2. 2 Задания для обучающихся
Подготовка к ГИА 9 класс
Подготовка к ГИА 11класс
Практикум ОГЭ 9 класс
ГИА 9 класс Трубанева
Тесты по разделам для 6 класса
Контрольные работы
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Test 2
Досуг и увлечения молодежи
Раздел 2. (задания по чтению)
- The main point
- The Net influence
- Lack of choice
- Wild way of entertaining
- The top five
- Media communication
- Mobile media entertainment
- Modern interests
А. Between December 2003 and December 2005, total TV reach declined but the biggest fall was among young people – it fell by 2.9% for 16 –24 year-olds. During 2005, reach declined by 2.2% in that age group. Reach is defined as at least 15 minutes of consecutive TV viewing in a week. Industry figures say the decline could be due to the growth of the internet. DVDs and gaming could also be factors, they said.
В. Digital Spy is a showbiz, entertainment and digital media community. It is the UK’s largest independent entertainment website generating over 90 million monthly page impressions. Digital Spy is also renowned for its extensive and unique coverage of Big Brother each year. The discussion forums have more than 290,000 registered users and 28.3 million posts.
С. Young people (8–18) devote an average of 7 hours and 38 minutes to using entertainment media across a typical day (more than 53 hours a week), increasing by one hour and seventeen minutes a day over the past five years, according to a new study, Generation M2: Media in the Lives of 8- to 18-Year-Olds, designed and analyzed by the Kaiser Family Foundation and Stanford University researchers.
The increase in media use is driven in large part by ready access to mobile devices like cell phones and iPods. Young people now spend more time listening to music, playing games, and watching TV on their cell phones (a total of 49 min. daily) than they spend talking on them (33 min.).
D. When I plan my parties, I spend time thinking about the menu, the music, the table settings, centerpieces and all the other little details that go into making a wonderful event. But the first thing I really focus on is my guests. After all, that’s the real reason for all the rest. They are usually my friends and I try to do my best to adjust my party to each of our company.
E. He writes a blog, downloads Korean television shows, manages two Web sites devoted to music and plays an online game called Rongguang Hospital, at Baidu.com. “I started doing a lot of this when I was about 11 years old,” says Mr. Li, a freshman at the Shanghai Maritime University. “Now, I spend most of my leisure time on the Internet,” he says. “There’s nowhere else to go.”
F. Additionally, anyone under 18 and out of childhood has severely limited options when it comes to entertainment. Just about everybody has experienced the frustration of being under 18 and having nowhere to go apart from the movies or the zoo. Most young people are interested in popular music, but beyond their TV and radio, there’s very little offered to them. Essentially, any licensed premises are out of bounds which creates an enormous void in popular music options.
G. This survey was done in March 2010 (Term 1), and so it is not surprising that summer Hollywood blockbusters featured in the films listed by students as the most enjoyable film they’d watched recently. The top 5 films were Alice in Wonderland, Avatar, Shutter Island, Valentine’s Day and The Hangover. It is interesting to note that 3 of the top 5 films have unrestricted ratings.
Тексты | A | B | C | D | E | F | G |
Заголовки |
In most ways, Sarah McCarthy is your average high schooler. She has a job, college plans, but also a peculiar passion for a 16-year-old: She’s a vinyl junkie. And none of that hipster new stuff. To this senior high school student, there’s nothing like the raw crackle, the depth of sound, her delicate hand on diamond-tipped stylus to spin from the dusty stash of records she found in the basement of her grandfather.
“He gave me his receiver and speaker system and told me to listen to it the way it was made to be listened to,” McCarthy said. “I’ve turned a lot of my friends on to it. They come over a lot to listen with me.”
At a time when parents feel positively prehistoric as they explain how to use plastic ice-cube trays or speak of phones with cords and dials, this teen knows what a record is. Not only that, she knows the difference between a 45 and an LP. She met her boyfriend in a record shop and now works there.
“Listening to old music remastered to a newer format is almost comical,” Sarah said. “They weren’t meant to be digitalised. Listening to Jimi Hendrix on my iPod doesn’t capture his endlessly deep guitar solos quite like a 33 LP of ‘Blues’ does.”
This girl’s in love with vinyl, and she’s not the only member of Generation Digital with an ear for records.
A 7 Sarah is no way an ordinary girl.
1) True 2) False 3) Not stated
A 8 Sarah’s hobby is collecting vinyl records.
1) True 2) False 3) Not stated
A 9 Sarah’s granny gave all the records to her.
1) True 2) False 3) Not stated
A 10 Sarah’s friends also enjoy her hobby.
1) True 2) False 3) Not stated
A 11 Sarah also collects phones with cords and dials.
1) True 2) False 3) Not stated
A 12 Sarah’s hobby helped her to find a job.
1) True 2) False 3) Not stated
A 13 Music of the 60-s is not meant for CDs.
1) True 2) False 3) Not stated
A 14 iPod is a device which can show all the beauty of a guitar solo.
1) True 2) False 3) Not stated
Раздел 3. (задания по грамматике и лексике)
В4 В5 В7 В8 B9 В10 B11 B12 | Nowadays, modern music ______ all over the world and having a strong effect on the young. Music in the clubs or discotheques such as rap and rock music often _____ loud ____, and some songs even have violent lyrics which can have a bad influence on young people. This kind of music affects their spirit negatively. With bad words and ______ ideas such as doomsday or the end of the world, sacrifice in love, and loss of religious _____; these songs make young people frightened and unable to control ______. For example, you might _______ that some young people killed themselves some years ago after _____ to a song by Michael Jackson about doomsday. This song has an extremely unfortunate effect on some young people. They couldn’t control themselves and wanted to kill themselves and _____. | SPREAD CONTAIN LYRIC DEPRESS BELIEF THEM REMEMBER LISTEN OTHER |
В13 В14 В15 В16 В17 В18 | In my opinion, the TV and movie _______ industry should control the amount of crude or foul language in their programs. _______ the use of crude, foul language on TV programs and in the movies has been increasing. Young children or teenagers can be affected by ______ to this bad language. In the case of very young people, they sometimes hear the words and use them even though they don't really know what they mean. For example, one day a four-year old boy I know well used bad language when he spoke to me. I was surprised, and I asked him if he knew the _______ of what he was saying. Of course, he didn't. Then when he uses these words, other children hear them and also speak out the same words. After that, I decided to carefully choose programs for my nephew. I think I have to do it because I don’t want him to be negatively affected by TV. Parents and others find this language _____ , too. In my opinion, the TV and movie entertainment industry should control the amount of crude language in their programs. I think it’s the best way to protect the ______ from being exposed to such language. | ENTERTAIN RECENT EXPOSE MEAN OBJECTION YOUNG |
Раздел 4 (задания по письму)
You have 30 minutes to do this task.
You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend Roy.
White a letter to him and answer his 3 questions.
Write 100–120 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.
Раздел 2
Задание В3
Тексты | A | B | C | D | E | F | G |
Заголовки | 2 | 6 | 7 | 1 | 8 | 3 | 5 |
Задание А7-А14
A7 – 2; A8 –1; A9 – 3; A10 – 1; A11 – 2; A12 – 1; A13 – 1; A14 – 2.
Раздел 3
Задание В4-В12
B4 – is spreading; B5 – contains; B6 – lyrics; B7 – depressing; B8 – beliefs; B9 – themselves; B10 – listening; B10 – remember B11 – listening; B12 – others.
Задания В13-В18
B13 – entertainment; B14 – Recently; B15 – exposure; B16 – meanings; B17 – objectionable; B18 – youth.
Раздел 4
Задание С1
Hello, Roy.
I am glad to receive a letter from you. As for hostels you are writing about, I think, it is a good way for young people to travel. You are able to save money, meet new friends and spend the best time of your life. If you come up with an idea to go somewhere, you may pack your bag and move on.
I do have friends in other countries. When I travel around Europe visiting them or sightseeing I prefer to stay not in a fashionable hotel, but in a hostel just like you and some of my friends. It looks like a student dormitory where several people live all together in one room.
See you soon,
Предварительный просмотр:
Test 3
Взаимоотношения в семье
Раздел 2. (задания по чтению)
- Of course, as your children grow, marry and have children of their own, it is not as easy to spend each holiday together. Be flexible and either alternate holidays or pick a few specific holidays where the entire family will be together. Sometimes it sounds like an overwhelming feat, especially if you have a large family, but as I said, children, even when they become adults, need those special occasions and traditions and they will go out of their way to make sure they happen.
- If you are lucky enough to have a sister, you already know that is a special bond unlike any other. Many factors can affect your relationship with your sister as you get older, however, such as age differences, geographic location, new family responsibilities - even sibling rivalry!
