2.2 Внеклассная работа

Краюхина Елена Алексеевна

А можно ли у школьников вызвать к занятиям настолько больший интерес, что они, встречая учителя, многократно обращаются к нему с одним и тем же вопросом: «Когда же у нас будет занятие?». И ждут его, предвкушая это занятие как своеобразный праздник.

Такие моменты, когда учитель сумел вызвать окрыленность и подлинный интерес учащихся к предмету, являются для него поистине счастливыми. Из них и складывается радость педагогического труда.

Благодаря такому общему подъему дети начинают смотреть на учителя открыто и влюблено, ожидая, не подарит ли он им еще мгновения занимательности и увлеченности. Удивление, острый интерес учащихся, радость на их лицах можно наблюдать  во время атмосферы творческого вдохновения, самостоятельной индивидуальной и коллективной практической деятельности в процессе различных видов внеклассной работы.

Анализ опыта проведения внеклассной работы позволяет сформулировать некоторые принципы её организации:

  • внеклассная работа должна быть органически связана с учебной работой;
  • внеклассная работа по иностранному языку должна строиться на основе учёта возрастных особенностей, а так же знаний и навыков учащихся;
  • внеклассная работа по иностранным языкам должна строиться на основе сочетания индивидуальной, кружковой и массовой форм;
  • успех внеклассной работы находится в зависимости от того, насколько умело учитель сочетает активность и самостоятельность учащихся со своей руководящей ролью.


Предварительный просмотр:

  “The Bremen Musicians


Действующие лица:

- Трубадур

- Кот

- Пес

- Осел

- Петух

- Принцесса

- Король

- Стражники (2)

- Атаманша

-Разбойники (3)

- Ведущие(2)

- Мельник

- Хозяйка кота

- Хозяйка петуха




1 Author:Many years ago there lived a miller. He had an ass. It was nice, clever and strong. The ass worked on the mill for many years, it carried bags with flour. But it became old and the miller pushed him out.

Miller: Go away! Don’t come back! You are old and weak and you can’t help me any more! Go away!

Ass:Oh! Poor me! What shall I do? I am old and weak. Where shall I go?


Well. I can go to Bremen town and there I will become a town musician.


2 Author: And he did so. He went to Bremen town. On his way he saw a dog.


Ass:Why are you breathing so hard? What happened to you?

Dog:Oh, Ass, I am so tired because I was running very hard.

Ass:Why were you running?

Dog:You see, Ass, I lived with a hunter for many years. I ran in the fields and forests and helped him. But now I grew old and my master wants to kill me. Oh, poor me! I ran away and don’t know what to do.


Ass:Don’t worry, come with me. I am going to Bremen town. We’ll be musicians there. You will sing and play drums and I will play the guitar.

Dog:Oh, great, let’s go!


1 Author:And so they went together.


Cat’s owner: Bad cat! Why don’t you catch mice any more? I needn’t such cat in my house. I will drown you in the river.

Cat: Oh, no!


2 Author: On their way they saw a cat. The cat was very sad. 


Ass:Why do you look so sad?

Dog:What happened to you?

Cat:Oh, poor me, you see, Dog and Ass, for many years I lived with my mistress and caught mice and rats. But now I grew old, my teeth became weak and my mistress wants to drown me in the river. So I ran away from the house but I don’t know what to do . Who can help me? Oh, poor me.


Ass:Don’t cry, come with us. We are going to Bremen town.

Dog:Your voice is nice. You will sing and play the violin, Ass will play the guitar and I will play the drums.

Cat: Oh, great, I will go with you. Thank you, my friends.


 1 Author: And so they went together.


Cock’s owner: Tomorrow many guests will come. I need some food. Good cock, nice, fat cock. The soup will be tasty.


2 Author: On their way they saw a cock. The cock was very sad.

Ass:What happened to you, cock?

Dog: Why are you crying so bitterly?

Ass: Who offended you?

Cock: Oh, Dog. Oh, Ass. How can I stop crying. Tomorrow many guests will come to my master’s house. They want to kill me and make soup. What can I do?

   ( петух плачет)

Ass:Come with us. We are going to Bremen town and will become town musicians.

Dog:I will play the drums, Cat will sing and play the violin, Ass will play the guitar.

Cat:Your voice is nice. You will sing and play the balalaika.

Cock: OK, friends, I will be happy to go with you.


 1 Author:  They were walking throw the forest and suddenly met a trumpeter. He was going along the road and carrying a large bag.

Ass:Hello, guy, what are you doing in the forest?

Trumpeter:Hello, friends. I am going to Bremen town. I want to organise a group. You see, I have some instruments but no musicians.

Ass, Cat, Dog, Cock: We can help you.

Cock: We are going to Bremen too.

Cat: We want to be musicians too.

Dog:But we have no instruments.

Trumpeter: Take them if you like and let’s go together.

   (взяли инструменты и идут все вместе)


2 Author: So they went on. Soon the night came and it got dark. Ass and Dog sat under a tree and Cat and Cock sat in the tree. Cock began to look around and he saw a fire.

Cock: Look, there’s a fire in the forest!

Ass:Let’s go and see, maybe it’s a house.

Dog: Maybe there is some meat there. I’d like to eat it.

Cat: Maybe there is some milk there. I’d like to drink it.

1 Author: So they got up and went towards the fire. Very soon they came out to the open field and saw a house there. There was light in the windows. They came up to the house.

 (подошли к дому и осел встал на пенек и заглянул в окно)

Dog: What is there?

Trumpeter: What can you see?

Ass:I see robbers sitting by the fire. They are sitting at the table, eating and drinking.

Cock: Oh, I am so hungry.

Cat: And I am so thirsty.

  (разбойники сидят за столом, вбегает еще один)

1st Robber: Oh, guys, good news.

Robbers: What? What?

1st Robber:Tomorrow the King will go through the forest. And you know that he has much money.

Robbers: Yes! Great! Wonderful. We like money!


1st Robber: So, look here, tomorrow we will catch the king and take all his money. We will be rich, very rich!

3 Robber: But don’t you know that the King has many guards.

1st Robber: Don’t be stupid, we are not afraid of them. Our attack will be a surprise.

Trumpeter: Have you heard? We must do something. Let’s think of a plan.

  (обсуждают план действий, затем вваливаются в дом и кричат не своими голосами, кот – лает, петух кричит по ослиному, собака кукарекает, осел мяукает)

Robbers: Oh, my God! What is it? Help! Help!

  (разбойники убегают, а музыканты заходят и садятся за стол, едят и  пьют)

Trumpeter: You see, friends, we frightened them very much. I don’t think they will come back. And now let’s have a sleep here.


1 Robber: What was it?

2 Robber:  Go and look into the house.

3 Robber:Oh, no, I can’t. I am afraid.

  ( разбойники замахиваются на него, он падает на колени)

3 Robber:Oh, no, please.


2 Author: The robber came to the house where the friends were sleeping. He opened the door and came in.

3 Robber: It’s so dark. I see nothing.

  (разбойник наступил на кота, тот его поцарапал, убегая, он задел пса, тот укусил его за ногу, петух клюнул в голову, осел ударил копытом)

1 Author: Very frightened he came to his comrades.

Robbers:What is there? Tell us. What did you see?

3 Robber: It was terrible! Horrible giants settled in our house. One of them hurt my face, another cut me with his knife, third bit me upon my back with a large stick. And they shouted “Stop thief!”

Robbers: I am afraid. Let’s go away.



2 Author: In the morning our friends got up.

  (просыпаются, потягиваются)

Trumpeter: Well, friends, did you hear yesterday what the robbers said?

Cat: They spoke about the King.

Ass: Yes, he will go through the forest.

Trumpeter: Have you seen the Princess, his daughter?

Dog: No, but I heard that she’s very beautiful.

Trumpeter: If only I could marry her.

  (собираются в кружок)

Cock: Let’shelpourfriend.

