методическая разработка
Рабочая тетрадь предназначена для студентов 1 курса. Рабочая тетрадь включает в себя 16 тематических разделов, в каждый из которых входят текст, лексические, фонетические и грамматические упражнения. Учебные задания способствуют усвоению и запоминанию лексического и грамматического материала по темам. В систему упражнений входят как языковые, так и речевые упражнения. Тексты тематически связаны с содержанием рабочей программы. В конце рабочей тетради представлены тесты по всем разделам грамматики, в соответствии с грамматическим аспектом программы для первого курса.
Разработала: Козьменко И.В. преподаватель иностранного языка
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Предварительный просмотр:
Департамент внутренней и кадровой политики Белгородской области
Областное государственное автономное
профессиональное образовательное учреждение
«Белгородский строительный колледж»
Белгород, 21
Пояснительная записка.
Рабочая тетрадь предназначена для студентов 1 курса. Рабочая тетрадь включает в себя 16 тематических разделов, в каждый из которых входят текст, лексические, фонетические и грамматические упражнения. Учебные задания способствуют усвоению и запоминанию лексического и грамматического материала по темам. В систему упражнений входят как языковые, так и речевые упражнения. Тексты тематически связаны с содержанием рабочей программы. В конце рабочей тетради представлены тесты по всем разделам грамматики, в соответствии с грамматическим аспектом программы для первого курса.
Разработала: Козьменко И.В. преподаватель иностранного языка
На заседании предметно-цикловой комиссии Заместитель директора
общих гуманитарных социально-экономических по учебно-методической
и общеобразовательных дисциплин работе __________ Петрова Н.В.
«__»____________ 2021г.
Протокол №__ от»__»____________ 2021г
Председатель ПЦК ___________ Игнатенко Н.А.
Unit 1. My family
Unit 2. My friends. Appearance.
Unit 3. My flat/house
Unit 4. My routine
Unit 5. Hobby
Unit 6. Shopping.
Unit 7. Meals.
Unit 8. Sport in our life
Unit 9. The weather and a climate
Unit 10. Moscow
Unit 11. English speaking countries
Unit 12. Traditions
Unit 13. Art and Culture
Unit 14. Mass Media
Unit 15. Advertisement
Unit 16. Learning foreign languages
Revising tests
Unit 1.
My family
1. Read and translate the text.
My name is Marina Suvorova. I am 15. I was born on the 5th of March, 1985 in Rostov-on-Don. Now I live in Rostov with my parents and my grandmother.
My family is not very large. We have five people in our family. My father`s name is Igor Petrovich. He is forty years old. He is a doctor and he works at a hospital. My mother`s name is Lyudmila Leonidovna. She is thirty - nine years old. She is a housewife. My younger sister is a pupil. She is in the seventh form. My grandmother lives with us. She doesn’t work. She is a pensioner. I love my family. We are all friends and we love each other.
I have one aunt and two uncles. Their children are my cousins.
I am a student of the college now. We have many good teachers at our college. I try to be a good pupil and I do well in all subjects. But my favourite subject is English. I spend much time on it. I like detective stories but I prefer to read historical novels or modern writers.
I have many friends. Many of them are my classmates. We spend much time together, go for a walk, talk about lessons, music and discuss our problems.
I like to listen to modern music, but sometimes I like to listen to some classical music. My favourite composer is Tchaikovsky. I haven`t much time to watch TV but sometimes I spend an hour or two watching an interesting film or a news programme. In the evening I often read newspapers or an interesting book. I like fresh air and exercises, but I have not much time to go in for sports.
3. Answer the following questions
- Is Marina’s family large?
- How old is she and her parents?
- What are her parents?
- Has Marina any brothers or sisters?
- ___________________________________________________________________
- How many aunts and uncles has Marina?
- Marina is a college student now, isn’t she?
- What is Marina’s hobby?
- What does she do in the evening?
- Does Marina like to go in for sports?
Write these words in plural
Month | Son | ||
Eye | Factory | ||
Ear | Basis | ||
Brother | Boy | ||
Deer | Box | ||
Army | Tooth | ||
Frenchman | Phenomenon | ||
Chimney | Formula | ||
Bush | Airman | ||
Man | Bridge |
Match the words
a daughter | жена |
a wife | племянница |
a husband | тетя |
an uncle | кузен (кузина) |
an aunt | жена |
a nephew | дочь |
a niece | муж |
a cousin | дядя |
a daughter | дочь |
a wife | племянник |
Write 8 sentences about yourself and your family
Unit 2
My Friends. Appearance.
1. Revise reading rules.
III тип слога гласная + г | чтение | пример | IVтип слога гласная + г + е | чтение | пример |
аr | [a:] | car, bar | are | [ ɛə ] | care |
еr, ir, yr | [ ə: ] | her, sir, Byrd | ere | [ iə ] | here |
ur | [ ə: ] | fur | ire, yre | [ aiə ] | fire, tyre |
or | [ ɔ: ] | sport | ure | [ juə ] | cure |
ore | [ ɔ: ] | more |
3. Use the verbs in Present Simple.
1. My sister (to get) up at eight o’clock.__________________________________________
2. She (to be) a school – girl. She (to go) to school in the afternoon.____________________
3. Jane (to be) fond of sports. She (to do) her morning exercises every day.______________
4. For breakfast she (to have) two eggs, a sandwich and a cup of tea.____________________
5. After breakfast she (to go) to school.___________________________________________
6. It (to take) him two hours to do his homework. __________________________________
7. She (to speak) French well___________________________________________________
4. Translate into English using the verbs in Present Indefinite.
Мой дядя инженер. Он очень занят.___________________________________________
Его рабочий день начинается рано утром. Он встаёт в семь часов._________________
Он умывается, одевается и завтракает. После завтрака он идёт на работу.
__________________________________________________________________________ Он работает в институте. Он любит свою работу.________________________________
__________________________________________________________________________Он женат. Его жена врач. Oна работает в больнице.______________________________
__________________________________________________________________________Сын моего дяди ученик. Он ходит в школу. В школе он изучает английский язык.
5. Learn these words by heart. Get ready for dictation
alike | похожий |
as like as two peas | походить как 2 капли воды |
beautiful | красивый |
blonde | блондин(ка ) |
boring | скучный |
bright | умный |
brunette | брюнет(ка) |
clever | умный |
complexion | цвет лица |
dark-haired | темноволосый |
diligent | прилежный |
fair-haired | светловолосый |
faithful | верный |
fat | полный |
long-legged | длинноногий |
to have much in сommon | иметь много общего |
to look like sm/b | походить на кого-либо |
well-build | хорошо сложенный |
kind | добрый |
rude | грубый |
short | маленького роста |
shy | застенчивый |
slim | стройный |
smart | умный |
stout | приземистый, коренастый |
strong | сильный |
stupid | глупый |
talkative | разговорчивый |
tall | высокий |
thin | худой |
to have a sense of humour | иметь чувство юмора |
well-read | начитанный |
6. Read and translate the text
My Friends
I have many friends. Most of them are my former classmates but my best friend is Peter. He is fifteen. Now he is a student of a college. He is a good student because he studies hard and is very diligent. He wants to become a good specialist and he is especially interested in computers. He often helps me with my English lessons and I'm grateful to him for that.
Now I want to tell you about his appearance. He is rather tall and strong. He has an oval face, straight nose, dark - brown hair, blue eyes and a nice smile, people find him good - looking.
Peter goes in for sports. He plays football and basketball well. His basketball team is very popular at the college.