- If your sister-in-law is much younger than you, then it will be very easy for you to win her over. Little girls love spending time with their big brother’s girlfriends, and you’re this little girl’s big brother’s wife, so she’s going to be elated to spend time with you. Play together with Barbie dolls, or ask her to help you decorate some Christmas cookies. Become her friend, and take an active interest in her, and she will love you forever.
- When parents are surveyed on the subject of favoritism, nearly all respondents say that despite their best efforts to the contrary, they have favored one child over another at least occasionally. “I see the frustration and behavior problems in our oldest child resulting from the favoritism their father shows our youngest child,” said one parent in response to a recent Vision survey on the topic. “It is a very serious problem in our family.”
- A new "grannies-for-rent" service in Poland brings together elderly people without families, and people who miss having real grandparents. A local University for the Elderly set up the programme, which aims to benefit people from all generations.
- Unfortunately for many, home can be anything but a safe haven. Men and women alike may find their home a fierce battleground. For children it may be where they are most vulnerable to assault, misuse or deprivation, ironically at the very hands of those who have a duty to safeguard and nourish them. Even the elderly may have reason to fear those who should be their caretakers.
- Parents give an enormous amount to their children, and as a result they’re extremely invested in them, in helping them grow and thrive. They look out for their interests, stay up with them when they’re sick, clean up their messes when they’re sick - all of that investment helps the child grow and feel secure.
Тексты | A | B | C | D | E | F | G |
Заголовки |
Frequency of Cheating
Relationship cheating is a very common occurrence. If you haven’t experienced it yet, there’s a good chance you eventually will.
I found it difficult to track down good cheating statistics. Slightly more than half of all married people will cheat on their spouses at some point in their lives. Men apparently cheat more often than women, but the gap isn’t huge.
Most of the time cheating does occur, the other spouse doesn’t know about it, with women being in the dark slightly more often than men.
That’s if you’re married. If you’re in a committed relationship but aren’t married, then I’d imagine that the odds of cheating are even higher. Partly I say that because cheating is more common when you’re younger and becomes less likely as you age.
The big game-changer here is the Internet, which makes even 10-year old stats seem very dated now. Recent surveys suggest that most people have flirted online at one point or another, that when people spend time in chat rooms they’re usually motivated by romantic interest, and that about a third of adults have had real relations as a result of a connection that began online.
In the USA alone, tens of millions of people cheat on their primary relationship partners. Most of the time when people cheat, they hide it from their partners, and they usually succeed in doing so, not because they’re so great at keeping secrets but mainly because their partners fail to recognize and acknowledge the telltale signs.
Statistically speaking, if you get involved in committed relationships or marriage, the odds are better than 50–50 that you’re eventually going to cheat at some point in your life. And you’ll probably hide it from your primary partner, and you’ll probably get away with it.
Of course you can decline to join this group if you desire so. However, there’s still a good chance you’ll end up in a relationship with someone else who’s a member, and you probably won’t know. Or you’ll know, but you’ll retreat into denial about it.
A 7 People cheat each other often enough.
1) True 2) False 3) Not stated
A 8 Women are less cheaters than men.
1) True 2) False 3) Not stated
A 9 People always know when they are cheated.
1) True 2) False 3) Not stated
A 10 Cheating is very typical for teenagers.
1) True 2) False 3) Not stated
A 11 The Net made cheating more difficult.
1) True 2) False 3) Not stated
A 12 Online relations are a good beginning for future dates.
1) True 2) False 3) Not stated
A 13 Most people hide the fact of cheating their partners.
1) True 2) False 3) Not stated
A 14 People never know why they cheat their partners.
1) True 2) False 3) Not stated
Раздел 3. (задания по грамматике и лексике)
В4 В5 B6 В7 В8 B9 В10 B11 B12 | With the widespread success and use of the home computer, people ___ simply a mouse click away. The innovation of email and digital photographs ___ it possible for families to stay in touch; however, is this really enough? While technology has enabled us to talk to people all over the world, in some ways it ___ us from intimate contact, especially with our families. ___ your family close must start when you children are very young. If you instill in them at an early age the importance of family, chances to be together will be ___ when they become adults. An important way to ensure family closeness is by ___ special family traditions. While we all know every eats of turkey on Thanksgiving, add something special to the day. Perhaps set aside this day for the entire family ___ games. Try playing something as simple as Bingo, where everyone ___ a prize. Thanksgiving is traditionally a day for football, so ___ a friendly family game of your own. You will be surprised how your children will come to treasure these special family time. | BE MAKE PREVENT KEEP GOOD CREAT PLAY GET ORGANIZE |
В13 В14 В15 В16 В17 В18 | You set the boundaries in your _____. If those boundaries are crossed and the other person can’t seem to take the hint, you have to assert yourself to restore balance. For example, if you value your ____ and a relative insists on frequent ___ drop-in visits, that may be a bottom line for you. Or if your mother-in-law keeps turning you into barnyard animals without your consent, you might feel it’s time to put a stop to it. The first thing to realize is that it’s ___OK to satisfy your own needs. A relationship that makes you feel violated isn’t ___. Correcting problematic relationships in a physical, external world sense is ___ straightforward. You must clearly define the boundaries you’re comfortable with, let the other person know what those boundaries are, and then enforce them. | RELATE PRIVATE ANNOUCED PERFECT HEALTH FAIR |
Раздел 4 (задания по письму)
You have 30 minutes to do this task.
You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend Molly.
White a letter to him and answer his 3 questions.
Write 100–120 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.
Раздел 2
Задание В3
6 – extra
Тексты | A | B | C | D | E | F | G |
Заголовки | 4 | 8 | 1 | 5 | 2 | 7 | 3 |
Задание А7–А14
A7 – 1; A8 – 1; A9 – 2; A10 – 3; A11 – 2; A12 – 1; A13 – 1; A14 – 3.
Раздел 3
Задание В4-В12
B4 – are; B5 – has made; B6 – is preventing; B7 – keeping; B8 – better; B9 – creating; B10 – to play; B11 – will get; B12 – organize.
Задания В13-В18
B13 – relationships; B14 – privacy; B15 – unannounced; B16 – perfectly; B17 – healthy; B18 – fairly.
Раздел 4
Задание С1
Dear Molly,
I’m glad you’ve finally written to me. I do remember you’ve a big family. I think it’s so good to have time together in every possible way. You seem to enjoy each other’s company. If it’s a problem to find a place to spend a weekend you may stay home and read a book or watch a family film. You may also play some games like football outside if the weather is nice.
As for our family we seldom spend time together. Mom prefers to watch serials or look through a magazine, dad works a lot and spends almost every weekend in the office, so I usually go out with my friends.
See you soon,
Предварительный просмотр:
Test 5
Раздел 2. (задания по чтению)
A However, some people become so insecure because of unfair judgment passed on them based on their appearance, that they actually begin using their appearance as a tool to hide who they really are. That’s unnatural and the person they turn into ends up being quite unlikable to those outside their group most of the time. We were all born the way we were for a reason. Granted, it may be a reason we don’t yet understand, but there is a reason and instead of trying to run from our differences and fit in with everyone else, we should understand who we are. That will bring us that much closer to finding the answer, to why we are the way we are.
B Aries – is mostly of medium height and athletically built. The head and forehead are standing out. Eyebrows are bushy. His temper is fiery. Such person is a ground breaker in everything. He is very active and energetic, prefers to act then think of his deeds. The head injuries may take place.
C With all of the character customization options that you get with Skyrim, it’s easy to go overboard and choose an appearance that seems exciting at first, but that quickly loses its appeal. If you’ve already invested dozens of hours in your character, earned a ton of gold, and completed numerous quests, it’s not surprising if you don’t want to go back and do it all over again with a new character just to change the way you look. Fortunately, there is a way to change your character’s name and appearance later in the game by using the console. You can also use this to change your sex if you want, just don’t change your race!
D When he was forty-one years of age Wesley was described by Dr. Kennicott as being “neither tall nor fat. … His black hair, quite smooth and parted very exactly, added to a peculiar composure in his countenance, showed him to be an uncommon man.” Tyerman says, “In person Wesley was rather below the middle size, but beautifully proportioned, without an atom of superfluous flesh; yet muscular and strong, with a forehead clear and smooth, a bright penetrating eye, and a lovely face, which retained the freshness of its complexion to the latest period of his life.”
E Hello, I was wondering does anyone know if it’s possible to get the Cleric armour appearance from the character creation screen? I’ve found that you can get ones similar to it by buying or finding half plates that have the full plate icon, but I haven’t found the exact appearance so far. It’s the one with the chain robe and the armoured shoulders and neck piece with the tabard over the top, it’s really a driving incentive for me to find this armour if possible, also does anyone know if the Paladin armour from the character creation screen exists in the game? I play on the Sarlona server and my character is named Grimand Oathhammer, if anyone has either of these armours and they are sellable, would they be willing to sell or trade with me?
