6 класс. УМК Spotlight 6 Ваулиной Ю. Е.

Зинченко Ольга Сергеевна

Презентации к урокам


Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 3

Family members

Слайд 4

uncle – aunt – cousin – twins – parents – grandparents - wife – husband - дядя тётя близнецы родители бабушка с дедушкой жена муж двоюродный(- ая ) брат (сестра)

Слайд 5

his its my their your our your her Это - ты

Слайд 6

Make up word combinations, using the possessive case. 1. Where is (album, Richard)? 2. Is (Tom, school) far from his house? 3. Do you know (Bill, new teacher)? 4. What are (names, their children)? 5. Is (your mother, car) new?

Слайд 7

с. 5 у. 1 – 3 (р.т.) с. 7 у. 8 Hometask

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 2

Phonetic warming up Repeat after me

Слайд 3

1. My grandfather’s son is my ... 2. A brother of my mother is my ... 3. My mother’s mother is my ... 4. My mother’s or father’s sister is my ... 5. A son of my mother and father is my ... 6. A boy or a man who is the child of two people. 7. My father’s father is my ... 8. My mother is my grandfather’s ... 9. A daughter of my parents is my... father uncle grandmother aunt brother son grandfather daughter sister Complete the sentences

Слайд 4

Match. 1. my uncle a) his aunt’s children 2. Jane’s aunt b) his grandmother and grandfather 3. Tom’s cousins c) his aunt’s husband 4. her parents d) my mother’s brother 5. Sasha’s grandparents e) her father’s sister 6. my brother’s wife f) her mum and dad

Слайд 5

Speech warming up

Слайд 6

Make up word combinations, using the possessive case. 1. (parrot, Kathy) is smart and funny. 2. (birthday, my Mum) is on the 8 th of March. 3. (house, my grandparents) is in the country. 4. (book, Pete) is exciting. 5. (questions, children) are often difficult.

Слайд 7

Бюро находок her our your my his its their He We I It They You She

Слайд 8

This is my card. It is mine.

Слайд 9

с. 6 у. 1 – 3 (р.т.) с. 9 у. 9 Hometask

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 2

Phonetic warming up Repeat after me

Слайд 3

His first name is Mark and his surname is Smith. He is twelve years old and his birthday is on the 1 st of July. His address is 32, Kings St., London and his phone number is 236 215 632. He is English. He’s from London. His favourite food is hamburgers and his favourite drink is orange juice. First name: _______ Surname: ________ Age: ____________ Date of birth: _____ Address: _________ Phone number: ____ Nationality: _______ City: _____________ Favourite food: ____

Слайд 4

First name: Ana Surname: Lopez Age: 12 Date of birth: 12 th December Address: 3, Daisy Street, Malaga Phone number: 265 4487 659 Nationality: Spanish City: Malaga Favourite food: pizza Favourite drink: Coke

Слайд 5

Speech warming up

Слайд 6

Choose the best variant. 1. мамин зонтик a) mothers umbrella b) mother’s umbrella c) mothers’ umbrella 2. книги родителей a) parent’s books b) parents books c) parents’ books 3. яблоко сестры a) sister’s apple b) sisters apple c) sisters’ apple 4. конура собак a) dogs house b) dogs’ house c) dog’s house 5. фотоаппарат сына a) sons’ camera b) sons camera c) son’s camera 6. кассеты братьев a) brothers’ tapes b) brother’s tapes c) brothers tapes

Слайд 7

This book is her/ hers . This is her/ hers book. Are you their/ theirs brother? This mobile phone is my/ mine. The computer is our/ours . It is their/ theirs football.

Слайд 9

1. Bra a) and 2. Ger b) tain 3. Pol c) many 4. Ja d) in 5. Bri e) zil 6. Spa f) pan

Слайд 10

b, r, a, u, s, i , n, z, l, o, p, n, d, e, g, m, y, j

Слайд 11


Слайд 12

с. 7 у. 1 – 3 (р.т.) с. 10 у. 5 Hometask

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 2

Phonetic warming up Repeat after me

Слайд 3

Country Nationality Germany Japanese Russian Britain Poland Spanish

Слайд 5

Speech warming up

Слайд 6

I am from … in Russia. It is in the … of Altay region. There is (are) … in Gornyak . There is (are) not … in my town. Gornyak is a … place to live.

Слайд 7

How do you spell your name? How old are you? What nationality are you ? Where are you from? What is your telephone number ? What form are you in?

Слайд 8


Слайд 9

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland England Scotland Wales Northern Ireland

Слайд 11

THE ENGLISH FLAG The Saint George´s cross is the English flag .

Слайд 12

The national flag o f Scotland

Слайд 13

The Welsh flag

Слайд 14

The Irish flag

Слайд 15

the Union Jack

Слайд 18

1. London a) the flag of the UK 2. Edinburgh b) capital of Northern Ireland 3. The Union Jack c) capital of England 4. The UK d) British currency 5. Belfast e) capital of Scotland 6. Pound f) England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland

Слайд 19

The United Kingdom includes …. London is the capital of …. Cardiff is the capital of …. The Union Jack includes the flags of …. The population of the UK is ….

Слайд 20

с. 8 у. 1 – 3 (р.т.) с. 11 у. 3 Hometask

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 2

Phonetic warming up Repeat after me

Слайд 3

England Scotland Northern Ireland Wales

Слайд 4

… includes England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland. Belfast is the capital of …. … is the capital of Scotland. The Union Jack includes the flags of …. The British currency is ….