  (все вместе обсуждают план)

1 Author: Very soon the King appeared on the road. His brave guards followed him.

  (под музыку выходит король и его стража)

1 Guard: We are the bravest.

2 Guard: We are the strongest.

 All Guards: We are the best guards in the world.

  (король оглядывается по сторонам)

King: I don’t like this forest. It is dark. And what if there are robbers here?

All Guards: Don’t worry, be happy.

  ( поют и танцуют под музыку”Don’tworry”)

King: But look, there is nobody around. If robbers come who will help? Iamafraid.

 (появляются переодетые в разбойников музыканты, прогоняют стражу и связывают короля, а Трубадур его спасает)

King: Oh, you are my savior. I will make any your wish.

Trumpeter: Oh, I love the Princess. If only I could marry her.

King: You saved my life so I will do as I promised. Let’s go to the palace.

2 Author: Everybody went to the palace where the Princess was waiting.


Princess: Oh, father, what happened to you? Your guards returned home without you.

King: It was terrible. Those  robbers. They wanted to kill me and this brave man saved my life.

Trumpeter: Hello, Princess. I am a trumpeter.

Princess: Nice to meet you. Thank you for your help. I am glad to see you.

King: Holiday, holiday, everybody to the party!

   (всевеселятся и поют)


There is nothing in the world that’s better

Than to travel with your friends wherever.

Those, who are friendly, are not afraid of troubles,

We are glad to travel in the suburbs – 2 times.


Our carpet is the field of flowers,

Our walls are tall trees and spring showers,

Our roof is sky with sun and clouds,

Happiness is friends, without doubts – 2 times.

Предварительный просмотр:

Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку на тему: «Easter»

(предназначен для учащихся начальной школы, УМК – любой)



Narrator 1



Narrator 2

Old woman


Boy 2

Pupils 1-5

Video Holidays All Around the World (продолжительность фрагмента 1min 30 sec)

Pupil 1: People celebrate different holidays all over the world. Some holidays are funny and some holidays are patriotic and dedicated to historical events. Some holidays are international and people celebrate them everywhere but in a different way.

Pupil 2: Our project is about Easter. Easter is one of the most important holidays in Russia. Russians decorate eggs and bake a special cake. But do you know anything about Easter in Britain or the USA? If not, don’t worry. Today you’re going to learn a lot about Easter stories and traditions and compare them with what we have in Russia.

Pupil 3: Easter is a festival that people celebrate on the first Sunday after the first full moon in spring.  Easter marks the end of winter and the beginning of spring.

Pupil 4: First of all, Easter is a public holiday. In the UK, schools close for two weeks at Easter time.

Pupil 3: That’s a pity that we don’t have Easter holidays.

Pupil 4: The day before Easter is called Good Friday and people eat hot cross buns. Look, these are hot cross buns with a white cross on them. And there is a legend about them.

Narrator 1: Once upon a time there lived a monk.

Monk: I walk along the streets and see many poor families. Easter is in two days and on that great holiday families shouldn’t be hungry. What should I do for them? (Задумывается.) Oh, I know! I’ll bake a lot of buns with rasins inside! I’ll decorate them with a cross and give them to poor families.

Narrator 1: So he did. Then he saw a little boy nearby.

Monk: What’s your name, little boy?

Giles: Giles.

Monk: Do you want my buns, Giles?

Giles: Yes, please. Could you give me your basket of buns? I want to sell them.

Narrator 1: The boy was in old clothes and had a dirty face. The monk felt sorry for him.

Monk: All right, I’ll give you my basket of buns.

Narrator 1: That Easter morning Giles went with his basket from house to house, singing loudly: One a penny, two a penny, hot cross buns!

Giles: Oh, I’ve sold all the buns and now I have some money! But there are so many poor people. I’ll go to church and put it in the box for the poor.

Narrator 1: And so he did. That boy had a very kind heart. Nowadays all children sing that song.

Все дети выходят на сцену и хором поют песню «Hot Cross Buns». 

Hot Cross Buns Nursery rhyme song

Hot cross buns,
Hot cross buns,
One a penny,
Two a penny,
Hot cross buns.

Give them to your daughters,
Give them to your sons,
One a penny,
Two a penny,
Hot cross buns.

Pupil 3: Wow! That’s really cool!

Pupil 4: And what about eggs? Do English children enjoy painting eggs like we do in Russia?

Pupil 1: Of course, they do. Many children believe that Easter Bunny brings eggs and hides them for children on Easter morning.

Pupil 3: Easter Bunny? Who is that?

Narrator 2: There are many different legends about Easter Bunny but here is the most popular.

На слайде маленький домик.

Narrator 2: A long time ago there was an old woman who loved children.

Old woman: Every year I give my children presents to celebrate spring. But this year is very bad: we have nothing to eat and we are very poor. I have nothing to give to my poor children! What shall I do? (Задумывается). Oh! I have some eggs. I will paint them and hide them in the yard.

Приходят дети.

Boy 1: Spring has come! The sky is blue!

Boy 2: The sun is shining! The birds are singing!

Boys (together): We are so happy!

Old woman: My dear children, go to the yard and you’ll find your presents there.

Дети бегут в сад и ищут яйца. Один ребенок увидел кролика и закричал.

Boy 1: Look! A rabbit!

Boy 2: Oh, now I know that this rabbit has brought us eggs!

Narrator 2: So the children thought that the rabbit left the eggs for them! And ever since children have searched for eggs left by the Easter rabbit. It is called the Easter Egg Hunt.

Pupil 3: Well, that’s not all, of course. There is another tradition in English-speaking countries. It is called the Easter Egg Roll.

Video the Easter Egg Roll (8:22-8:43)

Pupil 1: For most British children, Easter means chocolate Easter eggs. The shops are full of bright Easter displays decorated with chicks, rabbits and flowers. 90 million chocolate eggs are sold in the UK each year, and each child gets about eight chocolate eggs.  Some people believe that too much chocolate is eaten at Easter time and most doctors and dentists wouldn’t advise people to eat too many Easter eggs.

Pupil 4: But Easter isn’t just about eating chocolate eggs and egg rolling. There is also famous Morris dancing.

Pupil 5: What dancing? I have never heard about that!

Pupil 4: Morris dance is a form of English folk dance. People hold sticks, swords or handkerchiefs while dancing. Look at the screen.

Video Morris dancing in Oxford

Pupil 5: But one of the best known Easter customs, which has a long history, is Easter parade or Easter Bonnet parade as they call it in Britain.

Pupil 4: What is it all about?

Pupil 5: People traditionally wear new clothes and different hats. The most famous parades are along Fifth Avenue in New York and in Battersea Park in London.

  1. Video Easter Hat Parade (продолжительность фрагмента - 1min 20 sec)

Pupil 5: Now you’ve learned a lot about Easter traditions in English-speaking countries. As you see, they are different from ours. But there is one thing in common – Easter joy!

(together): Happy Easter!

Все выходят на сцену и кланяются.

Использованные материалы:

  1. Video Holidays All Around the World https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lp3xpaLeasM
  2. Hot Cross Buns Nursery rhyme song


  1. Video the Easter Egg Roll


  1. Video Morris dancing in Oxford https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RZjLATAUwao
  2. Video Easter Hat Parade


  1. http://festival.1september.ru/articles/626528/
  2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Morris_dance

Предварительный просмотр:


  • Kay.
  • Gerda.
  • The Snow Queen.
  • Granny.
  • The King's Counselor.
  • The Rose.
  • Gentleman-Crow.
  • Lady-Crow.
  • Prince Kay.
  • Princess.
  • The Old Robber Woman.
  • The Little Robber Girl.
  • Reindeer.
  •  3 Robbers.        
  • The servants of the King.

Teacher’s words: Good afternoon, Ladies & Gentlemen! Good afternoon, boys & girls! Nice to see you. Today is a special day. We are going to perform you a new play. One day I’ve heard somebody say “ I’ve been waiting impatiently for a new performance!” How do you think who it was? To tell the truth it was our headmaster! But I hope these words regard you too!

