Задание А1-А7 Повышенного уровня с выбором ответа (верно - неверно - в тексте нет информации)

Храмова Нина Ивановна

Now we are ready to start.

Alice: Hi Michael. How was your day? 

Michael: College was OK but it was a nightmare driving home. How was yours?

Alice: Boring - but I was really glad of my bike when I came home. I cycled through the park. It was a bit longer than usual  - maybe 25 minutes.

Michael: And for me it took almost 4 hours. There was an accident in Gardner Street I was supposed to have a free afternoon and I was going to play tennis.

Alice: The traffic is still bad now otherwiseI might have gone to see "Avatar" at the cinema.

Michael: Is that 3D film?

Alice: Yes. Actually I have seen it twice before but the 3D effect is so impressive on acinema screen. I doubt I'd ever watch it on DVD at home. Anyway -  there's no chance of going out any where this evening. At least we can watch TV. I managed to use my bike to get to the corner shop and pick up some batteries for the remote.

Michael: Have you looked to see if there is anything on worth watching?

Alice: I checked on TV guide and to be honest there is nothing much worth watching tonight. There is a film I'd like to see about jim Morrison and The Doors.I forget its name. But it starts rather late so I think I'll just record it and get an early night.

Michael: It's called "The Doors" and I have it on DVD if you want to watch it earlier. It's a really good film. I might watch it again with you.

Alice: On the other hand I might take the opportunity to make some progress on my dissertation. What joy - another couple of thousand words on political references and codes in Shakespeare.

Michael: Wow - that sounds like fun! 

Alice: Have you had any more luck finding your new "green" vehicle?

Michael: I was thinking of a metallic red actually.

Alice: Very funny!

Michael: Well I'm thinking about it still. I am still not sure if I can afford it or not. But I am going to the show room next eek for a test drive and to see what sort of deals they can offer.


You have 15 seconds to complete the task.

Now you will hear the text again.

You have 15 seconds to check your answers.


Pay attention to the word combinations:

to get an early night  = to go to bed early;

anything on worth watching = someting interesting to watch on TV;

a "green" vehicle = an ecological car;

sorts of deals = "types of vehicles" here.


