3.2 Использование современных оценочных средств, в том числе с применением информационно-коммуникационных технологий, для оценки планируемых результатов.
Использование современных оценочных средств, в том числе с применением информационно-коммуникационных технологий, для оценки планируемых результатов.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Предварительный просмотр:

Предварительный просмотр:
Предварительный просмотр:
Предварительный просмотр:
Депобразования и молодежи Югры бюджетное учреждение профессионального образования Ханты-Мансийского автономного округа – Югры «Мегионский политехнический колледж» (БУ «Мегионский политехнический колледж») | ||
Материал рассмотрен и согласован на заседании ЦМК филологических дисциплин | Заместитель директора по учебной работе | |
Протокол № __ от «__» сентября 2016 г. | _________________________ Н.Е. Зябкина | |
Председатель ЦМК: ___________В.А. Сафарова | «____»____________________2016 г. |
Материалы для оценивания продуктов проектной деятельности
по ОУД.02 Иностранный язык
Группа: Б-16 Курс: 1 Семестр: 2 Преподаватель: Москаленко Е.А.
Тематика проектов по английскому языку
Тема проекта | Необходимое оборудование | Место защиты |
Discovering Celebrity Life | Мультимедийная установка, экран, компьютер | Кабинет английского языка |
Planning a Hop-on/Hop-off Bus Tour | Фотоаппарат, кинокамера, телефон | Городской музей |
Submitting a Manuscript to the Publishing House | Фотоаппарат, видеоматериалы/фотоматериалы о родном городе | Городская библиотека |
A Real Professional Needs to Be Well-rounded | Мультимедийная установка, экран, компьютер | Кабинет английского языка |
Критерии оценивания проектной работы по английскому языку
Баллы | Критерии оценки |
«5» | 1. Содержание: текст работы соответствует заявленной теме; тема раскрыта полностью, коммуникативная задача решена. 2. Структура работы: текст работы выстроен логично, присутствует вступление и заключение, список литературы. 3. Лексика: лексика соответствует поставленной задаче и требованиям данной темы 4. Грамматика: использованы грамматические конструкции в соответствии с поставленной задачей и требованиям данного года обучения языку, грамматические ошибки либо отсутствуют, либо не препятствуют решению коммуникативной задачи. 5. Орфография и пунктуация: орфографические ошибки отсутствуют, соблюдены правила пунктуации. 6. Презентация. Соблюден требуемый объем презентации; используется разнообразный наглядный материал, на слайдах отсутствует избыточная информация 6. Выступление. Представление работы. Выступающий уложился в отведенное для представления проектной работы время; текст работы рассказывался с опорой на печатный текст |
«4» | 1. Содержание: текст работы соответствует заявленной теме; тема раскрыта не до конца, коммуникативная задача решена полностью. 2. Структура работы: текст работы в целом выстроен логично, но отсутствует вступление / заключение и / или список литературы. 3. Лексика: лексика соответствует поставленной задаче и требованиям данной темы, но имеются незначительные ошибки. 4. Грамматика: использованы грамматические конструкции в соответствии с поставленной задачей и требованиям данной темы. Грамматические ошибки незначительны и не препятствуют решению коммуникативной задачи. 5. Орфография и пунктуация: незначительные орфографические ошибки, но правила пунктуации соблюдены. 6. Выступление. Представление работы: выступающий уложился в отведенное для представления проектной работы время, однако текст работы по большей части читался с листа, чем рассказывался. |
«3» | 1. Содержание: тема раскрыта не полностью, коммуникативная задача решена частично. 2. Структура работы: текст работы выстроен недостаточно логично, отсутствует вступление /заключение /список литературы. 3. Лексика: местами некорректное употребление лексики. 4. Грамматика: имеются грамматические ошибки, которые препятствуют решению коммуникативной задачи. 5. Орфография и пунктуация: незначительные орфографические ошибки, не всегда соблюдены правила пунктуации. 6. Выступление. Представление работы: выступающий не уложился в отведенное для представления проектной работы время или текст работы читался с листа |
«2» | 1. Содержание: коммуникативная задача не решена. 2. Структура работы: высказывание нелогично, понимание текста затруднено. 3. Лексика: большое количество лексических ошибок. 4. Грамматика: большое количество грамматических ошибок. 5. Орфография и пунктуация: значительные орфографические ошибки. 6. Выступление. Представление работы: выступающий не уложился в отведенное для представления проектной работы время, текст работы полностью читался с листа |
Преподаватель ___________________________________________________________ Е.А. Москаленко
Предварительный просмотр:
Депобразования и молодежи Югры бюджетное учреждение профессионального образования Ханты-Мансийского автономного округа – Югры «Мегионский политехнический колледж» (БУ «Мегионский политехнический колледж») | ||
Материал рассмотрен и согласован на заседании ЦМК гуманитарных дисциплин | Заместитель директора по учебной работе | |
Протокол № __ от «__» сентября 2017 г. | _________________________ Н.Е. Зябкина | |
Председатель ЦМК: ___________Ю.В. Банцеева | «____»____________________2017 г. |
Материалы для проведения промежуточной аттестации
по учебной дисциплине «Иностранный язык»
Группа: Д-38 Курс: 3 Семестр: 6 Преподаватель: Москаленко Е.А.
Структура портфолио по английскому языку
Раздел | Составляющие раздела |
PART 1 | Name Group Teacher |
PART 2 | Educational Results – subjects, sessions, exams Extra classes Results – sports, projects, extracurricular activities |
PART 3 | English Language Achievements – projects, extra English lessons |
PART 4 | Achievements in other activities |
Критерии оценивания портфолио по английскому языку:
Оценка «5» - все разделы заполнены корректно, в полном объеме.
Оценка «4» - все разделы заполнены корректно, не в полном объеме.
Оценка «3» - разделы заполнены не в полном объеме.
Преподаватель: ________________________________ Е.А. Москаленко
Предварительный просмотр:
Приложение 7 к ППССЗ по специальности
38.02.01 Экономика и бухгалтерский учет (по отраслям),
утвержденной Приказом № 260-о от 21.06.2016
для проведения промежуточной аттестации по учебной дисциплине
Форма проведения оценочной процедуры
дифференцированный зачет
Организация – разработчик: бюджетное учреждение профессионального образования Ханты-Мансийского автономного округа – Югры «Мегионский политехнический колледж»
Москаленко Е.А., преподаватель
Рекомендовано цикловой методической комиссией филологических дисциплин, протокол № 6 от 26 мая 2016 г.
Предметы оценивания | Объекты оценивания | Критерии и показатели оценки |
1) сформированность коммуникативной иноя-зычной компетенции, необходимой для успешной социализации и самореализации, как инструмента межкультурного общения в современном поликультурном мире; | практические занятия, внеаудиторные занятия, внеаудиторная самостоятельная работа (составление диалогов, монологов по темам, подготовка сообщений), защита сообщения, подготовка слайд-шоу, выполнение коммуникативных заданий | Используются адекватные языковые и грамматические формы и средства языка в процессе коммуникации; продуцируются соответствующее контексту ситуации и типу дискурса высказывание; учитывает принятые нормы в общении; получает значимую информацию из иноязычных источников. |
2) владение знаниями о социокультурной специфике страны/стран изучаемого языка и умение строить свое речевое и неречевое поведение адекватно этой специфике; умение выделять общее и различное в культуре родной страны и страны/стран изучаемого языка; | аудиторная работа, внеаудиторная самостоятельная работа, направленная на выполнение заданий, связанных с полученными знаниями о социокультурной специфике стран изучаемого языка | Адекватно используются знания о культурных особенностях носителя языка, их привычек, традиций, этикета, норм поведения в процессе общения. Демонстрация разнообразия словарного запаса и владения изученными грамматическими структурами в соответствии с поставленной коммуникативной задачей. |
3) достижение порогового уровня владения иностранным языком, позволяющего выпускникам общаться в устной и письменной формах как с носителями изучаемого иностранного языка, так и с представителями других стран, использующими данный язык как средство общения; | контрольная работа, лексические тесты, грамматические тесты | Правильность построения целостных, связных и логичных высказываний в устной и письменной речи на основе понимания различных видов текстов при чтении и аудировании; соответствие используемого лексико-грамматического материала. Соответствие оформления письменного текста нормами этикета, в содержании ответа отражены все аспекты указанные в задании, аргументация на соответствующем уровне. |
4) сформированность умения использовать иностранный язык как средство для получения информации из иноязычных источников в образовательных и самообразовательных целя | внеаудиторная самостоятельная работа, итоговая тематическая викторина | Демонстрация навыков и умений определять тему/основную мысль текста. Выделение главных фактов с исключением второстепенных. Определение значений незнакомых слов (языковая догадка). Правильное установление причинно-следственной взаимосвязи между событиями/фактами текста. Располагать нормами грамотной устной речи. Употреблять в речи необходимые термины. Оценивать устные высказывания с точки зрения языкового оформления. |
Дифференцированный зачет по дисциплине предполагает выполнение студентами контрольной работы по следующим текстам: «The USA», «Canada», «Australia», «New Zealand», «Eire (The Republic of Ireland)», «India», «The Republic of South Africa», «Great Britain» (всего 12 вариантов).