So, as for the performance, it will be the Snow Queen, a wonderful fairy-tale written by H.-Ch. Anderson. As you know he is a famous story-teller from Denmark. His fairy-tales are very interesting. By reading them we learn it be kind, hornest & friendly, to love & respect each other. I think you’ll understand what I mean by watching our “Snow Queen”.

So, let’s imagine ourselves in a faraway land of fairy-tales…

Добрый день, леди и джентльмены! Добрый день, девочки и мальчики! Мы рады вас приветствовать здесь! Сегодня особенный день: мы хотим представить вам новую пьесу. Как-то я услышала слова: «Жду с нетерпеньем нового представления!» И как вы думаете, кто их произнес? Честно говоря, это был наш директор! Но я надеюсь, что это могли быть и вы, наши зрители.

Что же касается представления, это будет «Снежная королева», чудесная сказка , написанная Г.-К. Андерсеном. Как вы знаете, это известный сказочник из Дании. Его волшебные сказки очень интересны. Читая их, мы учимся быть добрыми, честными и дружелюбными, любить и уважать друг друга. Я думаю, вы поймете, что я имею в виду, посмотрев нашу «Снежную Королеву».

Итак, давайте представим себя в далекой-далекой стране сказок…

Scene I

A poor but tidy room with a fireplace and a large, frost-covered window. There are two armchairs: one by the window and the other by the fireplace, there is a rose bush in front of the stage. Kay and Gerda are in the room.

Gerda. Hallo, boys and girls! This is my brother. We live here, in

        this little house with our Granny. My name is Gerda.

Kay.    And my name is Kay.

The children go to the fireplace, sit down on the carpet near the fireplace and begin to look at the pictures in a book. The sound of creaking stairs.

Kay.   What is it?        ;

Gerda.    Somebody is coming...

 Kay.      Oh, yes. Somebody is really coming.  

          Gerda.     Here is our Granny. (There is a knock at the door.) Why is  

                 She knocking? Keep quiet! Let's frighten her and hide  


Kay.     All right!

Gerda hides behind the armchair near the fireplace and Kay behind the armchair near the window. The door opens and a tall thin man enters the room. He is dressed in black.        

Kay. Bow-wow-wow! (Rushes from behind the armchair on fours.)

Gerda. Miaow, miaow!

Man. What is going on in this house? Why are you shouting, you  

           silly children?

Gerda. We are very sorry. We thought you were our Granny.

Man. What nonsense! As you can see, I am not your Granny!

           (He looks around.) Where are the roses?

Gerda (in confusion). Here they are.

Man. I see. They are rather beautiful! They are in blossom.

The door opens and a clean white-haired old woman enters the room.

Kay. Granny!

Gerda. Our Granny!

Granny. My dear children... (Suddenly she sees the man and stops  


Man. Good evening, ma'am,

Granny. Good evening, sir. What can I do for you?

               And who are you?

Man. I'm the King's Counselor. I've heard about your roses,

          and I want to buy them.

Granny. Do you like flowers so much?

King’s Counselor.  Not at all. I hate them.

Granny. Then why do you want to buy our roses?

King's Counselor. I buy rarities. In winter flowers are rare.

                               That's why I want to buy your roses.

                                I can see that you are very poor.

                                Here are ten pounds for your roses.

Granny. I am not going to sell the roses. We like them so much.

Gerda. Yes, we enjoy them greatly.

King's Counselor. Twenty pounds.

Granny. No.

King's Counselor. Thirty... fifty... one hundred.

Granny. No.

King's Counselor.  Oh, I see you are very sly.

                                  Two hundred pounds for your roses!

Granny. No.

King's Counselor. I don't think you understand who I am, ma'am. I'll say it again! I am the King's Counselor. I am very, very rich. I sell ice. I know the Snow Queen herself. She helps me. I can buy everything. I'll ask you the second time: how much are these roses?

Granny. These roses are not for sale.

King's Counselor. Then... then you are a crazy old woman.

Kay.  Don't shout at our Granny! Everybody respects her.

           She is so kind.

Gerda. Yes, yes, don't shout at her. We love her so much.

King's Counselor. Well, I am leaving. But I'll take revenge on you. And it will be very soon. I'll tell the Snow Queen about you. (Goes out of the room.)

Kay. What an angry old man!

Gerda. He wanted to take our roses. And he said that he would tell the Snow Queen about us. Granny, who is she?

Granny. The Snow Queen lives in the North in her ice palace.

                She is very beautiful, but very cruel.

Kay. Granny, have you ever seen her?

Granny. No, I haven't. But I've heard a lot about her.

               Be calm, children!

Suddenly a beautiful woman appears in the room. She is dressed in white.

Kay. Oh, who are you?

Snow Queen. I am the Snow Queen. Good evening, all of you.

Granny. Good evening, Your Majesty. Sit down, please.

               Would you like some tea?

Snow Queen. No, no! It's too hot for me.

                       I want to have a talk with you, ma'am.

I was told about you. You are a very nice woman, but you are very poor. And you have two children. I suppose it must be difficult for you to bring them both up. And I am quite alone, but very rich. So, I will take this boy from you.

Kay. What?

Snow Queen. He will live with me, and he will be a son to me.

Kay. Granny, I don 4 want to go with her!

Gerda. Granny, don't give Kay to this woman.

Granny. Don't worry, children. I will never let him go.

 Kay (to the Snow Queen). Did you hear my Granny?

 Snow Queen. You must think, Kay. You will be my only son.

You will live in the palace with me and I'll give you everything you want!

Kay. No. I don't want to leave Gerda and Granny!

Snow Queen. All right, Kay. Stay here. (Comes up to Kay and touches his chest with her magic wand.) Good-bye to you all.       (To Kay.) See you soon, my boy.

           Kay. (Touches his chest) Ha-ha-ha! Oh, how funny and fat you are, Granny! And you, Gerda, you are so ugly!

Gerda. Granny, Granny, what's the matter with him?

Granny. Kay, I don't recognize you.

Kay. Oh, I am sick and tired of you both. I hate everything here.

         I don't want to live in this poor house. I am leaving.

         Good-bye! (Runs out.).

Gerda. Kay! Kay! (Embraces her Granny and weeps.)

Scene II.

Gerda is crying near the roses.

Gerda.  Oh, my God! Kay is dead! He’ll never come back!

              Oh, my poor Kay!

The Rose. Don’t believe it!  Don’t believe!

Gerda. Rose? Do you believe that he is alive?

The Rose. He is alive, my pretty girl! Believe me! My roots have never seen him under the ground, so Kay has never been to the Kingdom of the Death. You should find him!

Gerda. How it is strange! What’s up with me? Certainly I should find him!

The Rose. Gerda, my dear girl, listen to the sun, listen to the wind, listen to the rivers, listen to the trees, listen to all in the world, but mainly listen to your heart! Your heart is so kind, so lovely and so brave! It’s really a gold one! Go anywhere your heart wants you to

go and you’ll find Kay, I know it!

Gerda. But the Snow Queen…

The Rose. Don’t be afraid of her! Go, go, my dear! Your kind heart will be able to save you both!

Gerda. Thank you, my dear Rose! I have no time to stand! I am going all around the Earth to save him! Good buy.

The Rose. Good buy Gerda, and good luck, good luck!

Scene III.

Gerda is singing “Why no replay?”

There is a stone in front of the curtain. Being extremely tired, Gerda comes slowly up to this stone and sits down on it.

Gerda. Oh, how tired I am! I've been looking for Kay for so long, but nobody seems to know anything about him. Now I know what it is to be lonely. I am very sad and tired, but I must go on and find my brother.        

Lady-Crow and Gentleman-Crow come from behind the curtain. Gentleman-Crow speaks tonelessly and not very distinctly.

Gentleman-Crow. Caw, Caw! Good morning, young lady.

Gerda. Good morning to you.

Lady-Crow. Where are you going, young lady?

Gerda. I am looking for my brother Kay.

Gentleman-Crow and Lady-Crow (together). Caw! Caw! Caw!

