверть...)

Слайд 18

T i m e Three minutes past three . Три минуты четвертого. Чтобы назвать время до половины часа, нужно сказать сколько времени прошла минутная стрелка после цифры 12. Для этого используют предлог past (после). Этот предлог используют и в случае, когда прошла ровно половина часа.

Слайд 19

T i m e Seventeen minutes to seven. Без семнадцати семь. Чтобы назвать время во второй половине часа, нужно сказать сколько времени осталось пройти минутной стрелке до цифры 12. Для этого используют предлог to (до).

Слайд 20

выуч . слова с. 3 1 у. 5 (см. Portfolio Sheets в р.т.) Hometask

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 3

t _ b _ e t _ _ _ is b _ seba _ _ vo _ _ e _ ball b _ dm _ nt _ n ho _ _ e _

Слайд 4

You have to wear a uniform. He has to get up at 7 o’clock. They don’t have to go to school on Saturday. She doesn’t have to get up at 7 o’clock on Saturday.

Слайд 5

Choose the correct word. My parents have/ has to wear a uniform at work. I don’t/ doesn’t have to wash the dishes after lunch. Lily don’t/ doesn’t have to go shopping today. Charlie have/ has to go to work on Saturday. We don’t/ doesn’t have to get up early on Sundays. Leo have/ has to read a lot of books at work.

Слайд 6

c . 32 у. 3 (читать) с. 17 у . 3 (р.т .) Hometask

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 2

Read the text and fill in the blanks. has to friendly hospital nurse uniform My big sister Emma is (1) …. She works at a (2) …. Emma helps sick people. She has to wear a (3) …. She sometimes (4) … work at night. Emma is very kind and (5) … and people love her.

Слайд 5

Match. 1. long a) a walk 2. a naughty b) to me 3. break c) to school 4. listen d) curls 5. take e) the rule 6. the way f) girl

Слайд 7

porridge - break the rule – pot – return – каша нарушить правило горшочек вернуться

Слайд 8

In the wood there live four bears! I’ve got some soup in this pot. It is very ugly. Let go inside and get some fun! We can drink it when we all return.

Слайд 9

Let’s take a …. I’ve got some … in this pot. But it is very …! Now in the … there live … bears. Let’ go outside and get some …!

Слайд 10

с. 34 - 35 (читать) Hometask

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 2

Find 6 words. g a r a g e i s i t n e o r h t z x w h p o s t o f f i c e t w v s s j l t d a s z l t p k j g x t h a u a i k w t t r o b g t t t q x m e p v j i a i c a f e r e s o l d y w w x h g g n o e n o y y

Слайд 3

Find the odd word. theatre, hospital, tree, garage baker’s, mechanic, artist, doctor hockey, violin, volleyball, badminton bird, burger, park, serve

Слайд 4

Make up sentences using the verbs from the box and adverbs: always , usually , sometimes , never . drive a car clean the rooms play soccer listen to music ski go shopping wash the dishes make cakes dive Example: My dad never plays soccer.

Слайд 5

I’m Harry and I ’ve got a lot of friends. My friends always help their parents about the house. Violet has to go shopping and wash the dishes. She doesn’t have to clean her room because her sister does it once a week. Ben has to wash their car and clean his room. He doesn’t have to wash the dishes or go shopping. Mary always makes breakfast for her little sister and plays with her when her mum cooks in the kitchen. She never goes shopping. I have to clean my room twice a week and I sometimes wash the dishes after supper. I don’t have to go shopping.

Слайд 6

Fill in have to , don’t have to , has to , doesn’t have to . We … go to school every day, but we … go to school on Sunday. My brother and I … make breakfast. Our mum makes it. Mum … go shopping. Dad goes shopping twice a week. Dad … wash our car at weekends. Mum … drive to work. She walks. We … wear a school uniform . It’s dark blue. I … get up early on weekdays, but I … get up early on Sunday. I … do my homework every day.

Слайд 7

Say when you do this. My mum/ get up/ 6:30 I / have lunch/ … My dad/ go to work/ … My friend/ come home/ … My family/ have supper/ … My sister/ brother/ go to bed/ …

Слайд 8

Match. 1. Excuse me, where’s the station? He’s a mechanic. 2. What time is it? b) She helps sick people. 3. Where do you work? c) No, he doesn’t. 4. How often do you play sports? d) I’m a doctor. 5. What time is the soccer match? e) It’s a quarter to three. 6. What do you do? f) Twice a week. 7. What does she do at work? g) It’s in High Street. 8. Does he have to wear a uniform? h) At a café. 9. What does your uncle do? i ) At half past five.

Слайд 9

повт . материал модуля 2 к тесту Hometask

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 2

Fruit salad

Слайд 3

lemon beans

Слайд 4

mango butter

Слайд 5

coconut flour

Слайд 6

pineapple olive oil

Слайд 7

sugar tomato

Слайд 8

salt and pepper

Слайд 13

mango lemon coconut sugar pepper beans tomato salt butter flour pineapple

Слайд 14

lem _ n mang _ c _ c _ nut fl _ ur t _ mat _ _ live _ il o o o o o o o o o s _ gar b _ tter cocon _ t flo _ r u u u u be _ ns m _ ngo pine _ pple sug _ r s _ lt a a a a a

Слайд 15

C OUNTABLE NOUNS С OUNTABLE NOUNS are things that we can count. Countable nouns can have plural forms

Слайд 16

UNCOUNTABLE NOUNS We cannot "count" UNCOUNTABLE NOUNS Uncountable nouns can not have plural forms

Слайд 17

Countable or Uncountable countable uncountable Coconut, pepper, butter, flour, mango, lemon, sugar, salt, tomato, pineapple, olive oil

Слайд 18

с. 22 у. 1 (р.т.), выучить слова, нарисовать фрукт. салат и подписать ингредиенты Hometask

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 3


Слайд 4

4 sausage

Слайд 5

5 fish

Слайд 6


Слайд 7


Слайд 8


Слайд 9


Слайд 10

10 meat

Слайд 11

11 eggs

Слайд 12


Слайд 13


Слайд 14


Слайд 15

1. lemon a) ананас 2. beans b) оливковое масло 3. mango c) сахар 4. butter d) бобы 5. coconut e) лимон 6. flour f) сливочное масло 7. pineapple g) кокос 8. olive oil h) перец 9. sugar i ) помидор 10. salt j) мука 11. pepper k) манго 12. tomato l) соль

Слайд 16

l _ _ on b _ t _ _ r m _ n _ o _ uga _ b _ _ ns fl _ _ r _ a _ t _ e _ _ er

Слайд 21

How many lemons do we need? How much sugar do we need?

Слайд 23

How many lemons do we need? How many lemons do we need? A lot! Not many.