Вариант 1
Eire (The Republic of Ireland)
- Прочитайте текст и письменно ответьте на вопросы.
- Письменно переведите абзацы 3, 4, 5 из текста.
- Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих слов и словосочетаний, составьте с ними предложения: сельское хозяйство, омывается Атлантическим океаном, тесно связано с…, овцеводство, законодательный орган.
- Составьте план текста, озаглавив каждый абзац.
- Задайте различные типы вопросов по тексту.
- The Republic of Ireland occupies most of the Island of Ireland – its territory is 70,000 square kilometers.
- The climate is temperate, oceanic. Winter temperatures are 5-8 degrees, summer temperatures are 14-16 degrees. There are many rivers and lakes. The longest river is the Shannon. The country is washed by the Irish Sea, St.George’s Channel and the Atlantic.
- The industry and agriculture are closely connected to those of Great Britain. The main industries are machine-building and chemical. In agriculture the main branches are cow-breeding, sheep-breeding, grain, potatoes, fishing. The main ports are Dublin and Cork.
- The head of the state is the President. Now it is a lady. The main legislative organ is a two-chamber parliament.
- Known for its green fields and fighting for joining of Eire and Ulster (Northern Ireland) which was separated at the beginning of the ХХ century. On diplomatic terms with Russia since 1973. English is a national language (as well as Gaelic).
- Where is the country situated?
- What is the size of the country?
- What are the most important spheres of economy of the country?
- What is the official language of the country?
- What is Eire famous for?
Вариант 2
New Zealand
- Прочитайте текст и письменно ответьте на вопросы.
- Письменно переведите абзацы 3, 4, 5 из текста.
- Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих слов и словосочетаний, составьте с ними предложения: субтропический климат, экспорт овечьей шерсти, была заселена Маори, конституционная монархия, была провозглашена колонией.
- Составьте план текста, озаглавив каждый абзац.
- Задайте различные типы вопросов по тексту.
- The country is situated on the islands North and South divided by the Cook Strait and several smaller islands. It is washed by the Pacific Ocean in the east and the Tasman Sea in the west. Its territory is a bit less than 270,000 square kilometers. Its population is more than 3 million people.
- The climate is oceanic, subtropical. The temperature varies from 9 to 14 degrees. The highest mountain is Mount Cook (3764) in the Southern Alps.
- The main industry is sheep-breeding. New Zealand occupies one of the leading places in the world by the export of butter, lamb meet and sheep wool.
- The capital of the state is Wellington. The head of the country is the British monarch (now – Elizabeth II), so New Zealand is a constitutional monarchy. The main legislative organ is the one-chamber parliament consisting of the House of Representatives.
- The land has been populated by Maori since the 10th century A.D. It was discovered by the Europeans in the 17th century. It was announced a colony in 1840. It is the antipode of Great Britain – situated exactly at the other side of the Earth. The state became independent in 1931.
- Where is the country situated?
- What is the size of the country?
- What is the most important sphere of economy of the country?
- Who is formally recognized as Head of State in New Zealand?
- Is Maori the native population of the country?
Вариант 3
- Прочитайте текст и письменно ответьте на вопросы.
- Письменно переведите абзацы 3, 5 из текста.
- Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих слов и словосочетаний, составьте с ними предложения: круглый год, муссонный климат, самое засушливое место на Земле, законодательный орган, касты.
- Составьте план текста, озаглавив каждый абзац.
- Задайте различные типы вопросов по тексту.
- India is situated in Southern Asia. The territory of the state is about 3,300,000 square kilometers. The state borders on Pakistan, China, Nepal, Burma and Bangladesh.
- The climate is equatorial, monsoonous. All the year round the temperature is between 25 and 35 degrees. The Hindustan is washed by the Arabian Sea, the Indian Ocean and the Bay of Bengal. The main rivers are the Ganges and the Brahmaputra. The desert Tar in the west is one of the driest places on the Earth. The Shillong Plateau is one of the dampest places on the Earth.
- Agriculture plays an important role in the national economy. The population is enormous that’s why it is important to grow much food. The main plants are rice, grain, tea, peanuts, sugar cane, coffee, spices and cotton. India is rich in several rare minerals, coal and oil. The main industries are light industry and tea industry.
- The population is more than 750 million people who form more than 15 important peoples and numerous smaller nationalities. The state is a federative republic which consists of 22 states and 9 territories. The capital is Delhi. Other important cities are Bombay, Calcutta and Madras. The head of the state is the President. The main legislative organ is a two-chamber parliament which consists of the People’s House and the Council of the States. India is a member of the Commonwealth.
- By the middle of the ХIХth century the territory of the present India had been conquered by the English troops and turned into a colony. After 1925 the English government freed India from its management. India was sought for many centuries by adventurers because of its riches. Columbus discovered America when he really intended to discover the sea-way to India. India is also known for its social system of castes.
- Where is the country situated?
- What is the size of the country?
- What countries does India border on?
- What are the main rivers of the country?
- What is the capital of the country?
Вариант 4
- Прочитайте текст и письменно ответьте на вопросы.
- Письменно переведите абзацы 2, 5 из текста.
- Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих слов и словосочетаний, составьте с ними предложения: южное полушарие, несколько островов, ниже уровня моря, производятся на экспорт, пастбище.
- Составьте план текста, озаглавив каждый абзац.
- Задайте различные типы вопросов по тексту.
- Australia is situated in the southern hemisphere, on the continent of Australia and several islands. It is washed by the Pacific Ocean in the east and the Indian Ocean in the west. Its territory is a bit less than 9,000,000 square kilometers. Its population is more than 15 million people. The highest mountain is Mount Kosciusko (2230). Lake Eyre is 12 metres below the sea-level. It is the deepest depression of Australia.
- Australia is the hottest place in the southern hemisphere. Most of the rivers are full of water only periodically, they are called “creeks”. The Great Barrier Reef which is about 1900 km long is a unique nature object (it is the world’s longest coral reef). Most of the lakes are salt ones (Lake Eyre, Lake Disappointment). The main rivers are the Murray and the Darling. The fauna of Australia is unique and formed of kangaroos, ostriches, egg-laying mammals, koalas. The flora where eucalyptus trees are typical is also unlike any other flora.
- Australia is a member of the Commonwealth. The land is rich in ores, coal, gas, oil. The food products are produced for exporting. Australia takes the leading place in production of lamb-meat and sheep wool. Cheeses and grain are also exported. Pastures occupy about 60% of the territory.
- Australia is a federation of 6 states and 2 territories. The capital of the state is Canberra which is situated on the special Australian Capital Territory. Other important cities are Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide and Perth. The head of the country is the British monarch (now – Elizabeth II), so Australia is a constitutional monarchy. The main legislative organ is a two-chamber parliament.
- Native Australians were mostly killed but now their culture is studied and supported. Until the middle of the ХIХth century Australia was used as a prison. Then gold deposits were discovered and many adventurers came to Australia in wish to succeed.
- Where is the country situated?
- What is the size of the country?
- Is the country rich in mineral resources? What are they?
- What is the most important sphere of economy of the country?
- What is the capital of the country?
Вариант 5
- Прочитайте текст и письменно ответьте на вопросы.
- Письменно переведите абзацы 3, 5 из текста.
- Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих слов и словосочетаний, составьте с ними предложения: морская граница с…, субарктический, на границе с Аляской, глава государства, машиностроение.
- Составьте план текста, озаглавив каждый абзац.
- Задайте различные типы вопросов по тексту.
- The country is situated on the North American continent. It is washed by the Pacific Ocean in the west and the Labrador Sea and the Atlantic Ocean in the east, the Beaufort Sea and the Baffin Bay in the north. Its territory is a bit less than 10,000,000 square kilometers (including islands). Its population is more than 25 million people. Canada borders on the USA in the south and in the west (Alaska). It also has a sea-border with Greenland.
- The climate is temperate and subarctic. The winter temperature varies from 35 below zero in the north to 4 above zero in the most southern part. The highest mountains are Mount Logan (6050) and Mount Bona (5044) in the Rocky Mountains on the border with Alaska. The largest lakes are the Great Lakes (on the USA border), Great Bear Lake, Great Slave Lake and Lake Winnipeg. The main rivers are the St. Laurence River, the Mackenzie and the Fraser.
- Canada is a country with highly developed both industry and agriculture. It occupies the leading places in the world by the extraction of nickel, zinc, potassium and newspaper and magazine paper, the second place in the extraction of gold, platinum and other metal especially important for industry and machine-building. The Canadians breed cows and pigs, the most important is grain and corn growing. Canada is a member of the Commonwealth.
- The capital of the state is Ottawa. Other important cities are Montreal, Toronto, Vancouver and Calgary. The head of the country is the British monarch (now – Elizabeth II), so Canada is a constitutional monarchy. The main legislative organ is a two-chamber parliament.
- The colonization by the French began in the ХVI century, and only in the ХVII century the British came in the country. In 1763 the land became a British colony (after a long struggle), in 1867 the first of all colonies it became a dominion. Newfoundland joined Canada in 1949. Now the population is divided into English-Canadians (some 50%), French-Canadians (some 30%) and natives (Indians and Eskimos).
- Where is the country situated?
- What is the size of the country?
- Is the country rich in mineral resources? What are they?
- What countries does Canada border on?
- What is the capital of the country?
Вариант 6
The Republic of South Africa
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- The country is situated in the south of the African continent. It is washed by the Indian Ocean in the east and the Atlantic Ocean in the west. Its territory is 1,200,000 square kilometers. Its population is more than 35 million people. RSA borders on Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Swaziland and Lesotho.
- The climate is tropical and subtropical. The winter temperature varies from 18 to 27 above zero, the summer temperatures are between 7 and 10 degrees above zero. The highest peak is 3482 metres above the sea-level in the Drakensberg Mountains on the border with Lesotho. The main rivers are the Oranje (on Namibia border), the Vaal and the Limpopo (on the borders with Botswana and Zimbabwe).
- RSA occupies the leading place in the world by the extraction of gold, platinum and diamonds. The main industries are machine-building and extracting industry. The population breeds sheep and goats, the most important is corn and sugar-cane growing, there are plantations of tobacco, citrus trees and peanuts.
- The capital of the state is Pretoria. Other important cities are Capetown (the seat of the Parliament), Port Elizabeth and Durban which are at the same time important ports, Johannesburg. The head of the country is the President. The main legislative organ is a three-chamber parliament. RSA is the federation of 4 provinces (Cape Province, Transvaal, Natal and Orange Free State).
- African peoples make about 70% of the population, Europeans form about 20%. The first Cape colony appeared in 1652 on the initiative of East-Indian Company. The leaders were the Dutch colonists – the Boers. The word “Orange” appear in the geographical names as a reminder of the Dutch past – it was one of the royal dynasties in Holland and the Netherlands.
- Where is the country situated?
- What is the size of the country?
- Is the country rich in mineral resources? What are they?
- What countries does RSA border on?
- What is the capital of the country?
Вариант 7
New Zealand
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- Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих слов и словосочетаний, составьте с ними предложения: островное государство, конституционная монархия, потомки первых европейских поселенцев, самый крупный город, независимый.
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- New Zealand is an island country in the Southwest Pacific Ocean. It lies about 1,600 km southeast of Australia. New Zealand belongs to a large island group called Polynesia. The country is situated on two main islands – the North Island and the South Island – and several dozen smaller islands. Most of the smaller islands are hundreds of kilometers from the main ones.
- Wellington is the capital of New Zealand and Auckland is the largest city. The country belonged to the British Empire. Today it is an independent member of the Commonwealth of Nations. New Zealand is a constitutional monarchy. The British monarch, Queen Elizabeth II of the UK, is the monarch of New Zealand. She appoints a governor general to represent her, but the governor general has little power. The legislation, prime minister, the Cabinet run the national government.
- English is the official language of New Zealand and is spoken throughout the country. Many native people speak their own language, Maori, in addition to English.
- The first people who settled in New Zealand were a brown-skinned people called Maoris. They came from Polynesian islands located northeast of New Zealand. The country was discovered by Europeans in 1642, but they did not start to settle in the islands until the beginning of the 18th century. Today, most New Zealanders are descendants of the early European settlers. Maoris make up 12% of the country’s population.
- Where is the country situated?
- What is the official language of the country?
- When was the country discovered?
- Who runs the national government?
- What is the capital of the country?
Вариант 8
New Zealand
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- Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих слов и словосочетаний, составьте с ними предложения: высокий уровень жизни, сфера обслуживания, огород, центральное отопление, многоэтажные дома.
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- New Zealand has one of the highest standard of living in the world. For many years, the economy of the country depended largely on agriculture. Today agriculture, manufacturing, and service industries are all important to the economy. New Zealand’s economy depends on trade with many countries – Australia, Britain, Japan and the United States.
- Although about four fifth of New Zealand’s population live in urban areas, cities are not crowded. Traffic jams seldom occur, even in downtown areas. Large cities have excellent restaurants, milk bars, theatres, concert halls, and other places of entertainment. City life in New Zealand tends to be rather quiet. However, it is changing in larger cities, where international tourism is developing rapidly. Near a fifth of New Zealand’s people live in rural areas – in some of them, small settlements are linked by good roads. But in other areas, rancher’s nearest neighbours may live kilometers away. Some ranchers live almost in isolation. Nevertheless, most farms and ranchers have electricity. Many farm families run their farms with little or no hired help.
- About 70% of New Zealand people own their houses. Most New Zealanders live in single family houses with a small vegetable garden. In the larger cities, some people live in high-rise apartment buildings. Almost in every New Zealand home there are refrigerators, wash machines, and other modern electric appliances. But air conditioning and central heating are rare because the weather rarely becomes extremely hot or extremely cold. In summer, New Zealanders prefer to keep windows open. In winter, fireplaces or electric heater keep the houses warm.
- What are the most important spheres of economy of the country?
- Where is the majority of the population concentrated?
- What kind of houses do most New Zealanders live in?
- Why is air conditioning rare in New Zealand?
- What countries does New Zealand’s economy depend on?
Вариант 9
Great Britain
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- Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих слов и словосочетаний, составьте с ними предложения: в два раза больше, чем…; влажный климат, Кембрийские горы, отдельное государство; изменчивая погода.
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The official name of the state is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
1. The country is situated in Western Europe. It occupies the territory of about 244,000 square kilometers, which is only two times larger than the Leningradskaya region. The country is situated in the British Isles and includes Great Britain, a part of Ireland, the Hebrides, the Shetland Islands and the Orkney Islands. There are about 5,000 small islands. The Isle of Man and the Channel Islands are Dependencies of the Crown, which means that they are separate states ruled by Great Britain.
The country is washed by the North Sea in the East, the Irish Sea and the Celtic Sea in the West and the English Channel in the South.
2. The climate is temperate, oceanic and moist (humid) because the territory is not large and surrounded by water. The English weather is very changeable, so the English like to discuss it. The usual winter temperature is between 3 and 7 degrees above zero, in summer the thermometer seldom goes above 20 degrees. During a nice summer day you can be several times wetted by a sudden short rain.
3. The most important river of Great Britain is the Thames; it is 334 kilometres long and flows into the North Sea. Other important rivers are the Severn (the longest river), the Trent and the Clyde. In the northwest highlands prevail (including the North West Highlands, the Grampian Mountains, the Southern Uplands and the Pennine Chain). There stands the highest peak of Great Britain Ben Nevis (1344) and the second peak in height Ben Macdui (1309). The Cambrian Mountains in the West include the Snowdon (1085).
