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Предварительный просмотр:
проведенного в группе 2ГС, (протокол № 8 от 12.03. 2019 г.)
Выполнили преподаватели
Вопросова Л. А.
Буракова В. И.
г. Ногинск 2019 г.
Открытый урок – ролевая игра по дисциплине «Иностранный профессиональный (англ.) в группе 2ГС на тему
«В гостинице».
Тема: В гостинице.
Цель урока: совершенствование навыка диалогической речи, работы за стойкой регистрации, а также коммуникативной компетентности, составление, и решение проблемных заданий по теме «Правила поведения в гостинице».
Задачи урока:
- Образовательные:
- совершенствование умения вести диалог по теме;
- совершенствование аудио- фонемических навыков обучающихся;
- развитие умений обучающихся оперировать профессиональными терминами,
составлять высказывания с помощью опор; - контроль усвоения изученной темы;
- умение систематизировать учебный материал;
- умение применять этот материал в учебной ситуации, работая в парах, группах и индивидуально.
- Развивающие:
- совершенствование способности и готовности вступать в иноязычное общение;
- развитие различных видов памяти (вербальной, образной), внимания, коммуникативности, воображения;
- развитие мыслительной деятельности, умения переноса знаний в новую профессиональную ситуацию;
- развитие языковой догадки;
- развитие самостоятельности;
- умение составлять логичные и связные высказывания с достаточной скоростью выражая законченную мысль;
- совершенствование навыка работать в группе, парах и индивидуально;
- повышение интеллектуального и профессионального уровня обучающихся.
- Воспитательные:
- воспитание коммуникативной компетентности обучающихся;
- расширение кругозора, творческих способностей обучающихся;
- развитие умения решать коммуникативные задачи через диалог;
- привитие обучающимся любви к своей будущей профессии;
- формирование и совершенствование умения работать в коллективе, используя современные компьютерные и игровые технологии.
- Личностно – ориентированный аспект:
- решение широкого круга профессиональных проблем будущих специалистов, стремящихся к постоянному профессиональному росту, самосовершенствованию.
Используемые современные образовательные технологии:
1)компьютерные современные образовательные технологии;
2)технология проблемного обучения;
3)технология групповой работы;
4)игровая технология;
5)технология коммуникативного обучения иноязычной культуре;
6)личностно-ориентированный подход в обучении иностранному языку.
Средства обучения: презентации, компьютер, профессиональная документация.
Метод обучения: словесный; наглядный; объяснительно-иллюстративный.
Формы организации познавательной деятельности: парная, индивидуальная, групповая.
Задачи урока:
- Совершенствовать у обучающихся навыки диалогической речи, работы за стойкой.
- Совершенствовать деловую и профессиональную лексику по темам «Моя будущая профессия», «В гостинице» с помощью устной речи.
- Развивать познавательный интерес к изучению английского языка.
Тип урока: урок – совершенствование диалогической речи.
“At the Hotel”.
I. Оргмомент
– Good morning, dear friends. We are glad to see you at our lesson of Professional English. It became a tradition to invite guests at our lessons. The topic of our lesson is “At the Hotel”.
In our college, there are 8 specialties: accountants, bankers, stock clerks, commercants, lawyers, managers in catering, cooks technologists and hotel service managers. Our lesson is in Group 2GS. And we`ll talk about the Hotel Service. Let`s begin our lesson traditionally with the conversation between the Teacher and the Student. But imagine that your student will play the role of the teacher. You should answer the questions of this student. Let`s take … as a teacher and … as a student. Let`s begin your dialogue.
T: Who is on duty today? – S: I am.
T: Who is absent today? – S: All are present.
T: What is your name? – S: My name is … .
T: Ksenya, how old are you? – S: I`m 16 years old.
T: What are you? – S: I`m a student.
T: What student are you? – S: I`m a full-time second-year student.
T: Where do you study? – S: I study at the Noginsk College.
T: What`s your future specialty? – S: My future specialty is a manager in hotel service.
T: What day is it today? – S: Today is Tuesday.
T: What date is it today? – S: … of March.
T: What season of the year is it now? – S: It`s spring.
T: How many double periods do you usually have a day? – S: We usually have 3 double periods a day.
T: How many double periods do you have today? – S: Today we have three double periods.
T: What`s your first double period? – S: The first period is English.