We made friends with Peter when he and his family moved to our house. We have very much in common: we like the same music, we both like reading, in general my friend is a very interesting person: he is intelligent and well-read.
But the most important thing is that Peter is honest and kind. I can fully rely on him and trust everything to him. Peter has a great sense of humour and I like to spend my free time with him.
7. Make up a vocabulary to the text “My Friends”
8. Write 12 sentences about your friend using the text “My Friend”
Unit 3
My flat
1. Revise reading rules
Чтение ударных сочетаний гласных букв.
буквосочетание | чтение | пример | буквосочетание | чтение | пример |
ai ay | [ei] | Spain day | oy oi | [ i] | spoil boy |
ea ee | [i:] | sea meet | oo+k | [u] | book |
ew | [ju:] | new | oo | [u:] | tool |
2. Read the following exercises
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
main | may | deep | meat | join | boy | book | tool |
pain | pay | feed | dean | point | coy | look | pool |
plain | nay | meet | read | coin | toy | took | moon |
Spain | day | peel | lean | voice | enjoy | shook | soon |
rain | bay | been | beat | noisy | oyster | hook | food |
3. Заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу словами.
There is ________________ in my study. Is there any _________________ in that room? There is no ________________ in the house, it is cold in winter. Is the ________________ in your kitchen? There is no balcony in my _______________ There are two large ____________________ in the sitting room. Is there a _____________ in your sitting room? We have a table and some _________________ in the dining room. Have you any bookshelves in your _____________? They have two ______________ near the fireplace. They have no __________________ on Sunday. ______________ the sofa he has a bookcase.
4. Заполните пропуски, используя слова some, any, no.
I want to snow you _________ books. There is ________ tea at home. Are there ___________ bookcases in your study? There are __________ foreign students in our University. Are there ___________ books on his desk? Have you got ___________ children? Jane has _______ sisters. Has he ________ German magazines at home? – Yes, he has________ . I have _______ friends in Britain. We have ____________ pets at home.
6. Заполните пропуски, используя some, any, no, something, anything, nothing, somebody, anybody, nobody.
Do you have ___________ classes today?- No, we have _____classes on Saturday. Have you got ________ question? I want to tell you ____________________ interesting about our friend Sally. Is there _________________ interesting in today’s paper? Come here, I’ll show you ________________ pictures of our country house. There is ________________ in the fridge. Go and buy ___________ food. Do you know ______________ in that house? Hi! Is there ______________ in the house? – No, I’m afraid, there is ____________. – Let’s go and see. There is light in the flat. _____________ is at home. _______________ knows their new address.
Match the words
blocks of flats | наверху; наверх |
in the middle | камин |
fireplace | уютный |
sitting room | просторный |
cozy | внизу; вниз |
upstairs | мебель |
armchair | гостиная |
downstairs | посредине |
spacious | кресло |
furniture | многоквартирный дом |
6. Read and translate the text.
My house
I want to tell you something about the house I live in. This is a three – storey brick building in the suburb of the city. There is a large garden all round it. In front of the house there is a lawn and some beds of beautiful flowers. Ours is a comfortable three – room flat on the second floor. The staircase of the central entrance leads to it.
Here is our sitting room. It is a quite big room with two windows facing the street. Light curtains hang over the windows. We have the following articles of furniture in the room: a divan, a round table in the center of the room, a sideboard near the wall, armchairs, some easy chairs and a television set on a special stand. You can see an electric lamp over the table, a radiator under the two water-colors on the walls. The floor is covered with a carpet. In this room we have our meals. From it a door opens into our bedroom. There are two beds, two bedside tables, a dressing table with a mirror and a wardrobe in it. On a bedside table stand an alarm clock and an electric lamp. The floor is carpeted.
And this is the study. It is a small and light room, with no pictures on its walls. On the left near the door there are two book-cases full of books. In front of the book – cases stands a large writing table. To the left from the desk there is a sofa with a large cushion on it. There are also two chairs and an armchair in the study. In the right – hand corner there is a small square table with a wireless set on it.
Besides we have a kitchen, a bathroom, and a lavatory. In the kitchen there are: a gas stove, an electric refrigerator, a sink with two taps over it, a cupboard, a table and a small stool. The bathroom has a bath with a shower and a washbasin with hot cold water taps. Above the basin there is a mirror and a shelf – and – towel – rack. We keep soap and other washing and shaving things on it.
6. Ask 5 questions to the text.
7. Name the prepositions
Write a letter to your friend about your flat or house.
Unit 4.
My routine
1. Revise reading rules
Чтение ударных сочетаний гласных букв. Чтение сочетаний согласных букв.
буквосочетание | чтение | пример |
ou ow | [au] | out brown |
air | [ε∂] | hair |
eer | [i∂] | engineer |
our | [au¶] | flour |
oor | [ o: ] | door |
th | [ θ ] в начале знаменат –х слов и в конце слова [ ð ] в начале местоимен. служебных слов и между главными | thick myth this bathe |
qu | [kw] | question |
ng | [ ŋ ] | long |
nk | [ ŋ k] | think |
wr | в начале слова перед гласными [ r ] | wrong |
2. Read the following exercises. Mind the rules!
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
out | hair | beer | our | quick | thick | song | wrest |
stout | fair | peer | flour | quite | this | drink | wrung |
flower | stair | veer | sour | quest | thin | hang | wrap |
count | chair | deer | door | quire | that | bring | wrong |
brown | air | engineer | floor | quits | bathe | long | write |
3. Do the following exercises
Запишите 3 основные формы следующих глаголов
Переведите все полученные формы на русский язык.
Infinitive | Past Indefinite | Participle II | Translation |
отвечать | |||
хотеть | |||
посылать | |||
читать | |||
писать | |||
позволять | |||
пахнуть | |||
разговаривать | |||
строить | |||
быть | |||
встречать |
4. a) Прочитайте предложение в Present Simple, и продолжите в Past Simple.
Tom usually gets up at 7.30. Yesterday...he got up... at 7.30.
1. Tom usually wakes up early. Yesterday morning he …early. |
2. Tom usually walks to work. Yesterday he … to work. |
3. Tom is usually late for work. Yesterday he … late for work. |
4. Tom usually has a sandwich for lunch. Yesterday he … a sandwich for lunch. |
5. Tom usually goes out in the evening. Yesterday evening …..he . |
6. Tom usually sleeps very well. Last night he …. very well. |
b) Впишите один из следующих глаголов в Past Simple.
buy - spend - sell - teach
1. Tom's father … him how to drive when he was 17. |
2. We needed some money so we… our car. |
3. Ann … a lot of money yesterday. |
4. She … a new dress. |
5. Learn these words by heart. Get ready for dictation.
to get up вставать
to wake up просыпаться
to ring звенеть
an alarm – clock будильник
to start начинать
to do morning exercises делать зарядку
to wash умываться
to wash up мыть посуду
to clean teeth чистить зубы
to comb hair причесываться
to be late опаздывать
to go by bus ездить на автобусе
to get to work добираться до работы
to get on (a bus) сесть на (автобус)
to get of (the bus) выйти (из автобуса)
to be tired устать
on weekdays по будням
at the weekend по выходным
a day off выходной день
to be in a hurry спешить
to leave the house выходить из дома
to go to bed ложиться спать
to go to sleep засыпать
to spend проводить (время)
It takes me ... minutes to get to work Мне нужно... минут, чтоб добраться до работы
to have a good time хорошо проводить время
6. Your day
Write down what you usually do at these times .