Слайд 24

How much sugar do we need? How much sugar do we need? A lot! Not much.

Слайд 25

How much/ many mangoes are there? √ √√ How much/ many sugar is there in the cake? √ How much/ many eggs are there? √ How much/many bananas are there on the table? √√√ √ How much/ many salt is there on the shelf? √√ √ How much/ many pineapples are there in the box? √

Слайд 26

[ ʤ ] – перед гласными e, i , y [g] – во всех остальных случаях

Слайд 27

с. 2 3 у. 2, 3 (р.т .) Hometask

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 2

mangoilemon …

Слайд 3

Match. 1. Can you pass me some salt, please? a) It looks great! 2. How many tomatoes do we need? b) Not much. 3. Look, the cake is ready! c) Not many, only two I think. 4. How much pepper is there? d) Sure. Here you are!

Слайд 5

a packet of biscuits a bar of chocolate

Слайд 6

a kilo of potatoes a loaf of bread

Слайд 7

a jar of jam a carton of milk

Слайд 8

a bottle of Coke a tin of beans

Слайд 9

Match. 1. packet a) банка 2. bar b) бутылка 3. kilo c) консервная банка 4. loaf d) пакет (молока) 5. jar e) плитка (шоколада) 6. carton f) буханка/ батон 7. bottle g) пачка 8. tin h) килограмм

Слайд 10

bottle carton bar tin kilo loaf jar packet

Слайд 13

a … of biscuits a … of chocolate a kilo of … a loaf of … a … of jam a carton of … a … of Coke a tin of …

Слайд 14

£1.09 One pound nine pence

Слайд 16

Many – Much – A lot of – в вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях с исчисляемыми существительными во множ . числе в вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях с неисчисляемыми существительными в утвердительных предложениях с исчисляемыми и неисчисляемыми существительными

Слайд 18

выучить слова с. 47 у. 5 (см. Portfolio Sheets в рт ) с . 24 у. 1, 2 (р.т.) Hometask

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 2

k _ l _ _ ot _ le b _ _ _ a _ _ et l _ _ f c _ _ t _ n _ ar t _ n

Слайд 3

Match. 1. a tin of biscuits a) пакет молока 2. a carton of lemonade b) банка меда 3. a kilo of honey c) бутылка лимонада 4. a loaf of milk d) банка бобов 5. a bar of beans e) пачка печенья 6. a bottle of tomatoes f) буханка хлеба 7. a jar of bread g) кило помидоров 8. a packet of chocolate h) плитка шоколада

Слайд 4

bottle kilo tin glass bar carton jar apple - lemonade - cheese – water – sandwich – olive oil – jam – chocolate – fish – juice -

Слайд 6

There are a lot of/ many potatoes in the bag. He has got much/ a lot o f books on his desk. Have they got much/ many chocolate? I like much/ a lot of sugar in my tea. There aren’t a lot of/ many beans in the salad. Is there a lot of/ much honey in the jar?

Слайд 8

May I come in? употребляется, чтобы спросить разрешения Yes , you may . No , you may not .

Слайд 9

sit here use your pen watch the cartoons on TV go to Steve’s party on Saturday take your book

Слайд 10

Match. 1. fish and chips a) Italy 2. sushi b) Spain 3. pizza c) Russia 4. mozzarella cheese d) England 5. paella e) Japan 6. rice f) Italy 7. potatoes g) China

Слайд 11

meat fruit vegetable dairy

Слайд 12

выучить слова, с. 48 у. 2 с . 2 5 у. 3, 4 (р.т.) Hometask

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 2

Interesting facts about some fruits Tomatoes are fruit, not vegetables! The most popular red tomato is plump and round, about the size of a tennis ball. Some tomatoes are the size and shape of a table tennis ball or a cherry. They can be red, pink or yellow. Banana plants are not trees, they are herbs. The word “banana” means “finger” in Arabic. There are more than 500 types of bananas in the world! Bananas can be yellow, purple and red. In some countries people use banana leaves as umbrellas. Tomatoes can have different shapes. Tomatoes are vegetables. All tomatoes are red. Bananas can be different colours . There are a lot of types of bananas. Bananas are trees. People sometimes use banana leaves when it’s rainy .

Слайд 3

Find 7 words on Packing p a c k e t k z t i n g u b d u s f z z i o s r b j j p w t l v a l o a f t h a r q m p g l r t h r a j c e i a n n o t r a c i

Слайд 4

knock – luck – inside – have a look – horrid - стучать удача внутри взглянуть страшный, ужасный

Слайд 5

kn _ ck h _ rrid have a l _ _ k _ noc _ luc _ have a loo _ k _ ock i _ side

Слайд 6

ordihr ckkon ukcl disien

Слайд 7

Match the words 1. three a) luck 2. go b) a look 3. favourite c) inside 4. have d) knocks 5. some e) food 6. what f) porridge

Слайд 8

Fill in the missing words. I’ll go … and have a look! I want some …. Porridge is my favourite …! This one is …! And … she gives three knocks!

Слайд 9

c . 50 – 51 (читать) Hometask

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 2

Decode the words and match them 1. taomot a) манго 2. ocountc b) сахар 3. pppineale c) сливочное масло 4. ebnas d) мука 5. loemn e) помидор 6. astl f) бобы 7. lrofu g) ананас 8. gmnoa h) кокосовый орех 9. bteutr i ) лимон 10. sguar j) соль

Слайд 3

Find the odd word. eggs, tomatoes, flour, biscuits mango, pineapple, lemon, pepper much, one, many, a lot of magic, gym, sugar, sausage

Слайд 4

5 December Dear friends, Thank you for your letter. I’ve got great news! We have a new subject at school now – Cookery lessons. We learn to make different things: vegetable and fruit salads, sandwiches, burgers and even pizza. But I like baking desserts most of all. My favourite is chocolate biscuits. To make them you need flour, butter, eggs, sugar and chocolate. Yummy! Who cooks in your family? What can you cook? What do you usually for dessert? Write back soon. Love, Pat

Слайд 6

Fill in a lot of , many , much . There isn’t … olive oil left in the bottle. We don’t need any potatoes. There are … them in the bag. How … butter have we got? Not …. Are there … tomatoes in the fridge? How … mangoes do we need for the fruit salad? We’ve got … fruit trees in our garden.