F If you are good, personality comes naturally. No matter what color, race or religion you belong to, if you are a good human being, you will never be alone. All you need is to believe in what you do, and do it with complete dedication, honesty and love. And, your efforts will be rewarded. If you are good at something, believe in your talent, don’t look back. If you want to, you can! This is the kind of confidence, you get when you believe in your strengths and values. Every individual is a different package and everyone has a personality.
G Appearance speaks a lot for you than personality. For instance when you appear for an interview, the interviewer will judge your appearance before he gets to know your personality. Suppose you are meeting your potential in-laws for the first time, you are dressed in a dirty jeans, sandals and shaggy hair, believe me you will not a get a wife! You need to look presentable for you to be taken seriously. First of all from the description above, you will be expressing yourself as a disorganized person. I think appearance is very important.
Тексты | A | B | C | D | E | F | G |
Заголовки |
Why Some Don’t Care About Their Appearance
Despite the extremely superficial nature of this society there are still people who are able to avoid the notion that you have to adapt to a particular standard of beauty mainly because they are comfortable in their own skin. To outsiders it might appear that these individuals don’t care at all what they look like when the reality is that they simply have different priorities, and so even if their appearance doesn’t feature very highly on their list it doesn’t mean that they give no consideration to their appearance whatsoever.
For some individuals appearance is extremely important because it gives them an edge. They may already feel confidence when they are with colleagues and friends, but looking good gives them the extra boost they need.
Other people don’t attribute that much importance to appearances, especially if they have a laid-back attitude, are confident in themselves, and don’t have a job which requires power-dressing. This doesn’t mean they don’t care about their appearance; just that they have better things to do with their time than dressing up when all they are going to do is sit behind a desk all day.
Some people do care about their appearance, although it may not look that way to others. There are individuals who possess their own unique sense of style, which might entail showing off their tattoos and piercings, as well as wearing clothes which don’t seem to go together and look rather scruffy. However, these individuals may well belong to their own ‘tribe’ and this is their uniform. As far as their fellow ‘members’ are concerned they are one of them, and are dressed to reflect this. The rest of the world might think these individuals don’t care about their appearance, but usually the opposite is true.
Of course, there are those who really don’t care what they look like, and usually justifiably so. If you’re homeless, have a drink or drug problem, or a mental health issue, you can be forgiven for not making your appearance a priority.
Unfortunately, everybody is judged by their appearance in this society, so that if you don’t fit in with what is expected you are usually written off as being a bit weird. Everybody has their ups and downs, though, and surely nobody spends every second of their life trying to look their best. There are occasions when you’re sick or are grieving and feel down, so that the last thing on your mind is your appearance. Only the people closest to you are able to judge if you are ‘yourself’ or not, though, since strangers see you for a split second without comprehending how you are feeling at any given moment.
Most people do care about their appearance when they are in good spirits and things are going well in their life because they want to demonstrate that they belong to this society, which generally means conforming to certain standards in terms of their appearance. There may be some who decide to ignore convention, but these tend to be in the minority, while very few individuals don’t care at all what others think about the way they look.
A 7 Some people don’t care about their looks as they find it unimportant.
1) True 2) False 3) Not stated
A 8 For some people good appearance means additional points in their salary.
1) True 2) False 3) Not stated
A 9 There are people who think dressing up is useless for their job.
1) True 2) False 3) Not stated
A 10 Tattoos and piercings can be taken as a sign of haut couture.
1) True 2) False 3) Not stated
A 11 Some people don’t look proper but the same as their friends.
1) True 2) False 3) Not stated
A 12 Men are usually preoccupied by bigger problems than appearance.
1) True 2) False 3) Not stated
A 13 Only strangers can make a just decision about your look.
1) True 2) False 3) Not stated
A 14 Few people are inattentive to the norms of appearance in society.
1) True 2) False 3) Not stated
Раздел 3. (задания по грамматике и лексике)
В4 В5 B6 В7 В8 B9 В10 B11 B12 | How to Change Your _______ Name and Appearance ________ your character’s appearance, open the console by pressing ~, which ______ in the top left corner of standard North American keyboards. ______ showrace menu in the console and hit Enter. This will pull up the character creation screen that you saw when you first ______ your character. Press the ~ again to close the console so that you can start _______ changes. You can change anything about your character’s appearance, ______ your gender, but you can’t change your character’s race without _______ your stats (Magicka, Health, Stamina, skills, and sometimes your level). When you are done, just select ‘Done’. You _______ to re-enter your character’s name and the game will resume. | CHARACTER CHANGE LOCATE TYPE CREAT MAKE INCLUDE MESS UP PROMPT |
В13 В14 В15 В16 В17 В18 | There’s a lot of truth to the old ______, “Beauty is only skin deep.” When they are in their prime, physically beautiful people often have no trouble attracting opportunities. They are often the envy of their peers, who perceive that they live _____ lives and don’t have to deal with the problems that more ordinary-looking people do. But the cruel fact of the matter is that a person’s appearance is always changing, and usually not for the better. For that reason and several others, I think a person’s _______ is ultimately much more important than their appearance. However, that doesn’t mean that maintaining one’s appearance is not important. Being good looking and taking pride in one’s appearance can be very worthwhile. I don’t think it’s ever a bad thing for a person to pay attention to their ______ and dress, particularly when their aim is to impress someone. There’s no doubt that being attractive and _______ will help a person get noticed and make it more likely that they will be given that chance to impress. Many people are turned off by those who are dirty and ______, or obviously don’t take any pride in their appearance. | SAY CHARM PERSON GROOM APPEAL KEMPT |
Раздел 4 (задания по письму)
You have 30 minutes to do this task.
You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend Maurice.
White a letter to him and answer his 3 questions.
Write 100–120 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.
Раздел 2
Задание В3
8 – extra
Тексты | A | B | C | D | E | F | G |
Заголовки | 3 | 5 | 1 | 6 | 4 | 7 | 2 |
Задание А7–А14
A7 –1; A8 – 3; A9 – 1; A10 – 2; A11 – 1; A12 – 3; A13 – 2; A14 – 1.
Раздел 3
Задание В4–В12
B4 – Character’s; B5 – To change; B6 – is located; B7 – Type; B8 – created; B9 – making; B10 – including; B11 – messing up; B12 – will be prompted.
Задания В13-В18
B13 – saying; B14 – charmed; B15 – personality; B16 – grooming; B17 – appealing; B18 – unkempt.
Раздел 4
Задание С1
Dear Maurice,
I’m happy to receive a letter from you. I hope everything’s ok. It may be right to show only beautiful people on TV as you think. They really look attractive and may enlarge the audience of the programme. But it may turn out that good looks are the only thing they have. But that is not enough for a good show to be the best.
As for your party it is a chance for you to check whether appearance is everything or not. Anyway you should wear something you find beautiful, some smart dress, but no champagne. It can only spoil everything.
See you soon,
Предварительный просмотр:
Предварительный просмотр:
Предварительный просмотр:
Предварительный просмотр:
Контрольная работа по английскому языку во 2 классе
I. Составь из слов предложения
1. Mike, seven, is. ____________________________________________________
2. are, nice, my, planes. ________________________________________________
3. has got, he, a bike. __________________________________________________
4. I, my, like, dog. _____________________________________________________
5. Africa, they, from, are. _______________________________________________
6. the kitten, not, pink, is. ______________________________________________
II. Найди лишнее слово и зачеркни его
1. Three, five, thanks, six, seven
2. Bear, monkey, pony, little, pig
3. Fun, run, swim, skip, jump
4. Black, grey, red, green, ten
5. He, she, boy, we, I
6. Doll, big, little, nice, funny
III. Вставьте is, are, am:
1. His dog ___________ funny.
2. Mike __________ my friend.
3. My mother and father _______ doctors.
4. I ______ from America.
5. The cats_______ black.
6. They ______ at home.
7. It _____ a little puppy.
IV. Вставьте слова в предложения:
grandfather, worker, pupil, teacher, aunt, doctor,
1. A ______________________ works at school.
2. A ______________________ works in a hospital.
3. My _____________________ is my mother’s sister.
4. A _______________________ goes to school.
5. A _______________________ works in a plant.
6. My _______________________ is my father’s father.
V. Выберите правильный ответ:
1. Hello!
a) OK!
b) Let’s!
c) Hi!
2. How old are you?
a) I am fine, thanks.
b) I am not old.
c) I am nine.
3. Where is your friend from?
a) He is from Africa.
b) He is a pupil.
c) He is at home.
4. What is he?
a) He is my uncle.
b) He is ten.
c) He is an economist.
