Задание по аудированию В1 Базового уровня с кратким ответом (задание на соответствие)

Храмова Нина Ивановна

Now we are ready to start.

Speaker 1

Anna is one of those people who are simply so beautiful it almost takes your breath away. She has long blonde hair, deep blue eyes and a smile like a sunny day. She is friendly and behaves as if unaware of her distracting beauty. She also tries to put people at ease by telling jokes and by being a thoughtful listener. Still - I get completely tongue tied when I talk to her and can feel my cheeks colouring up.

Speaker 2

  Jim is a person who might be described in the East End of London as a "diamond geezer". It means someone who is practical, extremely valuable and enduring - like a diamond. But "geezer"also implies a rough appearance, and maybe even improper behaviour. So the phrase suits Jim. He is a real rogue and always joking around. But if you ever really need help - he is the man to have as a friend.

Speaker 3 

My new neighbour is a Goth! She is into Goth fashion big time and at first I found her a bit scary. She always seems to wear various shades of grey and black, with black or silver lipstick and eye liner. Her hair changes constantly and is generally either peroxide blonde or raven black - often with streaks of silver. But then I had a chat and a laugh with her in the bus queue and now I like and enjoy seeing her.

Speaker 4

I certainly wouldn't want to be in a position of having to rely on Rob Greene. As a colleague he is courteous and polite. He is always well turned out and has a limitless supply of classy ties! But he strikes me as having hidden objectives. To make a comparison with football, he is not a team player. He plays only for Rob Greene and will go for goals and glory in spite of, rather than with, his colleagues.

Speaker 5

Stephanie has so much energy I sometimes get exhausted just listening to her. She always seems to have hundreds of projects on the go. She walks quickly, sits down quickly and speaksquickly! But unfortunately she is not so good at following through and completing. Still - as part of a team she has a very valuable role to play. But to be surrounded by "Stephanies" - would be a nightmare.

Speaker 6

William is a very intelligent and so when he does say something , people who work with him stop to listen. His contributions are always valuable and he is really good at what he does. In a one to one situation however, he is easy to talk to but in a group he is generally quiet. I guess he is not a natural extrovert. But if it is necessary to work in a group, everyone wants William in their team.


You have 15 seconds to complete the task.

Now you will hear the text again.

You have 15 seconds to check your answers.

Pay attention to the meaning of the  word combinations:

to take one's breath away  = to admire smb;

to put peope at ease = to calm smb;

to get completely tongue tied = to be embarrassed;

enduring = very firm;

a real rogue = naughty;

big time = most of the time;

a limitless supply = a lot of;

to strike = to impress smb;

on the go = existing;

contributions = thoughts, ideas.



Keys:  F D C A E G