Ведение телефонных переговоров
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Комкова Мария Викторовна

Устное общение путем ведения телефонных переговоров- неотъемлемая часть нашей жизни в современном мире. Личные беседа и деловой разговор отличаются друг от друга лексикой и манерой общения.



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Слайд 1

Department of Education of the city of Moscow State Budgetary Vocational Educational Institution of the City of Moscow College of Hospitality and Management Industry № 23 Ведение телефонных переговоров Mariya Komkova English Teacher Moscow 2022

Слайд 2

I. ВВЕДЕНИЕ Тема изучается в рамках МДК.04.02 «Иностранный язык в сфере профессионально коммуникации для службы бронирования и продаж » по специальности 43.02.14 Гостиничное дело. Устное общение путем ведения телефонных переговоров- неотъемлемая часть нашей жизни в современном мире. Личные беседа и деловой разговор отличаются друг от друга лексикой и манерой общения. Важен не только соответствующий словарный запас, но и тон общения.

Слайд 3

Представьте себе такой диалог: – Yes ? – Да? – Hi ! – Привет ! – Who is it? – Это кто ? – Me. Didn’t you recognize me, Tom? – Я , ты чё , Том , не узнал ? – I'm not Tom. – Я - не Том . – Where's Tom? Who ' re you ? – А Том-то где? А сам ты кто? – There ' s no Tom . – Нет здесь никакого Тома. – What ' s your number ? – А какой у тебя номер? – 23456. – 23456 – Damn . – Ччерт ! Или: --Алё, здраассьте ! Марь Иванну можно? Вариант №2 начала того же разговора: --Добрый день… Будьте добры Марию Ивановну… Это и есть стиль делового общения. Успех удачных переговоров, решения различного рода производственных и личных проблем зависит от способности и возможности получить незамедлительно четкую информацию от человека, который ею владеет. Самый быстрый и действенный способ – это использование телефона. Если это делать соответствующим образом, то телефон станет важнейшим инструментом обеспечения успеха.

Слайд 4

HOW TO MAKE THE MOST OF YOUR TELEPHONE Success in business depends on your ability to get prompt information and promptly contact the right people. You can do it through the telephone. Today, it is one of the most important business instruments. Use it right, get the most of it, and your business will prosper. SOME BASIC RULES The best way to answer the phone is "Hello".(Unfortunately, sometimes, after our cheerful "Hello" we hear, "Who is it?") Please be sure to Identify yourself when you are making a call. Don't play: "Guess who?" even with a friend who does not recognize your voice. If the call is for someone else, the caller very often doesn't give his or her name and responds to your "Hello" by say­ing, "May I speak to Mr Brown, please?" In, this case, you may simply ask: "May I tell him who is calling, please?" Don't say: "Who wants him?" It would be impolite. . ( Politeness) is the (main telephone rule) If the person you need is out, you may: leave your number so that he could call you back; leave a message; say you'll call later . If you want to settle down for a long conversation, it is a good idea to ask first if this is a convenient time for the other person to talk.

Слайд 5

lf you dial a wrong number, don't ask: "What number is this?" You should say: "Is it two-five-one-three-six?" If not — apologize and Fang up. If you receive a wrong-number call, don't lose your temper. Ask what number is being called but don't give out your own. Before hanging up you may simply say: "Sorry, wrong number" — and never bang the receiver. If the voice is not clear, you should say: "Sorry, it's a bad line. Could you speak up please?" When you don't understand the other person, say: ''Could you repeat that, plea-se?" or "Could you say it again, please?" It is not polite to say, "Please repeat." If you make the call, you should ter­minate it yourself. The person who places the call is also the one who calls again when you are cut off in the middle of a conversation. It would be polite to thank the person for having called when you say good-bye. These rules are very important to remember while making and receiving both personal and business calls. For business calls, however, there exist some specific rules. Never forget that your telephone man­ners may make or break a business deal.