Слайд 7

go to cinema watch TV visit my friend buy ice cream eat chocolate go to a cafe go for a walk play computer games buy chips ride a bike

Слайд 8

Match 1. How much flour is there? a) Not yet. It’s still very hot. 2. Can I have a jar of jam? b) It looks great! 3. How many coconuts are there? c) Sure. Here you are. 4. Can you pass me the pepper, please? d) A lot! 5. The cherry pie is ready. e) Here you are. That’s one pound ten pence, please. 6. May I have a cup of tea? f) Two

Слайд 9

повт . материал модуля 3 к тесту Hometask

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 3

giraffe monkey

Слайд 4

dolphin seal

Слайд 5

lizard whale

Слайд 6

hippo crocodile

Слайд 9

seal whale giraffe crocodile monkey lizard dolphin hippo

Слайд 10

g _ raffe dolph _ n l _ zard h _ ppo crocod _ le i i i i i monk _ y s _ al whal _ crocodil _ giraff _ e e e e e

Слайд 12

tall – silly – clever – little – lazy - big – высокий глупый умный маленький ленивый большой

Слайд 14

The Present Continuous Tense

Слайд 16

1. The lizards … sitting in the sun. a) am b) is c) are 2. I … looking at the funny animals. a) am b) is c) are 3. The whale … having a lot of fun. a) am b) is c) are 4. We … laughing at the zoo. a) am b) is c) are 5. The dolphins … swimming in the sea. a) am b) is c) are 6. They … learning how to run. a) am b) is c) are

Слайд 17

слова выучить с . 3 0 у. 1 (р.т.) c . 5 9 у. 3 Hometask

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 2

Крокодил, мы это знаем, По-английски … Перепелка - это quail, Кит – «чуть-чуть короче» …

Слайд 3

Так забавны и ловки Обезьянки … Тюлень своих детей просил: “ Меня вы называйте …”

Слайд 4

В сказке - он тонул в болоте, У него большой животик. А еще - огромный рот. Угадали? В траве мелькает, Хвостом виляет. Хвост оторвет - Другой наживет .

Слайд 5

Прыгают, резвятся по волнам, Словно шлют приветы нам. Гиганта жирафа легко узнав, Мы по-английски скажем …

Слайд 6

Divide into 2 columns [u:] [u] c ook, book, spoon, pool, food, bloom, good, foot, fool

Слайд 7

Match 1. st ar a) [o:] 2. oran g e b) [g] 3. ch eese c) [a:] 4. h o me d) [ ai ] 5. sh ir t e) [ ʤ ] 6. n i ne f) [ t ∫ ] 7. g reen g) [ ə : ] 8. sp or t h) [ ou ]

Слайд 8

Today is the 19 th of Декабря .

Слайд 14

Lizards are long. Crocodiles are longer than lizards.

Слайд 15

Степени сравнения прилагательных

Слайд 16

Степени сравнения прилагательных Простая (положительная) сравнительная превосходная cold cold er clean clean er

Слайд 17

Степени сравнения прилагательных простая (положительная) сравнительная превосходная nic e nic e larg e larg e r r

Слайд 18

Степени сравнения прилагательных простая (положительная) сравнительная превосходная happ y happ sunn y sunn y i er y i er

Слайд 19

Степени сравнения прилагательных простая (положительная) сравнительная превосходная bi g big ho t hot g er t er

Слайд 20

Степени сравнения прилагательных Простая (положительная) сравнительная превосходная beautiful beautiful more interesting interesting more

Слайд 21

Степени сравнения прилагательных Простая (положительная) сравнительная превосходная good better

Слайд 22

happy late fat fast thin hot lazy

Слайд 23

Elephants are (fat) than giraffes. Cats are (nice) than lizards. Dolphins are (clever) than whales. Lena is (pretty) than Tamara. Gena is (friendly) than Artyom .

Слайд 24

с . 32 у. 1, 2 , 4 (р.т .), слова выучить, с. 63 у. 6 (выучить) Hometask

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 3

Decode the words and match 1. yaM a) декабрь 2. caMrh b) май 3. petSmebre c) январь 4. nuJe d) февраль 5. retobOc e) март 6. rayreFub f) июнь 7. ylJu g) ноябрь 8. raynaJu h) апрель 9. tugusA i ) сентябрь 10. cmeDebre j) октябрь 11. pilAr k) июль 12. voNmebre l) август

Слайд 5

когда говорят, что действие должно быть обязательно выполнено I must put my rubbish in the bin. когда запрещают что-то делать. You must not run.

Слайд 6

Fill in must or mustn’t . You … go to bed at 10 o’clock. You … read books every day. You … watch video late at night. You … visit your grandma on Sunday. You … talk in class. You … be late for school.

Слайд 8

с . 33 у. 5, 6 (р.т .), с . 6 5 у. 6 Hometask

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 2

Lizards are reptiles. They have a long tail, eyelids, and usually have four legs. Many lizards can see in colour . They live in trees, on the ground and in the water. They are fast runners. They like sitting in the sun too. Big lizards can live about 20 years or even longer. Some lizards eat insects with their long tongues, others eat bigger animals or fruit and flowers. Lizards have teeth. People sometimes have them as pets.

Слайд 3

She sits upon a bed. It is nice and big – not small at all! Goldie has a look. She jumps upon a chair. Baby bear has a fall.

Слайд 4

She sits upon …. Poor Goldie has …. Please put porridge in …. She … upon a chair. Please put … in a pretty little pot.

Слайд 5

Match 1. poor a) pot 2. have b) and small 3. little c) a fall 4. my d) Goldie 5. nice e) breakfast

Слайд 6

sit nice have a fall big porridge

Слайд 7

с. 66 – 67 (читать) Hometask

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 4

koala kangaroo

Слайд 5


Слайд 6

k _ al _ kan _ ar _ o e _ u

Слайд 8

Match 1. cute a) forest 2. friendly b) koala 3. beautiful c) a picnic 4. fun-loving d) times 5. have e) kangaroo 6. opening f) Australians

Слайд 9

You can … a cute koala anytime of the day! You can feed … kangaroos and emus! You can walk around the beautiful … in the park! You can have a … by the side of the river! You can meet some fun-loving …!

Слайд 11

с . 34 у. 1, 3 (р.т .), c . 145 у. 4 ( проект о животных) Hometask

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 2

Read the text and choose the correct sentence. Many crocodiles live in A frica. Big crocodiles can be 5 – 6 meters long. Baby crocodiles are 20 cm long. Crocodiles swim very fast. They can stay under water for 2 – 3 hours. They often sleep with their mouths open. They can hear very well. They can live for months without food. Crocodiles can eat anything: small fish, birds, big animals and even smaller crocodiles. They can kill people too. Crocodiles live for about 70 years. Many crocodiles live in America. Baby crocodiles are very small. Crocodiles often sleep with their eyes open. They can live for days without food.