8 a.m._____________________________________________________________________
8.30 a.m.___________________________________________________________________
11.50 a.m.__________________________________________________________________
1 p.m._____________________________________________________________________
4.20 p.m.__________________________________________________________________
5 p.m._____________________________________________________________________
7 p.m._____________________________________________________________________
9 p.m._____________________________________________________________________
11 p.m.____________________________________________________________________
Unit 5
1. Revise reading rules
Чтение сочетание гласных с согласными.
Буквосочетание | Позиция, чтение | Пример |
al | Перед k в ударн. cлоге [o : ] | Chalk |
Перед остальными [o: l ] | Wall, also | |
wor | Перед согласными в ударном слоге [ wo: ] | Work |
wa | Перед конечными согласными кроме r или сочетаниями согласных [ wo ] | Want |
Перед r [ wə : ] | Warm | |
igh | [ a i ] | High |
tion | [ ∫n ] | Nation |
sion | [ n ] | Devision |
2. Read the following exercises. Mind the rules!
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
talk | also | water | watch | war | right | vacation | television |
stalk | wall | word | wash | wardrobe | night | action | occasion |
calk | small | worm | was | warm | bright | attraction | decision |
talking | fall | world | want | warden | might | production | television |
walk | call | worthy | water | warder | light | contribution | devision |
3. Do the following exercises in writing
Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Future Simple.
1. I want to get a medical checkup. I (to go) to my doctor tomorrow.
2. He (to give) me a complete examination.
3. The nurse (to lead) me into one of the examination rooms.
4. I (to take) off my clothes and (to put) on a hospital gown.
5. Dr. Setton (to come) in, (to shake) my hand, and (to say) "hello".
6. I (to stand) on his scale so he can measure my height and my weight.
7. He (to take) my pulse.
__________________________________________________________________________8. Then he (to take) my blood pressure.
9. After he takes my blood pressure, he (to take) some blood for a blood analysis.
10. He (to examine) my eyes, ears, nose and throat.
4. Расставьте слова в правильном порядке
a. holiday / go / to / on / aren’t / going / they
b. worry / it / rain / . / going / don’t / is / to / not
c. tell / answer / you / the / going / not / I’m / to
d. aren’t / going / we / listen / to / to / him
e. her / homework / isn’t / to / going / do / tonight / she
5. Read and translate the text.
Travelling as a part of my life
Travelling became a part of our life. Thousands of people travel every day either on business or for pleasure. They travel by road, by train, by air or by sea.
Of course, travelling by air is the fastest and the most convenient way, but it is the most expensive, too. Travelling by train is slower than travelling by plane, but it is less expensive. You can see many interesting places of the country through the window. Modern trains have more comfortable seats. There are also sleeping cars and dining cars that make even the longest journey more pleasant. Speed, comfort and safety are the main advantages of trains and planes. That is why many people prefer them to all other kinds of travelling.
Travelling by sea is popular mostly for pleasure trips. Tourists can make voyages on large ships to foreign countries. The trips on the Volga, the Don-and the Black Sea are very popular today.
As for me I prefer travelling by car. I think it's more convenient because you don't buy tickets, you can stop any place and spend as much time as you like at any place.
6. Make up a vocabulary to the text “Travelling as a part of my life”
7. Speak about your future trip to London using these pictures
Unit 6
1. Revise reading rules
буква, буквосочетание | позиция, чтение | пример |
a | Перед ft, th [ a: ] | After, path |
an | Перед согласными [ an ] | Answer |
ou | + r [ o : ] | Four, your |
ou | + gh [ o : ] | Tought, bought |
a | Перед ss, st, sk [ a: ] | Pass, ask, past |
2. Read the following exercises. Mind the rules!
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
ought | pour | lance | father | grass |
fought | mourn | prance | rather | past |
brought | source | glance | path | task |
thought | course | chance | bath | ask |
bought | your | dance | craft | last |
3. Do the following exercises in writing form.
Используйте нужную форму глагола to be
1. Where ... you going? – I... going to the supermarket.
2. I... thinking about the dress I saw in the shop - window yesterday.
3. We... going to be late. The shop will be closed.
4. ... you going to the baker’s? Buy a loaf of bread for me, please.
5. We... driving too fast and didn’t see the traffic lights.
6. He... choosing an umbrella too long but didn’t buy any.
7. While my mother... paying for the things I bought a bar of chocolate for myself.
8. I hope it ... not... raining tomorrow. It ‘s our shopping day.
4.Раскройте скобки, используя разные формы Continuous
1. Where you ( go )?- I (go) to the supermarket.
2. The Browns (come ) to see us tonight. Go and buy some sweets and a cake.
3. Where is Ann? She (do) the flat.
4. What you (do) when I rang you up yesterday? –I (draw) pictures for my little son.
5. You (watch) TV? – No, I’m not.- Switch it on at once! They ( show ) your dancing group.
6. Tomorrow we’ll have a party. What dress you (wear )? – I don’t know yet.
5. Match the words
expensive | привлекать ч\л внимание |
a cash-desk | прилавок |
a shop assistant | молочный магазин |
to sell | ходить в магазин |
to attract smb’s attention | отдел |
a department | продавать |
to go shopping | самообслуживание |
a counter | продавец |
the dairy | цена |
self-service | дорогой |
a change | касса |
a price | сдача |
6. Complete the dialogue
Shop assistant: Good morning, sir!
Customer _________________________________________________________________
Shop assistant: What can I do for you?
Shop assistant: Anything else?
Shop assistant: We have sunflower oil and olive oil. What oil do you prefer?
Shop assistant: Five pounds thirty-nine pence.
Shop assistant: Good bye!
Unit 7
1. Revise reading rules
буква,буквосочетание | позиция, чтение | пример |
o | Перед m, n,v, th [ʌ] | money, love |
i | Перед ld, nd [ai] | kind, child |
i | Перед gn [ai] | design, sign |
ch | В словах греческого происхождения [k] | chemistry, school |
y | В начале слова под ударением | yes, yard |
2. Read the following exercises. Mind the rules!
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
brother | wild | design | school | yes | pewter |
another | child | sign | scheme | yard | new |
love | wind | align | chemistry | yellow | dew |
money | find | mechanic | yesterday | few |
3. Do the following exercises
Образуйте степени сравнения от следующих прилагательных.
положительная | сравнительная | превосходная | |
heavy | thick | ||
good | wonderful | ||
short | clean | ||
bad | hard | ||
little | interesting | ||
wide | hot | ||
beautiful | warm | ||
4. Образуйте отрицательную и вопросительную форму от следующих предложений и переведите их на русский язык.
a) Peter has been ill for a week.
b) He has been there several times.
c) They have spent in England three years.
d) We have been friends since our childhood.
e) I have already had lunch.
f) She is too thin. She has been on a diet for a month.
g) Let’s have a cup of tea. I have backed a new cake.
5. Отройте скобки, используя прилагательные и наречия в нужной форме:
1 I like living in the country. It's a lot ...more peaceful.. (peaceful) than the city
2 I felt very ill last week, but I'm slightly.......(good) now.
3 I can't hear you. Could you speak a little..... (loud) please?
4 Steven is..... (tall) boy in the basketball team.
5 This computer is very old. I need something..... (modern).
6. Match the words
ham | Картофельное пюре |
a cup of tea | Угощайтесь… |
fried fish | Напиток |
chicken broth | Ветчина |
mashed potatoes | Плотный, существенный |
buckwheat | Куриный бульон |
beefsteak | Чашка чая |
beverage | Греча |
help yourself to… | Бифштекс |
substantial | Жареная рыба |
7. Make up your usual day menu
8. Complete the dialogue
A: Are you hungry?