Lady-Crow. Oh, we happen to know this name.

                      It's the name of our prince.

                      We live in the palace and if you want to see him,

                      we'll take you there.

Gentleman-Crow. And you'll see your brother.

Gerda. Oh, thank you very much!

Gentleman-Crow. Let's go.

 (They leave.)

Scene IV.

A hall in the King's palace. The Prince and the Princess are playing chess.

Prince. Stop playing this game, Elza. I am tired of chess.

              Let's play another game.

Princess. Then let's play hide-and-seek, Kay.

Prince. All right! You hide now and I'll count up to twenty! I'll begin now: one, two, three...

He turns back and counts. The Princess is running round the hall, searching for shelter. Suddenly she sees Gerda and the two Crows. The Princess shrieks with fear and jumps to one side.

Princess. Oh, who's there?

Prince. Is it a rat?

Princess. No, it is not a rat. It's a little girl and two Crows.

Prince. What are you doing here, young lady? How did you get here? And why are you crying?

Gerda. My name is Gerda. I am crying because you are not my

brother Kay. He was carried away by the Snow Queen. The Crows have told me that my brother has become a prince and that he lives in the palace. That's why I am here! (She sighs.) But I see now that the Crows were mistaken!

Prince. Don't cry, Gerda. We'll help you. Where will you go from here?

Gerda. I'll go farther, to the North. I must find the Snow Queen.        

Princess. But that's a long way. Gerda, Never mind, Г am not afraid.

Prince. I think I know what to do. We'll give her a carriage.

Princess (clapping her hands). What a brilliant idea! A gold carriage!

Prince. And you, Elza, give her a coat, a hat, fur boots and a muff! Princess. With great pleasure. I have lots of them. (To the servants.) Bring my clothes for Gerda!

The servants bring the Princess's clothes and give them to Gerda.

Gerda. Thank you very much!

Scene V.

Gerda is singing “Why no reply?”

Suddenly a piercing whistle is heard.

Gerda. Kay! Kay!

A camp of robbers in the forest. The Old Woman Robber is sitting near the fire. There is a lot of noise and shouting, a group of robbers appears. They have brought Gerda.

1st Robber. Look what we've got!

2nd Robber. Here is a gold carriage!

1st Robber. And this is the girl from the carriage!

Old Woman Robber. Hey! Hey! Stop talking! Show me it!

1st Robber. This girl is a princess I know!

Old Woman Robber. Princess?

2nd Robber. Yes! Yes! Look here!

Old Woman Robber. Oh, how nice and fat she is! I think she will be very tasty. (Takes out a knife.)

Gerda. Don't kill me, please! Wait a little. Take my muff, my hat, my coat, and my fur boots. Only let me go.

2nd Robber. What a silly girl!

1st Robber.  (To Gerda). You'll be killed!

Gerda. Dear robbers, listen to me, please. Don't laugh at me. Let me go. Kay will die without me and he is a very, very good boy. (Through tears.) Please, I beg you. Let me go.

1st Robber and 2nd Robber. No, no come here!

Old Woman Robber. No, I'm going to eat you up!

3rd Robber. Come to me, my dear, come, come…

She raises her hand. At that moment a pretty, healthy, black-haired girl rushes in.

Little Girl Robber. Don't touch her! Oh, what a nice girl! She will play with me. She will be mine.

2nd Robber. No, she will be mine.

3rd Robber. No, mine. I want to play with her too.

                     She will be my doll!

 Old Woman Robber. (To the robbers.) All of you go away or I'll

kill you, I give her to my daughter.

 Little Girl Robber. (To Gerda.) Oh, how pretty you are! You'll be my friend. Give me your muff, your coat and your hat. What is your name, girl?

Gerda. Gerda. You can take my clothes, but I am afraid I'll be very cold when I get to the Snow Queen's Kingdom.

Little Girl Robber (stamping her foot). No! You won't go there... You will live with me. Look what I've got. (She whistles.) Come, come here quickly! (The Reindeer appears.) Gerda, look, how funny he is. (She gets a big knife out and touches the Reindeer's neck.)

Gerda. Oh, please, don't do it.

Little Girl Robber. But why? I like the way he trembles all over.

Gerda (to the Little Girl Robber). May I ask him a question?

Little Girl Robber. Yes, you may.

Gerda. Tell me, Reindeer, did you live in the North?

Reindeer. Oh, yes. (Sighs.)

Gerda. And have you ever seen the Snow Queen?

Reindeer. Yes, I have.

Gerda. He has seen he:

Reindeer. Yes, I have seen her. Once she passed me. She had a little boy by her side. He was white with cold, but he was smiling. The Snow Queen called him Kay.

Gerda. Kay, it was Kay! He is my brother. Oh, dear girl, let me go, please. I must save Kay. He was white with cold. He will die there, in the North. If you don’t leave me, it will be crime!

Reindeer. Do let her go. I'll take Gerda to the Snow Queen's Kingdom. 

Little Girl Robber. But Love is no crime! Come here!

 She is singing “Love is no crime”. Everybody is dancing.

Little Girl Robber. All right! There is nothing to be done. Take
your coat and your hat. But I won't give you your muff 'I like it myself. And you should dance, then you can go.        

Gerda  is dancing.

Little Girl Robber. Kiss me. Good luck, Gerda!

Gerda. Thank you, girl. (Kisses her.)Good-bye! Good-bye!

Scene VI.

The head of the Reindeer appears in the middle of the curtain. He looks around and doesn't go any farther. Gerda follows him.

Gerda. Tell me, Reindeer; is this the Kingdom of the Snow Queen? Reindeer. Yes, it is. But I can't go any farther. Aren't you afraid to go there?

Gerda. Certainly, I am. But I have to go and set my brother free. Reindeer. There is one thing you must remember. The Snow Queen is very cruel and it is very difficult to get into the palace.

Gerda. Nevertheless I will go there.

Reindeer. Hurry up, then! The Snow Queen is out today. (Disappears.)

Gerda (shouts). Thank you, my dear friend!

Scene VII.

The Snow Queen is sitting on her throne.

Kay is sitting on the small chair.

Snow Queen. Kay, my boy! How are you? Oh, you quite frozen I see. It’s good, very good! This night I have been flying over the land, and how do think, what I’ve seen? A little silly girl Gerda by name.

Kay. Gerda?

Snow Queen. Gerda, Gerda! Ha-ha-ha! Poor girl! She is so crazy that wants to be a rival of mine! I know she has gone a long way to my Kingdom and very soon she will be here, very soon… Kay, my dear, do you hear? Gerda! She wants to take you away of me, to deprive you of this wonderful life at my Kingdom. If you go away with Gerda, you’ll never see this palace, this world and me! Do you want to leave me, Kay?

Kay. No, you are my Queen! But, Gerda… Who is she?

Snow Queen. Excellent! You really have forgotten her! Stand up, Kay, come to me, please. This is anew quiz for you. You must make the word “Eternity” out of this icicles and I’ll give you the whole world as a present and a pair of skates.

Kay. O.K.

Snow Queen.        Now          I am leaving you. I should whitewash   everything a little. Winter is my season, my time, you see…Oh!  

Snow is very useful for grapes and lemons. See you soon, Kay!

The Snow Queen is singing “Winter Time”.        

Scene VIII.

The hall in the Snow Queen's palace. Kay is sitting on a big throne. He is pale. He is playing with icicles.

Gerda. Kay! Are you quite frozen? (Shakes him by his shoulders.)
Answer me! If you don't answer me, I'll die with sorrow!
Kay. Hush, Gerda! You are bothering me.        

Gerda. Kay, dear Kay; it's me!

Kay. Yes, I see.

Gerda. Kay, have you forgotten me?

Kay. No. I never forget anything.

Gerda. How can you speak to me in such a way? You didn't even

say to me "Glad to see you".

Kay. Glad to see you.        

Gerda. You sound so cold and far away. I've been looking for you

all over the world and now I am even afraid to come up to you. Are

you really my brother Kay?