Слайд 3

Find words on Months. m a r c h h r f u l t y o w m d e e s i n r c a x e b b e r o a t u b m m r p p v u o g x a e u t a e n b u y y c a e p m a e s q j e r m g b j r t s u d y b w e p v x f n m m e j r j u l y e i c r m

Слайд 5

Choose the correct form. 1. The parrot … now. a) talks b) is talking 2. Look at the lion! It …. a) walks b) is walking 3. We often … to the zoo. a) go b) are going 4. The animals … at the moment. a) don’t play b) aren’t playing 5. They … food for animals every day. a) make b) are making 6. We … animals at the zoo. It’s a zoo rule. a) don’t feed b) aren’t feeding

Слайд 8

Make up sentences. 1. grandmother/ help/ You/ must/ your. 2. whales/ than/ are/ Dolphins/ cleverer. 3. you/ doing/ are/ What? 4. school/ run/ You/ during/ mustn’t/ the breaks/ at. 5. birthday/ is/ When/ your?

Слайд 9

повт . материал модуля 4 к тесту Hometask

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 5

Happy New Year! …! Let’s have fun, …! … to the old year, … to the new year, Hurray, hurray! …!

Слайд 6

Hello to the new year, Hurray, hurray! Hurray, hurray! Let’s have fun, let’s have fun! Goodbye to the old year, Happy New Year! Happy New Year! 5 4 3 2 1

Слайд 7

Make up sentences. new year’s, is, to clean, resolution, my, my room. his, resolution, is, to go shopping, new year’s, every day. resolution, her, is, to water, new year’s, the flowers. is, to play, new year’s, their, resolution, hockey. our, to play, new year’s, less, is, resolution, computer games.

Слайд 8

записать и оформить свои новогодние обещания Hometask

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 3

It’s for Mike’s first birthday.

Слайд 4

Порядковые числительные

Слайд 5

four th ve th fi f six th th seven eigh t th the the the the the

Слайд 6


Слайд 7

Match the numerals. 1. 1 st a) second 2. 2 nd b) twelfth 3. 3 rd c) first 4. 12 th d) third

Слайд 8

Seven, the first, sixteen, twenty, the second, the third, the thirtieth, sixty, eighty one, the fifty fourth, the ninth, ninety nine, forty, the seventeenth, ten.

Слайд 9

Cross out the odd word. Fifteenth, third, eighteenth, fourteen, second, first, twelfth.

Слайд 10

Form the ordinal numerals. Fifteen, three, eighteen, fourteen, two, one, twelve, ten, six, seventeen.

Слайд 11

с . 75 у. 3 (читать) с. 38 у. 1, 2 (р.т.) Hometask

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 2

The first, the fortieth, the fifth, the seventeenth, the twenty second, the sixtieth, the ninth, the eleventh, the thirty third

Слайд 3

Decode the words and translate them 1. horfetti a) fourth 2. ttewlhf b) second 3. sirft c) third 4. thofur d) ninth 5. tthientwe e) first 6. consed f) fortieth 7. thithtier g) fifth 8. tridh h) twentieth 9. fthif i ) twelfth 10. nthni j) thirtieth

Слайд 4

Put the words in alphabetical order First, second, third, fourth, sixth, eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh, hundredth

Слайд 5

am I they are you he she it are you we is Глагол to be

Слайд 6


Слайд 7

Спряжение глагола to be в Past Simple I was You were He was She was It was We were You were They were

Слайд 8

They were at home yesterday . He was at school yesterday . УТВЕРДИТЕЛЬНОЕ ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЕ

Слайд 9

They were not in the park. He was not in the park. Запомни: was not=wasn’t [ woznt ] Were not=weren’t[w ε : nt ] ОТРИЦАТЕЛЬНОЕ ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЕ

Слайд 10

(They were at home... . He was at school… .) Were they at home yesterday? – Yes, they were . Was he in the park yesterday? - No, he wasn’t . ОБЩИЙ ВОПРОС (Yes/No)

Слайд 11

Make up sentences using was / were Rita/ in the park Igor/ at home Lida and Natasha/ at the café The children/ at the theatre Nina/ at the shop

Слайд 12

Make up negative sentences Valya was at the festival last Sunday. The boys were at the gym last Friday. It was hot yesterday. You were at the post office last Monday. He was at the station last Tuesday.

Слайд 13

Make up interrogative sentences I was at the garage two days ago. Lena was at the circus last week. The girls were in the country yesterday. My big brother was at the zoo two weeks ago. My parents were at the theatre last Sunday.

Слайд 14

a+s + согласная a+l [a:] ask, class, mask, task [o:] all, ball, small, talk

Слайд 15

с. 3 9 у. 3 , 4 (р.т.) Hometask

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 2

a+s + согласная a+l [a:] [o:]

Слайд 3

Divide the words. [a:] [o:] C a ll, a lmost, b a sket, p a st, f a ll, l a st, p a ss, b a ll

Слайд 4

I was ….

Слайд 5

Answer the questions. Was Dina at the zoo? (+) Were your friends at the circus? (-) Were the girls at the cinema? (-) Was Valera at school? (-) Was it hot in summer? (+)

Слайд 6

Where were people yesterday? Inna is at the cinema. My grandma is at home. Slava and Dima are at the library. Ira and Marina are at the café. Nikita is at the theatre.

Слайд 7


Слайд 8


Слайд 9


Слайд 10


Слайд 11


Слайд 12


Слайд 13


Слайд 14

Decode the words and match. 1. diter a) голодный 2. nyhgur b) грустный 3. redob c) злой 4. nygar d) испуганный 5. das e) уставший 6. darsec f) скучающий

Слайд 15

Finish up the sentences. Denis was late. The teacher was angry . The book wasn’t interesting and Ann was …. The boy has no presents. He is …. The girl sees a big angry dog. She is …. I can’t do my homework now. I am …. Diana has breakfast at home. She isn’t … at school .

Слайд 16

What was your mood?

Слайд 17

выучить слова с . 40 у . 1 (р.т.) c . 79 у. 5 (см. Portfolio Sheets в р.т.) Hometask

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 2

Find 7 adjectives. t i r e d q b f a p s u u l d e a i b o r e d a y p p a h t d n f y r g n u h g s a d v v q r r d e r a c s d y a h k c i s g d

Слайд 3

bor _ d scar _ d tir _ d _ ngry s _ d sc _ red bo _ ed ang _ y sca _ ed ti _ ed hung _ y

Слайд 4

Put the words in alphabetical order. Scared, bored, angry, hungry, tired, sad

Слайд 5

The first of February My birthday is on the first of February.

Слайд 6

Say when the children have birthdays. Alina’s birthday/ May 5 Polina’s birthday/ July 1 Vova’s birthday/ December 28 Arina’s birthday/ October 3 Roma’s birthday/ April 22

Слайд 7

I was scared at the cinema yesterday.

