учебно-методический материал
Целью рабочей тетради является обеспечение самостоятельной индивидуальной работы студента в течение учебного года.
Работая с настоящим пособием, студент познает лексические и грамматические основы.
Студент может проверить на практике знание теоретического минимума.
Курс предусматривает совершенствование навыков. Рабочая тетрадь облегчает работу студента на практических занятиях, позволяет сэкономить время и более глубоко изучить учебный материал, а также оценить уровень собственных знаний и умений.
Заполнение предлагаемой рабочей тетради позволит студенту более качественно подготовиться к усвоению дисциплины.
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Предварительный просмотр:
для медицинских колледжей
(ОМК – структурное подразделение ОрИПС – филиала СамГУПС)
Рассмотрено и одобрено
цикловой (методической) комиссии
общих гуманитарных
и социально-экономических дисциплин
Протокол № __1__ от «_31___» __августа__ 2023 г
Председатель ЦМК _________ /К.В.Калугина/
«ОГСЭ.03 ИНОСТРАННЫЙ ЯЗЫК_(английский)»
СПЕЦИАЛЬНОСТЬ 34.02.01 Сестринское дело
III семестр
Оренбург, 2023
Пояснительная записка
Целью рабочей тетради является обеспечение самостоятельной индивидуальной работы студента в течение учебного года.
Работая с настоящим пособием, студент познает лексические и грамматические основы.
Студент может проверить на практике знание теоретического минимума.
Курс предусматривает совершенствование навыков. Рабочая тетрадь облегчает работу студента на практических занятиях, позволяет сэкономить время и более глубоко изучить учебный материал, а также оценить уровень собственных знаний и умений.
Заполнение предлагаемой рабочей тетради позволит студенту более качественно подготовиться к усвоению дисциплины.
Уважаемый студент!
Данное пособие является необходимым учебным материалом для подготовки к практическим занятиям по ОГСЭ.03 ИНОСТРАННЫЙ ЯЗЫК (английский)
Рабочая тетрадь составлена на основании федеральных государственных стандартов к уровню подготовки выпускников по специальности 34.02.01 Сестринское дело, учебной программы по дисциплине ОГСЭ.03 ИНОСТРАННЫЙ ЯЗЫК (английский). По каждой теме, в соответствии с программой, разработаны и указаны задания для самостоятельной подготовки и способы их выполнения.
Приступая к выполнению заданий, необходимо ознакомиться с теоретическим материалом, изучив учебную литературу.
Задания выполняются непосредственно в рабочей тетради, разборчиво, аккуратно и в соответствии с иконками:
работа с текстом: составление лексического словаря, чтение, перевод
работа над фонетикой
работа над грамматикой: выполнение грамматических упражнений
Критерии оценки:
«5» -коммуникативная задача решена, если студент полностью понял содержание в соответствии с программными требованиями.
«4» -содержание понято за исключением отдельных подробностей, не влияющих на понимание.
«3»- студент понял только основной смысл иноязычной речи.
«2» -студент не понял основной смысл иноязычной речи.
«5»- Коммуникативная задача решена, если студент точно выразил свои мысли на иностранном языке в правильном языковом оформлении и его устная речь полностью соответствует программным требованиям.
«4»- Студент выразил свои мысли на иностранном языке с незначительными отклонениями от языковых норм, а в остальном его устная речь соответствует программным требованиям.
«3»- Студент выразил свои мысли на иностранном языке с некоторыми отклонениями от языковых норм, не мешающими пониманию содержания высказывания, а в остальном его устная речь находится в пределах основных программных требований.
«2»- Студент выразил свои мысли на иностранном языке с такими отклонениями от языковых норм, которые не позволяют понять содержание сказанного, а устная речь не соответствует программным требованиям.
«5»- Студент полностью понял содержание прочитанного иноязычного текста в объеме, предусматриваемым заданием, а его чтение соответствует программным требованиям.
«4»- Студент понял содержание прочитанного иноязычного текста за исключением деталей и частностей в объеме, предусматриваемым заданием, а его чтение соответствует программным требованиям.
«3»- Студент понял основное содержание прочитанного иноязычного текста, а его чтение в основном соответствует программным требованиям.
«2»- Студент не понял содержание прочитанного иноязычного текста и чтение не соответствует требованиям программы.
Тема 1 English as a World Language
People speak English not only in Great Britain and the United States. Britain has more than 56 million inhabitants who speak English as their native language. Altogether about 350 million people in the world speak English as their first language. It is an official language in more than 60 countries and it means that another 160 million people use English as their second language.
Over two thirds of the world’s scientists write in English. Three quarters of the world’s mail is in English. 85% of the information in computers in the world is in English too.
English is also the language of pop music, advertising and teaching. Singapore is one of the largest ports in the world. It is an independent republic. Children in schools used to have their lessons in Chinese because the majority of the population is Chinese. Now teachers use English as the main language.
India has 15 main languages and hundreds of dialects, but English is the language of Parliament, legal and medical professions. There are over a thousand newspapers in India in the English language.
You must learn English if you work for an international airline. The control tower communicates with pilots all over the world in English.
Almost all multi-national companies do business in English. When a German company director meets a customer from Greece to discuss a new project and to sign a contract, they talk to each other in English.
Everywhere industrial companies label their products in English. It is not because Britain and the United States are the biggest export markets in the world, but because English has become an international language.
1 What is an official language in India?
2 How many people altogether speak English?
3 Why do companies label their products in English?
4 Is English a language for teaching?
5 What interesting information have you got about scientists, mail and computers?
6 Why do pilots learn English?
7 What is the language of international business?
Ask questions to which the following statements are the answers.
1 English has become a world language because of its establishment as a mother tongue outside England.
2 The exporting of English began in the 17th century.
3 English is the most widespread language on earth.
4 English is studied as a foreign language at secondary and higher schools of our country.
5 Foreign languages are of great importance in our modern life.
Transcribe the following words.
1 Seat;
2 sit;
3 feel;
4 fill;
5 heat;
6 hit;
7 beat;
8 bit;
9 leave;
10 live.
Тема 2 English as a World Language
These days the world is developing at a very high speed. All the countries of the world aim to interact with each other and become more united. Accordingly, the role of a foreign language is getting more and more important because there should be no barrier in understanding each other. It is a well-known fact that knowledge of foreign languages opens many doors not only for the whole nation but also a single citizen. So, is learning foreign languages as vital as it is claimed to be? Should children be really taught a foreign language together with their mother tongue from the very childhood?
To my mind, the importance of a foreign language nowadays is hard to describe. I am convinced that pupils must be taught a foreign language like English, German or Italian, at the same time with their mother tongue. At this age kids are able to acquire new information better and new skills will be forming quite naturally and easily.
One can bring in a lot of reasons to illustrate the vitality of learning new languages.
First of all, as all the countries around the world are setting a goal to cooperate with each other, most international companies provide a great number of work places. The more languages you know, the more successfully you can rise through the ranks and earn a real fortune. You can become a top professional and every employer will just dream of having you in his or her staff.
Besides, knowing foreign languages is irreplaceable in travelling. You can fly to countless countries and get acquainted with every single culture and history there. This will broaden your mind and give you a free education. It goes without saying that in this case you will even start understanding other nations’ mentality and see their unique origin.
Moreover, a multilingual person is able to improve a political situation in his or her native country. In the 21st century the tension among different countries is getting stronger because each of them does its best to become the only one powerful leader and make everyone around obey. In this situation multilingual people are able to learn foreign strategies and work out keys for keeping tolerant to each other and saving peace everywhere. At first sight it may seem ridiculous but it is quite possible that our well-being depends even on you.
In addition, having a good command of foreign languages can even be useful in doing petty household chores. As we all know, a lot of technical instructions and regulations for installing some programs are written in the language spoken in the producing country. Foreign language skills will prevent you from turning to an online translator or dictionary all the time and help you save much time.
Taking all these points into consideration, I should emphasize the magnificent role of a foreign language in everyday life. This is crucial not only in global problems but also in particular cases. One must keep in mind that being a multilingual person has many advantages, therefore everyone should take a chance and learn at least one foreign language at a proper age.
Read the words and explain the rules of reading.
Cab, cup, cling, crest, scrub; tacks, sacks, kicks, rocks, ducks, cell, cent, hence, dunce, lick, lack, pick, pack, sick, sack, dick, dig, pick, pig, rick, rig, bank, ink, drink, drunk, fact, sect, back, neck, gem, gent,
Тема 3 Healthcare System in Russia
The main attention of health service in Russia is paid to prophylaxis. One of the most important task in the fight against different diseases is the early detection of the first signs of the disease. We pay much attention to the popularization of medical science among the population. We believe that one of the main available methods of preventing the spread of diseases is health education. The press, cinema, radio and television are very helpful for this purpose.
The basic medical unit in our country is the polyclinic. We have polyclinics for the adult population and for children. Ambulant patients are seen at the policlinic by the district doctors. A patient who is ill at home is visited by his district doctor. The doctor works 6 hours a day. For the district doctor this is made up of 3 hours in consultation at the policlinic and 3 hours in visiting patients in their homes.
The emergency ambulance service operates day and night and is free of charge. The ambulances are equipped by diagnostic, respiratory, anaesthetic and electro-therapeutic apparatus, blood-transfusion and other equipment.
There are several specialized hospitals in Russia for the treatment of particular diseases – infections, psychiatric diseases, cancer, ophthalmological diseases and others.
Some words must be said about the Mother-and Child Health Care Centre in Moscow. This centre concentrates effort not only on traditional problems of obstetrics and gynecology but also on research in normal physiology of the female organism. The main task of this centre is to ensure the birth of a healthy child. The centre developed new methods of disease prevention, diagnostics and treatment. Much attention in our country is paid to the scientific problems, concerning the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular, viral and oncological diseases, the problems of gerontology, medical genetics, immunology and the creation of artificial organs.
emergency ambulance service – служба скорой помощи
free of charge – бесплатно
artificial organs – искусственные органы
Give the English equivalents for:
важная задача -
распространение заболеваний -
амбулаторные больные -
диагностический аппарат -
аппарат для переливания крови -
аппаратура для дыхания -
рак -
диагностика –
Ex.1 Вставьте was или were.