B: __________________________________________________________________________
A: Would you like something to drink?
B: __________________________________________________________________________
A: What shall we have for the first course?
B: __________________________________________________________________________
A: As for me I prefer meat with vegetables for the main course.
B: __________________________________________________________________________
A: Are your on a diet?
A: And my motto is “Eat at pleasure, drink with measure and enjoy life as it is”
Unit 8.
Sport in our life
1. Fill the words in the gaps.
captain coach draw fair
football ground (or pitch) footballer fouls free (or penalty) kick
goal kick-off league opponents
referee score soccer
1. What Europeans call "football", Americans call .
2. The instructor of the team is the .
3. When you play in a football team you are a .
4. The games take place on a .
5. The leader of the team is the .
6. The man in the is the goal-keeper .
7. The beginning of the match is the .
8. During the match each team tries to as many goals as possible.
9. When the teams have scored the same number of goals we say it's a .
10. The players of the other team are the .
11. The man who enforces the rules during the game is the .
12. Playing correctly is called play.
13. Unfair moves are called .
14. When a player breaks the rules the other team may get a .
15. A federation of football clubs is called a football .
2. Choose the right answer:
1. This year our team are the ....... favourites to win the cup.
2. The team's coach insisted on a programme of ....... , training before the big match.
3. The team has practised hard so that it could ....... the trophy.
4. The team's recent wins have ....... them for the semi-finals.
5. John is always ....... about how well he plays football.
6. His poor standard of play fully justifies his ....... from the team for the next match.
7. The footballer was ....... the field for kicking the referee.
brought off
put off
sent off
taken off
8. The footballer scored four ....... so his team won the match.
2. Read the text and translate it.
Sport in our life
Sport is very important in our life. It helps us to keep fit and to be healthy. The most popular kinds of sport in Russia are football, volleyball, tennis and hockey.
The most popular kinds of sport in Britain are football, cricket and golf. The most popular kinds of sport in the USA are rugby, ice hockey, basketball, baseball, and football.
In winter people like skiing, skating, snowboarding and playing hockey. In summer people like swimming, playing football or badminton and jogging.
Many people do morning exercises, jog in the morning, train themselves in different sections and take part in sport competitions. I think PE is a very important subject at college. The students play basketball, volleyball, table tennis and football.
Read the text and answer the questions:
1) What are the most popular kinds of sport in Russia?
2) What are the most popular kinds of sport in Great Britain and The USA?
3) Why is it important to play sport?
4) What are winter kinds of sport?
5) What are summer kinds of sport?
3. What is your favorite kind of sport and why? Write the small essay
Unit 9
The weather and a climate
1. Revise reading rules
буквосочетание | произношение | пример |
ous | в конце слова в безударном положении [əs] | famous |
ture | в конце слова в безударном положении [t∫ə] | culture |
mb | [ m ] | bomb |
mn | [ m ] | solemn |
bt | [ t ] | debt |
2. Read the following exercises. Mind the rules!
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
famous | mixture | bomb | doubt |
nervous | nature | comb | debt |
furious | future | autumn | subtle |
numerous | departure | dumb | |
tremendous | lecture | solemn |
3. Переведите предложения. Проанализируйте употребление модальных глаголов в следующих предложениях.
1) Who can answer my question?
2) Nobody could translate this text.
3) He ought to do this task at once.
4) Must I attend this meeting? – No, you needn’t.
5) You should have shown your notes to the teacher.
6) I asked him, but he wouldn’t listen to me.
7) They should visit her, she is in the hospital.
8) Last summer we would often go to the country.
9) Your son can do this work himself.
10) Would you tell me the way to the station?
4. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. We have to stay at home.
2. He was allowed to take this book.
3. Who is able to do this work?
4. He had to leave for Moscow earlier.
5. We are to take exams in June.
5. Read the text and say how the British obsession with weather has influenced the English language
The British obsession with weather has influenced our language.
The return of snowstorms to the UK proves that when it comes to bad weather it never rains but it pours.
The police have warned that unnecessary road travel is not recommended but some motorists have thrown caution to the wind and made their journeys anyway, claiming that it's all a storm in a teacup.
Those whose cars are stuck in the snow may consider themselves to be twisting in the wind. There are problems too for local councils who are running out of sand and grit for the roads, having not saved enough supplies for a rainy day.
Breakdown services will be seeing an increase in business at this time of year.
And every cloud has a silver lining for plumbers too as the cold weather brings burst and frozen pipes in homes and businesses.
What has become apparent from the cold snap is that seasonal weather forecasting is not a precise science.
The UK Meteorological Office predicted that this winter would be mild and warm so the bad weather came like a bolt from the blue, defying predictions.
It's no wonder then that many people are feeling under the weather with flus and colds an ever-present danger, especially for the very old and very young.
The best thing to do then is to wrap up warm, stay at home and weather the storm and hopefully in a few weeks everything will be as right as rain.
• it never rains but it pours - беда не приходит одна
• to throw caution to the wind - перестать осторожничать
• a storm in a teacup - буря в стакане воды
• to twist in the wind - томиться
• for a rainy day - на черный день
• every cloud has a silver lining - нет худа без добра
• bolt from the blue - гром средь ясного неба
• to feel under the weather - плохо себя чувствовать
• to weather the storm - пережить трудные времена
• as right as rain - в полном порядке
Другие слова и выражения:
• breakdown service - аварийная или ремонтная служба
• a plumber - сантехник
• burst - прорыв водопровода
• cold snap - внезапное кратковременное похолодание
• weather forecasting - метеорология
• the UK Meteorological Office - британская национальная метеослужба
Unit 10.
1. Read the text and answer the questions in the written form.
Moscow is the capital of Russia. It is the largest city in our country and one of the largest cities in the world. More than 8 million people live there. Besides, every day about one million people come to Moscow from all over Russia and other countries. Our capital is situated on the banks of the Moscow River. It is a main political, economic-al and cultural centre of our country. The heart of Moscow is Red Square. Here you can see the most beautiful masterpieces of Russian architecture - the Kremlin and St. Basil's Cathedral. They attract lots of tourists.
Moscow is the city of highly developed industry. It has numerous modern enterprises, mostly engineering and metalworking plants. Moscow is also a centre of the chemical industry. Moscow is the port of five seas. Four airports connect it with other parts of our country and many other countries. There are nine railway stations in Moscow.
Moscow can be called a city of students. There are a great number of schools, gymnasiums, lyceums, colleges, institutes and universities there. Moscow is also an important cultural centre. Worldwide-known theatres (the Bolshoi Theatre, the Maly Theatre, the Moscow Art Theatre, the Theatre in Taganka and many others), museums and art galleries (the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, the Tretyakov Gallery, etc.), exhibition halls are situated there.
Moscow is very beautiful. Plenty of green parks, large squares and wide streets make Moscow very attractive.
What is our capital? __________________________________________________________
Where is Moscow situated? ____________________________________________________
Is Moscow the largest or the smallest city in our country?____________________________
What is Moscow famous for? __________________________________________________
What is the size of Russia? __________________________________________________
What oceans is Russia washed by? _____________________________________________
What are the main rivers of Russia?_____________________________________________
What does the banner of Russia look like?________________________________________
What are the neighboring countries of Russia?_____________________________________
What are the natural resources of Russia? ________________________________________
Who founded Moscow? _______________________________________________
2. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present, Past или Future Simple Passive.