Слайд 6

HOW TO MAKE A BUSINESS CALL First of all you should introduce your­self and give the name о f th е company you're with: — Hello. This is John O'Connor from Forever Young Ltd. You may also state the reason for your calling: — I'm calling about your last shipment of W-5 body lotions. Give the name' of the person you'd like to talk to: — Could I speak to Mr Johnson, please? You may ask to put you through to the department you need or the person in charge of that department if you don't know names: — Could you put me through to the Sales Department, please? — Could I speak to the Sales Manager, please? If you answer the phone, but the per­son the caller wants to talk to is not avail­able, don't say, "He is not in." or "He is busy." You should say: — I'm afraid Mr Johnson is in a meeting / is not at the office at the moment. Can I give him a message? • — I' m terribly sorry, but Mr Johnson is on the other line at the moment. Would you like to hold on?

Слайд 7

Talking on the phone Keep in mind that when you talk on the telephone, the quality of your voice and your ability to speak clearly, confidently and easily are very important. That is why you should prepare well for every business call. It might be a good idea to make notes or a plan before an important call. Try to sound polite and agreeable. The other person is getting an impression of your firm while talking to you, that is why you should also sound efficient. During the conversation try to avoid hesitation pauses. Something like Ehrrr ..., Weill!..., Uhmmm ... can hardly help you to project an image of a confident person. Don't forget that the other person can't see your reactions, so always con­firm that you have or have not under­stood each point that's been made. Time is money, so make sure your business call lasts no longer than five mi­nutes. Don't forget that it is the caller who terminates the conversation. HOW TO RECEIVE A BUSINESS CALL Business people invest huge sums in advertising programmes . Their aim is to make the telephone ring. To receive a call from a potential customer or partner. But very often, when the telephone rings at last, we fail to arrange a meeting with the caller. It means that the compa­ny's advertising budget is wasted. There is no use spending a fortune on advertising if you cannot make the most of your tele­phone.

Слайд 8

What is the right time to answer the phone? It may seem surprising, but there is a correct time to answer the phone. If you let it ring only once, some people will think you are too anxious. You may fright­en some callers if you answer the phone before the first ring is fully rung. On the other hand, if you let it ring six or seven times, they will decide you are not attend­ing to business. The perfect time to answer the phone is on the third ring. When the telephone rings... A good beginning makes a good ending. We hope you will agree that the outcome of a business call depends on the way you answer it. "Hello" is not enough. You are speaking for the company, so you should name the company first and then identify yourself:— Forever Young Ltd. Alice O'Brien speaking. Can I help you? Try to answer the phone with some happy notes in your voice,/some enthusi­asm. Forget all the catastrophies you are involved in at the moment, clear your mind and speak cheerfully with the caller. Your fresh and alert tone will declare that you handle the finest product or service avail­able and you are eager to meet anyone who is interested. Let your caller tell you why he or she is calling. They may refer to an adver­tisement or ask about some specific item. You might respond like this: - Yes sir, we've had a lot of calls about this product. We're really happy about it.

Слайд 9

Holding on When the callers tell you why they are calling, you may ask them to hold on so that you could obtain information for them. Actually, you need time to gather your thoughts. You may say: — Could you hold on a moment, please? Keep in mind that long holds equal lost sales. Never keep the on-hold longer than seventeen seconds. Call them by names It is very helpful in creating rapport with the callers if you can call them by names. But don't forget that there are no etiquette rules demanding that a caller answering an advertisement should identify himself. The best way to get the name is sim­ple. When you come off the hold, say: — Thank you for waiting. This is Alice O'Brien... After giving your name, pause an instant. Your caller may respond by giving you his or her name. If not, come right out with it in a warm and confident tone: — May I ask who's calling, please? You will almost always get the name this way if the callers are really interested in you and your firm.