5. Who is she?
a) She is a doctor.
b) She is my sister.
- She is from Russia.
Предварительный просмотр:
Предварительный просмотр:
Name: ___________________________________________
1 Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1 Next weekend we _______________ (play) in a tournament against other schools.
2 _______________ (she / often / go) to fencing classes at the sports centre?
3 I hope _______________ (move) to the city next year. The countryside is boring.
4 Lisa! _______________ (you / listen) to me?
5 The department store _______________ (open) at eleven o’clock on a Sunday.
6 _______________ (you / fancy / see) that new Bond film with me on Friday?
Mark: ___ /6
2 Complete with the past simple, past continuous or present perfect form of the verbs in brackets.
Dave 1_______________ (you / ever / try) snowboarding?
Alice Yes, we 2_______________ (go) to France last winter. My brother Harry 3_______________ (not enjoy) it very much, though.
Dave Oh, why not?
Alice He 4_______________ (fall) off the ski lift.
Dave Oh no!
Alice Yes, while he 5_______________ (go) up the mountain on the lift, another skier
6_______________ (crash) into him. Harry 7_______________ (break) a leg.
Dave Oh, bad luck!
Mark: ___ /7
3 Choose the correct answers.
1 There are only ______ students at school today.
a much b a little c a few d any
2 My cousins are vegetarians. They don’t eat ______ meat.
a – b the c a d an
3 I think chess is ______ game that I know.
a interesting b as interesting c more interesting d the most interesting
4 Are you ______ to run a marathon?
a as fit b too fit c enough fit d fit enough
5 Is there ______ orange juice in the fridge?
a many b any c some d a few
6 We went to Buckingham Palace, but we didn’t see ______ Royal Family.
a – b a c the d any
7 Vinnie is not as ________ Kyle.
a tall as b taller than c tall enough d taller as
Mark: ___ /7
4 Read the text and complete the words.
Hi! I’m Dana. I’m sixteen, and I’m from California. I’m very 1 t_ _ _ _ _ _ve. In fact, my sister says I’m never quiet! I don’t like waiting – I’m 2 im_ _ _ _ _ _ _ – but I’m never rude or 3 na _ _y!
I’m quite sporty, and I enjoy playing 4 b_ _ _ _ _ll. I like doing 5 a_ _ _ _ _ _cs too. In fact, next week I’m 6 c_ _ _ _ _ing in a tournament.
I like music and I love films. I play the violin – I like 7 c_ _ _ _ _ _al music a lot. My favourite films are 8 r_ _ _ _ _ _c comedies. They can be predictable, but they’re so 9 e_ _ _ _t_ _ _ing. I don’t like 10 v_ _ _ _ _t films like war films or westerns.
Mark: ___ /10
5 Complete each sentence with one word from A and one word from B.
A DIY garden pedestrian rubbish street
B bin centre crossing lamps store
1 The traffic is dangerous here. You must use the ________________.
2 Dad bought some paint at the ________________. He promised to redecorate my bedroom.
3 The new ________________ has some lovely little trees – and they’re half price!
4 Don’t drop that paper in the street! Put it in the ________________. There’s one on the corner.
5 All the ________________ in our neighbourhood are broken. It’s scary at night now.
Mark: ___ /5
6 Complete the text with the words below. There are two words you do not need.
across audience ceremony hard-working respect through voluntary
My brother finished university today. It was his graduation. I went to the 1____________ with my parents. They are so proud of him! He is incredibly 2____________ and clever. He looked nervous as he walked 3____________ the stage to get his degree, but then he saw us in the
4____________, and he smiled and relaxed. After university he’s going to go to India and do
5____________ work in a hospital there.
Mark: ___ /5
Use of English
7 Complete the text. Choose the correct options, A, B, C or D.
For some people Christmas is an 1_______________ time of year, but for others it can be extremely stressful. Because of this, some people prefer to forget Christmas and go 2_______________, preferably to somewhere warm and sunny. But, judging 3_______________ the number of people out shopping, it's a time of year that most people want to celebrate in some way. The streets are usually 4_______________ on Christmas day though, as most shops don't open. People usually stay 5_______________, opening presents and having their Christmas dinner. However, others prefer to eat 6_______________ in restaurants or 7_______________ relatives. If the weather is nice, many people go 8_______________ for a walk, especially if there's snow. After dinner, they enjoy 9_______________ in front of the TV or playing board games 10_______________ the family.
1 A crowded B empty C enjoyable D scary
2 A away B home C out D shopping
3 A at B by C on D to
4 A crowded B empty C enjoyable D scary
5 A background B indoors C outdoors D underground
6 A about B around C into D out
7 A go B have C play D visit
8 A background B indoors C outdoors D underground
9 A relax B to relax C relaxed D relaxing
10 A at B by C to D with
Mark: ___ /10








Предварительный просмотр:
- Well, … — Ну …
- To tell the truth … — Честно говоря …
- To be honest … — Если быть честным …
- You know, … — Знаете …
- As far as I know, … — Насколько я знаю …
- As far as I can see, … — Насколько я могу судить …
- Actually, … — На самом деле …
- The thing is that … — Дело в том, что …
- It’s a kind of … — Это что-то вроде …
- I am sure that … — Я уверен, что …
- I believe that … — Я полагаю, что …
- I think that … — Я думаю, что …
- In my opinion … / To my mind … — По моему мнению …
- Let me see. — Дайте-ка подумать.
- I am not quite sure I know the right answer, … — Я не совсем уверен, что знаю правильный ответ …
- Without any doubt, … — Вне всякого сомнения …
- It goes without saying that … — Понятно без слов… / Безусловно...
- Firstly, … — Во-первых, …
- Secondly, … — Во-вторых, …
- Thirdly, … — В-третьих, …
- Besides, … — Кроме того …
- Moreover, … — Более того …
- Last but not least, … — Последнее, но не менее важное …
- I should say / admit that … — Хочу сказать / отметить, что …
- By the way, … — К стати, …
- All in all, … — В целом …
- In conclusion, … — В заключение …
СЛС-средства логической связи
Функция | Рекомендуемая лексика |
введение | I’d like to give a talk about... I want to tell you about... To begin with,... |
введение аргументов | First of all,... Besides,... / In addition,... Moreover,... /What is more,... Finally,... There are many reasons why... |
примеры | for example, for instance, such as... |
выражение мнения | In my opinion,... From my point of view,... To tell the truth,... To be honest,... As for me,... Personally, I... |
заключение | Tо sum up, I want to say that... In conclusion, I’d like to point out that... |
Фразы-клише для задания 3
- Вступление:
- I would like to give a short talk about ... Я хотел бы поговорить о ...
- Let me start speaking about ... - Позвольте мне начать говорить о ...
- Слова-связки:
- Actually - на самом деле
- That is why - вот почему
- Firstly - во-первых
- Secondly - во-вторых
- Besides - кроме того
- On the one hand - с одной стороны
- On the other hand - с другой стороны
- But – но
- Заключение:
- In conclusion, I would like to say that ... В заключение я хотел бы сказать, что...
- That’s all I wanted to say. - Это всё, что я хотел сказать.
Пример задания 3
Task 3. You are going to give a talk about health and beauty. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes.
- What you should do to stay beautiful and healthy.
- Why physical attractiveness is important.
- What you can do to improve your fitness level.
- What is your attitude to sport
Remember to say:
You have to talk continuously.
- I would like to give a short talk about health and beauty.
- It goes without saying that health plays a very important role in our everyday life.
- To begin with, it is important to exercise regularly, to sleep 7-8 hours per day and to stick to a healthy diet.
- Besides, people should give up their bad habits and try to avoid stressful situations.
- From my point of view physical attractiveness is important for everyone because beautiful people can easily find friends and get well-paid jobs.
- They often feel confident and satisfied with their lives.
- But one should not forget that inner beauty can be much more important than physical beauty.
- Personally, I want to be strong and attractive, that’s why I go to the gym twice a week.
- I’ve made my workout a regular part of my week.
- In addition, I like jogging and riding a bike.
- It improves my mood and increases my energy level.
- To be honest, My attitude to sport it is positive because it broadens our horizons and makes us better.
- In conclusion I`d like to note that I can`t imagine my life without sport.
- That’s all I wanted to say.
Предварительный просмотр:
Задание 1 | Задание 2 |
Предварительный просмотр:
Dear Molly,
Thank`s for your message. I hope you`re OK!(10)
In your last letter you ask me about (8) ……
In my opinion, From my point of view
As for your last question(5),….
That`s all for now.I need to go to help my mother about the house.Hope to hear from you soon.