1. Bread (to eat) every day. ___________________________________________________
2. The letter (to receive) yesterday. _____________________________________________
3. Nick (to send) to Moscow next week. _________________________________________
4. I (to ask) at the lesson yesterday. _____________________________________________
5.I (to give) a very interesting book at the library last Friday. _________________________
6. Many houses (to build) in our town every year. __________________________________
7. This work (to do) tomorrow. _________________________________________________
8. This text (to translate) at the last lesson. ________________________________________
9. These trees (to plant) last autumn. _____________________________________________
10. Many interesting games always (to play) at our PT lessons. _______________________
11. This bone (to give) to my dog tomorrow. ______________________________________
12. We (to invite) to a concert last Saturday. ______________________________________
Unit 11.
English speaking countries
1. Read the text and write an essay.
Great Britain, USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand are English speaking countries. They are situated in different parts of the world and differ in many ways.
The nature of these countries, their weather and climate and way of life of their people differ. Each country has it's own history customs, traditions, its own national holidays. But they all have a common language. English, the language of the people who left England to make their names in new countries.
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and North Ireland consist of 4 parts: England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland. The British Isles are group of islands lying off the north-west coast of the continent of Europe. There are no high mountains, no very long river, no great forest in U.K. The population of the U.K. is almost fifty-six million. Great Britain is a capitalists country.
The USA is situated in the central part of the North American continent. The population of the USA is more then 236 million people. The USA is a highly developed industrial country. In the USA there are two main political parties, the Democratic Party and the Republican Party.
Canada has area of nearly 10 million square kilometers. It's western coast is washed by the Pacific Ocean and its eastern coast by the Atlantic Ocean. The population of Canada is over 26 million people. Canada is a capitalist federal state and a member of the Commonwealth.
The Commonwealth of Australia territories are the continent of Australia, the island of Tasmania and number of smaller islands. Australia has an area of nearly eight million square kilometers. The population of Australia is over sixteen million people. The Commonwealth of Australia is a capitalist self- governing federal state.
New Zealand is situated south-east of Australia. The country consists of the large islands called North Island, South Island and Stewart Island and also many small islands. The population of New Zealand is over three million people. New Zealand is a capitalist self-governing state and a member of the Commonwealth.
CAN Возможность что-нибудь сделать (могу, умею) | |
I can play the piano, (умею) Не can answer the question, (может) | I cannot swim, (не умею) He cannot understand, (не может) |
Can you sing? (умеете?) Can you help me? (можете?) | |
I could not ski when I was little, (не умел) She could not jump so high, (не могла) |
Модальный глагол CAN
2. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя модальный глагол can (could).
1. Я умею говорить по-английски. ____________________________________________
2. Мой папа не умеет говорить по-немецки.
3. Ты умеешь говорить по-французски?
4. Моя сестра не умеет кататься на коньках.
Эквивалент глагола CAN
Не is able to do it. (может, в состоянии)
Не was able to do it yesterday, (мог)
He will be able to do it tomorrow, (сможет)
He has been able to swim since childhood.
(умеет с детства)
3. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя выражение to be able to.
1. Ты сможешь сделать эту работу завтра?
2. Я думаю, она не сумеет решить эту задачу.
3. Завтра я буду свободен и смогу помочь тебе.
4. Ты сможешь починить мой магнитофон?
5. Вчера я не смог повидать директора, так как он был на конференции, но сегодня после работы я смогу это сделать.
Unit 12.
Traditions and customs of Great Britain
1. Read the vocabulary of our topic “Traditions and customs of Great Britain”
Customs – обычаи
To decorate – украшать
Tradition – традиция
Christmas Eve – сочельник
Generation – поколение
Trafalgar Square – Трафальгарская площадь
Substantial – существенный
Christmas cards – рождественские открытки
Refreshment - закуска
The Easter – Пасха
Treat – угощение
Bunny – зайчик
Pancake – блин
To lit - зажигать
Shrove – масленица
Effigies – чучела
Lent – Великий пост
Trick-or-treating - проделка или угощение
Contestant – участник
Witch – ведьма
To flip – подбрасывать
Lantern – фонарь
Bonfire – костер
Ghosts – привидения
Christmas tree – ёлка
Pumpkin – тыква
2. Read the text and translate
So many countries, so many customs, as English proverb says. The combination of the words tradition and custom means a usual manner of doing something, of conduct passed on from generation to generation. Some British customs and traditions are famous all over the world. From Scotland to Cornwall, Britain is full of them. A lot of them have very long history. Some are funny and some are strange. But they're all interesting.
The full English breakfast .The tradition of having a substantial breakfast meal has existed since the 18th century. The full English breakfast became very popular after the World War I, in those days it was served at the hotels and restaurants all over the country. The full breakfast usually consists of sausages, bacon and eggs, served with toasts, fried or grilled tomatoes, baked beans and fried mushrooms. It is often eaten with a light dessert and a cup of tea, coffee or fruit juice.
Afternoon tea One of the most well-known English traditions is afternoon tea – light refreshments, including tea, traditionally served around 5 p. m. English people often drink tea with milk; they may or may not add sugar. Tea is usually taken along with sandwiches, crumpets, scones, cakes, jam and marmalade. Traditional tea treats also include puddings, muffins and biscuits.
Pancake Day Pancake Day or Shrove Tuesday is held in February or March. It is the day, preceding the first day of the 40 days long Lent. It has been celebrated in Britain for centuries. People traditionally eat a lot of pancakes on Shrove Tuesday. On Pancake Day children go from house to house asking for a pancake. “Pancake races” are held all over the Britain. Contestants have to race with frying pans flipping pancakes in the air.
Guy Fawkes Night The Guy Fawkes Night is a traditional celebration which is held on 5th November. All over the country people build bonfires in their gardens. On top of each bonfire is a guy. That's a figure of Guy Fawkes. People make guys with straw, old clothes and newspapers. On November 5th 1605, Guy Fawkes tried to kill King James I. He and a group of his friends put a bomb under the Houses of Parliament in London. But the King's men found the bomb and they found Guy Fawkes, too. They took him to the Tower of London and there the King's men cut off his head.
Every year the people of Norway give the city of London a present… It's a big Christmas tree and it stands in Trafalgar Square. In 1846 the first Christmas cards began in Britain. Queen Victoria's husband, Prince Albert, brought this German tradition (he was German) to Britain. He and the Queen had a Christmas tree at Windsor Castle in 1841. A few years after, nearly every house in Britain had one. Traditionally people decorate their trees on Christmas Eve - that's December 24th. They take down the decorations twelve days later, on Twelfth Night (January 5th). British children get their presents from the socks that hang near their beds. Santa Clause climbs down the chimney and leaves lots of presents. In Britain the most important meal on December 25th is Christmas dinner. A twentieth-century British Christmas dinner is roast turkey with carrots, potatoes, peas, Brussels sprouts and gravy. There are sausages and bacon too. Then, after the turkey, there's Christmas pudding.
2.Find in the text English equivalents for these words and word combinations
от поколения к поколению_____________________________________________________
знамениты во всем мире_______________________________________________________
традиция ___________________________________________________________________
по всей стране________________________________________________________________
первая мировая война_________________________________________________________
легкие закуски_______________________________________________________________
традиционные угощения к чаю__________________________________________________
40-дневный Великий пост______________________________________________________
3. Write an essay about the traditions in your family.
Passive Voice.
4. Передайте следующие предложения в Passive Voice.