T: What`s your second period? – S: The second period is Hotel Service.
T: What about your third period? – S: The third period is Informatics.
T: What is your favourite subject? – S: My favourite subjects are Hotel Service, English and Informatics.
T: What is your hobby? – S: My hobby is music.
T: That`s o`kay. And now look at the window. Describe our day. – S: It`s sunny, windy, warm.
T: I see. Let`s talk about the topic of our lesson. What is it? – The topic of our lesson is At the Hotel.
T: Do you like your future profession? – S: Yes, I like it very much.
T: Can you name the main duties of the hotel service manager. – S: (сообщение Анны).
What Are the Duties and Responsibilities of the Hotel Service Manager in a Hotel?
The Hotel Service Manager is responsible for all duties of the front desk operation, which includes staff training, inter-department communications, and staff scheduling. The FOM usually works a regularly scheduled front desk shift and must be available to work any shift as needed. The Hotel Service Manager should possess strong communication skills and demonstrate leadership abilities.
The front office receptionist in a hotel has a primary duty of checking guests in and out. They also serve as a general source of information and direct inquiries to the right department.
The Hotel Service Manager issues room keys, discount cards. She works in conjunction with the bell staff to assist guests to their rooms.
Briefly, duties and responsibilities of a front desk are as follows: -
1. To welcome the arriving guests.
2. Providing information service.
3. Receiving and processing reservations
4. Filling of the arrival and departure register.
5. Dealing with complaints and handling them.
6. Communication and coordination with other departments.
7. Doing Check in & Check out.
II. Определение темы урока обучающимися по проблемному заданию, ознакомление учащихся с целями и задачами урока.
Thank you for your dialogue. Take your seats, please.
And now let`s define aims and tasks of our lesson.
The topic is “At the Hotel”. You are to show your skills of making dialogues concerning your check-in from the front desk and by phone, your checkout, usage of additional services, closing the shift.
III. Активизация ранее изученной лексики по теме «Hotels» (фонетическая зарядка, составление мини-ситуаций)
1)And now let`s repeat after me your key words and word combinations. Train our pronunciation.
hotel service, valet, night auditor, maintenance worker, housekeeper, concierge, friendly atmosphere, friendly welcome, luxury suite, expensive, ironing board, single room, double room, wait staff, kitchen staff, caller, head chef, sous chef, to serve guests, restaurant service, stay over rooms, checkout rooms, assignment list, check-in counter, front desk, appreciate tips, amount due, additional services, room service, for your convenience.
Let’s talk about the Hotel Staff and its duties.
There are plenty of hotels around the world. Let`s get acquainted with the Staff in the Hotel. There are many kinds of job in our hotel. They are valets, front desk clerks, concierges, doormen, bellhops, night auditors, maintenance workers, housekeepers. All of them have a lot of duties. Anna, go to the blackboard and ask students of your group questions on hotel staff.
Let`s begin with valets. What is a valet? A valet is a person who parks guests` cars.
Then comes a front desk clerk. What is a front desk clerk? A front desk clerk is a person who checks in guests and assigns them in a hotel room.
I want to tell you about a concierge. A concierge is a person who rents rooms to guests.
We don`t forget about a doorman. A doorman is a person who greets guests at a hotel and carries their bags inside.
This is a bellhop (a bellboy). A bellhop is a person who carries a guests` bags to his or her house.
There is also a night auditor. A night auditor is a hotel worker who handles hotel guests and financial information (they work at night).
In the hotel staff there is also a maintenance worker. A maintenance worker is a person who fixes mechanical problems in a hotel.
At last, there is a housekeeper. A housekeeper is a person who cleans or tidy up the rooms of the hotel.
We would like to bring to your attention traditional hotel cycle (arrival – check-in – stay – check-out – прибытие – регистрация – пребывание - выезд).
We`ll also show you what duties and responsibilities of the Hotel Service manager are.
At present, we are second-year students and must think about future career in our work.
We understand that it is useful for us to speak English fluently.
Some words about us. We are full time third-year students. We study at the Noginsk College. Our specialty is Hotel Service.
2)Remind one of our last topic and play the game “True or false”.
Then I offer you to name the full list of duties of the housekeeping service.
Your task is to add or to take away phrases concerning stayover and checkout rooms.
You have two teams. First team works with stayover rooms. Second team - with checkout rooms.