The weather … bad. It … cold and rainy. Her husband … not at home. He …at hospital. Her children …not at school. They …in the living rom. The children … not happy.
The house … not clean. There … many dirty (грязный) cups on the table. There … food in the fridge (холодильник). There … no juice for children. There … no bread in the house.
Ex.2 Write in IS / ARE
- _________ Jenny at the party?
- _________ Lumpy quiet?
- _________ you in Kongo?
- _________ your parents in the local gym?
- _________ your friend at school?
- _________ you happy?
Ex.3 Write in IS / ARE
- _______ your mum tired?
- _______ you hungry everyevening?
- _______ it cold?
- _______ your teacher sad?
- _______ your pet hungry?
Ex.4 Insert appropriate present forms of the verb “to be”.
A: Hi, Alex. How (1) _________ you?
B: Hello David. I (2) _________ fine and how (3) _________ you doing?
A: I (4) _________doing fine.
B: How (5) _________ your sister? Where (6) _________she now?
A: She (7) _________ in London. She (8) _________learning English there.
B: Really? That (9) _________wonderful! How about your parents?
A: They (10) _________ fine too. They (11) _________ in Cyprus now.
B: (12) _________ your busy tonight?
A: Not really, why?
B: We (13) _________ having a party. Would you like to come?
A: I’d love to. B: Then come to our place at 7:00 p.m.
Тема 4 Healthcare System in Great Britain.
The National Health Service in England was inaugurated on July 5,1948by the Minister for Health under the National Health Service Act of 1946.
The number of doctors in England is not quite enough to serve millions of patients treated at the National Health Service. Nurses are also in short supply.
All doctors may take part in the Family Doctor System. They may have private practice receiving the pay directly from the patients for their medical advice. Health Service doctors are paid by the government. The pay depends on the number of patients they have served every month. The hospital service includes general and special hospitals, tuberculosis sanatoria, infectious disease units and all forms of specialized treatment together with the provision of most surgical and medical needs.
In the main this part of the service is organized by 15 Regional Hospital Boards. In each hospital area there is a University having a teaching hospital or a medical school.
to be inaugurated-быть торжественно открытым
Regional Hospital Board -областной больничный совет
National Health Service -Национальная служба здравоохранения
Answer the questions to the text:
- When was inaugurated the National Health Service in England?
- Is it quite enough the number of doctors in England?
- May doctors have private practice?
- How do they receive the pay?
- What does the pay depend on?
- What does the hospital service include?
Ex 1. Составь и запиши предложения.
1. pears / there / ten / in the / are / bag / .
2. aren’t / pupils / there / classroom / in the / .
3. an egg / on the / there / plate / is / ?
4. on the / there / a / cat / chair / is / white / .
5. a turtle / on / there / isn’t / farm / this / .
6. at the / two / bikes / door / are / there / ?
Ex. 2 Circle the correct word.
- There is / There are a big hall downstairs.
- There is / There are two bathrooms upstairs.
- There is / There are beautiful trees in the garden.
- There is / There are a kitchen downstairs.
- There is / There are three bedrooms in the house
Ex. 3 Write in There's / There’re.
- _______________ a kitten in the kitchen.
- _______________two puppies in the bathroom.
- _______________five mice in the living-room.
- _______________a hamster in the hall.
- _______________three tortoises in the bedroom.
- _______________ a budgie in the garden.
- ______________ three mice under the cupboard.
- _______________four tortoises under the carpet
- _______________ a cat near the cupboard.
- _______________two dolls on the chair.
- _______________ a rabbit under the chair.
Тема 5-6 Medical Education in Great Britain.
To enter a medical school in Great Britain candidates must pass entrance examinations. Entrance examinations are both oral and written. Students take these examinations at the end of their 6-year secondary-school course, generally at the age of 18-19 years. For entrance to a faculty of medicine or a medical school, it is required that the subjects of chemistry, physics and biology or mathematics should be taken at the advanced level. Tuition fees are charged. Most students receive financial assistance in the form of grants, which cover their expenses wholly or in part.
Now about the academic year. It is divided into 3 terms, each of 10-11 weeks' duration. The terms run from October to December, from January to March and from April to June. Clinical students, however, attend for 4-8 weeks of the year. I must tell you that undergraduate education occupies five years, consisting essentially of two years of basic sciences and three years of clinical work.
Two pre-clinical years are occupied by human anatomy and biology, physiology and biochemistry. They also study physiology, statistics and genetics. Students attend lectures, do dissections and practical work in labs. Unlike in your country Latin is not taught in all medical schools.
English and Latin spellings are similar and it is possible to write out prescriptions in English too.
Beginning with the third year the students study the methods of clinical examinations and history taking, general pathology, microbiology, pharmacology and community medicine. Senior students and especially undergraduates spend most of their time in teaching hospitals, which have both in-patient and out-patient departments, or units. Daily bedside instruction in hospital wards and out-patient departments is given by teachers and doctors. Students follow up their patients and attend ward rounds. Besides the work in the wards the students attend demonstrations and clinical conferences as well as lectures in clinical subjects which are being studied.
And now about the examinations. As in your country examinations in our medical schools are held at the end of each term. In our case it is three times a year. At the end of each term and after each special course students take final exams. They are called sessionals. Most of the exams are written. They include academic and practical problems. The final examinations or finals are in Medicine, Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynaecology and Pathology. Finals also include history taking and diagnosing.
After the finals graduates work in hospitals for a year. This period is called internship. The newly qualified doctor must serve for six months as a house physician and six months as a house surgeon under the supervision of his medical school. House physicians and surgeons are on call every second or third night. The work of interns is very difficult and their salary is very small. After internship a young doctor obtains a «Certificate of Experience» from the medical school and he or she may work as a medical practitioner.
Further specialization requires training in residency. It takes one or two years of work in a hospital in some field. Residency trains highly qualified specialists in a definite field: gynaecologists, urologists, neurologists and others. The salary of residents is higher than the salary of interns. After residency a specialist gets rather a high salary.
Ex.1 Задайте к предложениям вопросы, начиная с предлагаемых слов.
- There are four elephants in the zoo. (How many …?)
- There is a lot of snow in February. (Is …?)
- There is some fish on the plate. (What … ?)
- There are no cars in the car park. (Are … ?)
- There are ancient walls around the city. (What … ?)
Ex.2 Make up sentences.
1) the bathroom, a mirror, in, is, there.
2) 3 chairs, are, there, the table, near.
3) behind, a lake, is, the house, there?
4) many, there, in, toys, the box, are?
5) isn't, in, a cat, there, the bedroom
Ex.3 Fill in is/are, was/were.
There _______ two banks in our street.
There _____ a cafe behind the supermarket last year. Now there _______ a museum there.
There _____ a cinema and a sports centre to the right of the park.
Five years ago there_____two shops in Central Square. Now there_____ two cafes, a theatre and a cinema.
Тема 7-8 Medical Education in Russia.
All establishments of higher medical education are financed and guided by the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation.
Doctors of different specialties are trained at medical institutions of higher education, at medical universities and academies. There are also pharmaceutical academies, which train specialists in pharmacy.
Medical institutions of higher education offer various faculties and specialties which an entrant may choose according to his or her abilities and wishes. Nowadays a new examination system is being introduced. The so-called «The General State Exam» allows pupils to enter any institution of higher education according to its results.
Medical colleges train paramedical personnel: nurses, midwives, dental technicians and doctor’s assistants. The course of studies is 3-4 years.
The training at medical institutions of higher education takes 5 or 6 years. It consists of lectures, practical classes and medical practice. The attendance of lectures, practical classes and seminars is compulsory. Academic year begins on September the 1st and is divided into two semesters of four months each. At the end of each semester the students have to pass examinations and tests. If a student passes the exams well he gets a grant paid monthly.
The curriculum includes theoretical and clinical subjects. For the first two years students study pre-clinical subjects such as: Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Social Sciences, Latin and so on. They also study Human Anatomy, Physiology, Histology, and Microbiology. Clinical subjects are taught from the third to the fifth or sixth year.
The students have practical course at therapeutic, surgical and other departments in hospitals and clinics. They master practical skills in clinical conditions. They are taught how to take and record the patient’s case history, to carry on medical examination of the patient, to make diagnosis, to prescribe treatment and carry on different medical procedures.
There are all facilities for talented students to carry on research work. They attend scientific societies at different departments where they are offered modern guidelines for research activity.
Having passed state examinations graduates receive their diplomas and can apply for clinical internship.
The post graduate course and the Institute of Post-Diploma and Additional Education are for doctors, who want to improve their qualification. During three years the post-graduate students prepare a thesis, defend it and obtain the degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences.
Ex.1. Заполни пропуски глаголом have got / has got.
1.The child … a new beautiful toy.
2. They … eight beautiful flowers.
3. Ann … a nice black piano.
4. You … two beds in your room.
5. The woman … a very nice dress.
6. Tim … three bananas.
7. I … seven cousins.
8. Diana and George … four children.
9. Jane … two uncles.
10. We … five English books.
Ex.2.Вставь «have» или «has».
1. … her parents got five sons?
2. … the dog got a puppy?
3. … Sue got friends?
4. … your sisters got toy elephants?
5. … the bird got corn?
Ex.3.a) Запиши предложения в отрицательной форме.
b) Составь вопросительные предложения.
1. Mary has got a long green skirt.
2. The dog has got a big bone.
3. You have got a nice sister.
4. My niece has got a husband.
5. Henry and Mark have got a grandmother.
Тема 9-10 Public Health in Russia
Health service in Russia is controlled by the state. As in many other countries, the public health service in Russia is free of charge. All types of medical aid including surgical intervention are available to everyone.
No matter where a person lives he can always call in a doctor and get a qualified medical aid. All expenses are borne by the state which has a wide network of medical institutions: hospitals, polyclinics, maternity homes, emergency aid stations and so on. Along with these, there are many medical institutions which provide medical assistance for money, such as joint ventures or self-financing polyclinics, for example.