Слайд 9

Match the words. 1.last year a) прошлой зимой 2. last winter b) прошлым летом 3. a month ago c) в прошлом году 4. last summer d) месяц назад 5. yesterday e) три дня назад 6. a week ago f) позавчера 7. ten days ago g) вчера 8. three days ago h) неделю тому назад 9. the day before yesterday i ) десять дней тому назад

Слайд 10

Find the odd word. yesterday last week three days ago now

Слайд 11

Fill in yesterday , last or ago . 1. I was at the party two days …. 2. Where were you …? 3. … I wasn’t happy. 4. … night you were in my dreams. 5. Roma and Denis were in Sochi … summer. 6. Danila was at the circus a week ….

Слайд 12

с . 40 у. 2 - 4 (р.т.) c . 80 у. 2 Hometask

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 2

Read the text and fill in the missing words. were weren’t last was wasn’t Arina and Inna were in the park (1) … Sunday. It (2) … cold but it was windy. There were a lot of people there. They (3) … board, but they were happy. The trees … yellow and read. It (5) … a very beautiful day.

Слайд 3

When are your relatives’ birthdays? Mum’s birthday is …. Dad’s birthday is …. Grandma’s birthday is …. Grandpa’s birthday is …. My birthday is ….

Слайд 4

find – sweet dream – cream – soft – smile – stay – upstairs - находить сладкий сон сливки мягкий улыбаться оставаться наверх

Слайд 5

Make up word combinations. 1. porridge a) upstairs 2. sweet b) bed 3. go c) with cream 4. stay d) the way 5. soft e) dream 6. find f) at home

Слайд 6

Make up words. m, e, c, a, r m, s, e, l, i y , s, t, a d, i , f, n t, i , r, s, s, p, u, a e, t, e, s, w

Слайд 7

Make up sentences. the chair, never, mind! on, bed, the, soft, sleep. lots of cream, think of, with, porridge, your. at all, she, in no time, to sleep, goes. with, wake, a smile, and!

Слайд 8

Match the words. 1. go a) warm 2. stay b) to sleep 3. wake c) a dream 4. have d) upstairs 5. small e) with a smile 6. go f) of cream 7. lots g) bed

Слайд 9

c . 82 – 83 (читать) Hometask

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 3

party – вечеринка present – подарок card – открытка birthday boy – именинник birthday girl – именинница balloon – воздушный шар birthday cake – именинный пирог c andle – свеча

Слайд 4

_ alloon _ irthday _ irthday _ oy p _ rty c _ rd b _ lloon c _ ndle c _ ke _ ard _ andle _ ake

Слайд 7

Match 1. birthday a) cake 2. red b) present 3. chocolate c) boy 4. ten d) card 5. beautiful e) balloon 6. my f) candles

Слайд 8

The Day of the City

Слайд 9

decoration – украшение celebration – праздник, торжество parade – парад carnival – карнавал street performer – уличный артист concert – концерт competition – соревнование fireworks – фейеверк

Слайд 10

competition decoration fireworks carnival

Слайд 11

c . 146 у. 3 (программа проведения Дня города) с. 42 у. 2, 3 (р.т.) Hometask

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 2

Make up sentences. Example: Lena/ October 1 - Lena wasn’t at school on the first of October. Vitalik / October 3 Ann/ October 5 Rita and Zina / October 8 Sergey/ October 12 Alex and Bella/ October 15

Слайд 3


Слайд 4

Make up sentences. She/ at the zoo last month (+) His friends/ at the circus last Sunday (-) Mila/ at the cinema yesterday (?) Seva / at the party last night (-) Larissa and Olga/ at the library 2 days ago (?) Nina/ at the sports centre yesterday (+)

Слайд 5

Match 1. Was it warm yesterday? a) Yes, she was. 2. Were you bored last night? b) No, they weren’t. 3. Was your mum tired yesterday? c) Yes, we were. 4. Were your parents in Paris in 2011? d) No, he wasn’t. 5. Was Alex in the park two days ago? e) Yes, it was. 6. Were you and your friend sick last week? f) No, I wasn’t.

Слайд 6

1. a) for b) four c) yesterday 2. a) there b) their c) where 3. a) on b) in c) at 4. a) were b) has c) was 5. a) angry b) happy c) hungry 6. a) my b) his c) your 7. a) is b) am c) are I was at the library(1) … days ago. There were a lot of interesting books (2)…. There was a funny book “The Cat in the Hat”. There were nice pictures (3) … it. The story (4) … exciting! I wasn’t bored, I was (5) …. Books are (6) … best friends. They (7) … my teachers too.

Слайд 7

повторить материал модуля 5 к тесту Hometask

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 2

This is a slow tortoise. This is a fast hare.

Слайд 4

I was tired yesterday .

Слайд 5

laughed opened surprised passed started learned jumped looked

Слайд 6

Remember! Past Simple Tense о писыва ет действия, которые произошли в прошлом

Слайд 7

Правильные глаголы в PAST SIMPLE like want help play watch live dress jump + ed

Слайд 8

laugh ed open ed surpris ed pass ed start ed learn ed jump ed look ed

Слайд 9

ВНИМАНИЕ! Запомни правила правописания глаголов с окончанием – ed : 1. Удваивается конечная согласная в односложных глаголах с кратким гласным звуком: to sto p sto pp ed to ski p ski pp ed 2. Если глагол оканчивается на –у, перед которой стоит согласная, то –у меняется на - i - : to c r y cr i ed to t r y tr i ed Ho: to pl a y pla y ed

Слайд 10

Divide the words. loo k - look ed sto p - sto pped stud y – stud ied pla y - play ed lik e - lik ed listen, clap, carry, taste, bake, laugh, start, drop, worry, live, stay, love, visit, close

Слайд 11

on с e upon a time – tomorrow – forward – soon – ahead of – rest – pass – suddenly – finish line – cross - пересекать однажды завтра вперед скоро опережать отдыхать пройти мимо неожиданно финишная черта

Слайд 12

Match. 1. pass a) удивленный 2. rest b) неожиданно 3. finish line c) черепаха 4. slow d) вперед 5. winner e) отдыхать 6. surprised f) заяц 7. forward g) финишная черта 8. suddenly h) медленный 9. hare i ) победитель 10. tortoise j) пройти мимо

Слайд 13

Match. 1. slow a) hare 2. fast b) me 3. cross c) forward 4. pass d) tortoise 5. tomorrow e) the finish line 6. run f) under the tree 7. rest g) morning

Слайд 14

Put the words in alphabetical order. Pass, rest, slow, winner, forward, hare, tortoise, surprised, finish line

Слайд 15

Match. 1. The hare always laughed at the tortoise a) and the hare was very hot. 2. When they started the race, b) because he was so slow. 3. It was a very hot day c) the hare jumped forward.

Слайд 16

с. 46 у. 1, 2 (р.т.) c . 90 – 91 у . 1 Hometask

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 2

The Hare and the Tortoise

Слайд 3

The hare opened his eyes and looked around.