Слайд 5

Speech warming up

Слайд 6

Translate combinations into Russian. 1. his mother’s sister 2. her father’s book 3. my friends’ bicycles 4. our friends’ cars 5. my aunt’s rose

Слайд 7

1. There are … in Anna’s family. 2. Anna lives in a big …. 3. She often helps … around the house. 4. She goes … in winter. 5. Anna also enjoys … with her parents. 6. Her parents are ….

Слайд 8

Anna’s family is big. Her grandfather lives with them. Her parents are doctors. When it rains she goes skiing and ice-skating. Anna also enjoys trips to the countryside with her friends. She goes shopping in the evenings.

Слайд 9

1. look after a) outside 2. help b) to the countryside 3. play c) snowman 4. have d) grandmother 5. trips e) snowball fights 6. go shopping f) around the house 7. build g) in the afternoon

Слайд 10

с. 9 у. 1 – 4 (р.т.) Sp. o n Russia стр. 3 Hometask

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 2

Phonetic warming up Repeat after me

Слайд 3

[ æ ] [e] Dan, friend, Matt, Brad, Fred, Ken, Stan, Wednesday, Dennis, Kent, Ann, Sam

Слайд 5

Speech warming up

Слайд 6

Jim Black is my mother’s brother. My … is 32 years …. He’s quite tall, and he … short black hair. Jim lives … London. He’s … engineer and he works … British Telecom. In his free time, he … tennis and listens to music. He goes to the gym and he … smoke. Jim drives an old Mini, but he wants to … a new car next year. I like visiting my uncle in London and spending … with him.

Слайд 7

A: …! Come in! B: Hi, …! How are you? A: I’m fine, thanks. How about you? B: Fine. A: I’d like to introduce you to …. B : Hello, …. Pleased to meet you. C: Pleased to meet you too.

Слайд 10

3.7 13% 1,345 2000000 5000000000

Слайд 11

7000 300 1000000 4000000000 10,543 5,987 6.8 12.45 58% 345.876

Слайд 12

4000 – four hundred 23.546 – twenty three thousand five hundred forty six 7,300 – seven point three hundred 7000000 –seven billion 43% - fifty five per cent

Слайд 13

1. one point three 2. ten billion 3. three thousand 4. seven hundred 5. twenty thousand three hundred fifty one 6. forty six point one two eight

Слайд 14

The diameter of the Earth is … km. The total surface area is …. There are … continents. There are … oceans. The world population is …. The distance from the Sun is ….

Слайд 15

The age of the Earth is 5 billion years old. There are 4 continents. There are 7 oceans. The world population is about 7 billion. The surface covered by water is 29%. The diameter of the Earth is 1000 km.

Слайд 16

с. 10 у. 10 – 12 (р.т.) c . 13 у. 4 Hometask

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 2

Phonetic warming up Repeat after me

Слайд 4

This is page one. This is the … page. This is flat five. This is the … flat. Where is chapter ten? Where is the … chapter? Book two is about travelling. The … book is about travelling. What picture is on page 21? What picture is on the … page?

Слайд 5

Speech warming up

Слайд 7


Слайд 8

behind in in front of between on next to under

Слайд 13

с. 19 у. 10 с. 12 у. 1 - 4 (р.т.) Hometask

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 2

Phonetic warming up Repeat after me

Слайд 4

Speech warming up

Слайд 6

stpeohp lraibyr yosphot ke’sbra fcefioostp mestich’s murspetaker

Слайд 7

post pet sports toy super news office agent’s shop market

Слайд 8

You can buy dolls, games, balls there. You can buy bread, cakes in this shop. You can buy hamsters, parrots there. You can buy magazines, newspapers in the shop. You can buy tomatoes, carrots, apples there. You can take books there.

Слайд 9

There is a post office right … the bank. There is also a supermarket … the post office and a bus station … the supermarket. … the supermarket there is the chemist’s. … the chemist’s there is a coffee shop. … the supermarket there is a library.

Слайд 11

с . 13 у. 1 , 2 (р.т.) с. 20 у. 4 Hometask

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 2

Phonetic warming up Repeat after me

Слайд 4

Speech warming up

Слайд 5

The blackboard is … the desks. The shelves are … the desks. The chair is … the desk. The notebook is … the desk. The painting is … the shelves.

Слайд 6

Famous streets

Слайд 7

Oxford Street

Слайд 8

Hollywood Boulevard

Слайд 9

Wall Street

Слайд 10

Oxford Street is in …. It is the … street. Hollywood Boulevard is in …. There are many cafes and …. Wall Street is in …. It is a symbol of ….

Слайд 12

с . 21 у. 3 Hometask

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 2

Phonetic warming up Repeat after me

Слайд 4

Mironov Street is …. It is …. There are … in it. There are also … there.

Слайд 5

Speech warming up

Слайд 7


Слайд 14

On … thousands of … carry millions of people to their dachas. You can see … in the cars. During the … people clear the garden. In the …, families swim and fish in …. There are a lot of … flowers. They can get away from the … life.

Слайд 15

They can jump or grow mushrooms in the garden. People take school bags with what they need for a relaxing weekend at the dacha. People usually take their flowers with them. Many people plant wheat. They also pick vegetables to make jam. During the long, springs people can’t wait to return to their dachas.

Слайд 16

How to get to dachas? When they go ? What they do? Why to go to dachas?

Слайд 17

1. grow a) berries 2. relaxing b) jam 3. fish c) flowers 4. pick d) vegetables 5. colourful e) city life 6. busy f) weekend 7. make g) in nearby lakes

Слайд 18

Remember to talk about: what a dacha is; where you can find it; how people use it

Слайд 19

с . 15 у. 1 – 3 (р.т.) Hometask