Процесс обучения английскому языку должен быть увлекательным и разнообразным. Ведь учеба – дело долгое, а если заскучаешь, то тут же возникает мысль быстрее все бросить. Чтобы не сойти с верного пути и достичь хороших знаний, нужно проводить уроки разнопланово. Один из развлекательных методов изучения языка – фильмы на английском языке.
Рабочие листы взяты с сайта https://busyteacher.org/
https://ororo.tv/ru/shows/friends-uncut#3 - Friends S3E9 (Sibling rivalry between Monica and Ross dominates Thanksgiving proceedings when the gang decide to play a game of football)
https://ororo.tv/ru/movies/pride-prejudice - Pride & Prejudice (Sparks fly when spirited Elizabeth Bennet meets single, rich, and proud Mr. Darcy. But Mr. Darcy reluctantly finds himself falling in love with a woman beneath his class. Can each overcome their own pride and prejudice?)
https://ororo.tv/ru/movies/home-alone - Home Alone (An 8-year-old boy who is accidentally left behind while his family flies to France for Christmas must defend his home against idiotic burglars.)
https://ororo.tv/ru/movies/ice-age-dawn-of-the-dinosaurs - Ice Age Dawn of the Dinosaurs (When Sid's attempt to adopt three dinosaur eggs gets him abducted by their real mother to an underground lost world, his friends attempt to rescue him.)
https://ororo.tv/ru/movies/inside-out - Inside Out (After young Riley is uprooted from her Midwest life and moved to San Francisco, her emotions - Joy, Fear, Anger, Disgust and Sadness - conflict on how best to navigate a new city, house, and school)
https://ororo.tv/ru/movies/maleficent - Maleficent (A vengeful fairy is driven to curse an infant princess, only to discover that the child may be the one person who can restore peace to their troubled land)
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Предварительный просмотр:
Предварительный просмотр:
Предварительный просмотр:
PART 1 (0:00-51:20)
Look at the pictures. Who do you see in the picture? What is going on? Put the pictures in order.
Put these events in order:
Fuller drinks a lot of Pepsi
Buzz tells a scary story about Old Marley
Kevin asks his mum to watch a movie with older kids
Kevin wishes his family would disappear
Pizza is delivered to the house
Aunt asks Kevin to pack his suitcase
Kevin is looking for his family members
Milk is spilled on the passports
The policeman is looking for parents in the McCallisters house
The house is in chaos because nobody is ready to leave
The family got on the plane
Kevin has to go to the third floor
There is a blackout because of the storm
Kevin’s mom tries to think what they forgot at home
Police comes to check on Kevin
Kevin breaks Buzz’s shelf
The thieves are coming to the house
Kevin runs away with a toothbrush
He goes shopping
Pizza for Kevin is delivered
Old woman gives Kevin mom’s her ticket
Kevin hides in the Christmas installation near the church
Kevin’s mom is calling the police from Paris
The thieves are following Kevin on the street
The thieves are at the Murphy’s house
Match the words with their definitions:
- Shovel
- To be out of sorts
- Blackout
- To sleep in
- Gem
- Thief (many - thieves)
- Wimp
- To check on somebody
- Exhausted
- Shoplifter
- Cheapskate
- Chaos
- To spill something
- To deliver
- A weak person
- A tool you use to dig or to move snow
- To behave badly
- Very tired
- Confusion, disorder
- A person who doesn’t like spending money and likes everything free
- The best thing in collection
- A person who steals from a shop
- To sleep more than you were supposed to or wanted to
- A criminal who steals things from people
- To go and see if a person is OK
- To bring (e.g. post, pizza, message)
- To accidentally cause water (or other liquid) flow from the cup
Answer the questions:
- What is Kevin supposed to pack?
- Why is it not a good idea to sleep on the same bed with Fuller?
- Who is the South Bend Shovel Slayer?
- What was written on the pizza delivery car?
- How much was pizza?
- How many kids were in the vans?
- What is Buzz’s pet?
- What was Kevin eating when he was watching Angels with Filthy Souls?
- Where was Kevin hiding from the thieves?
- How did Kevin’s mom decided to get home?
- What is the thieves nickname?
- What are the three reasons Buzz is not worried about Kevin?
Christmas lesson for B1 level students PAGE 1
Предварительный просмотр:
Name: __________________________ Date: _____________________________
Animal: ___________ |
1. Complete the information about the characters.
Name: ____________
Animal: ___________
Colors: _____________
Name: ____________ Animal: ___________ Colors: _____________ ___________________. |
Name: ____________
Animal: ___________
Colors: _____________
Name: ____________ 2. Answer the questions. Then ask your friends.
Animal: ___________ a) Which is your favorite animal in the story? Why?
Colors: _____________ _____________________________________
b) Which animal you don’t like? Why not?
Name: ____________
Animal: ___________
Colors: _____________
Предварительный просмотр:
1 Goofball
2 Core (memories)
3 “Let’s go check it out!”
4 Solitary confinement
5 Moving van
6 To be stressed out
7 “Watch out!”
8 “What the heck is that?”
9 To stomp around puddles
10 Head quarters
11 Droopy (everything feels droopy)
12 To handle something
13 Pick up on that
14 “I rest my case”
15 To probe
16 Figure out a plan
17 Stand out
18 Blend in
19 Barf
20 Play tag
21 “Did you buy it?”
22 Sassy
23 Cotton candy
24 Sleep on it
25 Subconscious
Most important, basic
To follow closely and persistently in a game
To investigate, find out what is wrong
Differ from the rest usually because you are better
To be said after you have presented enough evidence for your view. Rus: «Что и требовалось доказать!»
Someone who is silly or stupid and has fun all the time.
Establish the truth or inform oneself about something
Did you believe her?
Think carefully about something
A cheerful person who likes to joke and laugh
To puke
To feel emotional tension
The part of the mind of which one is not fully aware but which influences one’s actions and feelings
Before making a decision take your time, usually sleep and decide the next day
A big truck people use to deliver their belongings when they change place of living
State of being kept alone without anyone around
“Be careful!”
Rus:“ Это ещё что за чертовщина?”
To be similar with the rest; suitable
To happily jump from one puddle into another
The building which controls something (usually a big corporation etc)
Feels fallen apart, extremely sad
Get to know or become aware of
A mass of pink or white fluffy spun sugar wrapped round a stick