Saint Valentine's Day урок-игра
план-конспект урока
Материалсодержит конспект урока игры по ДнюСвятого Валентина для студентов 1 курса спо,а такжетри презентации.
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«Saint Valentine’s Day» конспект урока – игры для студентов 1 курса
Цели и задачи урока:
- знакомство с культурой страны изучаемого языка;
- развитие познавательного интереса студентов, творческих способностей;
- стимулирование и формирование у студентов интереса к изучению ИЯ:
- воспитание уважительного отношения к культуре изучаемого языка;
-познакомить студентов с праздником St. Valentine’s Day;
- формирование сплоченность коллектива;
- развитие умения запрашивать информацию, способность к догадке, воображению, память; расширение кругозора учащихся.
Ход урока
Hello, my dear students! I am glad to see you. Do you like holidays?
Let’s play and guess the name of the holiday.
Слайд 2 презентация Happy valentine’s Day
-New Year - Saint Valentine’s Day
-Victory Day
- Mother’s Day
What Holiday do people celebrated on the 14 February? Today we have an unusual lesson. We’ll play Valentine’s games. Divide into 2 teams and think about the names of teams, choose your captains too.
А) The history and traditions of Saint Valentine’s day
What do you know about Valentine? Listen to the story and answer the questions. For each right question I give you one point. ( 11 points)
Слайд 3 The History of Holiday
There are some legends about Saint Valentine’s Day. One of the legends says that Valentine was a Christian priest. He was put into prison for his teaching. He did a miracle. He helped the jailer’s daughter and she could see. He wrote her a letter and wrote down : «From your Valentine».
Now St. Valentine’s Day is the day of sweethearts. People give sweets, flowers, valentine and presents to those whom they love. People buy valentines and or make them themselves.
Слайд 4 Questions
1. Who was Valentine by one of the legends?
2. Where was he put into?
3. Why was he put into pirson?
4.What did he do?
5. Did Valentine help jailer's daughter or son?
6. What could she do?
7. What did Valentine write her?
8. How did he write down his letter?
9. What is St. Valentine's Day now?
10.What do people give each other?
11.Where do people take their valentines?
B) games and puzzles
Which words are connected with festival of love? Let’s read words all together. Remember these words.
Слайд 3 презентация Игры для открытого урока
A dove A heart
A chocolate A cupid
A flower A card
An arrow A lace
A ribbon A bow
Let’s play a game Holiday Word- Ladder. Write the words from the left column into these word ladder. I give you 5 point for the correct words. (5 points)
Слайд 4 Holiday Word-Ladder
Bow Chocolate
Gift Sweetheart
Candy Forget –me-not
Decipher the code word. Can you guess the code word? Each letter has it’s number in the words. 1 point for the correct answer. (5 points)
Слайд 5 Code word: Valentine.
Put the words into the gapes. For the right answers 1 point.
Слайд 6 The Holidays Sentences
- St. Valentine’s Dai is on the 14 of February.
- We give our sweetheart pretty Valentine cards.
- It’s fun to get more Valentine’s cards than your friends.
- Rose is a symbol of Love.
- The Valentine card should be in the form of Heart.
Look here! Put the letters correct and read them! 1point for each word.
Слайд 7 Jumbled words
Heart Holiday
February Rose
Chocolate Love
Can you guess valentine’s words? 10 points
Слайд 8 Holiday words
Cupid Friend
Arrow Heart
Lace Chocolate
Candy Card
Flower Ribbon
And the last task is crossword .Translate from Russian into English ( 9 points)
Слайд 10 Holiday Crossword
голуби, кружево, дорогой, секрет, конфета, возлюбленный, купидон, друг,февраль.
Give the right answer 5 points
- It’s a thing we put flowers in it( a vase)
- When your friends come to your birthday ( a party)
- We give it for birthday.( a present)
- All children like it (candy)
- It’s a nice red flower ( a rose)
We have finish with games. How much scores do you have?
How much holidays words do you know ?Look at screen and choose the right answer.
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Saint Valentine\'s Day урок-игра
Материалсодержит конспект урока игры по ДнюСвятого Валентина для студентов 1 курса спо,а такжетри презентации....