In-patient departments of the state medical institutions have the total of 35 million beds. Over one million doctors and more than three million paramedical personnel are involved in the job of taking care of the people's health. Hospitals consume a lion's share of state allocations for health - about two thirds of the total sum. New large hospitals and specialised centers are set up. Much is done to increase the output of the latest types of medical equipment including radio electronics and nuclear physics.
Everybody knows that it is much easier to prevent a disease than to treat it. The famous Russian surgeon N. Pirogov wrote that the future belongs to preventive medicine. Prophylaxis is one of the basic principles of the Russian public health system. Annual medical check-ups are carried out at every district polyclinic or large factories and farms with the aim of detecting diseases at the earliest stages of their development.
Stomatological (dental) service in our country is also planned and controlled by the state. Dental care is provided free of charge in specially equipped stomatological polyclinics and in-patient departments. The majority of dental clinics are furnished with modern equipment, have X-ray rooms, physiotherapy units and prophylactic check-ups once or twice a year to protect themselves from dental diseases.
Like everywhere in the world, medical science in Russia concentrates on the solution of most important health problems such as the development of new ways and means of prevention and effective treatment of cardiovascular diseases, cancer and many other dangerous diseases both congenital and developed. Much attention is paid to the prevention and treatment of tooth decay and other diseases of the teeth and mouth cavity.
The assistance is rendered by various specialists: dental therapeutists, surgeons, prosthetists, dental mechanics and orthodontists.
Prevention in dentistry is just as important as in general health care. Neglected dental disorders lead to complications that sometimes may be very serious or even fatal. So, the national strategy for dental care is prevention and timely treatment of diseases of the teeth and oral cavity.
Ex.1 Расставьте слова в предложениях по порядку.
- usually / at 10 o'clock / out of the garage / in the morning / drives / his bike / Fred
- a shower / after dinner / often / Mrs Lewis / takes
- a parking place / near the library / we / find / seldom
- to / I / on / a / night-club / sometimes / Saturdays / go
- fly / my parents / to Australia / sometimes / I / in winter / and
- enjoys / very much / swimming / in the pool / always / Mary
- hardly / last year / could / skate / I
- is / near / house / there / new / a / our / cinema
- got / my / problems / I / with / have / home-task / some
- well / think / your / very / I / don't / sister / drives
- to / parents / once / the theatre / month / my / a / go
- his / car / two / ago / Jim / sold / years
- necklace / can’t / anywhere / Cindy / her / find
- been / to / India / Mike / has / year / already / this
- lunch / never / weekdays / she / has / on
Ex.2 Put the words in the right order in sentences.
1. to the park, go, I, won’t, I, have, if, much work
2. the weather, fine, is, if, tomorrow, will go, on, we, a picnic
3. if, save, enough, I, will, money, buy, car, a new
4.pass, my exams, I, if, will, to, I, the University, go
5. I, my work, when, finish, watch, I, TV, will
Ex.3 Find mistakes in the sentences and write down correct ones.
1. My mother me walk after 9 o’clock told not to in the evening.
2. Michael promised with homework to help me. ________________________________________________
3. were reading a book for two hours they.
4. We at 7 o’clock in the morning get up.
5. I usually don’t go on weekdays to the shop.
Тема 11-12 The History of Nursing in Britain
Some 2000 years ago, wounded Roman soldiers were cared for by auxiliary [ɔːgˈzɪljərɪ] soldiers and slaves. With the spread of Christianity [krɪstɪˈænɪtɪ], monks and nuns [mʌŋks ænd nʌnz] cared for the sick. Most nursing took place at home and was haphazard [hæpˈhæzəd].
In the 18th and 19th centuries public hospital were established, but even then the nurses were mostly untrained, and ill-paid women. Catholic [ˈkæθəlɪk] and Protestant [ˈprɒtɪstənt] groups began to train nurses. In 1836, a priest Theodor Fliender, and his wife founded a three-year training course for nurse-deaconesses [ˈdiːkənɪs] in Germany. English Quaker [ˈkweɪkə] and prison reformer, Elizabeth Fry, visited them and, back in England, helped found the Institute of Nursing, which improved the standards of “caring for the sick.” But it was Florence Nightingale, the most outstanding figure in the history of nursing who dedicated[ˈdedɪkeɪtɪd] her life to nursing at a time when it was shunned [shunned] by other English gentlewomen of her class. She also travelled all over the world, taking her ideas about nursing with her, to found nursing schools and to change the image of nurses worldwide. Miss Nightingale’s brilliant success raised the social standing of nursing as a profession and stimulated movements for the teaching and training the nurses in Great Britain and throughout the world. The opening of her nursing school in London, marked the beginning of the transition of nursing from an art practical by dedicated but untrained workers to a profession whose members are trained in the basic medical sciences and are capable [ˈkeɪpəbl] of administering the complex procedures [prəˈsiːʤəs] of modern medicine.
Florence Nightingale (12 May, 1820-1910), British pioneer of nursing and hospital reforming, born in Florence while her wealthy parents were visiting Italy. She reacted strongly against the pleasure-loving society that admired her girlish charm [ʧɑːm] and wit. In 1837, she developed a strong sense of vocation. She decided to devote her life to nursing, then a despised and undisciplined occupation carried on by ignorant and often delinquent nurses in filty, fever-ridden hospitals.
Many of them were lazy, unkind, unhygienic, drunken, and often stole from their charges. They earned nursing a very bad reputation. Florence’s parents opposed her plans, but she persisted. When she was 24, began her campaign in 1844. She had already refused to marry some very eligible suitors. It took her seven years to convince her parents of her intentions.
In 1851, she went to a small hospital run by a religious organization in Germany for her training. Thanks are due to her prolific letters and the saving of them by her family and friends, there is plenty information about Florence Nightingale’s activities.
She returned London in 1853, to become superintendent at a hospital for “sick gentlewomen,” and found it a badly run nursing staff. Nightingale set about training them as disciplined, dedicated nurses.
In 1856, when she returned to England, the British public were so grateful that they raised 50,000 pounds to found the Nightingale School of Nursing and home for training nurses at St. Thomas’s Hospital in London. Her efforts greatly improved and raised the standards and prestige of nursing. For the last years of her life, she was a semi-invalid, often bedridden, yet her home was visited by many outstanding people and she was an indefatigable letter writer. Eventually she died in 13 August 1910 in Park Lane, London, England.
Ex.1 Напишите вопросы к предложениям, начиная со слова в скобках.
- My sister eats sweets every day. (Who)
- He won't go to the country this summer (Will)
- We were advised to come. (What?)
- I haven't seen Peter since Saturday. (Since when?)
- They are planning to have a holiday soon. (They)
Ex.2 Read the text. Write down the questions for the underlined words to get more information.
- Somebody wrote this book. It is about somebody and his friends.
- One day he put on something white.
- He looked like somebody.
- The old Frekken Bokk was cooking something.
- Something opened and he appeared somewhere.
- She did something in horror.
- She phoned somebody.
- And at that time somebody and his friend were eating something.
Ex.3 Complete the tag questions.
- The books about animals are real fun, …
- You really like reading magazines, …
- You can go to the library tomorrow, …
- Your mum thinks adventure stories are exciting, …
- You haven't seen «Harry Potter» yet, …
Тема 13-14 The History of Nursing in Russia. Nikolay Ivanovich Pirogov
Nikolay Ivanovich Pirogov was a prominent Russian scientist, doctor, pedagogue, public figure, and corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (1847). He is considered to be the founder of field surgery, and was one of the first surgeons in Europe to use ether as an anaesthetic. He was the first surgeon to use anaesthesia in a field operation (1847), invented various kinds of surgical operations, and developed his own technique of using plaster casts to treat fractured bones. His name is one of the most widely recognised in Russian medical history, and he is considered a Russian national hero.
Pirogov was born in Moscow, the son of a major in the commissary service. He learned to read early, and learned several languages as a young child. His father died in 1824, leaving his family destitute. Pirogov originally intended to become a civil servant, but the family doctor, Efrem Mukhin, who was a professor of anatomy and physiology at Moscow State University, persuaded the authorities to accept him as a student aged only 14.
Despite limited experience at medical school, Pirogov decided to specialise as a surgeon when he completed his studies in 1828. He completed further studies at Dorpat (now Tartu), receiving a doctorate in 1832 on the ligation of the ventral aorta. He travelled in Germany, visiting the University of Berlin and University of Göttingen, and became a professor at the German University of Dorpat in 1836, aged only 25. He did important work on arteries and fasciae. He moved to take up an appointment as professor of surgery at the academy of military medicine in Saint Petersburg in 1840. He also undertook three years of military service in this period. He first used ether as an anaesthetic in 1847, and investigated cholera from 1848. He compiled his famous anatomical atlas, Topographical anatomy of the human body (vol. 1-4, 1851–1854). He won the Demidov Prize in 1844, 1851 and 1860.
He worked as an army surgeon in the Crimean War, arriving in Simferopol on December 11, 1854. From his works in the Crimea, he is considered to be the father of field surgery. He followed work by Louis Seutin in introducing plaster casts for setting broken bones, and developed a new osteoplastic method for amputation of the foot, known as the "Pirogov amputation". He was also the first to use anethesis in the field, particularly during the siege of Sevastopol, and he introduced a system of triage into five categories. He encouraged female volunteers as an organised corps of nurses, the Khrestovozvizhenska community of nurses established by Grand Duchess Yelena Pavlovna, echoing the efforts made by Florence Nightingale for the British.
He returned to Saint Petersburg after the end of the war in 1856, but withdrew from the academy. He wrote an influential paper on the problems of pedagogy, arguing for the education of the poor, non-Russians, and women. He also argued against early specialisation, and for the development of secondary schools. He returned to the Crimea as a superintendent of schools. He moved to Kiev in 1858 after disagreements with the governor general in Odessa. In 1861, he retired to his estate in Vishnya in central Ukraine. He treated the local peasants there, established a clinic, and learned the Ukrainian language as a show of respect. The composer Tchaikowskyj was one of his visitors there. The Pirogov Museum now exists outside the city of Vinnytsa, Ukraine at his former estate and clinic. His portrait by Repin is in this museum.