There are many beautiful lakes in Great Britain, especially in the Lake District where many people like to spend their holidays. But the most famous is Loch Ness with its monster called Nessie.
- Where is the country situated?
- Why do the English like to discuss the weather?
- What is Loch Ness famous for?
- When do many people like to spend their holidays?
- What seas does the country washed by?
Вариант 10
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- Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих слов и словосочетаний, составьте с ними предложения: национальные природные парки и памятники природы, средняя температура, водительские права, карманные деньги, заселяли территорию.
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1. The country is situated in the North American continent and washed by the Pacific Ocean in the west and the Atlantic Ocean in the east. The territory of the state is about 9 363 million km2. The western half of the territory is occupied by mountain ranges and plateaus. The Rocky Mountains are the highest mountains of the country. The Appalachian Mountains go along the eastern coast washed by the Atlantic. The biggest lakes are the Great Lakes. Great Salt Lake in the state of Utah is also known. The longest river is the Mississippi. There are many national parks and monuments (Grand Canyon, Death Valley, Big Bend, Everglades). The USA borders on Canada in the north and on Mexico in the south. It has a sea-border with Russia.
2. The climate of the country is mostly continental, temperate or subtropical. The winter temperature varies from 25 below zero in Alaska to 20 degrees above zero in Florida. In summer the average temperature is about 20 to 25 degrees above zero.
3. The United States of America form a state which has existed only since 1776. The country is a federative republic which consists of 50 states and District of Columbia, where Washington, D.C., the capital of the country is situated. The flag of the USA has thirteen white and red stripes and 50 white stars against the blue background (one for every state). The head of the country is the President, who is elected every four years. Every state has its own Constitution and the system of power. The supreme legislative organ is the Congress of the US. The Congress consists of two chambers – the House of Representatives and the Senate. The House of Representatives is the lower chamber, the representatives are elected proportionally to the population of the USA. The Senate is the higher chamber; two senators are elected from each of the USA states notwithstanding the size of population in the state.
4. The population of the country is sometimes called “salad bowl”, because all nations and nationalities are mixed up, though they keep their specific features. There are white people, Afro-Americans, American Indians, Puerto-Ricans, Chinese and Japanese people. For centuries Indians and Eskimos inhabited the territory. But when the colonization began, many Africans were brought as slaves. At that time many Indians were killed, their languages were forgotten.
5. American children start going to nursery school when they are 3. At the age of 5 they visit kindergarten and then at 6 it is time for the elementary (primary) school which includes 6 grades (from the first to the sixth). Then there is Junior high (school) for 3 years (age 12-14) and High school (15-17). At school they get their driving licenses. They can also work at a fast food restaurant or a car park to get their pocket money. After school they can go to a college or a university or find a job.
- Where is the country situated?
- Why is the population of the country called “salad bowl”?
- How many states are there in the USA?
- What oceans is the country washed by?
- When do American children start going to nursery school?
Вариант 11
Great Britain
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- Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих слов и словосочетаний, составьте с ними предложения: производство продукции на душу населения, ввозить продукты питания; племена англов; царствует, но не правит; волынка.
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1. The United Kingdom is a highly-developed industrial country. By the volume of production per capita the state occupies the leading place between the European countries. The country is not rich in mineral and other resources that’s why it has to import raw materials, oil and food supplies. The most important industry is machine-building (including tractor-, car-, plane- and ship-building). Chemical industry is highly developed as well. More than 40% of population work in industry, while only about 3% are busy in agriculture. Two thirds of the land belong to landlords and are leased by farmers who grow grain, rape and other food and technical plants. The most important branch of agriculture is sheep-breeding. Fishing also takes an important part in the national economy. About 10,000,000 tourists visit Great Britain every year with its population about 60,000,000 people. The forests occupy about 8% of the territory.
2. The country is divided into four main historical regions. They are England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. In the past they were different countries, and now there is no representative football team of Great Britain, but every region has its own representative team. Each region has its main city and symbols, but the capital of the state is London.
The biggest region is England which got its name after the tribe of Angles who invaded and inhabited this region. The main city is London; the symbol is the red rose. The region consists of 46 counties. Wales occupies the Wales Peninsular and the Isle of Anglesey. The main city is Cardiff. The region consists of 8 counties. Since 1301 the Crown princes of England have been bearing the title of Prince of Wales. Scotland is inhabited by the Scots and situated in the North of the Island of Great Britain and some of the smaller islands. The main city is Edinburgh, but Glasgow is its rival. The Scots were characterised as greedy, poor but brave. It was because they lived in the mountainous part of the island and could not work enough supplies to support themselves. The Scots are also known for their kilts and windpipes. Scotland was officially united with England in 1707. Northern Ireland (Ulster) is situated on the island of Ireland. The main city is Belfast. In 1921 it parted from the Republic of Ireland (Eire) and became a part of the United Kingdom.
3. The political system of Great Britain is greatly influenced by the historical background of the country. Great Britain is a constitutional monarchy, which means that the head of the state is a monarch, a king or a queen. Now the head of the state is Elizabeth II (she has been the Queen since 1952). The Queen reigns but does not rule. It means that the power of the kings and queens is shortened by the Constitution of the state. The royal sovereign takes part in the ceremonies but influences the politics little. The politics is generated by the Parliament, which consists of two houses (The House of Commons and the House of Lords). It was established in the second half of the thirteenth century, so it is the oldest parliament in the world. The Parliament exercises the legislative power, while the executive power is in the hands of the government (the Cabinet of Ministers) headed by the Prime Minister.
- What are the most important spheres of economy of the country?
- When was Scotland officially united with England?
- Where did the Scots live?
- Does the Parliament exercise the legislative or the executive power?
- Who is the head of the UK
Вариант 12
Great Britain
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- Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих слов и словосочетаний, составьте с ними предложения: известны во всем мире; символ социальной справедливости; высшее образование; регулярно заниматься спортом; скачки.
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1. The history of Great Britain is long and very interesting. The country suffered several invasions (of the Romans, the Anglo-Saxons, and the Normans). Every invasion changed the language spoken.
The Romans invaded the islands under the command of Julius Caesar and ruled England and Wales for 330 years. They built the first cities, one of which was Londinium, or London, and many roads. Even now the main roads are built on or along the former Roman roads.
In the eighteenth century Great Britain conquered large territories in India and North America. Later the colonies became independent, but people of North America (in Canada and the USA) and India still speak English which is one of the official languages. Most of the former colonies became members of the Commonwealth, the organization where they cooperate in order to improve their economies under the patronage of Great Britain.
2. Many British people, such as William Shakespeare, Robert Burns, Walter Scott, Robert Louis Stevenson, Lewis Carroll, Charles Dickens, Arthur Conan Doyle, Jonathan Swift, are famous all over the world.
William Shakespeare (1564-1616) was a poet and a playwright. His famous plays are well-known and loved in Russia (“Much Ado about Nothing”, “Romeo and Juliet”, “Hamlet”, “Othello”), composers write music for his sonnets. We all love detective stories by Arthur Conan Doyle, whose main characters Sherlock Holmes and Dr.Watson are known all over the world.
One more famous Englishman, Robin Hood, who lived in Sherwood Forest, should be mentioned. He robbed the rich to give money to the poor and so became the symbol of social justice.
3. Education in Great Britain is free, but there are private schools, where you have to pay for your education. English children go to nursery school, or kindergarten, when they are 3 or 4 years old. Then they go to primary school, which is for children from age 5 to age 11. When they are 11 years old, they take national tests and according to them go to secondary school (from age 12 to age 16). But that is not enough to pass the tests and enter a university. Every year more and more English children choose to get higher education. They stay at school after they are 16 for an additional year or two to prepare for national tests. Good results for the tests let them enter universities, though there are no entrance exams.
4. British people care about their health very much. They eat healthy food, less people smoke every ten years. British people go in for sports regularly. Most popular sports are football, tennis, cricket, golf, rugby, rowing, and horseracing.
English people are fond of gardening. Many of them live in small houses and keep small gardens.