Best wishes,
Alice (24)

Предварительный просмотр:
1 | When they said that for the __________________ time, I lost control. | FOUR |
2 | “It looks like I’m the __________________ guest, doesn’t it?” Hugo looked embarrassed. “Sorry for coming so early.” | ONE |
3 | When we arrived in London, the __________________ thing we had was a bus excursion round the British capital. | ONE |
4 | The __________________ piece of jewellery I tried on was a silver necklace. After that I lost track of time. | ONE |
5 | While she was reading the article for the __________________ time, a brilliant idea came to her – why not take up a summer job as a photographer? | TWO |
6 | The librarian was surprised to see such a small child. "Are you here for the __________________ time? Would you like me to find a nice book with lots of pictures for you?" she asked. | ONE |
7 | Bella did the first task quickly, but the __________________ one was a real problem. Bella got panicky. | TWO |
8 | The flat was on the __________________ floor in an old brick building. | FIVE |
9 | When he was consuming his __________________ one, his grandmother appeared at the doorway. | FIVE |
10 | It was her __________________ birthday in a few days. | SIXTEEN |
11 | Jason focused on the food again. He took his __________________ biscuit and said: “I wish my mum could make biscuits like this.” | FOUR |
12 | She had got a job most of her friends could only dream about. It was her __________________ full-time job. | ONE |
13 | She took a deep breath and walked up the steps to school. She went straight into her __________________ grade classroom. | FIVE |
14 | Carlos couldn’t blow them out on the __________________ try and his friends were delighted to help him. | ONE |
15 | “Yes!” Kathy definitely liked the idea. “We’ll make three walls yellow, but the __________________ one will be orange.” | FOUR |
16 | In 2010, a terrible earthquake hit the Haitian city of Léogâne. It was the __________________ of January, my birthday. It was a normal day in the morning. | TWELVE |
17 | And it was his __________ business trip that month. | THREE |
18 | “As you like,” Gary said and headed to the water. The __________________ wave hit him hard and he lost his balance. Everything was happening very fast – Gary fell down and went under the water. Fortunately, Tom and his mother were close enough to get him out in time. | THREE |
19 | Mary’s birthday was on Saturday and she decided to arrange the party all by herself. At first, making a party to celebrate her __________ birthday looked like an easy thing to do. | FIFTEEN |
20 | "Well, if we apply our deductive method, we’ll come to several conclusions. Astronomically, there are billions of planets. My__________________ conclusion is astrological – I observe Saturn in Leo. | TWO |
21 | This was going to be the __________________ time in one week and that was too much even for Mrs Pitt. | THREE |
22 | Lucky disappeared on the __________________ day after moving house. We looked for the cat everywhere. We asked all our new neighbours about him. | THREE |
23 | “You definitely will,” they smiled. And they were right. By the end of my __________________ winter in Canada, I felt confident on the ice. More than that, I found out that skating was a really exciting activity! | ONE |
24 | And to me he is still the best children's author of the _________________ century. | TWENTY |
25 | The __________________ one was uniform. Yes, in my opinion, the school uniform had more advantages than disadvantages. | TWO |
26 | Kate called me early in the morning. It was the __________________ day of holidays; I felt angry with her for waking me up. | TWO |
27 | I'm studying Italian in a summer school in Tuscany. I arrived a few days ago. It’s my __________________ trip to Italy. | ONE |
28 | In 2014, the group changed its name to ‘Band Aid 30’ because it was the __________________ time the song was recorded. That year, the song aimed to help those who were suffering from the Ebola virus. | THIRTY |
29 | The phone rang in Clark Taylor’s house at nearly three in the morning. He answered it only after the __________________ ring. “Hello,” Clark said in a sleepy voice. | FIVE |
30 | Anyway, I prefer my good old Nokia. It’s my __________________ mobile phone. | ONE |
31 | My __________________ house will be smarter than the first one. | TWO |
32 | Naturally, the __________________ thing Harry’s classmates wanted to see was the huge fire truck. | ONE |
33 | Five years later Steven became a student and moved to the city. He rented a small apartment on the __________________ floor. | ONE |
34 | The ____________ reason was that they were going to take a trip to the mountains. | TWO |
35 | Roxy suddenly pulled away from Robbie and began running fast. He was the __________________ dog to catch the ball and he didn’t forget to bring it back to the judge! “The winner is the dog with no entry name on my list. Whose dog is this?” asked the judge. | ONE |
36 | It has many traditions – for example, the ‘May Dip’. It is held on the __________________ of May every year. | ONE |
37 | For the__________________ time Jenny had a cast on her arm, from her fingers down to her elbow. | ONE |
38 | The phone woke Kim up. She answered the call almost immediately, after the__________________ beep, because she expected her mother to call. But it wasn’t her. | THREE |
39 | That meant that someone had come into the room through the door. My __________________ impulse was to call the police but I called Jim instead. | ONE |
40 | It was an early morning. Ben jumped out of his bed as soon as the __________________ rays of sun came into the room. He grabbed his backpack and started to pack. | ONE |
41 | I clearly remember my ____________ visit to Stonehenge with my aunt and uncle. | ONE |
42 | That was Grandpa’s number one rule. The __________________ rule was, “Never buy a new tool if the old one still works.” | TWO |
43 | July 17th was coming. It would be Mark’s __________________ birthday. | THIRTEEN |
44 | They could never believe that soon we were going to see one of the __________________ airplane flights in the country. | ONE |
45 | Dad made three large cups of the stuff. He took one and drank it. He handed the __________________ cup to Tom. To his surprise the juice tasted really good. | TWO |
Предварительный просмотр:
1 | “Were you?” I was surprised since Ted was the __________________ and tolerant person I’d ever met. | PATIENT |
2 | It was going to be __________________ than staying with a host family as the hostel was very close to the college. | CONVENIENT |
3 | I was sitting in an arm-chair and watching my sister Alison. She was getting ready for a party. Alison was 15 years __________________ than me and she always treated me like a child. | OLD |
4 | Annie laughed aloud. “I’ve never got a present __________________ than this. Ok, let’s test your lamp.” | ORIGINAL |
5 | I quickly looked over at my __________________ brother, Paul. | YOUNG |
6 | The camp life was even __________________ than I had expected. We enjoyed all kinds of camping activities – sports and games, different shows and contests. | INTERESTING |
7 | She reached for the phone and dialled the number of the __________________ photography agency in the town. | LARGE |
8 | Actually, she read __________________ than most school pupils. | WELL |
9 | He said they were the__________________ natural sights he had ever seen. | WONDERFUL |
10 | When the teacher handed out the tests, Bella felt even __________________ than she had felt before. | BAD |
11 | The senior students will be teaching us today. They are only two or three years __________ than us. How can they possibly teach us?” | OLD |
12 | It was the middle of November and Tina felt down and depressed. Late autumn was the __________________ season of the year. | BAD |
13 | “They are the _______ animals I’ve ever seen” said Wendy in an impressed voice. | LARGE |
14 | The place was much __________________ than a zoo, but clean and well kept. There were volunteers in special uniforms. One of them showed Tim and his mum round the shelter. | SMALL |
15 | The weather was getting __________________ every hour. | BAD |
16 | The second fish was __________________ than the first one and soon Dad caught a few more. | BIG |
17 | “You can take mine if you want,” said Cathy. I thanked her but her socks were two sizes __________ than I needed! | SMALL |
18 | “Getting wet is not a problem,” Dad replied. “I’m sure you understand that visiting a museum is much __________ for you than watching TV at home.” My brother and I sighed. The film we wanted to see so much was on TV on that very day. We looked at each other and decided that we needed a plan... | GOOD |
19 | Emma had moved to the city because of her job. Only two months before she had thought she was the __________________ girl in the world. | LUCKY |
20 | For Veronica, pumpkin pies were the __________________, especially when her mother cooked them. | GOOD |
21 | It was actually the __________________ job he had ever had. | GOOD |
22 | I grew older but the situation didn’t get any __________________. | GOOD |
23 | Like I did. I think it’s the __________________ language I have ever learnt, but it’s interesting and it sounds very nice. | DIFFICULT |
24 | Everyone seemed friendly and Tracey felt a little __________________. | GOOD |
25 | The party will take place anyway and it will be the _____________ party ever”. | GOOD |
26 | The next day Jane and her mum went to the park __________________ than usual. Jane taped her picture onto a big rubbish bin and started picking up rubbish. | EARLY |
27 | And we would be much __________ to them, wouldn’t we?” | KIND |
28 | “Oh, no! It’s out of the question!” said Kathy’s mother, firmly. A designer’s advice is much __________________ than we can afford.” | EXPENSIVE |
29 | It was the __________________ day of my life so far – I have never felt that scared! After the earthquake I asked my wife: "How are we going to go on living?" | BAD |
30 | The soft toy changed their life and made it much __________. | GOOD |
31 | “It’s ok, Mum, I just feel much __________________ alone than with people who can’t understand me,” Cindy usually answered. “Parks are a lot more fun to spend time in than hanging out in a shopping centre.” And her mother didn’t know what to say. | GOOD |
32 | But everyone in her family knew that a dark room was the __________________ of her fears. | BAD |