 Kay. I am really Kay, but I am very busy now. 1 must make the word ETERNITY out of the icicles. And the Snow Queen will give me the whole world as a present and a pair of skates.

Gerda. Kay, my silly boy, let's go home. I can't leave you here, all alone. I don't like it here. You just remember. It's spring now. The sky is blue. The sun is shining.

Kay. You... you are disturbing me.

King’s Counselor. What’s up here?

Gerda. I want Kay to go with me. You’ve stolen his life!

King’s Counselor. It’s his life, his problems, girl!

Kay. It’s my life!

They are singing “It’s my Life”.

Gerda. Kay, let's go away!

Gerda is singing “Come back & Stay”.

Gerda. Our Granny is waiting for us. She's been waiting for you all this time. (Weeps and embraces Kay.)

Kay. Our Granny! (He shivers.) I am cold, Gerda. Is it you? What's the matter with you? Why are you crying? How did you get here? (Looks around.) It's so cold here. (He tries to stand up and walk, but his legs won't obey him.) I can't walk.

Gerda. You can. Let's go. Never mind your legs. You'll learn to walk. We will get home. (Takes off her fur coat and puts it on Kay's shoulders.)

Scene IX.

The same room as in Scene 1. Granny is sitting in the armchair knitting. The Little Girl Robber, the Prince, the Princess and the Crows are in the room.

Granny. I've been, waiting and waiting for them for such a long time. But I feel that tonight my children will come back at last.

Old Woman Robber. Can you hear? The stairs are creaking.

Gentleman-Crow. They are coming!

Princess. The stairs are creaking so merrily.

The door opens and Kay and Gerda rush into the room holding each other by their hands.

Little Girl Robber. Granny, look, this is Gerda!

Princess. Granny, look, this is Kay!

1st Robber. Welcome home!

Granny. My dear children! You have come back at last! (Embraces the children.)

The door opens and the Snow Queen and the King's Counselor dash into room.

Snow Queen. You must give this boy back to me at once or I'll turn you into ice!

King's Counselor. And after that I'll crack you all into pieces and sell you.

Snow Queen. Kay, you must go with me?

Gerda, Prince, Princess, Gentleman-Crow, Lady-Crow and the Little Girl Robber take each other by hands and fence Kay in. Granny embraces him.

Gerda. Nobody is afraid of you here. You can't turn people with warm hearts into ice.

Snow Queen. Oh, we'll see! (Raises her hands. The whistle and the howling of the wind is heard.)

 3rd Robber. You can wave arms, your legs and your tail, but we won't give you Kay.

Prince. And I am not cold at all.

    The Rose. Usually I catch a cold easily, and now I haven't even got a running nose.

Snow Queen. Kay! Words don’t come easy to me…

 She is singing “Words”.

Old Woman Robber. You are lying! Shame on you!

Gerda. You can’t love!

The Rose. Your heart is ice!

Snow Queen. What do you mean by this?

Granny. You even don’t know what the love is!

Snow Queen. How dare you? What a nuisance! It’s a bit thick!

King's Counselor. I’ll do you!

Gerda. Go away, you, two! We are not afraid of you.

Snow Queen. For Heaven’s sake! But, Kay, my boy! You’ll be sorry I know it! Alas, my friend! It will be too late! There are millions of children on our planet, the Earth! They will be glad to live with me at my wonderful Kingdom, you see?! I can find somebody else! Let’s go!

The King's Counselor and the Snow Queen step back and go away. Gerda takes Kay by his hand.

 Gerda. What a wander! I can’t believe my eyes! Thank you, dear friends. I would have never been
able to save Kay without your help. Now we all know that goodness
defeats evil and friendship works miracles.

Teacher’s words: Dear friends, as you know a friend in need is a friend indeed. I think there are people in our modern life who are ready to sacrifice their life for the sake of love & friendship. I mean the real friends. We wish you to have such a good friend as Gerda &  to be better friend than she!

As they say all is well that ends well! That’s all. You see now the power of real love & friendship. We hope you’ve liked this wonderful fairy-tale & you keep our play in your mind for a long time! We say good-bay to you! Thank you for your attention. See you again!

Дорогие друзья, как вы знаете, настоящий друг познается в беде. Я думаю, и в нашем современном мире есть люди, готовые пожертвовать своей жизнью ради любви и дружбы. Я имею в виду настоящих друзей. Мы желаем вам встретить таких же хороших друзей, как Герда, а самим быть еще лучше! Как говорится, все хорошо, что хорошо кончается! Ну вот и все. Теперь вы знаете силу настоящей дружбы. Мы надеемся вам понравилась сказка и вы надолго сохраните в памяти наше представление. Мы говорим вам до свидания! Спасибо за внимание! До новых встреч!



Do what you like

Day and night

Just believe in your feelings

Give him your hand

And you soon understand

Love come straight

From his heart.

Love is no crime

Life is to love

All the time

As long as the world

is still alive, baby!

 Love is no crime

Love is for you

Hold on tight

Tight to your dreams

and you will see

Love is no crime!


Walk in the rain

Trying to wash away the pain

You went away

You made me cry so many days.

Come back and stay, don’t keep me waiting

Come back and stay, don’t say goodbye

Don’t let my love die.

Come back and stay and try again.

Don’t walk away for I am still your friend.

Where are you now, where did you go.

Come back and stay, I miss you so!


Walk in the rain

Thinking about the game I play

I am to blame

I lost my Lovin’ yesterday.


It’s my life

Take it or leave it

It’s my life

Set me free

So you bed

So you lie

What you see

Is what you get

I got my life

You got your life

Live your life

And set me free.

Mind your business

And leave my business.

Stop bugging me,

Stop bothering me,

Stop bugging me,

Stop forcing me,

Stop fighting me,

Stop yelling me

It's my life!

It’s my life!   It’s my life, my worries!

It’s my life!   It’s my life, my problems!

Предварительный просмотр:

Действующие лица:

- Хор (4-5 человек) – Chorus

- Рассказчик – Story teller

- Красная Шапочка – Little Red Riding Hood

- Мама – Mother

- Волк – Wolf

- Бабушка – Granny

- Охотник - Hunter


Chorus: This is a story of a girl and a wolf.

Good girl. Good little girl.

Bad Wolf,  big bad Wolf.

Good little, good little, good little girl.

Big – bad – Wolf (хлопают в ладоши).

This is a story of a good little girl.

Good little, good little, good little girl.

This is a story of a good little girl,

Who listened to her mother…

Most of the time.

Good girl, good little girl.

She listened to her mother…

Most of the time.

Story teller: This is a story of a girl and a Wolf and they called her Little Red Riding Hood.

Chorus: Little Red, Little Red Riding Hood.

Little Red, Little Red Riding Hood.

How did she ever get a name like that?

Story teller: Like what?

Chorus: Like Little Red Riding Hood.

How did she ever get a name like that?

Story teller: She always wore a hood on her head, a little red riding hood.

Her Granny made it for her, and she wore it all the time.

Little Red Riding Hood was a good girl… most of the time.

Good girl, good little girl.

She listened to her mother …most of the time.

Chorus: When Mama said – go, she went,

When Mama said – stay, she stayed,

When Mama said – sit, she sat,

When Mama said – play, she played. (2)

Story teller: When Mama said – wash, she washed.

Oh, how obedient she was.

Little Red Riding Hood was a good little girl…

Most of the time.

Chorus: Was she good?

Story teller: Yes, she was.

Chorus: Was she very good?

Story teller: Yes, she was.

Chorus: Did she listen to her mother?

Story teller: Yes, she did.

Chorus: All the time?

Story teller: Most of the time.

Little Red Riding Hood was a good little girl… most of the time.

One morning Little Red Riding Hood was sleeping. She woke up when she heard her mother’s voice.

Mother: Wake up, wake up. It’s time to get up.

LRRH: M-m-m. Something smells like peanut butter.

Something smells like chocolate.

Chocolate, peanut butter, cookies,

Chocolate, peanut butter, cookies.

