конспект урока по английскому языку в 11 классе
план-конспект урока
конспект урока по английскому языку в 11 классе
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План-конспект урока
Ход урока
- Организационный момент
T: Good morning students! Take your seats, please. I am very glad to see you. Hope everybody is alright.
Look at the screen (СЛАЙД 1). You see a quotation «He who knows how to be poor knows everything». What does it mean?
Ss: Ответы учащихся.
T:Right you are.
Ознакомление с темой и задачами урока, формирование темы урока.
T: (СЛАЙД 2) many people come to live to big towns and cities and there is a problem. Is it easy to live in the city? What do you think? Why? Come to the blackboard and make your choice.
Ss: Ответы учащихся. Высказать свое мнение, приклеив магниты на доску в нужную колонку.
Of course, life in big cities is unpredictable. One minute you are on top of the world and another you are kicked out of your comfortable lifestyle in a split-second. I agree with you but if you look at the photos (СЛАЙД 3) presented on the screen you can have second thoughts. These photos were taken in the streets of London by an amateur photographer Lee Jeffries. Who do you see in these pictures? What do they look like? Please, describe them. (Учитель предлагает учащимся описать фотографии, представленные в презентации)
T: Right, they are homeless people.
What do these people feel? Where do these people have to live? (предполагаемые ответы: despair, disgrace, humiliated, lonely, abandoned, fear, desolation, hopelessness)
I hope it will help you understand the theme of our lesson. Try to guess what topic we are going to discuss today.
Т: Today we are going to talk about the reasons why people become homeless, why they start to live on the streets.
Now, please, Marina, Ksusha, Kolya and Yura come to me please and choose some people for your future group work. Then students, please, take your seat with your groups.
Мотивационная часть.
Well tell me, please, who wants to learn about the reasons of being homeless? Who feels sorry for them? Who wants to do something to help such people? Tell me please, if your classmate had no place to go, would you put him up for a night and longer? Who will help him or her with the money? How else can you help him?
Unfortunately, homeless people are a common sight of a modern city nowadays. Now watch a video fragment on this topic. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5VVeXr1t0t4)
Well, what are the reasons of being homeless? What should be done to help them? Who should help? These are the questions we are going to find answers to at the lesson.
- Основная часть урока
Лексическая работа On p. 84 of your textbooks there is a picture. Does the man in the picture remind you the people from the pictures? Why? /Why not? Now read the title of the text. It is called “A life on the streets”. Can you guess what this text is about? (ответы учащихся)
You are absolutely right. We are going to read a story about Jasmine, a young homeless girl and explore some disastrous facts in her life that made her live in the street.
T: (СЛАЙД 5) Before we start reading a text concerning this problem I'd like to introduce some new words which will help you understand the text. Look at the blackboard and, please, repeat them after me. Read the words with me (читать слова вместе) Match the words with their definitions.
Match the words with their definitions
abandoned | |
vicious circle | provided with everything necessary for a purpose (as furniture or equipment or authority) |
fully-furnished | |
pedestrianised | |
posh | (of a street, area, etc.) converted into an area for the use of pedestrians only, by excluding all motor vehicles |
residential | |
rough | a chain of events in which the response to one difficulty creates a new problem that the original difficulty even worse |
run-down | without usual conveniences |
squat | |
well-lit | provided with sufficient lighting |
Использование новых лексических единиц.
T: Try to make up word-combinations using these adjectives and the nouns given below.:
streets, houses, building, warehouses, illegal, area, neighbourhood, flat
(Keys: abandoned houses, disused warehouses, rough area, posh houses, pedestrianised area, illegal squat, well-lit streets, run-down building, fully-furnished flat).
T: Now I think you are ready to do Ex. 5 on p. 85. Open your textbooks at page 85. Use the phrases you have made up to complete the sentences.
Чтение текста и проверка понимания прочитанного.
T: Now, please, read the text silently and be ready to work with it. Now I want to check if you have understood it. Look at Ex. 3 on p. 84 in your books. There are questions which you have to answer choosing the correct variant.
(Ученики делают упражнение 3 на странице 84.)
Обсуждение текста.
Well you were divided into 4 groups. We are going to have ‘Reading circles’. (СЛАЙД 6)
(Every group gets a role in ‘Reading circles’. The roles are: Question Master, Summarizers, Feelings Masters, Prediction Masters. The groups are provided with Role Badges and Role sheets. Please, do the tasks in Role Sheets according to the role you get. (выполняют задание в группах, ходить и мониторить)
And now we can start checking your tasks.
The floor is given to Question Masters. Listen attentively to their questions and try to give detailed answers.
Well, summarizers, give us a short summary of Jasmine’s life.
Feeling masters, share her feelings, please.
Prediction masters, what are you predictions according to the girl’s future.
Thank you very much for creative and fruitful work. You know, (СЛАЙД 7) that the World Youth Festival is being held in Sochi and the participants of this event speak about the problems of the modern world. One of such problems is poverty. There are a lot of poor people even in the developed countries. I’d suggest that we get back to the questions raised at the beginning of the lesson. So, what makes people homeless?
What should be done to help them? Who should help? Think a little and present your ideas. Prepare a speech. You’ve got 3 minutes. (ответы учащихся)
Well, the issue we’ve discussed today is rather controversial I should say, so diverse views are inevitable. I really appreciate your opinions and would like you to state your position on the problem under discussion in an essay.
Заключительная часть урока
Домашнее задание
T: Now put down your homework for the next lesson into your exercise books. I will explain to you how to do this work. Well, there are two tasks to choose from. You can write either a letter to Sandra, answering her questions, for advanced students I suggest an essay, using the given plan (СЛАЙД 8)
Выставление оценок. I’ll give 5 to…., 4 to… because…
T: Now I’ll give you these T-shirts. Please, write down just one key word that can help and support homeless people. Then come to the blackboard and stick them.
T: In conclusion, I would like to say that it's hard to see homeless people on the street. Whether you want to help for religious or moral reasons it can be very hard to know where to begin. Homeless people want you to help them. Be respectful and understanding.
Treat them like people. Help them keep their humanity.
T: Thank you for your attention. Good-bye.
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