Слайд 10

Confirm and reconfirm Few people will follow a set of in­structions if they are only given to them once. Keep it in mind while making the appointment. They either forget the whole thing or they may not realise where your location is. They may forget the time of the appointment, and they may not remember your name. That is why you must reconfirm everything. Ask them to write down the details. Here is what you may say: — Do you have a pencil handy? I'd like you to write down some details. So repeat your name, your office location, the address, the time and any­thing the caller needs to get back in touch with you. After the appointment is set and con­firmed, you may say: — If something very unusual happens and I have to ask you to change the time of our appointment, where could I call you? We hope you will be able to appreci­ate this phrase.

Слайд 11

II. Активная лексика 1. TELEPHONING

Слайд 12

"The line is busy"= "the line is engaged" "Speaking" To hang up "Speak up!" To dial Extension "Hold on!" To pass on the message To connect = to put through to "Could you introduce yourself?“ To take a message To leave a message To call back "Go ahead" Key pad Unavailable = unobtainable Collect call = reverse charge call Cheap time call Peak time call To cut off To cancel Mobile phone = cell phone Cordless phone Receiver Urgent Линия занята Слушаю Повесить трубку Говорите громче Набирать телефонный номер Внутренний номер, добавочный номер Не вешайте трубку Передать сообщение Соединить с кем-либо Не могли бы Вы представиться? Принять сообщение Оставить сообщение Перезвонить Диктуйте Клавишный циферблат Недоступен Телефонный разговор, за который платит тот, кому звонят Время, когда телефонный звонок стоит дешевле Время, когда телефонный звонок стоит дороже Разъединять Отменять Мобильный телефон Радиотелефон Телефонная трубка Срочное

Слайд 13

2 Telephone expressions

Слайд 14

Finding your correspondent Как подозвать к телефону Can I/ I'd like to speak to Lisa, please. Я хотел бы /Могу ли я поговорить с… Can you put me through to Diana Carter? Не могли бы вы соединить меня с… Hello, is that Mr. Mancini? Здравствуйте, это мистер Манчини ? Identifying yourself Ответ при снятии трубки This is Tom Carter (speaking). - Говорит Том Картер Tom Carter here . - Т.К. у телефона. Identifying the caller Как попросить представиться Could you give me your name, please? Не могли бы вы назвать свое имя? Which company are you from? Какую компанию вы представляете? Could you introduce yourself , please ? Не могли бы вы представиться Asking caller to wait Как попросить подождать Hold on, please/Hold the line, please. Не вешайте , пожалуйста , трубку I'm trying to connect you. Я пытаюсь вас соединить Could you call back later ? Не могли бы вы перезвонить позже? Can Mrs Carter call you back? Возможно, М.К. сама перезвонит вам Explaining absence Как обьяснить отсутствие I'm afraid/ Гт sorry, but he's in a meeting Боюсь, он на совещании with a client - на встрече с клиентом off sick - болен on holiday . - в отпуске Leaving a message Как оставить сообщение Could you take a message? - Не могли бы вы принять сообщение Could/Can I leave a message? - Я могу оставить сообщение? Taking a message Как принять сообщение Can I take a message? Я могу принять ваше сообщение Would you like to leave a message? Не хотите ли оставить сообщение I ' ll pass on the message . Я передам ваше сообщение I'll give him/her the message. Я передам ему/ей ваше сообщение Dealing with problems Решение проблем I think you've got the wrong number. Боюсь , вы ошиблись номером Could you speak up — it's a bad line. Говорите , пожалуйста , громче – плохая связь Could you speak more slowly, please? Не могли бы вы говорить помедленнее.