In 1862, he took charge of a delegation of Russian students that was sent overseas to train as teachers. He treated Giuseppe Garibaldi for an injury to his foot sustained at Aspromonte on 28 August. Pirogov returned to Russia in 1866, leaving his estate only rarely. He visited the battlefields and field hospitals of the Franco-Prussian War in 1870, as a representative of the Russian Red Cross, and was again a field surgeon in the Russo-Turkish War in 1877.
He last appeared in public on 24 May 1881, and died later that year in the village of Vishnya (now Vinnytsia, Ukraine). His body is preserved using embalming techniques he himself developed, and rests in a church in Vinnitsa, Ukraine. Compared to the corpse of Lenin, which undergoes thorough maintenance in a special underground clinic twice a week, the body of Pirogov rests untouched and unchanging: it is said that only dust has to be brushed off of it. It resides at room temperature in a glass-lid coffin (while Lenin's body is preserved at a constant low temperature).
Ex.1 Перепишите предложения, используя притяжательный падеж существительных. Переведите готовые предложения.
This car belongs to Sam. (Эта машина принадлежит Сэму.) – This is Sam’s car. (Это машина Сэма.)
These apples belong to the girls. (Эти яблоки принадлежат девочкам.) – These are the girls’ apples. (Это яблоки девочек.)
- This notebook belongs to Jane.
- These suitcases belong to our guests.
- This bedroom belongs to my son.
- These keys belong to Mark.
- This painting belongs to Picasso.
- These poems belong to Pushkin.
- This helicopter belongs to our boss.
- These dictionaries belong to the students.
Ex.2 Напишите, чем является ‘s в каждом предложении – обозначением притяжательного падежа существительного или сокращенной формой глагола is.
Ann is David’s wife. (Аня – жена Дэвида.) - ‘s обозначает притяжательный падеж.
Ann’s a wonderful wife. (Аня – прекрасная жена) - ‘s является сокращением глагола is (Ann is a wonderful wife.)
- Mary’s day was very hard.
- Peter’s a dentist.
- My son’s girlfriend speaks four languages.
- She’s a talented tennis-player.
- It’s cold today.
- Kate’s uncle has lost his passport.
Тема 15 The most prominent Russian scientists-doctors
Many great Russian scientists-doctors made their contribution into development of native and world science.
Prominent scientists- doctors in Russia of XVIII c.:
A.P. Protasov (1724-1796) was a first Russian professor – anatomist, physiologist, and academician of Petersburg academy of science, one of the first initiator of Russian anatomic terminology.
C.I. Schepin (1728-1770) - first Russian teacher in Moscow hospital school.
D.S. Samoilovich (1744-1805) - founder of domestic epidemiology. He paid attention on teaching of medical personnel.
N.M. Maximovich-Ambodic (1744-1812). He was one of first initiator of Russian obstetrics, pediatrics and pharmacognosy. He published first original Russian manual “Art of midwife’s business or science about womanish business”.
A.M. Shumlyansky (1748-1795) had great place in histology. In his work “About kidneys” (Strasburgh, 1782) he described peculiarities of kidneys structure.
Prominent scientists- doctors in Russia of XIX c:
E.O. Mukhin (1766-1850) was anatomist and physiologist, hygienist and judicial doctor. He contributed to Russian anatomical nomenclature. His works: “The beginning of science of bonesetter” (1806), “Description of surgical operations” (1807), Manual on anatomy in 8 volumes (1818).
I. V. Buyalsky (1789-1866) was world known great anatomist and surgeon. He developed many new surgical operations and created new surgical tools. First in Russia he made bandage of nameless arteries.
M.Y. Mudrov (1776-1831) was a founder of native clinical teaching and clinical therapy. He followed the Hippocratic credo "to treat not a disease but a patient". His working out of inquire methods of sick person, schemes of writing of case records. He contributed into medical hygiene.
I.E. Dyadkovskii (1784-1841) was prominent therapeutics – clinicist, pathologist – thinker. Main method of cognition was experience, observation and common sense.
N.I. Pirogov (1810-1881) – founder of topographical and surgical anatomy, military-field surgery, anatomical- physiological approach in surgery. He reformed in organization of surgical departments (division into “clean” and “purulent” departments), consummation of antiseptics, working out of teaching about prophylaxis of surgical infections. He considered that future belong to preventive medicine.
Ex. 1. Образуйте множественное число имен существительных.
A dog, a ball, a desk, a horse, a fact, a nose, a lip, a mother, a father, a brother, a pen, a pencil,a flower, a kid, a pupil, a lion, an elephant, an apple.
Ex. 2. Образуйте множественное число имен существительных.
A class, a box, a bus, a match, a bush, a wish, a loss, a tomato, a princess, a boss, an ostrich, a brush, a witch, a fox, a dish, a hero, an address, a glass.
Ex. 3. Образуйте множественное число имен существительных.
A cry, a lady, a baby, a puppy, a strawberry, a cherry, a reply, a party, a spy, the sky, a city, a country, a lorry, a doggy, a poppy, a story, an enemy, a family.
Ex 4. Образуйте множественное число имен существительных.
A loaf, a wife, a wolf, a calf, a shelf, an elf, a scarf, a thief.
Тема 16-17 Human Body
The body is wonderfully made, like a complex, perfect machine. Each part is specially constructed to carry out its own function, and to work as a whole with the other parts.
The body has a strong frame work of bones called the skeleton. The skeleton is covered by muscles and other soft tissues, and by skin on the outside.
The human body consists of three parts. They are the head, the trunk and the limbs.
The main part of the head is called the skull. The forehead, the temples, the cheeks, the cheekbones, the two jaws and the mouth compose the face. The teeth and the tongue are loading in the mouth. One chews food with the teeth and tastes food with the tongue. The lips are the two margins of the mouth. We see with the eyes, breathe and smell with the nose.
The trunk consists of the spine, the chest and the pelvic bones. The trunk is divided into two large cavities by diaphragm. The upper cavity of the trunk is called thorax and lower one is called the belly. The lungs and the heart are located above the diaphragms in the upper cavity. In the lower cavity we find interior organs such as stomach, liver, urinary bladder, gallbladder kidneys, spleen and intestines.
The upper limb is divided into the shoulder, the upper arm, the forearm and the hand. The join between upper arm and forearm we call the elbow. The wrist is the joint between forearm and hand. Each hand has five fingers: index, middle finger, ring finger, little finger and a thumb.
The lower limb consists of the thigh-bone, the shin-bone and the fibula. We call the calf the back of the lower leg. The join between the femur and the lower leg is called the knee-joint. This joint is protected by the knee-cap. The joints between lower legs and feet are the ankles. The foot consists of heel, sole and toes.
Ex.1 Use “a” or “an”.
1 Do you need …. help?
2 Lucy has …. dog.
3 Let's sing …. song.
4 Emily needs …. new desk in her room.
5 I need …. blue pen.
6 Ben has …. old bike.
7 Peter has …. aunt in Berlin.
8 We listen to …. English CD.
9 She has …. exercise book in her school bag.
10 The speed of this car was 160 miles …. hour.
6.3. Use “a” or “an”.
1 There is …. green English book on the desk.
2 She's reading …. old comic.
3 They've got …. idea.
4 He is drinking …. cup of coffee.
5 The girl is …. pilot.
6 This is …. expensive bike.
7 Look! There's …. bird flying.
8 My father is …. honest person.
9 My friend likes to be …. astronaut.
10 They finished …. unit.
Ex.2 Which article “a” or “an” can be put before the following words or phrases?
1 …. blue pencil;
2 ….old comic;
3 son;
4 cat;
5 thousand times;
6 elephant;
7 one-dollar bill;
8 dog;
9 bird;
10 actress.
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Председатель ЦМК _________ /К.В.Калугина/
«ОГСЭ.03 ИНОСТРАННЫЙ ЯЗЫК_(английский)»
СПЕЦИАЛЬНОСТЬ 34.02.01 Сестринское дело
IV семестр
Оренбург, 2024
Пояснительная записка
Целью учебного пособия является обеспечение индивидуальной работы обучающихся в течение учебного года. Работая с настоящим пособием, обучающийся познает лексические и грамматические основы. Обучающийся может проверить на практике знание теоретического минимума, что облегчает работу на практических занятиях, позволяет сэкономить время и более глубоко изучить учебный материал, а также оценить уровень собственных знаний и умений.
Заполнение предлагаемого практикума позволит обучающимся более качественно подготовиться к усвоению учебного предмета.
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Данное пособие является необходимым учебным материалом для подготовки к практическим занятиям по ОГСЭ.03 ИНОСТРАННЫЙ ЯЗЫК (английский)
Практикум составлен на основании федеральных государственных стандартов к уровню подготовки выпускников по специальности 34.02.01 Сестринское дело, учебной программы по дисциплине ОГСЭ.03 ИНОСТРАННЫЙ ЯЗЫК (английский). По каждой теме, в соответствии с программой, разработаны и указаны задания.
Приступая к выполнению заданий, необходимо ознакомиться с теоретическим материалом, изучив учебную литературу. Задания выполняются непосредственно в соответствии с иконками:
работа с текстом: составление лексического словаря, чтение, перевод
работа над грамматикой: выполнение грамматических упражнений
Критерии оценки.
Критерии | Оценка |
Речь воспринимается легко: необоснованные паузы отсутствуют; фразовое ударение и интонационные контуры, произношение слов практически без нарушений нормы; допускается не более 2-х фонетических ошибок | 5 |
Речь воспринимается достаточно легко, однако присутствуют необоснованные паузы; фразовое ударение и интонационные контуры практически без нарушений нормы; допускается от 3 до 5 фонетических ошибок, в том числе 1-2 ошибки, искажающие смысл | 4 |
Речь воспринимается достаточно легко, однако присутствуют необоснованные паузы; есть ошибки в фразовых ударениях и интонационных контурах; допускается от 5 до 7 фонетических ошибок, в том числе 3 ошибки, искажающие смысл | 3 |
Речь не воспринимается из-за необоснованных пауз; неправильных фразовых ударений и искаженных интонационных контуров И\ИЛИ 8 и более фонетических ошибок | 2 |
Тема 16-17 Human Body
The body is wonderfully made, like a complex, perfect machine. Each part is specially constructed to carry out its own function, and to work as a whole with the other parts.