Mother: Please, sit down. Eat your breakfast.

These cookies are for Granny.

She is home alone and sick in bed.

Please, visit her this morning.

Chorus: Poor Granny. What a shame!

Home alone and sick in bed.

Poor Granny. What a shame!

Home alone and sick in bed.

LRRH: Poor Granny all alone. I’m crazy to go and see her.

Mother: Now, Little Red Riding Hood, please, sit down and listen to me carefully.

LRRH: Yes, Mama, I am listening.

Mother: Go straight to Granny’s house.

LRRH: Yes, Mama, I will.

Mother: Don’t stop along the way.

LRRH: No, Mama, I won’t.

Mother: Don’t talk to strangers.

LRRH: No, Mama, I won’t.

Mother: Be very careful.

LRRH: Oh, Mama, I will.

(Мама и Красная Шапочка исполняют танец).

Story teller: So Little Red Riding Hood kissed her mother good-bye. She took the basket of

cookies and walked along a path in the wood to Granny’s house.

(Красная Шапочка идет по лесу и исполняет песню).She was skipping along happily when

suddenly a big Wolf came out of the wood. ( Волк исполняет песню)

Chorus: Watch out for the Wolf, watch out, watch out (2).

The Wolf is big. The Wolf is bad. Watch out for the Wolf. Watch out.

Story teller: But Little Red Riding Hood forgot everything her Mother said about not talking to

strangers. When the Wolf spoke to her, she spoke right back.

Wolf: Good morning, my dear. How are you this morning?

LRRH: I am fine, thank you. How are you?

Wolf: Just fine, my dear. What’s your name?

Chorus: Don’t tell, don’t tell.

Mama told you not to tell (2),

And not to talk to strangers.

LRRH: My name is Little Red Riding Hood.

Wolf: I am very happy to meet you.

I’ve heard so many nice things about you.

LRRH: You have?

Wolf: Oh, yes. Everyone says you are a good little girl.

LRRH: They do? Thank you very much. You are very kind.

(Волк и Красная Шапочка исполняют танец).

Wolf: What’s that smell?

Chorus: Don’t tell. Don’t tell.

Wolf: What’s that smell? (2) Do I smell cookies?

LRRH: Yes, you do. Chocolate, peanut butter cookies. Mama made them for Granny.

She is home alone and sick in bed. I am on my way to see her.

Chorus: Home alone and sick in bed. Mama told you not to tell.

Wolf: What a nice little girl. Where does Granny live? Is it far from here?

Chorus: Don’t tell, don’t tell. Mama told you not to tell.

LRRH: Granny lives in a little pink house, the little pink house at the end of this path.

Wolf: I know the house. I have an idea.

Look over here. Look at the flowers.

Why don’t you pick them for Granny?

Pick some flowers for your Granny.

LRRH: What a good idea!

Chorus: Don’t stop, don’t stop!

Mama told you not to stop (2), and not to talk to strangers.

Story teller: Little Red Riding Hood thought the Wolf’s idea was just fine. She stopped and

picked the flowers, while the Wolf ran as fast as he could to Granny’s house. He

knocked three times on the little front door.

Granny: Yes? Who’s there?

Wolf: It’s me, Little Red Riding Hood with a basket of cookies from Mama.

Granny: Come in, my dear, come in. Come in and see your Granny

Story teller: So the big bad Wolf opened the door, found old Granny sick in bed and gobbled

her up in one big bite. Then he went to the closet and put on some of Granny’s clothes.

The big bad Wolf climbed into bed to wait for Little Red Riding Hood. He pulled the

cover up around his chin, and sat and waited, and sat and waited.

Wolf: Where is that girl? What’s the matter with her?

Story teller: He didn’t have to wait very long. In a few moments he heard Little Red Riding

Hood knock at the door.

LRRH: You-who!  Granny, it’s me, Little Red Riding Hood.

Wolf: Come in, my dear, come in. Come in and see your Granny.

LRRH: Where are you, Granny?

Wolf: I am here, in bed. Come in, my dear. Come in and let me see you.

Chorus: Oh, no, don’t go. That’s not Granny, don’t go.

Story teller: Little Red Riding Hood walked into the bedroom, with her arms full of cookies and

flowers. She stopped when she saw the Wolf in bed.

Wolf: Come in, my dear.

Chorus: Look at those ears!

Wolf: Here, near your Granny.

LRRH: Oh, Granny, what big ears you have!

Wolf: The better to hear you with. Come in, my dear.

Chorus: Look at those eyes!

Wolf: Here, near your Granny.

LRRH: Oh, Granny, what big eyes you have!

Wolf: The better to see you with. Come here, my dear.

Chorus: Look at those teeth!

Wolf: Here, near your Granny.

LRRH: Oh, Granny, what big teeth you have!

Wolf: The better to eat you with.

Story teller: And just as he spoke, the Wolf jumped up and gobbled Little Red Riding Hood

up in one big bite.

Chorus: Oh, no. Oh, no. We told you so. We told you so.

Story teller: Now the Wolf was full, so he climbed back into Granny’s bed and fell fast asleep.

Then he began to snore. He snored louder and louder. A friendly Hunter walking by

the house heard the noise and stopped. (Охотник исполняет песню).

Hunter: What’s that sound? It’s very loud. I’ll stop and see if Granny is OK.

Story teller: The Hunter knocked, but no one answered. He opened the door and went in. He

heard someone snoring in Granny’s bedroom So, he peeped into the bedroom and saw the big bad Wolf in Granny’s bed.

Hunter: Look at that Wolf in Granny’s bed! I think he gobbled her up.

Story teller: The Hunter cut a hole in the Wolf’s stomach. To his great surprise out popped Little

Red Riding Hood. The Wolf didn’t even wake up. He just thought he was having a very

bad dream.

Hunter: Good Heavens! It’s the girl of my dream! But where is your Granny?

Granny: Here I am!

Story teller: And out climbed Granny, tired but happy.

LRRH and Granny(together): Oh, my! What a day!

LRRH: Quick, quick! Let’s put some stones inside the Wolf. They’ll make him heavy , and so

he can’t get up.

Hunter: Good idea.

Story teller: And he filled the Wolf’s stomach with heavy stones. He was dreaming and

dreaming about girls, grannies, and when he woke up he had such a terrible

stomachache, that he fell right down and died.

LRRH: Is he dead?

Hunter: Oh, yes, yes, he is. He is dead.

Granny: Are you sure?

Hunter: Oh, yes, yes, I am. He is dead. The Wolf is dead. The big bad Wolf is dead. Hooray!

All together: He is dead (2). The Wolf is dead. The big bad Wolf is dead. Hooray!

Story teller: And this is the end of the story of the girl, who listened to her mother…

most of the time.

Chorus: Good girl, good little girl. She listened to her mother…

Most of the time.



1.Песня Красной Шапочки (поет песню «The Sound of Music» из одноименного мюзикла)

The Sound of Music.

Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens,

Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens,

Brown paper packages tied up with string

These are a few of my favourite things!


Cream-coloured ponies and crisp apple strudels,

Doorbells and sleighbells and schnitzel with noodles,

Wild geese that fly with the moon on their wings

Theas are a few of my favourite things!


Girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes,

Snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes,

Silver white winters that melt into spring

These are a few of my favourite things!


When the dog bites,

When the bee stings,

When I’m feeling sad,

I simply remember my favourite things

And then I don’t feel so bad!


2. Песня Волка (под мелодию “Мы бандито»).

I am bad Wolf, forest gangster.

I like eating hares, squirrels,

Birds and hamsters. Oh, yes.

I have never eaten berries,

Plums and pears, apples, cherries. No, no.

Oh, my dream is (2)

To eat Little Riding Hood!

How I want to taste this very charming girl…


3. Песня Охотника (под мелодию «Ох рано встает охрана»)

I am Hunter, I am Max.

Forest is my home.

Every corner know I

Everywhere I roam.

I like animals, my friends,

Trees and grass and flowers.

I take care of them all

We may chat for hours.