The traditional English meal is fish and chips, a piece of fried fish with fried potatoes. They also go to pubs, which are eating houses where you can have drinks and meals. Sometimes people come in big companies to celebrate some event. In pubs the game of darts is often played. It is a traditional English game.
- What Arthur Conan Doyle’s characters are famous all over the world?
- Why is Robin Hood the symbol of social justice?
- When do British children start going to nursery school?
- What are the most popular sports in Great Britain?
- Where do English go to have meals and drinks?
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Предварительный просмотр:
Депобразования и молодежи Югры |
бюджетное учреждение профессионального образования |
Ханты-Мансийского автономного округа – Югры |
«Мегионский политехнический колледж» |
(БУ «Мегионский политехнический колледж») |
Мегион, 2016
на заседании ЦМК филологических дисциплин
БУ «Мегионский политехнический колледж»
Протокол № 6 от «26» мая 2016 г.
Москаленко Е.А., преподаватель
Сборник заданий адресован обучающимся заочного отделения 4 курса по специальности 131018 Разработка и эксплуатация нефтяных и газовых месторождений для выполнения домашней контрольной работы по английскому языку.
1 | Вариант 1 Some historical facts about oil and gas well drilling | 4 |
2 | Вариант 2 What Is the Oil Drilling Process? | 6 |
3 | Вариант 3 Facts about Oil Drilling | 8 |
4 | Вариант 4 Companies | 10 |
5 | Вариант 5 Who are the people in a typical drilling crew? | 12 |
6 | Вариант 6 Drilling crews | 13 |
7 | Вариант 7 Pollutions | 16 |
8 | Вариант 8 HSE | 18 |
Вариант 1
Translate the text and answer the questions after it.
Some historical facts about oil and gas well drilling
The Chinese were the first people to drill wells, in around 2000 BC, using the cable tool percussion method to produce brine. The first wells in Russia (percussion-rod method) were drilled in the 9th century and were also used to produce a solution of common salt. The development of oil production began with subsequent advances in drilling technology. Oil had been extracted in only small amounts until the mid 19th century, usually from shallow wells around naturally exposed oil. From the second half of the 19th century, the demand for oil and especially its components began to rise. This happened with the increased use of steam engines and other industrial developments, which required huge quantities of lubricants.
The birth of the Russian oil industry dates to 1864, when Colonel Ardalion Novosiltsev drilled the first oil well (to a depth of 55 metres) in Kuban in the Kudako river valley, by mechanical cable tool percussion. The first oil gusher was registered in February 1866.
Global oil production underwent intensive development from the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries with the invention of diesel and petrol internal combustion engines and their application to industry. Mining engineer G.D. Romanovsky used a steam engine to drill a well near Podolsk (Moscow province) in 1859. A productive well 45 metres deep began operating in Baku in 1872, and this spelled the end of oil sump construction in the Baku region and a transition to drilled wells. The first steam engines appeared in Baku’s oil fields in 1873, within ten years they had totally replaced horse traction.
The percussion method was developed in the first stages of well drilling (rod, cable and rapid-percussion drilling with flushing of the well-face). Rotary drilling with a circulating flow of fluid to flush the well was applied for the first time in the United States in 1901. In Russia, rotary drilling with flushing was first used in Grozny to drill a well 345 metres deep. We should note here that lifting rocks with a circulating flow of water was invented by a French engineer, Fawell, in 1845, who applied the method to drill an artesian well in the Saint Dominique abbey. He circulated liquid into the internal cavity of the pipe with the cutting transport to increase the efficiency of rod tool drilling.
A gas production well was launched in Surakhany near Baku in 1901 at a plant owned by Vasily Kokorev’s plant. One year later, gas extracted from a depth of 207 metres was used to heat the plant; the gas was also transported to other areas of the Absheron fields via pipelines. The Surakhany well was the first in the world to be drilled for gas.
- Who began to drill wells? When?
- What was the reason of the first drilling in Russia?
- When did the development of oil production begin?
- When was the birth of oil industry in Russia?
- What was the reason of oil demand in the 19th century?
- What was G.D. Romanovsky famous for?
- When was rotary drilling with circulating flow applied? Where?
- When was rotary drilling with circulating flow first used in Russia?
- What did Fawell invent?
2. Look through the text again and find the information what these figures mean.
Figures | Information connected with the figure according to the text |
9th | |
345 | |
55 | |
1901 | |
2000 | |
1864 | |
1873 | |
202 |
Вариант 2
Read the text and put correct names of the stages in the gaps.
Names of the stages: Casing, "Making Hole", Repeat, Roughnecking, Mud, Setup
What Is the Oil Drilling Process?
1. _________
Before a well can be drilled, a lot of preparation must take place. Geologists and other scientist must study the site to determine if oil should even be present and environmental studies must be done in most countries. If the site is suitable, then the equipment must be brought in and set up, along with a crew to operate it. Once the drilling rig is in place and all the equipment and personnel available, then drilling can commence.
2. _________
The "tool," or the drill bit assembly, is put together and brought to the drill floor beneath the derrick. Drill pipe is also brought up and attached to the tool. The driller sits in a compartment commonly called the "doghouse" and operates the drill motor, pushing the tool into the ground. He can control variables such as the pressure exerted by the bit and rotation speed from that position and must monitor many other variables all while overseeing the roughnecks outside the doghouse on the drill floor.
3. __________
When the bit reaches a certain depth, another stand of drill pipe must be added. The roughnecks detach the drill motor from the drill pipe and use winches or other lift devices to pull another stand of pipe up to the drill floor. Some rigs are designed to store drill pipe in the derrick to save space and to help make changes quicker. The new stand of pipe is attached to the drill motor, which is then run up the derrick. The other end of the new stand of pipe is connected to the previous stand already in the hole by the roughnecks. The driller can then begin advancing the drill once again.
4. _________
Drilling fluid, or drilling mud, is pumped through the drill pipe to lubricate the bit as it operates. Mud is very specifically formulated for each hole and even for different conditions in a hole. A mud engineer is on site to make sure the formula meets the specifications required for the job. The mud that reaches the bottom of the hole is pushed back up along with the clippings left behind by the drill bit. This mixture is poured over screens mounted to machines called shakers. These machines separate the clippings from the mud so the mud can be reused. Geologists and other scientists and operators can examine the clippings to determine what the conditions of the well are likely to be as drilling continues.
5. _________
At some point in the drilling process, casing will most likely be added to the well. This is a heavy lining designed to support the walls of the well so it does not collapse in on the drill pipe and the tool. First, a cement footing is put in place at the bottom of the well. The cement engineer formulates the cement mixture to ensure it can withstand the stresses that will be placed on it. Casing is placed in the hole by the driller, using the same connect-disconnect process that was used for drill pipe. After the casing is in place, drilling recommences, starting with the center of the cement footing.
6. _________
As long as there are no problems in the well, such as a bent pipe or a collapse, this process is repeated until the rig reaches the depth it was ordered to reach. These types of wells are called exploratory wells and may or may not strike oil. A production well uses the same processes, except it is drilling into a known production site. Once reaching its target, a pump will be put in place to extract the oil.
2. Translate the following sentences into English.
1. Сегодня нефтяные и газовые скважины представляют собой капитальные дорогостоящие сооружения, служащие много десятилетий.
2. Подготовительные работы - это строительство основания, на котором будет установлена буровая установка, прокладка подъездных дорог.
3. На вторoм этапе выполняется транспортировка буровой установки, ее монтаж, проверка работы, проведение необходимых коммуникаций.
4. Когда на участке начинается эксплуатационное бурение, это участок уже обустроен: проведены все коммуникации, проложены дороги.
5. Объем бурения горизонтальных скважин непрерывно растет, особенно в связи с развитием бурения в Сибири.
6. Установки Леонардо да Винчи использовались для бурения многочисленных скважин на воду во Франции.
Вариант 3
- Read the text, answer the questions and explain words in bold in English.
Facts about Oil Drilling
The first modern method of oil drilling developed by Edwin L. Drake in 1859 is still being used to this day, though the increased demand for petroleum products has required more efficient means of oil production. The world has used 800 billion barrels of oil since 1859, and oil drilling quickly became a booming industry. According to the US Department of Energy, new technologies are allowing drillers to reach oil reserves once considered unreachable.