E.g. Mother waters the flowers in the evening. — The flowers are watered in the evening (by Mother)
1. A marble pavillion protects the house.
2. The boys will paint the roof of the house.
3. Tom Sawyer whitewashed the fence.
4. Her daughters gave her three beautiful dishes as a birthday present.
5. Tom gave Nick a book for his birthday.
6. Our mother tells us stories every evening.
7. Lydia will show you a new book of pictures.
8. A boy showed her the way.
9. They will send us a box of fruit.
10. Five or six small children followed them.
11. In summer the boys often drive the horses to the fields.
12. Ivan Susanin led the Poles into the thickest part of the forest.
13. The waves carried the boat away. 14. We shall do the translation in the evening.
15. They water the flowers regularly.
Unit 13
Art and Culture
1. Read and translate the text.
The Oxford Advancer Learner’s Dictionary of Current English by Hornby gives us the following definition of the notion “art”. “”Art” is the creation or expression of what is beautiful, especially in visual form. Drawing, painting, sculpture, architecture, literature, music, ballet belong to the fine art”.
Russia is a country that can rightfully boast its artistic and cultural traditions, its art galleries attract huge crowds of tourists from all over the world. St. Petersburg is a precious stone in the crown of Russian cities. The Hermitage is famous all over the world for its valuable rare collections of canvases and other art objects covering a span of about seven hundred years and comprising masterpieces of by Leonardo da Vinci, Titian, Raphael, Rembrandt, and Rubens. The collections illustrate the art of Italy, Spain, Holland, Germany, France, Britain, and Sweden. The West – European Department also includes a fine collection of European Sculpture. People come to admire the collections of tapestry, precious textiles, weapons, ivory, pottery, porcelain and furniture as well.
Speaking about art one should not forget about music, especially classic music. Outstanding Russian composers make the whole world admire their music. One can find a man, who does not know Pyotr Ilyich Tchaicovsky, Michail Glinka, Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov – the prominent composers of 19th century, and Sergey Rachmaninov, Sergey Prokofiev and Dmitriy Shostakovich.
It was Glinka (1804-1857) who laid the foundation for modern Russian music; his music expressed the temperament of Russian people. His two best known operas “Ivan Susanin” and “Ruslan and Ludmila” were based on Russian folklore and historical legends.
The most famous ballets “Swan Lake”, “The Sleeping Beauty”, “The Nutcracker” and not less famous operas “The Queen of Spades”, “Eugene Onegin” are still excellently staged and performed not only in Russian but also in many greatest theatres in the world.
Russia is world famous for its literature. The “golden age” of Russian literature began in the 19th century when such outstanding masters of letters such as Alexander Pushkin, Lermontov, Gogol, Turgenev, and Dostoyevsky created their immortal masterpieces.
Alexander Pushkin, the father of Russian Literature was the authors of more than 700 lyrical poems. He wrote also the volumes of dramatic works, short stories, made adaptations of Russian fairy-tales.
Russia is famous for its architecture. The real jewel of architecture is the Moscow Kremlin with its cathedrals, towers and red brick walls. Just outside the Kremlin walls stands St. Basil’s Cathedral, one of the world most astonishing buildings with 8 domes of different designs and colours.
St. Petersburg has great number of real masterpieces of architecture of different styles and is definitely worth visiting and being admired.
Russia is rich also in young talents, new Russian culture is forming. It will appear on the basis of the old one, but its essence will be new. We can hear new voices in music and poetry, new canvases of modern artists, great actors and film directors.
All of them will make their contribution into Russian Culture and Art.
2. Put ten questions to the text.
3. Combine the following words using the model:
model: “Tarsan” is an interesting film.
“The Piligrim” interesting musical
“Romeo and Juliet” famous comedy
“Pigmalion” popular play
“Dracula” wonderful opera
“Nobody Wanted to Die” great ballet
“The Swan Lake” classical film
“The Snow Maiden” rock thriller
“Gone with the Wind” horror drama
“My Fair Lady” fascinating animated
“Jesus Christ – Super Star” splendid cartoons
“Mickey Mouse”
4. Find the Russian equivalents of the English sentences:
Cultural Life. Arts. Museums and Libraries | Культурная жизнь. Искусство. Музеи и библиотеки |
a)Moscow has long been a centre of Russian and world culture. | 1) В Большом театре ставятся оперы и балеты. |
b) Dancers from all over the country are trained at the Bolshoi Theatre’s school. | 2) Москва долго была центром российской и мировой культуры |
c)The Moscow State Symphony and other orchestras perform at the Tchaikovsky Concert Hall in Moscow. | 3) Танцоры со всей страны обучаются в школе Большого театра.. |
d)The city also features a number of famous drama theatres, including the Maly and Moscow Art theatres. | 4)Ослепительные сокровища, которые принадлежали царям, демонстрируются в Оружейной палате в Кремле. Третьяковская галерея содержит собрание традиционного искусства. Русский национальный выставочный центр отводит главное место науке и технике. |
e) The Bolshoi Theatre presents operas and ballets. | 5)Московский Государственный симфонический и другие оркестры выступают в концертном зале Чайковского в Москве. |
f)Historical Museum attracts many students of Russian history. The Central Museum of the Revolution has exhibits on the Russian Revolution. | 6)Отличительным признаком города также являются множество известных драматических театров, включая Малый и Московские художественный театры. |
g) Dazzling treasures that belonged to the czars are displayed in the Armoury Museum in the Kremlin. The Tretyakov Gallery contains a collection of traditional art. The Russian National Exhibition Centre highlights science and technology. | 7) Государственный исторический музей привлекает много студентов, которые изучают российскую историю. Центральный музей революции демонстрирует экспонаты российской Революции. |
h)Over 1,200 main libraries operate in Moscow. The Russian State Library is the largest library in Russia, and it ranks as one of the largest libraries in the world. | 8)В Москве работают более 1 200 основных библиотек. Русская Государственная библиотека — самая большая библиотека в России, и считается одной из самых больших библиотек в мире. |
5. Write the answers.
Unit 14
Mass Media
1. Classify the words into categories and add some of your own to each category:
Chat show, blog, magazine, sitcom, social media, reality show, web page, chat room, documentary, newspaper, soap opera, tabloid, text message updates, game show, text voting.
2. Skim the text and choose the most suitable word/phrase to substitute the words in bold in the given context:
- audiences - a) people, b) viewers, c) listeners;
- tool – a) means, b) device, c) appliance;
- current – a) modern, b) real, c) happening now;
- can be classified – a) can be divided, b) can be split, c) can be called;
- fortnightly – a) every forty weeks, b) every two weeks, c) every four nights;
- yearly – a) very early, b) during one year, c) once a year;
- has taken a back seat – a) has become less important, b) has failed, c) has taken a vacation;
- gadgets – a) things, b) smart devices, c) smart phones;
- provides – a) gives, b) recommends, c) promotes;
- participate – a) make parts, b) take part, c) impersonate;
- booming – a) successful, b) very loud, c) making a lot of noise;
- to evolve – a) to become different, b) to adapt, c) to develop.
Mass Media
Read the text.
Mass media is a term which refers to communication devices, used to communicate and interact with a large number of audiences in different languages. Mass media are an inseparable part of our lives. They have become an effective tool of communication, spreading information, advertising and marketing, as well as entertainment and sharing views and ideas.
Print media include newspapers, magazines, booklets and brochures, newsletters, flyers, billboards, press releases, and books. Before electronic communication was invented, newspapers had been the best way to reach a wider audience. They were the only way people could learn about the daily news. Today newspapers carry all kinds of information from topics related to politics, current events and economy to entertainment, book and movie reviews. In general, newspapers can be classified into three main groups: popular newspapers or “tabloids” which have gossip and no serious news; quality newspapers, also called “broad sheets” which have more pages and serious articles about business, politics and science; and finally, local newspapers which report local news.