The body has a strong frame work of bones called the skeleton. The skeleton is covered by muscles and other soft tissues, and by skin on the outside.
The human body consists of three parts. They are the head, the trunk and the limbs.
The main part of the head is called the skull. The forehead, the temples, the cheeks, the cheekbones, the two jaws and the mouth compose the face. The teeth and the tongue are loading in the mouth. One chews food with the teeth and tastes food with the tongue. The lips are the two margins of the mouth. We see with the eyes, breathe and smell with the nose.
The trunk consists of the spine, the chest and the pelvic bones. The trunk is divided into two large cavities by diaphragm. The upper cavity of the trunk is called thorax and lower one is called the belly. The lungs and the heart are located above the diaphragms in the upper cavity. In the lower cavity we find interior organs such as stomach, liver, urinary bladder, gallbladder kidneys, spleen and intestines.
The upper limb is divided into the shoulder, the upper arm, the forearm and the hand. The join between upper arm and forearm we call the elbow. The wrist is the joint between forearm and hand. Each hand has five fingers: index, middle finger, ring finger, little finger and a thumb.
The lower limb consists of the thigh-bone, the shin-bone and the fibula. We call the calf the back of the lower leg. The join between the femur and the lower leg is called the knee-joint. This joint is protected by the knee-cap. The joints between lower legs and feet are the ankles. The foot consists of heel, sole and toes.
Ex.1 Use “a” or “an”.
1 Do you need …. help?
2 Lucy has …. dog.
3 Let's sing …. song.
4 Emily needs …. new desk in her room.
5 I need …. blue pen.
6 Ben has …. old bike.
7 Peter has …. aunt in Berlin.
8 We listen to …. English CD.
9 She has …. exercise book in her school bag.
10 The speed of this car was 160 miles …. hour.
6.3. Use “a” or “an”.
1 There is …. green English book on the desk.
2 She's reading …. old comic.
3 They've got …. idea.
4 He is drinking …. cup of coffee.
5 The girl is …. pilot.
6 This is …. expensive bike.
7 Look! There's …. bird flying.
8 My father is …. honest person.
9 My friend likes to be …. astronaut.
10 They finished …. unit.
Ex.2 Which article “a” or “an” can be put before the following words or phrases?
1 …. blue pencil;
2 ….old comic;
3 son;
4 cat;
5 thousand times;
6 elephant;
7 one-dollar bill;
8 dog;
9 bird;
10 actress.
Тема 18-19. Internal parts of the Human Body
The abdomen is the largest cavity of the body. It is bounded above by thorax or chest and below by two pelvic bones which meet in front. From the cavity of the thorax it is separated by the great muscle of respiration – the diaphragm. Laterally and in front it is enclosed by the lower ribs and abdominal muscles. Behind, it is supported by the spinal column.
The organs of the abdominal cavity are the liver, the gall-bladder, the stomach, the intestines, the pancreas, the spleen, the kidneys and the bladder. The liver lies under the right ribs and extends across to the left of the epigastrium. The liver is a large organ that weighs about 1.5 kg. It plays a very important role in the vital activities of the organism. It is the liver that secretes bile which participates in the digestive process and has a defensive function. Some toxic substances detoxified in the liver.
The gall-bladder lies beneath the right lobe of the liver. It serves as a bile reservoir.
The stomach lies under the left ribs and extends across to the right. It is known that its smaller end situates in the epigastrium. The stomach serves as a container of food, which is a partly digested in it. The size and shape of the stomach vary with any amount of food that is consumed and the extent of contraction of its wall.
The intestines occupy chiefly the central portions of the abdominal cavity. From the stomach the food passes in small portions into the small intestine.
Correct the following sentences.
1 The stomach lies under the right ribs and extends across to the left.
2 The diaphragm serves as a container of food, which is a partly digested in it.
3 The spleen serves as a bile reservoir.
4 The kidneys occupy chiefly the central portions of the abdominal cavity.
5 The size and shape of the bladder vary with any amount of food that is consumed and the extent of contraction of its wall.
6 Some toxic substances detoxified in the stomach.
7 The small intestine is a large organ that weighs about 1.5 kg.
Ex.1 Decide whether to use the definite article “the” or not. If you do not need the article, type an x.
Hi John,
I arrived in …. USA …. last Monday. We left …. Rome, flew over …. Alps and made a quick stop in …. London. There we went shopping at …. Harrods, visited ….. Tower and enjoyed a sunny afternoon in …. Hyde Park. On the following day we left for …. New York. …. time on board wasn't boring as there were two films to watch on ….. monitor. …. people on …. plane were all …. Italian. Before we landed at …. JFK airport, we saw ….. Statue of Liberty, …. Ellis Island and …. Empire State Building. …. hotel I stayed in was on …. corner of 42nd Street and 5th Avenue. I don't like …. hotels very much, but I didn't have time to rent an apartment.
Please say hello to Peter and Mandy.
Ex.2 Fill in the blank with the appropriate article, a, an, or the, or leave the space blank if no article is needed.
1 I want …. apple from that basket.
2 …. church on the corner is progressive.
3 Miss Lin speaks …. Chinese.
4 I borrowed …. pencil from your pile of pencils and pens.
5 One of the students said, "…. professor is late today."
6 Eli likes to play …. volleyball.
7 I bought …. umbrella to go out in the rain.
8 My daughter is learning to play …. violin at her school.
9 Please give me …. cake that is on the counter.
10 I lived on …. Main Street when I first came to town.
11 Albany is the capital of …. New York State.
12 My husband's family speaks …. Polish.
Тема 20-21. The Skeleton
The human adult skeleton consists of more than 200 bones. The distribution of bones is as follows: skull-26 bones, spinal column-32-34 vertebrae, chest (thorax)-24 ribs and the breastbone, upper extremities-64 bones, lower extremities-62 bones.
Skeleton is the framework of the body and it serves as a means of attachment for the skeletal muscles. It also protects delicate structures such as the brain, the heart and the lungs.
The joints give the bones mobility.
The most important part of the skeleton is the spinal column, for as we know, naturalists divided all animals into 2 classes- those which have the spine and those which haven’t any.
There are cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral vertebrae and the coccyx in the human spine.
At the upper end of the spine there is the bony structure we call the skull.
Another strong cage- the chest is in front of the spine. It consists of 12 thoracic vertebrae, the breastbone and 12 pairs of ribs.
Shoulder and pelvic girdles serves to connect upper and lower extremities to the trunk.
Ex.1 Choose the correct response to complete each sentence.
1 I love living in this __________ city.
a no article;
b a;
c the.
2 Generally speaking, __________ boys are physically stronger than girls.
a no article;
b a;
c the.
3 Bill enjoys reading __________ mystery novels.
a no article;
b a;
c the.
4 Do you remember __________ girl that we saw last night?
a no article;
b a;
c the.
5 P1: Did you go to the Thai restaurant?
P2: No, I went to __________ place where you and I normally go.
a no article;
b a;
c the.
6 He is __________ really good person.
a no article;
b a;
c the.
7 My brother is __________ expert at fixing cars.
a no article;
b a;
c the.
Ex.2 Put the definite article (the) or zero article (X).
The Skeleton
…. parts of … human body are …. head, …. trunk and …. extremities. …. skull is …. bony framework of …. head, it protects …. brain and supports …. face.
…. skeleton of …. trunk consists of …. spinal column (the spine), …. 7 cervical, …. 12 thoracic, …. 5 lumbar, …. 5 sacral vertebrae and …. coccyx.
…. shoulder and …. pelvic girdles belong to …. upper and …. lower extremities.
…. upper extremity consists of …. arm, …. forearm and …. hand.
There are …. four fingers and one thumb in each …. hand. …. lower extremity has …. thigh, …. leg and …. foot.
…. skeleton gives …. upright strength to …. body. …. bones serve as a storehouse for …. calcium and …. phosphorus releasing these minerals to …. blood when …. organism needs them.
Тема 22-23 The Bones of a Skeleton
1 The bones form the skeleton of the body. The most important part of the skeleton is the backbone. It is so important that naturalists divided all animals into two classes - those which have a backbone and those which have none. All the higher animals have a backbone, or vertebral column and they are therefore called vertebrate animals. The others are called invertebrate animals.
2 The bones which form the skeleton or bony framework of the body include the bones of the head, the bones of the trunk, the bones of the lower and upper limbs.
3 At the upper end of the backbone there is the skull. Inside the skull is the brain. The bones of the head include the bones which make up the box-like structure, the skull, and freely movable bone which forms our lower jaw.
4 There is another box of bones in front of the backbone. The ribs, which join the backbone behind and bend round towards the breastbone in front, form a strong cage - the chest, inside of which there is the heart and the lungs. The bones of the trunk include the spinal column, the ribs and the breastbone.
5 The arms join the body at the shoulder, and the shoulder itself consists of two bones - the collar-bone in front, and the shoulder-blade behind. Between the shoulder and the elbow there is only one bone in the arm, but between the elbow and the wrist there are two. In the wrist there are eight small bones. They are bound together, but their large number allows the wrist to bend freely. Next come the bones of the hand itself. In the body or palm of the hand there are five long bones - one for each finger and one for the thumb. Each of the fingers has three bones, and the thumb has two. Thus we have twenty-seven bones in the framework of the hand and wrist alone.
Ex 1. Use the correct personal pronouns. Watch the words in brackets.
1 …. is dreaming. (George)
2 …. is green. (the blackboard)
3 …. are on the wall. (the posters)
4 …. is running. (the dog)
5 …. are watching TV. (my mother and I)
6 …. are in the garden. (the flowers)
7 …. is riding his bike. (Tom)
8 …. is from Bristol. (Victoria)
9 …. has got a brother. (Diana)
10 …. Have got a computer, Mandy?
Ex. 2 Fill the gaps with personal or reflexive pronouns.
1 He is quitе right, I agree with … completely.
2 I looked at … in the mirror and left the house in a very good mood.
3 “Who is it?” — “It’s …. . May I come in?”
4 Mr. Lloyds is very fat … weighs over a hundred kilos?
5 .… introduced his wife to the quests.