Слайд 15

3. Полезные выражения для разговора по телефону . Helpful Expressions for Telephone Conversations

Слайд 16

How can I help you? Чем я могу Вам помочь ? Could I speak to N please? Могу я поговорить с ...? Who is calling please? Кто это говорит? N speaking . N слушает This is NN from... Это NN из... I'm calling from... Я звоню из... I'm calling about... Я звоню насчет... I ' m sorry , I didn ’ t catch у our name Извините, я не расслышал, Как Вас зовут? Sorry , could you repeat your number Извините, не могли бы Вы повторить Ваш номер? I've got that now. Теперь понятно . I see, thank you. Понятно , спасибо I'd like to speak to... Мне бы хотелось поговорить c … Hold on (hold the line) please. Подождите, пожалуйста I'm afraid he's not in the office. Вы знаете, его нет в кабинете I'm sorry, he is not available. Извините, но его сейчас нет He is in the meeting right now . Он сейчас на заседании Gould I speak to someone else? Могу ли я поговорить с кем- нибудь еще? Could you give her a message? Не могли бы Вы ей оставить сообщение? Do you know when she'll be back? Вы не знаете, когда она вернется? Can I take a message? Что-нибудь передать? Please tell (ask) him. Пожалуйста, скажите ему (попросите его)...

Слайд 17

I'' ll make sure Mr. X gets your mes­sage. Shall I get him to call you? If you give me your phone number, I'll ask him to call you later. Would you like to leave a message? I'll get back to you later in the day. Would you like to speak to his assis­tant? Shall I ask him to call you back? That would be great. What would you like to know? How would you like to pay, sir I'll pay on my credit card. You know, we haven't received... Unfortunately, there's a problem with... It's not the first time we've had this problem. If-the problem is not resolved, we'll have to... I'm very sorry about the problem. I'm sorry to hear that. I'm afraid that's not quite so. Can I ask you a favour ? I have a question for you. When could I reach him please? Я обязательно передам Ваше сообще­ние г-ну X . Передать ему, чтобы он Вам позвонил? Если Вы оставите Ваш номер телефо­на, я попрошу его -перезвонить Вам позже. Вы хотите что-нибудь передать? Я созвонюсь с Вами сегодня попозже. Вы бы хотели поговорить с его помощником? Попросить его, чтобы он перезвонил Вам? Это было бы замечательно. Что бы Вы хотели выяснить? В какой форме Вы собираетесь рассчи­тываться? Я буду рассчитываться по кредитной карточке. Видите ли, мы не получили... К сожалению, существует проблема с... Мы уже не первый раз сталкиваемся с этой проблемой. Если эта проблема' не будет решена, нам. придется... Я очень сожалею по поводу этой про­блемы. Мне очень жаль это слышать. Это не совсем так. Можно попросить Вас об одолжении? У меня к Вам вопрос. Когда бы я мог с ним связаться?

Слайд 18

Will you call back later? I'll see what I can do. How do you spell your name? Could you repeat that please? I'm interested in... I'm really sorry about this. Can you give me information about accommodation? Is there a discount for bigger orders? I'd like to speak to someone about Could we arrange a meeting some time next week? What about next Wednesday? We have an appointment for next week, but the problem is... I'm afraid I can't come on that day. Could we fix another day? I think you have the wrong number. It was nice talking to you. Thanks very much for your help. You've been very helpful. Please call if you need anything else. We look forward to hearing from you. Bye for now. Вы можете перезвонить позлее? Я посмотрю, что я смогу сделать.. Как пишется Ваша фамилия? Не могли бы Вы повторить? Меня интересует... Я действительно сожалею об этом. Дайте мне, пожалуйста, сведения о размещении. А на более крупные заказы есть скидка? Мне бы хотелось поговорить с кем-нибудь насчет... Не могли бы мы устроить встречу на следующей неделе? Как насчет следующей среды? У нас назначена встреча на следующей неделе, но дело в том, что... Боюсь, я не смогу придти в этот день. Возможно в дру­гой день? Мне кажется, у Вас неправильный но­мер телефона. Приятно было поговорить с Вами. Спасибо большое за помощь. Вы мне очень помогли. Пожалуйста, звоните, если Вам нужно будет еще что-нибудь. Будем ждать от Вас известий. Всего доброго.