Phrases for the first team:
vacuuming the carpet;
disinfecting all surfaces;
changing the towels;
making the bed
[Answer: receiving room assignments; receiving special requirements, getting the list of VIP arrivals or early arrivals; making the bed; changing towels.]
Phrases for the second team:
making the bed;
cleaning the toilet, tub and sink;
emptying trash bins;
replacing toiletries
[Answer: cleaning the toilet, tub and sink; changing the towels and sheets; making the bed; vacuuming the carpet; emptying trash bins; disinfecting all counters and surfaces; replacing toiletries.]
Using these phrases, you are to make up small situation: First team: about stayover rooms; Second team: about checkout rooms. (You may begin with the phrase I`m a housekeeper. I work in the Royal Print Hotel… Work in groups.
IV.Речевая разминка (формирование лексических и грамматических навыков говорения).
And now let` play some games. You know them very well.
The first game is called “Word-Box”.
I wrote the words on the sheets of paper and put them into the box You are to take one sheet of paper from the box and give the definition of this word. The students` task is to guess the word from the box.
Я записала для вас на отдельных листочках бумаги слова (каждое слово на отдельном листочке), которые свернула в трубочку и уложила в коробочку. Вы по очереди выбирает себе листочек с записанным иноязычным словом на нём. Задача состоит в том, чтобы не называя само слово, объяснить его значение на английском языке. А все остальные должны догадаться, что это за слово.
(valet, caller, business centre, wake – up call, a room – move, injury, safe deposit box)
The definitions:
- A person who parks cars for guests. (a valet)
- A person whose job is to deliver the food orders to the kitchen. (a caller)
- A room that contains office equipment such as computers and printers. (a business centre)
- A phone call that wakes hotel guests at a pre-arranged time. (a wake – up call)
- A relocation of a guest to another room in a hotel. (a room – move)
- A wound or physical damage to a part of the body. (an injury)
- A small, secure box used for storing valuable belongings. (a safe deposit box)
The second game is called “Real Team”.
I ask you some word combinations-that characterize a real partner for your work in the hotel. Your task is using these words and add your own phrases describe your best partner in your teamwork.
Я предлагаю вам перечень качеств, которыми должны обладать настоящие партнеры по работе в команде вашего отеля. Ваша задача, используя данную лексику и добавив свои выражения, описать своего лучшего партнера-товарища по работе.
This is the list of phrases:
: to be in the mood for joking (иметь настроение шутить);
to have good manners (быть воспитанным)
to have a heart of gold (быть очень добрым)
to be kind-hearted – быть добросердечным
polite – вежливый
sincere – искренний
friendly – дружелюбный
[(prompt (точный), responsible (ответственный), to be able to work for your partner, concentrated (сосредоточенный), quick (быстрый), attentive (внимательный),
communicative (общительный)]
The third game is “Good Memory”.
You work in the small groups. Your task is to name as many words as you can for the definite topic
Вам известна эта игра. Вы работаете в небольших группах. Вам предлагались карточки со словами, которые были разделены по группам, например, «Гостиница» и «Ресторан отеля», «Кухня ресторана». (Раньше вы решали более легкую задачу. Давались слова и вам нужно было их распределить по темам. Задача усложняется. Вам нужно назвать самим как можно больше слов по определенной теме. Время пошло.
Hotel Hotel Restaurant Restaurant Kitchen
Hotel: valets, front desk clerks, concierges, doormen, bellhops, night auditors, maintenance workers, housekeepers, deluxe room, luxury suite, guest room, stayover rooms, checkout rooms, front desk, room service, additional services, ro- om service attendant (17 слов)
Hotel Restaurant: waitstaff, server, utensils, napkin, headwaiter, restaurant employee, plates, glasses, knives, forks, spoons, to bring orders, the menu, room service, cutlery (15 слов)
Restaurant Kitchen: kitchen staff, a busser, plates, glasses, knives, forks, spoons, dirty dishes, head chef, sous chef, butcher, prep cook, line cook, swing cook, pastry cook, cutlery (16слов)
The fourth game is “Do you know?..”
You are offered the definitions of the words in the left column. And the words – in the right column. Your task to define the words concerning their definitions.
Вам предлагаются определения слов в левой колонке и сами слова в правой колонке. Ваша задача – определить какие слова соответствуют данным определениям.
