Главные вкладки
Костина Раиля Билдусовна
учитель английского языка
Профессия: учитель
Профессиональные интересы: современная зарубежная литература, преподавание иностранного языка в контексте диалога культур
Увлечения: фотографии
Регион: Республика Татарстан
Место работы: МБОУ "Усадская СОШ Высокогорского района РТ"
Ссылка на мой мини-сайт:
https://nsportal.ru/railya-galeevaВ науке нет другого способа приобретения, как в поте лица; ни порывы, ни фантазии, ни стремления всем сердцем не заменяют труда.

О себе
Why do I teach English?
This is really a very difficult, but at the same time interesting question I’m always asked about. I work as a teacher only for three years, but I can tell that I’m really happy that I’ve found the job I really enjoy. In my opinion, teacher’s profession is very romantic and you should be very enthusiastic to be the best one in it. I enjoy this job a lot and my happiness reaches its utmost degree when I deliver a lesson and I see the results when my students can not only express their thoughts in English, but also they know a lot about the countries, where English is considered to be the official language. I feel that I open windows and lower walls in their desire to learn.
My desire to learn English was with me since my early childhood. When I was six, I could already read in Russian very well and I found my sister’s dictionary that was in English. Nobody taught me English letters, but the pronunciation of the words were written in the brackets in Russian. So I started learning English words. Later I began learning it at school, and English has become one of my favorite subjects. While studying at school, I also attended a tutor that taught me English. This was the teacher I still admire. She is a person that has given me so much knowledge not only connected with learning the language. She taught me to be a strong person, to be self-confident and never be afraid of difficulties. I think that she was the person that made me understand that I should choose teacher’s profession for my future life. That’s why after graduating school I entered Teacher-Training University, the Faculty of Foreign Languages where I learned Arabic as well. Five years passed, I was standing with my red diploma in hands in front of the school door I’ve been studying in for 10 years. I came back to my school, but not as a pupil, I came back there as a teacher. I couldn’t find the words to express how happy and proud of myself I was. And now I work hard not to disappoint two really important women of my life - my mother and favorite teacher that have given me so much time and effort to make me a person like I’m now.
I think that the teacher has a mission he should believe in. And this mission is the same for all of us, no matter what subject we teach. This mission is to help our students to be independent and free people that have their own opinion. I believe that the knowledge we give can help our students a lot in their future lives. We give them an opportunity to get ready for the difficulties they can face. I’m sure that people of our profession can help to construct the better world and a better future. And, of course, without teachers there won’t be any other jobs that help construct our world.
One of the most important and difficult things on this profession is to be in contact with the person you teach. Teaching is not only a matter of methodology but a perfect understanding between a teacher and a student. If the teacher was able to bridge the gap between him and his students then the teaching process would be so easy to achieve. If one loves his job, he will excel in it and succeed in it. Love what you do then you'll succeed. It's a spiritual feeling that arises between a teacher and a student.
Teaching English has become a very important part of my life and I have a dream to open my own English School where all English language lovers will be able to chat and share their thoughts, ideas and dreams. And I hope my wish will become true one day as we are young. That’s the reason why I like English language myself, and that’s the reason why I like teaching. Being a teacher, I myself always feel young because I always face the youth.

Книги, которые сформировали мой внутренний мир
В.А. Сухомлинский "Сердце отдаю детям",

Мои достижения
1. Муниципальный этап республиканского конкурса «Учитель года - 2017» (III место), 2017 год
2. Республиканский конкурс методических разработок "Современный урок -2020" в номинации "Филологический цикл" (III место), 2020 год
3. Всероссийская олимпиада "Педагогичекий успех" в номинации "Инновационная деятельность педагога" (II место), 2020 год
4. Всероссийская блиц-олимпиада "Контроль результатов обучения в условиях ФГОС"сетевого издания "Педагогический кубок" (II место), 2020 год
5. Всероссийский педагогический конкурс в номинации "Лучшее из опыта работы" (I место), 2020 год

Моё портфолио
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