Oil wells are used to pump crude petroleum gases and oil from underground sources. Crude oil is a highly viscous liquid and very dark in color. In a semi-solid state, crude oil becomes tar. Geologists search for pockets of crude oil in underground reservoirs. These reservoirs can be hundreds and even thousands of feet underground and can only be reached by drilling beneath the surface. Once the drillers reach the reservoir, the change in pressure sends crude oil shooting to the Earth's surface. This is called "primary production." This process can continue for years, but most of the oil still remains in the reservoir. Once the pressure subsides, oil companies must use pumps to pull the crude oil up to the derrick.
Offshore Drilling
Offshore oil drilling is very similar to other methods used on land, except crewmen often live aboard these massive drilling ships. At depths less than 200 feet (61 meters) special oil drills called "jack up rigs" are used. Once the depths reach 4,000 feet (1,220 meters) the rigs are semi-submersible and are anchored to the ocean floor with air-filled legs. There are even drill ships that dig to depths of 8,000 feet (2,440 meters) and use sophisticated navigational equipment. However, offshore oil drilling has been a plague on the environment over the years. Major oil companies are constantly being accused of spilling oil and toxic chemicals in the water, releasing noxious gasses into the atmosphere and endangering wildlife near these drill sites. For example, Chevron has paid nearly 10 million dollars in fines between the years of 1992 and 1997 for numerous violations to the Clean Water Act.
Rotary Drilling
The most prevalent technique of drilling oil today is rotary drilling. This process can be recognized by a tall oil derrick and a rotating turntable at the base. A heavy bit is attached to a length of pipe. This pipeline is segmented and the drill depth can be increased by extending the length of the pipe. Rotary drilling also requires the use of a special mud which lubricates the drill bit, reinforces the sides of the drill hole, and helps pull out rock cuttings. The mud is a mixture of clay, water and chemicals.
Horizontal Drilling
Certain reservoir types are best reached through horizontal drilling. Directional drilling, as it was once called, was first used to reach oil or natural gas reservoirs once primary production had run its course at a vertical oil field. By drilling at a slant, deviating from the vertical oil wells, drillers could reach a greater amount of the reserve. It once took nearly 2,000 feet to make a full horizontal well. Now modern technology has improved the process, allowing for 90 degree turns in under a hundred feet. A successful horizontal drill can pump four times as much oil as a vertical well. Also, the cost of horizontal drilling is marginally lower across the board, in terms of a production-to-cost ratio. One horizontal well can do the work of four vertical wells.
Percussion Drilling
Percussion drilling, also called cable-tool drilling, is a simple method dating back to the very first drills used in the 1850s. The ground is broken by a drill bit attached to a pulley and cable. The drill bit is pulled to the top of the derrick and dropped to the ground repeatedly. This process shatters the rock into small pieces that can be cleared away to reveal a deep borehole. Percussion drilling can reach depths of over 328 feet (100 meters) and with exchangeable bits can be used to drill nearly any kind of surface. By the late 1800s, percussion drilling sites were aided by steam engines, but later got replaced by the rotary drill.
- Who invented the process of drilling?
- What is the function of oil wells?
- What depth can underground reservoirs have?
- What is the meaning of the phrase “primary production”?
- What are the methods of drilling?
- What is the mud?
- What method of drilling can pump more oil?
- What is the oldest method of drilling?
Вариант 4
1. Read the text “Companies” and do the exercises.
The companies include operating companies, drilling contractors, and service and supply companies.
Operating company
An operating company, or an operator, has the right to drill and produce petroleum at a particular site. The operator buys or leases that right from the owner of the rights to the subterranean oil or gas. Rights can be owned by individuals, companies, or, in some cases, by the federal or state government.
An operator can be a major, such as Exxon, Mobil, British Petroleum, Shell, Chevron, or Texaco. A major oil company produces oil and gas and transports them from the field to the refinery and plant. It also refines or processes the oil and gas and sells the products to consumers.
An operator can also be an independent. An independent operator is an individual or a relatively small company that produces and sells, oil and gas but does not transport, refine, or market them. Operating companies, whether major or independent, pay for the drilling of a well. They usually hire a drilling contractor to drill it.
Drilling contractors
In the United States and Canada, drilling contractors do virtually all the drilling. Operators have found it more cost-effective to hire a firm that specializes, in drilling than to maintain their own rigs. A drilling company may be small or large; it may drill mainly in one country or it may have rigs working all over the world.
In any case, a drilling company's job is to drill a hole. It must drill the hole to the depth and specifications set by the operating company. An operating company usually bids up several contractors. Often, the operator awards the contract to the lowest bidder, but not always. Sometimes a good work record may override a lower bid.
Service and supply companies
The drilling of any well involves several service and supply companies. Supply companies sell expendable equipment and materials, such as drill bits and mud, to the operator and drilling contractor. They also sell items such as pipes, fuel, lubricants, fire extinguishers, and spare parts. Moreover, they market safety equipment, rig components, paper, water, tools, computers, paint, grease, rags, and solvents. Think of any part or commodity that a rig needs to drill a well, and you'll find a supply company on hand to fill it.
Service companies offer special support to the drilling operation. Like supply companies, they exist to nil the special needs of the drilling project. For example, a mud logging company logs, or monitors, the drilling mud as it returns from the well. The returning mud carries cuttings and any formation fluids, such as gas or oil, to the surface. The operator can gain much knowledge about the formations being drilled by analyzing the returning drilling fluid.
Another kind of service company provides casing crews. A casing crew runs large pipe into the well to line, or case, it. Casing protects formations from contamination and stabilizes the well. After the casing crew runs the casing, another service company— a cementing company—cements the casing in the well. Cement bonds the casing to the hole. In many cases, when a well reaches a formation of interest (usually, a formation that may contain oil or gas), the operator hires a well logging company. The well logging crew runs sophisticated tools into the hole. These instruments measure and record formation properties. By looking at the record, or well log, the operator can often determine whether the well will produce oil or gas.
2. Fill in the gaps with the most suitable words or terms from the text.
1. When a well reaches a formation of interest, the operator hires a .
2. If the is paid according to the daily costs of operating the rig, it’s a daywork contract.
3. When the portion of the hole is drilled, a runs a pipe into the well.
4. A nonintegrated oil company or individual whose operations are in the field of petroleum production is called .
5. help the operating company determine whether the well will produce oil or gas.
6. also transports, refines, and markets oil and its products.
7. An does not usually own the land or the minerals lying under the land.
8. The required items, including drill bits are sold by .
3. Match the two parts of the sentences.
1. The cement is pumped by company’s crew | A. used to ascertain downhole information about a well. |
2. I’m not sure but he is responsible for | B. trying to provide logistics support to the rig crew. |
3. Try to run any of the various logs | C. preparing and running casing into a well. |
4. This company owns a drilling rig or rigs | D. to secure casing in the well. |
5. As I know they specialize in | E. a rig needs is delivered by supply company. |
6. Our rig manager is in the rig site right now | F. representing the company’s interests. |
7. All necessary equipment that | G. and contracts services for drilling wells. |
Вариант 5
1. Read the text. Then answer the questions.
Which person / people:
1 are usually the youngest and most junior?
2 is usually the oldest and most senior?
3 need to be strong? Why?
4 is not afraid of high places?
5 must watch gauges or screens carefully? Why?
6 needs a desk and a telephone? Why?
Who are the people in a typical drilling crew?
While it is true that you can't drill a well without a drilling rig and several companies to back up the rig, it is equally true that you can't drill a well without skilled people. Personnel run the rig and keep it running until the well reaches its objective. Let's look at some of the people involved in drilling.
Roustabouts are often the youngest people in a drilling crew. They clean, maintain, and move equipment and help the other workers. Roustabouts want better jobs, so they work hard, listen carefully, and learn fast.
Roughnecks are like roustabouts, but they are more skilled. They work on the drilling floor. They connect the heavy drill pipes and put them into the hole, or they disconnect the pipes as they come up out of the hole. The derrickman works high up on the monkey board about 25 metres above the floor. He guides the top part of the drill pipe. At other times, he helps the mud engineer (or 'mud man'): he checks the mud and maintains the pump. The mud must not be too thick or too thin, and the pump must keep working.