1)a person` s bags that contain personal belongings. 1)a car trunk
2)a place that has exercise equipment. 2)a heated pool
3)a person that knows how to take care of kids. 3)baggage
4)a special seat with wheels used to move small children babies in 4)fitness centre
5)to take care of him / her because their parents are busy. 5)to surf the web
6)a space in the back of a car used to store baggage 6)a stroller
7)to look up different subject on the I-net. 7)to babysit
8)a large hole filled with warm water that you can swim. 8) a childcare specialist
KEYS: [1-6; 2-8; 3-1; 4-2; 5-7; 6-4; 7-5; 8-3]
And the last game is “Specialists”
Imagine that you are the guest of the Royal Print Hotel. You are to define what specialist in the hotel staff you need to address.
В данном задании вам предлагается определить к каким специалистам в штате гостиницы вы должны обратиться в следующих случаях:
1)You need to park your car (a valet)
2)You need to receive the necessary information about the hotel (a front desk clerk)
3)You need to rent a room for you (a concierge)
4)You need to carry their bags inside (a doorman)
5)You need to carry bags to your room (a bellhop)
6)You need to learn something at night (a night auditor)
7)You need to change sheets and towels (a housekeeper)
V.Основная часть урока. Работа за стойкой администратора.
We would like to bring to your attention traditional hotel cycle (arrival – check-in – stay – check-out – прибытие – регистрация – пребывание - выезд).
We`ll also show you what duties and responsibilities of the Hotel Service manager are.
At present, we are second-year students and must think about future career in our work.
We understand that it is useful for us to speak English fluently.
Some words about us. We are full time third-year students. We study at the Noginsk College. Our specialty is Hotel Service.
We chose the Hotel “Korston”. It is our team! Our team was divided into groups. Imagine that our team work at this hotel.
It` high time to represent our participants (представление участников)
They`ll act the dialogues at the desk.
Dialogue # 1. Room Booking from the Front Desk
Situation # 1. Гость хочет забронировать двухместный номер с кондиционером, ванной и телефоном (The guest wants to book a double room with air-conditioner a bathroom and a phone.)
Jane: Good morning! Is that the Savoy Hotel?
Receptionist: Yes, that`s right. What can I do for you?
Jane: I would like to book a double room with air conditioner, bath and phone.
Receptionist: How long do you require this accommodation for?
Jane: I need accommodation for four nights.
Receptionist: When will you arrive here?
Jane: I will arrive a day after tomorrow in the early morning. I think I`ll be at the hotel at about six a.m.
Receptionist: All right. And what floor would you like to book a room on?
Jane: I always prefer the first floor.
Receptionist: All right. I book a room in the first floor for you.
Jane: Thank you very much. And what is the charge?
Receptionist: It is ninety pounds a night.
Jane: Fine, thank you.
Джейн: Доброе утро! Это отель «Савой»?
Портье: Да, это отель. Чем могу быть Вам полезен?
Джейн: Я хотела бы забронировать двухместный номер с кондиционером, ванной и телефоном.
Портье: На какое время Вам требуется данное размещение?
Джейн: Мне нужен гостиничный номер на четыре ночи.
Портье: Когда Вы прибудете сюда?
Джейн: Я прибуду послезавтра рано утром. Думаю, я буду в гостинице около шести утра.
Портье: Хорошо. А на каком этаже Вы хотели бы зарезервировать номер?
Джейн: Я всегда предпочитаю второй этаж.
Портье: Хорошо. Я зарезервирую для Вас номер на втором этаже.
Джейн: Большое Вам спасибо. А какова будет его стоимость?
Портье: Стоимость составит девяносто фунтов за сутки.
Джейн: Отлично, спасибо.
Situation # 2. Let`s talk about Check-In.
Подготовка к заезду к следующему дню – 1 апреля 2019. (Readiness to the check-on the first of April.)
1. Check the list of that who called the Front Office and booked rooms for tomorrow.
2. Check if there are VIP guests if there is a fill in the documentation.
3. Fill in the registration cards for all arriving guests.
4. Register keys for rooms.
5. Call the restaurant service and ask for a compliment for VIP guests.
Rules of Hotel Staying.
If you stay in a hotel or motel, you should know some typical hotel rules that will make your hotel stay more comfortable.