Слайд 19

III . Выполнение упражнений на закрепление активной лексики

Слайд 20

FOLLOW-UP There is a popular saying in business circles today: "Learn how to handle the phone, and you will find your fortune with it." Let's see how well you can handle it. 1 . I n the telephone conversation below all the phrases have been mixed up. Can you arrange them in the right order? (a) Yes, could you ask him to call me back? (b) This is John Farrow from KTW Electronics. I'd like to speak to Mr O'Connor, please. (c) Yes, of course. Could I have your number, please? (d) I'm afraid he is out at the moment. Can I take a message? (e) Forever Young Ltd. Alice O'Brien speaking. Can I help you? (f) He's got it, but just in case, it's 24 2125. 2. Can you match each polite phrase on the left with a sentence on the right that has a similar meaning but is far from being polite? What can I do for you? May I ask who's calling, please? Could you hold on, please? Is this 28 74 90? I'm sorry, could you repeat it, please? a. Wait. b. What do you want? c. What number is this? d. What? e. Who is it ?

Слайд 21

3. On the left there are some expressions you are likely to hear on the telephone. Match them with the explanations on the right. A The line is busy. 1. Would you like to wait until the line is free? B It's for you. 2. Tom Phillips asked me to call you. C Will you hold? 3. He’s talking on another telephone. D He's on another line. 4. He isn't answering his phone. E I'm returning your call. 5. He's talking to someone else. F There's no answer. 6. What is your name, please? G I'm calling on behalf of Tom Phillips. 7. The person phoning wants to talk to you. H Who shall I say is calling? 8. You called me earlier, and now I'm calling you back. 4. Choose the best expressions from the words in brackets to complete the dialogue below. A: Bob Wilson, please. B:……………. I didn't catch the name. [Sorry?/ What?/Repeat, please.] A: Could I speak to Bob Wilson, please? B: Who can I say is…….? [phoning / speaking / calling] A: Martin Greensmith …… Newgate Investments. at /from /with B: ……..I'll connect you. [Hold the line/ Wait / Don 't go away] С : Hello. A: Good morning, could I speak to Bob Wilson, please? С : …………… [Talking /Speaking /It's me]

Слайд 22

5. Write the words that the speakers usually use to: A answer the telephone B ask for someone C connect someone D thank someone Which of these expressions does a caller use? Which expressions does a receptionist use? A Would you like to leave a message? B Can I take a message? C Can I leave a message? D Can I give her a message? E Could you give him a message? 7. Look at these sentences. For each underlined part, find words or phrases in the list below with a similar meaning. A I’d like to speak to the manager, please. Talk to … B Could he phone you later? ... … C I’ll put you through now. … D She’s in this afternoon. … … connect \ in the office \ call \ talk to \ here \ have a word with \ ring

Слайд 23

8. Look at the pictures. Match the expressions. Which of the explanations describes each situation and translate. not in the office. I’m afraid ill. she’s on the telephone. I’m sorry in a meeting. on holiday / away. at lunch.

Слайд 24

A Answering the telephone - Just a moment. - Bye then. - I’m afraid (she’s in a meeting). - Could you hold on a moment, please? B Asking someone to wait - Hang on… - Who’s that? - Would you like to call later? C Ending the conversation - Hi. Sandy speaking… - Shall I get him / her to give you a ring? - I’m terribly sorry. D Apologising - Hello. Clearview Ltd. - Good morning. How can I help you? - Goodbye. Thank you for calling. E Asking for the caller’s name - Oh dear … sorry! - Could you tell me your name, please? - You can try again this afternoon? F Making a suggestion - Goodbye. - And your name is…? 9. Match each heading (a-f) on the left with three phrases on the right.