The driller supervises and trains the drilling crew, and he controls the drilling equipment. For example, he operates the motor that lifts the drill pipes. He controls the speed of the drill, which must not be too fast or too slow. On very modern rigs, the driller sits in a special driller's chair. The chair has joystick controls and display screens - like a computer game.
The rig manager or toolpusher is the most senior person in the drilling crew. He is usually the oldest and most experienced person too. He makes sure the crew has all the right equipment. He is responsible for their safety and for paperwork.
2. Choose the correct words. Explain your choices.
1 Roustabouts do work.
- skilled b) hard c) desk
2 Roughnecks usually prepare the _ ___ _
- drill string b) mud c) hole
3 Derrickmen should wear ____ _
- face guards b) glasses c) a safety harness
4 The driller helps the crew to _ ___ _
a) learn b) clean equipment c) lift things
5 The rig manager new equipment.
a) makes b) repairs c) orders
Вариант 6
1. Read the following about the members of drill crew.
Drilling crews work for the drilling contractor.
Besides the toolpusher and drillers, each rig has derrickhands, and rotary helpers (also called floorhands). Sometimes the driller designates the most experienced rotary helper as a motorhand. The motorhand performs routine service and maintenance on the rig's engines.
When crew members run drill pipe into the hole (trip in), or when they pull pipe out of the hole (trip out), the rig needs a derrickhand. The derrickhand handles the upper end of the pipe from the monkeyboard. The monkey-board is a small platform in the derrick. A drilling crew can trip pipe in or out of the hole one length, or joint, at a time. Usually, however, they trip pipe in stands to speed up the process. Since a stand is two or more lengths of pipe, the job goes faster than tripping them one joint at a time. Each stand of pipe is either about 60 feet long or about 90 feet long (about 18 or 27 metres).
The contractor therefore mounts the monkeyboard in the derrick at a height of either 50 or 80 feet (15 or 24 metres), depending on how long the stands are. When the bit is drilling and the pipe is in the hole, the derrickhand climbs down from the monkeyboard and works at ground level on the drilling mud, making sure it meets the specifications for drilling a particular part of the hole.
Mud engineer (sometimes referred to as the "Mud Man", though women also do this job today) works on an oil well drilling rig, and is responsible for the drilling fluid, also known as drilling mud which lubricates the drill bit and clears cuttings from the borehole. It is a well-paid job because of the importance of maintaining the drilling fluid in efficient drilling.
Mudlogger in the modern oil field typically works for a service company contracted by the oil company (or operator) and is tasked primarily with gathering data and collecting samples during the drilling of a well to identify possible indications of hydrocarbons. They then organize this information in the form of a graphic log, showing the data charted on a graphic representation of the wellbore. The oil industry representative or company man provides mudloggers their instruction. The mudlogger is told when to start well-logging activity and what services to provide. The mudlogger may also possess logs from wells drilled in the surrounding area. This information (known as "offset data") can provide valuable clues as to the characteristics of the particular geo-strata that the rig crew is about to drill through.
Mudloggers observe and interpret the indicators in the mud returns during the drilling process. At regular intervals the mudlogger logs properties such as drilling rate, mud weight, flowline temperature, natural gas content and type, oil indicators, pump pressure, pump rate, lithology (rock type) of the drilled cuttings, and various other items of interest. The job of a mudlogger requires a good deal of diligence and attention. Sampling the drilled cuttings must be performed at predetermined intervals, and can be difficult during rapid drilling. Another important task of the mudlogger is to monitor gas levels and notify other personnel on the rig when gas levels may be reaching dangerous levels, so appropriate steps can be taken to avoid a dangerous well blowout.
Motorman is the person who operates an electrified trolley car, tram, light rail, or rapid transit train. The term refers to the person who is in charge of the motor (of the electric car) in the same sense as a railroad engineer is in charge of the engine. А motorman is the member of the drilling crew who is responsible for the maintenance and operation of the engines on an oil rig.
Floorhand works the "make-up" tongs on the Driller side of the drilling floor while tripping in the hole.
Depending on the size of the rig, its equipment, and other factors, a contractor usually hires two or three rotary helpers for each work shift. On small rigs drilling shallow wells, for example, two rotary helpers on a shift can safely and efficiently perform the required duties. On large rigs drilling deep holes, the job may require three rotary helpers, but not always. In any case, rotary helpers handle the lower end of the drill pipe when they are tripping it in or out (спускоподъемная операция) of the hole. They also use large wrenches called tongs to screw or unscrew (make up or break out) the individual stands of pipe. Besides handling pipe, rotary helpers also maintain the rig, help repair it, and keep it clean and painted.
Besides the drilling crew, many other persons work at the rig site. They may, be there during the entire time the well is being drilled, or they may come out only when their expertise or equipment is needed.
The operating company customarily has its own person on the drill site to supervise its interests. The company representative, like the toolpusher, usually lives on the rig site in a trailer or, portable building, and is in charge of all the operator's activities on the location. This person helps plan the strategy for drilling the well, orders all the needed supplies and services, and makes on-site decisions that affect the well's progress. The company representative and the toolpusher usually work closely together.
2. Match the words in the right column with the definitions in the left one.
1. company man | A. company which carries out an exploration / development |
2. derrick man | B. employee of a mud service company whose main responsibility on the rig is to test and maintain the mud properties |
3. operator | C. an employee of an operating company whose job is to represent the operator’s interests on the drilling rig |
4. roustabout | D. a member of the drilling crew whose work station is on the monkey board high up in the derrick. He is responsible for maintaining circulation equipment and direct rig floor activities |
5. driller | E. an individual / company that owns the drilling rig and employs the crew required to operate it |
6. roughneck | F. the men required to operate the drilling rig on the shift / tour/ This normally comprises a driller, derrick man and 2/3 roughnecks |
7. drilling crew | G. an employee of a drilling contractor who is responsible for the drilling rig and the crew |
8. drilling contractor | H. The company which carries out an exploration / development programme on a particular area for which they hold a license. |
9. tool pusher | I. company which provides specialized skills or equipment; may develop and maintain specialist tools and staff and hire them out to the operator |
10. service company | J. general labourer (worker) |
11. mud engineer | K. the employee of the drilling contractor who is in charge of the drilling rig and crew. His main duties are to operate the drilling equipment and direct rig floor activities |
12. operating company | L. an employee of a drilling contractor who works on a drill floor under te direction of a driller |
3. Match the questions about companies, people and their duties on the left with the answers on the right.
1. How much time does it take to fill out the drilling bid proposal? | A. You should know this pretty well! Computers in the field generate special graphs, called well logs. |
2. How are certain formation characteristics measured? | B. Sorry, but we’re waiting when the operating company accepts the bid. |
3. Should we pay the mineral holder? | C. You know, we must do it according to the safety requirements. |
4. Has you drawn up the contract yet? | D. The only thing I know is that it is usually mounted at a height ranging from about 15 to 34 meters. |
5. How is formation data analyzed? | E. Well, mainly by analyzing the returning drilling fluid. |
6. What is a monkeyboard? | F. I don’t know, I can help you to repair, clean, and even paint it if it is required. |
7. Is it so necessary to hire additional two rotary helpers? | G. Quite an interesting question! I guess they are trying to tighten a drill pipe. |
8. What are they doing? | H. Uh-huh, all these sums remained due. |
9. Who is responsible for drilling equipment? | I. If I were a contractor I would complete it without any delays. |
Вариант 7
1. Read the texts.
There are three types of environmental pollution: air, ground, and water pollution.
Air pollution
Acid rain
Historically, air pollution comes from industries and transport. Factories, power stations and cars burn oil and coal. This rises into the air as different forms of sulphur and nitrogen. The sulphur and nitrogen combine with water in the air to make sulphuric or nitric acid. This falls to the ground as acid rain.
We burn large quantities of coal and oil, and this creates millions of tonnes of acid rain. The wind carries the rain long distances, and this creates problems. One country makes acid rain, and it falls to the ground in another country, for example, Canada gets a lot of acid rain from the USA, and Norway gets a lot of acid rain from Britain.