6 Where shall … meet, Bob?
7 James took the book and opened ….
8 We don’t dress … for dinner here.
Ex. 3 Put the questions to the answers.
1 Yes, they do. The bones form the skeleton of the body.
2 Yes, they did. Naturalists divided all animals into two classes.
3 Yes, they will. The first-year students will study the structure of the human body this year.
4 Yes, they do. The bones of the trunk include the spinal column, the ribs and the breastbone.
Тема 24 Types of Muscles and Tissues
1 The word «muscle», according to one theory, comes from a Latin word that means «little mouse»: that is when a man’s muscles are contracting they look as if a little mouse runs about under his skin. According to another theory the word «muscle» comes from a Greek expression that means «to enclose», that is layer of muscles enclose the body. We know that the muscles constitute аррroximately 50 per cent of the total body weight, slightly more in the average male than the female. Tendons, fasciae and the various organs themselves depend on the muscular system and the function of muscle cells.
2 There are three main types of muscular tissue that we identify and classify on the basis of structure and functions:
1) smooth or visceral muscle,
2) striated or skeletal muscle,
3) cardiac muscle.
3 Smooth muscles can contract slowly. They make up the walls of the internal organs such as those of the blood vessels, and the digestive tract. Since we identify the internal organs as viscera |ˈvɪs(ə)rə|, we sometimes call smooth muscles visceral muscles. The visceral muscles react relatively slowly to changes within the body and do so without the intervention of the will.
The walls of the blood vessels |ˈvesəlz| are contracting or expanding when they respond to certain chemicals in the blood or in response to the effect of temperature but we cannot deliberately |dɪˈlɪb(ə)rətlɪ| cause them to lift our arm or open our mouth. For this reason, we may call them involuntary muscles. Smooth muscle tissue consists of long cells. Smooth muscle fibres are bound into bundles by connective tissue which contain blood vessels and nerves.
4 Striated muscle tissue consists of large fibres in the form of bundles. Striated muscles are most necessary for manipulation of the bones of the skeleton. Those are the muscles necessary for walking, running, turning the head and so on. That’s why we sometimes call them skeletal muscles. This type of muscle tissue includes the large muscle masses of the body, the muscles of the arms, legs, back etc. It includes all those muscles which must react quickly to changes in the environment, i.e. those that become active through an effort of will. For this reason, we call striated muscles voluntary muscles.
5 Cardiac |ˈkɑːdɪæk| (heart) muscle is, in a sense, a cross between the previous two. A characteristic feature of cardiac muscle is that fibres have neither a beginning nor an end. In other words, the heart is simply a huge net of muscles in which all elements are continuous with each other. Cardiac muscles («heart» - Greek) have the strength and force of contraction of the skeletal muscle. Cardiac muscle is under complete involuntary control. In that, it resembles visceral muscle.
Ex.1 Fill in some, any, no, every.
1 I’ve met ______ people, but I don’t have ______ real friends.
2 ‘Is there ______ petrol in the tank?’ ‘Yes, there must be ______ left.’
3 I’m sorry but there are ______ cookies left.
4 Have you ______ idea what time it is?
5 She had ______ games, but she didn’t have ______ computer games.
6 ‘Have you got ______ matches?’ ‘Yes, I think I’ve got ______ in my pocket.’
7 I can’t talk to you now. I’ve got ______ time.
8 Could you give me ______ examples?
9 I see him at work almost ______ day.
10 Everything was correct. There were ______ mistakes.
11 We get ______ letters from her month.
12 There weren’t ______ potatoes left.
13 There were ______ tomatoes left.
14 Would you like ______ milk?
15 I’d like to ask you for ______ advice.
16 Her car wasn’t ______ better than ours.
17 ______ of the information has already been used.
18 ______ country has a national flag.
Тема 25 Types of muscles
Muscles are basically of three types: skeletal muscles, smooth muscles and cardiac muscles.
Skeletal Muscles. Skeletal muscles form most of the human body weight. They are under the control of human will and all body movements occurring by our will are produced by skeletal muscles. They are called skeletal muscles because they are almost always found attached to the skeleton and produce movements in different parts of the skeleton.
Smooth Muscles. Smooth muscles form the soft body organs like stomach, intestine, blood vessels etc. They are not under the will of human beings and are responsible for unconscious body activities like digestion of food. They are called smooth muscles because when seen under the microscope, they do not have any striation in contrast to the other two types of muscles.
Cardiac Muscles. Cardiac muscles are exclusively found in human heart and nowhere else. They are extremely strong and powerful muscles. They are not under the control of human will and are involuntary. The pumping of blood by human heart is because of the force provided by the contraction of cardiac muscles.
Ex.1. Use “a few” or “a little” with the following nouns.
Albums, time, films, tea, chocolate, files, men, bread, deer, jam, glasses, fish, knives, children, butter, sheep, light, salt, mice, corn, soda, birds, oil, petrol, buses, happiness, cases, air, tomatoes, soap.
Ex.2. Use “many” or “much” with the following nouns.
Spaghetti, sheep, a coin, support, traffic, a mug, housework, weather, a slice, knowledge, a notebook, furniture, a language, butter, equipment, a computer, deer, children, progress, scissors, means, linen, a fish, blankets, money, teachers, series, mail, sandwich, toast, make-up, light.
Тема26 Skin
Do you really know or want to know, "What is skin?" A comprehensive answer is that it is outer covering which protects all the delicate body parts lying underneath it. It is the largest organ of our body which consists of several tissues including sweat glands, hair follicles, and Meissner's corpuscles. Our skin not only provides protection to the internal body parts, but also gives us our sense of touch.
Structure of Skin
Concerning the structure of skin, it is comprised of three main layers. The outermost layer is termed as the epidermis which is made up of numerous cells called Keratinocytes. The epidermis acts as a barrier between our internal body parts and the external environment. Therefore, it is this layer of the skin which is responsible for preventing the entry of harmful foreign agents, such as bacteria, inside the body. Moreover, it contains a layer of cells known as melanocytes which determines the color of the skin. Melanocytes contain a pigment, known as melanin, which imparts color to our skin. People with more melanin have darker skin tones, whereas those with a smaller amount of melanin have a lighter skin color.
Lying beneath the epidermis is another layer of the skin, known as the dermis which contains hair follicles, sweat glands and sebaceous glands. The dermis is made up of important proteins, elastin and collagen. Moreover, tiny blood capillaries are also found in this layer which provide a constant supply of oxygen and nutrients to the skin cells.
The skin's innermost layer is known as subcutis. This is where fat is deposited to act as an energy store as well as an insulator.
Ex.1 Underline the demonstrative pronouns in the following sentences.
1 Paul bought those for two dollars.
2 These are the best shoes I have ever worn.
3 Can you believe that?
4 This is what I meant.
5 I can see that this is what you want.
6 This is my favorite teddy bear.
7 Would you like some of these?
8 Those years at the lake were the best times of my life.
9 That is the toy I would like to buy.
10 These are absolutely delicious!
Ex.2 Fill in the blanks with suitable interrogative pronouns.
1 …. did you invite to preside over the meeting?
a) who;
b) whom;
c) what;
d) whose.
2 She asked ….. I preferred, tea or coffee?
a) who;
b) whom;
c) what;
d) whose.
3 Of …. are you speaking?
a) who;
b) whom;
c) what;
d) whose;
4 …. do you want to do?
a) what;
b) which;
c) that;
d) whom.
5 …. shall I give this to?
a) whom;
b) what;
c) whose;
d) which.
6 …. of these books will you take?
a) which;
b) whom;
c) that;
d) whose.
Тема 27 Blood and its elements
Blood contains a fluid called plasma plus microscopical cellular elements: erythrocytes, leucocytes, and thrombocytes.
Erythrocytes are red blood cells of which 4.5 – 5 million are found in each cubic millimeter. These cells are made in the bone marrow and are important in transporting oxygen from the lungs through the blood stream to the cells all over the body. The oxygen is then used up by body cells in the process of converting food to energy (catabolism). Hemoglobin, containing iron, is an important protein in erythrocytes, which helps in carrying the oxygen as it travels through the blood stream. Erythrocytes also carry away carbon dioxide (CO2), a waste product of catabolism of food in cells, from the body cells to the lungs. On arriving there it is expelled in the process of breathing.
Leucocytes are white blood cells from 4.000 to 10.000 per cubic millimeter exiting in several types: granulocytes and agranulocytes, which are also subdivided into different types.
Granulocytes are cells with granules in their cytoplasm formed in the bone marrow. There are three types of granulocytes: eosinophils, basophils, neutrophils.
Agranulocytes are produced in lymph nodes and spleen. There are two types of agranulocytes: lymphocytes and monocytes.
Thrombocytes or platelets are tiny cells formed in the bone marrow. They are necessary for blood clotting. Their number is 400.000 per cubic millimeter. The plasma is the fluid portion before clotting has occurred. The serum is the fluid portion of blood remaining after the coagulation process is completed.
The body contains about five liters of blood kept at a constant temperature of 37*C. Blood consists of three different types of cell floating in a liquid called plasma. The blood cells are known as red cells, white cells and platelets. Red cells and platelets are unique among body cells in having no nucleus. Blood cells are so small that one cubic millimeter of blood (the size of a pin head) contains about five million red cells, 7.000 white cells and 250.000 platelets.
The red blood cells contain a pigment called hemoglobin, which gives the blood its red color. The main function of red cells is to carry oxygen to the body cells.
For its journey from the lungs to the body cells, oxygen combines with hemoglobin of the red cells. It is then released from the hemoglobin when the body cells are reached. Some people do not have enough hemoglobin in their red cells and are consequently short of oxygen. This condition is called anemia and such people tire easily, become breathless on exertion and have a pale complexion. They need special care during general anesthesia.
The white blood cells defend the body against disease. They do this by attacking germs and repairing damage.
The function of platelets is to stop bleeding. They do this in two ways: by blocking the cut blood vessels; and by producing substances, which help the blood to clot.
Ex.1 Read the texts one more time to complete the following statements.