- No loud music or noise is allowed in guest rooms.
- All children must be accompanied by an adult at all times. No running or playing is permitted in the hallways.
- Long – distance telephone calls, bar bills and room service are included in your hotel bill. You may need to ask the hotel front desk to activate your telephone
- No pets or animals are allowed inside and outside of the hotel.
- Cooking or food preparations is not allowed inside hotel rooms. Hot plates and microwave ovens are not permitted.
- Please, do not smoke in non – smoking rooms.
- Housekeeping service is provided daily and you must allow the housekeeping attendant to enter the room to clean and provide fresh linen.
- Please leave wet towels and dirty bed linens in your hotel room. Do not place them in the hallway. The housekeeping service will pick them up daily during their rounds.
- You are responsible for any damage in your room such as broken furniture or staining of carpets or linens. The hotel charges a replacement fee for these items.
- Please put litter in appropriate trash containers. Leave trash in the wastebasket in your room. Do not leave it in the hallway.
- At the end of your stay must check out of the hotel. On the day that you leave, go to the front desk and inform the clerk that you are checking out. Give the desk clerk the keys to all rooms used by you.
Situation # 3. Заселение гостя– Direct (лично) (10.00am | гость впервые в отеле, номер на одного с завтраком (номер свободен и чистый). (Direct Check-In of the Guest at 10:00 p. m.; a single room with breakfast (the room is clean and free). A guest is at the hotel at first.
Dialogue # 2.
A: Good morning! Administrator Kseniya. How can I help you?
G: Good morning! I would like to check in.
A: How can I address you?
G: Ma name is Ekaterina.
A: Ekaterina, did you book a room with us?
G: Yes, I do. I booked a room with you.
A: Can I look for your passport?
G: Yes, sure.
A: You are Chervinskaya Ekaterina. Your room is Standard, type of food is breakfast. Is that all right?
G: Yes, that is all right.
A: Your room is 111, it`s on the second floor, right along the passage. Can I help you with anything else?
G: No, thanks.
A: The front desk is open 24-hours. You can apply for any questions Good luck!
And now the topic of our conversation will be Помощь гостям во время из пребывания в отеле (help to the guests during their stay at this hotel).
Situation # 4. Гость просит разбудить его в 8 утра, и принести завтрак в номер к 8:30.
(The guest asks a wake-up call at 8:00 a.m. and breakfast in the room at 8:30 a.m.) Гость проходит мимо стойки регистрации и роняет кошелек, не замечая этого. (The guest pass through the front desk and drops his pursue, doesn’t notice it.)
Dialogue # 3.
A: Good evening, I`m the Administrator Nadezhda. Can I help you?
G: Good evening! Could I have a wake-up call at 8:00 a.m.?
A: Yes, of course, you can. What room do you live in?
G: I live in Room # 25.
A: Are you Kuprikova Sofia?
G: Oh, yes, I`m Kuprikova Sofia.
A: Well, anything else?
G: Please, I`d like a glass of apple juice and a cheese sandwich by 8:30 a.m.
A: OK, it will be done by 8:30 a.m.
G: Thank you.
A: The 24-hour room service at our hotel always will be happy to help. All the best!
A: Oh, Sir, stop, please.
G: Yes? Good afternoon!
A: Good afternoon! What`s your name?
G: My name is Ivan.
A: Ivan, when you passed by the counter you dropped your pursue
G: Thank you very much. Yes, it`s my pursue.
A: Be attentive, all the best.
G: Thank you for everything. Have a good day!
Situation # 5. Девушка хочет поговорить с гостем, но он не в номере. (A girl wants to talk to the guest of the hotel, but he is not in his room).
Dialogue # 4.
A: Good morning! I need to leave. Can I leave my key with you?
B: Good morning! Certainly, you can leave the key at the reception.
A: Thanks.
C: Good morning! I`d like to meet with my friend. She stays at your hotel.
B: Well, what`s her name?
C: Catherine Piers. C-A-T-H-E-R-I-N-E P-I-E-R-S.
B: She is out at this moment.
C: I have no time to wait for her.
B: So, you can leave a message for her.
C: It would be great!
B: What must I write in your message?
C: “Catherine, we urgently need to meet you. When you get this message, call me, please.”
B: Is that all? When she comes back, I will definitely give her the message.
C: OK. Thank you very much. Bye!