Слайд 4

Remember! Past Simple Tense о писыва ет действия, которые произошли в прошлом

Слайд 5

Правильные глаголы в PAST SIMPLE like want help play watch live dress jump + ed

Слайд 6

Правила чтения - ed [t] (после глухих согласных) Watch ed Walk ed Talk ed Finish ed Look ed [id] (после [t] и [d] основы) Skat ed Want ed Collect ed Paint ed Need ed [d] (после гласных и звонких согласных) Play ed Learn ed Tri ed Cri ed Smil ed Studi ed

Слайд 7

Read the verbs correctly.

Слайд 8

Add –ed . jump - live - watch - ski - help - skip - dress - like - play - wash -

Слайд 9

helped [ wontid ] explored [ ʤΛ mpt ] hated [w ə : kt ] played [ stopt ] jumped [ heitid ] stopped [ ik’splo:d ] wanted [ pleid ] worked [ helpt ] lived [ livd ]

Слайд 10

Fill in the missing forms want played liked skip paint washed

Слайд 11

Which ending of the verb is read as [id]? lived talked wanted walked

Слайд 12

Make up sentences Victor’s father/ watch football Anton’s grandmother/ cook last Sunday Danila’s grandfather/ work in the garden Inga’s aunt/ clean the room Sima’s uncle/ fix the computer

Слайд 13

Fill in the missing verbs played clapped opened loved climbed looked jumped was visited munched Last summer I visited the zoo. I (2) … the animals there. The seals (3) … at lunchtime. Then they (4) … with a ball. The monkeys (5) … the tree. The giraffes (6) … leaves. The baby tigers (7) …. Suddenly a hippo (8) … its big mouth and (9) … at me. It (10) … really scary!

Слайд 14

Translate. Вчера вечером я смотрел телевизор. Три дня назад я навестила бабушку. Вчера я приготовил ужин. В прошлое воскресенье мы катались на коньках. Моя тетя жила в Лондоне два года назад.

Слайд 15

с. 47 у. 4, 5 (р.т .) Hometask

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 2

Make up sentences in Past Simple Olga watches TV. Victor visits his grandma. Anna paints pictures after classes. Inna helps her mother about the house. Larissa and Lisa walk in the park.

Слайд 3

DID нам всем необходим очень для вопросов И поможет только DID «нет» сказать нам в прошлом. Если кратко «да» иль «нет» было, но когда-то, Непременно только DID нужен нам, ребята. DID вспомогательный глагол в Past Simple Tense

Слайд 4

Общие вопросы They play basketball. You like dogs. He play football. It like meat. Did Did d d ed ed

Слайд 5

he play football ed Did ?

Слайд 6

He play football ed did . not

Слайд 7

Make up negative sentences Anita walked the dog last night. Vanya visited his grandpa yesterday. We laughed a lot last Sunday. Vova danced in his dream. Tonya watched a film two days ago.

Слайд 8

Make up interrogative sentences Katya talked to her friend last night. Kira skated with her friend yesterday. His grandma baked bread last Sunday. Gleb fixed his father’s car last week. I watched cartoons last night.

Слайд 9

Answer the questions Did your sister watch TV last night? (-) Did Valera visit his granny last week? (-) Did your mother cook yesterday? (+) Did Vika watch a new film a week ago? (-) Did the boys fix the chairs three days ago? (+)

Слайд 10

Make up sentences play with Goldilocks – Lulu played with Goldilocks. cook supper for the Three Bears fix the toy soldier talk to the City Mouse dance on her toes walk Rascal

Слайд 11

с. 48 у. 1, 2 (р.т .) c . 95 у. 4 (см. Portfolio s heets в р . т . ) Hometask

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 2

I visited my friend yesterday.

Слайд 3

Find 10 verbs in Past Simple s t a y e d m d s e a l w a n t e d l w i k k r l y p a a s j j w i c l u t t a g t v k a g c e c r i e d y h h n y p r d b e e e e h o p e d d d d d r l i k e d

Слайд 4

Read the text and find the verbs in Past Simple It was Sunday yesterday. There were a lot of children in the park. Nina and Sasha played badminton. Tim wanted to fly the kite but it wasn’t windy. Sergey tried to ride his bike but he needed help. Maxim helped him to fix the bike. Victor painted his face and the children laughed. Their parents watched them.

Слайд 5

What did these children do? watch a film play tennis visit a friend listen to music Sasha + + Toma and Alex + + Natasha + +

Слайд 6

Use the verbs in Past Simple Last Saturday Yegor (visit) his aunt. She (be) happy to see him. Yegor (stay) with her for two days and (help) her about the house. His aunt (cook) a lot of tasty things and the boy (like) them very much. Then Yegor (walk) her dog. In the evening they (watch) TV. It (be) a nice weekend.

Слайд 7

Make up sentences Stas (listen) to music (?) Vitally (play) soccer (-) Masha (paint) a picture (+) We (visit) a friend (-) Alex (watch) a film (?) Varya (dance) with her friend (+)

Слайд 8

19 96 nineteen ninety six 04.03.2017 8

Слайд 9

1812 1113 1978 1546 1461 1601 1718 9

Слайд 10

Match 1. World War I begins a) Начало французской революции 2. The Great Fire of London b) Х. Колумб открыл Америку 3. The start of the French Revolution c) Начало Первой Мировой войны 4. The first man lands on the moon d) Великий пожар в Лондоне 5. Columbus discovered America e) Первый человек вступил на луну

Слайд 11

2 марта 1942

Слайд 12

с. 4 9 у. 3 , 4 (р.т.) c . 9 6 у . 2 с. 97 у. 4 Hometask

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 2

Liverpool, UK March 10 Dear friends, Thank you for your letter. It was nice to hear from you again. Last Saturday I stayed at my friend’s home. We were very happy because we played board games, watched funny cartoons and listened to our favourite music. We also danced to music – my friend can do it very well. His mum cooked a lot of tasty things for us. Then we were tired and decided to go to bed. It was a fantastic day! Did you stay at home at the weekend? What did you do? Were you happy? Write back soon. Love, Steve

Слайд 3

Match. 1. eat a) Bear 2. baby’s b) baby 3. Daddy c) the porridge 4. poor d) says 5. Mummy e) chair

Слайд 4

Make up sentences. is, mine, where? not, fair, it, is. everyone, on, now, come. eat, the porridge, lets. a chair, have , go, not, I, now. chair, Poor, he, sees, Baby’s.

Слайд 5

Find the odd sentence. And then he sees Poor Baby’s chair. Let’s eat the porridge! I need a bed – I’ll go upstairs! Mummy, Mummy, It ‘s not fair! Now, come on, everyone!

