Профессия- Воспитатель.
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Educator is an extremely important and complex profession. Numerous studies show that the experience gained by a person in preschool age has a huge impact not only on subsequent educational achievements, but also on the success of the person as a whole.
Meet the presenter Mirjam is the CEO of Contoso , a business that creates a virtual platform for employees to connect with each other all over the world. Mirjam's background as a PhD in communication theory led her to the idea for Contoso , and the building of a successful product for the tech industry. Conference presentation 3 A healthy self-esteem, the ability to listen and understand another, self-confidence, a wealth of emotional experiences, the ability to take the initiative and bring the idea to the end, imagination, the ability to jointly find a solution to a problem, a sense of humor, physical health is a base that is mainly formed up to seven years and allows a person to confidently build his own family, professional career, engage in social activities throughout life.
Today, educators are in a difficult situation. On the one hand, the school has increasingly high requirements for the level of training of future first graders. On the other hand, all leading experts in child psychology talk about the values of play, communication, free activity, design, modeling, research.
In addition, many parents today expect from kindergarten not only "care and supervision" of children, but real education: everyone wants the child to be interested during the day. So that in the evening he ran to his mother from the group with burning eyes and shouting "We had this today! such! You won't believe it, I'll tell you now! "
The main tasks of the educator 1 Е ducational activities 2 Emotional well-being 3 Justice and equality 4 5 Children's and adult community Formation of value concepts
The main tasks of the educator 6 The space of children's realization 7 Focus on further education 8 Regional component 9 10 The subject-spatial environment Interaction with the families of pupils
The educational process should be built taking into account the contingent of pupils, their individual and age characteristics, the social order of parents. When organizing the process, it is necessary to ensure the unity of educational, developmental and educational goals and objectives. In this case, the tasks should be solved, avoiding overloading children, on the necessary and sufficient material, as close as possible to a different "minimum."
My opinion As for me, the profession of an educator is the most important and necessary, because he is the first to lay down all the most important qualities in a child.
My opinion Looking into these eyes, any educator understands how children need him, and that we play a significant role in shaping the future generation. I am especially aware of the importance of the profession when I see the children's wide eyes at the sight of an educator , when they catch every word, every gesture, every look . And it's just that we are educators, we are child support. Conference presentation
Why did I choose the profession of educator? The answer to this question is very simple: for me it is not just a profession - it is a vocation, a state of mind, a way of life. The educator profession is also unusual in that it is universal. The educator must have the basics of exact, natural and humanitarian sciences, be able to answer all the children's "why ". What does it mean to be an educator ? It's a constant search for something new, it's a creative approach, it's new discoveries. I am infinitely happy that I made the right choice, that my profession found me and I can be useful in educating the younger generation, the generation developing in a new way. The technology of project activity interested me. In particular, the development of a joint project of the educator, children and parents. During the work, the child learns to plan his actions, control the execution process, and also learns to predict the result of his activities.
I have a wonderful mission – to give my Love to children! And it is with great pleasure that I bring it to life. For me, my profession is an opportunity to constantly be in the world of childhood, in the world of fairy tales and fantasy, to give children this fairy tale and be a faithful friend for them. Looking into children's eyes, you realize that they need you, that you are the whole universe for them, that it is you who lay the sprouts of future characters, support them with your love, give all the kindness and warmth of your heart.
In conclusion, I can say: an educator is a truly responsible and daily job. It depends on us how the child sees the world around him. Only the educator has a whole day to answer all the questions of interest, play a lot of games, draw a house, make a cat. Isn't that so important? How great it is when children, having satisfied their curiosity, gained new knowledge, and answers to their questions, let us into their fabulous, magical, children's world!
Thank you !
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