B: Good-bye!
A: Good evening! Be so kind as to give me the key from Room 120.
B: Good evening! Of course! During your absence, a young woman came to you. She has no opportunity to wait her. She will be in a hurry. And she left a message for you. Here it is!
A: Oh, thanks a lot!
B: Anything else?
A: No, thanks! Bye!
Situation # 6. Гость просит положить его драгоценность в сейф (на ресепшн). (The guest asks to put the jewelry into the safe deposit box.)
Dialogue # 5.
A: Good morning! Administrator Tatyana. Can I help you?
G: Good morning! I`d like to put my jewels into the safe deposit box in our hotel.
A: Yes, of course. What`s your name?
G: Daria.
A: Daria, what are you going to put?
G: A golden bracelet.
A: Let`s fill in the form, put it into an envelope and get into the safe deposit box.
G: Oh, yes.
A: Sign here, please. Here`s your voucher when you pick up the bracelet, you need to show the coupon.
G: OK.
A: Can I help you with anything else?
G: No, thank you.
A: Good-bye!
G: Good-bye!
Now we`ll tell you about the touristic information (туристическая информация.)
Situation # 7. Front desk – гость спрашивает о достопримечательностях города Ногинск (4 главных достопримечательности), гость хочет провести там выходные. Только главные достопримечательности. (The guest asks about (4) main sightseeing in Noginsk at the front desk. The guest wants to have a free time there.) Пара хочет провести день в городе Ногинск. Они спрашивают про программу с историческими достопримечательностями и где можно пообедать. (The married couple wants to have a day in the centre of Noginsk. They ask historical sightseeing and places to have dinner).
Dialogue # 6.
A: Good morning! Administrator Milena. Can I help you?
G: Good morning! What sightseeing are there in Noginsk?
A: What`s your name?
G: My name is Catherine.
A: You can stroll around the hotel visit our Zoo. You can also visit the local Museum and Exhibits Centre, the Drama & Comedy Theatre, The Fountain Square, The Eternal Fire.
G: That`s great. Thank you. I will definitely visit them.
A: You are welcome, Catherine! Can I help you with anything else?
G: Yes, Can I ask you about the town`s sightseeing.
A: Catherine, There are many beautiful places of interest in our town. For example, Drama Theatre, where you can meet wonderful actors, you can visit a central park with attractions where you can
see different figures of fairy tale or cartoon characters. You also visit a Morozov Trade House, which is well known in our town.
G: Have you any museums in your town?
A: Sure, we have a Museum and Exhibits Centre in the very heart of our town. There are a lot of military, ancient and historic exhibits.
G: I`ve been there. And I really like this place of interest
A: Can I help you with anything else?
G: No, thank you very much. Bye!
A: Bye!
G: No, thanks. Bye!
A: Bye! Have a nice day!
Situation # 8. Гость хочет узнать какие особенности кухни присутствуют в городе Ногинск, спрашивает какой вид кухни в ресторане, и что там можно поесть. (The guests wants to learn peculiar cuisines in Noginsk restaurants (not in the hotel) and assortment of Noginsk restaurants.
Dialogue # 7.
A: Good afternoon! Hotel “Yahonty”. Administrator Elena. Can I help you?
G: Good afternoon! I`d like to learn what kind of cuisines are there in your restaurant?
A: May I learn your name?
G: Yes, you may. Ivan.
A: Ivan. There is European Cuisine, Chinese Cuisine, and Swedish Board.
G: Can you tell me what kind of cuisines are there in your town?
A: There is European cuisine, Chinese Cuisine, Italian cuisine, Japanese cuisine (“Hino-Moto”), the restaurant “Sava” where you can taste delicious dishes, you also can sing at the Karaoke Bar, Georgian cuisine as well as KFG and McDonald`s.
G: Thank you, Elena.
A: Can I help you more?
G: No, thanks. Good-bye!
Situation # 9. Гостя хочет узнать о лучших магазинах для шопинга. Он заинтересован в том, чтобы купить сувениры. (The guest wants to learn about the best shops in Noginsk. He is interested in this information. He wants to buy souvenirs.)
Dialogue # 8.
A: Good morning! I`m a Manager Sofia. Can I help you?
G: Good morning! I want to know as many as possible places for shopping.
A: What`s your name?
G: Nadezhda.