Слайд 6

c . 98 – 99 (читать) Hometask

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 2

Find the odd word. yesterday, today, last, ago did, he, she, you talked, lived, smiled, add painted, skated, danced, studied

Слайд 3

Read the text and choose the correct answer. Charlie was a poor boy. He wanted to get a golden ticket to visit Willy Wonka’s factory but there was no money even for food. He was very unhappy. Every day he walked to school slowly and hoped to find some money. One day he looked at the snow and there it was – a coin! Charlie waited for some time but people passed him and nobody stopped to ask for the coin. Now it was Charlie’s and he hurried to the stop to buy a chocolate bar. Charlie was unhappy because …. he wanted to visit the factory. there was no money. somebody dropped a coin. 2. Charlie hurried to the shop because …. he hoped to find some money. he waited for some time. the coin was his coin.

Слайд 4

- ed

Слайд 5

Make up sentences. my, lunch, mum, helped, After, I. night, didn’t, TV, Lucy, last, watch. they, yesterday, did, Where, play? did, dinner, for, you, What, cook? the, danced, at, yesterday, Tanya, party. Saturday, friend, last, visited, her, Nelly.

Слайд 6

Match. 1. Did Marina listen to music last night? a) Yes, I did. 2. Was it cold yesterday? b) I was at the cinema. 3. Did you like the film yesterday? c) Yes, she did. 4. Did Boris visit London last summer? d) Last week. 5. Where were you last Sunday? e) Chicken and rice. 6. When did you help your mum to cook? f) No, he didn’t. 7. What did you cook? g) No, it wasn’t.

Слайд 7

Translate. На прошлой неделе мы посетили кинотеатр. Вчера вечером Таня не смотрела телевизор. Что мама приготовила на ужин? Где ты был в прошлое воскресенье? Папа починил машину 2 дня назад.

Слайд 8

повт . материал модуля 6 к тесту Hometask

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 2

museum concert

Слайд 3

funfair ride

Слайд 4


Слайд 7

Match 1. concert a) ярмарка с аттракционами 2. dinosaur b) аттракцион 3. funfair c) музей 4. ride d) концерт 5. museum e) динозавр

Слайд 8

m _ se _ m f _ nfair dinosa _ r mus _ um rid _ conc _ rt fu _ fair co _ cert di _ osaur

Слайд 9

They were the best of times, They really, really were: I went to a … And I saw the … there! I danced all night at a … I stayed up really late! I went to a … The … was/ were really great!

Слайд 10

be – was/ were have – had go – went meet – met see - saw

Слайд 11

Глаголы в английском языке бывают правильными и неправильными. Правильный глагол – послушный, Ты добавь к нему – ed , А неправильный запомни И на память заучи! Правильный глагол не любит Изменять одёжку, А неправильный меняет Платья и застёжки!

Слайд 12

ПРАВИЛЬНЫЕ ГЛАГОЛЫ (REGULAR VERBS) «ПОСЛУШНЫЕ»-подчиняются одному общему правилу: VERB +[ED]=V [ ed ] НЕПРАВИЛЬНЫЕ ГЛАГОЛЫ ( IRREGULAR VERBS ) « НЕПОСЛУШНЫЕ » - у каждого глагола свои правила поведения в прошедшем времени . Их надо УЧИТЬ! VERB -> V2

Слайд 13

Regular verbs

Слайд 14

Irregular verbs

Слайд 15

Use the verbs in Past Simple I (go) to the museum yesterday. She (be) tired after going shopping. He (see) Peter last week. She (have) a dog. They (meet) him in the street.

Слайд 16

с. 10 7 у. 2 (читать) с. 54 у. 1 (р.т.) выучить слова Hometask

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 2

m….m c…..t

Слайд 3

f…..r r..e

Слайд 4


Слайд 8

Make up words u, s, m, e, u, m d, i , r, e t, o, c, c, e, n, r a, r, f, u, f, n, i n, r, s, d, a, i , o, u

Слайд 11

they saw a kangaroo see Did They did not saw a kangaroo . ? see

Слайд 12

Memorize! go went ride rode see saw have had come came say said think thought get got

Слайд 13

Match. 1. go a) saw 2. ride b) ran 3. be c) got 4. have d) put 5. see e) went 6. run f) was/ were 7. get g) thought 8. think h) rode 9. put i ) had

Слайд 14

Divide the verbs into 2 columns. Regular verbs Irregular verbs be work ride put play skip see open live have run smile

Слайд 15

Choose the past form of the verb to see . sent said swam saw

Слайд 16

Which auxiliary verb is used in Past Simple? do did has does

Слайд 17

Make up negative sentences. Sima ran in the kitchen. George rode a camel. Anna went to the zoo. Nikita put on a T-shirt for school. Liza had 10 candles on her cake.

Слайд 18

Make up Interrogative sentences. Olga had a good time at the zoo. Oleg rode a bike last night. Lena went to the museum on Monday. I saw a chimp in the garden. Fedya put on shorts for school.

Слайд 19

m y , fl y , b y , m y cat В словах, где буква y стоит одна , то она читается как ай

Слайд 20

a famil y , a pupp y , a cop y book, berr y , funn y , cand y , happ y (Буква y в словах , где есть еще одна гласная буква, читается i )

Слайд 21

yellow, yes

Слайд 22

с . 54 у. 2, 3 (р.т.) выучить неправильные глаголы Hometask

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 2

Fill in the table V 1 V 2 translation see went have иметь say come получать be

Слайд 3

Put the verbs in the past. be – go - say – want – help – see - have – watch – live – ride – walk – get - was/ were went said wanted helped saw had watched lived rode walked got Name the regular verbs. Name the irregular verbs.

Слайд 4

Read the text and find irregular verbs. Last Sunday my friends and I went to the circus. There were a lot of funny animals there. The cats ran after a toy mouse and wanted to eat it. Then they danced to the music and got some fish as a prize. The bears rode bicycles and they were wonderful. The monkey had a hat on and walked like a queen. I laughed a lot. I though, “They are clever animals!”

Слайд 5

Make the sentences using the following words. made winter a snowman last they last she at school wasn’t week yesterday we saw him a year ago my mother visited Britain

Слайд 6

pretty – shy – good - strong – kind – loud - красивый застенчивый хороший сильный добрый громкий

Слайд 9

str _ ng g _ _ d l _ ud goo _ k in _ lou _ p _ etty st _ ong

Слайд 10

Новый царь сел на трон. Сильный, крепкий - значит ... Пес встревожен, громко лает. Громкий, шумный - это ...