33 | “It’s getting _________________ every minute,” said Gary. “How about a swim?” “No way,” Tom’s mother was definitely against the idea and Tom had to obey. | HOT |
34 | I was sixteen and she was four years __________________ than me. | YOUNG |
35 | Vicki was a year __________ and more experienced in arranging parties. Vicki agreed and went to Mary’s house at once. | OLD |
36 | Your mum showed us your photo, but you are much __________________ there. Join us for tea. | YOUNG |
37 | She was the __________________ teacher in the world but Paul wasn’t sure that she would forgive him again. | KIND |
38 | When you shop for children's books, Dahl is the __________________ choice. His books are entertaining and full of jokes. | EASY |
39 | Most adults miss their childhood. “Your school years are the __________________ years of your life,” – have you ever heard that phrase? | GOOD |
40 | “If you were a couple of years__________________, you could manage it. But I doubt you can do it now,” I tried to talk him out of keeping the crow but finally agreed to take the bird home. | OLD |
41 | Now I knew what was going on. Bob Smith, the captain of the school baseball team, was the __________________ boy in our school. All the girls wanted to attract his attention. | POPULAR |
42 | Actually it was my mum's idea to send me here. In her opinion Italy is the __________________ country in the world. | INTERESTING |
43 | But one of my friends, who is a __________________ music expert than I am, says that, if the song helps people in need – it can never be a bad thing! | GREAT |
44 | It belonged to Martin Hall, one of the ___________ math students he had ever had. | BRIGHT |
45 | They say the __________________ thing about a smartphone is that you ‘can do everything with it!’ | GOOD |
46 | It took Simon four months to complete his fairytale home. He managed to create a modern wooden eco-home – one of the _______________ houses you can imagine. | WONDERFUL |
47 | And there is nothing __________________ than forest fires!” | DANGEROUS |
48 | He made a few steps toward another dune. It was __________________ to walk along the top of a hill, than along the bottom. | EASY |
49 | He was the __________________ teacher in the world! | GOOD |
50 | For me the ‘May Dip’ was the __________________ experience of my life! | COLD |
51 | Martin and Jane were shopping. They were in the __________________ shopping centre in their city. | LARGE |
52 | You certainly know that the Bolshoi Theatre is the __________ theatre in Russia and probably in the world. | FAMOUS |
53 | It was true. My mum was the __________________ woman in the world. | BUSY |
54 | Dylan had a very old car. It was 20 years old. But the faded paint made it look even __________________ than that. | OLD |
55 | Visiting Grandpa had always been the ____________ part of his summer vacation. | GOOD |
56 | Stonehenge is an ancient monument in south-west England. For me, it’s the __________________ place I’ve ever visited. | INTERESTING |
57 | When I was at school, I spent two summers at my grandfather’s. They were the __________________ holidays I’ve ever had. Grandpa lived alone in a country cottage near a small river. | GOOD |
58 | She knew that Mark enjoyed learning about space but a telescope was a __________________ present than they had planned. | EXPENSIVE |
59 | His mum said that younger people were much __________________ than adults at learning computer skills. | FAST |
60 | “You don’t eat enough vegetables,” his dad said. “If you don’t like eating them, you’ll probably like drinking them.” Tom nodded. It was definitely ________________ than the stewed vegetables his mum cooked almost every day. | GOOD |
Предварительный просмотр:
1 | I can’t call them because of this,” he pulled his phone out of his pocket and showed it to me – the screen __________________ and the phone was obviously dead. | BREAK |
2 | I checked the window – it __________________. | CLOSE |
3 | It was very cold out-of-doors and everything __________________ in snow but Kim’s mother walked in all weathers. | COVER |
4 | Everyone says I’ve got talent,” she said to herself, looking at the magazine where an article about the competition __________________. | PUBLISH |
5 | “Why do you need a job?” I asked. “You __________________ by Mr. Green only a week ago as far as I remember.” | EMPLOY |
6 | The company __________________ ‘Imagination’. They focused on Internet technologies. | CALL |
7 | The house __________________ by Simon himself, with a bit of help from his friends. The result is impressive. | BUILD |
8 | Tim sat at the table. Emma had some papers in her hands but Tim couldn’t read what __________________ there – the letters were too small. | |
9 | As a result, now people __________________ to walk around the monument but they can’t come up very close to it. | ALLOW |
10 | One of her regular passengers was a guitar player. Every Friday night he got on the bus carrying his guitar. The guitar __________________ of wood, not plastic, and Dana liked the way it sounded. | MAKE |
11 | It __________________ of natural materials. Besides, the uniform saved a lot of time in the mornings. | MAKE |
12 | The guests enjoyed the dinner and then Liz brought in a cake. The cake __________________ with chocolates and jellies, and it had as many candles as the number of years Carlos had reached that day. | DECORATE |
13 | St Andrews University is a truly special place. It __________________ 600 years ago and it is one of the oldest universities in the English-speaking world. | BUILD |
14 | He put on a sweater, jacket, gloves, boots and a hat, and opened his front door. Everything __________________ with snow. A cold wind blew inside. | COVER |
15 | My car was absolutely new! It __________________ only a week ago.” | BUY |
16 | Several benches __________________. | BREAK |
17 | Soon everything __________________ and he started to get dressed. | PACK |
18 | Alison took her jewellery box from the table. The box __________________ of wood and had colourful stones on the top. “You know you must never touch it, right?” Alison said. | MAKE |
19 | “Martin, what’s happened? Where are you? ” Clark asked. “In the police station. I __________________ at the railway station two hours ago. I was going to a conference. | ARREST |
20 | It was winter and I __________________ by the amount of snow there. | IMPRESS |
21 | Then we __________________ refreshing drinks. I had some orange juice and closed my eyes. | OFFER |
22 | Her mother pulled two packages from her shopping bag. In the first package there were some very nice slippers. They __________________ from soft, pink fabric and had bright flashing lights. Inside the second package were glow-in-the-dark pyjamas! | MAKE |
23 | “Getting back to the wall colour, why not make your room yellow or orange?” Dad suggested. “When the walls __________________ in those colours, the room will look cheerful.” | PAINT |
24 | The Junior Dance Competition __________________ in their town every year. It was a spectacular show. | HOLD |
25 | When the pie was ready, Veronica put it on the table. The pie looked nice: it __________________ with nuts and coloured sugar. | DECORATE |
26 | And all the tools __________________ carefully in their places. | KEEP |
27 | Half an hour later everything __________________ in a suitcase and Susan called her best friend to tell her the news. | PACK |
28 | There were volunteers in special uniforms. One of them showed Tim and his mum round the shelter. Lots of animals __________________ there. | KEEP |
29 | His shoulders __________________ with protective suntan lotion, but they looked red anyway. | COVER |
30 | A few years ago I was on a camping holiday in Bristol. There were lots of other girls from around the UK, but I was the only one from Scotland. The camp __________________ in the woods, not far from the river. | LOCATE |
31 | On the table there was a huge pie. It __________________ with different fruit and looked fantastic. | DECORATE |
32 | Yesterday, the plan __________________ by the City Council and work starts tomorrow. I want to join the volunteer team!” | APPROVE |
33 | It was a shame to drive a car that looked like that and Dylan took it to a paint shop. | PAINT |
34 | “A magic lamp. And I didn’t buy it. It __________________ in the attic of an old country house a year ago. | FIND |
35 | In fact, it was their favourite place because it was nice and not very expensive. The centre __________________ Dress for Less. | CALL |
36 | He pulled out a juicing machine from the cupboard. Nobody had used it for ages and the machine __________________ with a thin layer of dust. Tom’s dad washed it and turned it on. | COVER |
37 | The collars of some dogs __________________ with medals. The contest started, and the judge threw a ball. | DECORATE |
38 | My friend’s hobby is collecting jokes. When he tells a good joke, he writes it down on a special card. The cards __________________ in a box in his room. | KEEP |
39 | It was a crow. Its wing __________________ and the bird could not fly. | BREAK |
40 | It took all his attention because the manual __________________ in Spanish, a language my uncle didn’t know very well. | WRITE |
41 | Now our fund __________________ 'Seeds for Change'. | CALL |
42 | Her mother took Jenny to the doctor. It turned out that two of the bones __________________. | BREAK |
43 | Roald Dahl started as an adult writer. His first book __________________ in 1942. | PUBLISH |
44 | His expedition started in 2001. It __________________ to draw attention to the African forests. During his expedition Mike Fay made several films about the beauty of the forests. | ORGANIZE |
45 | The word ‘robot’_____________ for the first time in a science fiction play in 1920. | USE |
46 | As we couldn’t keep him at home, we made him wear a special tag. Our address __________________ on it in large printed letters. | WRITE |
47 | It was larger than the room she used to live in. Everything in this room __________________ in Kim’s favourite colours and according to her taste. | ARRANGE |
48 | A large bowl of doughnuts was on the table. It __________________ with a white kitchen towel but Jeff could not resist it and pulled out a doughnut. | COVER |
49 | One of them was my favourite mug. Without it, neither tea nor soup tasted like at home. Another thing was the warmth. The floor in my room at home __________ with a thick carpet. | COVER |
50 | Amazingly, many of the houses __________________ centuries ago! | BUILD |