1 The text deals with the problem of … .
2 Various institutions are involved in public administration … .
3 Blood has four key components …. .
4 Blood performs a wide range of functions in human body …..
Ex.2 There are mistakes in ten of these sentences. Correct the sentences where necessary. Write 'OK' if the sentence is already correct.
1 He got up more early than she did.
2 Jo lives much more far away now.
3 My mum is the same age like my dad.
4 I paid less than you for the ticket.
5 This is the older house in the city.
6 Traffic in the city is more bad in the evenings.
Ex.2 Complete the following sentences using the correct degree of the adjective given in the brackets.
1 My brother’s handwriting is …………………….. (bad) mine.
2 Health is …………………….. wealth. (important)
3 Blood is …………………… water. (thick)
4 Everest is …………………….. peak in the world. (high)
5 This is ……………………. play I have ever heard on the radio. (interesting)
6 Susie is …………………………. of all the four sisters. (beautiful)
7 The planet Mars is ……………………. from the earth than the satellite Moon. (far)
8 The elephant is ………………….. animal in the world. (large)
9 An ocean is certainly ……………………… a sea. (big)
10 I am …………………… in cricket than in football. (interested)
Тема 28 Composition of Blood. Leucocytes and Lymphocytes
1 Leucocytes. About 65 per cent of all white cells are leucocytes. Their protoplasm contains granules. Those leucocytes that stain neutral dyes – as the majority do – are called neutrophils. About 1.5 per cent of the total stain with acid dyes and are called eosinophils. And a still smaller number, 0.5 per cent, have granules that stain with basic dyes: these are called basophils. The percentage of oesinophils increases greatly when parasites invade the body.
2 One characteristic of leucocytes is the irregular, or lobed, appearance of the nucleus. The number of lobes is an index to the cell’s age. Ordinarily, about 45 percent of all leucocytes is short, from four to twelve days.
3 The function of leucocytes is primarily that of protection against infection. After the skin is pierced and the wound becomes infected, leucocytes from all the body are attracted to this place. Just what attracts them is not known – the process is called chemotaxis – probably some by-product of bacterial metabolism. When they arrive at the wound, they leave the blood stream. They wage war on the invaders, engulfing the bacteria within their own protoplasm, a process called phagocytosis (literally «cell-eating»). Before the infection is not too overwhelming, the victory usually goes to the leucocytes.
4 Lymphocytes. These cells, which comprise about 35 per cent of the white cells, have a nucleus which practically fills the cell. They are produced in lymph nodes scattered throughout the body: the tonsils are examples of lymph nodes. They live only a few capables only a few hours after they leave the blood stream. They are incapable of movement and thus cannot pursue bacteria and have little cytoplasm so that phagocytosis is practically out of the question. Bacteria trapped in lymph nodes provoke the formation of them. Unfortunately if the infection is overwhelming, the lymph nodes themselvs become infected. Thus in guinea pigs it has been possible to trace the route of tubercle bacilli from the intestines to the lungs, as the route is marked by successively infected lymph nodes.
Ex.1. Read the texts one more time to complete the following statements.
1 The text deals with the problem of … .
2 Various institutions are involved in public administration … .
3 Blood has four key components …. .
4 Blood performs a wide range of functions in human body ….. Ex.2 Fill in the correct adverb form (comparative or superlative) of the adjectives in brackets.
1 I speak English (fluent) now than last year.
2 She greeted me (polite) of all.
3 She smiled (happy) than before.
4 This girl dances (graceful) of all.
5 Could you write (clear)?
6 Planes can fly (high) than birds.
7 He had an accident last year. Now, he drives (careful) than before.
8 Jim can run (fast) than John.
9 Our team played (bad) of all.
10 He worked (hard) than ever before.
Тема 29 The Circulatory (Cardiovascular) System
The cardiovascular system is the system of blood circulation. By the cardiovascular system we mean the heart, the arteries, the veins and the capillaries of the human body.
The centre of the circulatory system is the heart. The human heart is a cone-shaped organ, about 5 inches' long and 3 1/2 inches broad. It weighs about 10 ounces in the adult male, 6 ounces in the female. It lies in the thoracic cavity, just behind the breastbone and between the lungs. The heart is a hollow muscle which has four chambers. The right heart consists of an upper chamber, the atrium or the auricle and a lower chamber, the ventricle. Between these two chambers is a one-way valve, the tricuspid valve. The left heart has two chambers, but the valve that separates its chambers we call the mitral valve. Although the heart is a unit, anatomically and functionally, we may think of it as of two pumps — the «right heart» and the «left heart». The right heart receives blood from the veins and pumps it into the lungs by way of the lesser circulatory system. In the lungs the blood receives oxygen. Then it moves into the left heart. From the left heart the well-oxygenated blood moves into a large artery, the aorta. The blood returns to the heart by means of the veins. The walls of the capillaries are so thin that the dissolved nourishment that has come from the digestive system and the oxygen that has come from the lungs can pass through them into the tissues of the body and so nourish it. The capillaries form a close network all over the body. They gradually join together and get larger, and become veins.
Blood vessels that receive blood from the ventricle and lead it away from the heart and towards other organs are arteries («air duct» - Greek). The vessels received this name because the early anatomists assumed that they had been empty in dead persons and had carried air. The artery that takes up the blood from the right ventricle and carries it to the lungs is the pulmonary artery («lungs» – Latin). The pulmonary artery divides in two — one branch leads to the right lung, the other – to the left. The arteries continue to divide and subdivide and form smaller and smaller vessels with thinner and thinner walls. The smallest arteries are the arterioles and these finally divide into capillaries («hairlike» – Lat¬in). We name them so because of their fineness, though actually they are much finer than hairs.
Gradually the capillaries begin to join into larger vessels. Such larger blood vessels that carry blood to the heart from the organs are the veins. The smallest of these are the venules.
The particular vein into which the capillaries and venules of the lungs finally unite is the pulmonary vein. The pulmonary vein carries the freshly oxygenated blood to the left auricle. The pulmonary artery and pulmonary vein make up the pulmonary circulation.
The contraction of the left ventricle forces the 'blood through a one-way valve into the aorta («to lift up» – Greek). The aorta is the largest artery in the body. It moves upward at first (the ascending aorta), but then arches over dorsally (the arch of the aorta). In its downward course, the aorta passes through the diaphragm. ‘
The blood is a red fluid, which coagulates when escapes from a blood vessel. It consists of a colourless fluid, plasma or serum, and many millions of minute bodies, the corpuscles.
Ex. 1. Decide whether the following words belong to cardinal numbers or ordinal numbers.
1Twenty-three →;
2 fifteenth →;
3 seven →;
4 fifteen →;
5 four →;
6 twenty-ninth →;
7 nineteenth →;
8 six →;
9 thirteenth →;
10 twenty-eighth →.
Тема 30 Heart
The heart is simply a pump, which circulates blood throughout the body. Tubes called blood vessels carry it from the heart to all parts of the body and back again. This round trip is known as the circulation. Vessels carrying blood away from the heart are known as arteries and those returning blood to the heart are known are known as veins.
The heart pumps blood round the body about 70 times a minute in adults. The heartbeats can be felt as the pulse where certain arteries lie just beneath the skin, and the most well – known place where this occurs is at the wrist.
The heart lies in the chest immediately behind the breast bone. It consists of two chambers, left and right, separated from each other by a wall. Each chamber is further divided into upper and lower compartments, which communicate with each by valves. Each upper compartment is called an atrium and each lower a ventricle. Note that there is no communication at all between the left and right sides of the heart.
Heart failure, or cardiac arrest, means that the heart has stopped beating. This of course, means that no blood is being pumped round the body and death occurs in a few minutes. But as the heart is just a simple pump, it can be made to beat artificially by rhythmically applying pressure to the chest. This squeezes the heart between the breast bone and forces blood out the heart into the circulation. When pressure on the chest has been relaxed, blood returns to the heart again.
Ex. 1. Write the date the way it is written in English.
1 22 – Nov →;
2 1 – Jan →;
3 12 – Jul →;
4 5 – Sep →;
5 21 – Mar →;
6 4 – Oct →;
7 2 – Apr →.
Тема 31 The respiratory system
Respiration occurs in all living things, both plants and animals. The proper function of this system is perhaps the most important one in the sustaining of life. Interruption of breathing for only a few minutes by suffocation or strangulation causes death. In the human organism, respiration consists of those processes by which the body cells and tissues make use of oxygen and by which carbon dioxide or the waste products of respiration are removed.
Inhaled air contains about 20 per cent oxygen and four hundredths of one per cent carbon dioxide. Exhaled air consists of approximately 16 per cent oxygen and 4 per cent carbon dioxide. Nitrogen, which makes up about 79 per cent of the atmosphere, is not involved in the breathing process. When air is inhaled into the lungs, a portion of the oxygen is passing into the blood and is being circulated through the body. At the same time, carbon dioxide is being diffused out of the blood into the lungs and exhaled.
Air is breathed through either the mouth or nose into the oral cavity, or pharynx. It then passes through the voice box, or larynx, into the windpipe, or trachea. The trachea ultimately divides into two smaller tubes, bronchi, one is going to each lung. The bronchi divide into tiny passage-ways that are named bronchioles, which lead directly to minute air sacs, or alveoli. The exchange of life-giving gases is effected through the walls of the alveoli.
One must know that mechanisms in the upper respiratory tract serve to filter, and warm the air in its journey to the lungs. The hairs, or cilia, in the nostrils partially filter out dust particles as does sticky secretion, mucus, which has been produced by mucous cells. It lines the mouth, nasal passages, pharynx and trachea. Cilia in the nasal passages and trachea are effective in helping to remove foreign particles from the upper respiratory tract.
Other structures which are connected with the system include: the laryngeal tonsils, which are masses of tissue in the nasopharynx or posterior portions of the nasal passages (adenoids are infected or diseased laryngeal tonsils); the sinuses, cavities in the bones in the front part of the skull that provide resonance to the voice, and the pleura, a double-walled membrane which surrounds the lungs.
When the diaphragm contracts and flattens, it contributes to the extension of the vertical diameter of the thoracic cavity. Air is constantly renewing in the lungs. The capacity of the air passages is increasing. Any muscular effort, e.g. even standing up, increases the number of respirations.