Слайд 25

10. Look at Dialogue One. It sounds impolite. Why? Dialogue Two is a more polite way of saying the same thing. Fill in the gaps in Dialogue Two, using the words below. Dialogue One Dialogue Two A : I want to speak to Fred Jones. A: ……...Fred Jones,…….. B : He isn't here. . B: I'm ………He isn't in the office at the / . moment. A : So when will he be there? A: Could you……me when he'll be……? B : I don't know. B : I'm……… I don't know. A: OK. Take a message. A : Could I…….a message, please? B : Who are you? B : Of course. Your………….please A : I'm Mike Lam. A: This is Mike Lam. B : And what do you want me to B : Thank you. And what is the…… tell him? ……… ...? A: Tell him to call me back before A: Could you……………him to call 5:30. me before 5:30, if………………. name back possible tell please sorry afraid leave message Hello ask 11. Match the sentences on the left with the responses on the right. 1. Would you like to leave a message? a Yes. but I didn't have time to call you back. 2. Can I leave a message? b No. Nobody called all morning. 3 . Are there any messages for me? с Yes. I'll pass on the message as soon as I see him. 4 . Can you tell her I called? d Yes, of course. I’ll just get a pen ... Go ahead. 5. Could you ask him to call me back? e Yes, please. Could you tellhim I'm coming tomorrow? 6 . I'll call back later. f Yes. I'll tell her when I see her this afternoon. 7. Did you get my message? g OK. Goodbye.

Слайд 26

A: Good morning. Lundy Electronics. Can l help you? B: Good morning. This is Rosemary Wright. I'd like to speak to Mr Lundy, please. A: Just a moment. I'll put you through to his secretary. B: Thank you very much. C: Mr Lundy's office. Michael speaking. B: Good morning. This is Rosemary Wright. Is Peter Lundy there? C: I'm afraid he's in a meeting. Can I take a message? B: Yes. Could you tell him that I phoned and ask him to ring me at the office? C: Certainly, Ms Wright. B: Thank you very much. Goodbye. C: Goodbye. A: Good afternoon. Hobson International. Can I help you? B: Good afternoon. This is Peter Regent. Could I speak to Ms Phillips? A: Certainly. I'll transfer you to her office. Hold the line, please. B: Thank you. C: Lucy Phillip's desk. Can I help you? B: Could l speak to Lucy? C: I'm sorry. She's with a client at the moment. Could she phone you later? B: It's alright. I'll try again later. Goodbye. С : Goodbye. 12. Перед вами – два телефонных разговора, расположенных в правильном порядке. Чтобы попрактиковаться, необходимо разрезать лист по линиям, и реплики перемешать. Не перепутайте первый и второй диалоги.

Слайд 27

13. Complete the dialogues С – caller R-receiver 1. С : Hello. Is that 10127? R: C: Can I speak to Mr Smith, please? R: C: I see. What time will he be in there? R: С : Right, I'll ring again then. R: C: No, thanks. Good-bye. 2. R: (Give the name of your company) C: I'd like to speak to someone about putting forward a delivery. R: C: OK. I'll hold. R: (Give the name of the department — Sales Department) C: Is that Order Inquiries? R: C: I'm phoning about our order for three motors. R: (ask for order number) C: Yes, it's FC/172/Y. We'd like earlier delivery, if possible. R: (say, that you'll check in the workshop) C: OK. Could you ring me back today? My name is Wright, Jack Wright R: (ask for telephone number) C: 375 01496 R: (check the number and say, that you'll get in touch as soon as you get the information) C: That'll be fine. Thanks. Good-bye. R:

Слайд 28

3. R: (Give the name of your company) C: Can I speak to Ms O'Brien, please? R: (say that she isn't available at the moment) C: Can I leave a message for her? R: C: Please tell her that the books she ordered will be delivered tomorrow in the afternoon, approximately at 3 p.m. R: (ask for the name of the caller) C: I am Suzie McCoy from "Oxford University Press" R: C: Sure. It's M-double C-O-Y. R: (ask for telephone number) С : 171 2649 2355 R: (check the message) C: That's right. Thank you. Good-bye.