51 | The building we can see today opened in 1825. It ________________ by architect Andrei Mikhailov who was also the architect of the Maly Theatre. | DESIGN |
52 | The sky __________ with heavy dark clouds. But the weather didn’t make our parents change their plan. | COVER |
53 | It took the girls half an hour to make a list of guests. Each name __________ carefully on glossy paper. | WRITE |
54 | The territory of the zoo was large, and the animals __________ in large enclosures that imitated their natural environment. | KEEP |
55 | In fact, all the scripts and programmes for our school events __________________ by Jane. We helped her as much as we could but she always did most of the work. | WRITE |
56 | I read the book too and I also saw a film about that character. He was a very polite bear who travelled to London from some exotic country. He __________________ in Paddington Station by the Brown family, who adopted him. | DISCOVER |
57 | The group __________ Band Aid. Over forty singers were involved in the project, including Paul McCartney, Bono, David Bowie and Sting. | CALL |
58 | It was an unusual, but interesting French class. The poem __________ on the board, our new teacher read it and then we discussed the poet’s message, choice of words and other poetical things. | WRITE |
Предварительный просмотр:
1 | One of the __________________ called for the manager and complained.” Ted nervously turned back to his computer. “I didn’t like that job anyway.” | WOMAN |
2 | I was happy to take part in the exchange programme and to go to college in Britain. An opportunity to spend two ____________ in London sounded fantastic. | MONTH |
3 | When she put on her jewellery, she looked like a princess. She moved gracefully as if her __________________ didn’t touch the ground. | FOOT |
4 | My answer provoked a wave of absurd questions about my country: “Have you ever seen a ghost in your castle?” “Do all Scottish __________________ wear checked skirts?” | MAN |
5 | Anna was glad that the academic year was about to finish. Like most ________________ she was looking forward to the summer but not because she wanted to relax. | CHILD |
6 | Mr. and Mrs. Wormwood were our neighbours. They had two ________________. | CHILD |
7 | Mike commented that 26,000 square kilometres of the forest were saved for the future and for our __________________. | CHILD |
8 | Probably because the teacher was almost the same age as us, we felt relaxed and spoke freely. He also told us several amusing __________ about the poet and his time. When the class was almost over, our substitute teacher invited us to attend the next session of the school literary society. | STORY |
9 | Tina imagined herself wearing a beautiful dress and elegant shoes on her __________________. She decided it was something she’d like to try. | FOOT |
10 | From her window Kim could see the large garden, which now was covered with bright yellow __________________, and the tiled roofs at a distance. | LEAF |
11 | Jeff remembered that Granny had always been very strict about the morning routine. She never allowed her grandchildren to look untidy or avoid brushing their __________________. | TOOTH |
12 | “Great!” Susan ran up to her room to pack. “Remember to take some comfortable shoes. Otherwise your __________________ will hurt after the long excursions.” Her father’s advice was always practical. | FOOT |
13 | It was a hard job and very few __________________ worked as bus drivers in those days but Dana loved her job very much. | WOMAN |
14 | Cats and dogs made up most of the population, but there were also horses, monkeys, __________________ and other animals. | FOX |
15 | His __________________ were wet and I gave him a pair of socks to change into. A cup of hot tea and some biscuits soon made the boy feel warm. | FOOT |
16 | There was a man and two __________________ inside. | CHILD |
17 | We arrived at the lake very early. It was cold but in spite of that there were several __________________ there. Dad pulled our fishing rods out of the rucksack and we joined the others. | MAN |
18 | In our place in France the floor was icy cold with no carpet at all. My __________ were always cold. | FOOT |
19 | When my brother and I were small, our parents spent a lot of time with us. They believed that __________ should learn something new every day and every hour. | CHILD |
20 | Veronica loved autumn. It was her favourite season. There were many good things about it. She loved the smells, the changing _____________, and the cool breezes. | LEAF |
21 | “Oh, no!” Martin exclaimed. Martin glanced at his watch. It was 7:18. He looked around. There were no __________________ on the street and he decided to drive off quickly. | POLICEMAN |
22 | Mum says that from my very early days I differed from all the other __________________ around and needed special care. | BABY |
23 | Cornish is a Celtic language, used in Cornwall, a county in south-eastern England. __________________ ago, when the Anglo-Saxons invaded Britain, many Celts moved to the mountain areas. | CENTURY |
24 | “That must be Tracey,” “Hello, Tracey!”, “Welcome, Tracey!” the __________________ in the room welcomed her. | CHILD |
25 | Jane liked going to the park with her mum. One day when they were there, she said, “There is so much rubbish on the ground.” They looked around. There were old __________________, waste paper and cans on the ground. | BOX |
26 | She was very good at arranging all sorts of __________ and events. | PARTY |
27 | “No, pink is either for __________________ or for silly girls who like Barbie dolls. I’m neither of those.” | BABY |
28 | "I have no idea", she said. "But we're lucky. Our house is still standing, and thousands of people lost everything, even their __________________". | LIFE |
29 | Some of them can even take care of __________________ and elderly people. | CHILD |
30 | A large lake is going to be made in the centre. There will be wild animals there like hares, squirrels and even __________________. | FOX |
31 | She was one of those rare girls who never screamed when she saw spiders, __________________ and frogs. | MOUSE |
32 | It was a hot summer day. Tom and his mum were heading to the beach. Tom was only wearing shorts and a pair of sandals on his __________________ but he felt hot anyway. | FOOT |
33 | I felt puzzled and didn’t know what to say. The two __________________ at the bus stop looked amused at our conversation and didn’t hide their smiles. | WOMAN |
34 | He was in the bathroom cleaning his __________________ when he heard some unfamiliar voices from the veranda. | TOOTH |
35 | One day Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson went camping. They put up a tent, made a fire and had a good dinner of meat and __________________. | POTATO |
36 | We even asked all the __________________ in our district if they had seen him. But nobody had seen a cat that looked like our Lucky. | POLICEMAN |
37 | Their answer was simple, “In winter __________________ and adults go skiing and skating.” Before arriving in Canada I had never tried skating and my Canadian ice experience was really painful. | CHILD |
38 | Later he began writing children's books. Many of the __________________ are based on Dahl's own childhood memories. | STORY |
39 | My first impulse was to say “no” – unlike most__________________I hated shopping. But Kate sounded so unhappy that I felt sorry for her. | WOMAN |
40 | We started chatting in Italian, laughing, telling jokes and sharing our life__________________. It was lots of fun. I even started to speak Spanish with the Argentines, and our sentences became a mixture of both Italian and Spanish. | STORY |
41 | Although the song has sometimes been criticised, over 312,000 __________ of the song have been sold. | COPY |
42 | It was not difficult for him to prove that Martin Hall was his former student. Clark brought a scientific journal with Martin’s article and a photo of him. The __________________ were surprised to find out that their prisoner was a capable young scientist. | POLICEMAN |
43 | Grown-ups as well as __________________ like playing games. | CHILD |
44 | There is dry grass and dry __________________ on the ground. They start to burn very easily. | LEAF |
45 | As a child, Steven lived in a village. Outside the village there was a house where a strange old woman and her granddaughter Eliza lived. The __________________ often played together. | CHILD |
46 | Their wide __________________ could protect the camel from the sun's rays. | LEAF |
47 | Unlike most __________________, Martin liked shopping. | MAN |
48 | For several weeks, Jenny had to have the cast on. It was a huge relief to get it off, finally. At last she could get back to her favourite __________________ which were running, swimming, and climbing. | ACTIVITY |
49 | She actually looked younger than other __________________ of her age and that was probably because of her walking. | WOMAN |
50 | “Yes, sure,” he said. “There are lots of _______________ in the attic. You can take whatever you want for Mark for free. I’m glad he’s taking up my father’s hobby.” | BOX |
51 | I remember my uncle Thomas very well. My mum says I can’t because I was a little girl, only three at the time. But my memories of him are still very vivid. Uncle Thomas was a sailor. When he returned from his last trip, he brought several large __________________ with him. | BOX |
52 | That was probably true - most __________________ in Michael’s class were very competent computer users. | CHILD |
53 | Then he put a handful of carrots inside. Next he added cucumbers and__________. | TOMATO |
Предварительный просмотр:
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1:30 2:00 Task 3. You are going to give a talk about your school. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes (10–12 sentences). Remember to say: what your typical school day is like; what your favourite subject is, and why; what you like most about your school; what your attitude to your school life is. You have to talk continuously. 9 F1047
Task 3. You are going to give a talk about your school holidays. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes (10–12 sentences). Remember to say: when you have school holidays; what school holidays you would make longer, and why; what you enjoy doing during your school holidays; what your attitude to school holidays is. You have to talk continuously. 0 BF608 1:30 2:00