Ex. 1. Fill in the gaps with the adjectives that go along with each noun and translate them.
1 …. function;
2 …. cavity;
3 …. passages;
4 …. tract;
5 …. passage-ways;
6 …. tonsils;
7 …. process;
8 …. organism.
Тема 32 Lungs
The lungs are organs responsible for gas exchange. When you inhale, air rushes into the lungs and sends oxygen to the blood; the lungs are also the path for removal of carbon dioxide. The lungs are an integral part of the body, and the oxygen provided by the lungs facilitates life. Knowing the parts of the lungs helps patients understand why it's important to keep them healthy.
The trachea, also called the windpipe, is the main airway passage that takes air to the lungs. The trachea, which is connected at the nose and mouth, is a bony, hollow tube in the front of the neck. This tube continues down the chest where it branches to the left and right lung.
The lungs are sectioned in lobes. The right lung is larger than the left, so it has more lobes. The right lung has three lobes, while the left lung only has two lobes. The left lung is smaller to compensate for the space taken by the heart. The heart rests between the right and left lung but is situated more on the left.
Bronchioles are structures that branch in the lungs. The bronchioles connect on one side at the trachea and terminate at the alveoli. The bronchioles carry the air to the alveoli, where gas exchange occurs. They are also the first step after the alveoli in bringing carbon dioxide out of the lungs when you exhale.
The alveoli are tiny sacs responsible for gas exchange. These sacs hold air, but they are also surrounded by capillaries. The capillaries have a tiny wall and are filled with blood. The alveoli supply the blood with the oxygen that is inhaled. When you exhale, the blood exchanges carbon dioxide for oxygen. The carbon dioxide is then removed from the body.
Ex. 1. Find the mistakes in the sentences and correct them.
1 The trachea carries the air to the alveoli, where gas exchange occurs.
2 When you exhale, the blood exchanges oxygen for carbon dioxide.
3 The left lung is larger than the right, so it has more lobes.
4 The diaphragm, which is connected at the nose and mouth, is a bony, hollow tube in the front of the neck.
5 The trachea is the muscle responsible for inflating and expanding the lungs.
Тема 33 The Digestive System
For life to continue, the body requires fuel in the form of oxygen and food.
Respiration provides the oxygen. Our food, however, cannot be utilized by the body in the form in which it is eaten. It must be specially processed by the body before it can be of any use. This special processing is known as digestion. It is brought about by the action on the food of certain substances called enzymes which are made by the body and mixed with the food during its passage through the body.
The food we eat consists of protein, carbohydrate and fat. It also contains small quantities of vitamins and minerals.
Proteins are found in meat, fish, eggs, milk and cheese. They are broken down into amino – acids during digestion. Protein is necessary for cell growth and repair.
Carbohydrates are found in sweet and starchy foods such as sugar, flour and potatoes.
They are broken down into glucose during digestion. Carbohydrates provide body cells with the energy required to perform their functions.
Fats are found in meat, fish, dairy products and vegetable oils. The digestive process breaks them down to fatty acids. Fats provide energy and body fat, which is stored in a layer beneath the skin. It acts as a reserve source of energy when needed, and also as insulation which helps maintain body temperature in cold weather.
The body required water for the production of blood, digestive juices, urine and sweat. Many foods contain a large quantity of water but it is still necessary to drink more than a liter of fluid daily.
Ex. 1. Fill in the missing forms of the irregular verbs.
1 Go - went - gone;
2 saw - -;
3 had - -;
4 break - -;
5 sang - -;
6 fly - -;
7 did - -;
8 become - -;
9 won - -;
10 threw- -;
11 tell - -;
12 rung - -;
13 made - -;
14 quit - -;
15 heard - -.
Тема 34 Abdomen
The abdomen is a cavity containing the main organs of digestion [d(a)ɪˈʤesʧ(ə)n] . It is immediately below the chest but separated from it by the diaphragm [ˈdaɪəfræm].
The stomach lies just below the diaphragm and receives all the food which has passed down the esophagus [ɪˈsɒfəgəs]after being swallowed. Food stays in the stomach for a few hours while the stomach enzymes [ˈenzaɪm] begin the first stages of digestion.
After leaving the stomach, the partially digested food enters the small intestine [ɪnˈtestɪn]. This is a long-coiled tube about six metres long in which digestion is completed. It manufactures its own enzymes for this purpose but also receives some help from the pancreas. This gland lies in the loop of the duodenum [djuə(ʊ)ˈdiːnəm], which is the first part of the small intestine after the stomach. The pancreas produces some enzymes which pass into the duodenum.
When the food has been completely digested in the small intestine, the indigestible [ɪndɪˈʤestəbl]residue passes into the large intestine. This is a wider tube, nearly two meters long, leading from the small intestine to the rectum [ˈrektəm]
. The large intestine absorbs water and minerals from waste food remnants. The rectum carries this waste to the external orifice [ˈɒrɪfɪs] or anus [ˈeɪnəs] where it is eliminated [ɪˈlɪmɪneɪtɪd] from the body. The whole system of tubes through which the food passes on its way from mouth to anus is called the alimentary canal [ælɪˈmentərɪ kəˈnæl].
After digestion has been completed in the intestines, the digested food, which is now in a state the body can use, passes through the walls of the intestines into capillaries [capillaries] where the blood carries it to the liver.
The liver lies just below the diaphragm to the right of the stomach. It is a storehouse for digested food and distributes it to those parts of the body requiring it. It also produces a digestive juice known as bile. This is stored in the gall – bladder, which lies underneath [ʌndəˈniːθ] the liver. Bile passes into the duodenum at the same point as the digestive juice from the pancreas [ˈpæŋkrɪəs].
The next stage of digestion occurs in the stomach, which produces a mixture of acid and enzymes called gastric juice. The acid kills germs and extracts any iron from the food – for hemoglobin [hiːməˈgləʊbɪn]formation. The enzymes initiate digestion of proteins and fat.
Food is churned up in the gastric juice for up to five hours before being released into the duodenum. That is why patients must not eat for at least four hours before receiving a general anesthetic. If such precautions [prɪˈkɔːʃn] were not taken, the stomach might still contain food which could be vomited during anesthesia and cause blockage of the airway. It must be remembered that the protective mechanism of swallowing, which prevents food entering the airway, may be paralyzed [ˈpærəlaɪzd] during general anesthesia. [ænɪsˈθiːzɪə]
Ex. 1 Fill in the blanks using the correct form of the words given.
1 After moving to a country house, she found the real ___________. (happy)
2 Keep this diamond in a safe place because it’s very ___________. (value)
3 Nobody can find the __________to the first math problem. (solve)
4 After a long injury, Alex now works with great ___________. (enthuse)
5 Because of a serious __________Nathalie has been in hospital for a week. (ill)
6 An __________of the factory building was finished and it was cleared safe. (inspect)
7 She is an ambitious woman. She has worked hard all her ____________. (live)
8 Please send your _____________ to info@trxder.com. (apply)
9 The children’s _____________ was obvious at the party. (excite)
Тема 35-36 Human body
1. Use the words below to fill in the blanks.
1 Veins;
2 arteries;
3 nutrients;
4 capillaries;
5 away;
6 transport;
7 oxygen;
8 energy;
9 dark;
10 heat;
11 circulatory;
12 lungs;
13 carbon dioxide;
14 bright;
15 blood;
16 heart;
17 pumped;
18 intestine;
19 atmosphere.
All animals need to ________________ materials around to the different parts of their body. This is the job of the ________________ system. The circulatory system consists of a liquid called _______________, a pump called the ________________ and a series of vessels called _________________ and ________________.
One thing that must be transported around is a gas called _____________. Oxygen enters the blood through the ______________. It is then ____________ through the heart and around the body where it is used along with food to make ______________. The body produces another gas called _______________, which is a waste product. This gas is carried back to the heart and then to the lungs where it is released back into the _______________.
The vessels that transport blood _________ from the heart are called arteries. The blood in arteries is _____________ red because it is rich in oxygen. The vessels that transport blood _______________ the heart are called veins. The blood in veins is ______________ red because it is low in oxygen. ________________ are small vessels that join the arteries and veins.
_______________ from food are also transported around the body by the circulatory system. They enter the blood from the small _________________. The circulatory system also helps to regulate temperature by transporting _________________ around the body.
2. Use the words in the box to fill in the blanks.
1 Protect;
2 blood;
3 shape;
4 bones;
5 skeleton;
6 ribcage;
7 tendon;
8 minerals;
9 skeletal;
10 cranium;
11 ligaments;
12 jellyfish;
13 marrow;
14 move.
There are around 206 ________________ in the adult human body. These bones plus the connecting tissue make up the _______________ system.
The skeletal system is very important for many reasons. Some bones help _____________ our organs. The _____________, for example, protects our brains and the ________________ protects our lungs.
The skeletal system also gives us our _______________. Without a ______________, we would be shapeless blobs like a ______________ or an earthworm. Our bones, which are connected by ______________, provide a frame for the rest of the organs, giving us our unique body shape.
The skeletal system also helps us ______________. Muscles, which are attached to bones by _______________, cause the bones to move, which makes our bodies move.
Bones also help your body store ________________ such as calcium. If there is too much calcium in the blood, some of it becomes bone. If there is not enough calcium, then the bones give some to the blood.
Finally, another important function of bones is to produce ________________. Inside bones there is a soft substance called ________________, which is used to make blood cells.
Ex. 1 Form the opposites of the words in brackets by adding one of the prefixes below.
Un- in- im- non- dis- ir- il-
1 Most of the records Peter receives every day are ……familiar to him.
2 Some audiences seem to become …….rational when they are excited.
3 When Peter began working there were many ……legal pirate stations around.
4….satisfied young listeners write …friendly letters complaining about Lots of jobs are ……..interesting compared to that of a DJ.
7 Peter is very rich but he has no vices: he is a …….-smoker, for example.
8 Pleasing every kind of audience is almost …possible nowadays.
9 Peter is never rude or ……..polite to his listeners.
10 “That’s an ……..relevant, Correct and …..Responsible opinion on this matter”, Peter replied.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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