Слайд 29

4. R1: “General Electronics”. How can I help you? C: ( ask for Mr White ) R1: Who is calling please? C: ( give your name ) R1: Hold the line, I’ll put you through. … You are through, go ahead. C: R2: Speaking. C: ( give the reason of your call ) R2: I’m afraid, I don’t have such information. You’d better contact with Mr Hill. C: ( ask to put you back to the switchboard ) R1: Yes? C: R3: Jack Hill’s phone. I am out of the office till tomorrow morning. Please leave your message after the tone. C: ( leave the message ) 5. R: ( 126 4936 ) C: ( ask for Jane ) R: ( say that there is no-one called Jane ) C: ( apologize and say that Jane Austing gave you the number) R: ( advise to check in the Directory Assistance ) 6. R : ( справочная ) С: ( Могу я узнать номер телефона Джейн Остин ? ) R : ( Назовите фамилию по буквам пожалуйста ) С: ( О-С-Т-И-Н ) R : ( Ее адрес? ) С: ( 12 Грин стрит, Лондон ) R : ( Ее номер 126 4836 ) С: ( 126 4936 ?) R : ( Нет, 126 4836 ) С: ( Спасибо, до свидания )

Слайд 30

IV. Message Form Работая секретарем, полученную по телефону информацию следует передать по назначению при помощи специальных бланков “ message form ”. Следующее упражнение позволит попрактиковаться в заполнении этих бланков. Три телефонных разговора представлены в печатном виде. MESSAGE FORM FOR FROM COMPANY NAME TEL. NUMBER Signed Date Time Telephone message TO DATE TIME FROM OF PHONE NO. EXT. □ PLEASE CALL □ RETURNED CALL □ WILL CALL AGAIN MESSAGE

Слайд 31

Message 1: - Hello, Bibury Systems. Can I help you? - Hello. My name's Robert Clarke from ABC Limited. I would like to talk to Kate McKenna, please. - I'm afraid her line is busy. Can I take a message? - Yes. Can you ask her to call me back? - Yes. Can I have your number, please? - 0-2-2-3—3-1-4-2-6-7 - Let me just check that. 0-2-2-5—3-1-4-2-6-7? - Yes, that's right. - Thank you, Mr. Clarke. I'll give her the message Message 2: - Bibury Systems. Good morning. - Good morning. This is Phil Watson from RUYJ Advertising. . I would like to speak to Don Bradley, please. - I'm afraid Mr Bradley isn't in the office at the moment. Can I take a message? - Yes, please. I would like to meet with Mr Bradley as soon as possible. I'll ring back this afternoon. - Okay. That's fine. Message 3: - Phil Watson's phone. - Good morning. Can I talk to Phil Watson, please? - I'm afraid Phil's in a meeting at the moment. Can I take a message? - Yes. This is Don Bradley from Bibury Systems. Can you tell him that we can meet tomorrow morning in my office. - Tomorrow morning in your office. - Yes, that's right. - Okay, I'll give him the message. - Thank you

Слайд 32

V . Как оставить сообщение на автоответчике Имея дело с автоответчиком, надо представить, что вы разговариваете с реальным человеком, а не с машиной. Говорите ясно и четко , думайте быстро

Слайд 33

Leaving a message on an answer phone It can he difficult to leave a message on an answer phone! You have to think quickly and speak clearly, and you have to pretend that you're talking to a person, but of course you're talking to a machine!

Слайд 35

VII. Источники: Журнал « Speak Out » 1-2, 1998 «Work in Progress» Course Book A. Hopkins, J. Potter, Longman, 2001 «Work in Progress» Workbook A. Hopkins, J. Potter, Longman, 2000 «Work in Progress» Teacher’s Resource Book, M. du Vivier , A. Hopkins, J. Potter, Longman, 2000 «New Headway» Intermediate, Student’s Book, Liz and John Soars, Oxford University Press, 1996 «Starting Business English» Видеокурс делового английского языка , Учебное пособие , C.Johnson , J.Lonergan , Инфра . М , 1994 «Starting Business English» Видеокурс делового английского языка , Руководство для учителя , C.Johnson , J.Lonergan , Инфра . М , 1994 «Business Basics» Workbook, D. Grant, R. Mclarty , Oxford University Press, 1995 «Business Basics» D. Grant, R. Mclarty , Oxford University Press, 1995

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