Magazines are another type of the culture print media. They can be published weekly, fortnightly, bi-monthly, quarterly, half-yearly, or yearly. Magazines are often more popular and have a longer “lifespan” than newspapers.
All in all the printed form of communication was popular earlier. However, with the coming of electronic media, print media has taken a backseat.
Electronic media is the kind of media which requires the user to utilize an electric connection to access it. It is also known as 'Broadcast Media'. It includes television, radio, the Internet, computers, telephones, and other modern gadgets.
For many people, it is impossible to imagine a life without their television sets, be it the daily news, or even the soap operas. It is a popular means of communication which provides both information and entertainment. This category also includes electronic media like movies, CDs and DVDs.
Radio lost its popularity with the boom of television. But even today, radio remains one of the favourite means of electronic communication. Moreover, it is an interactive means of communication with all the dial-in programmes which give the listeners an opportunity to participate.
Mobile phones, computers, and Internet are often referred to as the new-age media. Internet has opened up several new opportunities for mass communication which include e-mail, websites, podcasts, e-forums, e-books, blogging, Internet TV, and many others which are booming today. Internet has also started social networking sites which have redefined mass communication all together. Sites like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube have made communication to the masses all the more entertaining, interesting, and easier! More and more people are choosing e-newspapers, eBooks, e-brochures, etc. Internet has completely transformed the traditional ideas of communication.
With the advancements in technology, mass media will continue to evolve and all you will have to do is to keep yourself informed about the latest innovations in mass communication!
3. Read the text again and ask/answer the questions in pairs:
1) Using the information from the text explain the meaning of the term “Mass Media”_____
2) How did people know what was happening in the world before TV and the Internet appeared?__________________________________________________________________
3) What print media do you use in your everyday life?_______________________________
4) What is the other name for “electronic media”?__________________________________
5) What media do you use for everyday communication?_____________________________
Unit 15
1. Classify the words into 2 groups: +/-
Give true information; do not talk about the products’ defects; make you buy one thing instead of another; (are) misleading; show life unrealistically; put pressure on consumers; famous people endorse products; teach you how to get the best value for your money; (are) truthful; help you choose best products; help to improve your taste; (are) impossible to check; people seem to be happy consumers; (are) creative/ informative/ silly/ annoying/ clever/ funny; full of humour/ fantasy; convince people to buy things they do not need; present an honest; realistic image of a product
Advantages /Disadvantages
2. Read the text.
What are the functions of advertisements?
The first one to mention is to inform. A lot of the information people have about household devices, cars, building materials, electronic equipment, cosmetics, detergents and food is largely derived from the advertisements they read. Advertisements introduce them to new products or remind them of the existing ones.
The second function is to sell. The products are shown from the best point of view and the potential buyer, on having entered the store, unconsciously chooses the advertised products. One buys this washing powder or this chewing gum, because the colorful TV commercials convince him of the best qualities of the product. Even cigarettes or sweets or alcohol are associated with the good values of human life such as joy, freedom, love and happiness, and just those associations make a person choose the advertised products. The aim of a good advertisement is to create a consumer demand to buy the advertised product or service. Children are good example as they usually want the particular kind of chocolate or toy or chewing-gum. Being naive they cannot evaluate objectively what is truthful and what is exaggerated and select the really good products unless they buy the goods and check for themselves.
Thirdly, since the majority of advertisements are printed in our press we pay less for newspapers and magazines, also TV in most countries in cheap. The public advertising seen on street hoardings, railway stations and buildings makes people's life more joyful. Moreover, all those small ads in the press concerning "employment", "education" and "For sale and wanted" columns, help ordinary people to find a better job or a better employee, to sell or to buy their second-hand things and find services, or learn about educational facilities, social events such as, concerts, theatre plays, football matches, and to announce births, marriages and deaths.
3. Write the small essay: What is the function of advertisement?
Unit 16
Learning foreign languages
1. Read the words correctly.
[ æ ] language, travel [ з: ] learn, world, German
[ o: ] authors, abroad [ ei] trade, great, relation
[ o] foreign, polyglot, technology [ Λ ] other, cultural,
[ou] own, poet [ ai ] science, scientific
[ e ] effort, necessary, intellectual [ au ] outlook
Great Britain, the United States of America, Australia, New Zealand, the Irish Republic, the South Africa Republic, Canada, the United Nations Organization
2. Read the text.
English language is the language of the great literature.
Learning a foreign language is not an easy thing. It is a long and slow process that takes a lot of time and efforts.
Nowadays it is especially important to know foreign languages. Some people learn languages, because they need them for their work, others travel abroad, for the third studying languages is a hobby. Everyone, who knows foreign languages can speak to people from other countries, read foreign authors in the original, which makes your outlook wider. It is not surprising that many intellectuals and well-educated people are polyglots.
These days English has become the world’s most important language in politics, science, trade and cultural relations. Over 300 million people speak it as a mother tongue. The native speakers of English live in Great Britain, the United States of America, Australia and New Zealand.
English is one of the official languages in the Irish Republic, Canada, the South Africa Republic. English is one of the official languages of the United Nations Organization and other political organizations. Half of the world’s scientific literature is in English. It is the language of computers technology and the Internet. To know English today is absolutely necessary for every educated person, for every good specialist.
English language is a wonderful language. It is the language of the great literature. It is the language of William Shakespeare, Jonathan Swift, Walter Scott, Charles Dickens.
The great German poet Goethe once said, “He, who knows no foreign languages, does not know his own one”. That is why in order to understand oneself and the environment one has to study foreign languages.
3. Write why you study English. Choose information from the following words and add your own ideas.
I study English, because….
(it’s fun; my parents want me to do it; I like reading/ speaking English; I want to use English in my future job (to use computer programs in English); I like English songs; My friends are learning English; I want to go to Britain or to the USA some day; I want to travel and meet a lot of people, then I’ll talk to them in English; I’d like to read English and American books in the original; I don’t know; etc.)
4. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя глаголы в Past Simple Active или Past Simple Passive.
Я рассказал - Мне рассказали _________________________________________________
Я показал - Мне показали ____________________________________________________
Она привела - Ее привели __________________________________________________
Мы спросили - Нас спросили _______________________________________________
Мы ответили - Нам ответили _________________________________________________
Он помог - Ему помогли _____________________________________________________
Он посоветовал - Ему посоветовали ___________________________________________
Он забыл - Его забыли ______________________________________________________
Он вспомнил - Его вспомнили________________________________________________
Revising tests
1. Choose the form of the verb ( Present, Past or Future Simple).
1. If it ________ ( to rain) again, I don’t know how to dress.
a) rain b) rains c) will rain
2. Why ________ ( you/ to return) so early?
a) did you return b) have you returned c) were you return
3. We _________ ( to stay) with the Robins for two days and returned home.
a) were staying b) stayed c) did stay
4. _________ ( you/ to hear) the news last night?
a) heard you b) did you hear c) were you hearing
5. When I _______ ( to be) at school, we ________ ( to take) exams in all the subjects.
a) am. . . .was b) was. . . take c) was. . . took
6. What time _________ ( the plane/ arrive) at the airport?
a) do the plane arrive b) the plane arrives c) does the plane arrive
7. Ask them when they __________ ( to return) from their vacation.
a) return b) will return c) shall return
8. Where _________ ( you/ to get) these pretty earrings?
a) does you get b) you get c) did you get
9. _________ ( you / to be) at Kate's birthday party?
a) did you be b) were you c) have you been
10. I _________ ( to be) ready by 7 o’clock.
a) was b) were c) did be
11. She _________ ( to cook) about two hours yesterday.
a) was cooking b) cooks c) cooked
12. He ________ ( to run) away from home three times
when he _____ ( to be) fourteen.
a) run . . . was b) ran . . . was c) runs . . . was
13. He _________ ( to visit) her tomorrow.
a) visits b) will visit c) shall visit
14. The students _________ ( to tidy) their hostel-room yesterday.
a) will tidy b) tidied c) tidy
15. Mike ________ ( to be) the cleverest student of our group.
a) was b) is c) will be
Оценка:_________ Подпись преподавателя:_________
2. Put the verbs in brackets into the “Present Simple” or “Present Continuous”.
1. He often ___________ ( go) to the cinema.
2. They _______________ (watch) TV at the moment.
3. John is outside. He ___________ ( wash) the car.
4. Nina usually _________ ( drive) to work.
5. Father __________(lie) on the sofa now.
6. Claire __________ (not/ like) pizza.
Translate into English.