Oh early, I get up early.

If you do them any harm –

Be aware, I’m near.

Little Riding Hood I love,

Waiting for her here.


Финальная песня (под мелодию «Фабрики звезд» - «Ты звезда»)

Get acquainted – we are here –

On this stage, in front of you.

Wanted we this old tale

Change a bit and make it new.

Maybe something wasn’t perfect,

But we tried to do our best.

Acting isn’t easy matter –

It is something like a test.


Refrain: How nice – we are on the stage.

We are stars.

And we ask you to applaud all of us.

Probably we’ve made some mistakes,

Never mind.

Main thing is we are jolly and kind.

Let me introduce the actors.

Wolf is Oleg, Hunter’s – Max.

Little Riding Hood is Lyuda,

Kate is mother, she is nice.

Sasha is a story teller,

Kate is Granny, brave she is.

Lera, Varya, Lena, Nata –

Our dancers, dance with ease.




Предварительный просмотр:

(Further on simply The Roll)

An Author
A Grandfather
A Grandmother
A Roll
A Hare
A Wolf
A Bear
A Fox

A big old oven, a table, a bench and a window.
Trees, flowers and bushes.
A stump.

AN AUTHOR: Long, long time ago, once upon a time somewhere about there lived the grandfather and the grandmother. They lived happily and friendly in a very old house. The grandpa and the grandma liked to work hard and sing songs.


A GRANDPA: Oh, it is so nice just simply live, yap.

A GRANDMA: Oh, enjoy the sky forget the grieve, yap.

A GRANDPA: Enjoy the honey drink and tea,

A GRANDMA: To eat sweet buns without plea.

AN AUTHOR: After singing the song the grandpa decided to ask the grandma to bake some roll.

A GRANDPA: Sweaty, can you bake some roll for us?

A GRANDMA: I would like to, but there is no more flour left.

A GRANDPA: Can you wipe the shelves carefully; maybe there you will find one or two scoops of flour.

AN AUTHOR: The grandma did what the grandpa asked her to do. Carefully wiped all shelves and finally found two scoops of flour. She made dough based on sour cream, formed a roll and put it in the oven for baking. The grandpa is singing a song, the grandma is singing along.

(Kids can show what they are doing during the song.)

A GRANDPA: We decided to bake the roll, to bake the roll, to bake the roll. (Make the roll).

A GRANDMA: We decided to bake the roll, to bake the fresh puffy roll.

A GRANDPA: We invited boys and girls, boys and girls, boys and girls. (Waving hands towards themselves).

A GRANDMA: We invited boys and girls, to eat our puffy roll.

A GRANDPA: Boys and girls ate our roll, our roll, our roll. (Show how they are eating the roll).

A GRANDMA: They became all tall and strong, tall and very strong.

A GRANDPA: They said, thank you and goodbye, and goodbye, and goodbye. (Waving hands "bye, bye").

A GRANDMA: See you grannies, please don't cry, please don't cry. (Show how they are crying).

A GRANDPA: We will visit you again hug and kiss you, hug and kiss you. (Sending kisses).

A GRANDMA: We will visit you again, please don't miss us, please don't miss us.

AN AUTHOR: When the roll was ready, the grandma took him from the oven and placed on the windowsill.

A GRANDMA: Look, grandpa, how lovely our roll is.

A GRANDPA: It is lovely.

AN AUTHOR: Agreed the grandpa. The roll heard everything what the grandma and the grandpa said about him and so he became very proud. After some time the roll was bored to lie on the windowsill. Nobody said anything nice about him anymore, so the roll decided to jump outside and have a look, what is going on around.

A ROLL: Maybe somebody else will notice how unique I am!

AN AUTHOR: The roll was thinking while rolling into the forest. Here is the hare going towards the roll.

A HARE: Hi, little roll, I am going to eat you!

A ROLL: Don't eat me hare, I will sing you a wonderful song.

AN AUTHOR: And the roll started to sing the song.

A ROLL: I'm the roll, roll, roll,
Made from flour round ball,
Made from sour cream and milk,
I'm shiny like silk.
I am running from grandma,
I am running from grandpa.
To the forest far away
Catch adventure day by day.
And from you, little hare, I will easy run away.

AN AUTHOR: The hare even didn't notice the roll disappear.

A HARE: What a wonder! He has just been here and somehow he is gone...

AN AUTHOR: The roll was rolling along the wooden path, enjoying the bright sunny day. The roll stopped and noticed somebody coming.

A WOLF: Hi, tasty roll, I'm going to eat you.

AN AUTHOR: Said the hungry, homeless wolf.

A ROLL: Don't eat me, Mister wolf, I will sing you a song.

A WOLF: Ok, ok, just quickly, I am really hungry!

AN AUTHOR: The roll started singing his song.

A ROLL: I'm the roll, roll, roll,
Made from flour round ball,
Made from sour cream and milk,
I'm shiny like silk.
I am running from grandma,
I am running from grandpa.
I am running from the hare
I like running I'm not tired.
To the forest far away
Catch adventure day by day.
And from you, Mister wolf, I will easy run away.

AN AUTHOR: The wolf looked around, but the roll was far away. He hopelessly licked his mouth.

A WOLF: Unbelievable! I didn't bite even a small piece of that tasty roll. U-u-u-u he is very smart! Next time I'm not going to listen to any stupid songs; I will bite and eat, eat and eat.

AN AUTHOR: And the wolf started gnashing with his sharp teeth. But the roll happily kept running deeper to the forest. The roll was running, running and saw the big brown bear approaching him.

A BEAR: R-r-r, hi, round crunchy bread, I'm going to eat you.

A ROLL: I am not simply bread; I am a roll.

AN AUTHOR: Said proudly the roll.

A BEAR: It's so nice to meet you, roll.

A ROLL: Don't eat me please, big brown bear, I will sing you a song.

A BEAR: Oh, so kind, and so romantic, dinner after performance.

AN AUTHOR: The bear sat down under the tree, closed his eyes and became ready to listen to the song. The roll started singing.

A ROLL: I'm the roll, roll, roll,
Made from flour round ball,
Made from sour cream and milk,
I'm shiny like silk.
I am running from grandma,
I am running from grandpa.
I am running from the hare
I like running I'm not tired.
I am running from the wolf
I have got my own rule.
To the forest far away
Catch adventure day by day.
And from you, big brown bear, I will easy run away.

AN AUTHOR: The big brown bear was still waiting for another song, but the roll went on his way.

A BEAR: R-r-r-r!

AN AUTHOR: Growled bear.

A BEAR: He cheated me!? I'm silly; I'm fool! And I am still hungry! Well, little cheater, don't meet me again; otherwise I will swallow you without saying anything, just "um, um"!!! And that's it!

AN AUTHOR: The angry bear went to the deep forest and disappeared. The roll is rolling proud of himself, thinking how smart and cleaver he is and everybody around is so fool. The roll was rolling, rolling and suddenly ran into the fox.

A FOX: Hello, dear! I have never seen anybody so beautiful and smart as you are! You are perfect!!! You are adorable!!! I like you so much!!!

AN AUTHOR: And the fox licked her mouth.

A ROLL: Hi, red fox, do you want me to sing you the song, I wrote myself!

AN AUTHOR: Boasted the roll more and more.

A FOX: Of course, I want to.

A ROLL: I'm the roll, roll, roll,
Made from flour round ball,
Made from sour cream and milk,
I'm shiny like silk.
I am running from grandma,
I am running from grandpa.
I am running from the hare
I like running I'm not tired.
I am running from the wolf
I have got my own rule.
I am running from the bear
I want find my luck somewhere!
To the forest far away
Catch adventure day by day.
And from you, red fox, I will easy run away.

A FOX: What a wonderful song!

AN AUTHOR: The fox pretended to be crying.

A FOX: Poor me, I became so old, so unhappy, I can't hear properly anymore. Don't you mind sitting down on my nose and singing your magic song for me again?

AN AUTHOR: The roll was so amazed and charmed by the red fox, so he forgot about any danger.