The greenhouse effect
Industrial countries also cause the greenhouse effect (also called “global warming” or “climate change”). Burning coal and oil produces carbon dioxide (CO2). The (CO2) increases in the Earth’s atmosphere, and retains heat from the sun (it works like the glass in a greenhouse- it lets heat in, but doesn’t let the heat out).
The Earth is getting hotter. Weather patterns are changing: some places have no water for years, and some places have floods. When a country has no water, the effects are very hard- in Chile in 1999, the result was electricity cuts around the country. There was no water for the hydro-electric power stations.
Ozone layer depletion
The ozone layer is a band of gas around the Earth. It protects us from dangerous ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun. It is vital to human and animal survival.
Unfortunately, we are producing chemicals which destroy the ozone layer. The damage starts in the Antarctic and spreads. Sheep in the Magallanes are becoming blind because the ozone layer is thinner. In Australia, a lot of people are getting skin cancer from the sun.
- Find these words in the text. Match them with their meanings.
- Are the statements True or False?
- The page is from a magazine.
- The text describes different types of air pollution.
- Canada sends acid rain to the USA.
- Global warming is also called climate change.
- Industrial countries cause the “greenhouse effect”.
- You can see the effects of ozone layer depletion in Chile.
- Sheep are damaging the ozone layer.
Вариант 8
HSE is an abbreviation for Health, Safety and Environment.
1. Read the text and do the exercises.
In the modern business world the abbreviation HSE stands for Health, Safety and Environment. In practice this means that any business has legal responsibilities to ensure the health and safety of employees and other people affected bу their business activities while operating in an extremely friendly manner towards the environment.
If you happened to bе present аt any meeting in а western oil company the first thing you would notice is that the meeting starts with а brief safety introduction, that is to say an action plan that you have to follow in case of emergency. Another example of how seriously HSE is taken is that аt every operational meeting or meeting гelated to the general company performance one of the first indicators to bе discussed is performance in HSE. The lower the number of incidents or accidents, the better it is for the company.
Oil companies put HSE first amongst their priorities because the stock market and the shareholders consider the HSE performance of companies to bе а main indicator of the professionalism of the company. Everybody who works in companies like these, anywhere, is responsible for getting HSE right. Good HSE performance and the health, safety and security of everyone who works for the Company аге critical to the success of its business.
Goals саn bе simply stated: nо accidents, nо harm to people, nо damage to the environment. Under these circumstances companies continue to improve the environmental and health impact of their operations bу reducing waste, emissions and discharges, and using energy efficiently. They will produce quality products that сап bе used safely bу their customers. All leaders within companies аrе held accountable for accomplishing the HSE goals bу demonstrating correct HSE behaviors, bу clearly defining HSE roles and responsibilities and bу providing needed resources and bу measuring, reviewing and continuously improving HSE performance. In many companies the yearly bonus is not paid, if the HSE targets аrе not achieved.
The leadership is responsible for the HSE performance of its workforce. They should do this by personal example, by developing employee’s positive attitude towards HSE, setting clear goals and objectives, and creating an environment where employees understand it is all right for them to stop the work if they think HSE rules are not being followed.
All accidents, incidents or any other event causing danger to health safety or environment (including near misses – an accident that nearly happens), no matter how severe, need to be reported. Once reported they should be investigated and analyzed to develop learnings which can be used to prevent the same accident from occurring again. These learnings are distributed throughout the company.
Personal protective equipment (PPE) provides the last line of defense in protecting employees from injury and illness in the workplace. It does not replace prevention of an accident in the first place but it is an essential part of the HSE management system.
Alcohol and drug use is not permitted by the company and leaders shall ensure people under the influence of alcohol or drugs are not permitted to work on any company location. Storage or distribution of alcohol is not permitted anywhere under the company control. The company will carry out random testing for alcohol and searches for drugs and alcohol. If an employee is found to be addicted to drugs or alcohol the company will contribute to medical treatment.
No work shall commence until the number of HSE conditions are met. Risk and safety assessment have been done. All personnel are appropriately trained to do the work. The correct PPE is being worn. An escape plan form the place of work is in place. A permit to work for hazardous areas has been obtained. If any changes are made to the work conditions after the relevant permissions are obtained then work will stop.
When work is to be carried out at less than 2 m from the edge at a height of 1.3 m or more the following HSE rules must be followed: a fixed platform with hand rails shall be used; a preventer (safety line) shall be used that can bear the weight of at least 700 kg per person attached; special instructions and training for persons working at height shall be given.
Lifting operations utilizing cranes, hoists, or other mechanical devices can be carried out under the following conditions: risk assessment has been carried out prior to the work starting; all involved staff (crane operators, assistants etc) have been trained and certified (and carry the certificates) to operate the lifting machinery. The lifting equipment should have an up to date technical inspection certificate.
Vehicle Requirements: all vehicles must be fit for the purpose and be maintained and in a safe condition; seat belts must be present and functional and the vehicles should be fitted with a fire extinguisher and first aid kit; the number of passengers and loads should not exceed the manufactures specifications.
Drivers Requirements: seat belt must be worn by all the occupants at all times, whenever a vehicle is in motion; drivers must hold the appropriate licenses; drivers must not be under the influence of drugs or alcohol; headlights are to be used day and night during the winter; mobile phones are not to be used when the vehicle is on motion.
Contractors are one of the key factors in the company’s HSE performance. Contractors are expected to follow the same HSE requirements as the employees, therefore contracts will contain an HSE section. The company will use contractors that meet the standards of HSE required and will work with other contractors to help them improve. The company will also continuously monitor the contracts HSE performance and demand improvements when identified.
The crisis and emergency management system is a system of interaction between various company units to manage the company’s activities in the event that various incidents, accidents and other emergencies arise.
In the air protection area the company shall: monitor all polluting emissions including green house gas emission; eliminate continuous flaring of associated gas.
In the area of biodiversity preservation the company shall: strive to avoid working in environmentally protected or sensitive areas; strive to avoid installing impassable obstacles that may prevent migration of animals; minimize the impact on wildlife.
In the area of water control and protection the company shall: minimize the consumption of fresh water; not discharge waste water into the water table; carry out its operations in a manner that doesn’t contaminate water sources; continuously monitor its water usage and discharge.
In the area of land protection the company shall: optimize land usage to minimize the industrially effected area; avoid operating in native habitation areas or sites of archeological or cultural value; minimize soil erosion.
2. Fill in the gaps with the word(s) from the list below. Explanation to these terms are given in the brackets.
performance appropriate remediation PPE risk assessment impact preventer near misses
- Before starting oil exploration a company should perform________ including identification of risks and hazards as well as the ways of removing them (defining risks out of the work).
- The accident took place because of the absence of _______and other necessary equipment at the workplace (safety line).
- Labour protection includes application of ___________in the process of operation (safety clothes and footwear).
- The personnel of our company is specially trained in safety method of work ________ (doing, fulfilment).
- At the beginning of field development an oil company should assess the possible __________to the environment (influence).
- The drivers are required to hold the __________ driving licenses (proper, relevant).
- To prevent accidents from occurring again it is necessary to investigate not only incidents, but also _________(an accident that nearly happens).
3. Match the problems with the ways of their solution.
1. The crewmember can fall from the platform at 2 meter height | A. The personnel should wear PPE. |
2.The employee was found drunkard on the company location | B. Mobile phones are not to be used when vehicle is on motion. |
3. The operator collapses in the process of pumping fluid | C. The company will remediate the impact to the environment |
4. The accident happened because the driver was distracted by mobile phone call | D. А preventer shall bе used that саn bear the weight of аt least 700 kg per person attached. |
5. Great damage is done to landscape of the area in the process of field development | E. The employee should contribute to medical treatment. |
4. Match the items with their function.
1. seat belts | A. a special tool for extinguishing fire |
2. respirator | B. safety tools given for every worker |
3. fire extinguisher | C. a special rope intended for working at height |
4. personal protective equipment | D. straps in a car to prevent passengers from falling out of it |
5. ear-protector | E. a means of protecting breathing organs from inhaling harmful gases |
6. preventer | F. a means of protecting ears from laud noises |
5. Classify the words into 2 categories. Guess what these categories are. Add some more items to each category.
Risk assessment, greenhouse gas emissions, disturbed land, personal protective equipment, major incidents, incident investigation, near misses, contamination of water sources, environmental monitoring, impassable obstacles.
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