A: Nadezhda, I can suggest you to visit Bogorodsk Shopping Centre in the III International Street, 62 and Noginsk Shopping Centre in Komsomolskaya Street. Can I help you anymore?
G: Where can I buy souvenirs?
A: You can do it in our hotel, first. Then you can visit these shopping centres. I think you will find all necessary for you.
G: Thank you, Sofia!
A: The 24-hour Front Office will be happy to see you again and help you
G: OK.
A: Good-bye! All the best! Bye!
G: Thanks. Bye!
Экстраординарные и неожиданные ситуации в отеле.
Let`s talk about extraordinary & unexpected situation at the hotel.
Situation # 10. В 12:30 горничная сообщает, что гость из номера (номер комнаты) должен был выехать полтора часа назад, однако его вещи не собраны в номере. (The maid informs that the guest from room haven`t left the room yet. The checkout time is 12:20 p.m.)
Dialogue # 9.
A: Good morning! Administrator Paulina. How can I help you?
H. s: Good morning! It`s housekeeping service. I want to inform you that the guest from Room # 312 haven`t left the room yet. What can we do?
A: Can you wait a little, please? I`ll call the guest.
H. s: Sure, I`ll wait.
A: Karina, good morning! Can I ask you? Why haven`t you left the room yet? Your room must be free by 12:30 p.m.
G: Oh, I forgot at all. I`ll be right there at the moment. Sorry.
A: Thank you for understanding. We`re waiting for you.
A: Administrator Paulina. The guest will be in the room soon.
G: Thank you so much. Good-bye!
A: Have a nice day! Good-bye!
Situation # 11. Пожарная тревога на Фронт-офисе, тревога из комнаты, тревога ложная. (A fire alarm at the front office, an alarm from the room; false alarm).
Dialogue # 10.
A: Good morning! Administrator Tatyana. Hotel “Yahonty”. Can I help you?
G: Good morning! There is a fire alarm in the room.
A: Tell me your room number.
G: 555.
A: I`ll send the Security Service to your room and we`ll check its action.
G: Okay, thanks.
A: Good-bye!
G: Good-bye!
(A call to the Security Service.)
S.s: Good morning! Security Service. What can I do for you?
A: Good morning! Administrator Tatyana. The alarm went off in Room # 555.
S.s: Well, we`ll see.
A: Thank you. Good-bye!
S.s: Not at all. Good-bye!
Let``s talk about cashiers and exchange operations at the hotel. (Кассир и другие административные операции).
Situation # 12. Подготовка к закрытию смены (04.00p.m.) (closing the shift at 04.00p.m.)
(My main task is to close the shift. That is to confirm the correctness and completeness of accounting for guest hotel bills. I check the entries I draw up a balance of accounts. I prepare operational reports. I charge additional services. The system automatically calculates daily additional services to the accounts of the guests for whom they are defined. I count the money at the checkout. I count the exchange. I count the exchange of small bills. I fill in the form and put it in an envelope. I sigh it and put into the safe.
I give exchange for the receiving shift. I say about what`s happed during my shift. I wish my colleague a good working day.
Situation # 13. Гость просит разменять 300,00 $ US. (The guest asks to exchange 300,000 $ US).
Dialogue # 11.
A: Good morning! I`m the Administrator Sofia. What can I do for you?
G: Good morning! My name is Nadezhda. I want to exchange 300$.
A: Yes, of course. The amount of your exchange will be 17,500 rubles.
G: Yes, it suites for me.
A: Here it is! Please, take your money.
G: Thanks a lot.
A: Can I help you with anything else?
G: No, there`s no need to help more.
A: The 24-hour room service of our hotel always will be happy to help you.
G: Thank you very much.
A: Don`t mention it. All the best.
G: Thanks. Good-bye!
A: Good-bye!
The following topic is Выселение (Checkout).
Situation # 14. Подготовка к выезду на следующий день. (The checkout on the next day).
Dialogue # 12.
A: Good morning! The Administrator Violetta. Can I help you?
G: Good morning! I want to leave.
A: How can I address you?
G: Ekaterina.
A: What Room are you from?
G: One hundred and first (101).
A: Did you use additional services?
G: No.
A: Just a minute. Let me see. I must call the maid service.
M: Good morning! The Maid Service.
A: Good morning! The Administrator Violetta. A guest from Room # 101wants to leave. Check your room, please.