Task 3. You are going to give a talk about travelling. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes (10–12 sentences). Remember to say: why people like travelling in Russia; what means of transport is the most popular for travelling in Russia, and why; what places in Russia you would like to visit; what your attitude to travelling is. You have to talk continuously. 52060 A 1:30 2:00
Task 3. You are going to give a talk about reading books. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes (10– 12 sentences). Remember to say: whether reading is popular with teenagers, and why, or why not; what kind of books you like reading; why many people prefer e-books to paper books; what your attitude to reading is. You have to talk continuously. 262B27 1:30 2:00
Task 3. You are going to give a talk about travelling. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes (10–12 sentences). Remember to say: why most people enjoy travelling; what people like doing while travelling; what place you would like to go to, and why; what your attitude to travelling is. You have to talk continuously. C39D2F 1:30 2:00
Task 3. You are going to give a talk about keeping fit. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes (10–12 sentences). Remember to say: why doing sport is very important for modern teenagers; what else besides sport young people do to keep fit; what you enjoy doing in your free time; what your attitude to doing sports activities is. You have to talk continuously. 328D2A 1:30 2:00
Task 3. You are going to give a talk about animals. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes (10–12 sentences). Remember to say: what wild animals live in your region; whether it is a good idea to keep a wild animal as a pet, and why; why people build zoos in cities and towns; what your attitude to zoos is. You have to talk continuously. 668AD5 1:30 2:00
Task 3. You are going to give a talk about your school. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes (10– 12 sentences). Remember to say: what your typical school day is like; what subjects at school you find most useful for your future, and why; what you are going to do when you leave school; what your attitude to school life is. You have to talk continuously. 7D3B5F 1:30 2:00
Task 3. You are going to give a talk about school life. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes (10–12 sentences). Remember to say: what your weekday is like; what you like about your school most of all; whether you prefer classroom learning or online learning, and why; what your attitude to your school life is. You have to talk continuously. F93EA0 1:30 2:00
Task 3. You are going to give a talk about sports. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes (10–12 sentences). Remember to say: why a lot of young people do sports nowadays; what sports clubs and teams there are in your school; what you do to keep fit; what your attitude to doing sports activities is. You have to talk continuously. AE0AAD 1:30 2:00
Task 3. You are going to give a talk about environmental problems. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes (10–12 sentences). Remember to say: why people worry about environmental problems nowadays; what the most serious environmental problem in the place where you live is; what young people can do to improve the ecological situation; what your attitude to environmental problems is. You have to talk continuously. AE51A8 1:30 2:00
Task 3. You are going to give a talk about pets. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes (10–12 sentences). Remember to say: why people keep pets; what pets are most popular in big cities; whether having pets is a big responsibility, and why; what your attitude to keeping pets is. You have to talk continuously. 957DA2 1:30 2:00
Task 3. You are going to give a talk about travelling. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes (10–12 sentences). Remember to say: why most people like travelling; which season is the best for travelling in your opinion; what means of transport is the best for travelling, and why; what your attitude to travelling is. You have to talk continuously. 3BA5AF 1:30 2:00
Task 3. You are going to give a talk about your school. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes (10–12 sentences). Remember to say: what you like about your school most of all; how many lessons a day you usually have; what school subjects you have chosen for your exams, and why; what your attitude to the number of subjects you have to learn is. You have to talk continuously. 37A3A9 1:30 2:00
Task 3. You are going to give a talk about your free time. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes (10–12 sentences). Remember to say: whether you have a lot of free time, and why, or why not; what you enjoy doing in your free time; what your Sunday afternoons are like; what your attitude to planning your free time is. You have to talk continuously. 86CCA2 1:30 2:00
Task 3. You are going to give a talk about films. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes (10–12 sentences). Remember to say: what kinds of films modern teenagers enjoy; where you prefer watching films: on TV, on the Internet or in the cinema, and why; what film you have seen recently, what it was about; what your attitude to watching films as a way to spend your free time is. You have to talk continuously. 49B7CE 1:30 2:00
Task 3. You are going to give a talk about school homework. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes (10–12 sentences). Remember to say: how long it takes you to do your homework; what subject you usually start with, and why; whether schoolchildren should be given more or less homework, and why; what your attitude to school homework is. You have to talk continuously. DE3D92 1:30 2:00
T ask 3. You are going to give a talk about TV. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes (10–12 sentences). Remember to say: why people spend time watching TV; what most teenagers prefer: watching TV or browsing the Internet, and why; whether there is a TV programme you really like; what your attitude to watching TV as a way to spend your free time is. You have to talk continuously. D47EE4 1:30 2:00
Task 3. You are going to give a talk about TV. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes (10– 12 sentences). Remember to say: whether watching TV is a popular pastime with teenagers, and why, or why not; how many hours a week you watch TV; what TV programme is the most popular within your family; what your attitude to TV is. You have to talk continuously. 5291EC 1:30 2:00
Task 3. You are going to give a talk about your school. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes (10–12 sentences). Remember to say: what you like most about your school; what weekday you find the most difficult, and why; what you would like to change in your school life; what your attitude to your school life is. You have to talk continuously. C666E8 1:30 2:00
Task 3. You are going to give a talk about learning foreign languages. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes (10–12 sentences). Remember to say: why lots of people learn foreign languages nowadays; why you have chosen to do the English exam this year; what you did to prepare for your English exam; what your attitude to learning foreign languages is. You have to talk continuously. 84B5E9 1:30 2:00
Task 3. You are going to give a talk about keeping fit. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes (10–12 sentences). Remember to say: why a healthy lifestyle is popular nowadays; what you do to keep fit; what sports activities are popular with teenagers in your region; what your attitude to a healthy lifestyle is. You have to talk continuously. 589265 1:30 2:00
Task 3. You are going to give a talk about the Internet. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes (10–12 sentences). Remember to say: why today’s teenagers use the Internet so much; how the Internet makes long-distance communication easier; what dangers teenagers can face when they use the Internet; what your attitude to the Internet is. You have to talk continuously. 15B835 1:30 2:00
Task 3. You are going to give a talk about your best friend. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes (10–12 sentences). Remember to say: what people need friends for; how long you and your friend have known each other; what you enjoy doing together; what your attitude to friendship is. You have to talk continuously. 6E143C 1:30 2:00
Task 3. You are going to give a talk about the place where you live. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes (10–12 sentences). Remember to say: what your city, town or village is famous for; what your favourite place in your city, town or village is, and why you like it; whether you are going to stay in your city, town or village after leaving school or move to another place, and why; what your attitude to your city, town or village is. You have to talk continuously. 74F38A 1:30 2:00
Предварительный просмотр:
Предварительный просмотр:
Reading has (have) always been a common hobby among adolescents. As part of my project on what book genres are popular with teenagers in Zetland, I have found a table (pie chart) with the results of some opinion polls. I am going to analyse the data in the table and express my opinion.(50)
Сlearly, looking at the table (pie chart) it is possible to identify a few main facts. Answering the question “What book genres do you prefer to read?” 32 % of the respondents choose “Adventures”, the lowest proportion of the people who took part in the survey (Zetlanders\young Zetlanders) select “Romance”(5%).(46)
According to the results of the opinion poll, the proportion of the respondents who opt for “Sport stories”(25%) is higher than that of those who prefer “Animal stories”(36%). This noticeable difference is really surprising and can be explained by the fact that it can be extremely boring to read about animals for young Zetlanders.(individuals/citizens of Zetland).(53)
It is worth mentioning that there is a typical problem that can arise with reading. He or she can have a serious problem with eyesight while reading without a proper light.To solve this burning issue, I can put forward a proposal to buy a light-emittingdiode lamp or to read just during the day time.(56)
In conclusion, I reckon that one should be able to read different genres of books because this hobby can broaden people`s horizons and can help ones become better.(28)
232 words
- conclude by giving and explaining your opinion on weather one should read different book genres