A ROLL: Of course, I will.

AN AUTHOR: The roll jumped on top of the red fox nose and started singing his song.

A ROLL: I'm the roll, roll, roll….

AN AUTHOR: But the red fox "um"! And ate him.
Here is the end of the story, to them who carefully listened honour and glory!!!

Предварительный просмотр:

Сценарий Внеклассного мероприятия "Do you know English-speaking countries?"

Задачи: 1.Активизировать лингво-страноведческие знания учащихся по теме «Англо-язычные страны». 2.Воспитывать уважение и интерес к иноязычной культуре. 3.Стимулировать интерес к изучаемому предмету.


Оснащение: мультимедийная презентация.



План мероприятия


Ведущий. We are very happy to see you at our competition. It is devoted to the English-speaking countries. This competition will show your achievements and your knowledge of the matter. I wish you success. Be active, honest, industrious and helpful and you’ll be sure to win.


Представление команд и капитанов.


The 1-st game “Do you know English-speaking countries?”


Will you name English-speaking countries? Work as hard as you can! I’ll give you 1 minute for this kind of work. Every country you name earns you one point. You are welcome!


The 2-nd game “Flags and capitals”


I want you to look at the screen. You see different flags. Name the countries and name their capitals. If you do the task correctly, you will earn 10 points.


The 3-rd game “Countries and citizens”


You see the names of the countries. Name their nationalities. E.g., “Russia-the Russians”. 5 points.


The 4-th game “Riddle countries”


4 points.

Guess the names of these countries. Listen to the stories and be very attentive! The winner will be the team that gives the right answer.


This country occupies a whole continent. It has strange animals and plants. It’s very far from our country. (Australia)

This is one of the largest countries in the world. It is washed by The Atlantic ocean in the East and by the Pacific ocean in the West. What is it? (The USA)

It is a country which looks like an island. It is not very big, but it’s very beautiful. It’s the country of fog and rain. There are a lot of places of interest. (Great Britain)

This country has a very high living standard. People speak many languages there. The main symbol on the flag is a maple leaf. (Canada)


The 5-th game “The ABC game”


3 points. You see some letters from the English alphabet. You must put these letters in the right order, so to get the name of the country.


The 6-th game “Parts and wholes”


1 point for the right answer. Match these parts so as to get a name.


The 7-th game “Quiz”


1 point for the right answer. Choose the right answer.  The questions will be given to the teams in turn. If one team makes a mistake, the other team has the right to answer.


Подведение итогов.


Dear friends! Thank you for taking an active part in the games. You are really bright and industrious. You can do different kinds of work. You know a lot about English-speaking countries. And I’m sure that your good knowledge of English will help you in your future life.

Предварительный просмотр:

Сценарий Внеклассного мероприятия

"St.Valentine's Day"

Задачи: 1.Активизировать лингво-страноведческие знания учащихся по теме «Англо-язычные страны». 2.Воспитывать уважение и интерес к иноязычной культуре. 3.Стимулировать интерес к изучаемому предмету.

Good morning, dear friends.


We’ve gathered here to celebrate one of the holidays, which young and old people love. It is St. Valentine’s Day.


St. Valentine’s Day is a religious holiday, which is celebrated in Great Britain, in many European countries and in the USA.


St. Valentine’s Day has roots in several legends.


Valentine was a Christian priest in the Roman Empire three hundred years after the death of Jesus Christ. He had been thrown in prison for his teaching.


On February 14, Valentine was beheaded not only because he performed a miracle – he cured the jailor’s daughter from the blindness the night before he was executed – but he wrote a letter to the girl, signing it “From your Valentine”.


Dear friends, what other legends about this day do you know? Please, tell them to us.


P 1. Another legend tells us that this same Valentine, well-lover by all, wrote notes from his jail to children and friends, who missed him.


P 2. Another Valentine was an Italian bishop who lived at about the same time. He was imprisoned because he secretly married couples contrary to the laws of the Roman Empire.


P 3. February 14 was also a Roman holiday, held in honor of the Goddess of Love. Young men by lottery chose the name of a young girl to escort to the festivities. The custom of choosing a sweetheart on this date has continued to our day. People still believe that birds pick their mates on February 14.


Thank you. Today we must choose the best Valentine among the girls and the best Valentine among the boys.


The first pair taking part in the competition is …

        The second pair is …

       The third pair is …


The first task for our players is to make a Valentine card. Go to the table. You’ll find everything you need there. Good luck.


2. And you, dear friends, listen to the poems.

On Valentine’s day

I made a heart,

Red paper and white lace.

I wrote “I like you”

On the front

And drew a cupid’s face.


 I put it in

The desk of my best friend.

He printed “Too!”

Behind my words

And gave it back again.




If I were a mailman

Know what I’d do?

I’d always bring mail

With letter for you!

And on Valentine’s Day

I’d bring you plenty.

I might even bring you

Three hundred and twenty!



Now try to unscramble the words


     1. evlo       2. rcda     3. aetnVlnie         4. eruyFbar       5. traeh     6. yrpta

7. siks       8. dre



Now the next task for our players. We know that you good, nice, beautiful. Tell each other about it. But before listen to the poems.



I love you, I like you,

I really do like you,

I do not want to strike you,

I do not want to shove you.


I do want to like you

I do want to love you.

And like you and love you

And love you and love you.


“A Valentine for my best friend”


You are rotten, you are crummy,

Nasty, smelly and a dummy,

You are absolutely awful,

And your breath should be unlawful.


You are ugly, you are simple,

And your brain is like a pimple,

You should soak your head in brine.

Won’t you be my Valentine?




Let’s start. The girl must take this place and the boy that one. Doing one step, make your compliment. You should meet each other here.


Listen to the poem.



It’s Valentine’s Day,

And in the street

There is freezing rain,

And slush, and sleet,

The wind is fierce,

The skies are grey,

I don’t think I’ll

Go out today.


But here inside

The weather’s warm,

There’s no trace

Of wind or storm,

And you just made

The morning shine –

You said you’d be

My Valentine.



The next task for our pairs is to solve the Valentine Puzzle. Match the columns. Take turns.


a part of your body

a heart –shaped card

a man who cared for people

a boy who shoots arrows

a kind of flowers

a bunch of flowers

a friendly look

used with a bow

a fancy material

10. a kind of candy


a)     Cupid

b)    smile

c)     chocolates

d)    rose

e)     lace

f)      St. Valentine

g)     bouquet

h)     heart

i)       valentine

j)       arrow




Now let’s see what you know about St. Valentine’s Day.


We’ll read questions, if you know the answer, raise your hand.


1) Who was the Valentine, who lived three hundred years after the death of Jesus Christ in he Roman Empire? ( A Christian priest)


2) What did he do the night before he was executed? (He wrote to the jailor’s daughter a farewell letter, signing it “From your Valentine”)


3) What holiday did people celebrate in Rome many years ago? ( a Roman holiday, held in honor of the Goddess of Love)


4) What is St. Valentine’s Day now? ( It is a day for sweethearts)


5) What can you do on this day? (send a postcard with the words of love to any person, bake a cake, make a special present in the form of a heart, send roses, valentines and greetings.)


6) How do American children celebrate this holiday at school? (On February 14 the teacher opens the box and gives the Valentines to each pupil, then they have a small party.)



Our pupils have taken part in the contest for the best translation of a lovely song “Strangers in the Night” by Frank Sinatra. Listen to the song and then we’ll listen to the best translations.



Let’s play the game “Don’t break my heart”. I have got 3 broken hearts. I’ll give you a piece of one of them. Your task is to find the pieces of your heart and join them. Who is the quickest? Come to the table and begin. Good luck!


And this puzzle is for the audience. Find the Valentine words.


lod          nel

omdh    rose












We’ve talked a lot about St. Valentine’s Day. It’s very pleasant to see that all of you like it and know something about it.


2. Today you’ve learned more about the holiday. We think that everybody enjoyed the party. Let’s see which pair is the best.