M: OK. I clarify. Wait a little.
A: Thanks for waiting. Payment will be in cash or by credit card.
G: in cash.
A: The Administrator Violetta. How can I help you?
M: The guest didn`t use the additional services. The room is OK.
A: Thank you.
A: So, your bill is ten thousand rubles.
A: Sign here before you leave the hotel.
G: Yes, thank you.
A: Can I help you with anything else?
G: Now rent me a taxi, please, to the airport Vnukovo.
A: One minute. I contact with the taxi.
A: Taxi “Angel”? Hotel “Yahonty”. I want to order a taxi.
T: Where do you want to go?
A: Vnukovo Airport.
T: The taxi will be in 5 minutes. The price will be one thousand rubles.
A: Thank you.
A: (to the guest) the taxi will be in 5 minutes. Cost – 1,000 rubles.
G: Thanks a lot.
A: All the best, happy journey to you. Good-bye.
G: Good-bye.
Situation # 15. Выезд гостя кредитная карта + тур. агентство. (The guest`s checkout (credit card + touristic agency).
Dialogue # 13.
A: Good morning. I`m the Administrator Nadezhda. Can I help you?
G: I want to leave the hotel.
A: How can I address you?
G: My name is Valentina.
A: Can I get your room key?
G: Yes, of course. Here it is.
A: So, you are Chernetsova Valentina. You lived in Room # 250. You came from a travel agency.
Everything was paid for living by a voucher. Is everything all right?
G: Yes, that`s right.
A: Have you any additional services or a mini bar?
G: Yes, I used the mini bar.
A: Valentina, wait a little. I`ll contact with the maid, she will check your room.
M: Good morning! Maid Anastasiya. Can I help you?
A: Good morning! The Administrator Nadezhda. The guest from Room # 250 is leaving now. Could you check the room and how did the guest use the mini bar?
M: Oh, sure. I`ll check in now and call you back.
A: Thank you!
A: Valentina, now the maid will check your room and the mini bar.
G: OK.
A: Good morning! Hotel “Yahonty”. I`m the Administrator Nadezhda. How can I help you?
M: Nadezhda. This is the maid Anastasia. The room # 250 is in order. The guest took a Coca Cola and nuts.
A: Anastasia thanks a lot for the information.
A: Valentina, you took a Coca Cola and nuts from mini bar, didn`t you?
G: Oh, yes.
A: So, we will draw up in an account.
Coca Cola – 200 Rub; Nuts – 50 Rub
250 Rubles.
Your mini bar account is 250 rubles. Are you satisfied with everything?
G: Yes, I`m satisfied with everything in your hotel.
A: How will you pay with cash or credit card?
G: By credit card.
The guest gives a card I`m doing an imprint.
A: If you are satisfied with the bill, please, enter the PIN code.
A: Do you need help with your luggage or to take a taxi for you?
G: No, thanks.
A: I hope you enjoyed your staying at our hotel, come back and see us soon again. We are always to see you at our hotel.
IV. Заключительная часть урока: Подведение итогов урока. Рефлексия обучающихся.
T: Well, let`s reckon up. (оценка деятельности обучающихся).
T: Now let us discuss the homework, which you have to do for our next lesson: you have to prepare short composition essay. You are to express your thoughts about your future profession (домашнее задание).
And you, our friends, say some words about our lesson. How do you like it?
Рефлексия обучающихся:
Загорская Анна: Данный урок, по моему мнению, развивает заинтересованность в нашей будущей профессии, развивает творчество, инновационный подход.
Азарова Екатерина: Безусловно, урок был увлекательным, он показал нас и нашу будущую специальность; навел на размышления учиться и дальше по профессии.
Корнеева Екатерина: На меня произвело большое впечатление то, как работали наши девочки за стойкой.
Кокаренкова Софья: И самое главное, что эти знания нам помогут в дальнейшем, в нашей профессиональной деятельности.
Итоги урока.
И в заключении я хочу выразить благодарность нашим детям, принявшим участие в нашем уроке. Все поработали упорно, кто-то при составлении диалогов на стойке, кто-то при составлении презентации к уроку. И всем благодарность, что вы поработали над своим английским языком, отработали профессиональную и деловую лексику. А это самое главное!
Teacher: Thank you for your job. Good-bye!
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