1. Зачем вы это объясняете? Все это понимают.
2. Ты всегда пишешь левой рукой?
3. Мы уезжаем отдыхать в Испанию.
4. А знаешь, о чем я думаю? Конечно нет.
5. В этих краях осенью часто идет дождь.
6. Ты видишь их? Вон они сидят за тем столиком.
Оценка:_________ Подпись преподавателя:_________
3. Choose the form of the verb (Present, Past, Future Simple or Present, Past, Future Continuous).
1. Don’t worry! I _________ (to wait) for you when you _____ to come) .You won't be lost.
a) will wait . . . will come b) am waiting . . . come c) will be waiting . . . come.
2. While she ______ (to cook) the children _____ (to begin) to argue and finally __________ ( to quarrel) .
a) cooked . . . began . . . had quarreled b) was cooking . . . began. . . quarreled
3. Since they ________ ( to come) to Washington he hasn’t spoken English.
a) have come b) had come c) came
4. She ___________ (constantly/ to speak) about her garden!
a) is constantly speaking b) was constantly speaking c) constantly speaks
5. I _______ ( just/ to leave ) the room when I _______
( to hear) some strange noise behind.
a) was just leaving . . . had heard b) was just leaving . . .heard
6.The student _______ ( to test) now.
a) tests b) is testing c) tested
7. I ________ ( to want) to be a dentist until I _______ ( to be) twelve.
a) had wanted. . . was b) wanted . . . has been c) wanted . . . was
8. I __________ ( to spend) a fortnight in hospital last year.
a) spent b) was spending c) has spent
9. After dinner Mike ______ ( to read) for two hours, then he _______ ( to watch) TV, and then he _________ ( to talk) on the phone for half an hour.
a) read. . . watched. . . talked b) was reading . . . watched . . . was talking
10. What________ ( you/to do) yesterday from 6 till 9?
a) were you doing b) did you do c) had you been doing
11. She _______ ( to lie) in the sun too long and got burnt.
a) lied b) was lying c) lay
12. Would you let me have a copy of your book as soon as you ______ ( to finish) it, please?
a) will finish b) finish c) finished
13. The group __________ ( to work) carelessly the other day.
a) worked b) was working c) has worked
14. Why _________ ( you / to return) so early?
a) did you return b) have you returned c) had you returned
15. It ________ ( to be) already dark and it _______ ( to rain).
a) was . . . rained b) was. . . was raining
Оценка:_________ Подпись преподавателя:_________
4. Choose a verb from the list, use the “ Present Perfect” and complete the sentences.
Drink, break, make, phone, clean, arrive, wash.
1. She ___________________ a vase.
2. We ___________________ the room.
3. I _____________________ the beds.
4. He ___________________ his friend.
5. The plane ______________ .
6. They __________________ their hair.
7. You __________________ a glass of Coke.
Fill in with “ yet” , “ ago” , “ ever”, “ last night”, “ for”, “ since”.
1. My father went to Spain two days _________ .
2. He has known her ___________ 1999.
3. She hasn’t finished her work ____________.
4. Have you ________ seen an elephant?
5. We went to bed at 10 o'clock ____________.
6. He has been in Madrid _____________ ten years.
Write the verb into Past Simple or Past Perfect.
1. Tom _________ ( return) from the cinema by 5 o'clock.
2. When we ________ ( come) to the station, the train already __________(leave).
3. Nick __________ ( think) that his father ____________ ( not yet come ) home.
4. Kate __________ ( give) me the book which she _________ ( buy) the day before.
5. When I _____________ ( wake) up yesterday, mother already __________ ( go) to work.
6. All my friends __________ (be) glad to hear that I _________ ( pass) all the examinations successfully.
7. During the holidays my friend __________ (visit) the village where he __________
( live) in his childhood.
8. By the time we____________ (come) to see him, he _________ (return) home.
Оценка:_________ Подпись преподавателя:_________
5. Choose the form of the verb (Present, Past, Future Simple; Continuous or Perfect).
1. His works . . . . . . . . into many languages.
a) have been translated b) be translated c) having been translated
2. A new magazine . . . . . . . just . . . . . . . . to them.
a) is being shown b) shown c) has been shown
3.Yesterday, we . . . . . . . . . to a restaurant.
a) go b) are going c) went
4.Don't talk while you . . . . . . . . .
a) ate b) are eating c) eats
5. He . . . . . . . . a book now.
a) is reading b) reads c) read
6. Look outside! It . . . . . . . . .
a) snowed b) snows c) is snowing
7. Eva . . . . . . . . her bag last week.
a) loses b) is losing c) lost
8. I don’t think he . . . . . . . . the race.
a) doesn’t win b) shall win c) will win
9. . . . . . . . . this film before?
a) do you see b) did you see c) have you seen
10. John . . . . . . . . . his homework yet.
a) have not finished b) is finishing c) hasn’t finished
11. Tom usually . . . . . . . . something on Saturdays.
a) has built b) builds c) is building
12. She . . . . . . . . the picture at 5 o’clock tomorrow.
a) will draw b) will have drawn c) will be draw
13. They . . . . . . . . . an expensive car last year.
a) buy b) bought c) have bought
14. I . . . . . . . . . to Penza twice since 2004.
a) went b) go c) have been
15. Tomorrow I . . . . . . . . . some buildings materials.
a) buy b) bought c) will buy
Оценка:_________ Подпись преподавателя:_________
1.Вейхман, Григорий Абрамович. Новое в грамматике современного английского языка. Учебное пособие для вузов. 2-е изд., допол. и испр.- М.:ООО «Издательство Астрель»: ООО «Издательство АСТ»,2012.-544с.
2.Зверховская, Елена Владимировна, Косиченко, Елена Федоровна. Секреты английской грамматики: Учеб.пособ.- М.:Изд «Иностранный язык»,2011.-688с.
3.Качалова, Ксения Николаевна, Израилевич, Ерухим Евелевич. Практическая грамматика английского языка.- СПб.: Базис, Каро, 2012.-608 с.
4.Комаровская, Софья Давыдовна. Современная английская грамматика. Практический курс. «Вслед за Мёрфи»: Учебник по грамматике английского языка. – 2-е изд., исп. – М.: Книжный дом « Университет», 2002. -400с.,ил.
5. Virginia Evans. English Grammar Practice. Longman 2002.
6. Русская служба BBC. Учите английский с BBC - Электрон. дан. – сайт русской службы BBC bbc. co. uk/russian, 2012. – Режим доступа: http://www. bbc. co. uk/russian
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