Слайд 11

П рошу тебя мне не мешай, я очень робкий, А робкий ... Знаменитый Робин-Гуд Был хорошим, значит …

Слайд 12


Слайд 13

Степеней сравнения прилагательных положительная сравнительная превосходная strong t he strong + est s trong+ er warm warm+ er t he warm+ est

Слайд 14

Степеней сравнения прилагательных положительная сравнительная превосходная interesting m ore interesting t he most interesting wonderful m ore wonderful t he most wonderful

Слайд 15

Степеней сравнения прилагательных положительная сравнительная превосходная good bad many better worse more t he best t he worst t he most

Слайд 16

Fill in the missing forms. small – smaller – the smallest nice – hot – late – clever – good – loud – shy -

Слайд 17

Choose the correct form. 1. Larissa is a … girl. a) pretty b) prettier c) prettiest 2. Vera is the … student in the class. a) good b) better c) best 3. Alex is … than Daniel. a) loud b) louder c) loudest 4. Our English teacher is the … teacher in the school. a) kind b) kinder c) kindest 5. Zina and Tonya are very … students. a) clever b) cleverer c) cleverest 6. Rita is the … girl I know. a) shy b) shier c) shiest

Слайд 18

с. 56 у. 1, 2 (р.т.) выучить слова и неправильные глаголы Hometask

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 2

pretty, shy, good, strong, kind, loud

Слайд 5

pretty, shy, loud, good, strong, bad, kind

Слайд 7

Use adjectives in the correct degree There are 30 students in my class. They are all so different! Boys are (loud) than girls. Dime is the (loud) of all. Girls are (shy) than boys. Olga is the (shy) of all. Slava is (strong) than Sergey. Diana and Sveta are the (good) students in the class. Mila is the (kind) person I know. Inna and Stepan are (lazy) than other students. Alina is the (pretty) girl in the class. And we are all good friends!

Слайд 8

read – win – meet – sleep – take – swim - read won met slept took swam

Слайд 9

… - read win - … meet - … ... – said … - wrote buy - … … - went

Слайд 10

Make up sentences. Lulu/ draw pictures Larry/ write a letter Nanny Shine/ make a cake Dad and Mum/ buy a lot of food My friend/meet his uncle

Слайд 11

It was the best year ever! I had the greatest time: I went to the … and the …, This year was really fine! Oh, what a year, What a year it was! The best year of my life! It was the best year ever! I had a lot of …: I saw a … and a …, This year was number …!

Слайд 12

piano trumpet

Слайд 13

drums violin

Слайд 14


Слайд 16

с. 57 у. 3, 4 (р.т.) выучить слова с. 112 у. 2 Hometask

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 2

Divide the verbs into 2 columns. Regular verbs Irregular verbs be work swim meet talk skate take open live sleep come smile

Слайд 3

Dear Vicky, Thank you for your letter. It (be) nice to hear from you again. I (go) to the museum last Sunday. I (see) dinosaurs there and they (be) fantastic. I (buy) a toy dinosaur as a souvenir. I (meet) a girl from my class there. We (talk) a bit and then she (leave). I (stay) a little longer and (take) pictures. I (have) a good time! Write me soon. Love, Liza

Слайд 4

Make up sentences. ride a bike (-) go to the cinema (+) write emails (+) eat popcorn (-) play computer games (+) come home late (-) meet friends (-) have breakfast (+) buy a ticket (+) watch a film (-) Last Sunday Andrey didn’t ride a bike. He wrote emails.

Слайд 5

Match. 1. Poor a) Goldie 2. sleep b) Bear 3. go up c) the beds 4. check d) Baby 5. doesn’t know e) the stairs 6. Daddy f) upstairs

Слайд 6

Correct the sentences. Let’s check the chairs! No soup for him, it just isn’t fair! He has got a chair! He doesn’t know Little Red Riding Hood is sleeping upstairs! They all go down the stairs!

Слайд 7

Find the odd sentence. No porridge for him, it just isn’t fair! But where is mine? He doesn’t know Goldie is sleeping upstairs! And then they all go up the stairs!

Слайд 8

с. 114 – 115 (читать) Hometask

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 3

Poland Italy

Слайд 4

Greece Portugal

Слайд 5

Mexico Spain

Слайд 6

Turkey Russia

Слайд 7

_ taly Russ _ a Mex _ co Spa _ n Po _ tugal Tu _ key _ ussia G _ eece Ita _ y Portuga _ Po _ and

Слайд 8

Make up words u, s, i , s, a, R o, d, n, P, a, l e, e, e, G, c, r y, t, l, I, a n, S, i , p, a e , r, k, y, T, u

Слайд 9

1. Spain a) 2. Italy b) 3. Mexico c) 4. Portugal d) 5. Greece e) 6. Turkey f)

Слайд 10

go camping – go to the seaside – go to the mountains – go to the lake - отдыхать на природе в палатках ездить на море ходить в горы ездить на озеро

Слайд 12

I am going to go to the lake.

Слайд 14

Olga/ go to the cinema Leonid/ play tennis Ilya / watch a video Arina and Kira / go camping Dima and Kirill / go to the seaside Nikita/ go to the lake Kolya and Evgenia / go to the mountains

Слайд 15

с. 62 у. 1 , 2 (р.т.) выучить слова с. 1 23 у. 3 Hometask

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 3

Put the words in the alphabetical order. Russia, Spain, Turkey, Greece, Poland, Mexico, Portugal, Italy

Слайд 5

Natasha is from Moscow. What country is she from? Russia

Слайд 6

Hercules is from Athens. What country is he from? Greece

Слайд 7

Pedro is from Madrid. What country is he from? Spain

Слайд 8

Mario is from Rome. What country is he from? Italy

Слайд 10

to be going to… собираться сделать что-либо

Слайд 11

Глагол to be I am He is She is It is We are You are They are

Слайд 12

To be going to + V проверить 1 л. I am going to swim 2 л. You are going to swim проверить 3 л. He, She, It is going to swim проверить

Слайд 13

Множественное число 1 л. We are going to swim 2 л. You are going to swim 3 л. They are going to swim

Слайд 14

Утвердительное предложение I am going to swim. He/ She/ It is We/ You/ They are

Слайд 15

Отрицательное предложение I am not going to swim. He/ She/ It is We/ You/ They are

Слайд 16

Вопросительное предложение Am I going to swim. Is he/ she/ it Are we/ you/ they

Слайд 17

Say what Rita is going to do this weekend Monday play volleyball Tuesday write a letter to Jane Wednesday go to the post office Thursday visit Aunt Galya Friday meet Mum after work Saturday buy tickets to the theatre Sunday stay at home

Слайд 18

Say what you are going to do this weekend Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Слайд 19

Make up sentences. Alex/ ride a bike (+) Liza/ cook dinner (-) Nastya and Valya / go to a concert (+) Gena / go to the museum (-) Galya / go to the zoo (?) Danil and Sveta / visit their uncle (?)

Слайд 20

с. 63 у. 3, 4 (р.т .) Hometask